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動態能力對於供應鏈能力與客戶滿意之影響 / The impact of dynamic capability on supply chain capability and customer satisfaction陳德恩, Chen, Te En Unknown Date (has links)
動態能力(Dynamic Capability)在探討企業面對動態的環境時該如何去適應、調整,以持續維持競爭力。自從被David J. Teece(1997)提出就一直是學者們非常關注的議題。 本研究探討動態能力、供應鏈能力以及客戶滿意度三者之間的關係,其中我們將動態能力再細分為適應能力(Adaptive capability)和協調能力(Coordinate Capability)。根據過去動態能力的研究,我們知道動態能力屬於企業的一種高階能力,它能夠透過影響不同的二階執行面能力(Operational capability)來間接影響企業的表現。過去有學者討論行銷、製造、科技等不同執行面能力,卻很少有學者將動態能力和供應鏈管理兩者做連結,因此本研究欲彌補這中間的空缺。本研究樣本來自第四輪高績效工廠計畫(High Performance manufacturing,HPM),共71筆台灣區工廠的資料,並採用SmartPLS3.0統計軟體分析。研究結果發現動態能力中的適應和協調能力皆對供應鏈能力有正向的影響,且再次驗證供應鏈能力能顯著提升客戶滿意度。此外,本研究還發現越依賴資訊科技的企業,其適應能力對供應鏈能力的影響越劇烈。愈拉近動態能力和供應鏈領域之間的連結。 / Dynamic capability is about how firm should adapt and adjust to retain their competitiveness in this constant changing dynamic environment. David J. Teece brought up the concept, and since then, has been the center of attention for scholars all over the world. In this research, we talk about the relationships between dynamic capacities, supply chain capabilities, and customer satisfaction, dynamic capability is further dissected into adaptive capability and coordinate capability. According to past research, dynamic capabilities are characterized as higher-order competencies, and it can impact firm’s performance through enhancing its operational capabilities, or the second-order competencies of the firm. In the past, many discussions were conducted with marketing capability, manufacturing capability, technology capability, etc., as the operational capability, while few link the concept of dynamic capability with supply chain management, we wish to shorten the gap between the two. Our data came from the fourth round of HPM (High Performance Manufacturing) project, with a total of 71 Taiwanese manufacturing companies. We use SmartPLS 3.0 software to run our analysis. Our findings suggest a positive relationship between dynamic capabilities and supply chain capabilities, an increase in either adaptive or coordinate capability will result in enhancing supply chain capability, while an increase in supply chain capability will results higher customer satisfaction. We further discovered that companies with higher dependency on information technology will have a stronger relationship between adaptive capability and supply chain capability.
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台灣軟體產業技術知識網路和組織動態能耐研究:以趨勢科技公司為例 / A Study on Technical Knowledge Network and Organizational Dynamic Capability of Taiwan's Software Industry : Using Trend Micro, Inc. as an Example賴義龍, Lai, Yi-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
六、在Internet時代,因應科技變化,發展網際網路化(Weblization)技術知識,融合擴張以建構專屬核心能力。讓顧客能力成為組織技術知識的來源。並能乘科技興起之勢(Free Energy),創新商業模式,發揮善用組織知識,創造企業全新價值。
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內生性經濟成長與國際貿易 / Endogenous Growth and International Trade謝戎峰, Hsieh, Long Fon Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是在探討在部門間是固定規模報酬的情況下,傳統的Oniki-Uzawa外生成長模型及現代內生性成長模型,包括Bond,Wang and Yip(1996)、Mino(1996)之兩財模型及Stokey and Rebelo(1995)之三財模型下,均衡成長率的決定與其動態調整過程,並分析比較小國封閉和開放體系下,此二者之異同。
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從OEM/ODM到OBM的轉型之研究–動態能力的觀點 / Industrial firms' Transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM: The perspective of dynamic capability徐伊嫻, Hsu, I Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
台灣企業早期主要是扮演協助國際品牌大廠生產代工的角色,隨著廠商不斷地累積本身能力,提升給予客戶的附加價值過程中,台灣企業也由以裝配技術為主的原廠委託製造(Original Equipment Manufacturing,OEM)轉變為具有設計能力的原廠委託設計製造(Original Design Manufacturing,ODM)。但是近年來,台灣的低成本優勢已逐漸被新興市場所取代,加上產業發展成熟後,毛利率持續下探,代工廠商就成為品牌商為了維持獲利而犧牲的對象。因此,產業升級的概念開始受到重視,其中由代工轉型升級至自有品牌一直是產官學界最關注的話題之一。
6.企業從OEM/ODM轉型為OBM的過程中,其全球總部會扮演資源協調整合與績效評估的監督管理角色;對於購併取得的品牌或通路,會授權其在地經營團隊自主經營。 / Taiwanese industrial firms in the early days played roles as facilitating manufacturers of OEM brands. As the manufacturers continued to accumulate their ability by enhancing the added-value they can provide to customers, they transferred from Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) to Original Design Manufacturing (ODM). However, Taiwan has lost its low cost advantage to emerging markets recently. Also, brand owners edged contract manufacturers’ gross margin lower to maintain their profitability when the industry got matured. Hence, the concept of industrial upgrading began to receive attention, including the transformation from OEM to own brand which is the most concerned topic of government and academia.
In the past, most researches related to brand management focus on strategic level such as brand development strategy and key success factors, relation between brand and performance, or marketing channel construction which is one of the key success factors to develop own brand. Only small number of study investigates the practical transformation process of industrial firms from OEM/ODM to OBM. Thus, this study majorly focuses on the dynamic constructing process of marketing capability of industrial firms which have transformed from OEM/ODM to OBM successfully and aims to investigate following questions: 1. What are the motivations of industrial firms which decided to transform from OEM/ODM to OBM? 2. How did these firms develop new capability to adapt environment during their transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM?
The preliminary research findings include:
1.The motivations of firms which have transformed from OEM/ODM to OBM are sustainable operation and to get rid of OEM dilemma. The purpose behind is to increase added-value of business. Meanwhile, the firm take transformation into consideration when the OEM/ODM business still operates stably.
2.During transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM, the way firms develop new ability is affected by their past pathes and operating strategies. They advance organization capability through internal traning and organizational procedures design.
3.During transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM, firms emphasize on cultivating “capability of developing new product”, and assign R&D team to take charge of developing critical technology related to future products to maintain their competitive advantage in product and technology.
4.During transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM and among activities related to international operations, firms adopt a "regional division of labor and joint development" approach when developing new products, to increase target consumers’ acceptance to new products.
5.Industrial irms can transform from OEM/ODM to OBM in many ways. Through merge and acquisition, firms can get brands and channels quickly. It is a key to merge and acquisition successfully if the purpose of the firm’s acquisition is clear.
6.During transformation process from OEM/ODM to OBM, firms’ global headquarters play a role of supervision and management, such as coordinating and integrating resources, also performing assessment; as for acquired brand or channels, local teams are fully authorized to operate in their own decisions.
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以動態能耐觀點探討半導體通路商T公司多角化投入太陽能產業之發展歷程 / A case study of the T-company, material distributors in semiconductor industry diversify to the solar industry: Dynamic Capabilities Theory蔡立夫 Unknown Date (has links)
節能與環保是當今世界各國共同要面對的課題,而解決此人類共同難題所孕育而生的太陽能綠色產業是未來世界的潮流與希望,世界各先進國無不大力推展。而台灣向來致力於高科技產業發展,對於這未來的科技趨勢與產業大餅,從半導體代工、液晶面板及系統模組製造的科技大廠紛紛積極相繼投入。而本研究以半導體通路商T公司為例,以一個營業額百億規模的中型企業,由半導體矽晶圓銷售,切入太陽能矽原料買賣市場,進而建立自有太陽能模組品牌,並在歐洲市場有成功的市場實績,探討個案企業如何成功轉型,並在太陽能產業的新市場中取得競爭優勢。茲提出以下討論問題:1. 半導體通路商跨足太陽能產業的多角化動機與策略思考為何?2. 半導體產業轉型(多角化)跨足至太陽能產業的動態能耐發展及成功因素為何?希望藉此了解企業的多角化策略思考以及如何運用或產生新的能力順利跨足新事業領域。
結論五:策略選擇會對企業本身動態能耐造成影響,當企業的經營形態改變,會使公司專屬資產地位的優/劣勢產生變化。 / Nowadays, shortage of crude oil and global warming are major issues that every country in the world must to confront. To solve these problems, all advanced industrial countries are making a lot of efforts in researching and developing alternative energies, including solar energy, which is taken as one of the most effective and mature solutions at the moment.
High-tech industries have been well developed and prosperous in Taiwan during past decades. To take the trend of solar energy, many leading companies in semiconductor, LCD panel and computer system manufacturing industries are actively participating in solar industry.
This research is to take T-company, one of the major material distributors in semiconductor industry, as example to study how it succeeds in diversification and gets advantages in the new market of solar industry.
The major two subjects in this research are as below:
1. What are the motives and strategies for a semiconductor distributor to diversification in order to enter solar industry?
2. What are the success factors and dynamic capabilities needed when a company transforms or diversifies itself from semiconductor industry to solar industry?
Case-study method is applied in this research to analyze the actions taken by T-company. To track the diversification and the changes of resources/ capabilities in T-company, the analysis of dynamic capabilities are divided into three dimensions: “organization and managerial processes”, “positioning” and “path of growth”.
As a result, the conclusions of this research are as below:
1. The motives of business transformation/ diversification are to ensure the growth and sustainability of corporation. To continue the successful experience, transformation or diversification to related industry is often chosen.
2. In the transformation/ diversification, systems and processes of new business often follow the original ones. As to human resource and professional training, external resources are preferred.
3. Regarding organization positioning, in the initial stage of diversification, the new business has the advantages of using existing resources and reputation to speed up to success. However, the existence of advantages will depend on the industrial situation in the long run.
4. On the paths of enterprise growth, the experiences of strategy adjustment are positively helpful when the corporation goes diversification.
5. The choice of business strategies will influence the dynamic capabilities of a company. When the business model is changing, the advantages/ disadvantages of company exclusive assets will also change.
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臺灣年輕家戶之住宅權屬選擇-世代分析 / The housing tenure choice for young people in Taiwan:generation analysis黃靖容 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用「華人家庭動態資料庫」RI1999與RI2003兩年資料,以多元羅吉特模型 (Multinomial Logit Model),探討27歲至46歲的年輕家庭對於住宅權屬 (自有房屋、租屋、父母所有房屋) 的決策。
文中主要針對不同世代之重大生命歷程事件 (結婚生子) 對住宅權屬選擇的影響差異進行比較分析。研究結果發現,生命歷程事件 (結婚生子) 對自有房屋的影響力隨世代不同已逐漸減弱,但住在父母所有房屋的傾向卻愈來愈強烈。然而,小孩個數愈多,住在父母所有房屋機率增加、自有機率下降,婚後住宅權屬發生改變的機率也會增加。此外,研究亦發現,對新生代家庭來說,都會區家庭自有房屋的機率比非都會區家庭高,更凸顯出原生家庭的資源與支持對新生代家庭的重要性。
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行銷動態能力、行銷生產力、潛規則與績效之關係─以大陸台商為例 / The relationship among marketing dynamic capability, marketing productivity, hidden rules and firm performance - Taiwanese companies in China郭斯敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大陸台商為研究對象,欲了解行銷動態能力、行銷生產力以及地主國市場之潛規則對競爭優勢及績效之影響。本研究以行銷動態能力為出發點,探究企業欲創造競爭優勢及績效所應考量之中介變數,以及當企業在進行海外直接投資時,所面臨之環境所帶來之調節效果,來建立本研究整體架構。由於研究對象為大陸台商,為提升問卷回收效率及效果,本研究樣本架構採用便利抽樣及滾雪球之方式, 主要發放對象為大陸台商高階經理人,涵蓋國立政治大學台商班、EMBA班、校友會、研究人員相關人脈,整體回收對象擴及製造業及服務業,總回收份數為67份,扣除填答不完全者,有效問卷共63份。本研究以成對樣本t檢定及迴歸模型驗證假說,研究結果發現行銷生產力在研究架構中具有重要中介意義,行銷動態能力不僅被視為能耐,更能轉化為台商的行銷資產,並且透過行銷資產的投入,愈能有效運用其資產以產出有效果之行銷生產力,愈能提升其競爭優勢與績效,且潛規則的調節效果,更凸顯行銷生產力的重要性,台商應更重視政治利害關係人所帶來的影響並應加以管理,當台商同時能夠愈有效利用潛規則顯性管理工具管理社會-政治利害關係人時,愈能夠強化行銷生產力提升競爭優勢與績效的效果,且政治利害關係人對台商造成經營上的影響程度,顯著高於非政治利害關係人所造成之影響,因此台商應將管理工具資源投入較高比重上放在政治利害關係人之管理上。
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網路通訊IC公司因應破壞性創新之競爭策略陳瑞成 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 由於WLAN與有線區域網路在價值網絡上產生了重疊,使得有線通訊IC設計的在位者將之吸納收編,用它來互補於有線區域網路的技術上,使其服務可以更彈性、通訊範圍可涵蓋得更全面。而在有線區域網路的市場在位者吸納收編WLAN之後,原來採取破壞性創新WLAN的IC設計業者也會在市場共同性的因素下,反吸納收編有線區域網路IC設計在位者的技術。
2. 無線寬頻(行動寬頻)通訊一開始並無與有線寬頻網路在價值網絡上產生了重疊,然其光是行動語音通訊的龐大市場就吸引了有線寬頻網路的IC設計業者投入該領域將之吸納收編。但是並非每一個有線寬頻網路的IC設計業者對有能力將行動寬頻的技術給吸納收編,主要為行動寬頻的技術、資金門檻極高。另外,在FMC的發展下,有線與無線的市場共同性愈來愈高,在有線寬頻網路不斷地吸納收編行動寬頻的技術之後,這也使得原來採取破壞性創新的行動通訊IC設計業者也得反吸納收編有線寬頻網路在位者的技術,發展並取得與在位者相似的資源,使其在漸漸提高的市場共同性下,提供具有競爭力且功能相似的產品解決方案。
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財政政策與主權債務危機 / The sovereign risk and the fiscal policy蕭瀚屏, Hsiao, Han Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在次級房貸風暴之後,各國赤字大幅增加。如希臘與愛爾蘭,其主權債務違約風險皆大幅升高。面對這樣的困境,政府該如何實施財政政策,以防止主權債務危機的發生?本篇文章在DSGE模型之下,以Uribe(2006)的設定為基礎架構,額外增加了產出方程式以使國家產出能由模型內生決定。並加入了政府支出與產出之間的關係式,以討論在面對正的景氣衝擊與負的景氣衝擊時,政府使用正向景氣循環政策和負向景氣循環政策對於政府倒債率的影響。最後發現當政府使用負向景氣循環政策和較弱的順向景氣循環政策時,政府的倒債率會和技術衝擊有反向的關係。而當政府使用較強的順向景氣循環政策時,政府的倒債率會和技術衝擊有正向的關係。從此結果,我們推論在後金融海嘯時期,希臘與愛爾蘭等國家,應使用較強的順景氣循環政策以降低其主權債務危機的發生機率。 / After the subprime crisis, many government deficits rose sharply, especially Greece and Ireland. Their default rate rose greatly than before. Under this difficult situation, what kind of fiscal policy should the government enforces to prevent it from bankruptcy? We follow the model in Uribe (2006) as our framework but adding the production function and the government expenditure function to analyze the effects of different fiscal policies on the government default rate. The results tell us that when the government uses countercyclical fiscal policy and weak procyclical fiscal policy, the change of the default rate is opposite to the technical shock. On the contrary, when the government uses strong procyclical fiscal policy, the default rate is positive relation with the technical shock. This implies that governments, such as Greece and Ireland, should use strong procyclical fiscal policy to reduce their sovereign risk under the recession.
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亞洲國家金融海嘯前後股票債券報酬率動態相關性分析-應用AG-DCC GARCH模型 / Asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation of Asia stock and bond returns彭筠珈, Peng, Yun Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究應用Cappiello, Engle and Sheppard(2006)提出的AG-DCC GARCH模型(Asymmetric Generalized Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH),探討亞洲國家股票與債券市場的動態相關性變化。除了股票市場間報酬相關性的變化之外,同時考量危機發生時可能有flight-to-quality效果,而將台灣、韓國日本之債券市場進行研究,並將資本市場面對正面與負面衝擊時,所可能產生之不同反應納入評估,並採用國際投資者常作為投資參考的MSCI指數與J.P.Morgan指數作為研究資料來源。
研究發現台灣、中國、韓國及日本的股票指數與台灣、韓國及日本的債券市場的相關係數會隨時間變動而變動,並進一步藉由AG-DCC GARCH發現各指數在金融海嘯前後的相關係數趨勢且市場間在金融海嘯後動態相關性有顯著的差異。
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