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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

My Bloody Valentine─身體感探索的另類實踐 / My bloody valentine- a practice of alternative corporeity

雍志中, Yung, Chih Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本創作以攝影作為創作形式,紀錄了台灣愉虐社群「皮繩愉虐邦」中的一群放血實踐者,其所進行的一次放血實踐活動,以及平日生活的場景。本創作的目的在於,以攝影呈現放血實踐者的另類身體感探索,彰顯非主流身體之美之外,並透過有策略地傳佈此類影像,或許能夠挑戰社會對個人身體的規訓,進而拓展社會中多元性別氣質、情慾實踐、身體樣貌並存等議題的言論空間。 本創作論述中,提供了歷史上關於放血的文獻記載、台灣愉虐社群介紹、放血實踐者之描述,與放血活動之田野觀察等關於本創作紀錄之主題的描述;也探討了身體感與身體規訓之文獻探討、攝影之理論研究、攝影傳遞真實的反思,以及觀眾抗拒心理等與本創作相關議題的文獻資料;最後,本論述紀錄了創作執行過程、創作呈現的規劃與成果,以及觀眾的回饋意見。 / This series of documentary photography of a group of “bloodletting” practitioner’s daily life and an event of bloodletting aim at the manifestation of an alternative beauty of human body, and a different way to explore “corporéité.” The thesis includes the review of the writings about “corporéité” and “l’image du corps” by Merleau-Ponty and the studies about the discipline of the body by Foucault, and the discussion about the connotation in photography. In addition, preparation and execution for two exhibitions of the photography works, and feedbacks from exhibition visitors are also included in the dissertation.

大台北地區公共圖書館越南籍新住民服務之研究 / A study of new vietnam immigrant services in Taipei area public libraries

林宜慧, Lin, Yi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣受到全球化的影響,跨國婚姻遽增;自2005年起,新住民已成為臺灣的第五大族群。作為資訊服務業之一的公共圖書館,應肩負促進不同文化間對話、交流的使命,並因應當代多元文化社會民眾的需求,推行多元文化服務的各項措施。 本研究目的在探討越南籍新住民本身的資訊需求及圖書館推行新住民服務之現況,並研擬出大台北地區公共圖書館新住民服務之建議方針。透過深度訪談法,瞭解越南籍新住民資訊需求及使用圖書館之經驗,並採用個案研究法,分析館方新住民服務現況、困境、未來規畫及新住民到館使用之情形。 經研究顯示,在越南籍新住民資訊需求方面,語言溝通資訊與臺灣生活有關之常識資訊是越南籍新住民最主要的生活資訊需求,而人際網路及網際網路是最常解決資訊需求的管道;在使用圖書館經驗上,大部分受訪者皆使用過臺灣的圖書館,首次到館之新住民主要是藉由親朋好友引介或為了陪同家人等外在因素而使用圖書館;對於常利用圖書館之越南籍新住民而言,會使用圖書館多起因於增進自我知能;反之,對於不常使用圖書館之新住民而言,除了圖書館本身路程遙遠、交通不便外,阻礙因素尚包含圖書館本身之館藏、人員、空間、宣傳行銷四面向。 目前大台北地區公共圖書館所推行之新住民服務包含提供多語言圖書、期刊、報紙及視聽資料之館藏資源;舉辦閱讀推廣活動及多元文化推廣活動,前者包含影展、書展、參訪及利用教育,後者包含展覽、文化講座、劇場、語言學習、電腦研習等;實行專線諮詢、電子郵件或書面形式之參考服務;建置多語言館藏書目資料、圖書館網頁專區或多語言介面之電腦設備。但服務上主要困境為缺乏專業語言人力、無法順利傳達給新住民相關訊息及經費不足等問題。 由研究結果歸納,建議未來國內公共圖書館推行新住民服務時,可由新住民服務政策、館藏資源、推廣活動、行銷推廣、人力資源等面向著手進行,以提升館方服務品質;最後,亦針對政府機關、學校機構、圖書館主管單位及社福機構四所與圖書館相關單位提出建議,由圖書館本身與大環境相互配合,才可以使得服務更臻完善。

青少年收容人圖書資訊利用與讀書會參與之研究 / Library and information use of juvenile inmates

張齊家 Unknown Date (has links)
青少年時期在人生中是一個很重要的時期,但往往有時會因觀念的偏差而犯錯,而進了矯正機構。但與成人不同的是,青少年收容人尚處於受教育的階段,未來還具有相當的成長空間,因此矯正機構的教育就顯得更為重要。而監所圖書館更是矯正機構中的文教重要機構,如果能夠提供收容人文化教育服務,方能突顯監所圖書館在矯治教育中的重要性。 本研究在了解矯正機構中的圖書資訊利用情況,並探討收容人讀書會的運作情況,以作為未來收容人讀書會辦理的參考。首先透過問卷調查法,了解誠正中學收容人的圖書資訊利用情況,探討收容人對於圖書資源的運用是否符合需求。並透過與收容人讀書會的帶領者進行訪談,了解每個帶領者帶領讀書會的方式,並深入探討帶領者對收容人讀書會的看法與建議。 根據本研究發現,就圖書資訊利用情況來說:一、對於收容人來說,圖書室的利用不甚方便,因此在取得資訊上也有所不便;二、收容人對於圖書館的認同尚有加強的空間;三、收容人在閱讀書籍的學科種類上不甚均衡;四、收容人對圖書館所提供的服務不完全滿意。而就讀書會運作情況來說:一、參與讀書會的確帶給收容人正面的影響;二、同時收容人讀書會也給帶領者帶來正面的收穫;三、收容人讀書會和圖書館間缺乏互動;四、收容人讀書會的參與者變動情形嚴重;五、收容人讀書會缺乏足夠的經費來源。 最後提出下列的建議。對監所圖書館來說:一、機關首長重視圖書資訊利用,增設一位專職圖書館員,並讓圖書館的設置常態化;二、制定館藏發展政策,以求館藏均衡發展;三、重新訂定圖書館利用方法;四、加強與公共圖書館的合作。對收容人讀書會來說:一、尋求外界讀書會的支持;二、維持讀書會參與者之穩定性;三、定期評鑑讀書會的成效;四、提供一個收容人發表心得的園地;五、推動資訊相關科技。除此之外,對國內資訊相關科系來說,若能開設特殊圖書館相關的課程,對於社會上弱勢族群的圖書資訊利用也將會有所幫助。 / Adolescence is a very crucial phase of life. However, adolescents might be sent to correctional institutions for making mistakes that resulted from conceptual deviation. But, juvenile inmates are still on the stage of education, so there is a great room for them to grow in the future. Therefore, the importance of education in correctional institutions is manifested. Moreover, the prison library is even more important among the correctional institutions. If the prison library could provide the inmates with cultural and educational service, it could enhance the importance in correctional education. The purpose of the research is to understand the library and information use in correctional institutions, and the function of the study groups of the juvenile inmates , for planning study groups of the juvenile inmates in the future. First, using the questionnaires to investigate the library and information use of the inmates in Chengjheng high school, and to study whether the function of the information meets their demand. Furthermore, interviewing the leaders of study groups of the juvenile inmates to realize how every leader conducts a study group, and to profoundly discuss the leaders’ opinion and suggestion for study groups. The findings are as follows: First, as for the inmates, the use of library is not that convenient, so it’s rather inconvenient to get information resources. Second, there is till a great room for the inmates to use the library. Third, the available books need more categories. Fourth, the inmates are not satisfied with the services the library provides. As for the function of the study groups: First, participating in study groups surely has a positive effect on the inmates. Second, leaders also get a positive effect from study groups of the inmates. Third, study groups lack for interaction with libraries. Fourth, the participants of the study group of the inmates vary greatly. Fifth, There are not sufficient funds to form study groups. Finally, some suggestions are made. As for the prison library: First, the chief of the institution should focus on the library and information use, employ one more full-time librarian, and should normalize the installment of libraries. Second, with a collection development policy to balancing the collection of libraries. Third, the ways of using libraries should be improved. Fourth, the cooperation with public libraries should be enhanced. Then, as for the study groups of the inmates: First, the study groups should search for the support of other outside study groups. Second, the participants of study groups should be fixed. Third, the effects of the study groups should be judged regularly. Fourth, a space for the inmates to express opinions should be provided. Fifth, technology related to information should be promoted. If departments of library and information science in Taiwan could offer new courses on special libraries, they would also be a good help for the disadvantaged minority in society to take advantage of the library and information use.


陳慶芳 Unknown Date (has links)
我國係承認私有財產制之國家,土地財產權自為憲法所保障,其方式首需建立地籍制度,透過測量與登記二大程序,調查土地「質」與「量」之真實狀況,建立圖籍,予以動態管理,使財產權明確化,財產權人對於土地所具有之地位,在此制度中得到確保,任何人可由外部確認其土地之狀態,並足以排除他人之侵害,俾減少交易風險,提升社會整體經濟福利,亦使財產權於特別犧牲時的補償更為確實,從而「仁政必自經界始」,土地財產權,需要透過法律制度明確界定其標示、屬性與權利,使地籍內容與現實相符,始有保障之功能可言。 台灣的地籍圖源自於日治時期所測繪,原圖已因戰禍毀滅,留存之副圖因年久破損、伸縮誤差、地形變更等等原因,致圖、地、簿常有不符,爰生地籍圖重測之必要,自民國六十四年土地法確立重測之法律依據以來,雖辦理效益卓著,然而進度緩慢,面積及界址爭議仍不間斷,如能研究改進,不僅有助於重測之進度成效,更可進一步便利土地利用及落實財產權保障。而重測之性質,乃在利用地籍調查、樁位清理等方法認定地籍界址後,透過測量技術再完整反應於地籍圖,是以關於界址認定,包括地籍調查所認定之所有權界址及樁位清理所認定之逕為分割界址,其認定結果對於面積、所有權範圍、土地屬性的影響皆鉅,是為本文研究之重心。 本研究進行之方向,不做測量理論與技術的闡釋,而係注重財產權人之權益,從行政面、法規面予以探討。研究發現,重測法令尚稱健全,惟部分規定有逾越法律授權範圍之虞。關於樁位界址之認定,須符合財產權保障之信賴、平等、比例等基本原則,且不能違反規劃原意及逾越法定誤差範圍,並應進一步將樁位、地籍與都市計畫圖整合。在地籍調查之界址認定上,建議不動產糾紛調處委員會,應修正利益迴避條款,而有關未到場指界者不得申請異議複丈之規定,有違比例原則,亦應予修正。 本研究從財產權保障的觀點出發就重測之意涵及其與財產權保障之關係做探討,以明白界址認定於財產權保障的重要性。次就重測之整體法制情形及界址認定之程序、法令規定加以探討,就歷史源由與現實需要,釐清界址認定之本質。最後,針對實務上問題,從財產權角度分析相關做法與疑義,並提出制度上應改進之道及後續研究方向,期能促使重測作業更臻完善,落實土地財產權保障。

日治時代臺灣文獻資料及其分類體系之研究 / A Study on Classification Systems for Taiwan Materials during the Japanese Colonial Period

黃景彤, Huang, Ching-Tung Unknown Date (has links)
近年來以臺灣為主體的社會、歷史、教育、文化研究蓬勃發展,人們日益重視日治時代的臺灣文獻資料。圖書文獻必須經過有系統的組織整理、分門別類之後,方能提供研究者查檢使用的便利性。 本研究旨在探討日治時代臺灣文獻的分類體系,採用個案研究法,並透過深度訪談,以了解國立中央圖書館臺灣分館、國立臺灣大學圖書館、國史館臺灣文獻館的臺灣文獻資料的內容形式、收藏情況、所採用的分類體系及應用情況,是否能提供現代分類系統編訂時的啟發。 根據研究發現,提出結論如下:1. 日治時代臺灣文獻特徵;2. 臺灣文獻資料的館藏管理;3. 日治時代臺灣文獻資料分類體系;4. 臺灣文獻資料分類應用。 本研究建議:1. 舊藏資料的分類體系有其歷史意義和價值,值得保留沿用;2. 中國圖書分類法臺灣相關類號之修訂建議;3. 建立不同分類系統的對照表,便於跨分類系統和提供主題檢索的機制;4. 透過數位典藏的方式,將不同典藏單位的臺灣文獻資料實現網路上的聚合,強化分類系統的應用範疇;5. 舊藏資料的分類體系可以加以推廣,讓使用者容易掌握館藏資料之主題內容和特色。 / Taiwan Study is a field that has been growing rapidly in the past score, especially when it comes to on social, historical, educational, and cultural issues of the Japanese Colonial Period (1895~1945 C.E.). Since then, library materials and archives created during that time have become more and more important for researchers of today. The functions of classification include shelving, browsing, and searching. They help users to access to those materials. The purpose of this research is to discover the value of classification system on materials of the Colonial Period. The research method of the study includes “Case Study” and “In-depth Interview”`. This study dwells on the content, format, classification systems, and applications of Taiwan materials in the three cases as follows: National Taiwan Library, National Taiwan University Library, and Taiwan Historica. Below are the findings: 1. Characters of Taiwan materials of the Japanese Colonial Period. 2. Collection management of Taiwan materials. 3. Classification systems of Taiwan materials of the Japanese Colonial Period. 4. Application of classification systems. The study makes final suggestions as follows: 1. Reserve the practical and historical values of classification systems. 2. Take into consideration the “New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries” as presented in the study. 3. Establish conversion tables between various classification systems and a mechanism for subject search through catalogues. 4. Aggregate Taiwan materials by creating digital archive and extend the scope of application in classification systems. 5. Promote the old classification systems to allow users to know more about content and features of Taiwan materials.

由地圖建構城市三維模型 / Urban Buildings Modeling from Scanned Images

賴易進 Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊科技爆炸的時代,所有的資料都要求能數位化,以便利用資訊科技對數位資料進行分析、整理與應用。對於都市規劃而言,建立數位城市模型即成為目前的重要課題之一。 建立數位城市模型中間最困難的步驟之一,在於處理並數位化古老的紙本地籍資料與建築物平面圖或手繪建築物之地圖,然後進行資訊整合,以建立基本的城市三度空間模型,進而利用更精準的測量技術,來建立精確的數位城市模型。然而要以人工處理並將上述資料數位化來製作基本的三度空間模型,秏時費工且成本太高。有鑑於此,本篇論文提出一套自動化的處理方法,針對附有樓層高度的紙本建築地圖或手繪地圖進行自動化處理,從而建立基本的三度空間模型,作為建立數位城市模型的初步處理。 我們先利用文字辨識的技術對建築物進行分析、擷取並判斷地圖中屬於建築物高度的文字資料。其次利用不同的演算法,對地圖進行細化及骨架粹取,並找出地圖上組成建築物的關鍵節點,然後對節點分群,以區分並判斷不同的建築物,進而建立地圖上各個建築物的平面模型圖。最後將每棟建築物的高度資料及其相對應的平面模型圖加以整合,自動產生該地圖的三度空間模型。 我們隨機選取一張台北地區之建築平面圖以及學校平面圖來檢驗我們提出的方法,測試的結果顯示,我們的方法都能成功的將這些平面圖,自動建立出原圖基本的三度空間模型,可以作為未來建立城市數位模型之參考。 / In the era of information explosion, digital archiving every piece of information becomes a must in order to organize, process, and analyze this information and make further use of the information. Hence, constructing a cyber city model is one of the major issues in urban planning. One of the most difficult steps in constructing a cyber city model is to process and digitize the ancient cadastral information as well as the architecture sketches or the hand drawing maps. By combining this information, we could construct an early stage three dimensional model for the city that would help us in constructing the final model for the cyber city. However, manually processing this information is not cost effectively and automatic processing them might reduce the construction cost dramatically. In this paper, we propose an automatic processing mechanism that could digitize the architecture sketches or the hand drawing maps automatically. Our mechanism will produce an early stage three dimensional model for the specified area that will eventually lead to the construction of a more accurate three dimensional model for the entire city. After the sketches or the maps were scanned, as bitmap images, into the computer, we start with analyzing the architecture sketches and extract the elevation information using traditional methods of character recognition. Then, we use various algorithms to thinning and to extract the skeleton of the image. The critical nodes of each building in the images were identified, isolated, and used to construct the base of each building in a planar diagram. Finally, the elevation information is used along with the planar diagram just constructed to generate an early stage three dimension model for the specified area. We randomly choose an architecture sketch of Taipei City and our campus map to verify our mechanism. The results show that our method could produce the corresponding three dimensional models successfully. These models could be used and help us to construct a more accurate three dimensional model for the entire city.


袁鴻祥, Yuan,Hung-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近五十年來,我國公共圖書館事業伴隨經濟成長,已然建立完善的圖書館系統。然而一般民眾對於公共圖書館所提供服務之認識與利用,尚未普遍,顯示從服務利用的角度來看,現階段公共圖書館之成效仍未臻理想。因此,如何針對不同地區之讀者群需求,研擬服務策略,以吸引民眾利用公共圖書館之各項服務,並提升現有讀者之服務利用層次與深度;同時掌握不同地區之讀者所重視之服務項目,據以改善不同地區之公共圖書館的服務品質,遂成為公共圖書館亟待研究的重要課題。 本研究以臺北縣十市、四鎮及十五鄉之公共圖書館之讀者為研究對象,以問卷調查到館讀者對於公共圖書館服務之要求與讀者利用公共圖書館之行為,並且將讀者利用行為分成城市地區與鄉鎮地區二部分作為比較,找出造成公共圖書館讀者使用之城鄉差異現象之因素。本研究之具體結論可以歸納為四方面,並提出改善公共圖書館城鄉差異現象的九點建議。

何謂好圖畫書— 從文化迴路觀點檢視圖畫書產業的運作與限制 / Good Picture Books or not? A Study of Picture Book Industry from the Perspective of ”Circuit of Culture ”

陳真慧, Chen, Chen Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以回答「何謂好圖畫書」為主軸,透過兩階段進行探究:一為透過訪談方式,了解圖畫書文化迴路中發行者、創作者、消費者與經營者角色對「何謂好圖畫書」的見解,以及對現在台灣圖畫書市場的看法與建議,二為研究者實際進入幼兒園,以階段一的發現以及相關文獻資料的搜集,選定一本現在圖畫書較少見的題材與幼兒一同閱讀,進而探討台灣圖畫書市場有何可能的發展空間。最後,本研究共提出四個研究主張: 一、 批判媒體識讀的必要性 圖畫書的意義透過生產、消費、規制、再現與認同五個狀態彼此滲透循環而成,因此我們不應單純將圖畫書視為文字與圖畫的集合體,而是必須抱持批判的角度閱讀文本,找尋可能隱藏在文本中的真實。 二、 圖畫書多元主題的必要性 圖畫書受到商業利益考量、家長對孩子的教育觀等環境因素影響,具有「殘缺文本」的存在,即某些主題的圖畫書在市場中較為少見與處於弱勢,然而為刺激幼兒的批判閱讀能力,我們有必要提供豐富多元的文本給幼兒。 三、 不過度依賴書單的單一訊息 書單提供消費者消費的便利性,然而消費者也因此對書單過度依賴,所以閱聽人使用書單時應注意使用方式,否則容易喪失培養自我閱讀品味的機會。 四、 反對崇尚智識取向的圖畫書 台灣家長選書時,常受到「能否帶給孩子知識」的智識取向影響,然而這樣的思維容易讓孩子錯失閱讀多樣文本的機會,由於閱聽人可透過閱讀與批判的過程為文本賦予新意,因此圖畫書無好壞之分,端看讀者如何使用它。 / The purpose of this study is to answer ”What means good picture book?” and the concrete research concerns in this study include: (1) through in-depth interview with producer, author, consumer, and business operator in circuit of culture to understand how do they think about “good picture books ”, and their suggestion to Taiwan picture book industry, (2) choose one picture book which is rare in Taiwan picture books industry and study with children. There are four main findings from this study as follows: 1. The necessity developing critical thinking skills in media literacy Picture books are made through representation, regulation, consumption, production, and identity, so we can not only see picture books as a combination of words and pictures but try to find out the reality which hides in texts. 2. The necessity of providing multi-thesis picture books It exists “mutilated text” in picture book industry because of commercial profit and parents’ educational idea, but we have to provide children multi-thesis picture books to stimulate their critical thinking skills. 3. Do not rely on booklist too much We have to know that booklists make us choose picture books easier but may also make customers rely on it too much. 4. Do not advocate “knowledge-based” picture books If Taiwanese parents always choose “knowledge-based” picture books because they think those make children learn much more knowledge, children will loose their chance to meet multi-thesis picture books. In fact, texts do not really matter, but the key is how we read it with critical thinking skills in media literacy.

韓國自由貿易協定政策之研究:以韓國-歐盟自由貿易協定為例 / Korea's FTA Policy: The Korea-EU FTA as an example

吳高睿, Wu, Gao Rui Unknown Date (has links)
受到1997年亞洲金融危機以及區域經濟整合的趨勢之影響,重視對外貿易的韓國在1990年代後期開始尋求透過自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement, FTA)拓展海外市場,而隨著世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)回合談判的停滯,韓國更強調利用FTA增加韓國出口的競爭力。本文主旨在於探討韓國FTA策略的發展,本文首先將檢視韓國在金大中、盧武鉉、李明博三個總統在任期內的FTA政策,並剖析這些期間內影響韓國FTA政策的各種國內外因素。接著,本文將以韓國-歐盟FTA作為個案探討,分析韓國與歐盟簽訂此FTA的主要動機以目的,以及兩方在FTA中所各自重視的進出口部門。最後,透過韓國與歐盟在FTA生效前後的進出口貿易狀況,本文將分析韓國-歐盟FTA對於兩方所帶來的利弊得失,檢視其成效是否符合韓國在該FTA簽訂前之評估,並討論FTA為韓國所可以實際帶來的經濟效益。

讀者對旅行圖文敘事之想像 / The Imaginations of Readers on Travel Narratives and Pictures

朱思慶, Chu, Szu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
許多讀者時常透過閱讀旅遊敘事來認識異地,無論是敘事中的文字或圖片,皆能為讀者建構異地風貌並藉此延伸出許多關於該地的認知與想像。據此,本研究旨在探究讀者在閱讀旅行敘事過程中,對於旅行圖文敘事因何產生想像,是否有特定因素會勾起讀者的想像開關,圖文敘事因何使讀者產生想像。 研究發現,讀者閱讀旅行敘事時,對於具有當地特殊文化背景的物品、人物的故事、動作與對話、歷史背景等特別能夠勾起讀者的想像。文字敘事可利用關於細節的描述、感官、形容詞、生命經驗、故事等喚起想像。此外,非本國文字的使用也可使讀者延伸想像。圖片在旅行敘事中的功能多在印證與具體化,且可能限制讀者想像。 讀者所生成的想像內涵中可發現,閱讀旅行圖文敘事能夠使讀者產生關於空間、修補外在客觀形式、情感、聯想、生命經驗、記憶以及五感聯想中的視覺聯想等。而其他時間、因果、對比、創造新形象以及五感聯想中的聽覺與嗅覺皆少有想像。 / Many readers access to foreign place by reading travel narratives and pictures. While reading travel narratives, many imaginations and affection come out from their mind. This study aims to explore the imagination of reader on travel narratives and pictures. If there is any element in narratives and pictures can arouse reader’s imagination, and what those elements are. The study shows that when reader found something is unfamiliar with, people’s conversation and story, and the history can arose imaginations. The descriptions, adjectives, life story and experience in narratives do help to arose imagination. In addition, foreign characters also make readers think further. However, pictures in travel narratives limit the imaginations, it makes readers stop imagining. Most of imaginations are about the space, fix objective forms, affection, life story, experience, and visual association. Less do people think of time, causality, contrast, making new image, hearing association and olfactory association.

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