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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

提升台灣競爭力:加台資訊科技產業合作 / Enhancing Taiwan's Competitiveness through Canada-Taiwan ICT Industry Cooperation

李艾, Ashley Stead Unknown Date (has links)
台灣是一個健全的資訊傳播科技產品代工樞紐,而加拿大正試圖推動資訊傳播科技的創新同時也是台灣的一個主要貿易夥伴與合作者,兩國有機會增進在資訊傳播科技的合作。本論文將評估兩國資訊傳播科技在產業、企業、政府三個層次合作的現況,目的是要發掘台灣如何能夠透過與加拿大進一步的合作,以確保台灣在資訊傳播科技產業的競爭力。論文探討下述研究問題:加拿大與台灣的進一步合作,是如何可以增進台灣在資訊傳播科技產業的創新以確保台灣的競爭力。論文以質化分析兩國的資訊傳播科技產業,來查明優勢與限制和雙方合作的現況。研究結果顯示加拿大與台灣在資訊傳播科技產業是有互補性的夥伴,並有堅實的基礎推動合作、研發與加強創新,而透過開發新的產品、服務與技術,政府與企業合作可以加強台灣資訊傳播科技產業的競爭力。 / Taiwan is an established contract hub for the manufacturing of information and communication technologies (ICT). As Canada aims to promote innovation in its ICT industry and as a major trading partner and collaborator with Taiwan, there is opportunity for both countries to increase cooperation in this industry. This thesis will assess the current level of cooperation between the two countries’ ICT industries, ICT companies and governments. The purpose is to determine how Taiwan can maintain its ICT competitiveness through enhanced Canada-Taiwan ICT industry cooperation. The following research question will be analyzed: How can enhanced ICT cooperation and collaboration in research and development between Canada and Taiwan improve innovation in Taiwan’s ICT industry in order to remain competitive? The thesis will use a qualitative analysis of both industries to determine strengths and weaknesses. Current cooperation in bilateral relations between them will be examined. Findings demonstrate that Canada and Taiwan have complementary ICT industries for partnerships and strong foundations which can promote further cooperation, research and development, and bolster innovation. Strong government level and company level cooperation will enhance Taiwan’s ICT competitiveness by creating new products, services and technologies.

創新生技醫療器材經營策略之研究-以L公司為例 / A Study on the Business Strategy for Biotech &Medical Equipment Industry– TheCase Study of L Company

洪一平 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣員工薪資將近二十年一直無法明顯的提升,主因是國內產業大都著重各產業鏈的代工,產業代工毛利不高,因此產品受制於研發設計及通路行銷歐美先進國家,所以台灣產業風險較高,製造相關業者也利潤較不佳,業者必須投資價格高昂的成本如土地,廠房,機器設備---等。醫材是少量多樣,國際化,可靠性及精密度高。人口老化,所得提高,因此全球醫療市場逐年成長 ,各國陸續推行醫療改革,帶動醫材市場成長。台灣代工能力很強,醫材產業是協助中小企業技術/品質升級、轉型,提升市場競爭力的最佳途徑。台灣中小企業若能加強投資生技醫材的研發及產業鏈建立,較能改變台灣的產業價值與環境。 因此,本研究是以台灣中小企業如何由製造業加值產品服務,提升產品附加價值為研究主軸,探討微創醫材的經營策略模式,並藉由經營策略模式的研究,據以作為投資該產業的依據。因此,本研究根據分析的結果,獲得了以下幾項研究發現且概述如下: 1.核心技術是中小生技醫療器材產業創造高獲利空間的基礎,也是帶動成長的趨動力; 2.人才資產管理是中小企業的重要投資,目的是讓人才資產達到最大的效益,創造最大的績效和價值,以完成企業的經營效果效率,並且能達到創造人才最佳的價值與企業永續經營; 3.中小企業透過異業結合,可以將不同領域之創新技術導入醫材產業,開發或創造新的醫療需求已成為目前生技醫療器材的開發重點; 4.中小企業針對市場產品提出改進產品,漸進領導產品市場佔有率,或提出破壞性產品,重新建立市場規則,若能夠持續在市場生存時,必能找到利基市場。

新北市國民小學空間領導、學校組織變革與 教師創新教學關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship among the Principal's Space Leadership, School Organizational Change and Innovative Teaching of Teachers in Elementary School of New Taipei City

許婉玉, Hsu, Wanyu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前新北市國民小學空間領導、學校組織變革與教師創新教學的現況,分析不同背景變項下之教師,知覺校長空間領導、學校組織變革與教師創新教學之差異情形,並探討三者間之關係,最後建構並驗證校長空間領導、學校組織變革與教師創新教學之結構方程模式。 本研究採問卷調查法,共計抽樣83所學校,發出786份問卷,回收544份有效問卷;問卷回收率達69%。問卷調查結果以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及結構方程模式分析等統計方法加以分析與探討。 本研究獲致結論如下: 一、新北市國民小學教師知覺校長空間領導為中上程度,以「建構教育空間」層面表現最突出,「使用者共同參與」之得分最低。 二、新北市國民小學教師知覺學校組織變革為高程度,以「組織文化」層面最獲肯定,「教育科技創新」之知覺程度為最低。 三、新北市國民小學教師知覺教師創新教學為高程度,以「教學方法」層面最獲認同,「情境營造」之知覺程度為最低。 四、新北市國民小學教師,在不同背景變項中(無學校獲獎情形、年齡高者及職務為教師兼主任者),在知覺校長空間領導行為上顯著較高。 五、新北市國民小學教師,在不同背景變項中(無學校獲獎情形及擔任職務為教師兼主任及教師兼導師者),在知覺學校組織變革上顯著較高。 六、新北市國民小學教師,在不同背景變項中(無學校獲獎情形及及兼任行政職之教師者)在知覺教師創新教學行為上顯著較高。 七、新北市國民小學校長空間領導、學校組織變革與教師創新教學具有良好的聚斂效度,且學校組織變革在校長空間領導與教師創新教學間扮演完全中介,故國民小學校長空間領導可透過學校組織變革對教師創新教學產生正向的間接影響。 最後,根據本研究結果,提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員與未來研究之參考 / The purpose of this study is to learn the relationships among the primary school principal space leadership, school organizational change and innovative teaching of teachers in elementary school of New Taipei City. Comparing and analyzing the differences, relationships, and stepwise regression between principal space leadership, school organizational change and innovative teaching of teachers, the researcher tries to build and verify a model for these three elements. Through the use of questionnairs survey method, data were collected from 83 elementary schools, distributing 786 questionnairs in total. Valid questionnairs of 544 were collecte, with a usable rate of 69%. All data were analyzed by the mothods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA and SEM. According to the results, this study has obtained the following conclusions. 1. The level of space leadership of principals in the elementary schools is medium-performance, and the performance in “constructing educational space” is outstanding, and lower scores on “the users joint participation”. 2. The level of school organizational change is high, and “organizational culture” is certainly the most eligible in the elementary schools, and lower scores on “educational technology innovation”. 3. The level of innovative teaching of teachers is high, and “teaching method” acquired the most recognition in the elementary schools, and lower scores on “constructing circumstance”. 4. The school history, ages , and current positions of sampling teachers show difference on the principal space leadership. 5. The school history, and current positions of sampling teachers show difference on school organizational culture. 6. The school history, and current positions of sampling teachers show difference on effectiveness of school innovative management. 7. The proper fit of structural equation model among principals’ space leadership, school organizational change and innovative teaching of teachers is assessed as positive and can explain the relationships among main variables. School organizational change fully mediated the relationship between principal space leadership and innovative teaching of teachers. School organizational change has the mediation effect on principal space leadership and innovative teaching of teachers. The research findings and suggestions can serve as reference for educational authorities, elementary school principals and subsequent related studies.


吳怡靜, Wu, I-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
因應全世界電信自由化潮流,台灣自1997年開始解禁電信事業,開放民營,其相關產業-通訊產業更因此而相繼頭角崢嶸、蓬勃發展,通訊產業已然繼半導體產業之後成為二十一世紀的明星產業。  本研究採取個案訪談方式,探討台灣地區通訊產業的技術創新策略與績效表現間的關聯性,以及外部環境如何影響廠商對技術創新策略組合的選擇與績效表現。由於通訊產業涵蓋範圍極廣,因此根據有線、無線傳輸方式、其間子產業的特性以及上、下游廠商可能的關聯性,將其細分為通訊原料、微波通訊、行動通訊、寬頻通訊、光纖通訊、電信服務等六大類,因行動通訊部份無法找到配合訪談廠商因此作罷,然因此部份研究近來亦頗為盛行,讀者或可從其他相關文獻一窺端倪。除實際深度探訪九家個案公司之外,亦蒐集相關產業資料以資比對,因而歸納、推導出以下結論:  一、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別而採行不同的技術創新策略組合,明顯地可以劃分出三種組合,分別是「冒險型」、「積極型」與「穩健型」,另有一種「模仿跟進型」,通常於成熟期產業可發現,並未出現在本研究個案中。訪談結果發現當企業採行冒險或積極型態的策略組合時,其績效表現會優於同類型產業的平均水準。  二、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別,具有不同的子產業特性,因而具有不盡相同的外部環境,明顯地可以劃分出四種類型的外部環境。分別是第一類的高度動態、高度競爭與高度異質性;第二類的高度動態、高度競爭與中度異質性;第三類的高度動態、中度競爭與中度異質性;第四類的中度動態、中度競爭與中度異質性。  三、個案公司因分屬不同子產業別,或為因應身處不同類型的外部環境,因而採取不同積極程度的技術創新策略組合,以求取最佳績效表現。訪談結果發現在第一類與第三類環境下採取冒險型的策略組合,以及在第二類與第四類環境下採取積極型態的策略組合,皆具有不錯的績效表現。  綜上所述,我們可看出通訊產業內廠商除應瞭解本身所屬專業領域特質、所處子產業細部環境的變動情況,更應慎選合適的技術創新策略組合,以為企業謀取最大、最佳的績效表現。 / Communication Industry has become the leading industry in 21st century in Taiwan ever since the deregulation of telecommunication in Taiwan. In order to investigate the relationship between the technology innovation strategy conducted by the Communication Industry and firm's performance, as well as the impact of environment as a moderator to the relationship between technology innovation strategy and performance, we have conducted the research by case study. As the widespread coverage of Communication Industry, we roughly classify the industry into six categories including communication chip, microwave communication, mobile communication, broadband communication, fiber communication and telecommunication service based on the way of transmission and vertical relationship in industry. However, mobile communication was not interviewed due to reasons. In addition to the findings from case study, we also collect the specific industry information for cross reference. Research findings are described as follows: 1. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry conduct numerous portfolio of technology innovation strategy. There are three types of portfolio formed, which are adventurous, aggressive and conservative type. The findings show that the financial performance will be better than the industry average when companies adopt adventurous or aggressive portfolio.  2. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry face various types of competitive environment; we find four types of environment formed. The environment are measured by three dimensions including dynamism, hostility, and heterogeneity which impact are distinguished into three levels, high, moderate, and low separately. The first type is high in three dimensions. The second is the same as the first one except its heterogeneity is moderate. The third is high in dynamism, moderate in hostility and in heterogeneity. The fourth is all-moderate.  3. Case companies belonging to different sub-industry have various types of competitive environment;therefore they have to conduct different portfolio of technology innovation strategy for best performance. The findings show that companies adopt the adventurous portfolio under the first and the third type of environment, and companies adopt the aggressive portfolio under the second and fourth type will have better financial performance.  To sum up, we suggest the Communication Industry know clearly about the competitive environment and its characteristics before conducting an appropriate portfolio of technology innovation strategy to acquire the best financial performance.


劉翰璋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從圖書出版之概念成形到產品上市的過程,根據次級資料之實證,觀察1950年以來圖書出版之環境的演變以及互補性產業如何演進,以「互補性產業演進與產品創新速度之關係」為主軸,探討:1、圖書出版產業在從創意到產品上市的價值鏈為何?2、1950年以來,圖書出版產業之互補性產業如何演進?3、互補性產業形成的原因為何?4、互補性產業演進對於產品創新速度會造成什麼影響?研究發現如下: 一、「法律」及「科技」是從1950到2000年推動圖書出版產業演進主要的環境變因。「法律」的事件歸類為『著作權法』;「科技」的事件歸類為『印刷技術』、『生產作業電腦化』、『網路資訊科技』。 二、根據圖書出版產業的特性,歸納圖書出版產業中所包含之價值活動個別屬於不同的「核心技術類型」。『內容創作』、『載具製作』及『產品流通』等。『內容創作』是要創作圖書內容。『載具製作』是要將圖書內容以載具的形式儲存以便於流通,而一般載具的形式有紙本、光碟電子書及可直接透過網際網路傳輸的數位資訊等。『產品流通』主要是要將圖書產品傳輸、銷售給客戶。 三、「法律」環境變因衍生「內容創作」之互補性產業演進;「科技」衍生「載具製作」、「產品流通」之互補性產業演進。 四、「載具製作」及「產品流通」之互補性產業衍生「內容創作」之互補性產業。 五、隨著環境變因衍生互補性產業,互補性產業形成原因可歸納為:規模經濟利益、知識專精利益、交易成本降低。 六、互補性產業演進影響產業分工,縮短舊有產業價值鍊長度。「內容創作」之互補性產業演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響出版業價值鏈長度之縮短;「載具製作」之互補性產業之演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響印刷業價值鏈長度之縮短;「產品流通」之互補性產業之演進促進價值鏈專業分工,影響傳統通路業價值鏈長度之縮短。 七、互補性產業演進加速產品創新速度。「內容創作」之互補性產業演進促進「內容創作」價值鏈之產品創新速度;「載具製作」之互補性產業演進促進「載具製作」價值鏈之產品創新速度;「產品流通」之互補性產業演進促進「產品流通」價值鏈之產品創新速度。 本研究最後呼應Teece(1987) 對互補性產業之看法,(互補性資產會影響從創意成形到產品上市的過程),進一步引進Aaker(1991)「核心技術類型」的觀念,提出『互補性產業演進的模式,以及互補性產業演進對產品創新速度之影響』的觀念性模型。


張洪瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
創新技術採用是一策略性議題,涉及企業與環境之間的介面管理和企業內部組織面與策略面的調整及規劃,因此企業在評估創新技術採用上應以系統觀點加以考量。在過去關於創新採用之文獻中較少針對通訊方面的技術加以探討,較多是針對企業採用自動化系統、管理資訊系統等議題,本研究選擇通訊技術中無線終端接取網際網路之技術應用WAP為題,探討國內包括行動電話系統業者及WAP領域的相關業者,在採用該項創新技術上的關鍵評估因素,藉以瞭解該項技術採用對業者之策略意涵。 本研究以定性分析之方法,採取個案訪談之方式,個案對象包括三家行動電話系統業者、銀行與兩家開發WAP應用機制之業者。根據文獻及個案訪談結果,提出四項影響創新技術採用決策之構面因素,分別是企業內部因素,包括組織面及策略面、產業環境、市場因素和技術特性;此外,本研究並提出一項情境因素,即政府法規。研究結果顯示,在電信這類高科技產業中,技術往往具有導引產業發展之地位,在此情況下,創新技術採用決策被少數幾項關鍵因素所支配。新技術資訊多掌握在技術供應商,因此技術供應商的推動是創新採用的主要原因之一。其次新技術對競爭態勢之衝擊,使得業者必須在策略上有所規劃以預做因應,因此競爭策略亦影響創新採用之取向。另外,由於行動通訊服務屬於一種系統性產品,也就是必須聯合所有組件方能產生效用,技術與系統相容性的問題亦是影響採用決策之關鍵因素。相容性會進一步促進服務的普及,使得市場成長,並帶動所謂網路效應的產生。 本研究根據個案訪談結果,提出創新技術採用決策架構。此架構中,企業內部因素以組織面之組織結構化程度與企業營業規模,以及策略面之競爭策略、競爭態勢與高階主管的技術認知程度最具關鍵性。產業環境方面,競爭程度及與供應商之互動對決策之評估具有關鍵性。市場因素以網路規模及產品範圍,技術特性則以相容性及複雜性具關鍵性。根據本研究之發現與結論,建議相關業者應儘量以內容形成差異化,以提高顧客之轉換成本進而創造鎖住效果,並且將創新技術採用由功能性思考提升至策略性思考,另外,由於技術快速變化,企業在採用評估上應採取預應式的評估方式,尤其在電信產業,掌握新技術資訊,並且預先在策略上與組織上加以規劃調整,更是企業續存的必要條件。在學術貢獻上,本研究突顯出對於穩定之技術及演進中之技術,在採用決策上評估重點之差異,並且建構了關於演進中之技術如通訊技術的採用決策架構,此架構強調關鍵因素之影響,同時也呈現關鍵因素之動態性。 / This study examines the adoption of innovative technology, such as WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), which allows users of mobile phones to access Internet. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants contributing to the adoption of innovative technology. Unlike previous studies that focused on mature technology: for instance, information systems, manufacturing automation systems, or CAD/CAM, this study highlights fast changing technology-telecommunication. Based on the technological innovation literatures, this study proposes a model with four dimensions, such as corporate inner factors including organization and strategy, industrial environment, market factors, and characteristics of technology. Case studies were conducted in 3 operators, I bank, and 2 WAP solution providers. The results of this study show that organizational factors (organization structure and size), strategic factors (competitive strategy, competitive posture, and level of technological knowledge of CEO), industrial environment (competitive magnitude and vendors' initiative), market factors (the scale of networks and product scopes), and characteristics of technology (compatibility and complexity) are the most important determinants in the decision of adopting new technology. Besi es that, the study also finds a new contextual variable, government policy, which will influence the decision of adopting new technology in a corporate. This research provides a decision model of WAP adoption in which company will use it as a platform to provide value-added service like providing customized information, mobile banking services, or online brokerage services. Since the Internet and the mobile telephony have both been growing so fast, many companies need to develop some applications to create their competitive advantage with new technology. This model will assist managers to evaluate if they really need to adopt innovative technology and how it will enhance performance of the company.

資訊服務業技術創新策略與績效關連性之研究 / A Performance Study on Information Service Industry Technology Innovation Strategy

黃敏慧, Huang, Min-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
近年來以技術為主要生產因素的高科技產業帶動全球經濟的發展,而建設台灣成為綠色矽島是政府揭櫫的產業發展方向,也是台灣未來產業生存的利基所在。資訊服務業屬於高科技產業之一,在網際網路蓬勃發展之下,各個市場區隔潛藏著無限商機。而如何透過策略的制定以取得競爭優勢,技術創新策略的考量是重點之一。 本研究將技術創新策略以策略觀點進行探討,並深入探討技術創新策略與績效之關連性,以及外在產業環境對此關連性之影響。本研究之技術策略構面包含內部研發、產品升級、智慧財產權、突破性創新產品、外部技術來源等技術創新策略;產業環境構面探討外在產業環境之異質性、變動性、競爭性等;績效構面包含投資報酬率、市場佔有率及營業額等。 研究成果發現技術創新策略會對績效產生影響,且採用積極預應型之技術創新策略之績效優於採用消極反應型之技術創新策略。就技術創新策略與環境配合而言,採用積極預應型技術創新策略配合高不確定產業環境之企業,其績效最佳。 / The high-tech industries with technology as the main production factor bring the great economic growth around the world. Information service industry is one of the high-tech industries and there is potential profit in every market segment with the fast developing Internet application. Technology innovation strategy is the key strategy to gain the competitive advantage. In this research, we explore the relationship between the technology innovation strategy and performance and the moderating role of external environment. The technology innovation strategy construct contains R&D spending level, product upgrade, intellectual property right, radical innovations, and external technology sources. The environment construct contains heterogeneity, dynamism, hostility. The performance construct contains return on investment, market share, and sales revenue. The result shows that technology innovation strategy affect the performance. Companies with the pioneer technology innovation posture have better performance than the follower. The pioneer technology innovation posture fit with uncertain environment will have the best performance.


邱秋娟 Unknown Date (has links)
屬於網路技術應用的電子出版,甫從早期應用於學術教育場合的實驗產品步入商業生產的前期。現階段電子書的生產,已經開始結合軟硬體、內容、銷售通路以及通訊等環節。擅長提供內容的傳統出版社在這一波網路電子書的產業整合中,有什麼樣的想法與作法?基於為傳統出版業的發展歷程與趨勢留下紀錄的想法,本研究希望對出版社投入電子書生產的現況做一番探討。   因應網路發展而興起的網路電子書可以說是一種創新事物,本研究主要根據創新傳布(Diffusion on Innovation)理論的相關文獻及Flanagin(2000)對於企業採納創新設立網站的因素探討為推導架構,整理發展出理論架構,並據以發展出操作架構。Flanagin認為企業採納創新的動機包括三項主要因素,包括組織的特性、創新所帶來的預期利益及組織間的社會壓力。社會壓力的作用對於創新採納的影響,最明顯的是發生在創新傳布的早期階段。   研究結果發現,出版社性質對決定出版電子書有正面影響;出版社年齡對是否出版電子書的影響並不明顯;經濟實力(出版社規模)對決定出版電子書也有正面影響;科技相關經驗較豐富者,對決定出版電子書也有正面影響。三種相關特質中,影響程度最高的是組織型態,其次是營業性質,最低的是出版內容。   出版社對於電子書發展的規劃究竟應該做到什麼程度仍有相當程度的不確定感,有些出版社在電子書產業的分工上還在尋找定位。受訪者關切市場接受度、開發新通路及相關軟硬體發展的成熟度上,更甚於生產技術的掌握與設備成本的問題,版權取得方面的顧慮相對更少。顯示現階段電子書出版的問題重點多不在出版社可以著力的地方。從個人對電子書資訊的接觸頻率來看,主動積極的態度對是否出版電子書並無明顥影響。而且就整體來看,會積極主動蒐集電子書相關資訊者只占總數三成多,要期待電子書的出版突破創新者與早期使用者之間的鴻溝,似乎仍有一段路需要努力。   在現階段,制度上的壓力對決定出版電子書的影響並不明顯。除為取得日後在市場上的競爭優勢這個想法對於出版電子書有稍微比較明顯的影響外,其餘怕被淘汰、等待成功案例出現、同業壓力等各項因素僅顯示極微的正面影響。而高知名度及領袖地位對電子書出版的影響也不大。至於預期趨勢方面,出版社對於電子書是否可能成為市場主流、是否可能造成閱讀革命,普遍並沒有把握,現階段還看不出這兩者對電子書出版的決定是否有影響。


黃慧晶 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的蓬勃發展,使其成為強大的新興傳播媒體,也因此各國有關科學與科技研究機構將研究內容製作成網站,提供科技研究相關資訊及研究成果,以促進科技資訊的傳播及發展。此類型網站本研究稱之為「科技創新」網站,其蘊涵大量關於一個國家科技及創新資訊,也相當程度的反映了該國不論是政府機關亦或是民間機構在科學與科技研究領域的研究現況。若能針對主題網站,以巨觀的角度進行歸納,抽出主題網站的共同結構,將利於網站的建置,此外,網頁處理自動化的第一步需找出網頁內容結構。因此,本研究希望針對「科技創新」主題網站進行研究與歸納,提出盡可能描述大部份「科技創新」網站的網站模型,並針對提出之網站模型採用metadata進行描述。 在網站模型部份,針對「科技創新」網站的內容、服務、展現三部份進行研究。內容部份,提出內容邏輯結構模型,並分析「科技創新」網站所需之內容模版與資料元素;服務部份,針對「科技創新」網站提供的服務進行研究與歸納,分為內容服務歸納與其他服務歸納;展現部份,針對內容展現提出模型,包括網頁的版面幾何結構及版面幾何結構內的內容展現方式。 在網站模型描述部份,針對提出之「科技創新」網站內容模版中選擇三個模版,採用XML(Extensible Markup Language)的文件類型定義(Document Type Definition, DTD),進行描述與建立。 論文提要 I 圖 目 次 IV 表 目 次 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究範圍與限制 2 第四節 研究架構與流程 3 第五節 名詞解釋 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 超本文系統與超本文系統結構 7 第二節 內容與展現 14 第三節 METADATA之意義與功能 24 第三章 研究方法與分析 27 第一節 網站研究架構 27 第二節 「科技創新」網站的定義與範圍 31 第四章 「科技創新」網站分析 36 第一節 網站分析與研究 38 第五章 「科技創新」網站內容模版之建立 61 第一節 XML簡介 61 第二節 內容模版建立 74 第六章 結論與建議 96 第一節 研究結論 96 第二節 後續研究方向之建議 99 參考文獻 101 附 錄 一 本研究之研究網站 103 附 錄 二 組織介紹模版 104 附 錄 三 研討會活動公告模版 106 附 錄 四 研究報告模版 108

我國廠商製程創新活動之整合性探討 / The process innnovation of firms in Taiwan

黃怡芳, Yi-Fang Huang Unknown Date (has links)
處於競爭激烈、產品生命週期短暫和快速變動的時代裡,製程創新活動成為廠商競爭優勢的關鍵因素之一。Pisano(1995)研究指出廠商藉由製程創新活動來強化競爭優勢,包括:加速產品上市時間、加快爬坡速度、提高使用者接受性、強化專利產品地位等,其他學者也認為廠商應該重視製程創新活動,以因應未來的環境趨勢。國內製造業向來以製造能力見長於國際舞台,近年來半導體產業和資訊電子產業的表現更顯示廠商優異的製造實力。儘管如此,有關這方面的研究仍然非常少,因此本研究的目的是探討我國廠商製程創新活動之重要關鍵因素,期望能對這方面進行較為整體性的分析。 根據技術創新相關理論,本研究以技術網路、人員、組織和制度四構面探討半導體產業和主機板產業製程創新活動之重要因素和差異性,所得到的研究發現如下: 1. 製程創新活動可區分為四類型:獨立型、依賴型、主導型和協調型。獨立型廠商傾向於獨自開發新製程技術,依賴型廠商則傾向於透過技術網路提升製程技術水準;在對內和對外的製程創新活動上主導型廠商的整合能力較強,協調型廠商則較弱。 2. 不同製程創新類型有不同的製程知識來源。在來源方面,半導體產業(流程產業)顯示出較集中的現象,主機板產業(非流程產業)則顯得較分散。 3. 與設備供應商的互動關係為製程創新活動之重要影響因素,不同類型的廠商與設備供應商的互動關係不同。 4. 主機板廠商(非流程產業)藉由製程知識輸出來提高外包廠商的製程品質,製程創新程度越高的廠商與外包廠商的關係越密切。 5. 人員的技術和經驗為製程創新活動中重要的因素之一,半導體廠商(流程產業)特別強調研發人員的量產經驗。 6. 製程創新程度越高,廠商的製程技術單位之主導權越大。 7. 製程創新程度越高,廠商越傾向於設立製程技術協調單位。 目錄 / Abstract In highly competitive, short product life cycle and quickly changing environment, process innovation is one of a firm’s key competitive advantages. Pisano & Wheelwright (1995) consider that firms which do their best in process innovation can enhance their competitive advantages, including shortening time to market, increasing ramp-up speed, enhancing users’ acceptance, increasing product’s patent status and so on. Hayes & Wheelwright (1984) point out the concept of manufacturing strategy, consider that firms should escalate the role of the manufacturing division to decision-making on top management level, and claim that competitive advantages which are based on manufacturing capabilities will direct the decision-making process of marketing and engineering in future. To catch up adaptability for the trend of the future environment, other scholars also suggest that firms should actively make efforts to execute process innovation activities. Manufacturing firms in Taiwan display their manufacturing competence on international status, especially in IC industry and in information technology industry. Therefore, Taiwan is always named as “manufacture kingdom”. In the past, industrial firms’ process innovation is mainly thinking about employing cheaper labors and buying newer equipment. However, now they pay more attention to research and develop process technology, to enhance production process integration capabilities, to increase production flexibility and so on. For example, TSMC and UMC in Taiwan have more advanced process technology, which is about at the same technological level as IC industrial leading firms oversea. Their advanced process technology not only creates many benefits but also drives the development of other related industries. Their success shows us that process innovation will bring firms continuously high growing rate and take long-run competitive advantages. By forgoing observation, this paper wishes to discover what makes Taiwan the manufacturing kingdom and how do firms increase process advantages and execute process innovation activities. So the purpose of this paper is to find out what influences a firm’s performance of process innovation and how foregoing factors affect new process innovation and existing process innovation. Utterback (1994) finds assembled product and non-assembled product have different characteristics in innovation activities. Skinner (1992) explores how stakeholders are within their cognizance about a firm’s process innovation, and finds that there are different focuses between process industry and non-process industry. Therefore, this paper will go further to study how foregoing factors influence process performance in process industry and in non-process industry. According to some related technology innovation theories and innovation theories, this paper is conducted based on four key dimensions: technology network, people, structure and management. Then, this paper infers some important items of forgoing dimensions from past studies to build the research framework of the paper. These items in technology network dimension are equipment suppliers, material and component suppliers, satellite factories, group/strategic leaguer/consumer and research institutions. In people dimension, this paper mainly wants to explore how personnel’s skills and experience influence process performance. Structure dimension contains three items, which are organizational structure, task allocation and strategy. This paper lists important items in management dimension, including rewarding system, training & education, information system and coordination mechanism. Because related studies in the past explore only a part of process innovation, this paper employs case study to examine process innovation more systematically and completely. To explore a firm’s process innovation of high-tech industry in Taiwan, this paper chooses four IC manufacturing firms (process industry) and four motherboard firms (non- process industry) as research samples, which have better performance than others in their industry. Moreover, this paper classifies these samples into four groups according to the industrial characteristics and the process innovation level. In the field of IC industry (process industry), Fab-T and Fab-U are famous for advanced process technology and continuous research on advanced process technology. So this paper explores the development of the new process technology in Fab-T and Fab-U, and the improvement of existing process technology in Fab-M and Fab-K. In the field of motherboard industry, MB-A is the only motherboard firm in Taiwan, which has process patents in Taiwan now. And MB-G actively executes process innovation recently, including package and product vibrating tests. So this paper properly classifies MB-A and MB-G as a group with higher process innovation level, and explores their advanced process innovation activities. Then MB-T and MB-E are classified as lower process innovation on lower level group, and this paper explores how they improve existing process innovation. By a series of analysis about primary and secondary data of eight firms, the conclusions of this paper are: 1. There are four types in process innovation: Independent Firms, Dependent Firms, Directing Firms and Coordinating Firms. In IC industry, the Independent Firms almost develops new process innovation alone; the Dependent Firms tend to properly aided by members of technology network to enhance process innovation level. In motherboard industry, the Directing Firms have stronger relationship with menders of process innovation activities, which actively respond to the process technology unit, the Coordinating Firms have weaker relationship. 2. Different types in process innovation have different sources of process-related knowledge. The sources of IC Firms are more convergent, however the sources of motherboard firms are more divergent. 3. One of the key factors in process innovation is equipment suppliers, with which different types have different interaction. 4. Motherboard firms actively enhance the production quality of satellite factories through process knowledge output. Motherboard firms with higher process innovative level have more closely cooperating relation with their satellite factories. 5. The people is one of the key factors in process innovation. IC firms put more emphasis on the mass-production experience of engineers. 6. Whether it is in IC industry (process industry) or in motherboard industry (non-process industry), firms with higher process innovation level tend to give the process technology unit more power to integrate activities among different departments. 7. Whether it is in IC industry (process industry) or in motherboard industry (non-process industry), firms with higher process innovation level tend to set up the technology coordination unit. Finally, this paper has some advises from forgoing conclusions, and wishes to efficiently enhance a firm’s performance and production yields. These advises are: 1. The Depending Firms should do their best to improve relations with members of technology network. 2. To efficiently use resources and to increase performance in short terms, the first thing of the Coordinating Firms should do is to enhance process capabilities, instead of building good cooperative relation with members of technologic network. 3. Firms should set up a special technology-coordinating unit, which can efficiently increase interaction among different departments. 4. Firms should give more power to the process technology unit, so that it can cooperate with other departments more efficiently.

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