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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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動態性合作網路分工與連結管理之研究 / The Study of Job Assign and Linkage Management in the Dynamic Cooperative Network

江政達, Chiang,Cheng-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
由於競爭環境的變化,使得供應鏈中製造廠商與供應廠商雙方的交易關係(supplier-manufacturer relationship)有了重大的改變,由過去競爭的對立關係,轉變為合作的夥伴關係;中心廠與諸多零配件的供應商形成了一個合作的群聚,來共同滿足買方客戶的需求。台灣中小企業組成的綿密產業網絡便是一個相當好的例證,台灣產業網絡的「彈性」和「速度」特質,使台灣企業能夠在市場急速變化、壓力陡增的情況下,及時進行靈活調適,並整合體系內各種可用的資源,創造特有的競爭優勢。 本研究以個案研究的方式,選擇具動態合作網絡特性的營造業作為母體,來瞭解台灣的營造廠如何建立與維繫一個動態性合作網絡?如何進行網絡成員的分工與連結管理?本研究透過兩個實務個案分析,來瞭解動態合作網絡的分工與連結管理的前因與後果,建立觀念性架構與命題,以作為企業經營業者的參考。 營造廠的「價值活動調整」的取決會受到「環境系絡」、「技術系絡」的影響,當營造廠決定其價值活動涵蓋範疇後,將會面臨價值活動劃分的問題,要在諸多的承包商中選擇合適的對象來負責各式專業工項的執行工作,也就是要進行其「委外對象選擇」的安排,接下來最後就是依據承包商的類型的不同,於此稱之為「網絡關係管理類型」,進行分類管理,最後導致不同的「利潤模式」的選擇。 整體而言,個案公司多年來能在環境景氣循環與競爭壓力的衝擊下,不斷地成長茁壯,核心的概念在於其價值活動涵蓋範疇的動態調整彈性,方能擁有足夠的利潤,持續地追求公司的成長。當環境競爭態勢激烈的時候,就擴大價值活動的涵蓋範圍,將工程進行細部的切割,一方面可以跨過大包商直接發包給小包商,自己進行溝通協調的工作,以降低成本,一方面則可以將專業工項的設計規劃、採購活動等納入公司內部執行,減少外包佔比,提升工程利潤;當環境景氣好,訂單旺的時候,就降低價值活動的涵蓋範圍,發大包給承包商來執行,辛苦費時的整合者利潤讓給承包商,雖然單一工程的整合者利潤降低,但是由於可以承接的工程數目變多了,所以在仲介者利潤的擴大下,獲得利潤的成長。 營造廠的策略彈性,來自於其自身的價值活動調整彈性與承包商網絡的建立與維繫。該價值活動調整的彈性來自於自身能力的強弱與完備性,能力越強越完備的廠商,其價值活動調整的彈性越高;營造廠的能力可以分為整合能力與操作能力兩類,整合能力佳的廠商在價值活動細切給小包商的時候,或者在跨專業工項的承包商間的溝通協調上,會有比較好的績效,如期完成工程,減少成本支出;操作能力好的營造商,除了可以選擇性地決定是否要將專業工項相關的價值活動內製外,增加議價能力外,還可以掌握該相關工項的成本結構,控制成本支出。在承包商網絡的建立與維繫上,多元化承包商網絡的存在,除了可以讓營造廠能夠視工程需要找到合適的承包商外,還可以透過創造群與群間的承包商的相互競爭性,來降低對於單一承包商的依賴程度,也增加了承包商間的選擇彈性。 由於工程設計的差異,工程技術的變遷,營造商必需不斷地透過工程案件的執行,向具夥伴關係的廠商學習特定工項的操作知識與技能,提昇自身的能力,也將該操作知識與技能傳授給具團隊關係的廠商,也帶動整體承包商網絡能力的增長。因而,讓營造廠得以在環境競爭與技術變遷的衝擊下,獲得不斷成長的機會,也創造了與承包商網絡同步成長的機會,而得以避免整體策略彈性喪失的可能性。 最後,不同的網絡關係類型的管理代表著不同的利潤模式的創造思維,營造廠對於會員關係類型的承包商將採取採購成本最小化的模式,之於團隊關係類型的承包商將採取交易成本最小化的模式,夥伴關係類型的承包商則採最大化綜效的模式。 / Duing to the changing of the competitive environment, make the relationship between the manufacturing firm and their suppliers from competitive to cooperative. The manufacturing firm and its suppliers form a cooperative cluster to satisfy the buyer’s requirement. The cooperative network manufacturing firms build become one of the important sources of competitive advantage, therefore it’s a significant issue to the management of the cooperative network. From the practical view, the intensive industrial network organizes by the small and medium size enterprise is the important source of the Taiwan’s manufacturing advantage. The nature of flexibility and speed of Taiwan’s industrial network makes the firms could deal with the fast changing environment, and integrate the available resources of the network to create the unique competitive advantages. The industrial network also play a major role for hundred billion of the foreign exchange reserves in Taiwan, no matter what the traditional industry, such as tailoring, shoes, and machine tool industries or high-tech industry as computer, integrated circuit and electronic industries, the specialization and cooperation between industries is more significant in Taiwan than in other Asia countries, such as in Japan and Korea. Therefore, it’s an important issue to know the manufacturing firms how to build up and maintain their dynamic cooperative network and how to do the job assign and the leakage management among members of network. From the theatrical view, the early researches in the intra-organizational cooperative relationships is focus on the dyadic relationship to explain how the power and trust influence the cooperation, maybe how to gain the competitive advantage based on the relationship further. As we know manufacturing firms will exchange their resources with many suppliers, they always make the strategic decision from the holistic view of the network, not the dyadic view. Miles and Snow (1984) argue that the traditional organization will be disaggregated vertically, the way of integrating all the functions in a single organization will be instead of dividing into many independent firms to execute coordinately. They said that a successful company should integrate and coordinate their network members dynamically to achieve the customer’s need. Recently Bovet and Martha (2000) emphasize the important of building the value creating system to support the customer’s need agilely, the network of value system is different from the production line relationship of traditional supply chain, it start by the customer’s need, the manufacturing firms which interconnected with their suppliers, strategic partners, customers, exchange with the network member to acquire the resources they need, such as economic assets, knowledge, intangible benefits, to satisfy the need of customer (Allee, 2000). This study tries to figure out how the manufacturing firm build up and maintain their network dynamically, how they do the job assignment and linkage management, by case study. The two cases selected from construction industry are suitable to present the dynamic network management, by cooperating the two cases, this study establish the conceptual framework and propositions for the reference of managers.


謝士祥 Unknown Date (has links)
虛擬通路中的交易市場,如網路購物、電視購物、傳真購物、網路ATM、及網路銀行的交易量逐年成長,消費者對虛擬通路的交易安全越來越重視,而銀行業者或商家也運用一些安控機制,如SSL安全機制、晶片卡讀卡機、或動態密碼讀卡機等來降低交易的風險,而目前大部分的虛擬通路金流都是透過智慧卡來完成,如信用卡或金融卡,但其交易模式及交易安全機制存在許多缺點及限制。 本研究探討智慧卡結合新興軟性電子技術,所產生的新應用智慧顯示卡,產製動態密碼,用來改善及取代現有智慧卡的交易模式及安全機制,為虛擬通路交易安全性、及使用便利性等帶來效益。本研究也針對智慧顯示卡應用於虛擬通路交易市場中設計新的交易流程,以提升交易安全,及降低交易的風險,如避免資料遭冒用或遭木馬程式攻擊所可能造成的交易損失。並透過智慧顯示卡的應用,整合及取代虛擬通路交易市場中許多不同的安控機制,且讓消費者使用上更便利。


李秀媚 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著預防醫學的觀念興起,加上社會高齡化的現象,使得消費者越來越注重養生、保健,消費者更加追求年輕美麗,期望留住青春的腳步;在這股美容生技的熱潮帶動下,也促使生技化妝品市場的蓬勃發展,國內許多標榜生醫材料與奈米技術的生技公司紛紛加入化妝品產業的行列。化妝品製造業具有進入障礙低、研發投資成本低及附加價值高的特質,因此國內很多企業已開始創立自有品牌銷售生技化妝品,許多傳統企業也以生物科技為號召,多角化投入生技化妝品產業,例如台鹽綠迷雅 (Lu-Miel) 系列、台塑生醫芙堤 (FORTE)系列、台糖的膠原蛋白、台肥的魚鱗膠原胜肽等。這些傳統企業進入競爭激烈的化妝品領域,顯然必須具備特定的核心能力才能夠在國外知名品牌環伺的台灣化妝品市場中,仍佔有一席之地;因此,這些企業要如何運用組織內部的資源條件,持續創新,在動態的環境下建立特定的能力,是個值得探討的議題。 本研究採用Teece, Pisano & Shuen (1997) 提出的動態能力觀點作為理論基礎,來探討傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業的歷程中,如何更新、建構新的能力以因應快速的環境變動。透過個案研究的方式,針對投入生技化妝品產業的傳統企業加以探討,期望能得到新的啟發,並提供實務界參考。 目前國內有關生技化妝品廠商的相關研究主要著重於行銷策略、經營策略、關鍵成功因素等方面之探討,尚無有關生技化妝品廠商在動態能力發展歷程的相關研究。本研究透過相關文獻的探討,包括多角化、動態能力等相關理論,以瞭解多角化進入新事業的動態歷程之相關文獻,並採取多重個案分析的個案研究法,藉由深度訪談及次級資料進行分析探討。本研究之發現如下: 1.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業的動機,主要為掌握市場新機會及充分利用企業剩餘資源。 2.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,因考量營運成本、風險以及新事業可共享母公司既有資源等因素,多角化進入方式以內部投資為主。 3.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,新事業在組織管理程序中的協調/整合方式與原企業一致,新事業於組織管理程序上若要改變母公司以往作法需要長時間慢慢改變。 4.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,新事業安排員工透過教育訓練的方式學習新事業所需之能力,且在人力建構上以沿用舊有員工為主。 5.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,原企業與新事業均能視外界環境變化,並配合公司經營策略,以隨時進行組織重整與轉型。 6.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,新事業傾向於有效運用原企業技術資產,以發展新產品。 7.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,新事業初期考量設備及成本限制,皆委託外界專業代工廠生產;之後隨著銷售量及產品品項的增加,則採取轉投資代工廠或自行設置自有製造廠的方式。 8.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,透過與外界合作有助於新事業技術資產、互補性資產的建立。 9.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,利用原企業聲譽及品牌形象有助於新事業的發展。 10.傳統企業多角化投入生技化妝品產業時,依循路徑相依的特質,與原企業的專屬資產位置及過去的經營策略均呈現關聯性。

動態系統與生育率及死亡率的估計 / Using dynamic system to model fertility and mortality rates

李玢 Unknown Date (has links)
人口統計學家在傳統上習慣將人口的種種變化視為時間的函數,皆試圖以決定型(deterministic)的函數來刻劃,例如:1825年Gompertz提出的死力法則、1838年Verhulst以羅吉斯函數描述人口成長。近年則傾向於逐項(item-by-item)分析各種可能因素,例如:1992年Lee-Carter提出的死亡率模型、目前英國實務上使用的Renshaw與Haberman(2003)提出改善Lee-Carter模型的Reduction Factor模型、加入世代(Cohort)因素的Age-Period-Cohort模型等。但台灣地區近年來生育率與死亡率皆不斷下降,且有隨著時間而變化加劇的傾向,使得以往使用的模型不易捕捉變化。 本文以另一個角度思考生育與死亡變化,將台灣人口視為一隨時間變化的動態系統,使用微分方程來刻劃,找出此動態系統的背後所隱含的規則。人口動態系統的變化,主要來源是出生、死亡與遷移,在建模的過程中,我們先各別針對其中一項,在其他條件不變的情況下,以常微分方程建模,之後再同時考慮各項變動,以偏微分方程建模,找出台灣人口變化的模型。在本文中,我們先介紹使用微分方程模型分別配適與估計出生與死亡。 由台灣地區人口統計資料顯示,不論總生育率或各年齡組的死亡率都有逐漸下降的趨勢,但是每年之間的震盪很大,因此我們提出「二次逼近法」,從出生或死亡對時間的變化率與曲度來估計生育率與死亡率,對於此種震盪幅度較大的資料,可以得到頗精確的估計。唯在連續幾年資料呈現近似線性上升或下降處,非線性的模型容易出現較大的估計誤差,針對此問題我們也提出一些可能的修正方法,以降低整體的模型誤差率。 / Conventionally the change of population is considered as a function of time and described by using deterministic functions. The well-known examples are Gompertz law of mortality (1825) and Verhulst’s logistic growth model (1838). Recently demographers favor stochastic models when analyzing factors in an item-by-item fashion. Since 1992, Lee-Carter model is a most commonly used stochastic model in demographic studies. But empirical studies indicate that the rapid declines in both fertility and mortality rates are against the assumptions of Lee-Carter model. In this study we treat Taiwan population as a dynamic system which changes over time and characterize it by differential equations. Since the changes are from birth, death and migration, we first separately build models using ordinary differential equations. Afterwards the model of Taiwan population can be built by using partial differential equations considering the three main factors simultaneously. Total fertility and age-specific mortality rates in Taiwan decline over time but with shakes between years. Consequently we propose‘parabola approximation method’and apply it to velocity and acceleration of birth or death to solve the differential equations of Taiwan fertility and mortality. Empirical study shows the method allows us to get accurate estimates of mortality and fertility when the data change a lot in a short period of time. But we found the model may over-fit the data at some time point where the function does not seem to be very continuous.

策略回應對專利訴訟和解影響之研究 / A case study on the competitive dynamics for settlement in mobile patent suits

葉君華, Yeh, Chun Hua Unknown Date (has links)
基於智慧財產權對於企業之成長、獲利能力有關鍵性的影響,企業越來越重視智慧財產權的研發及運用策略,有別於以往企業將智慧財產權用在保護自己產品避免被指控侵權,多數企業現在亦將智慧財產權用於干擾競爭對手之商業佈局。又臺灣廠商因智慧財產權佈局較弱,往往係被國際廠商提告的對象,則為免影響企業經營核心事業及避免鉅額之損害賠償,企業傾向選擇與對方和解,本文即係探討倘企業面臨專利訴訟,且經適當之商業評估後,認為與原告和解為最佳的選擇,企業應採取何種方式為自己爭取談判時間,經本文整理後,企業除法律層面的回應—於訴訟中積極答辯、提起反訴或另訴、利用動議拖延訴訟庭審時間,亦可採取商業層面的回應—對外收購專利、策略併購或投資、有效利用友好公司及策略夥伴等,以達到和解之目的。 / Because of intellectual property have key influences that impacts on growth and profitability of individual companies, companies pay much more attention to intellectual property in developments and application strategies. Unlike in the past when most companies use their own intellectual property to protect products and avoid attacks, they use their own intellectual property to interfere with business plans of competitors. As Taiwanese companies are weaker in intellectual property portfolio, leading international companies were often filed lawsuits against them. To avoid being ordered to pay huge amount damages and be able to focus on core business, Taiwanese companies are inclined to settle. This study is focus on when a company evaluates the situation and then decides to settle, the company should take what kind of actions to earn more time to negotiate a settlement. In conclusion, a company can take legal actions such as, defending the lawsuit, bringing the counterclaim, filing another compliant against the plaintiff, filing motions to postpone trial, but also can buy patents, make strategic investments, and make full use of friendly companies and strategic partners in order to reach a settlement.

大連萬達集團的成長路徑分析 / A Study on the Growth of Dalian Wanda Group

古丹, Gu, Dan Unknown Date (has links)
在當今世界經濟快速發展的條件下,企業在面對多變的競爭環境時,需要及時調整、更新企業能力,以維持企業成長。本文在總結前人的研究結果之上,以中國大連萬達集團的成長路徑為例,對企業動態能力的發展及公司成長的角度進行分析。深入探討大連萬達集團的四次轉型歷程,並選取兩個轉型歷程中經典的購併案例深入分析,分別為美國AMC院線和美國世界鐵人公司。透過轉型路徑的分析加上購併為集團帶來的成果研究,得出萬達集團在變化的競爭環境中不斷把握時機,轉變集團定位,並以購併的方式獲得新的集團競爭力,使集團不斷成長。 / Companies need to renew their competencies in order to achieve sustained growth in the changing business environment. In this thesis, I draw on prior studies on firm growth and examine the growth of the Dalian Wanda Group, a large diversified business group in China. I focus on the Wanda Group's four-transformation process, and in particular on its two recent acquisitions, AMC cinema and IronMan Company. The findings suggest that the Wanda Group has been able to develop and acquire new competencies in response to a changing competitive environment, and has been able to achieve growth through domestic diversification and internationalization.

零售業於動態環境中持續成長之關鍵成功因素-以特力集團為個案研究 / Key Success Factors of Business Sustained Growth in the Dynamic Environment of Retailing Industry -A Case Study of Test Rite Group

黃珮鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
企業組織於快速變動且競爭激烈的環境下,為了發展相對應之競爭策略及競爭行動時,必須將動態環境當作考量之重要因素。本研究以特力集團為研究個案,藉由AMC動態競爭模型中之三項動態競爭因子:競爭察覺(Awareness)、競爭動機(Motivation)和競爭能力(Capability),探討台灣零售業廠商如何因應動態環境與其經營策略走向。並延伸動態能耐觀點,瞭解組織在該其中如何調整內外部資源結構,以建構持續之競爭優勢,從而分析特力集團長期穩定獲利之關鍵成功因素。 特力集團因應環境變遷,持續調整經營策略和動態競爭的行為模式,並從中累積動態能耐,取得「國際化運籌佈局」、「生活型態先驅」和「全方位通路佈局」等三個競爭優勢。本研究並發現,依據競爭環境、經營策略,以及執行實務的不同限制與變因,台灣地區零售業的關鍵成功因素亦有其不同之適用性。在相對較為成熟的零售產業中,「供應鏈管理」是主要競爭力關鍵。而「行銷能力」和「品牌形象」能最直接接觸到消費者。另外,在「人力資源」和「資訊化」的部分,將依據產業類型和科技發展,持續精進不同人才需求和資訊流程內容。而朝「顧客導向」之趨勢發展,是零售業於動態環境中持續成長的最關鍵成功因素。

集團跨產業經營關鍵成功因素之探討-以K集團取得C牧場經營權為例 / Critical success factors of corporate diversification-a case study of K group diversifying into the ranch business

林淑芬, Lin, Shu-Fen Unknown Date (has links)

實體通路與虛擬通路下動態能力及智慧資本關係之個案研究 / The relation between dynamic capabilities and intellectual capital under physical channels and virtual channels: a case study

何怡陵, He, Yi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的蓬勃發展,電子商務的興起為消費者帶來新的消費模式。為了拓展客群,企業開始選擇同時發展其實體通路及虛擬通路。隨著知識時代的來臨,若要兼採實體及虛擬通路之優點,企業必須整合並辨識出重要智慧資本,發展出不同的企業動態能力以因應快速變動的商業環境及不同的顧客群。 本研究採用個案研究法,以台灣知名化工原料公司為研究對象,探討企業在實體通路及虛擬通路下,所應發展之重要動態能力、需蓄積之重要智慧資本及相關管理議題。得出結論如下: 一、 個案公司實體通路之重要動態能力共有9項,且支持重要動態能力之智慧資本共有16項。 二、 個案公司設有相對應之管理制度來蓄積實體通路下之重要智慧資本。 三、 個案公司虛擬通路之重要動態能力共有11項,且支持重要動態能力之智慧資本共有30項。 四、 個案公司設有相對應之管理制度來蓄積虛擬通路下之重要智慧資本。 五、 個案公司實體通路及虛擬通路所重視之動態能力及支持動態能力之智慧資本有其相同與相異之處。 / With the rapid developing Internet environment in recent years, the rise of E-commerce has brought a new consumption model to the consumers. In order to expand the customer base, companies begin to develop their physical channels and virtual channels simultaneously. With the advent of knowledge-based era, in order to take the advantage of both physical and virtual channels, companies have to integrate and identify the important intellectual capitals, and develop different dynamic capabilities to cope with the dramatically-changing business environment and different customer base. This research adopts the case study method and selects a renowned raw materials company in the chemical industry in Taiwan as study subject. The purpose of this research is to study the importance of dynamic capabilities of the company, the importance of intellectual capitals and relevant management system under physical and virtual channels. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Under the case company’s physical channel, there are 9 important dynamic capabilities, and 16 intellectual capitals that support important dynamic capabilities. 2. The case company has a corresponding management system to accumulate important intellectual capitals under physical channels. 3. Under the case company’s virtual channel, there are 11 important dynamic capabilities, and 30 intellectual capitals that support important dynamic capabilities. 4. The case company has a corresponding management system to accumulate important intellectual capitals under virtual channels. 5. There are similarities and differences in important dynamic capabilities and intellectual capitals that can support dynamic capabilities between physical and virtual channels.

動態能力對於供應鏈能力與客戶滿意之影響 / The impact of dynamic capability on supply chain capability and customer satisfaction

陳德恩, Chen, Te En Unknown Date (has links)
動態能力(Dynamic Capability)在探討企業面對動態的環境時該如何去適應、調整,以持續維持競爭力。自從被David J. Teece(1997)提出就一直是學者們非常關注的議題。 本研究探討動態能力、供應鏈能力以及客戶滿意度三者之間的關係,其中我們將動態能力再細分為適應能力(Adaptive capability)和協調能力(Coordinate Capability)。根據過去動態能力的研究,我們知道動態能力屬於企業的一種高階能力,它能夠透過影響不同的二階執行面能力(Operational capability)來間接影響企業的表現。過去有學者討論行銷、製造、科技等不同執行面能力,卻很少有學者將動態能力和供應鏈管理兩者做連結,因此本研究欲彌補這中間的空缺。本研究樣本來自第四輪高績效工廠計畫(High Performance manufacturing,HPM),共71筆台灣區工廠的資料,並採用SmartPLS3.0統計軟體分析。研究結果發現動態能力中的適應和協調能力皆對供應鏈能力有正向的影響,且再次驗證供應鏈能力能顯著提升客戶滿意度。此外,本研究還發現越依賴資訊科技的企業,其適應能力對供應鏈能力的影響越劇烈。愈拉近動態能力和供應鏈領域之間的連結。 / Dynamic capability is about how firm should adapt and adjust to retain their competitiveness in this constant changing dynamic environment. David J. Teece brought up the concept, and since then, has been the center of attention for scholars all over the world. In this research, we talk about the relationships between dynamic capacities, supply chain capabilities, and customer satisfaction, dynamic capability is further dissected into adaptive capability and coordinate capability. According to past research, dynamic capabilities are characterized as higher-order competencies, and it can impact firm’s performance through enhancing its operational capabilities, or the second-order competencies of the firm. In the past, many discussions were conducted with marketing capability, manufacturing capability, technology capability, etc., as the operational capability, while few link the concept of dynamic capability with supply chain management, we wish to shorten the gap between the two. Our data came from the fourth round of HPM (High Performance Manufacturing) project, with a total of 71 Taiwanese manufacturing companies. We use SmartPLS 3.0 software to run our analysis. Our findings suggest a positive relationship between dynamic capabilities and supply chain capabilities, an increase in either adaptive or coordinate capability will result in enhancing supply chain capability, while an increase in supply chain capability will results higher customer satisfaction. We further discovered that companies with higher dependency on information technology will have a stronger relationship between adaptive capability and supply chain capability.

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