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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張洪碩, Chang,Gates H. S. Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟(Knowledge Economy)的時代中,企業經營最重要的生產要素已由知識取代機器、資金、原料或勞工,亦是在商場上競爭與存活的重要武器。所以,能夠針對知識做重大投資的企業,其成長率最快,且其價值與產值亦最大,例如資訊業、半導體業、通訊業等的知識密集之產業。 我們可以發現許多高科技上市櫃公司的股價均很高,但其所擁有的有形資產並不多,其中更有些公司的市值可能達到有形資產的數十倍甚至百倍,其中的差距,並無法從財務報表一窺究竟,其實就是無形資產,也是所謂的智慧資本(Intellectual Capital)。因此,對企業而言,如何充分利用此智慧資本,將知識整合進新的核心能力,轉型成為一個知識導向的組織,就成為一個很重要的課題。 因此,在智慧資本議題受到普遍重視的同時,另外一個很重要的議題亦引起大家的注意,那就是知識管理。如前所述,知識管理乃透過創造、儲存、分享、維持等活動,進而鞏固企業的競爭優勢。然而企業的競爭優勢究竟為何?知識管理活動該如何有效地協助競爭優勢的建立與維持?知識管理活動的成效又是如何得以衡量? 本研究的目的即希望能夠透過瞭解企業知識管理及智慧資本運作機制,並深入探討高科技公司創新研發中心的知識管理模式,包含其型成過程與要素,以辨別公司是否有足夠人力、結構,並適時由人力資源策略、組織學習來調節並幫助決策者做出正確的調整策略,順利推動知識管理制度,不致於使知識管理活動流於形式,而使得企業活動毫無目標與方向。 / In the “Knowledge economy” era Knowledge is being substituted for the machine, capital, materials or labors, and to be the most important competitive weapons for the enterprise. We observe many high technology companies, which have the very high stock price, but they do not have many tangible assets. Although some of them have hundred times of marketing values compare with their tangible assets. The main difference is the Intellectual Capital which can not be expressed by the financial statement. Therefore, for the businesses, it is the most important issue to integrate the knowledge and enterprise core competency. Furthermore, there is another important issue is “Knowledge Management.” Knowledge management is through creation, storage, sharing, and maintenance to consolidate the competitive advantage of enterprise. However, what is the exactly competitive advantage of enterprise? How to help enterprise to establish and maintain competitive advantage effectively by Knowledge Management? How to evaluate the performance of Knowledge Management related activities? In this study, we hope through understanding the business Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital operation mechanism, and probing into the Knowledge Management model of innovative research and development center in high-technology business to clarify the company if they have enough human power, structure with appropriately human resource and organizational learning strategy to help the decision maker to make the right strategy, thus can advance the knowledge management system.


全嘉莉, Chuan, Chia-Li Unknown Date (has links)
過往,報紙媒體曾大力宣揚更年期婦女使用荷爾蒙療法的好處。不過,2002年7月的研究卻發現婦女使用荷爾蒙療法致癌率會提高,導致許多使用荷爾蒙療法的婦女相當緊張。由此,報紙醫藥新聞的報導對於讀者的就醫行為是否有實際的影響?成為本研究的研究核心。 更重要的是,醫藥新聞的傳播方式的探討,透過本研究可以清楚的發現,醫藥新聞的傳播可以說是透過兩級傳播的方式進行,因為大多數的閱聽人信任專業的醫師,而醫藥新聞的嘗試,其傳播路逕則以創新傳播為主要精神。   本研究在量化部分統計比較中時、聯合與民生等三報有關荷爾蒙療法新聞的報導主題、消息來源、報導作者、報導版別、訴求方式、新聞標題呈現語氣等;質化部份則運用深度訪談,研究更年期婦女對荷爾蒙療法的認識,以及受訪者對於醫療新聞的認知,及與閱聽行為、就醫行為的影響等。   本研究發現,報紙通常選擇記者、醫生及調查或研究報告等具專業背景者作為訊息提供來源,這些來源也建構荷爾蒙相關新聞的內涵。   經歸納可知,在報紙報導荷爾蒙療法新聞所呈現的現象有: 一、媒體為民眾獲取醫療知識的主要消息來源之一。 二、報紙報導對閱聽人的影響層面有限。 三、健康傳播大多採用創新傳播及兩級傳播的方式進行。 四、媒體修正後報導效果有限。 綜合結論發現:一、醫療專業主控醫藥新聞報導;二、健康傳播的守門人是專業醫師;三、健康傳播與創新傳佈與兩級傳播的關係密切。   由此,本研究建議,一、醫藥新聞報導註明採訪單位及研討會贊助者;二、有疑慮的療法應由衛生主管機關出面釋疑 關鍵詞: 創新傳佈 兩級傳播 更年期 更年期荷爾蒙補充療法 健康傳播


王美雅, Wang, Mei-ya Unknown Date (has links)
許多新概念或新技術的擴散通常不僅耗時甚長、擴散範圍十分廣泛,再加上社會網路在其中扮演了重要的角色,使得創新擴散本質上就屬於一種動態、非線性的複雜現象,事實上,近來研究發現,創新擴散的諸多特徵,包括「動態、非線性的複雜行為」,「正向回饋的自我組織現象」,以及「對初始狀態一些微小因素的敏感度」等,都與複雜理論中所強調「複雜系統」中的諸多特徵不謀而合。 另一方面,近來創新擴散研究逐漸將擴散視為一個創新者與採用者雙向互動的傳播過程,在擴散過程中,創新的演化與成員間的動態互動成為主要焦點。過去的擴散研究較少討論個體與總體層次間的結構化過程,亦即成員如何互動而產生系統層次的創新秩序,而系統層次的創新結果又如何進一步影響成員的互動,而複雜理論正好可以提供跨層次架構來回應此一理論缺口。 因此,本論文的研究問題包括以下兩者:一、由複雜理論觀點來看,概念型創新擴散的動態過程為何?二、由複雜觀點來看,在概念型創新的擴散過程中,相關因素如何影響創新擴散的動態過程?這些因素間存在何種互動與回饋關係?承上所述,本研究的範圍界定為「概念型創新」,在此「概念型創新」指的是近似於典範的一種具有複雜多元內涵的創新。 在研究方法上,本論文採用序列性多元方法的研究設計。利用歷史法、實驗法與個案法三種研究方法,針對相同的兩項問題,總共進行三項實證性研究,透過「質性方法--量化方法--質性方法」三種研究方法的截長補短,提高本研究的理論效度。 研究一利用歷史研究法對蒙特梭利教學法的擴散過程進行研究,將蒙特梭利教學法的擴散分為三階段,透過三階段成功、失敗與成功三種不同結果,發現不同的初始狀態變數情況,主要是再創造可能性與體制開放與自由度,將導致創新擴散的不同結果。研究二新概念擴散實驗進行兩階段實驗設計,操弄五項自變數進行重複多因子實驗,共取得二十八個實驗數據;比較不同變數情境與採用結果,除了驗證初始狀態變數對創新擴散的影響外,也發現自變數間存在明顯的交互關係。研究三進行蝴蝶蘭產業創新擴散個案研究,比較台糖進入蝴蝶蘭產業前後的創新擴散過程,以及蝴蝶蘭、嘉德利雅蘭,以及國蘭三種蘭屬的發展過程。隨著三項實證研究的進行,變數內涵逐漸豐富化,證據力也進一步強化。在研究三結束後得到修正後的觀念性架構,成為本論文的結論。 在結論部分,本研究有三大主張。首先,系統的初始狀態,包括創新導入者的網路位置、體制自由與開放性、再創造可能性、創新內涵豐富性、擴散誘因與採用人數等六項因素,將影響創新擴散成功的可能性。其次,創新擴散過程中包含許多的演化與正向回饋機制。最後,創新擴散是一個自我組織的過程,系統秩序從低一層次成員之間的互動自然突現,而非走向無序;但在自我組織過程中,秩序的出現有賴於中央協調機制(標準版本);同時系統需要不斷輸入的能源,使其維持在自我組織行為出現的臨界點之上,這些能源通常來自於新採用者所帶來的量與質的效果。 / This dissertation applies a new perspective, complexity theory, to discuss the diffusion of “conceptual innovation”. Here conceptual innovation indicates a paradigm-like innovation with various content. By using “metaphor”, I treat diffusion as a self-organization process, and adopted important concepts from complexity theory, such as initial conditions, positive feedback, and self-organization, and then develop a dynamic process model of innovation diffusion. In this dissertation, a multi-method research design is adopted. To draw on the strength of each and offset the weakness of the others, three empirical studies were conducted. First study, the pilot study of this dissertation, is concerning the diffusion process of Montessori method, in which the different result of three diffusion stages was compared. Second, a laboratory experimental study simulating diffusion process of a new concept has been conducted. In each experiment, a new concept was announced and counted the number of adopters. Each experiment has different scenario design that is one specific combination of all variables, and then the number of adopters was compared. Third, the diffusion process of Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) industrial innovations was studied, in which the development process of early/late stage and three category orchids was compared. This dissertation concludes with the following findings. First, innovation diffusion is a dynamic, nonlinear complex process; factors in initial conditions will influence the result of innovation diffusion. Secondly, evolution and positive feedback effects work continuously all through the diffusion process. Finally, diffusion of conceptual innovation is a self-organization process, which depends on energy injecting into the system continuously and the existence of central coordination mechanism in the system.


林淑瓊, Lin, Shu Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
「創新」與「研發」是高科技產業推動組織營運的重要後盾,並且需要藉由研發人員貫穿其間將新舊知識串連以開創新的知識領域,同時必需有效管理與運用逐漸累積形成的珍貴知識資源。然而,以往對於研發單位的績效衡量研究多以投入與產出的生產力觀點,此種模式淡化了知識工作者與研發團隊間知識互動與創新形成的過程,同時無法明確區隔研發部門與其他事業單位對於研發績效影響的差異;因而在研究中深入剖析研發單位的「研發管理實務」,並且試圖從中瞭解影響創新績效的關鍵因素。 本研究的研究程序分為三大部份,首先經由文獻回顧導出初步的觀念性架構,再以此理論觀念模式為主導進行個案訪談,並且經過跨個案綜合分析後進行初步觀念模式的調整,接續以此調整後的模式當成調查研究的實證研究架構,並且依據此模式進行研究問卷的設計。在研究中實地訪談六家電子產品研發製造的高科技公司,並從中解析組織推行研發管理實務的相關資訊,之後再以調查研究法探究台灣地區高科技產業研發管理實務的運作情形;因而先以質性再以量化的方式同時進行高科技產業之研發管理實務推行的瞭解與驗證。 研究中發現研發管理實務的推行主要受到高階管理階層涉入程度的影響,其中高階主管的高階權力型態可據此分為二類:「預應式」與「因應式」,前者高階主管主動積極參與研發專案的主導,給予研發人員實質經費補助參與外部學習與洽商的活動,因而使得研發人員感受到較多的關注與重視,影響其對於研發工作的投入程度;而後者相對較少。另一項直接影響研發管理實務運作的因子為研發主管的領導風格,研發主管是主要帶領與規範研發單位運行的人物,鼓勵與協助研發人員的專業知識學習和成長,同時凝聚與營造研發團隊的士氣與氣氛,與研發人員間具有深刻的互動。 而在研發管理實務推行過程中,同時需要藉助辦公室支援與聯盟的協助,以提升研發人員的專業知識養成與技術文件的撰寫和使用頻率,此資源是促使研發工作順利運作的重要樞紐;而研發經費、設備購置與設施規劃的資源輔助,對於研發績效具有舉足輕重的影響效果。然而,影響研發管理實務與創新績效間的更重要成因是研發人員的內隱知覺部份;換言之,研發人員內心對於研發管理實務推行的感受與高階管理階層的互動程度是主要影響成效的因素,並非研發單位提供給予研發人員的各項外顯形式,可知研發單位的提供的框架形式擂同,但彼此間的溝通與相互扶持成為提升創新績效的無形助力。總之,高階管理階層結構主導研發管理實務的運作過程,而研發管理實務的落實程度與相關支援的協助,以及資源輔助釋放出來的能量,是同時決定研發創新績效程度的關鍵。 / As the global competition becomes ever-intensive, and businesses have fewer areas on which to hinge their competitive advantage, innovation capability is emerging as the key source of competitive advantage. The R&D team in a business, which is responsible for most of its innovations, thus plays a vital role in business survivability. This paper seeks to identify the variables that affect the innovation performance of R&D teams and investigate the interactions among the variables. A research framework is first established by literature review, and then adjusted according to case studies of six high-tech companies in Taiwan. The adjusted model is subsequently tested by a survey of high-tech companies in Taiwan. It is concluded that the management style of the higher authority and the leadership of R&D manager are the main forces that determine the R&D management practice. The educational background, work experience, and the expertise of R&D managers do not distinguish the level of discipline and the sophistication of R&D management practice. Some aspects of R&D management practice can be reinforced by office support and alliance, for example, the generation and utilization of technical reports and the cultivation of professional knowledge. With adequate resource support, more sophisticated R&D management practice does lead to better innovation performance which is measured by number of new products, patents, and technical reports.

台灣報業經營困境與因應策略 / The Plight and Strategies of Newspaper Industry in Taiwan

徐榮華 Unknown Date (has links)
新科技快速改變了媒體消費的習慣,面對電視及網路等新興媒體的強力競爭,全球報業經營日益嚴峻。近10年來,全球報業普遍遭遇讀者流失、閱讀率下降、廣告大餅遭分食的艱困局面,經營者無不苦思突破困局之道,本世紀開始,台灣報紙陸續出現鉅額虧損,無法支撐者接續停刊;本研究目的在探究台灣報業困局的成因,及報紙因應策略思維與行動的效益。 報業衰退為全球性趨勢,歐美報業儘管經營日益嚴峻,多還能維持微薄的利潤,國內報業多呈現虧損局面,而且一年比一年嚴重;本研究雖以台灣報業為探尋重點,研究範圍則擴大,從國外報業的困境與創新因應策略、國內報紙面臨的困境與突困策略、到台灣與國外報業因應策略之比較等三面向進行,最後藉檢視台灣與國外報業,在市場環境與經營策略的異同與成因,找出已經創造優勢或顯示績效的報業利基措施,並進一步探尋發展新事業、創造新契機的方向與對策,或可提供台灣報紙參考。 本研究採文獻分析與深度訪談並進,訪談對象包括台灣四大報業集團相關高階經理人,及具領導地位的市場調查及媒體購買公司負責人共18位。由於媒體情勢變化快速,報業因應策略推陳出新,本研究必須設定期限,2007年5月後的進展,只有留待未來進一步的探究。 研究共分七章,研究發現:全球報業面臨的共通性危機,是一個在數位大環境中,即將被網路等新生媒體徹底顛覆的時代!台灣報紙每個族群的讀者都在流失,年長的傾向轉看電視,年輕族群還要加上網路;而台灣報業本身由發行到廣告業務的失血惡性競爭,更加重這個產業的營運困境。報紙的可信度,則因台灣社會政治立場分立的氣氛,出現認知失諧的特殊現象,遭遇活命危機的報業,短短3、4年間,更徹底地和商業新聞妥協。 平面媒體沒落不可逆轉,但報紙是否可以存活,取決於報紙對自己的定位,作法策略不同,會產生不同的結果。經由國內外報業所處困境與突困策略的比較分析,本研究對台灣報業因應策略及必須重視的發展趨勢,有七項發現: 1、報業必須積極探求降低成本的合理經營規模;2、打破閱讀率與廣告的惡質競爭,回歸產品基本面的報紙內容競爭;3、報業行銷策略轉型,消費者市場導向、軟性新聞當道及立場差異化成利基;4、以免費概念行銷的免費報及報紙網站,同時具經營年輕族群與開發新讀者功效;5、報業積極開展數位化行動,與網路對話的新報業概念開始出現,以web2.0概念對讀者開放,突破傳統編採作業框架;6、面對數位內容整合與創新的時代,媒體數位匯流在網上已成必然趨勢,報紙除了開展跨媒體領域投資,內容更應積極數位化,躍身跨媒體平台的重要成員;7、創新思維與行動是報業求發展的最高策略,報業必須重新定義,徹底轉型。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 關鍵詞:報業、行銷策略、網路、數位化、產業競爭、創新 / The newspaper industry is unquestionably ailing globally, circulation and readership are declining, advertising revenues is shrinking. Profound and disruptive market shifts are challenging the newspaper industry in the 21st Century, newspaper companies are seeking powerful strategies to keep overall revenue growing. Since the beginning of this Century, huge deficits has occurred in Taiwan’s newspaper companies, moribund newspapers closured are common, which succumb to cutthroat competition. This study aims to find out what make the newspaper industry go ailing and the strategies they take. There are pressures on revenues and profits that seemed more downbeat than before since 2000, most of the newspaper profits remain strong in Europe or America. Nevertheless, they are treading water on operating profit margin in Taiwan. This study categorizes newspaper industry into three dimensions:The newspaper industry’s plight and strategies in global , in Taiwan, and the comparative between them. Trying to find out the effective way breaking through the severe situation, and to develop new business model further. Based on literature review and in-depth interviews, the study concluded in May 2007. There are 18 executive managers of the top 4 newspaper groups and the largest marketing company were interviewed in Taiwan. Changing circulation patterns and emerging competitors—inside and outside the traditional newspaper industry—are forcing publishers to rethink their approach to how newspapers are brought to market. The study discovered that internet clearly is both opportunity and threat to newspapers. Particularly, newspaper industry in Taiwan succumbed to cutthroat competition on circulation and advertising field, conflict on political position. It makes the newspaper go commercially and unhealthy. The fate of print newspaper can not be reversible. Newspaper industry is now experiencing a crisis in confidence, no longer fully believing in itself and the viability of what it has to offer - on paper or elsewhere. It may survived after proper positioning and effective strategies making. Newspaper industry in Taiwan confronted with:1、Seeking the economic model with some strong initiatives that would reduce business-side costs. 2、Targeting audiences with niche publications and quality content as a way to that the main paper is starting to miss. 3、Marketing strategies stress on audiences. 4、Making progress toward a whole-hearted commitment to transformative online growth. 5、Targeting young adults with free concept, such as online editions and free dailies in the big cities. 6、The media landscape has changed forever. For media consumers, digitalization has expanded the daily media usage options.Digitized is the jobs to be done on converge. Newspapers are increasing their reach through the exploitation of a wide range of new distribution channels, ranging from daily free newspapers to online editions. They are proving to be incredibly resilient against the onslaught of a wide range of media competition. 7、Newspapers are embracing transformation as a concept. Shaping the future Newspaper industry ought to redefinition. If one thing seems inevitable, it is that the newspaper industry is moving toward a new business model. Innovation strategy is to encourage newspapers to experiment outside of their core news product to compete with cheaper alternatives. "Disruptive" products are proliferating online and as niche publications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keywords:newspaper industry、strategy、competition、internet、digitalization、innovation

產品類型與新奇屬性類型之產品不一致性對產品再認和態度的影響-以消費者創新性為調節變項 / The effects of incongruity of product type and novel attributes type on product recognition and product attitude: Using consumer innovativeness as a moderator

蘇相穎, Su, Cathy Unknown Date (has links)
市場上新奇的產品層出不窮,廠商想盡辦法要對產品添加新奇的屬性來達到差異化,但是真正能夠藉由添加新奇屬性在市場上找到利基的廠商卻是少之又少。問題是否出在消費者在面對與既有基模不一致的新產品時,無法理解和吸收資訊?上述現象引發了研究者的興趣。本研究藉由操弄不同類型的產品和新奇屬性,觀察其所產生的產品不一致性對於消費者的產品再認和產品態度有何影響;同時也探討消費者本身的人格特質-消費者創新性,會不會影響消費者對產品的態度。 以往研究均認為增加產品不一致性可以提高消費者對於產品的回憶和再認,但本研究卻發現,提高產品的不一致性並無法讓人留下較為深刻的印象,因此產品不一致性與再認之間的關係可能仍有待後續研究做進一步的釐清。另外,雖然產品類型和新奇屬性類型無法產生交互作用,並藉由提升產品不一致性來影響產品態度,但是「產品類型」在影響產品不一致性且進而提升產品態度上的確是扮演著重要的角色。其中「功能性商品」不管是搭配上何種類型的新奇屬性,產品態度都顯著高於「享樂性商品」與新奇屬性的搭配。由此可知,如果廠商想要在市場上推出新奇的產品,選擇功能性的商品來切入可能比較有利,而且在操弄產品不一致性時也必須要格外小心,雖然新奇的屬性可以提升消費者對產品的評價,但是新奇性同時也會增加產品的不一致性,一旦產品不一致性過高,反而會造成消費者對於產品的負面觀感。 / There are numerous novel products in the market; consequently marketers have been fighting their way to achieve product differentiation by adding novel attributes to the products, yet it is still rare to see marketers that can actually discover niche by adding novel attributes to products. Does the problem lies in how consumers percept and absorb the information of advertisements? The phenomenon above arouses my curiosity to delve into the relation between product incongruity and consumer evaluations. This study examines what influences product incongruity has on product recognition and product attitude by manipulating different types of products and novel attributes, and the moderating role of consumers’ personality is also examined to see whether consumer innovativeness have effects on product attitude or not. The past researches tend to believe that raising product incongruity is beneficial to enhancing product recall and product recognition. However, the result shows that raising product incongruity is of no help to leave deep impression in the products. Thus the relation between product incongruity and product recognition needs to be further clarified by future researches. Additionally, although product types and novel attributes do not interact to have effects on product incongruity and further boost product attitude, ‘product type’ indeed plays a crucial role on boosting product incongruity and enhancing product attitude. Not only product type leads to positive effects on the products, but consumers are apt to give more positive evaluations to utilitarian product than hedonic product, regardless of what novel attributes the products have. In that case, it seems to be more profitable to choose utilitarian products if marketers want to launch novel merchandise. In spite of the fact that adding novel attributes leads to positive product attitude, novelty also leads to more product incongruity that may undermine consumers’ attitude toward the product. The result seems to suggest that marketers have to be extraordinarily cautious when manipulating product incongruity.


林貞瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險實施,促使醫院走向非價格競爭的經營模式,「創新」將會是醫院維持競爭力的利器。 本研究透過兩兩成對比較之問卷調查方式了解影響醫療產業創新之組成要素權重,並進一步經由訪談之方式針對醫療產業創新性智慧資本之價值加以衡量,為個案醫院建立一套創新性智慧資本的聯合價值層級衡量系統。 考量院方之與創新相關之核心價值及願景的情況下,個案醫院最看重的是人力資本,其次依序是財務資本、結構資本及關係資本,代表在創新策略為導向的情況中,人力資本更是醫院最重要的無形資產。推導出個案醫院創新性智慧資本之價值為0.380,處於醫療產業的個案醫院的創新性智慧資本之價值較低。 聯合價值層級衡量系統除了解關鍵成功因素外,針對該因素實際成果進行探討,其價值結果可以提供管理者於資源投入時重要的參考依據與策略執行力及權重認知的檢視。 / The hospitals tend to non-price competition because of the National Health Insurance. “Innovation” will be hospitals’ sharp weapons to maintain their competitive advantage. This thesis conducted the case study under the hospital industry to confer two themes. The first is the weights of determinants of innovation within hospital industry via pair-comparison in a questionnaire. The last is the value of innovative intellectual capital within hospital industry through interviews. This thesis developed a new measurement system of innovative intellectual capital within hospital industry-- conjoint value hierarchy. Considering the core value and vision, the most capital is human capital for object of the case study. the next are financial capital and structural capital. The last one is relational capital this order implicated that human capital is the most important intangible asset in the case the innovation strategy as a consideration. The value of innovative intellectual capital in object of the case study is low, only 0.380. The measurement system, conjoint value hierarchy, cannot only understand key success factors, but also consider the value of actual result of the key success factors. The value result can provide management a important reference basis for resource input and review of execution of strategy and of weight perception.


吳志忠 Unknown Date (has links)
在政府將金融創新列為工作項目之一,台灣在金融創新的議題上也投入相當的研究,但多半是從產品的創新著手,鮮少從經營模式創新來分析金融創新,因此本論文將透過經營模式的創新來探討兩家日本銀行金融機構-瑞穗金融集團及新生銀行-如何在環境的變化中,重新尋求自己在產業中的地位,探討銀行業如何進行經營模式的創新,在競爭激烈的市場中為消費者創造價值,而進一步提升企業的獲利狀況,從日本銀行的經驗中獲得對台灣銀行業的啟示。 透過策略再思考:重新定義自身產業,重新思考企業的定位與方向,在創新的理論中找出創新的來源,透過經營模式的元素-核心策略、策略性資源、顧客界面、價值網絡-將之落實在改革的過程中,透過經營模式的創新變革,讓金融業可以了解如何在市場上與競爭者進行不同的競爭。 在分析完個案後,本論文也提出幾點結論:1. 追求規模的擴大不如追求如何去經營模式的創新:開創各種新的獲利模式,對獲利來源也要進行風險管理;2. 獲利結構的從傳統利差走向複雜管理收入:銀行如何適應新的競爭環境;3. 從分散到聚焦,從通才到專業化:專注於重點區域,妥善配置企業資源。銀行業未來的走向會越來越趨向專業化的方向,銀行組織設計會朝向以產品線或顧客為主的設計,而不是傳統的功能式設計;4. 從規模擴大走向深度成長:企業績效評估系統的改變,讓銀行經營的更有效率;5. 從外部綜效走向內部綜效的產生:綜效可以透過內部系統良好運作而產生,不一定要靠併購。 關鍵字:經營模式、策略性思考、經營模式創新 / Financial innovation has been one of government’s priorities, and the academia also puts much research into the topic, but most are from the product innovation perspective instead of business model innovation. In the research, we have analyzed two of Japanese financial companies- The Mizuho Financial Group and Shinsei Bank – and discuss how they redefine their positions in the industry in the changing environment, how they create value for consumers by business model innovations and further improve the profits states of enterprises. Finally, we want to get enlightenment from their experiences for Taiwan financial industry. Through strategic thinking: Redefining your industry, rethinking your positioning and directions of enterprises, finding out the sources of the innovation from theories; through the elements of business model – core strategies, strategic resources, customer interface, information technology- it could be implemented in the reforming process; through the business model innovation, financial enterprises are capable to understand how to compete in the market base on differentiation. After analyzing the cases, the thesis proposes some conclusions: 1. In order to create more new profits-making sources, pursuing new business model is more important than pursuing a larger scale simply. Also, risk management is needed in the topic of profit-making sources. 2. The profit-making structure of banking changes from traditional rate margin to complicated management expertise: how the banking adapts to the new competitive environment; 3.From dispersal to focus and from general to specialization: Future of banking will tend to focus on the key area, and allocate the enterprise resources properly. And the financial industry will be more specialized; the design of organization structure of banks will mainly rely on product lines or the customer, instead of traditional function. 4. from expanding the scale to deep growth: The change of assessing the enterprise's performance will bring banks better operational efficiencies.5. From external synergies to internal synergies: synergies can be generated through the internal well-operated system, not only depend on merging; Key words: Business Model、Strategic thinking、Business Model Innovations

團隊創新氛圍、團隊工作動機及團隊創造力傾向對團隊研發績效關聯性之實證研究 -- 以K公司研發團隊為例

王臣名 Unknown Date (has links)
全球產業走向創新導向的產業模式,企業所強調研發創新的創新型經濟。因此,厚植研發能量,以有效提升企業的產品研發活動之附加價值,是產業長期面對全球競爭重要的策略要素。現代企業的組織在面對複雜多變的動態競爭環境中,一般任務性質的團隊需要創新,對於肩負產品競爭力重責大任的研發團隊更是如此。以專案團隊為基礎組織結構在現今的產業中已越來越常見,特別是在電子資訊產業中,日常的營運幾乎是以專案團隊為主軸,而如何增進研發團隊的績效,已成為業界最重視的課題。 國內對創造力的研究多以個人層次的衡量為主,研究的對象多集中在教育界,廣告行銷或某些特定的研發機構為主。國內學者們對探討團隊創新績效之實證研究甚少,特別是對特定企業研發部門採用客觀性的績效衡量方式;因此引發本研究對跨個人層級與團隊層級探討影響團隊創造力及影響團隊研發績效因素的興趣。本研究架構理論來自於基本的「刺激-有機體-反應」(SOR)理論,在此研究架構下團隊的創新氛圍是刺激,研發人員與團隊是反應刺激的有機體,而研發人員的工作動機、創造力傾向是反應。 本研究採用匯合取向(confluence approaches)的觀點來研究創造力,以T. M. Amabile、M. Csikzenmihaly以及R. J. Sternberg等三位當代以匯合取向研究創造力的重要創造力理論大師的理論架構為基礎,強調創造力發生與組織的氛圍、組織氛圍與個人的交互作用以及工作者動機傾向有關,作為本研究探討創造力的理論觀點,來探討電子資訊公司研發團隊工作績效與團隊工作動機、團隊創造力傾向及團隊創新氛圍之關係。 本研究歸納並探討性提出下列結論: 1. 團隊內在工作動機與團隊外在工作動機對團隊創造力傾向及團隊研發績效有顯著正向關係。 2. 團隊內在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊創造力傾向之關係具中介效果不顯著,團隊外在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊創造力傾向之關係具中介效果;團隊內在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果不顯著,團隊外在動機對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。 3. 團隊創造力傾向對團隊內在動機與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果,團隊創造力傾向對團隊外在動機與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。 4. 團隊創造力傾向對團隊創新氛圍與團隊研發績效之關係具中介效果。


蔡昀泰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討企業之環境管理活動,並選定「溫室氣體管制」為特定環境議題,分析企業在營運過程當中所面對的環保壓力來源(包括政府環保法規、壓力團體、上游供應商、同業競爭、顧客與消費市場以及企業本身)來了解溫室氣體管制對企業所造成的影響為何。本研究並分析企業在回應溫室氣體管制時所採取的環境策略態勢(分為不變態勢、因應態勢、預應態勢以及創新態勢)與綠色創新活動型態(分為產品綠色創新、製程綠色創新以及端末回收創新),從中探究環保壓力、企業環境策略態勢及綠色創新活動之間的關聯為何。 本研究將製造業分為「傳統產業」、「基礎產業」和「技術密集產業」三大產業,從中各選一家廠商為深度訪談之對象,並對曾經獲得「經濟部節能績優獎」之製造業廠商做問卷調查,後將訪談結果彙整搭配問卷調查結果分析得到研究結論如下: 1. 政府環保法規仍是目前推動國內企業因應溫室氣體管制的動力來源,政府應更積極推行溫室氣體減量。 2. 國內在環境管理的發展上真正達到永續發展的企業仍屬少數。 3. 國內企業已開始用製程綠色創新來回應溫室氣體管制。 4. 企業本身具有環保意識的時候,會產生較多元的綠色創新。 5. 越積極回應環境的企業其綠色創新活動越多,且較常先產生製程綠色創新。 6. 產業特性的不同會影響企業的環境策略與綠色創新,政府應針對不同產業個別推動適合其產業特性之輔導計畫與相關法規。

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