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中華郵政股份有限公司績效評估之研究-兼論民營化之可行性分析 / A Study on the Efficiency Evaluation and Privatization Feasibility of Chung Hwa Post Co.,Ltd.

陳秀珍, Chen, Hsiu-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
面對世界的全球化、多角化、多樣少量的客製化企業經營趨勢與衝擊,中華郵政雖採取改制轉型的策略,希望再造百年績業。但自郵政公司成立後,目前定位不僅是行政官署,依然肩負政策性的任務外,更強調顧客導向之經營理念及企業化的永續經營,並以追求合理利潤,發展事業為目標,故為兼俱服務、營運及支援國家財政需求之事業體。如何透過範疇經濟與資源共享,將人力充分利用,據點遍及全國城鄉離島各地,保持服務之無遠弗屆,以強化普及服務的政策性任務,也是改制後努力的願景與方向。又國營事業如何兼顧營利與服務並行不悖,充分表現其自我特色?是本研究關注之焦點,故「績效評估」絕非僅於營利財物面評估,更需擴大為組織學習、顧客服務、內部流程、普及服務等多面向才能建構完整的永續經營模式。 本研究以中華郵政經營業務為個案研究對象,採文獻探討與深度訪談法,先釐清公司之願景與目標,考量外在環境,探討公司化之經營現況,面臨的挑戰與困境,確認公司本身內部所具備的資源與競爭優勢,然後採質化的資料彙整分析,將郵遞、儲匯以及壽險各構面同步進行差異探討。研究資料以92年元旦為兩大期間的時間區隔點,比較中華郵政“公司化”前後,基於環境的丕變,事業經營態勢的困窘,故擬採平衡計分卡之觀點,以有別往昔只侷限於財務面之考量,於中華郵政營運業務範圍中,在經營管理企業化、業務經營多角化、資金運用效益化、服務項目多元化及人力運用合理化等五大策略目標之落實情形,檢視並評估比較改制前後績效,期以檢討政策之執行,回饋至公司願景,進一步探討民營化可行與否的問題,做較深較廣面向之探討。 為達研究需求,斟酌不同屬性之關係人制定訪談題綱,並依據題綱所設計之顧客面、組織學習面、內部流程面、財務面、願景面、民營化與偏遠地區普及服務等問題,分別對主管機關、郵政決策層、郵政執行層、相關業者及顧客等對象進行訪談,透過完整而詳實之訪談結果將資料整理分析,以作為是否民營化之論據。 評估是鑑往知來的控制與考核機制,績效評估指標之良窳,對組織之評估結果影響深遠,故本研究試以平衡計分卡為重要工具,為中華郵政量身訂做一份以顧客面為重心的顧客關係管理的策略地圖,希望能提供高層長官與主管機關評估機制之參考。本文將透過研究結果作成建議,以作為未來郵政營運或進一步改革之參考。 / With the trend and impact of globalization, diversification, and various customizations in low quantity, Chung Hwa Post (CHP) has adjusted its management strategies to make shift in the hope that it can keep on sustainable business. Since CHP was established, it not only has positioned itself as a government agency responsible for completing policy assignments but also has run its business with the principle of customer orientation and the perception of sustainable management. And its overall goals are to pursue reasonable profits and to expand prosperous business. Therefore, it is a corporation combining service, commerce and supporter of nation’s finance. After CHP makes reforms, it aims to make the best use of manpower to intensify nationwide policy services extending to the outlying islands for making sure of service popularity through the ways of economies of scope and resource sharing. Now, CHP is making efforts to complete this vision. Besides, the study also concerns how to make state-owned-firm have distinguishing features with gaining profits and offering services under the pressure of competitive market. Consequently, a performance evaluation not only reviews profits, but also assets organization learning, customer service etc. To establish a completed managerial module of sustainable development, all the above factors should be taken into consideration when making evaluations. With the methods of document research and deep interview, this study focuses on the business operation by CHP. It starts with setting a vision and goals for CHP, considering the exterior conditions, investigating the present management condition, checking the challenges and difficulties, confirming all the resources inside and outside the company and its competitive advantages. Then, it further adapts the approach of quality systematization and analysis, and finally makes a simultaneous comparison of difference among postal delivery, savings, and insurance services etc. As to the time period researched in this study, the writer compares the differences of the management conditions between pre-corporatization and post-corporationization stages from New Year’s Day in 1993. Due to the ever-changing markets and increasing difficulties in running businesses, CHP adapts the balanced scorecard instead of the former management style focusing on the financial direction. Hence, the implementation results of five new strategies such as enterprise-style management, business diversification, capital-operation effectiveness, diversified services, and reasonable manpower distribution will be examined and discussed. Meanwhile the comparison between the two stages can help CHP develop more prosperous vision. Furthermore, the possibility of privatization-of state-owned-firm is evaluated from deeper and broader aspects. As requested, all the interview outlines, including different fields such as customers, organization learning, interior business processes, finance, vision, privatization, remote districts service, are designed in terms of different class of people ranging from government, the Post decision-making, the Post business performance, relevant institution, and customer level. Through complete and exact organization and analysis for all the data from the interviewees, the writer will offer useful evidence to help determine whether or not privatization is effective for use in CHP. Evaluation is a useful and effective measurement to know the past and the future. Whether the performance evaluation index is valid relation to the influence over a corporation. This study uses the tools of balanced scorecard to make strategy maps focusing on the relation to customers, which can be for the authorities and top director’s references. Finally, the research results will offer some suggestions to further postal reforms.


魏汝余, Wei, Ju-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代中,新的科技與新的市場,帶來許多機會與無可限量的發展潛力,隨著網際網路的興起,電腦與網路科技之發展,人們的學習方式也愈益多元,透過網際網路的傳遞,資訊科技的輔助有效克服了學習時間、空間上的限制,提升學習教材與學習者間的互動性,我們已進入一個數位學習的新環境。大學圖書館於數位學習環境中,將面臨數位資源整合與流通的新挑戰,也因此圖書館必需扮演數位資源的仲介者,以資源共享的理念,促進校園內部數位學習資源的共享與流通,以提升大學圖書館支援大學教學服務的角色。 本研究以服務導向架構,建構一個數位學習物件交換Web Services整合服務雛型系統。本研究於大學圖書館中,建置校園UDDI,並透過中介平台整合下列四點服務:(1)提供教師數位學習物件發佈與標準轉換與轉化的介面,以達到數位物件標準化、分享的目的;(2)使用者藉由雛型系統所提供的查詢介面,查得所需的數位學習物件;(3)透過授權申請,取得使用授權,並進行後續付費的動作;(4)可取得數位學習物件。 透過本系統的初步雛型規劃,呈現出未來大學的圖書館於數位學習物件交換須達成以下三種角色:(1)相關標準的推廣者;(2)提供適當的著作權保護;(3)服務流程之整合。


錢中媛, Chien,Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
大學校史館是指在一個所大學中,由相關的策略、人員、館藏和設備所組成的單位,該單位保存、維護該校文件方面的歷史遺產,並將其整理成可系統性保存和易於取得的形式。其組織定位是相當重要的問題,因為行政層級與隸屬的規劃將影響日後校史館在校內進行各項相關工作的權限與方向,同時將影響其他單位的配合方式,而主管單位的看法也將影響校史館的發展及其所發揮的功能。 為能深入瞭解有關大學校史館在不同行政隸屬下所受到的影響,本研究先針對研究主題蒐集國內、外相關文獻加以分析,彙整歸納出可供研究參考之資料後,再採用「多重個案研究法」模式進行研究,以「訪談法」作為意見資料之蒐集工具。本研究以我國大學校史館為主要之研究對象,分別針對我國大學中獨立為一級單位、隸屬於祕書室及隸屬於圖書館之校史館抽樣進行訪談,訪談對象共計十館,分別提出相關經驗及看法。 研究結果包括:一、歐美各國大學校史館多隸屬於圖書館,中國大陸之大學校史館均獨立為一級單位,我國則多隸屬於祕書室;二、隸屬於祕書室及圖書館之大學校史館,其業務多為兼辦性質,人力不足則為各校普遍遭遇之限制;三、獨立為一級單位及隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館人員具有相關之專業背景,對校史館之整體業務推展及運作較有直接幫助;四、大學校史館普遍缺乏明確之任務,而以典藏及展示為主,並未因行政隸屬之不同而有顯著差異;五、不同行政隸屬之大學校史館在部分業務及功能上呈現明顯差異,包括:(一)獨立為一級單位及隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館大多已建立明確之定期徵集模式,對校史資料之徵集工作較為有利;(二)隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館多採常態開放型式,且開放時段較長;而獨立為一級單位及隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館則多採預約開放或定期開放型式,且開放時段較短。開放型態及時段將影響校史館之普及性及其所發揮之效益;(三)獨立為一級單位及部分隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館多訂有校史資料之利用規則,對史料的提供利用已具備一定的規範;(四)隸屬於祕書室之大學校史館多具有記錄及出版校史之功能;(五)獨立為一級單位之校史館具有支援教學與研究之功能,已將校史資料的利用層次向上提昇,亦為校史館開創新的發展方向;六、不同行政隸屬之大學校史館在部分業務上面臨之問題呈現明顯差異:(一)隸屬於祕書室者之主要問題在於欠缺資料處理與管理方面之相關專業能力;(二)獨立為一級單位者則認為校內其他各單位的配合度不高,以致部分業務運作上有困難;(三)隸屬於圖書館之大學校史館在業務推展上,則明顯地面臨較多問題,包括:1.欠缺史學專業,影響對資料內容的掌握程度;2.經費不足,主要因為易與圖書館預算項目產生排擠現象,此問題亦為國外大學隸屬於圖書館之校史館的三大問題之首;3.徵集資料時,權限不足、資訊掌握度不足及各單位配合度不高。 最後針對以上研究結果提出五項建議:一、呼籲各校設置專職人員規劃校史館業務,並由圖書館管理,或更進一步設置獨立的校史館;二、訂定明確之校史館任務;三、促請校方高層分別針對各校不同行政隸屬而引起之問題進行修正,包括:加強校史館人員之專業背景及相關訓練、建立明確之校史資料定期徵集模式,並與校內各單位保持密切聯繫、加強對校史之重視程度、採用分工方式分別進行徵集工作及其他後續工作;四、增強校史館在校園內存在之價值與必要性,可努力的方向包括:支援教學與研究、編纂校史與出版、配合募款工作,以發揮校史館功能;五、組成全國、區域或主題性大學校史館之合作組織,分享經驗或進行館藏分享與合作,共同推動大學校史館之發展。

兩相依製程之調適性管制圖 / Adaptive Control Charts for Two Dependent Process Steps

蘇惠君 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,許多調適性管制圖都只探討單一製程,然而現今存在許多相依製程的問題.因此本論文提出兩相依製程之調適性管制圖,並以ATS測量管制圖的績效.本論文所提出的變動抽樣間隔時間之調適性管制圖對於偵測製程中幅度及小幅度的偏移有良好的績效.此外,本論文所提出的變動抽樣樣本大小及變動抽樣間隔時間之調適性管制圖對於偵測製程極小幅度的偏移有良好的績效. / In recent years, many research papers about adaptive control charts all consider a single process step. However, there are many multiple process steps in industry process. In this article, we propose adaptive control charts to monitor two dependent process steps, and their average time to signal (ATS) is calculated by Markov chain approach to measure the performance of these proposed control charts. It has been shown that the performance of the adaptive sampling interval (ASI) control charts in detecting small and moderate shifts in process means is better than the fixed sampling interval control charts, especially for small shifts, and the proposed adaptive sample size and sampling interval (ASSI) control charts have better performance in detecting very small shifts in process means than the fixed sample size and sampling interval control charts and the adaptive sample size control charts.


陸家宇 Unknown Date (has links)
TFT-LCD產業特性之ㄧ為投資支出龐大,並且由於其遞延效果,故需要經過一兩年後才能量產並由其投資成果中獲利;另外,產業有明顯的週期性景氣波動。目前TFT-LCD產業正值逐漸景氣的階段,各家面板廠商的股價也在2003年至2004年間逐漸走揚,然而這些公司的真實價值應該多少才合理?唯有一套好的評價模式客觀評估,將各公司的未來獲利性考量進去,投資人才不致在景氣波動時無所適從,也才能為股價快速上漲的面板公司,給予合理的解釋。 本研究以友達光電、奇美電子、中華映管、瀚宇彩晶及廣輝電子等五家上市櫃面板公司為研究對象,根據1999年至2003年之財務數據作為預估個案公司未來成長率及獲利率的依據,利用現金流量折現法採銷售導向與盈餘導向兩種模式,依照最樂觀、最可能及最悲觀等三種情境,估算其真實價格區間,並與各股目前的實際股價比較,以推論目前股價的合理性以及目前股價所隱含的銷售成長率及盈餘成長率,另以敏感度分析將各個評價因子繪製成龍捲風圖來觀察個別關鍵評價因子對股價的影響程度。 實證研究顯示,友達光電、奇美電子、中華映管、瀚宇彩晶及廣輝電子之合理股價分別為47.40元~86.20元、52.33元~101.87元、16.95元~41.71元、19.45元~45.64元以及20.60元~57.70元,將其與最近十個月(2003年8月至2004年5月)之股價走勢比較發現,友達光電與奇美電子最近的股價在合理範圍,而中華映管、瀚宇彩晶及廣輝電子之股價略微低估;在敏感性分析方面,經由個案公司的龍捲風圖發現各家公司對於股價影響幅度最大的評價因子都是邊際利潤率。

公共圖書館中文版兒童網站評鑑之研究 / The Study of Evaluation Indicators for Chinese Children’s Websites of Public Library

蔡承穎 Unknown Date (has links)
公共圖書館面對網際網路以及兒童上網趨勢所帶來的影響,早已嘗試結合網路與電腦來建置兒童專屬的網站以提供新的兒童服務。然而,為求了解網站使用成效與提升網站之品質,公共圖書館有必要針對兒童網站進行評鑑作業。國外研究者針對兒童網站與網路資源早已建置了許多網站評鑑指標提供圖書員、中小學教師與兒童做為選擇、評鑑網站優劣時之參考,反觀國內相關研究內容則十分缺乏。因此,為求提升國內公共圖書館中文版兒童網站之品質,有必要針對兒童網站進行評鑑研究。 基於上述研究動機本研究首先透過文獻分析法探討兒童網站建置與規劃、兒童資訊需求與資訊尋求行為,以及網站評鑑指標與兒童網站評鑑要項等相關文獻做為本次研究之理論基礎。其次,彙整各領域專家學者所提出之網站評鑑指標並透過問卷調查法蒐集家長對指標重要性之看法以及對網站功能與服務之建議。最後,針對國內公共圖書館中文版兒童網站進行調查研究,了解現行網站之數量並針對12項網站可茲提供之服務內容進行分析比較。 依據研究資料分析,本研究提出相關結論如下: 一、網站評鑑指標:總計共有介面設計與資訊架構、網站內容、網站互動性、多媒體特性以及網站連結品質等五大構面,50項評鑑指標可做為公共圖書館評鑑之依據,研究結論包含:(一)網站內容為家長認為最重要之評鑑構面;(二)教育性、知識性、正確性、適切性、趣味性和新穎性是家長關注的網站內容性質;(三)資訊架構與介面設計構面中家長首重介面設計之易操作性、閱讀性與美觀性;(四)網站互動性功能應以有效協助兒童使用網站為首要目的;(五)網路頻寬為影響多媒體技術和網站連結品質之重要因素。 二、網站內容分析部份:目前國內共有十所公共圖書館提供中文版兒童網站介面,建置單位層級以縣(市)圖書館為主,研究結論包含(一)各館網站服務數量提供不均,數量差距頗大;(二)圖書館基本資料和相關規定、最新消息、館藏查詢、網路資源區、諮詢服務與討論區為網站最常提供的服務項目;(三)各館網站服務內容各有特色,服務名稱採用適合兒童程度之詞彙;(四)部份網站內容有連結錯誤或服務項目無內容之情形;(五)各館缺乏兒童專屬之館藏查詢介面。 最後,本研究提出數點建議如下:一、國內公共圖書館應加速規劃建置中文版兒童網站;二、已建置網站者應加強內容更新與維護;三、從使用者觀點建構優質兒童網站;四、依據年齡層級提供網站分層服務,實施網站分級制度;五、網站可加強規劃討論區、留言板;多媒體資源區;遊戲區和課業資源區服務;六、加強兒童版網站之利用推廣;七、針對現行公共圖書館中文版兒童網站進行評鑑。 / Under the influence of the Internet and children’s use of the Internet, public libraries have already attempted to establish websites exclusively for children in combination of the Internet and computers to offer children new services. However, it is necessary for public libraries to assess websites for children to ensure that they can be effectively used by children. Foreign researchers have already established many assessment indicators on websites and the Internet resources for children for elementary and high school teachers to choose good websites for children. Similar researches are rare in Taiwan. It is, there is necessary to conduct assessment study on websites for children in order to increase the quality for public libraries’ websites in for children. Based on the aforesaid motive, literature reviewed is used to explore documents regarding establishment/planning of children’s websites, children’s information need and information seeking behavior, website assessment indicators and assessment elements, etc as the theory basis of this study. Second, gathering website assessment indicators of specialists and scholars in different fields ,and ideas of parents on website assessment indicators and parents’ suggestions on website functions and services are collected with questionnaires . Finally, twelve items of service from websites are gathered to analyze contents of public libraries’ websites in Chinese for children. In accordance with the research information, the conclusions of this study are: I.Website assessment indicators: There are five major aspects of interface design/information structure, website contents, website interaction, multimedia and link quality. The 50 indicators shall serve as basis of assessment on public libraries. Conclusions include: 1) website contents is the most important assessment aspect to parents; 2) parents care about the education, knowledge, accuracy, appropriateness, fun and novelty in website contents; 3) parents emphasize user-friendliness, readability and esthetic in information structure and interface design; 4) the interaction of websites shall effectively help children to use the sites;and 5)bandwidth is an important factor that influence multimedia technology and link quality. II.Website contents: currently, there are ten public libraries with websites in Chinese for children. The websites are established by county (city) libraries. Conclusions include: 1) quantity of service from each website varies significantly; 2) the most common service items of these websites are: basic information and regulations, latest news, collection inquiry, resources, consultation and discussion areas; 3) each website has its unique characteristics and the names are designed for children’s understanding; 4) some websites have incorrect links or lack of content in certain service items and 5) neither website has collection inquiry exclusively for children. Based on the aforesaid results, the suggestions include: 1) domestic libraries shall expedite planning websites in Chinese for children; 2) those already having websites shall enrich the contents and enhance maintenance; 3) to establish good websites for children in the views of users; 4) implementing leveled services based on age groups; 5) discussion area, message boards, multimedia resources area, games area and class resources area are recommended; 6) enhancing the utilization of websites for children; and 7) conducting assessment on domestic public libraries’ websites in Chinese for children.

全製程過度調整下之變動抽樣時間 / Economic Design of VSI Control Charts for Monitoring Over-adjusted Process

柯芝穎 Unknown Date (has links)
The over-adjustment means that the process is adjusted unnecessarily when a false alarm occurs. It may result in shifts in process mean and variance affecting the quality of products and have the effect of an increase in variability and cost. In this paper, the economic variable sample interval (VSI) standard and control charts are proposed to monitor effectively the mean and variance of the over-adjusted process. We use a Markov chain approach to derive the design parameters of the standard and charts by the minimum of the cost function. An example of shampoo making process is used to illustrate the application and performance of the proposed VSI standard and charts in detecting shifts in process mean and variance. Furthermore, we compare the cost and performances for the economic FSI (fixed sampling interval) and VSI control charts. Support for this research was provided in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China, grant No. NSC 94-2118-M-004-003. / The over-adjustment means that the process is adjusted unnecessarily when a false alarm occurs. It may result in shifts in process mean and variance affecting the quality of products and have the effect of an increase in variability and cost. In this paper, the economic variable sample interval (VSI) standard and control charts are proposed to monitor effectively the mean and variance of the over-adjusted process. We use a Markov chain approach to derive the design parameters of the standard and charts by the minimum of the cost function. An example of shampoo making process is used to illustrate the application and performance of the proposed VSI standard and charts in detecting shifts in process mean and variance. Furthermore, we compare the cost and performances for the economic FSI (fixed sampling interval) and VSI control charts. Support for this research was provided in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China, grant No. NSC 94-2118-M-004-003.

台灣運輸製造業群聚版圖變遷分析 / The analysis of cluster map change of transportation manufacturing industry in Taiwan

王思翰, Wang, Szu Han Unknown Date (has links)
近年來以電子資訊產業掛帥的台灣,傳統產業似乎成了被遺忘一個部分。但透過許多相關產業的調查資料顯示,部分傳統產業在全球化的競爭底下,依舊可在台灣立足,汽車業與船舶業就是其中的代表。由產業群聚的觀點來看,產業與其關聯產業在空間中的關係為何,產業是否集中於某些特定的空間單元,皆為值得討論的課題。 為對汽車業及船舶業進行分析,本研究透過產業關聯分析以及地理資訊系統之熱點分析(hot spot analysis),並結合工商普查資料、產業關聯表、生產者投入係數,進行空間集中指標的計算,從時間序列的變化,瞭解不同時間點運輸製造業的主要關聯產業之差異及其群聚版圖的變遷,並且進一步探討運輸製造業產業群聚之水平連結在空間臨接上所產生之差異。 研究結果顯示在1981年至2001年間,汽車業與船舶業在既有的空間單元中保持穩定的成長,僅北部區域的汽車業集中重心由台北移至桃園,此種情況即代表產業群聚的區位惰性。此外,船舶業在空間單元中有集中於鋼鐵業以及港口周邊的情況;汽車業與其主要關聯產業則都集中在桃園新竹一帶。 / In recent years, Taiwan taking electronics and information industries as main development, the traditional industry seems to become a part forgotten. But show through the survey materials of a lot of relevant industries, some traditional industries that under the competition of globalization, can still base on Taiwan, the automobile industry and shipping industry are representatives among them. In the view point of industry clusters, what are the spatial relationship between industry and its related industries, whether the industry concentrates on some specific space units, all in order to worth discussing. In order to analysis the automobile industry and shipping industry, this research passes the industry linkage analysis, hot spot analysis of geographic information system, and combine the industry, commerce and service census, input-output table, input coefficients table at producers' prices, to make the calculation of spatial concentration index, and from the view point of time series, to find out the difference of main related industries, the change of cluster map, and further more, to discuss the spatial relationship between industry and its main related industries. The result of study shows between 1981 and 2001, the automobile industry and shipping industry keeps steady growth with in the space unit that has already had, only the automobile industry of the northern area concentrates center on being transferred from Taipei to Taoyuan, this kind of situation represents the inert of location of industry clusters. In addition, shipping industry centre in nears the steel industry and port; the automobile industry and its main related industries are mostly concentrated in Taoyuan and Hsinchu.


許明傳 Unknown Date (has links)
目前台灣地區地籍圖已全面數值化,電子經偉儀等測量儀器亦不斷改良,土地複丈作業已進入數值化作業之時代。然而現今圖解地籍圖數化區土地複丈外業作業仍有以下二項缺失待檢討改進: 一、複丈外業作業無法於實地一次完成。 二、施測方式是否符合測量規範不易檢核。 為解決以上缺失,本研究針對圖解地籍圖數化區土地複丈外業測量作業流程進行程序管控,利用全測站經緯儀連接筆記型電腦,配合「土地複丈外業作業系統」,並增加外業測量程序管控的功能,將土地複丈外業測量程序與規範納入自動化監控,測量人員需依照電腦程序控制指示逐步完成施測,使土地複丈外業測量、計算、電腦套圖、成果檢核於實地一併完成,如此,不僅使測量作業標準化,確保複丈品質,更可縮減作業流程,提高行政效率。 本研究經以臺北縣中和地政事務所管轄之未辦理地籍圖重測之圖解數化區—南勢角段外南勢角小段與南勢角段頂南勢角小段為實驗區,分別針對土地分割複丈及土地鑑界複丈之外業測量程序以電腦管控,計算坐標後並於實地施以電腦套圖,其成果檢核均能符合地籍測量實施規則之規定,且能於實地一次完成土地複丈之外業作業。 關鍵詞:土地複丈、程序管控、電腦套圖、地籍測量 / Nowadays, because of the inventions and constant refinement of the electronic and computerized measuring tools and instruments, cadastral maps of Taiwan region are all made digitally. However, there are still two major failing flaws to land revision which needed to be modified: 1. Land revision is unable to be completed on site in one outing. 2. Whether the methods of measuring are under government rules and regulations are not readily monitored. In order to correct the failing flaws, this study mainly aims to monitor and control the process of land revision survey with the digitizing operation cadastral maps. To do so, a total station is connected to a notebook computer equipped with the “Land Revision Survey System” software along with procedure control functions. The computer will then monitor and control such activities in an automatic fashion. The surveyors only need to follow the steps given by the computer in order to complete the survey. Land revision of measuring, calculating, map overlapping and result inspecting can be completed all together on site in one outing. This not only standardizes the land revision procedures but also increases its accuracies. Most importantly, it curtails the time spent and increases the administrational efficiency. The regions selected for this research are all under the jurisdiction of Junghe Land Office, Taipei County, which covers the areas of Outer-Nanshijiao, and Top-Nanshijiao subsection, Nanshijiao section. They have yet to be re-surveyed and made into digitizing operation maps. The aim of this research is then to revision these areas by division and combination following the standard controlled procedures. All of the processes follow and comply with the rules and regulations to cadastral survey set by the government. And all of the survey activities are completed on site in one outing. Keywords: Land Revision, Controlled Procedures, Map Overlapping, Cadastral Survey


廖慶安 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於政府業務委外蔚為風潮,政府經費不足及人事組織精簡,為加速辦理地籍圖重測,自民國86年起將重測工作委託民間測量公司辦理,惟推動迄今委外成效始終不彰。影響重測委外制度成效之層面甚廣,本研究嘗試從制度執行面分析,爰由代理理論觀點,以重測委外制度背景及相關規範差異為基礎,探討重測委外制度之內部關係-包含政府委託受託測量公司重測之外部代理,至政府與受託執行官員之內部代理,於該內、外部代理下,各參與者間不同角色互動過程所產生之代理問題,及其對制度執行之影響與關連,以探究何以在內政部93年訂定「重測委託辦理作業規範」,以健全重測委外制度與解決過去推動所遭遇之問題後,至今推行成效仍舊不彰之因,並進而提出本研究之建議。 本研究發現,於缺乏有效誘因與監督衡量執行官員行為、績效之機制下,執行官員未能徹底落實規範內容,致受託測量廠商於重測委外過程中亦便宜行事,換言之,在雙方目標函數衝突下,基於自利與理性選擇,導致政府以消極態度推動重測委外,重測委外計畫始終處於只聞樓梯響階段;在風險態度差異上,受託測量公司於風險分擔、獲利基礎疑慮下,對投標的態度趨於保守,反之,政府為達如期重測公告而對風險忽略,進而影響重測成果品質。此外,因投標廠商不具市場競爭性及無法建立有效濾查廠商資訊機制,於資訊不對稱下,「逆選擇」問題仍舊無法有效解決;加以廠商實際從事重測工作人員依舊良莠不齊或缺乏經驗,不論舊地籍圖描繪及套繪分析、實地進行界址測量或地籍調查,均無法避免「道德危機」之發生。肇因於該等代理問題,導致重測委外相關制度規範與實際執行上有所落差,重測委外成效未彰亦屬可期。 藉由代理問題解決機制運用,本研究建議,在代理人篩選機制上,透過政府建立公私部門測量人力相互派遣管道,增加重測經驗交流學習,並持續推動地籍測量人員培訓計畫,以累積民間重測業者能量,並建立評鑑評等制度,於大環境成熟時,增加選擇性招標方式;在誘因激勵上,應制訂具體長期之重測委託辦理計畫、放寬重測委外期程與區域限制,與釋放地所常態性地籍測量業務委外,並就委外所節省之經費,提撥一部分作為激勵獎金;在監督控制機制上,初期政府應派專人專責進駐工作站輔導及監督,並僅將成果易於檢驗查核之技術性重測工作項目委外,待市場成熟後,配合評鑑評等制度確實落實第三人查核機制以降低監督成本。

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