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1)自然と科学 前期(第2章 自然と科学,III. サイエンスリテラシープロジェクトII (SLPII)-問題発見・解決型の学習を通して多元的な思考力と探究心を育む-)SATO, T., 佐藤, 俊樹, 高橋, 伸行, TAKAHASHI, N., 石川, 久美, ISHIKAWA, K. 15 January 2009 (has links)
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近義詞「生命、生活」與「Life」之華英對比辨析- 以語料庫及問卷研究為本 / A Comparison of Mandarin Near Synonyms sheng1 ming4 (生命) and sheng1 huo2 (生活) with English ‘life’: A Contrastive Study Based on Corpus and Questionnaire楊美儀, Yong, Mei Yee Unknown Date (has links)
「生命、生活」英文釋義均為「Life」,以英語為母語的外籍學生極易因母語干擾而產生使用偏誤,因此有必要進一步辨析此組詞彙。前人對於「生命」、「生活」的探究多止於字辭典討論,至今未有語料庫相關的研究,因此本文以語料庫為本(Chinese Gigaword 2,British National Corpus),分析語料庫中「生命」、「生活」與「Life」語料的語義關係。
本文首先彙整「生命」、「 生活 」與「Life」在華文及英文辭典中的詞義,探究其詞義之異同,再進一步分析及描述「生命」、「 生活 」與「Life」抽樣語料在語料庫中的分佈情形,包括語料詞頻、詞類及搭配共現等分佈情形。結果顯示,「生命」、「生活」與「Life」華英詞義無法完全對應,「Life」語料詞義頻率最高的三項詞義皆可與「生命」和「生活」詞義對應,但對應的不完全是「生命」及「生活」語料詞義頻率最高的三項詞義。「生命」與「生活」詞義的主要差異在於「生命」詞義趨向抽象,比喻能力較強,通常指向時間及強調對象。而「生活」詞義趨向具體,通常指向狀態及強調形式。本研究接下來使用語料庫「詞彙特性素描」功能觀察「生命」、「生活」與「Life」在語料庫中整體搭配共現的頻率與詞類分佈,以及使用「詞彙對照素描」功能觀察「生活」與「生命」搭配詞的「共現模式」及「唯一模式」。「Life」與「生命」及「生活」的搭配共現分佈相似但種類較少,主要反映在名詞上,英文與華文搭配詞的語義大多可對應。
本論文的貢獻在於以語料庫為本,對英譯同是「Life」的華文易混淆近義詞「生命」與「生活」的語義進行了多面向綜合探究,包括華英詞義對比分析、語料庫的分佈情形、詞彙搭配的分佈及分類等。此外,也以問卷實驗探討外籍學習者對「生命」與「生活」這組詞彙的習得與偏誤狀況,並且與華語母語者做出對比,整理出其差異之處。上述結果證實語料庫對於近義詞研究有積極的作用,亦對華語文近義詞教學提供了參考作用。 / The Mandarin of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are both translated as 'life' in English. The native English-speaking students who study Mandarin often err in selecting the appropriate Mandarin term for ‘life’ due to cross-language interference. Hence, a more in-depth analysis of these two terms is necessary. Previous research for sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 were carried out mostly through the use of dictionaries. None of the research was corpus-based and supplemented by questionnaire. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to analyse the semantically relationship between sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and 'life' based on the Chinese Gigaword2 and British National Corpus.
This thesis begins by summarizing the meanings of sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2, and ‘life’ based on their definitions as provided by Mandarin and English dictionaries. This thesis then expounds on the similarities and differences among the three words, and further analyses and describes the distribution of sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and ‘life’ in the corpus, including the distributions of frequency, senses and collocation. The results show that semantic of ‘life’ could not completely correspond with sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2, however, the top 3 of highest semantic frequency of ‘life’ could correspond with sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2, but not vice versa, the top 3 of highest semantic frequency of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are not completely correspond. The main difference between sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is that sheng1 ming4 is more abstractive, with stronger metaphor ability, commonly directed to time or specific subject; while sheng1 huo2 is more concrete, commonly directed to status or form. Furthermore, this thesis utilizes the ‘word sketch’ function and observes the ‘common pattern’ and the ‘only pattern’ of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 by ‘sketch difference’. The distribution of the collocation of ‘life’, sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is similar but with less variations, mostly reflected in noun, and the collocation of English is commonly correspond with the meaning of Mandarin collocation.
Lastly, this thesis surveys the acquisition of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 by foreign students who are native speakers of English, and compares how these students perform in the questionnaire tasks. The results show that foreign students are confusing by selecting sheng1 ming4 or sheng1 huo2, but better at mastering sheng1 huo2 than sheng1 ming4, and that their interpretation of sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 are commonly affected by their command of English. In addition, their command of collocation between sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 is much lower than that of Mandarin native speakers.
The findings of this thesis is obtained through conducts comprehensive inquiry from multiple perspectives method: including the contrastive analysis of Mandarin-English meaning, distribution and differentiation of word collocation for the Mandarin near synonyms sheng1 ming4, sheng1 huo2 and ‘life’. Furthermore, to survey acquisition of foreign students with regard to sheng1 ming4 and sheng1 huo2 via questionnaire, and compare the differences with Mandarin native speakers. The differences are then summarized. The above-mentioned results support the positive effect of corpus when researching near synonyms and serves as a reference for the teaching of Mandarin near synonyms.
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企業生命週期階段成長策略與管理控制之探討-以某家用裝飾止滑業公司為例 / The Study of Lifecycle Stage Growth Strategies and Management Control何玉美 Unknown Date (has links)
(三)研究方向的拓展 / The background of the study was the plastic-material price was high, the Chinese policy was changing and the operating costs was increasing. The motivation of the study was how to enhance operate effectively of the industry. The purpose of the study was listed as follow, to understand the connecting the business life cycle with strategic management, to confirm the product direction of Taiwanese plastics companies, to grasp the growth strategy and management control of the companies at all stages.
The analysis architecture of the study based on 6 directions of the case: the operation situation, the development strategy, the external environment, strategic model, growth development and management &control. Because the issue of the study was sensitive and the industry was unique, the study approach was the case study.
The conclusion of the study presented 3 directions:
1.To confirm the growth stage of the case.
2.To analysis the industry competitiveness of the case.
3. To plan the growth strategy of the case.
4.To development the management control model of the case.
The suggestion of the study presented 2 directions:
1. To the case:
The case had to cultivate the human resource, adjust the operation model, grasp the core competence.
2.To the future study:
a. To increase the research data-
to help comparing kinds of study results.
b. To change the research method-
to help verifying the theory and physical situations.
c. To explore new research directions-
to help building the concepts of the acquiring & merging for our business.
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共產黨.地方菁英.農民:鄂豫皖蘇區的共產革命(1922-1932)陳耀煌 Unknown Date (has links)
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失能老人入住養護機構之過程─以生命歷程之敘說分析出發陳人瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 早年生命歷程對晚年居住安排的影響
二、 晚年居住安排的過程
三、 入住機構後的適應狀況
主動入住機構的失能老人,對機構的環境適應較佳,此與入住機構的意願、親情支持等,正向感受較多有關。被動入住的老人雖然心中不願,在缺乏掌控力的情況下,他們通常都認命地接受家人安排,但入住後較難以適應機構的生活。 / Past researches mostly focus on living arrangement of the healthy elders. Therefore, the study attends to emphasize on the relationship between housing and living arrangements of disabled elders and their life course. The samples include 8 elderly people (over 60 years old) living in the institution, and had difficulties performing in the ADL and IADL activities because of health or physical problems.
As a result of the research, the purpose of this qualitative research include: (1) to research the connection between disabled elders living in the institution and the process of their early life; (2) to understand the proceeding of living arrangement for the disabled elders; (3) to discuss their point of view and subject explanations on the institutional care; (4) on according to research finding, the effective suggestions will be proposed, and some of them may as well be put on practice.
The analysis in the content revealed the theme that emerged from narratives -- the health, family resources, especially economic factors in the early life will affect the later life in the way that diminishes choices and opportunities in arranging the elder’s living; the main reasons for the elders to be accepted into institutional care are their healthy status and their degrees of self-care; the elder who voluntarily move into the institution usually have better ability in adapting the passive ones.
Although several meaningful findings are recognized, some limitations are also identified. Practice suggests and future research orientations are discussed.
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可快速與Eclipse環境整合的軟體之架構與開發 / The Design and Construction of Pluggable Software Architecture for the Eclipse Platform吳昆澤, WU, KUN-TSE Unknown Date (has links)
Eclipse是目前最被普遍使用的開發環境與工具整合平台。已經有很多的軟體工具被建置或整合至其中;並且有越來越多的工具開發者嘗試將他們的工具以所謂外掛程式的方式整合至此平台。但是,由於Eclipse是一套新式且複雜的平台,大多數工具開發者並不知如何將其工具封裝為Eclipse外掛程式,而且學習Eclipse外掛程式開發也需冗長過程。基於此種因素,我們構想出一套可外掛軟體(Pluggable Software)的規範,對一般命令列工具的輸入、執行和輸出等部份提出限制條件。只要工具開發者建構的工具程式符合可外掛軟體的規範,就能利用我們提供的輔助工具,幫助工具開發者迅速將其工具整合到Eclipse平台。 / Eclipse is a development environment and tool integration platform which is currently widely used. There has been many software tools built in the form of plug-ins and integrated into this platform, and more and more tool developers are trying to integrate their tools into this platform. But, since Eclipse is a relatively new and complicated system, most tool developers do not know how to develop Eclipse plug-ins, and it is a steep learning curve to get familiar with Eclipse plug-in development. Therefore, we propose the definition of pluggable softwares, which are general command line tools but must satisfy special restrictions imposed on their input, execution and output for ease of integration. As long as the tool developer can build a tool conforming to our definition, the aiding tool we provide can help the developer rapidly integrate his tool into the platform.
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知識工作者工作內涵與知識管理工具需求之關係-組織價值命題權變觀點林芸慧, Lin, Yun Huei Unknown Date (has links)
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模糊時間數列分析與預測—以石油價格為例 / Fuzzy Time Series Analysis and Forcasting – with an Example of Oil Prices陳蒼山 Unknown Date (has links)
石油是維持人類生存必需的商品,是容易運輸、儲存、使用的能源。石油價格的漲跌,將直接或間接影響經濟成長與物價水準。以公司營運來說,對海運業、航空業、石油公司等石油高度相關行業來說,購油成本一直佔據公司總成本相當大的比例,因此石油價格的變動,將使得會計年度內的購油成本高低相差甚大,進而影響公司整體營運利潤,因此購油決策重要性自不待言。當預測油價會上漲時,則公司將會以較低的石油價格購入較多的石油事先加以貯存或使用,以降低全年購油成本與分散風險。本文嘗試著導入模糊統計的概念並建立多變量多階自廻歸模糊時間數列模式,以期應用在油價之預測。實證方面則收集紐約商品交易所 (NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange) 的每日原油收盤價原始資料,針對原油價格進行模糊時間數列分析與預測,並比較命中率、誤差率與準確度。相信這對於購油風險控管及降低成本,提高公司盈餘深具意義。
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當代中國電影的主流意識:以革命歷史片為例 / The mainstream ideology of the contemporary Chinese film: using the revolutionary history film as an example陳加恩, Chen, Chia En Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對近年來越來越多中國電影向主流意識靠攏的現象感到好奇。透過分析近年來頗受好評的四部革命歷史電影,來了解當前中國電影中的主流意識內涵以及這些主流意識與電影之間的接合方式。研究發現,當前在革命歷史電影中的主流意識,可分為下列四項:彰顯革命精神、凝聚國族意識、中國式民主的建立與資本家地位的提升。這些主流意識的內涵,其功能主要是為了維持中共政權的存續,提供意識形態上的合法性依據。此外,在接合方法上,採用了商業電影的製作方式,達到吸引觀眾與傳遞主流意識的功能。 / An increasing number of Chinese films draw close to the mainstream ideology in recent years. This study analyzes four revolutionary history Films which have good reputation to understand the mainstream ideology in contemporary Chinese film and the articulation which is between the mainstream ideology and the Chinese film. This study found that there are four mainstream ideologies in those revolutionary history Films. They are as follows: Highlight of the revolutionary spirit, Solidarity of the national consciousness, establishment of Chinese-style democracy and upgrading of capitalists status in china. The main function of those mainstream ideologies is to maintain the existence of the Chinese Communist regime. In addition, those Chinese films are produced by commercial film production way in order to attract the audience and delivery the mainstream ideology.
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水丁香抗老化作用之研究 / Studies on the anti-aging effects of Ludwigia octovalvis陳俊伊 Unknown Date (has links)
水丁香在台灣已被廣泛用作為香料和中草藥。目前已經被證實擁有許多生物活性,例如抗氧化、抗肝毒性、抗菌及抗癌等。在本研究中,我們利用兩種不同果蠅株w1118和Canton-S(CS)餵食兩種不同的飲食條件,分別為標準食物配方(15% yeast和15% dextrose)及卡路里節制(calorie restriction, CR)食物配方(5% yeast和5% dextrose),來評估水丁香水萃取物對果蠅老化的影響。我們測試不同水丁香水萃取物濃度(0.1% 及0.5%)的食物對於果蠅的壽命、食物攝取量、下蛋率、活動能力、學習記憶、氧化壓力和基因表現等影響。我們發現水丁香水萃取物在標準食物配方下對於兩種品系的母果蠅均有延長壽命的表現,但並不影響果蠅的下蛋率及活動能力,另外水丁香水萃取物明顯的延緩了老化過程中學習能力退化的情況。然而於CR食物中添加水丁香水萃取物,其延長果蠅壽命的現象則消失,顯示水丁香水萃取物延長果蠅壽命的現象可能透過卡路里節制相關路徑。水丁香水萃取物可增加果蠅抵抗paraquat所引發的氧化壓力,並且降低抗氧化基因如superoxide dismutase(sod1及sod2)、catalase以及果蠅類胰島素胜肽(Drosophila insulin-like peptide, dilp2及dilp3) mRNA的表現。
綜合以上實驗結果我們推測,水丁香水萃取物延長壽命可能的作用機制為:(1)透過卡路里節制的路徑。 (2)影響類胰島素生長因子的訊號傳導(Insulin/IGF-1 signaling)。(3)增加抗氧化壓力的能力。 / Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P. H. Raven has been widely used as a spice and herbal medicine in Taiwan. It has been proved to possess many biological activities, antioxidative, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-bacterial and anticancer properties, for example. In this research, Ludwigia octovalvis extract (LOE) was used in two different diet conditions, one is standard diet (15% yeast and 15% dextrose), and the other is calorie restriction (5% yeast and 5% dextrose). The effect of LOE on the lifespan of the flies was estimated using w1118 and Canton-S strains of Drosophila melanogaster. We also evaluated the effects of 0.1% or 0.5% of LOE on food intake, fecundity, locomotor activity, cognitive performance, anti-oxidative stress and age-related gene expression in flies under standard diet. Our results showed that LOE could extend the lifespan of female flies on both species without affecting the fecundity and locomotor activity. Intriguingly, LOE attenuated the cognitive decline in both male and female flies. The longevity effect of LOE, however, was vanished when the lifespan of the flies was examined under CR diet, suggesting that LOE may extend lifespan through a CR-related pathway. LOE also increased resistance of paraquat-induced oxidative stress and down regulated the mRNA expression of sod1, sod2, cat, dilp2 and dilp3 in the flies.
In summary, our results indicated that LOE may extend lifespan through: (1) a CR-related pathway. (2) regulation of Insulin/IGF-1 signaling. (3) increase of anti-oxidative stress.
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