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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳慶鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧資本各領域研究於近年皆有快速的增長與延伸,其中議題探討著重於分類、衡量與資本彼此間的動態行為。分類的研究自1997年開始,即有多元的探討,不斷有學者提出新的分類架構,學者間分類概念大致約可分為三大類:人力資本、結構資本與顧客資本,差異多在其中組成元素的解釋範圍、定義或是從屬層級的調整。衡量方面的研究亦相當多元與豐富,許多學者提出衡量的工具或架構,試圖衡量出學者所分類智慧資本類別的存量大小與價值。在資本間動態行為的研究上,涉獵的學者相對較少,因此也提供了本研究發展的空間。 針對過去學者較少探討的動態行為,尤其是資本的流動與影響次序方面,展開相關議題的研究。在過去文獻與暑期實習期間實際對公司觀察的啟發下,發展出三階創價過程,分別對應到三種不同的產品與顧客類型。在此三階創價過程中,智慧資本存在流動次序、智慧資本影響範圍、創新行為等型態上的差異。透過對中國砂輪股份有限公司實際的訪談與觀察,公司裡三種差異鮮明的產品類別,提供了研究所形成三階創價過程差異的驗證。研究中所述及的創價過程並非附加價值的創造過程,而是過程中顧客使用產品後會使得成本降低或是生產效益增加,增加了公司的顧客資本或是其他智慧資本。企業價值包含財務價值與智慧資本,本研究所述創價過程,為智慧資本增加所提升的企業整體價值與顧客產品使用效益兩部分。 本研究在資料的收集與分析中獲致以下六個研究發現:依創價過程的不同,有不同的智慧資本影響深度與幅度;智慧資本的流動隨著資訊的流動而有次序性;智慧資本影響越深,所生效益越大;不同創價過程創新型態與轉化程度不同;人力資本為智慧資本流動中的關鍵影響因素;不同部門型態有資本生成的差異性存在。


余徹鵬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解新北市國民小學校長科技領導、教師科技素養與創新教學之現況,並分析不同背景變項下校長科技領導、教師科技素養與創新教學的差異情形,進而探討此三者之間之結構關係,以了解校長科技領導、教師科技素養對創新教學之影響性。 本研究採用問卷調查法,抽取新北市公立國民小學51所,共638位教師進行問卷調查,回收有效問卷共631份。問卷資料分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與結構方程模式(SEM)進行統計與分析。 本研究獲得之結論如下: 一、新北市國民小學校長科技領導、教師科技素養與創新教學現況良好。 二、中小型規模、地處偏遠與歷史較久之學校教師,知覺校長科技領導的程度較高。 三、兼任行政職務與學歷較高之男性教師科技素養程度較高。 四、學校歷史較久之教師科技素養程度較高。 五、教師兼主任、學歷較高與年資較深之男性教師創新教學程度較高。 六、學校歷史較久之中型學校教師創新教學程度較高。 七、國民小學校長科技領導對教師科技素養與創新教學均有正向的影響。 最後,依據研究結論提出建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民小學校長以及未來研究做為參考。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the current conditions of New Taipei City elementary school principals’ technology leadership, teachers’ technology literacy, and innovative instruction, and further analyze the differences in principals’ technology leadership, teachers’ technology literacy, and innovative instruction under different background variables. Moreover, it attempts to explore the structural relationships among these three issues, and understand the influence of principals’ technology leadership and teachers’ technology literacy on innovative instruction. This study conducted a questionnaire survey on 638 teachers from 51 public elementary schools in New Taipei City, and retrieved 631 valid questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and structural equation model (SEM). The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The current conditions for New Taipei City elementary school principals’ technology leadership, teachers’ technology literacy, and innovative instruction are good. 2.Teachers at mid-sized and small elementary schools in remote areas with longer histories perceive principals’ technology leadership to a greater extent. 3.Male teachers who also have administrative responsibilities and have higher education that have higher technology literacy. 4.Teachers in schools with longer histories have higher technology literacy. 5.Male teachers who are also directors, with higher education and more teaching experience have higher innovative instruction. 6.Teachers at mid-sized schools with longer histories have higher innovative instruction. 7.Elementary school principals’ technology leadership has a positive influence on teachers’ technology literacy, and innovative instruction. Finally, suggestions are proposed based on the research conclusions, in order to serve as a reference for education administration, elementary school principals, and future research.

新北市立國民中學校長變革領導與教師創新教學關係之研究 / A study of the relationship between the revolutionary the principal leadership and innovative teachers’ teaching in junior high school in New Taipei City

許忠棠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解新北市立國民中學校長變革領導與教師創新教學之現況,以及分析校長變革領導與教師創新教學之關係。研究方法係採問卷調查法,使用之研究工具為「國民中學校長變革領導與教師創新教學之研究」問卷,寄發49 所學校共780 份問卷,回收有效問卷615份進行分析。統計分析之方法為描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析。 本研究的研究發現如下: 一、新北市立國民中學教師對於校長變革認知程度屬於中高程度,其中 以「建立變革願景」層面之認知程度最高。 二、新北市立國民中學教師對於校長變革領導認知程度,以男性教師、 資深教師、年長教師、兼任主任職務之教師認知程度較高。 三、新北市立國民中學教師在創新教學實施現況良好,各分層面之實施現況差異不大,但以「教師教學創新」層面得分最高。 四、新北市立國民中學教師在創新教學實施現況,以初任教師、資深教師、兼任主任之教師實施程度較高,尤其初任教師表現令人驚艷。 五、校長變革領導五個層面與教師創新教學整體及各層面有顯著正相關。 六、校長變革領導五個層面對教師創新教學整體具預測力。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出相關之建議,以供教育行政機關及國民中學校長、教師之參考。 關鍵字:校長變革領導、教師創新教學 / The purpose of this study is two-fold: first, to assess the current status of innovative teaching practices and the principals’ transformational leadership at municipal junior high schools in New Taipei City; and second, to verify their relationship. This questionnaire survey was adopted as the research tool and the "Study of Innovative Teaching Practices and Principals’ Transformational Leadership at Municipal Junior High Schools" questionnaire is specifically designed for this study. 780 questionnaires were sent out to 49 schools, and 615 effective samples were collected for analysis. The statistical analysis techniques selected for this study include Descriptive Statistics, Independent Samples t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis The study results are as follows: 1. Junior high school teachers in New Taipei City exhibited a mid-to-high level of perception toward principals’ transformational leadership, and among all dimensions, the vision establishment dimension was observed to have the highest level of perception. 2. Among all teachers surveyed, male teachers, senior teachers, older teachers, and teachers who also serve as directors exhibited a higher level of perception toward principals’ transformational leadership. 3. In terms of innovative teaching practices, it was observed that teachers at municipal junior high schools in New Taipei City performed fairly well. No large diversity was observed across all dimensions, but the teacher teaching innovation dimension has the highest score. 4. In terms of innovative teaching practices among teachers at municipal junior high schools in New Taipei City, the beginning teachers, senior teachers and teachers who also serve as directors exhibited a higher level of performance, but beginning teachers have exhibited an astonishing level of performance. 5. The five dimensions under the principals’ transformational leadership are positively and significantly correlated to innovative teaching practices and all its dimensions. 6. The five dimensions of principals’ transformational leadership can be used to predict innovative teaching practices. Finally, based on the study results, this research proposed relevant suggestions as reference for school administrative and supervisory organizations, principals and teachers at municipal junior high schools. Keywords: Principals’ Transformational Leadership, Innovative Teaching Practices

醫師採用創新產品之影響因素-以採用心臟支架之情境為例 / The decision determinants of physician’s innovation adoption - a empirical study of coronary stent diffusion in Taiwan

孫玉齡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討醫師採用不同世代產品行為受到醫院背景、個人因素及病患之影響,以全民健康保險資料庫進行大樣本迴歸分析,分析自中央健康保險局納入給付後醫師採用心臟支架的情形,並對醫師首次採用時間早晚進行研究分析。本研究以兩世代產品採用差異發掘創新擴散各階段醫師採用心臟支架的影響變數,並分為醫院-醫師-病患三個層次來做整體考量。實證結果顯示,從醫療院所的層級或權屬看來,醫院層級對醫師採用早晚無顯著影響,而私立醫院的醫師較早採用第二代產品。另外,在醫師個人特質方面,年齡越大的醫師越早採用產品,資深醫師會較晚採用第一代產品,而女性醫師也會較晚採用第一代產品。從病患影響的角度來看,醫師所遇到的病人願意自付比例高者,採用時間越早。而兩世代採用時間早晚也具相關性,越早採用第一代產品,也會越早採用第二代產品。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the decision determinants of physician’s innovation adoption of multi-generations products. Based on the National Health Insurance database, this study focuses on analyzing the physician’s adoption time on coronary stent to verify the hypothetical determinants from hospital - physician - patient levels. The empirical results show that the academic level is not associated with physician’s innovation adoption time. Physician in private hospital is likely to adopt the second generation product earlier. In addition, physician’s personal characteristics- age, work experience and gender also have significant impacts upon physician’s adoption time. Elder physician will be early adopters of innovation products, and senior or female physician will be the late adopters of first-generation products. As to the influence of patients, if the physician’s patients are more willing to pay, the physician will adopt product earlier. Besides, the two generations have positive correlation, the earlier adopter in first-generation products will also adopt second-generation product earlier.

臺北市國民中學人力資源管理與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A study of the relationship between human resource management and effectiveness of school innovation management in Taipei municipal junior high schools.

鄭聿芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民中學人力資源管理與學校創新經營效能之關係。本研究採用文獻分析與問卷調查法,以臺北市公立國民中學教師為研究對象,研究者自編的「學校人力資源管理量表」、「學校創新經營效能量表」為研究工具。本研究共計抽選452位教師為樣本對象,有效問卷353份,回收率78.09%。資料分析採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法。獲致主要結論如下: 一、臺北市國民中學人力資源管理現況為良好程度,以人力選用層面現況最 佳,依序為績效管理、訓練與發展、激勵與溝通。 二、臺北市國民中學創新經營效能表現為良好程度,以學生活動創新效能層面 表現最佳,依序為課程教學創新效能、校園環境創新效能、資源整合創新 效能、行政管理創新效能。 三、臺北市國民中學人力資源管理因學校所在地區不同而達顯著差異。 四、臺北市國民中學人力資源管理在性別、年齡、年資、擔任職務、學 歷、學校規模之不同則無差異。 五、臺北市國民中學學校創新經營效能因不同年齡、學歷而達顯著差異,30歲 (含)以下、師大及一般大學(含學程班)較高。 六、臺北市國民中學學校創新經營效能在性別、年資、擔任職務、學校 規模、學校所在地區之不同則無差異。 七、臺北市國民中學人力資源管理與學校創新經營效能具中高度正相 關。 依據上述研究結論,本研究提出相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民中學以及未來研究之參考。

社群網站對個人創作的影響之研究 / The influence of social networking websites on creative writing

何靜婷, Ho, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在WEB 2.0時代的帶動下,社群網站已然成為時下流行文化,個人創作者紛紛投入社群網站的經營,觀察近年來幾個事件,社群網站對於創作者的發展確有推波助瀾之效,為有助於創作者對社群網站的運用,本研究針對個人創作者與社群網站兩者之間的關係與影響,進行分析、研究。 因此,本研究採取質性研究,以多重個案分析,一個創作者即為一個個案。以貼近一般大眾閱讀口味的類型為主,選取文學小說、兩性家庭、生活風格三大類。從近三千位華文創作者中,首先挑選上百位創作者公開的社群網站,再從個人創作到作品出版的五大步驟與歷程:(一)創意的產生與發展;(二)作品的呈現方式;(三)作品的傳遞與管道;(四)作品的行銷與推廣;(五)創作者個人品牌的建立與累積,觀察、分析三種不同類型創作者的社群網站在這五大面向的內容與作為,比較各個創作者社群網站經營的異同,以期找出社群網站經營之道與影響力。 經過分析與研究,歸納出以下結果:(一)個人創作運用社群網站有助於創意的產生與發展,意見的回饋對於創作的方向更能掌握,呈現的方式越趨多樣化,朝多媒體發展,也能藉社群網站累積人氣、增加知名度、建立個人品牌。(二)社群網站提供創作者固定的據點,使他們易於被看見與聯繫;不同類型的創作者以各自擅長的方式在此展現自我,營造自我特性。創作者活用社群網站此項工具,並著重回歸到創作的核心能力。 本研究提供後進創作者經營社群網站的策略擬定與具體建議,並給予和創作者息息相關的出版產業一些意見,以及對於社群網站研究有興趣者參考,可擴及將創作者延伸至文創產業或相關產業的應用研究。 / Driven by web 2.0, social networking websites have become part of the pop culture. Creative writers have been jumping on the bandwagon running their own social networking websites. From the observation of recent events, it has confirmed that social networking websites did have helped promote the creative writers. In order to improve the use of social networking websites for the creative writers, this research analyzed and studied the relationship and influence between the creative writers and social networking websites. This research comprised of multiple qualitative case studies – one creative writer forming a single case – and focused on three popular genres, literature and fiction, relationships as well as lifestyle. First of all, hundreds of Chinese creative writers’ public social networking websites out of approximately 3,000 were selected. The next step was observing and analyzing the content and behaviors of the creative writers of these three genres on social networking websites during the five primary activities in the publishing process: the development of ideas; the presentation; the delivery channels; marketing and promotion; the branding and reputation of the author. This research was to find out the key success factors and influence of social networking websites through the comparison between those creative writers’ websites. Following the analysis and studies, the conclusion was drawn as follows: 1.Social networking websites are beneficial for the development of ideas. Online feedback provides the directions for writing. It diversifies the presentation especially the use of multi-media. Meanwhile social networking websites also help boost the awareness and popularity of the writers and ultimately build the personal branding up. 2.Social networking websites provide a stable platform for writing where the writers can be easily seen and contacted. Creative writers of various genres express themselves in their own specialist ways, shape their own USPs (unique selling propositions) and re-focus on the pivotal skills – writing – through the wise use of social networking websites as a tool. This research provides the subsequent creative writers with the strategies and advice on how to operate social networking websites. It also provides suggestions to the publishing industry that is closely linked with the creative writers. For researchers who are interested in social networking websites, this research may be applied to cultural and creative industry or other related industries.

創業家於劣勢中應用弱連結創新擴散 / Entrepreneurs that put at a disadvantage using weak tie diffusion of innovation

劉淑慧, Liu, Shu Huei Unknown Date (has links)
人脈理論相關的文獻,尤以 Granovetter(1973)提出非常優雅的「弱連結 (weak tie)」一詞最為經典,他的論文發現經由弱連結介紹新工作的成功率高於 強連結,同時提出弱連結相較於強連結(strong tie)更多元,因此弱連結對宏觀世 界的效益必大於強連結。而後 Rogers(2006)也在創新的擴散中提出弱連結應 該屬於異質性連結,強連結則屬於同質性的連結,異質性不容易連結卻對擴散的 影響更大。因此本研究的動機將以弱勢的創業家為研究對象,探討弱連結擴散的 動機與擴散方法,並回答研究問題弱連結的擴散效益為何? 本研究發現弱連結的脆弱並不全然是異質性不易溝通之故,因為弱連結與強連結最大的不同是強連結靠關係遠近產生連結,弱連結則是自願性的連結居多,因此創業家的創夢才是真正點燃連結的起源,此外弱連結的橋樑特質是喜好轉介稀有性消息,產生消息經濟的效益而達到更廣泛的連結,因此研究者認為弱連結應用於創新擴散將有三點效益,第一點是弱連結因為自發性動機與可被信任的第三方而提高傳遞意願,第二點是弱連結以泛泛之交居多,他們喜好轉介稀有性消息,因此提高傳送廣度,最後發現所謂的六度分隔除了代表差異性人脈將造成平 均為六的結果外,也代表著六個人脈圈,本研究因此發現第一度的人脈差異將影 響網際網路時代的小世界接受率。 而對於創業家以弱連結來進行創新擴散,研究者認為實務上建立異質性創業 團隊將有助於進入不同特質的弱連結樞紐區,此外創業家勇於發表創夢的想法, 其心態越開放也有助於凝聚弱連結,因此創業家可以藉由社群網站或部落格等媒 體建立自行發聲的管道,將有助於幫助創業家位於樞紐中心,強化擴散的能力。 研究者在回顧文獻後也發現,弱連結在開放式網絡下的橋樑特質與效益被後來學 者忽略,同時隨著網際網路興起帶來多元的媒體與開放式人際關係,研究者認為 將更有助於觀察弱連結對創新擴散的幫助,本研究觀察 Apps 產業裡 Bonnie’s Brunch 個案後,經由八位訪談者與半年的網路社群媒體追蹤的結果,發現弱連 結的橋樑功能是資訊的聚集處,也是連結的捷徑,因此擁有對的連結的確是很重要的事,但是弱連結卻未必時常擔任善意的陌生人,因此弱連結的連結困難在於弱連結的自願性動機,因此研究者在理論貢獻部分提出弱連結的力量來源為自願性的動機,這股隱性的力量唯有受到單純動機的點燃才能爆發出來,因此創業家成功的方程式還有一項無法被操控的弱連結影響力,唯有創業家經過長期的耕耘,持續提供資訊交換,才能與弱聯結維繫關係。 / Among the personal network theory related literatures, the elegant term “weak tie” proposed by Granovetter(1973) is the most classic theory. His thesis paper finding shows that the success rate of introducing new jobs through a weak tie is higher than that of a strong tie. Hence, he believes that as the macroscopic view of the world’s weak tie is more diverse than the strong tie, the benefits produced after creating the tie are definitely greater than the strong tie. Rogers (2006) later proposed in diffusion of innovation that the weak tie is the tie of heterogeneity, while the strong tie is the tie of homogeneity. Heterogeneity does not easily produce a tie, but it has a greater impact on diffusion. Therefore, the weak tie diffusion motivation and diffusion method were explored in this study, and the research problem, i.e., the diffusion benefits of the weak tie, was answered. It was found in this study that the vulnerability of the weak tie is not entirely due to the communication difficulty of heterogeneity, because the greatest difference between the weak tie and strong tie lies in the fact that strong ties produce ties depending on the distance of a relationship, while weak ties are generally voluntary ties. Hence, entre- preneurs’ building of dreams is the actual source that triggers ties. In addition, the weak tie bridge is characterized by a preference to prefer rare news, Newsonomics, and achieve more extensive links. Thus, the researcher believes that there are three benefits when the weak tie is applied in diffusion of innovation. First, the weak tie enhances the willingness to convey messages due to its own voluntary motivation and trustworthy third party. Second, weak ties are generally formed by acquaintances. They prefer to refer rare news, thus the broader conveyance. Lastly, it was found that the so-called six degrees not only represents differential personal networks that result in the outcome of six on average, but also represents six network circles. It was therefore found in this study that the first-degree personal network will affect the small world acceptance rate in the Internet age. As for entrepreneurs, they engaged in diffusion of innovation through weak ties. The researcher believes that, in practice, the establishment of the entrepreneurial team of homogeneity is conducive to entry into weak tie hubs of different characteristics. In addition, entrepreneurs had the courage to express their ideas about building dreams, and their open-mindedness also contributed to the gathering of weak ties. Hence, it is suggested that entrepreneurs establish channels to voice themselves through communi- ty networks, BLOG, and other medias, which will help them stay in the hub and strengthen their ability to diffuse. Through literature review, the researcher found that the bridging characteristics and benefits of the weak tie in the open-type network had been neglected by subsequent researchers. At the same time, the rise of the Internet has brought about a diversity of media and open-type interpersonal relationships, which is believed to be more helpful for weak ties to contribute to diffusion of innovation. Through observations made on the entrepreneurs of Bonnie’s Brunch in the App industry, the results of interviews with 8 individuals, and long-term tracking of Internet community media, it was found that the bridge of the weak tie is a gathering place of information and it is also a shortcut of ties. Therefore, having the right links is indeed important. However, the weak tie is not always willing to serve as the stranger that displays goodwill. The difficulty in linking weak ties therefore lies in the voluntary motivation of the weak tie. In the researcher’s theoretical contributions, it was mentioned that the source of the weak tie force is the voluntary motivation, and this implicit force can only explode after igniting pure mo- tive. Therefore, the successful equation still possesses the influence of the weak tie that cannot be manipulated. Only through long-term cultivation of entrepreneurs and con- tinuous provision of information exchanges to maintain the relationships with weak ties.

臺北市國民小學校長空間領導與學校組織創新關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between the Principal’s Space Leadership and School Organizational Innovation of Elementary Schools in Taipei City

簡宜珍, Chien, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解臺北市國民小學校長空間領導與學校組織創新之現況,探討不同背景變項知覺程度之差異,分析校長空間領導與學校組織創新之相關情形,探究校長空間領導對學校組織創新的預測力,並建構國民小學校長空間領導與學校組織創新的結構方程式模型。 本研究採問卷調查法,共計抽樣100所學校,發出970份問卷,回收764份問卷,獲得有效問卷619份,可用率為64%,且經由描述統計分析、因素分析、t考驗檢定、ANOVA變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及結構方程模式分析獲得研究結果。 本研究獲致結論如下: 一、臺北市國民小學校長空間領導達高程度表現,以「融入課程教學」構面發展最佳。 二、臺北市國民小學學校組織創新達高程度表現,以「公共關係創新」構面發展最佳。 三、臺北市國民小學以學校規模49班以上、男性、在現職學校服務年資5年以下與兼任主任職務之教師知覺校長空間領導程度較高。 四、臺北市國民小學以學校規模49班以上、男性、30歲以下、在現職學校服務年資5年以下與兼任主任職務之教師知覺學校組織創新程度較高。 五、國民小學校長空間領導與學校組織創新之間存有高度正相關。 六、國民小學校長空間領導對學校組織創新具有預測力。 七、國民小學校長空間領導與學校組織創新結構方程式模型獲得支持。 最後,本研究依據研究結論提出建議,俾供國民小學校長、教育行政機關與未來研究之參考。 / This study aims to investigate the relationship between the principal’s space leadership and school organizational innovation of elementary schools in Taipei City, to explore the diversity of different background variables in the principal’s space leadership and school organizational innovation, as well as to construct the theoretical model for these two elements. The data were collected from 100 elementary schools in Taipei City, and 970 questionnaires were distributed, with 619 valid samples. The effective rate was sixty-four percent. The collected data was analyzed by the method of descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and SEM. Below are the conclusions of this study: 1.The level of the principal’s space leadership in Taipei City schools is high, and the performance in the dimension of “integrated curriculum and teaching into space” is outstanding. 2.The level of school organizational innovation in Taipei City schools is high, and the performance in the dimension of “public relations innovation” is outstanding. 3.In Taipei City, the elementary school teachers who work in the large size school having over forty-nine classes, who are male, whose years of in-service experience are under five, and who work as directors have higher perception on the principal’s space leadership. 4.In Taipei City, the elementary school teachers who work in the large size school having over forty-nine classes, who are male, who are under thirty years old, whose years of in-service experience are under five, and who work as directors have higher perception on school organizational innovation. 5.High significant positive correlation presentes between the principal’s space leadership and school organizational innovation. 6.The principal’s space leadership has a predictive effect on school organizational innovation of elementary schools. 7.The results of this research support the theoretical model constructed in this study. At last, according to the above conclusions, the study offers suggestions for elementary school principals, education administration authorities and future research.

企業進行製造服務化並發展創新服務之研究-知識管理的觀點 / Servitization and Service Innovation of Manufacturing Firms: The Perspective of Knowledge Management

謝宗澔 Unknown Date (has links)
以製造產品為主要獲利手段的企業面臨商品陷阱(Commodity Trap)困境,即製造活動全球轉移導致的低成本競爭、網路資訊流通導致的產品週期縮短及顧客對客製化需求的增加,這些趨勢使其競爭環境更加困難。為脫離商品陷阱現象,服務化已成趨勢。 製造服務化( Servitization )一詞,強調原本以製造產品為主的企業,從顧客為主(Customer-focus)的角度,整合服務至其核心產品,以滿足顧客的需求,並提升其附加價值。其過程通常伴隨著企業往價值鏈上、下游提供延伸服務、企業與顧客親合度的提升及企業從「產品導向」轉變為「服務導向」。 企業於製造服務化過程中如何發展新服務並持續創新為其核心議題。因此本研究架構整合「服務創新」與「知識管理」之理論。以Den Hertog (2010)提出的「服務創新」模型為研究基礎,以探討其新服務發展之內涵。並透過「知識管理」之:知識吸收、知識整合、知識創造,以探討企業如何學習發展新服務所需之能耐。 過去雖然已有許多製造服務化相關之研究,但是對於製造服務化與知識管理連結之研究並不多,且無探討服務創新之因果關係的相關研究。本研究以此作為研究缺口,以「服務創新與製造服務化」、「服務傳遞系統」、「知識管理」三構面,透過多重個案研究法,以訪談及次級資料蒐集研究資料並進行分析,研究我國三間企業製造服務化之發展過程,得到以下研究結論。 結論一: 企業進行製造服務化,會整合自身之能力,與外界資源,以發展新服務。在跨入門檻較低的部分,通常會採用自行學習法;在跨入門檻較高的部分,則會尋求新商業夥伴合作的方式。 結論二: 企業進行製造服務化並發展服務創新時,會透過軟體科技的導入以促進創意發展並提升溝通效率。 結論三: 企業進行製造服務化並發展服務創新時,其新服務概念的內涵會受到企業文化的影響。 結論四: 企業進行製造服務化並發展服務創新時,在知識吸收上,會以吸收:市場競爭、行銷與銷售、人力資源管理、新商業夥伴等知識為主。在知識整合上,則會以市場知識與技術知識的整合以及市場知識面各因子間的整合為重心。在知識創造上,會強調透過「實驗」的方式,來發展未來更符合消費者的服務。 結論五: 企業進行製造服務化並發展服務創新時,其新服務概念會受到知識吸收的來源與知識吸收的機制影響。其新顧客互動會受到技術知識與市場知識的整合或者市場知識與市場知識的整合影響。 / Companies that sell products as their primary means of making profit face the dilemma of Commodity Trap. Commodity Trap means low cost caused by global shift in manufacturing activity, shorter product life cycle due to development of internet and increased demand for customization. Those trend make it more difficult for companies to survive in the competitive environment. In order to be out of Commodity Trap, servitization has become a trend. Servitization is the innovation of an company's capabilities and processes to shift from selling products to selling integrated products and services in term of customer-focus that enhance its added value. It follows company’s development of application service and value chain shift to it’s upstream or downstream, closer relationship with their customers and transformation from product oriented to service oriented. The core issue for a company in process of servitization is how to develop new service and keep innovative. So, this research’s structure integrated theories in service innovation area and knowledge management area. Used Den Hertog (2010) model of service innovation as base to discuss the connotation of new service development. To explore how companies learned to develop the capability to provide new service, this research separated knowledge management theories into knowledge absorption, knowledge integration and knowledge creation. Although there have been many studies related to servitization in the past, there are not much research on the links between servitization and knowledge management. This study uses this as a research gap, and uses service innovation and servitization, service delivery system and knowledge management as three research facets. Through multi-case study method. Collecting and analysis data by interview and secondary data . Researched the servitization process of three local companies and got the following research findings. The research findings include: 1.In the process of servitization, companies will integrate it’s self capability and external resource to develop new service. In the part that have lower barriers to entry, companies usually choose self-learning. In the part that have higher barriers to entry, companies usually seek new business partners. 2. In the process of servitization, companies will implement software to facilitate innovation efficiency and improve communication efficiency. 3. In the process of servitization, companies’ connotation of their new service concept will be influenced by their corporate culture. 4. In the process of servitization, companies’ knowledge absorption will focus on marketing competition, marketing and sales, human resource , business company and so on. In knowledge integration part, companies will focus on integrating marketing knowledge and technology knowledge or integrating each marketing knowledge factors. In knowledge creation part, companies will focus on experiment to develop new services that are correspond to customer’s requirement. 5. In the process of servitization, companies’ new service concept will be influenced by their resources and mechanisms of knowledge absorption. Their New Client Interface will be influenced by their integration of technology knowledge and marketing knowledge or marketing knowledge and marketing knowledge.

分紅費用化對公司創新表現的影響-以科技業為例 /

黃冠雯 Unknown Date (has links)
在過去,我們認為有形資產是公司最重要的資產,然而到了現今知識密集產業當道的時代,取而代之的是無形資產:專利,品牌,商業秘密等成為決定公司存亡與進步與否的關鍵,因此研究無形資產的價值成為主流之一。本研究第一部份使用因素分析法捕捉專利四大指標:前引證數、後引證數、專利家族數與請求項個數共同影響專利的因素,我們稱之為「專利品質」,並用此方法來建構台灣上市上櫃電子業公司於2003年至2012年各公司各年度的創新力指標。 本研究第二部分探討員工薪酬對於公司創新力的影響,並且以2008年員工分紅費用化政策作為一工具變數,試看該政策對於公司研發創新的影響。本研究結果顯示,分紅費用化政策對於公司研發創新並無顯著影響。整體來看,費用化後高、低股價公司間的薪酬差距縮小,然而創新研發能力差距卻擴大;若分產業來看,台灣電子業發展有往技術密集產業之高股價公司集中的現象,例如:半導體業、電腦及週邊設備業、通信網路業、其他電子業在費用化後研發產出增加最多,即使該產業亦為費用化後總薪酬下降最多之產業。

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