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探討即時通訊之使用動機、使用行為與滿足之關係古明泓 Unknown Date (has links)
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國軍人員參與在職進修動機取向及其自我效能、工作績效之研究 / The Influence of Studying Motivation on Self-efficacy and Work Performance for Military Officers方雪玲, Fang, Hsueh Ling Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:國軍人員、在職進修、進修動機、自我效能、工作績效 / The purpose of this research is to probe the relationship among learning motivation, self-efficiency and job performance for military officers who participate in the in-service learning program of master degree or related credit class. Based on the literature review and theoretical inference, this research argues that learning motives of participant will influence learning self- efficiency and, further more, his or her job performance. Accordingly, this research proposes and tests five hypotheses by way of field data.
The research methodology is mainly the survey approach and the design of questionnaire is according to the research framework based on the literature and hypotheses. By convenience sampling approach, 200 questionnaire mails were sent to the military officers in northern part of Taiwan and 151 effective questionnaires were received with the valid response rate of 79.50%.
The result shows that the learning motivation of program participant has significant impact on self-efficiency and job performance. Among these motivations, the higher of ‘pursuing achievements’, ‘growing recognition’, ‘professional development’, ‘social relationship’, and ‘external expectation’, the higher of self-efficiency and the better of job performance. Furthermore, the study also finds that the learning motivations are multifaceted and correlated with each other.
At present, it is rare to study the relationships among learning motivation, self-efficiency, and job performance about military officers. The result of this study, therefore, offers a meaningful mirror for military department to consider the improvement of life-learning program. In addition, this study makes a great contribution in terms of the theories about learning motivation and self-efficiency.
Key word: military officers, in-service learning, learning motivation, self-efficacy, job performance
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國中學生文化資本、同儕互動及內化判準對寫作動機與作文品質的影響 / The influence of cultural capital, peer interaction and writer's internalized criteria on writing motivation and composition quality of junior high school students黃郁婷 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:文化資本、同儕互動、內化判準、寫作動機、作文品質 / Low writing motivation and inferior composition quality has been a general phenomenon for current junior high students. In view of school as the main learning field, this research is to investigate how writing motivation and composition quality are related with cultural capital, peer interaction as well as writer’s internalized criteria, how the writing motivation is predicted by cultural capital, peer interaction as well as writer’s internalized criteria, and how the composition quality is predicted by cultural capital, peer interaction, writer’s internalized criteria and writing motivation.
There are 163 students of grade 8 joining in this research. Five self-reported questionnaires, which are “cultural capital scale”,“peer interaction scale”,“writer's internalized criteria scale”, “writing motivation scale” and “composition quality scale” , designed by the researcher, were utilized to measure each variable respectively. Factor analysis, Cronbach alpha, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson relation coefficient, canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression were conducted to validate the questionnaires and verify the hypotheses.
The results were as follows:
1. The more cultural capital, the higher the writing motivation were. However, cultural capital was not related with composition quality.
2. The junior high students, who interacted with classmates more frequently, have higher writing motivation and better composition quality.
3. The more important students identified the writing criteria, the better composition quality were.
4. When students owned higher writing motivation, their compositions also have better quality. Besides, when students have higher informational extrinsic motivation, their compositions were found more novel. However, neither of the intrinsic writing motivation nor controlling extrinsic motivation impacted the novel performance.
5. Both identified writing criteria and cultural capital were able to predict writing motivation significantly, the former variable is the most important one.
6. Composition quality was able to be explained by identified writing criteria, information extrinsic motivation and peer interaction significantly. Identified writing criteria is the most important variable among them.
Based on our results, several suggestions were raised for the practical application of teachers.
1. The campus should be generated as an abundant linguistic surroundings and the school should encourage students to utilize those resources more frequently. Besides, school should inspired students to participate the various activities so as to enrich the living experiences.
2. The writing community should be encouraged to establish for sake of share of learning experience. The discussion regarding living experiences among classmates should also be promoted.
3. To help the students mater the critical principles and standard in writing field.
4. To generate both intrinsic and informational extrinsic motivation for junior high students.
Keywords: cultural capital, peer interaction, writer's internalized criteria, writing motivation, composition quality
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數學焦慮認知與情意影響數學內在動機、自我概念與成就之模式:以PISA 2003香港資料為例林姿諭, Lin, Zih-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用PISA 2003資料庫為例,說明數學焦慮之認知與情意,如何影響學生數學內在動機、自我概念與成就的機制。本研究的研究對象,為香港十五歲學生,並採取整列剔除法(listwise deletion)刪除作答不全的缺失值與極端值,共計取得有效樣本為4,397人,其中男生2,168位,女生2,229位。研究結果顯示:第一、數學焦慮之認知與情意模式獲得驗證;第二、數學焦慮之認知與情意除了直接影響數學成就之外,還能經由數學內在動機與自我概念,對數學成就產生間接影響。 / The purpose of the present study was to assess the influence of mathematics anxiety (including the cognitive and affective dimensions), mathematics intrinsic motivation, and mathematics self-concept on mathematics achievement. Participants were 4,397 9th-grade students from Hong Kong who attended PISA 2003 study. The results of confirmatory factor analyses supported the theoretical distinction between cognitive and affective dimensions of mathematics anxiety. The analysis of structural equation modeling confirmed that the cognitive and affective dimensions of mathematics anxiety can predict mathematics achievement through the mediating effect of mathematics intrinsic motivation and mathematics self-concept.
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研究生學術動機歷程模式之建構彭月茵 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 以希望信念、師徒功能與意義建構為自變項、以學術熱情與情緒調節能力為中介變項、以學術動機為依變項所建構的路徑模式獲得支持。亦即學術熱情與情緒調節能力會直接影響學術動機;希望信念、師徒功能與意義建構能力則會透過學術熱情與情緒調節能力間接影響學術動機。
二、 參與研究生具有希望信念、知覺到良好的師徒功能、具備意義建構與情緒調節能力、擁有學術熱情與動機。
三、 男性研究生的學術動機高於女性研究生。
四、 已畢業之碩士生的希望信念、所知覺到的師徒功能與意義建構能力均優於全職碩士生。
五、 博士生的希望信念、所知覺到的師徒功能、意義建構能力、學術熱情、情緒調節能力與學術動機皆優於碩士生。
六、 教育學院研究生之希望信念與學術熱情皆高於工學院研究生。
最後,根據本研究主要發現提出若干意見,以提供相關單位與人員在教育以及學術研究上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the interactive relationships of graduate students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, ability of meaning making, academic passion, and ability of emotion regulation, and further, how these variables might influence their academic motivation. The participants in this study were 1028 graduate students in Taiwan. Among the participants, 366 were males and 662 were females. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Hope, the Inventory of Mentoring Function, the Inventory of Meaning Making, the Inventory of Academic Passion, the Inventory of Emotion Regulation, and the Inventory of Academic Motivation. The collected data was analyzed by one-way MANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows:
1. The graduate students’ academic passion and ability of emotion regulation had direct effects on their academic motivation; moreover, the graduate students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, and ability of meaning making had indirect effect on their academic motivation via academic passion and ability of emotion regulation.
2. The graduate students had an above-average level of belief in hope, academic passion, and academic motivation. Moreover, they perceived good mentoring function and had good ability of meaning making as well as emotion regulation.
3. Males had stronger academic motivation than females.
4. Graduated students had stronger belief in hope, perceived better mentoring function, and had better ability of meaning making than full-time students.
5. Doctoral students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, ability of meaning making, ability of emotion regulation, academic passion, and academic motivation were better than those of master students.
6. Graduate students in College of Education had stronger belief in hope and academic passion than those in College of Engineering. Finally, the researcher proposed a few suggestions for education and academic research.
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台灣失業率與犯罪關係之初探—不同模型之比較 / Exploration of the relationship between unemployment rate and crimes in Taiwan:A Comparison between Models魏大耕 Unknown Date (has links)
在過去研究犯罪經濟學的理論文獻上,失業率對各犯罪類型的影響為正向關係,但在實証文獻上的研究發現,卻有愈來愈多的証據支持此二個變數間的負向或無關係。為了解釋上述正向與負向間相反的矛盾關係,本篇論文嘗試利用兩種模型(非參數與非參數模型)與兩種效果(機會效果與動機效果)來解釋此二變數間的關係,此亦是本論文主要貢獻。其中機會效果是用以解釋失業率與犯罪間的負向關係,動機效果則用以解釋正向關係。在非參數模型中,利用失業率為景氣循環的代理變數,發現失業率與竊盜間存在正向關係,此與大多實証研究相符;失業率則和妨害風化與殺人犯罪間呈現負向相關;失業率與傷害罪間則沒有明顯正負關係。研究亦顯示,不同的犯罪類型在不同的參數模型下,統計的顯著性亦有不同,而在不同年齡層(青少年與成年人)的犯罪模型則更與理論模型結論相符。 / According to the theoretical literature on criminal economics, unemployment rate tends to be positively correlated to all types of crimes. However, more and more empirical evidence suggests otherwise. In order to clarify the relationship, this study exploits both nonparametric and parametric models and considers two effects, including opportunity and motivation effects. The presence of the opportunity effect leads to be a negative correlation between unemployment rate and crimes, while the presence of the motivation effect gives a positive correlation. Under nonparametric model where unemployment rate is used as a proxy for business cycles, we only found that there is positive correlation between unemployment rate and robbery, while obscenity and homicide are found to be negatively correlated with unemployment rate. This is in line with most empirical studies. Little correlation evidence is found for unemployment and other types of crimes. Under parametric model, the study indicates that the statistical significance differs in models, and depends on crime variable used. We found more consistent results with theoretic models for the age groups (teenagers and adults).
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企業對產品責任保險需求因素之分析-以我國上市公司為例 / On the Corporate Demand for Product Liability Insurance: Evidence from Listed Compaines in Taiwan黃慧琳, Huang,Hui Lin Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,企業交易對象(買方)的要求、產品風險理財因素和產品市場行銷因素為影響上市公司投保產品責任保險之決定因素,呈顯著正向關係。另外,當上市公司過去曾發生過產品損害事件時,對產品責任保險之需求愈高;而且當公司的產品銷售本國地區、美加地區或同時銷售國內外地區時,對產品責任保險需求愈高。至於產品安全風險管理與產品責任保險需求之間的關係,實證結果顯示二者為互補關係,此與Ehrilich and Becker(1972)的理論假設一致。除此之外,本研究發現當公司規模愈大、產品銷售量愈大、負債對業主權益比率愈高以及公司無長期負債時,其對於產品責任保險的需求愈高。此外,當上市公司的財務危機成本愈高以及所面臨的損失頻率與幅度愈大時,其對於產品責任保險需求愈高。 / This paper investigates the corporate demand for product liability insurance in Taiwan. The motivations to purchase product liability insurance can be categorized into four groups, business operation incentive, features of the firm, product safety management, and financial management. The decision of insurance is analyzed based on the logistic model and multivariate regression models with a sample of 90 publicly traded companies in Taiwan.
The empirical results of this study indicate that customers’ requests, product risk financing, and product marketing are the determinants for companies to buy product liability insurance. Further, the companies with previous experience of product liability losses have higher product liability insurance demand. Those companies selling their products to North America and Taiwan will purchase more product liability insurance. Moreover, the empirical evidences suggest significantly positive correlation between product safety management and product liability insurance demand, which is consistent with Ehrilich and Becker (1972) that market insurance and self-protection are complements. The results also show that the firm will purchase more product liability insurance when it has larger firm size, greater product sales, higher debt to equity ratio, and no long term debt.
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非營利組織結合企業進行募款之研究:以中華育幼機構兒童關懷協會為例郭家雯 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響資訊系統開發團隊集體創意效能之關鍵因素鄭秀華 Unknown Date (has links)
軟體工程協會指出軟體能力成熟度整合模式(Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI)強調軟體開發需要追求開發程序的改善與程序的最佳化。透過程序的改善以降低軟體開發專案失敗的機率。根據創意的定義,資訊系統開發程序的改善是團隊創意的表現。
本研究採用部分最小平方法 (Partial Least Squares),分析98組開發資訊系統的學生團隊與61組開發資訊系統的業界團隊資料,以驗證研究模型。結果指出在學生團隊方面,團隊知識程度、成就動機、團隊知識整合能力會正向影響集體創意效能的形成;團隊互動程度會干擾團隊知識程度與集體創意效能的關係、專案複雜度會干擾團隊知識程度與集體創意效能的關係以及干擾團隊知識整合能力與集體創意效能的關係。在業界團隊方面,團隊知識程度、成就動機、團隊知識整合能力會正向影響集體創意效能的形成;團隊互動程度會干擾團隊知識程度與集體創意效能的關係、專案複雜度會干擾團隊知識程度與集體創意效能的關係、成就動機與集體創意效能的關係以及團隊知識整合能力與集體創意效能的關係。此外,本研究亦探討在不同專案複雜度的情境中,影響集體創意效能之前置因素。 / Numerous companies have recently employed information systems to obtain a competitive edge. The demand for many new and different information system (IS) applications has increased the scope and complexity of IS developing. Developing successful IS projects became difficult. Software Engineering Institute proposed Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) that emphasized process optimization of software development. The improvement in software process can reduce the probability failure in development software. According to the definition of creativity, the improvement in software process is team creativity. However, there are few studies which discuss the issues about systems development process improvement from creative perspective. According to the social cognitive theory, efficacy is a key factor for interpreting behavior/products. Scholars demonstrated that creative self-efficacy is important to creativity. Previous researchers which studied the potential link between efficacy and creativity are focus on individual level. Thus, this study combined the literatures of collective efficacy and team creativity to propose a new construct (Collective creative efficacy, CCE) for information systems development teams, and explore the influences and moderators for CCE. 98 student project teams and 61 industry project teams are surveyed. Partial least squares (PLS) results demonstrate that team knowledge, achievement motivation and knowledge integration ability positively influenced CCE, team interaction positively moderated the relationships between team knowledge and CCE, and project complexity negatively moderated the relationships between team knowledge and CCE, and the relationships between knowledge integration capability and CCE in both samples. Project complexity positively moderated the relationships between achievement motivation and CCE in the model of industry project teams. An attempt is also made to understand the antecedents of CCE in different project complexity.
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國民中學教師樂觀、悲觀、玩興、工作紀律、教學內在動機與教學創造性轉化之關係林曉君, Lin, Hsiao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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