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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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趙祥亨 Unknown Date (has links)
當前中國大陸的崛起意涵是什麼?隨著中國大陸崛起,當代中國研究成為顯學,學界也提出許多研究途徑,然而,對於崛起強權的本質卻因龐雜的論述而莫衷一是,缺少了系統性地檢驗崛起強權發展經驗的理論,以至於無法對變化快速的中國大陸有更具說服力的解釋。 透過回顧和評析學者,本文探索了權力轉移論與權力平衡論的爭論,以及強權興衰論和國際政治長週期論的辨析,從中提出一個具備「能力」、「意圖」、「結構」、「行為」四變項的崛起強權理論,其目的在於藉由抽取崛起強權發展歷程的核心要素,以觀察德國、美國、日本、蘇聯等歷史案例如何滿足崛起強權理論的假設。在理論的建構與案例的檢證後,以崛起強權理論為經,中國大陸從1991年後冷戰時期的發展為緯,畫出另一當代中國研究的新風貌,力求刻畫中國大陸崛起過程上較具一致邏輯的解釋輪廓。 本文共分為三大部分,第一部分為建構崛起強權理論的分析架構,能力上包括判別崛起與晉身強權的指標,崛起強權與體系第一強權在長時間上相對權力差距變化的推論;意圖上則演繹主要單元和單元的動機強弱和意涵區別,將崛起強權放在主要單元的分析上,延伸相對權力的變化如何造成認知樂觀與悲觀,進而判斷崛起強權對國際秩序的滿意與否;結構上包含闡述構成體系極數的強權必須具備的經濟力量與軍事力量的平衡,否則體系則因失衡走向變遷,並推論體系變遷所含有的結構動態觀念,引導出不同極數的體系變遷造成的國際環境的和平壓力大小;行為上則指涉認知與結構對軍事行為的強度產生的影響,分別為對外動武積極程度的用兵,以及對國際和平壓力反應的軍備。第二部分為回顧距今124年來德、美、日、蘇的崛起經驗,證實了崛起強權理論在歷史案例中的適用性,尤其在軍事行為的強度上如何反應崛起強權認知悲觀的假設。第三部分則以崛起強權理論解釋中國大陸在後冷戰的崛起過程,對其在20年間的「和平崛起」之原因提出新解,並簡要基於2011-2014年的歷史資料,預測中國大陸在短期未來上較有可能的發展路徑。 本文的研究發現主要有三個意涵,第一,重新檢視崛起強權的概念本質,提出具解釋力的分析途徑;第二,補充現實主義典範上對意圖描述的相對缺乏,彌補國家對自身發展的認知和能力變化的關聯;第三,解釋守勢現實主義與攻勢現實主義的理論差異,提出「更動國際體系」的主要單元功能。


胡漢之 Unknown Date (has links)
本文透過特定之賽局設計,欲觀察廠商在相互整合之現象與原因。內文中之賽局有以下玩家:上游有一獨佔之中間財供應商,而下游有兩種不同類型共三家之最終財生產廠商,而其中一間下游廠商之技術優於其他兩家,其生產最終財之邊際成本較低。賽局之設計為一動態賽局,上游先決定是否進行垂直整合,下游將會觀察到上游垂直整合之意願,並將水平整合視為對上游釋放之友善信號,接著上游廠商將對水平整合之廠商,進一步進行垂直整合;若下游未因上游之意願而進行水平整合,則上游廠商將隨機選擇一間下游廠商進行垂直整合。 廠商於互動時,我們加入不確定性並加以計算並分析;首先是廠商間整合時存在不確定性,由於下游廠商之技術水準為一不透明資訊,換言之,無論是上游觀察下游,或者下游廠商間,皆不了解對方之技術水準,僅知技術水準佳與較差的下游廠商之比例與數量,因此在廠商整合時將面臨整合綜效與技術衰退之風險性;另外,在模型中,加入一整合失敗之懲罰額,當技術較差之兩間下游廠商相互水平整合時,將面臨整合失敗之風險。 經試算後發現,根據這樣的模型設定,若下游未水平整合,或者水平整合之雙方生產技術相異,將會排擠技術較差之下游廠商進行生產;此外,我們亦發現,若進一步分析均衡結果,我們發現,不同技術類型之下游廠商,水平整合之成功(失敗)率,以及兩間技術較差之下游廠商整合後之懲罰金額,皆將影響下游廠商水平整合之意願,若下游廠商不願意進行水平整合,上游廠商經衡量後,將不對下游釋放垂直整合之意願信號,此時廠商間之結構將維持原狀。 本文欲透過加入不確定性,試圖找出與前人研究之異同處;而透過本文之模型設定,我們發現了與前人相似之結論,亦即存在上下游之廠商結構中,將有可能出現廠商間完全分離(沒有任何水平或垂直整合發生)之現象。 / This thesis tries to find out the interaction between firms, especially when these firms face the decision of merging. We also try to figure out the reason why these firms try to merge than stay separation. Here we design a game with some specific conditions for firms to observe the process they merge and the outcomes. In this dynamic game, we design 2 layers, 3 kinds, total 4 firms to be the players of the game. Upstream firm has to make decision whether to merge the downstream firms. Then downstream firms try to merge horizontally after they receive the signal that they knows that upstream firm’s willingness to vertical merge. Here we have to kinds of downstream firms, the one who has better technology has lower marginal cost, in this thesis we assume the marginal cost to be zero. The game have 3 downstream firms totally, so the other 2 downstream firms have the same technology and have the marginal cost above zero. While the downstream firms merge horizontally, they face the uncertainty of the marginal cost changes and the rise of fixed cost, recognized as the failure of integrations. Then the upstream stick to its promise to vertical merge, it will tend to merge the downstream firm which had horizontal merge previously. The result is far beyond the expectation we had before we run this model. The inferior downstream firms will not join the game, even they won’t produce any when the superior downstream firms is vertically merge by upstream firm, no matter the downstream firms merge each other. More, the probability of success in horizontal merge will affect upstream firm to make the decision of vertical merge. The game has only two equilibriums in the end, one is all firms stay separately, and the other outcome is one inferior downstream firm will rule out from the game, and other firms will be merge to one firm and become the monopoly firm in the entire market.

動態友誼網絡圖在班級團體輔導上的應用 / An application of dynamic friendship network to class group counseling

陳文崎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以某國中之某一班級學生為研究對象,藉由長時間觀察班級友誼動態網絡圖之變化,來了解班級內同學之間的互動和交友情形。 在研究方法上,兼採量化與質化研究。量化部分,本研究採用自製問卷,自2010年9月至2011年10月,共計進行九次問卷,將問卷以NETDRAW軟體製成動態網絡圖,並以UCINET軟體做資料分析及密度檢定,比較各次問卷之間的友誼網絡密度,是否會受到學校內活動或其他特殊事件的影響;質化部分,配合量化分析結果,以教師觀察、訪談、校園活動事件觀點,分析友誼網絡變化的可能原因,期能成為教師在班級團體輔導上的參考。 根據研究發現,本研究的結論如下: 一、班級內友誼動態網絡圖可幫助導師掌握同學交友情形。 二、學生的友誼網絡及網絡密度可能會受到校內活動或特殊事件而改變。 三、班級內的同儕團體中,男生可分為大團體、小團體,而女生可分為活躍主導團體、非主流團體、內向團體和邊際團體。 四、班級內同儕團體間的互動情形是:女生的界線明顯,互動不多;男生界線不明顯,互動頻繁。 五、男女生的友誼網絡密度不同,其中原因可能是對「朋友」定義的認知差異。 六、導師對於班級內受排擠同學,若未及時處理,則不易立即改變被排擠的現象。 綜合以上,本研究提出的建議如下: 一、未來的研究者,可多以青少年為研究對象,並以量化和質化研究並用之方式進行。 二、導師應即時給予被孤立者協助。 三、可透過不同的分組策略,增加班級內彼此不熟悉同學的互動。 四、導師可透過問卷,掌握學生的交友狀況。 五、學校可以開設交友相關課程,讓青少年懂得如何與人相處。

半導體零組件通路商的價值與動態競爭策略分析 / A Study on the Value and Dynamic Competitive Strategy of Semiconductor Distribution Industry

陳嘉信 Unknown Date (has links)
電子業在近20年來在台灣蓬勃發展,不論是上游的晶圓廠,IC設計,中游的半導體製造業,乃至於下游的電子產品製造業,在全球市場裡皆佔有一席之地。在整個產業鏈之中,半導體製造業在2008年的銷售額達到255 Billions,其中半導體通路商就佔全部銷售額的30%以上,半導體通路商在產業鏈中的地位是相當的重要。 半導體零組件通路商在整個產業鏈扮演著何種角色呢?半導體零組件通路商必然能對上游供應商與下游的電子製造業提供價值,並且具有其競爭優勢,以存活在這競爭的產業,因此本研究採用個案分析方式針對亞洲最大的半導體通路商與日系半導體通路商進行研究探討,主要的研究發現有: 1. 以實際量化的方式半導體電子零件通路商對供應商與客戶的價值。 2. 從半導體產品價值鏈依不同類型供應商/通路商/客戶歸納通路商的策略類型為規模經濟型、技術本位型以及特殊關係型。 3. 規模經濟型、技術本位型以及特殊關係型三種不同類型的通路商所具備的競爭優勢。 4. 在動態的環境下,不同類型的代理商如何跨足其他類型的通路商,並且從成功案例之中了解其策略為何。 / In the past 20 years, Electronics industry flourishing in Taiwan, from the upstream wafer manufactory, IC design, to the middle reaches of the semiconductor manufacturing, as well as in the downstream electronic products manufacturing, both in the global market place. In the whole semiconductor supply/demand chain, the semiconductor manufacturing industry in 2008 achieved sales of 255 Billions, in which the semiconductor distributors accounted for more than 30% of total sales. This shows the important of semiconductor distributors in the semiconductor industry. What is role of distributors in the industry? Distributors must be able to provide value to upstream suppliers and downstream customer – the electronic manufacturing industry, and has its competitive edge to survive in this competitive industry. So this study used case study approach targeting the largest semiconductor distributors in Asia and the Japanese semiconductor distributor to conduct research into, the main findings are: 1. Practical way to quantify the value of semiconductor distributor to the supplier and customer. 2. Base on different types of suppliers / distributors / customers to induction distributors strategy type of the semiconductor value chain. As “Economies of scale”, “Technology-based model”, and “Special relationship”. 3. The competitive advantage of “Economies of scale”, “Technology-based model”, and “Special relationship”. 4. In a dynamic environment, how the different types of agents to branched out into other types of distributors? And identify the strategy from the success stories.

美元本位制下福利與貨幣政策分析 / Welfare and Monetary Policy under a Dollar Standard

賴建男 Unknown Date (has links)
美元在世界上具有獨特的地位,大部份在國際上貿易的商品都以美元做為訂價,Devereux, Shi and Xu (2007)依此情況而把美元稱為國際上的參考貨幣(reference currency)。本文即以美元為參考貨幣的情況,建立一兩國動態隨機一般均衡(Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium)模型來探討在世界經濟體系中,有參考貨幣時,貨幣衝擊對兩國經濟體系的影響,以及當面對外在環境衝擊時,兩國政府應該如何選擇適當的貨幣政策。結果發現,擁有參考貨幣的國家發生貨幣衝擊時,對兩國的產出都有正面的影響,然而非參考貨幣國家發生貨幣衝擊時,反而有以鄰為壑(beggar-thy-neighbor)的效果。而在面臨外在環境衝擊時,選擇穩定通貨膨脹的利率法則對兩國而言都會帶來較好的福利效果。 / The U.S. dollars in the world possess a unique position; the majority of the international tradable goods are priced in the U.S. dollars. This paper sets up a two-country DSGE model where the U.S. dollar serves as the reference currency to quantitatively examine the impacts caused by the monetary shocks, as well as how both governments should adopt their monetary policies when facing external shocks. The results show that there are positive impacts on both countries' outputs when a monetary shock occurs in the reference-currency-holding country; Conversely, there is a beggar-thy-neighbor effect when the shock takes place in the other country. In general, the inflation-targeting interest rate rule leads to greater welfare in both countries.

顧客知識流程、回應能力及組織績效之研究:動態能力觀點 / The study of customer knowledge management processes, response capabilities and organizational performance: A perspective of dynamic capabilities

鍾純勝 Unknown Date (has links)


盧欣怡, Lu, Shin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用政大資管系及風管系所共同開發的動態財務分析模型(dynamic financial analysis model),並測試該模型是否能準確區別出健全的產險公司及喪失清償能力的產險公司。我們進一步地使用羅吉斯迴歸模型分析該模型在預測產險公司清償能力的準確性。 從迴歸模型實證結果中指出在10%顯著水準下所有變數皆不顯著。此結果顯示我們的實證測試無法提供強烈的佐證以支持”該動態財務分析模型能夠準確地預測保險人清償能力”的說法。 根據實證結果,我們建議往後的研究可以使用不同年度的資料,藉由大量的樣本以增加統計分析的準確度,同時改善該動態財務分析模型以符合保險人擁有多種再保安排的實際狀況。在實證測試中,我們發現該模型仍然存在一些錯誤。假使該動態財務分析模型能有效率地消除這些錯誤,我們期待修正後的動態財務分析模型在預測產險公司的清償能力上有更好表現。 / This paper set out to empirically test whether the dynamic financial analysis model (DFA), developed in a joint project of Department of Management Information Systems and Risk Management and Insurance, National Chengchi University, could accurately classify both solvent and insolvent property-liability insurers. We used a logistic regression model to analyze the solvency prediction accuracy of the DFA model. The empirical results indicated that none of the variables were significant at the 10% level and did not offer strong supporting evidence that the DFA model could accurately predict the solvency of insurers. Based on this, we suggest that further research should perhaps use data over different years to increase the accuracy of the statistical analysis, by using larger samples; this may improve the DFA model by coordinating actual situations with various reinsurance arrangements. In the empirical tests, we found that the DFA model still has some bugs. If these bugs can be efficiently deleted, we expect a revised DFA model to perform well in predicting the solvency of property-liability insurers.

手足結構對個人教育及收入之影響 / Sibling Structure, Educational Attainment, and Earnings

王慈君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用華人家庭動態資料庫(PSFD)分別於1999、2000及2003年針對台灣家庭所執行之第一波調查資料,探討台灣地區成年人家庭背景與手足結構對其教育、起薪及多年後工作收入的影響。由於過去台灣文獻探討有關家庭背景與手足結構對個人的影響時,大部分僅探討其對子女教育成就的影響,或是藉由家庭背景對個人教育成就的影響,探討教育報酬之高低,而非探討家庭背景對個人收入的影響。與過去文獻不同的是,本文除了探討家庭背景與手足結構對個人教育成就之影響力外,我們另外加入個人起薪及多年後的工作收入為研究對象,藉由將個人生命週期時間拉長,觀察家庭背景與手足結構變數隨著時間經過,對個人的影響是否有所不同。 對個人教育成就而言,我們發現家庭資源多寡主要受家庭背景變數所決定,手足人數越多,雖然會彼此競爭資源,不利個人取得較高的教育成就,但當手足互助激勵效果大於資源競爭效果,手足的存在可能反而對其教育成就的取得存在正向幫助。對個人起薪而言,家庭資源多寡仍為重要影響因素,但家庭背景變數的影響力已逐漸減弱,手足結構變數則決定個人在家庭資源的競爭上是否存在優勢,競爭失利者將提早離開學校進入職場,起薪相對較低。由於擁有支撐家庭經濟的能力及相同性別的威脅,我們發現女性擁有年齡差距大的妹妹對其起薪存在顯著負影響;男性則基於資源競爭效果,有年齡相近的姊姊對其起薪存在正向影響,有年齡相近的弟弟則對其起薪存在負向影響。 但隨著時間經過,個人工作收入不再受家庭資源多寡影響,家庭背景變數對個人收入的影響力幾乎皆不顯著,原本因手足人數眾多,而需互相競爭家庭資源的情況也不復存在,反而是在成長過程中透過手足互動所形成的個人特質,可能是在多年後手足結構變數仍對其工作收入存在影響性之原因。擁有年齡相近弟妹的兄姊,除了手足情感及互動關係較密切外,在成長過程中由於常被父母要求作弟妹榜樣及擔任弟妹的照顧者,可能因此形成習慣照顧別人,自我要求較高的個人特質,本文發現女性擁有年齡相近的弟妹對其收入存在正向影響,男性擁有年齡相近的妹妹對其存在正向影響;另外,由於哥哥一旦進入職場工作後,自然便成為家庭資源提供者,身為弟妹者可能因此較不需為家庭經濟狀況擔心,本文發現女性擁有年齡差距大的哥哥對其工作收入存在負向影響,男性則因有年齡相近哥哥對其存在負向影響。 雖然教育年數、起薪與多年後的工作收入皆可當作個人成就衡量標的,但從模型的結果來看,可發現其成因與影響方式並不盡相同,若僅用個人教育年數來衡量其未來成就,可能因而忽略家庭背景及手足結構對個人未來更長遠的影響。 再者,擁有高學歷並不代表能在職場上有好的表現,故納入不同時期的工作收入為衡量個人成就的另一指標,應可彌補單以教育程度來衡量的不足。 / This thesis investigates impacts of family background and sibling structure on the future achievement of individuals by the first wave of the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) survey conducted in 1999, 2000, and 2003. We find that family resources determined by parents play an important role on children’s future achievement measured by educational attainment, initial earnings, and current earnings. However, the importance of family background decreases gradually. For example, family background has relatively few effects on individual’s current earnings. On the other hand, sibling structure has persistent impacts on individuals because family resources each child gets decrease with the number of siblings and sibling structures determine how children compete for family resources. We also find that the impacts of sibling structure on current earnings may be due to the personal characteristics built by sibling interactions. Though educational attainments, initial earnings, and current earnings can be measurements of future achievements, most studies in Taiwan only investigate how educational attainments are affected by family background and sibling structures. The thesis can shed some new light on the impacts of family background and sibling structures on initial earnings and current earnings.

《貓與狗》—以網路媒介作品探索數位敘事中的選擇與命運 / “Cat and Dog”: The Creation and Study of Web-based Interactive Storytelling

呂沛軒, Lu, Pei-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
我們的生活中充滿著選擇,尤其在數位科技與網路媒介的影響下,目前更是選擇超載的時代。利用網路進行互動時,當選擇越是超載,我們越是活在麻痺之中。因此,本創作的主旨在於突顯選擇之重要性,意圖喚起「選擇意識」。本創作之形式與內容皆來自對網路媒介特性之觀察,包括網路超連結的結構方式、即時通訊之動圖運用,以及網路圖像之可愛動物偏好,主題則基於最能反映選擇之重要性的人際關係議題,以此進行故事創作。 本創作分為兩大部分,第一部分模擬即時通訊和社群影像日記的介面,透過動圖與體驗者之互動選擇進行敘事。第二部分乃漫畫形式,在互動選擇之後,會有連環漫畫呈現,漫畫紀錄著各種選擇歷程,以此呼應命運是由自身選擇所決定,其不可回溯之特性也強調選擇之後的「命運」。本創作期望體驗者透過漫畫和互動動畫的結合,在觀察兩個媒介之異同時,從中獲得共感和趣味。 / Life has many options, as digital technology and network media rapidly booming, we are living in a world full of choice-making. We usually use Internet to interact with others, but we rarely notice which choice we make. Therefore, this creation and study aims to emphasize the importance of choice-making, and attempts to enhance people’s awareness of that. The form and content of this creation and study are made from observing the features of Internet, including hyperlinks in Internet, animated stickers in instant messaging and adorable images of animal in websites. Based on the importance of choice-making, the theme of this creation and study is interpersonal relationships, and named “Cat and Dog”. There are two parts of “Cat and Dog”. In the first part, the players experience the story with the website which imitates the interface of instant messaging and blogging site, they will see the animated stickers and have to choose the options between two conversations. In the second part, after completing the interactive narrative of the part, the players will get a PDF file containing several pages of comics which records all the choices made by the players. The immobile, static, fixed pages highlight that destiny is decided by our choices. In addition, through the contrast between comics and animated stickers, the players may have fun in observing the similarity and difference between the two media.

貨幣政策對貧富不均度之影響 : 以臺灣為例 / The effect of monetary policy on income inequality: the case of Taiwan

范文俞, Fan, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇文章的目的為,在一個含有銀行信用管道以及兩種家計單位設定的動態隨機一般均衡模型的架構之中,探討中央銀行實施貨幣政策以及技術面衝擊對於貧富不均度的影響。本篇文章主要依據Kumhof, Rancière and Winant (2015)對於兩種家計單位之設定,參考Benigo and Eggertsson (2016)加入銀行信用管道,並參考Lansing and Markiewicz (2016)將勞動內生化以及刻劃收入來源之不同,因而建構出一個封閉經濟體系,內含兩種不同的家計單位、商品生產部門、銀行信用管道、政府之課稅政策以及中央銀行之貨幣政策。本文發現,貧富不均度在面對中央銀行實施緊縮性貨幣政策以及技術面正向衝擊時會暫時性地擴大,在長期時會回到初始的靜態均衡值。 / The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the effect of monetary policy on income inequality using a micro-based dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with credit channel and two groups of households. Following Kumhof, Rancière and Winant (2015), households can be divided into two groups; moreover, we follow Benigo and Eggertsson (2016) to add the credit channel, and follow Lansing and Markiewicz (2016) to make households supply labor endogenously and characterize the difference of income source. Therefore, we build up a closed economy model with two groups of households, goods firms, credit channel, the taxation policy implemented by government and monetary policy implemented by central bank. We find that contractionary monetary policy and positive technology shock will temporarily generate a worse income inequality. In the long term, the economy will be back to the initial steady state.

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