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日耳曼啟蒙運動的特質曾珮娟 Unknown Date (has links)
「啟蒙運動」(the Enlightenment)最早由思想史研究提出,用以指稱西方文明史自「文藝復興」之人文主義的再現與世俗化、「宗教改革」之個人主義思想的促進與對教會權威的挑戰,以及「科學革命」之重視理性作為人類獲取知識來源以來的進一步發展。近年來,隨著歷史學分工與專業化發展,「啟蒙運動」也被廣泛運用至諸如社會史與文化史的論述中,成為社會文化運動或十八世紀之代稱,後進學者常習而不察。
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清末民初的變局與身體張世瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
而晚清中國人在外表上的變化,不只反映了國家再造的過程中,對新國民身體的一種想像與建構,也和十九世紀中期以來沿海城市(特別是上海)的商業活動與消費文化的需求有關,過去都將這兩個層面視為各自獨立的研究領域,但在清末民初的一段時間裡,這兩個影響晚清時人身體外形變化的因素與動機,卻出現了不再是那麼涇渭分明的交融現象。在這個劇烈變動的時代裡,傳統的社會地位與身份階級已不足恃,外形是一個人在變局中的資本與成功的條件,只要穿上時髦的衣服就是成功的一半;時髦男女藉此展現,如何在新權威尚未建立之前、舊勢力還未完全崩解之際,以身體為戰場來挑釁統治權威,或表示對禮教束縛及道德規範的不滿。也因著這些晚清男女求新求變的身體展現,使得這段時間所呈現的中國歷史圖像,也變得生動鮮活許多。 / Twentieth century has been a revolutionary era for the China. In the past researches, scholars frequently analyzed the Chinese revolution from the approach of ideology and action. However, in recent years, a few western scholars pay more attention to the significant influence of locality and identity in the Chinese revolution. Revolution is not merely the conflict of ideologies and political actions, but a certain kind of representation of daily life and social phenomena.
In the violent process of the Chinese revolution, body is the main battleground. Various political parties and groups have different opinions about citizen’s appearance, which is including hairstyle, clothing, adornment, figure, carriage and so on. These opinions reflected the ideal image of citizens what they conceived. Furthermore, such opinions also revealed the transformation of Chinese people's realization and recognition about body. Meanwhile, modern science has gradually replaced the traditional Confucianism to be the new authority on judging or identifying Chinese people's impression about body.
The discussions about body in Modern China usually tied with the collective intention and goal of establishing a wealthy and powerful nation. On the other hand, since mid-nineteenth century the rapid growth of economy in the coastal cities has created a new fashion. The impact of new fashion on traditional order and notion about body (present in dress) is noteworthy. The main purpose of this project is to investigate how Chinese people changing his appearance and body in the tide of revolution, and to inquire the significance of the new culture (or the same old one) through the approach of fashion and body. We are going to use newspapers, memoirs and photographs to look at the social and political history of this period.
We do find numerous dramatic variations of Chinese society in revolutionary era. And we do understand the fashion is symbol of doing away the old and changing it for new. Then we do comprehend the change of appearance is an important identification for distinguishing between different groups. We also notice the reformation of body is highly concerned in Chinese revolution. Nevertheless, though the tradition seems to be totally negated, in fact the fashion and the tradition are still interrelated in innumerable ways.
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魯迅肉體生命意識之研究 / Study on Luxun's Awareness of Corporeality劉祖光, Liu, Tsu-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討魯迅思想中言語道斷的、前語言的(pre-discursive)「肉體」(corporeal)成份,其表現方式,及其發展。從知覺現象學角度看,「肉體」生命意指在世存有與生活世界間不依賴語言的本真互動,魯迅所以認為中國人有被世界淘汰的危機,就是因為中國人日漸喪失這一在世存有的本真能力。本文第一章通過魯迅的女性觀來探討肉體生命的社會層次,女性是魯迅反瞻男性乃至人類處境的鏡子,他看到不僅女性被男性宰制為必然,女性對男性的宰制亦不可避免。二章藉魯迅的死亡觀來檢討肉體生命的自然層次,死亡的終極否定力量對魯迅有本體論、認識論乃至方法論的意義,使他產生跨越生死的責任感,具備察見不詳的認識力,以至追求正義的復仇行動力。第三章探討魯迅表現人與生活世界間本真互動的書寫策略,魯迅企圖通過解剖與挖底的書寫、吃與被吃的書寫、綻出式的還原書寫,即描寫與「自性」不可須臾離的肉體的本來面貌,去自我批判,去對抗語言、意識形態的堡壘,以保存生命原始純真的最後陣地。第四章討論形成魯迅肉體生命意識在其生命歷程中的發展,即通過「幻燈片事件」的死亡體驗與中國傳統決裂,通過靈肉合一的愛情與啟蒙陣營決裂,與通過永遠的反抗與左翼文人決裂,終於回歸孑然孤獨的肉身。魯迅的國民性批判的動力來自於他永遠選擇以自我批判開放自己的生命,選擇在既成的僵化體制之間找出路,以死為生,像死神那樣永不止息。 / This dissertation discusses corporeal, ie., pre-discursive element in Luxun’s thought, its presentation and its development. From the perspective phenomenology of perception, corporeality means authentic, extra-lingual interaction between being-in-the-world and life-world itself. For Luxun, Chinese’ gradual deviation from and inability to appreciate this authentic interaction are their true crisis of extinction in modern world. The 1st chapter discusses social level of corporeality through Luxun’s perception of women. Women are a mirror for Luxun with which to reflect upon men’s even human’s condition. Through women he discovers not only the inevitability of men’s domination over women, but also that of women over men. The 2nd chapter examines natural level of corporeality through Luxun’s appreciation of death. The ultimate negating power of death empowers Luxun ontologically, epistemologically, and methodologically. From death he derives a transcendental sense of responsibility across life and death, develops an ability to penetrate pleasing appearance to uncover inconvenient truth, and a determination to pursue justice through endless revenge. The 3rd chapter shows Luxun’s tactics of presentation of corporeality. He seeks to preserve authenticity of life, a liberation from linguistic and ideological shackle through self-criticism by means of writing on the subject of anatomy and excavation, cannibalism, and self-manifestation, ie., writing on corporeal body that is indispensable with selfhood. The 4th chapter discusses the diachronic development of Luxun’s awareness of corporeality through various stages or series of contradictions in his life. At the end of his life, Luxun returns to his lonesome corporeal body after his breakup with Confucius tradition in 1906, with intellectual enlightening camp in 1920s, and finally with left-wing writers in 1930s. Luxun’s strength of criticism on weakness of Chinese characteristics comes from his relentless self-criticism and therefore open-mindedness, his persistence to search for a way out of lethargic institutions, in other words, his emulation of death.
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藉由地緣情感關係連結之群眾打卡資訊建⽴立個⼈人⽣生命記憶 / Construct Personal Lifelog by Check-in Information from Location-based Emotion Connected Crowd王怡婷, Wang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
生活於行動網絡與社群網站發展快速的今日,人們逐漸依賴利用隨手可得之行動裝置紀錄生活,打卡儼然成為生命紀錄的方式之一。本研究致力於提供使用者個人化之打卡系統,讓使用者在選用群眾所推薦的地理標籤名稱之餘,同時保有個人化情感傾向特色之地理標籤名稱。透過基於地緣情感關係連結之群眾推薦地理標籤名稱,我們提供更貼近使用者個人情感偏好之地理標籤,讓使用者在省下自行建立個人化地理標籤名稱上的繁瑣程序的同時,還能同時保有個人化特色,更能夠作為未來回憶時之線索。在實驗設計上,我們邀請共二十八位受試者使用本研究所開發之打卡系統,利用三週的時間真實模擬生活中的打卡情況。我們分析受試者進行打卡時所選用的地理標籤名稱來源作為評估之依據,透過實驗結果顯示基於地緣情感關係連結之群眾推薦地理標籤名稱模型,能夠推薦較適合的地理標籤名稱給使用者使用。因此本研究有效利用特定群眾之力量協助使用者建立個人化之地理資訊。 / In the present, people used to have one or more mobile devices. With the mobile devices thriving, the social network is also getting more popular. People rely on the mobile devices or social network to record their lives—“Check in” is becoming a kind of “lifelog”. Our research provides user a customized check in system, which can free users from the troublesome procedures, naming the geotag by their own, meanwhile; they can still have their own style. Furthermore, this customized name of geotag will be the hint to their memory in the future. When it comes to the experiment, we have 28 users experience our check in system, and we spent three weeks to simulate the situation of check in in the real life. We analyze the users’ name of geotag and use it as the result to estimate. According to the result of our experiment, the Location-Based Emotion Connected model can recommend a better name of geotag to the users. Consequently, our research the effective help people to construct personalizes geographic information.
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企業購併後產品生命週期管理系統之整合發展影響因子的研究──以I公司為例 / Affecting factors study on the integrating development of the Product Lifecycle Management system of Corporation post-merger ── A case study of I company魏瑞光, Wei, Jui Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
在整合不同的公司過程中,除了外在的人才與資源整合外,內在各公司間核心知識的整合與應用更為重要。透過PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)系統平台,可以實踐整合外在的人才與資源,更可以進一步整合各公司間的核心知識,進而產生各項應用與回饋。
本研究由相關文獻探討,藉由企業購併、知識管理和資訊系統整合之概念,推展出以「組織」、 「流程」和「資料」三個構面的研究架構,透過跨公司 PLM 系統整併實際案例,整理出一PLM系統平台運作方式,探討企業產品生命週期管理系統整合發展之影響因子。
研究結論1: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合前,具有RD 開發和 IT 技術專業背景之A型人才擔任此整合專案規劃和執行者,是導入成功的關鍵考量因素。
研究結論2: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合時,高層主管在專案中的有力支持與表達、良好的溝通、良好完整的教育訓練與技術轉移計畫,是成功的關鍵做法。
研究結論3: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合時,做好完整的Legacy Data Migration和以流程再造/創新的態度,將不合理流程一併進行調整與改善,是成功的關鍵做法。
關鍵字: 知識管理,產品生命週期,系統整合,PLM / Since the advent of the era of globalization, companies take advantage of are all use of personnel and resources of the world, to enhance its competitiveness and to increase opportunities for enterprise growing up. In order to accelerate the pace of enterprise enlargement, more and more companies are through M&A mode, quickly combining different company's talents and resources to enhance its competitiveness. But in the process of acquisition, how to effectively integrate the talents and resources of different companies becomes a very important studying.
In addition to the integration of external talents and resources, the inner core between each company in the integration and application of knowledge is more important, in the process of integrating different companies. It can integrate the external talent and resources via PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system platform operation. And even to the core knowledge among the companies to reproduce various applications and feedback.
Case study analysis & findings conclude as bellows:
Conclusions 1:
Planning phase, before inter-enterprise PLM systems integration, a high position, both RD engineering and IT professional skill background, A-type talent as this integrated project owner of planning and implementation, is the key to the success of the considerations.
Conclusions 2:
Execution phase, during inter-enterprise PLM systems integration, the strong support for the project from the executives, a well communication and a comprehensive training & technology transfer programs are the keys to success.
Conclusions 3:
Execution phase, during inter-enterprise PLM system integration, it is critical to have a full span Legacy data migration and to adjust/improve the unreasonable the process with process reengineering/process innovative attitude.
Conclusions 4:
Sustaining phase, after inter-enterprise PLM system integration, the use of the unique, opened platform for information sharing, contributes to the shortening of the develoemnt schedule and the reducing materials costs on new products development.
Keywords: knowledge management, product life-cycle, systems integration, PLM
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兒童安置教養機構離院生之親職經驗探究:生命歷程理論觀點 / The parenting experiences of the care leavers from children's homes:A life course theory perspective.鄒玫馨 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,針對研究結果及發現分別就實務工作及未來研究提出相關之建議。 / Current literature on the care leavers from children’s homes focuses mostly on their experiences and feelings about independent life. This study is carried out based on life course theory. In depth interview was employed with eight young adults who had been in residential care for significant periods and who has preschool children . Their parenting image will be represented in this research.
The result of this study shows that roles of parents generate a special meaning for the care leavers. As stated in the research, the care leavers experienced the “Family Feeling”, satisfied their yearning for an intact family and found out main purposes of self-existence and the meaning of life. Because of this, their life experience became more enriched and complete. Just as other new parents, the role of parents does make both negative and positive impacts on the care leavers’ individual mentality, their life and their family relationship. During their child rearing, the spouse, family members of the spouse and friends of the care leavers offered advantageous support for their role of parents. Nonetheless, their family-of-origin are still absent, or even lead to other problems. Besides, care leavers’ early life experience still imperceptibly influences their parenting behaviour and values after they became parents. Every one of them would like to give their children an intact family. They don’t want to repeat what their parents have done, so instead, care-taker in the children’s home became their role model. Thanks to having a growing-up experience in the children’s home, they pay more attention to their children the ability of independent life and cultivate great characters. This research also found out that care leavers’ personal ”agency” is the key to parenting demonstration. All the care leavers chose to actively face challenges during child rearing and to play well their own role of parents. In this way, they explored and went through a totally different way of life course than their own parents. In addition, “timing of birth” also decides a variety of parenting experiences. This researcher, by adopting the life course theory perspective, combining Belsky’s(1984) structure of “the process model of the determinants of parenting”, sketches “the life course process model of the determinants of parenting for the care leavers” in a more systematic way.
Finally, the research and practice implications are provided.
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アドバンスト・サイエンス・プロジェクト (Advanced Science Project) の概要 (アドバンスト・サイエンス・プロジェクト)OYA, M., 大矢, 美香 20 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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「キャリア意識の形成」プログラムにおける研究IMAMURA, A., 今村, 敦司 20 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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高校1年生 : 生命と環境II (本年度の取り組み, キャリア形成を軸とした総合人間科の取り組み)SATO, K., 高橋, 芽衣子, 鈴木, 克彦, 渡辺, 武志, 長瀬, 加代子, 竹内, 史央, 佐藤, 喜世恵 20 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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新產品組合之最佳獲利模式研究—以某高科技公司為例 / The optimized financial model for new develop product portfolio林薰薇 Unknown Date (has links)
電子產業日益競爭下,個人電腦 (PC) 已走向一個成熟且低毛利率的產業。由於市場的成熟,廠商提供消費者多樣化的產品選擇,以致產品的生命週期愈趨縮短;產品的售價也因市場的過度競爭,而愈趨下跌。反觀產品供應鏈,原物料、人工成本以及原始設計製造 (ODM) 廠商的報價,卻是逐年上揚。因此對於一個國際品牌個人電腦廠商而言,如何提昇整體產品銷售組合的毛利率,已是攸關廠商生存的重要課題之一。
本研究著重在從財務管理的觀點探討,如何有以有效運用及控制公司內部研發資源為前提,建立並導出一適當的財務模型,提供最佳化的新產品獲利組合預測,增進公司整體之營運效益。並選擇某國際品牌高科技公司之消費性筆記型電腦部門為研究對象,對其新產品組合之獲利最佳化模式預測做整體性評估、驗證及可行性分析之探討。研究結果發現財務模型所提供之最佳化產品組合預測可提供產品銷售獲利最佳化預測資訊,然而除最佳獲利外,廠商實際上仍須考量維持市場佔有率以保持競爭力,經實務面的需求調整後,才為公司之最佳化產品組合。以此研究提供相關產業廠商未來發展之參考。 / Electronic industry has rapidly become more competitive, and personal computer is already in a sophisticated and low gross-margin market. Due to the sophistication, consumers face various product choices and hence the product life cycles are shorter. The product price is also decreasing because of severe competition. On the other side, product supply chain, including material price, labor cost, and the offer price of original design manufacturer, is escalating year over year. As a result, how to increase the gross margin of product portfolio is important to the company.
This thesis begins with a financial management view, based on the condition of effective resource use and control, to build an appropriate financial model which can forecast the optimal product portfolio and the return. Taking an international high-technology company as research object, we found that except the profit capability, market share is also a critical factor which should be concerned when building the portfolio in reality.
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