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再保險契約相關法律問題研究翁毓潔 Unknown Date (has links)
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權力與榮耀-馬基維利政治思想之研究劉長城, Liu Chang-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
對於馬基維利(Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469-1527)政治思想的理解與詮釋解,向來是西方政治思想中爭論的課題。本論文即從個別行動者的角度出發,探討當他們有機會讀了《君王論》和《史論》,對於現實中的政治生活,有什麼體悟?對於自身的政治行動,起了什麼指導作用?針對這個問題,筆者歸納出三個主要的面向,試圖對馬基維利的政治思想,做一較為全面性的敘述。
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1980年以後大陸地區三國演義悲劇觀研究之考察丁秋霞 Unknown Date (has links)
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二十世紀俄羅斯戰爭歌曲中的語言世界圖景 / Language world view in Russian songs in twentieth century楊婷婷 Unknown Date (has links)
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納博科夫作品《盧仁的防守》中的西洋棋主題 / Тема шахмат в произведении В. В. Набокова «Защита Лужина»張芸瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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論再保險契約中之同一命運原則張如雯, Chang,Ru Wen Unknown Date (has links)
針對保險人對被保險人所應為之補償,再保險人與原保險人可能有不同解釋,前者認為再保險人與保險人同一命運之範圍,應以原保險及再保險約定之範圍為限;後者則認為凡保險人所給付與被保險人者,再保險人皆須與其同一命運,負擔給付責任。縱使再保險契約雙方皆主張其以再保險契約之約定為給付責任範圍之界定基礎,然基於利益彼此對立之立場,雙方對於「契約約定」往往有不同詮釋。再保險契約雙方間之爭議,實務上常見者如,原保險人對被保險人所給付之通融賠款(Ex-gratia payment)、懲罰性賠償(Punitive damages)等,是否屬於再保險人與保險人同一命運之範圍?將此類爭議一般化,須探究者為,同一命運條款何種程度限制了再保險人對原保險人之給付表示異議的權利?
同一命運原則為再保險交易發展史上,最常受到爭議的問題之一。現今之再保險交易環境已然愈趨複雜,不僅是所保危險之價額日趨提高,投入再保險交易之保險人數增加且交易類型複雜化,皆使得再保險交易雙方之風險分配及責任分擔,不再可以全然依賴保險人對於誠信原則之遵守。反之,應同時強調再保險與保險之不同,亦即,前者係由專業之保險人為交易雙方而進行之交易,故再保險人應可依其專業,對所保危險主動向保險人提出詢問,此亦顯示了保險人及再保險人間彼此合作愈趨重要,為再保險人負擔再保險給付責任之正當性基礎。本文嘗試處理以上提出的爭議問題,並對可能之解決提出建議。 / The reinsurance loss settlement clause, which appears in a variety of forms of wordings, historically has been one of the most difficult aspects of reinsurance law and practice. In recent days, more and more litigation has arisen as a result of such clauses. This study centers upon the interesting and oftentimes confusing issue of the scope and effect of such clauses, and how they define both the reinsured’s and the reinsurers’ liability.
The purpose of reinsurance is to provide insurance protection by the reinsurer for the reinsured, namely, the insurer. At the beginning of reinsurance history when there were only a small number of insurers operating in the insurance market, insurers were fairly familiar with one another, and that resulted in a minimum of formality in doing business. In terms of reinsurance, reinsurers, when asked to pay by their reinsured, normally did not go out of their way to initiate a de novo review or assessment of the risk insured. The main reasons for such practice were, for one, insurers were so familiar with their business partners that they did not see the need for such re-assessment of the risk, and for another, in the past, the nature of the risks insured was not as complicated as those we are faced with nowadays.
With a view to enhancing business efficiency and providing better protection for insurers, the parties that engaged in a reinsurance agreement oftentimes would insert into the agreement a “follow the fortunes” or “follow the settlements” clause. Such clauses bound the reinsurers to follow the fortunes/settlements of their reinsured without the reinsured’s liability having been proved, and restrained the reinsurers from refusing to indemnify the reinsured on the ground that liability did not exist under the original policy, provided that the reinsured had acted in a bona fide and businesslike way. In a word, the existence of the loss settlement clause was a logical consequence of the purpose of reinsurance, and the reinsurers’ obligation under such clauses was conditioned on the reinsured’s good faith.
Reinsurance loss settlement clauses have been interpreted by the court rather favorably for the reinsured. Courts would normally find coverage for the reinsured, once they decided that the reinsured had acted in good faith in settling with the insured, even if they held that the reinsured had not been legally liable. This fact highlights the importance of the reinsured’s duty of utmost good faith in reinsurance law and practice. However, what exactly is good faith, and what are the reinsured’s obligations under the good faith requirement? Is there a general rule that the courts have developed to justify their finding of the reinsured’s good faith? If good faith, being abstract in itself and susceptible to courts’ subjective discretion, serves as the “standard” to evaluate or define the liability of the parties to a reinsurance agreement, how does it usually function? Does it at times seem so abstract and variable that the reinsurance agreement parties have a hard time predicting their liability under such a standard?
Also, in this study, the questions of the implication of loss settlement clauses and the scope or effect of such clauses are explored. The former question asks, where the reinsurance contracts do not contain any “follow the fortunes or settlements” provisions, does the law, custom or practice read into the contracts any obligation on the reinsurer to follow its reinsured’s fortunes or settlements? This question is important in that it deals with the applicability of loss settlement clauses, and thus has a fundamental impact on how reinsurance contracts are interpreted. The latter question aims at clarifying how loss settlement clauses are applied to pertinent areas such as ex gratia payments, punitive damages, reinsurers’ liability caps, payments related to the Wellington Agreement and claims cooperation clauses. Specific examples are given here in order to better understand how loss settlements clauses are put to practical use. Discussion concerned with this question also demonstrates how a loosely worded loss settlement clause could give rise to disputes between the parties.
To better define the parties’ rights and obligations under a reinsurance agreement, a more detailed review of how the reinsurance environment as a whole is functioning and how the courts interpret reinsurance loss settlement clauses is required. This issue will be even more worth pondering now that we are seeing a more complex reinsurance market where the parties’ interests are potentially conflicting, which is per se a challenge to the general view that the reinsurers should follow the fortunes or settlements of the reinsured.
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「不成長就會被淘汰」一位幼師生命運轉之敘說分析彭佳宣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質性研究方法中的傳記研究取向,以德國社會學者Fritz Schütze所發展之「敘述訪談法」(narrative interview)進行資料採集工作,訪談一位具有二十九年幼教工作經歷的幼兒園園長。訪談結果整理為敘述文本後,並參照Fritz Schütze所提出的理論建構分析方案,對文本進行結構描述以及概念抽象化分析的整體形塑,以回應欲探究的問題。
經過資料分析過程,逐漸釋出本研究主體—杏芬園長「不成長就會被淘汰」的生命信念意涵,文本透露出自我完成性在主體生命開展歷程中,為一種突破環境限制與期望朝向更好的動力,促使主體一再超越現實環境的限制,萌生其積極性意義。「不進則退」生命觀於時間流動中架構出主體的生活經驗世界,形成生命能量內塑與外推之上揚動力,於接受工作挑戰與追求成長歷程中蛻變。於是可以看出,環境或自我本身的未確定性,雖然帶來了限制,卻也充滿無限可能性。最後,研究者就文本解析之內容,提出「公私幼消長生態下幼師的生存處境」議題進行探討;並且參照Csikszentmihalyi創造力系統論觀點,建立一個類似的系統原型,從個人、學門及領域三個面向,闡釋研究主體長期安身立命於幼教職業工作中的可能因素。 / “Either growing or eliminating”—
A description analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s life revolving
Due to the lack of management by the government in Taiwan in early years, there are many problems that exist in the field of early childhood education. Those impact the survival of the key personnel, the teachers, in this field directly. In the social context of high turn over ratio of the teachers in this field, how senior teachers keep standing fast at the post and moving forward is the center concern of this research. By interviewing a senior teacher’s working experience, the researcher gets to know the different patterns of the career of a kindergarten teacher; further more, to comprehend the transition of the social structure from reviewing the history in which the story happened.
This research adopts biographic study under the qualitative methodology, and collects the data with “narrative interview” developing by Fritz Schűtze, a Germany sociologist. After interviewing a kindergarten principal, Sin-feng, who has been working for twenty-nine years in the early childhood education field, researcher followed Schűtze’s theory construction and analysis to analyze and shape the structure description and abstract concepts.
After the process of data analysis, “either growing or eliminating” shows up to be Principal Sin-feng’s belief. The text shows that in one’s life process, self-completion is a motivation that can break through constrains of environment and head to a better situation. Therefore, we can see that although the uncertainty of environment and oneself can be constrains, it can also bring the unlimited possibility. At the end, researcher raised the topic of “kindergarten teachers’ subsistence in the growth and decline of public and private kindergartens” for discussion. Researcher revised and constructed a similar system from the creativity systematic viewpoint raised by Csikszentmihalyi, to explain the possible reasons, from personal, subject, and field aspects, that make the research object stay in the same career for such a long time.
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賴瑞.克萊默《正常心》及《我的命運》中男同志對全景式迫害的抵抗 / Gay Resistance to Panoptic Persecutions in Larry Kramer's The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me蔡宜珊, Tsai, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
男同志愛滋病患者的心理狀態一直是美國愛滋病研究的邊疆區域。大多數的國家政策多著重於此一族群的身體狀況以及疾病本身的研究。這些政策往往忽略了自我和解對於男同志愛滋病患者來說的重要性,殊不知自我和解是男同志愛滋病患者對抗全景式迫害的重要策略之一。賴瑞克萊默《正常心》及《我的命運》處處顯示對於此一策略以及國家社會對於男同志愛滋病患之迫害的關注。透過主人公奈得從愛滋鬥士到染病再到自我和解的過程,這兩齣戲劇重砲抨擊了國家社會不公,並同時點出受迫害者對抗這些不公不義的必要性。在此之下,傅科對於權力以及抗拒的討論適足為本論文的理論出發點。本論文藉助傅科的觀點來討論國家社會迫害男同志愛滋病患背後的深層因素,並進一步探討這些被迫害者中可能產生的抗拒策略。本論文分成四個部份:除了導論和結論外,第二章著重美國國家社會對於男同志愛滋病患者的歧視及壓迫,以及形成這些迫害的原因,並進一步檢視《正常心》及《我的命運》裡男同志愛滋病患者的困境。第三章討論這些被迫害者不同的反壓迫策略,以及這些策略對於男同志愛滋病患者身心的影響。 / The psychological condition of the HIV-positive is always peripheral to the governmental studies of HIV/AIDS in the United States. Compared with the governmental studies, Larry Kramer's The Normal Heart (1985) and The Destiny of Me (1992) lay more emphases on the psychological conditions and transformations of the HIV/AIDS patients. These two plays demonstrate the homophobic disciplines and regulations performed against the homosexual HIV-positives in the discourse of HIV/AIDS. In addition, through Ned Weeks's transformation and resistance, these two plays illuminate on the lesson, self-knowledge, and self-reconciliation that empower the diseased gay men to survive in the crisis of HIV/AIDS. This thesis makes resort to the studies of Michel Foucault, particularly his concepts of anatomo-politics and biopolitics as well as his exegeses of the dynamics between the persecutor and the persecuted. Foucault's theories are insightful in understanding the underlying homophobia behind the policies in a normalizing society. His studies envision the possibilities of resistance alongside these homophobic panoptic persecutions.
This thesis is divided into four chapters. The second chapter examines the disciplines and regulations over the diseased homosexuals in The Normal Heart and The Destiny of Me. The third chapter focuses on the transformations of Ned from a polemicist to a reconciliationist as well as his resistance to the panoptic persecutions. The concluding chapter reconfirms that the lesson and growth of a gay HIV-positive patient rests on self-reconciliation.
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