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展望理論下機構投資者之動態資產配置 / Dynamic Asset Allocation of Institutional Investors with Prospect Theory

郭志安, Guo, Zion Unknown Date (has links)
機構投資者在現今全球的金融市場中佔有舉足輕重的地位,但是在財務理論的領域裡,他們卻是被極度忽略的一群。本文的第一個部分(見第二章)建構在傳統的期望效用理論之下,進而推導出機構投資者的最適動態資產配置模型。研究發現機構投資者的最適動態資產配置乃是由標竿避險元素與跨期-規模避險元素所共同組成。標竿避險元素述說了機構投資者跟隨標竿投資組合的現象,而跨期-規模避險元素除了為資產配置迷思提供了一個可能的解決之道外,更指出機構投資者會隨著所管理的資產增加而趨於保守。再者,近年來傳統的期望效用理論履遭學者們的質疑,許多實證結果均顯示展望理論更能貼切描述人們的行為模式。本文的第二個部分(見第三章)假設機構投資者的行為模式符合展望理論的公理與假說,進而推導出機構投資者的動態資產配置模型。研究發現當機構投資人處於獲利的狀態之下時,其最適動態資產配置和第二章所得到的結果完全相同,但是,當機構投資人處於損失的狀態下時,他會變得比較積極,持有的風險性資產會大於處於獲利狀態之下時所做的決策。雖然行為財務學已行之有年,但是大家對於損失趨避係數對資產配置所造成的影響所卻知極為有限,本文在此提供了一個參考的模型。本研究發現,損失趨避係數對動態資產配置的影響力會被風險趨避係數、個別投資人對機構投資者績效的敏感度以及機構投資者本身所收取的管理費所抵消掉。此外,近年來金融市場巨幅震盪的現象履見不鮮,本文的最後一個部份(見第四章)假設機構投資者的行為模式符合展望理論的公理與假說,進而在跳躍模式下推導出機構投資者的動態資產配置模型。研究發現在跳躍模式下機構投資者的最適動態資產配置乃是由標竿避險元素、跨期-規模避險元素與跳躍避險元素所共同組成。這個新的元素-「跳躍避險元素」,用以描述機構投資者在面對 跳躍模式所帶來的不同衝擊時所產生的不同回應。本研究發現即使面對相同的投資環境,機構投資者仍然會因為本身所處的狀態不同而有不一樣的投資決策,這個結果迥異於傳統的理論模型,是一個相當有趣且值得進一步研究的議題。此外,本研究還發現損失趨避係數在不同的狀況之下會分別發揮不同的影響力,對損失趨避係數在財務理論上的意義提供了另一個新的視野。 / Institutional investors do matter in financial market, but most of the studies on institutional investors have not determined holdings of different assets by institutional investors. Institutional investors who receive payments and deposits from their customers but they are also subject to withdrawals from them. Compared with individual investors, institutional investors do bear the extra risk that evokes from individual investors. Appling dynamic programming approach, we derive the optimal dynamic asset allocation of institutional investors. In chapter 2, we find that the optimal dynamic asset allocation of the institutional investor with exponential utility function contains two components: the benchmark hedge component and the intertemporal-size hedge component. The benchmark hedge component indicates that the institutional investor takes care of the volatility of benchmark portfolio. The intertemporal-size hedge component provides a possible solution to asset allocation puzzle and depicts that the position of risky assets held by the institutional investor is inversively proportional with its total net managed assets. In chapter 3, we take operating cost into account and find that the optimal dynamic asset allocation of the institutional investor with revised value function will hold more risky assets when she is facing losses, and the sensitivity of loss aversion to dynamic asset allocation strategy is inversively proportional with the absolute risk aversion coefficient, the sensitivity of flow to performance, and the management fee charged by the institutional investor. In chapter 4, we consider both the operating cost and the risk of a sudden large shock to security price into account and find that the optimal dynamic asset allocation of the institutional investor has a further component than that in chapter 3. The further component is labeled "jumps hedge component". Besides, the optimal dynamic asset allocation is divided into four situations that figure the institutional investor with different status quo will make different investment decision. It is a very surprisingly result. Furthermore, we find a very interesting phenomenon that the loss aversion coefficient plays different roles in different situations.


周旭騏 Unknown Date (has links)
群體機器人運動的自動產生,可以應用在可移式機器人群的路徑規劃或電腦動畫中虛擬人群的模擬上。文獻上研究對此運動計劃問題,多以分離式或集中式的方法來解決。分離法是把群體的計劃,切割為多個個別機器人的連續計劃。本論文採優先順序的分離法依序解決個別機器人的計劃;而個別計畫的方法係採用位能場與A*搜尋法,我們並針對群體運動的特性提出改進方案。分離法的搜尋由於受到前面計劃結果的限制,因此缺乏計劃的完整性;相對而言,集中法同時考慮所有機器人的組態,因此可以完整地搜尋整個群體機器人的組態空間。我們首先採用的集中法是以位能場為基礎的隨機路徑計劃法。此法雖然具備完整性,但在機器人數量多時,機器人間的碰撞機會太高,所以計劃所需時間通常較長。因此,我們設計了一個採用階層式動態編隊方式的集中式計畫法。階層式動態編隊就是以球形樹組織機器人隊伍,依照搜尋時的狀況,動態地進行隊伍的分離或合併。同隊伍中的機器人會維持一致的運動方向,因此減少了機器人間發生碰撞的機會,因而改善了計劃的效率。我們實驗比較分離法、集中法、與動態編隊法,並分析各種情況下適合的計劃方法,以提出使用建議。我們並且設計了一個平滑化路徑的方法,將計劃出來的群體運動路徑調整平順,以應用在電腦動畫的製作過程中,自動產生擬真的虛擬人群運動。 / The automatic generation of crowd motions can be used in planning the path of many mobile robots and in simulating the motions of virtual humans in computer animation. In the literature, there exist two categories of approaches to this problem: decoupled and centralized approaches. The decoupled approach divides the planning problem into several sub-problems, each of which is for a robot. In this thesis we have used a prioritized planning approach with an artificial potential field and the A* search algorithm to solve each sub-problem in a given order. This decoupled approach usually is not complete because later planning must be under the constraint of previous planned results. On the other hand, the centralized approach considers the configurations of all robots and can be made complete by searching the composite configuration space. In this thesis, we use the randomized path planner (RPP) with a potential field as an example of the centralized approach. However, this planner is not very efficient for a large number of robots because of frequent inter-collisions between robots. Therefore we propose a hierarchical dynamic grouping method to improve the centralized RPP method. The robots are organized as groups enclosed by a sphere tree structure that can split or merge dynamically according to the environment. The robots in the same group always move with the same direction. Consequently the collisions between robots decrease significantly during the search and the planning efficiency is greatly improved. We have designed extensive experiments to compare the performance of the decoupled approach, the centralized approach and the dynamic grouping method. We also analyze these approaches in various scenarios in order to illustrate their tradeoffs. In addition, we have designed a path-smoothing method and apply the planning result to a production process of computer animation.


吳仁麟, wu,jen- lin Unknown Date (has links)
在歷經開發報禁、有線電視市場興起和網路時代來臨這種種的內外環境的衝擊與變革之後,在21世紀迎接台灣報業的,是看來一場比一場嚴苛的考驗,對外,要不斷提升自身的市場價值,對內,則必須持續的降低成本,更重要的,當經營者意識到市場的基盤有了結構性的變革時,以報業本身的核心資源來發展新營收模式也就成了中外報業經營者共同的重要策略方向。 創辦超過半世紀,佈局全球的聯合報系自2000年前後開始進入另一段全新的戰鬥時期,除了報業的原有競爭對手,更有電波媒體前力分食讀者與廣告各項資源,於是「定位」、「開源」、「節流」就成了這個全球最大民營報業集團的三大轉型手段。 在「定位」工作上,聯合報系開始把競爭對手的範疇擴大到報業之外,甚至把有線電視媒體都設定成競爭對手,同時利用內外整合的方式,把自己從原先的「報業」定位上移到到「知識加值服務業」。 在「開源」工作上,聯合報系加強早年已經開始著手的積極爭取業外營收,進一步的爭取各共重大公共活動的標案與主辦,同時更利用既有的種種核心資源,鼓勵員工多想點子以帶進更多營收。 在「節流」的工作上,除了持續檢討人力,更引進e化工程提高各單位的工作效率。 回顧這幾年聯合報系的發展過程中,許多運作其實都印證了策略管理理論中關於「核心資源」與「動態能耐」的討論內涵,其中又以「2004年台灣花卉博覽會」為最具代表性的創新行動。 本研究發現,聯合報系在花博會中的創新行動中歷經了「事業機會發現」、「資源開採」、「打破組織常規」、「資源整合創新」等策略議題內容,可視為台灣報業為尋求新發展方向一次代表性的創新嚐試,其中的機會與挑戰將不會是單一且暫時性的,本研究的相關結論,或可期為未來台灣媒體產業思考未來發展的參考。 / After pass through the big wave of the “Deregulation of newspaper” 、”Cable TV shocking” and “Internet booming” which all make the newspaper industry dramatically transformation, for newspaper company in Taiwan ,the road ahead is the uncountable tough challenge. So no matter what local and worldwide, all the newspaper company make the effort for both side work so call “cost down” and “value up”, most strategy are focus on the two way necessary , root on the core competence and expands business scope, for this, the company needs to make inner innovative activity , both to relocate resource and structuralize new ability , just like to provide the news service on the web , or the database searching even to start up some new business。 The UDNgroup is the largest private news group in the Chinese world , from about ten years ago in Tawian (UDNgroup headquarter) the company has doing many changing in business operation which is all lock in “ repositioning” 、”expand income resource” 、”cost cut” these three dimension. Especially , in the 2004, UDNgroup as a main business partner of the government of Chiang Hwa county(彰化縣政府) to initial the「2004TFE(Taiwan Flower Expo)」,in this cooperation , UDNgroup has showing many capability of strategy management to decompose the some inner resource and then reassemble some new resource and capability for the TFE. This research is the case study between strategy management of UDNgroup and TFE, to find and understand how can UDNgroup to make a good job in the TFE? And the focus is to know about the factor of “Dynamic Capability” .


林郁棻 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,投資理財已經成為全民運動,昔日的定存族早已不復見,投資人在進行資產配置時,除了希望能有固定的保障本金及配息之外,更希望能在市場走勢看好時同時享有增值的利益,而投資組合保險便能滿足這些投資人的需求,部分的投資者及基金經理人,也開始運用投資組合保險進行資產配置。 為了更進一步瞭解投資組合保險策略實際上的運作及其特性,本研究利用蒙地卡羅模擬法,針對不同市場(多頭、空頭、盤整)以及資產間相關係數不同下(高度正相關、低度正相關),模擬多支股票所形成的投資組合,探討「複製性賣權策略(SPO)」、「固定比例投資組合保險策略(CPPI)」、「時間不變性投資組合保險策略(TIPP)」、「固定比例策略(CM)」、「買入持有策略(BH)」在不同市場走勢下相對的績效,並找出在不同市場下最適合各種策略的調整法則。此外,針對CPPI與TIPP策略提出動態調整風險參數m值的概念(MCPPI、MTIPP策略),試著改進此兩種策略在傳統上風險參數固定不動的缺點。在實證部分,除了驗證MCPPI與MTIPP的績效是否真的較佳,並檢驗蒙地卡羅模擬中模擬適合不同策略的調整方式的結果是否正確。 經由模擬可發現:多頭時期,SPO與CPPI策略以每日調整為佳,TIPP及CM策略以5%落差調整為佳,而且SPO策略的平均報酬最高;盤整時期,SPO、CPPI、TIPP策略以5%落差調整較好,CM策略以1%落差調整較好,期末報酬以TIPP策略為佳;空頭時期,SPO與TIPP策略以每日調整為佳,CPPI策略以1%落差調整較好,CM策略以5%落差調整較佳,期末報酬也以TIPP策略為優。經由實證可以證明,不論市場走勢為何,MCPPI、MTIPP策略的績效均比傳統的CPPI、TIPP來的好,顯示動態調整風險參數確實能增加投資組合的績效;此外,若能正確預測市場走勢,並依照蒙地卡羅模擬的結果選擇正確的調整法則,將能有效的提升投資組合保險策略的績效。 / In order to find out the characteristic and operation of portfolio insurance strategies, this study makes an extensive Monte Carlo simulation comparison of five portfolio insurance strategies (Synthetic put option (SPO), Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI), Time-Invariant Portfolio Protection (TIPP), Constant Mix (CM), Buy and Hold (BH) ) . For each strategy, some measures (average return, standard deviation, protection error and opportunity cost) are calculated to compare its performance. Besides, these strategies are compared in different market situations (bull, bear, no-trend markets) and with different asset correlation (highly correlated, low correlated), taking into account transaction costs and the price limit. The Monte Carlo simulations show the optimal rebalancing discipline of different portfolio insurance strategies in different markets; moreover, via the simulation process, we can find out a dominant role of TIPP strategies in bear and no-trend markets and a preference for SPO strategies in bull markets. These results are independent of the asset correlation. In historical simulations, we bring out an extended method for CPPI and TIPP strategies, called MCPPI and MTIPP strategies, which increase the risk multiplier (m) when market price goes up and decrease the risk multiplier when market price goes down. Comparing the portfolio insurance strategies mentioned above (SPO, CPPI, TIPP, CM, BH, MCPPI, MTIPP) ,we can find out that MCPPI and MTIPP strategies can dominate CPPI and TIPP strategies in all market ; besides, if we can use the optimal rebalance discipline correctly, it will effectively enhance the performance of portfolio insurance strategies. Although in historical and Monte Carlo simulations, we can’t conclude any strategy which is dominant in all market situations, but we can summarize that SPO strategy can dominate other strategies in bull market, and MTIPP and TIPP strategies can dominate other strategies in bear and no-trend market.


張偉智, Chang ,Wei-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構在承做住宅抵押貸款時,面臨兩種風險,分別是提前清償及違約。這兩種借款人風險行為對金融機構的資產管理產生相當大的影響,尤其在不動產證券化的推動上,都是評價證券價格的關鍵因子,因此,討論借款者提前還款與違約行為,是近年不動產證券化領域中重大議題。 借款人決定提前清償及違約與否,除了與借款人特性之外尚有房屋特性與財務選擇上的特性,且有許多影響因子並非維持在貸款起始的狀態,而是會在貸款存續期間內隨著時間遷移有所改變,因此,本文在進一步研究影響借款人行為時,處理時間相依變數,利用動態調整過後的變數來分析借款人提前清償及違約風險行為,觀察借款人特徵、房屋型態及貸款條件等變數與借款人風險行為的關係並進行證券價格MBS的評價。 實證結果顯示,借款人特徵部分並不會影響提前清償但會影響違約風險。且借款者在財務選擇上面,會有落後反映的現象,亦即隨著時間的經過,借款者才會選擇有利於自己的財務決策,且雖然本國貸款為浮動利率貸款,但是影響借款者最深的仍然是利率相關因素,且觀察到借款者對於財務上面的好處比壞處有更敏感的現象,顯示出借款者比較趨近於風險愛好者。 在MBS評價上發現,影響價格的最重要因素在於放款的品質,因此,要真正落實抵押住宅證券化的實行,關鍵在於金融機構必須篩選優良放款進行證券化,才能吸引投資人,增加住宅抵押貸款證券化發行的可行性。


蔡佩君 Unknown Date (has links)
本文為一採行浮動匯率的小型開放經濟體系,在完全預期的預期模式下,我們設立一代表性個人最適化的通貨替代模型。我們採用的模型是以Liviatan (1981)貨幣進入效用函數的模型為基礎,納入Fisher (1983)視實質貨幣為可節省如勞動、資本等其它生產要素的一種投入要素,而將實質貨幣直接引入生產函數之概念,設立一最適化模型。藉以分析當本國貨幣成長率增加時,對外國貨幣名目存量、本國貨幣實質餘額、實質匯率水準等經濟變數的長期均衡與動態調整行為所產生的影響。本文得到不同於Liviatan (1981)的結果,即長期實質匯率水準會上升,而短期實質匯率水準,則有調整不足、錯向跳動和調整過度等現象。

成衣業後配額時代的全球競爭策略 / Global competitive strategy of the garment industry in post-quota era

顏聖育, Yen,Sheng-yu Unknown Date (has links)
配額制度在全球成衣產業運行超過五十年之久,深深影響整個產業生態與供應鍊的模式。WTO於1994年烏拉圭回合談判中決定分十年的時間逐步解除配額管制,並於2005年1月1 日起全面廢除配額。全球成衣產業在配額制度運作的數十年間原已形成穩定平衡的關係,但在配額制度取消之後,不管是受到配額限制或是配額保護的成衣生產國彼此之間的生產優勢均會回歸到最基本的全流程速度與成本的比較,全球成衣市場因此進入更開放、更全面的競爭,成衣生產業者也將面臨更為嚴酸的挑戰。 台灣成衣產業曾有過非常輝煌的歷史,迄今也一直是台灣最重要的創匯來源之一。在歷經1980年代末期至1990年代初期因為產業變遷所造成的淘汰與外移的困境之後,倖存的台灣成衣業者很早就開始進行全球佈局,以供應鍊管理深耕美歐市場,走出自己的一片天。 在配額制度取消前台灣業者已開始針對未來的變化做佈局上的調整,提升生產技術能力,並加強自身與客戶前端協同開發和供應鍊管理的能力,藉由與上下游垂直整合程度的提高,讓台灣業者在後配額時代來臨前已具備有成衣開發、生產至物流配送全流程中的競爭優勢。 本研究主要是以個案分析配合全球成衣主要消費市場的進口統計資訊,探討兩家傑出台灣成衣生產業者在面對後配額時代所採取的策略思維與行動方案,比對其在後配額時代所繳出的不錯成績,歸納出後配額時代全球成衣生產業者在面對降低成本、快速反應與提高服務價值等市場趨勢時所應考量的基本競爭策略。

有機領域的創業與經營模式之研究 / A Study of Entrepreneurship and Business Model in Organic Industry

邱果旻, Chiu, Kuo-Min Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進步,人類藉由大規模機械化耕作以及農藥和化肥的輔助,使得農作物產量大幅提昇,亦使得多數人類得以免於飢餓。然而,現代化耕作方式卻破壞大自然的環境;大幅使用化肥的結果,造成地力耗竭及土質酸化;農藥亦破壞了自然生態以及成為人類文明病的元兇。此種情況下,許多國家及團體於近來均努力提倡回歸自然的生活形態,從最基本的飲食及衣著,乃至於美容、居家甚至健康保健等方面均興起一股訴求有機時尚的生活形態。因此,在消費者需求的一端,以健康及環保為主要考量而對有機產品所產生的需求亦逐漸成長。此種情況下,也造成有機產品相關產業上下游的發展。 過往的研究重點大部分均偏重於有機農業發展因素的探討、行銷相關的發展策略、關鍵成功因素等行銷層面或理論層面的探討,對於組織能耐、動態能耐以及經營模式轉變的動態歷程研究方面著墨較少。因此,本論文研究主要即在探討這兩種機制下的創業過程與管理,以兩家有機創業公司及兩個既有企業之內部創業為研究對象,進行深入的個案研究,同時亦進行此兩種創業機制的比較。期能有一些實務上與學理上的貢獻。 本研究希望瞭解的議題主要可歸納為以下三點: 一、 有機領域既存企業之新創公司的進入方式以及其於面臨內外部條件下所建構的創業模式為何? 二、 有機領域新創事業之創業者的進入方式以及其於面臨內外部條件下所建構的創業模式為何? 三、 兩者在建構新企業後於經營模式上的異同處為何? 本研究採取「多重個案分析」的「個案研究法」,透過深度訪談並輔以次級資料收集的方式,來瞭解個案公司如何運用創業初期內外部的各項條件建立經營模式,並得到以下結論: 一、 有機集團內部創業之新事業發展上,透過相關多角化的方式,有助於集團協助新事業共享集團資源。 二、 有機創新事業之創業者於創業初期利用原有知識以及連結外部資源的方式,有助於核心能耐建構。此外,因內外部條件之限制與自身定位,於進入方式上傾向於選擇建構實體通路。 三、 有機創新事業之集團內部創業與新創事業於發展上,路徑相依性扮演重要的角色。 四、 有機創新事業透過高度連結外部資源的方式,增加自身可運用的資源。 五、 有機創新事業根據自身定位針對利基市場的潛在顧客需求開發相異的商品及服務,有助於價值創造。 六、 有機創新事業透過產品品質確保的方式,有助於潛在風險之降低。 / As the improvement of technology, people gain much more crops and keep most people from starving with the aid of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and large scale cultivation of mechanization. However, the modern cultivation destroys the environment. Under the circumstances, Many Countries and groups advocate leading a natural life. From the basic diet and clothing to cosmetology, living and health caring, people appeal for the organic life style. For the reason, the demand for the organic products is increasing gradually, and makes the development of the related industry. The past research put much emphasis on the discussion of the marketing or theoretical aspects such as the developing factors of organic agriculture, marketing strategies, and key successful factors. However, the research about the organizational capacity and the dynamic process of transforming of business model is less. For the reason, the essay made a research on the organic related firms with the means of case study in order to get new enlightenment and provide some suggestions for the industry and make some contributions for academia. The issues the research wants to know can be generalized into the following three points: 1. What is the entering way the new-established firms of the existing corporations in organic field take, and what is the business model established under their internal and external conditions? 2. What is the entering way the entrepreneurs in organic field choose, and what is the business model established under their internal and external conditions? 3. What are the differences between the two in business models? The research adopted multiple cases analysis and case study to know how the selected firms made use of their initial conditions to establish the business models through deeply interview and secondary data collected. The research got the following conclusions: 1. When an organic group develops the new business, related diversification facilitates the group to assist its subsidiary in establishing the business model with sharing the group’s resources. 2. The entrepreneur of the organic innovative business uses the original knowledge and connects external resources, which assists the firm in establishing the core competence. Besides, because of the position and the restriction of internal and external conditions, the entrepreneur tends to choose to establish the concrete channel in the entering way. 3. The path dependency plays an important role in the development of the groups’ diversification and start-up business of the organic innovative business. 4. Highly linking external resources assists the organic innovative business in increasing the resource. 5. Targeting the niche market to develop products and services assists the organic innovative business in creating values. 6. Ensuring quality of products assists the organic innovative business in decreasing the potential risk. Keywords: entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, organic industry, dynamic competence, diversification


許玟婷 Unknown Date (has links)
各國銀行業可能由於法規限制、經營管理能力與文化傳統上的差異,修正前期成本的調整速度未必完全一致。因此,本研究將Ahn et al.(2000)的生產函數模型延伸為成本函數,利用Translog成本函數衡量東西歐銀行生產成本的調整速度與長期成本效率,比較其成本效率之動態過程。採用一般動差法,分別估計1994到2005年歐洲29個國家,合計262家銀行之成本函數與技術效率。 實證結果得知,在西歐具有成熟的資本市場以及健全金融環境、管理經驗下,生產成本的調整速度,確較東歐各國銀行為快。在技術效率方面,不論在長短期,西歐各國銀行的相對效率值皆高於東歐。此外,東西歐銀行體系皆具有規模經濟與多元經濟之特性。

應用動態剖面導向技術實現用戶之間的委任權限管理 / Using Dynamic Aspects to Implement User-to-User Delegation

黃啟峰 Unknown Date (has links)
對大部分的應用系統來說,在實施系統功能存取控管的同時,若沒有搭配適當的委任或委派權限的機制,將會大大影響系統用戶對存取控管限制的接受度,故本論文針對如何實現用戶間的權限委派進行探討。我們選擇以剖面導向技術開發的存取控管框架為標的,設計出一套模組化的權限委派機制,可以在不改變既有的存取控管剖面的情況下,進行用戶間的權限委派。我們採用動態剖面的技術,並結合個體層次的剖面功能,發展出可以在使用應用系統的交談期間,由用戶動態進行權限委派的啟動與關閉。此一操作方式不僅方便系統管理者進行存取控管與權限委派的設定,也讓用戶在使用上享有相當程度的彈性。我們以AspectWerkz的剖面框架為實驗平台,製作一個用戶間權限委派的展示系統。 / For many systems, access control without proper support for delegation is simply impractical. While access control has gained a considerable attention in the aspect-oriented community recently, delegation has not been properly addressed yet using aspects. This paper presents a simple yet novel approach to implementing delegation using dynamic aspects. This thesis shows that a proper combination of instance-level aspects and dynamic deployment can be used to enhance an aspect-based access control system with dynamic and fine-grained delegation effectively in a highly modular manner. We developed a prototype implementation using the per instance interception mechanism of AspectWerkz to illustrate our approach.

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