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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高科技品牌體驗行銷價值之研究 / Experience marketing in high-technology industry

陳欣微 Unknown Date (has links)
體驗行銷近年來已成為許多企業的行銷方式,相較於傳統行銷,體驗行銷較注重顧客的體驗與感官的刺激,而非如傳統行銷只著重商品的性能與效益。由於體驗能讓消費者留下深刻的印象,並一再回味,因此能提高產品的附加價值。以高科技公司為例,Apple與Sony等高科技產品龍頭都設有體驗店提供消費者自由把玩、試用自家公司的產品。這樣的行銷方式不僅可以快速、便利地傳達產品訊息,更有機會大幅改變消費者原有的生活模式與習慣。不過,也並非每一家高科技產品廠商都設有體驗店讓消費者一窺究竟,為了瞭解體驗店的設立,即體驗行銷的運用是否是一個有效的行銷手法,本文擬以Apple與Sony兩家公司旗下的體驗店為研究對象,透過問卷發放的方式進行調查,探討體驗行銷、體驗價值與品牌價值之間的關係。此外,本研究亦將「生活型態」納入考量,探討其在體驗價值模型中所扮演的角色,最後則透過研究結果提出實務建議。 本研究之研究結果發現: 1.體驗行銷能透過體驗價值對品牌價值產生正向的影響,且體驗價值在本研究架構中扮演完全中介之效果。 2.若分別檢視體驗行銷對品牌價值、體驗型對體驗價值及體驗價值對品牌價值的影響則皆為正向且顯著。 3.生活型態在體驗價值對品牌價值的影響中具有調節作用。 4.「追求流行」的生活型態會減弱體驗價值對品牌價值的影響作用;相對的,「注重條理」的生活型態則能增強體驗價值對品牌價值的影響效果。

台灣與法國消費者生活型態及消費價值觀之比較 / A comparison of lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and French consumers

柯佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
價值觀與生活型態是消費者從事各項消費行為的基礎,透過價值觀及生活型態可以解釋及預測消費者行為,因此對於研究消費者行為是相當重要的基礎主題之一。Rokeach (1973) 認為價值觀是一種持久的信念,這樣的信念使個人或社會對於某些特定的行為模式或是事情的結果產生偏好。Lazer (1963) 將生活型態定義為一種有特性的生活模式,代表某一個群體或社會有別於其他群體之特徵,這些特徵之差異來自於文化、價值觀及資源等綜合影響的結果。過去學者研究消費者的價值觀及生活型態時,多半以單一國家的消費者為主,雖然也有學者比較跨文化的消費者生活型態,但仍以美歐等地之研究居多。因此,本研究藉由交換至法國的機會,於當地進行消費者調查,取得第一手資料,以瞭解當地消費者生活型態及消費價值觀,並與台灣消費者進行跨文化比較。 本研究採滾雪球法抽樣,深度訪談十三位法國消費者及十九位台灣消費者。訪談內容為消費價值觀及生活型態等主題,包括工作與休閒生活、家庭及朋友關係、消費模式及金錢分配方式,並導出相關命題如:台灣人較法國人之價格敏感度高、台灣人較法國人具有品牌意識、台灣人在消費時較法國人具他人導向、台灣人較法國人具投資理財觀、台灣人較法國人重視工作所帶來的金錢滿足以及台灣人較法國人對婚姻關係有較高的期待等命題。 此外,本研究並探討消費價值觀如何具體影響消費者的生活型態及消費模式,透過本研究可發現:價格敏感度高的消費者,會隨著折扣或低價而調整其消費頻率;具他人導向的消費者會傾向購買外顯性的名牌產品,也較易受他人影響而產生衝動性消費行為。 藉由本研究可瞭解兩地消費價值觀及生活型態之差異,廠商進入兩地市場時,可參考本研究結果設計適合當地消費者之行銷策略,以期更貼近消費者需求。 / Values and lifestyles can be the foundation of most kinds of consumptions. Therefore, studying values and lifestyles is of importance for marketers to explain and predict consumers’behavior. According to Rokeach (1973), a value is defined as “an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.”As for lifestyle, it is defined as“a distinctive or characteristic mode of living (Lazer, 1963). Past studies concerning values and lifestyles mostly focused consumers in one country. Even though some studies dealed with cross-cultural comparison, they usually compared two or more markets in American and European. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the lifestyles and consumption values of consumers in Taiwan and France to do a cross-cultural comparison between Taiwanese and French consumers. Thirteen French consumers and nineteen Taiwanese consumers were interviewed during this study. The interview questions were regarding to lifestyles and consumption values, such as respondents' work and leisure life, relations with family and friends, consumption patterns and the way to allocate money. Some important propositions are derived based on content analysis: Taiwanese consumers have higher price sensitivity, more brand consciousness, higher other-oriented degree and more saving and investment concept than French consumers. Besides, Taiwanese people place more importance on the salary of work and have higher expectation about marriage than French consumers. Furthermore, this study also discusses how consumption values influence consumers' lifestyles and consumption patterns. It reveals that consumers with higher price sensitivity will adjust their consumption patterns according to discount frequencies. Besides, people-oriented consumers tend to choose prestige brands and have more impulsive consumptions under the influence of friends. The findings of this reseach can provide suggestions to marketers in these two markets to develop marketing strategies corresponding with the values and lifestyles of local consumers.

臺灣政論節目中的政治意識型態之社會語用學研究 / Political ideology in Taiwan political talk shows: a sociopragmatic analysis

游惠鈞, Yu, Hui-jyun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由檢視臺灣政論節目中所使用的語用策略(直接或間接)、語言行為類別、及語言行為目的,探討政治意識型態對於語言行為產生的影響。本研究以Grice(1975)的合作原則與Searle(1969)的語言行為理論作為分析框架,並以Leech(1983)的禮貌原則解釋語用策略及語言行為在不同政論節目中的分布差異。   本研究從臺灣主流的政論節目當中,政治光譜兩極的政論節目「大話新聞」(泛綠)與「2100全民開講」(泛藍)採集語料;並以Searle(1965年)的語言行為理論進行分析,總共識別12類直接語言行為和26類間接語言行為。   研究結果顯示,(一)語用策略方面,說話者在政論節目中使用間接語言行為的頻率比直接語言行為頻繁。(二)語言行為類別方面,直接語言行為中,排序則為:斷言(Assertive)、表述(Expressive)、指示(Directive);而間接語言行為中,各類別使用頻率由高至低排序為:表述(Expressive)、斷言(Assertive)、指示(Directive)。(三)在政治意識型態的影響方面,支持執政黨的政論節目行使較多「直接且事實導向」的語言行為,而支持反對黨的政論節目則有較多的「間接且評論導向」的語言行為。(四)「譴責」是政論節中最常使用的語言行為,並且以間接方式表達居多。(五)推論過程中,推論步驟較多的「間接譴責」語言行為在政論節目中較常被使用。(六)「大話新聞」與「2100全民開講」雖偏向不同的政治意識型態,但是它們皆以斷言類(Assertive)或指示類(Directive)的語言行為來包裝,藉以間接達到「譴責」執政黨疏失的目的。 / This thesis investigates the political-ideological influence on speech acts in Taiwan political talk shows by examining the pragmatic strategies (directness and indirectness), the speech act categories, and the illocutionary purposes performed in the talk shows. In this thesis, Gricean maxims (1975) and Searle’s theory of speech acts (1969) are adopted as the analytic frames to study how speech acts are conducted, and Leech’s (1983) notions of politeness are the theoretical basis for explaining the distributional difference of pragmatic strategies.   The data analyzed in this study is composed of dialogues extracted from 6 episodes of two political talk shows with opposite stances on political issues, namely DaHuaXingWen (大話新聞), the pan-green talk show, and QuanMinKaiJiang (2100全民開講), the pan-blue one. Following Searle’s scheme of speech acts (1965), this study identifies the illocutionary act of every clause in the data and recognizes 12 types of direct speech acts and 26 types of indirect speech acts in the collected data.   The results of quantitative analysis show that, (1) indirect speech act is generally performed more frequently than indirect speech act in political talk shows. (2) The order of frequency in direct speech acts represents as: Assertive > Expressive > Directive; and in indirect speech acts, the order of frequency is: Expressive > Assertive > Directive. (3) In terms of the political-ideological influence, the political talks show supporting the ruling party (QuanMinKaiJiang) performs direct fact-orientated speech acts more, while the show that standing in the opposition to the ruling party (DaHuaXingWen) has more indirect opinion-oriented speech acts. (4) Condemnation is the most often used illocutionary act in political talk shows, and mainly done indirectly. (5) Indirect condemnations with longer length of inferential process are preferred in political talk shows. (6) Despite that DaHuaXingWen and QuanMinKaiJiang held different political stance, they share the same pattern of expressing indirect condemnation—wrapping it in speech acts of Assertives or Directives.

台灣與波蘭消費者生活型態及消費價值觀之比較 / A comparison of lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and polish consumers

陳咨良 Unknown Date (has links)
中、東歐十國加入歐盟後,發展引起世界關注,而擁有最多人口的波蘭更是備受矚目;近年來波蘭中產階級增加,消費力提高,令研究者興起瞭解波蘭消費者的念頭。消費者的價值觀與生活型態會影響消費行為,對研究消費者行為是十分重要的主題。然而過去與消費者價值觀與生活型態相關的研究大多以單一國家之消費者為主,跨文化比較以歐美研究為多,故研究者利用到波蘭交換的機會,進行消費者生活型態與消費價值觀之調查研究,以取得第一手資料,然後與台灣消費者作比較。 本研究以滾雪球法進行抽樣,深度訪談15位波蘭消費者與19位台灣消費者。訪談內容涵蓋生活型態與消費價值觀各面向,經過分析後發現兩地消費者於金錢配置、儲蓄理財觀、信用卡使用習慣、價格取向、他人導向、品牌觀、服飾消費模式、婚姻觀、家庭觀、工作觀、宗教觀、環保觀、助人觀等方面的差異,並推導出相關命題,如:台灣消費者的價格敏感度和他人導向程度較波蘭消費者高;台灣人和波蘭人相比,與原生家庭的關係較為密切、對婚姻關係也有較高的期待,並且更具環保概念等。 除此之外,本研究也探究消費價值觀、生活型態及消費行為間的關係。本研究發現價格敏感度高的消費者傾向選擇於較便宜的通路,以及在特價的時候購物,消費次數較一般人來得少,也少有衝動性消費與犒賞自己的行為產生,而且消費時不太在意品牌,通常是購買平價的品牌;然而注重價格之餘,這些消費者也會注意商品的質感,不希望別人發現該商品很廉價。另外,具環保觀念的人,傾向有需要才購物;在衣著方面,購買次數不多,且重視品質、材質與持久性,不願買路邊攤,但也不會買很貴品牌的服飾,也不會跟隨潮流;而這些具環保理念的人與其他人相比,較注重健康或養生。 本研究結果在學術上有助於拓展國內碩士論文的跨文化研究領域,以及建立跨文化消費價值觀與生活型態之訪談大綱;在實務方面,能夠提供欲進入兩地市場的廠商一些開發市場與行銷策略的建議。 / Central and Eastern European countries have attracted worldwide attention since 10 Central and Eastern European countries joined the European Union. Among these countries, Poland, the country with the largest population among these nations, gains the most attention. In recent years, the middle class in Poland has increased, and consumer purchasing power has enhanced. These have raised more and more researchers’ interests to investigate Poland consumer’s bevaviors. Values and lifestyles affect consumer behavior. Therefore, Values and lifestyles are important subjects in consumer behavior research. However, past studies concerning values and lifestyles mostly focused on consumers in a single country. Furthermore, the literature about cross-cultural comparative analysis emphasizes on comparing more than two markets in American as well as those in Europe. Thus, this study aims to compare the lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and Polish consumers. This study uses snow ball method to find appropriate samples. 15 Polish respondents and 19 Taiwanese respondents were interviewed in this study. The interview covers various aspects with regards to lifestyles and consumption values. The results showed that there are differences between Polish and Taiwanese consumers in money arrangement, credit card usage, clothing consumption patterns, brand perception and so on. Besides, some propositions that are derived from content analysis include: Taiwanese consumers are more price sensitive and other-oriented, and have higher expectations about marriage, closer relationships with their family of origin, and are more conscious about environmental protection than Polish consumers. This study also discusses the relationship among consumption values, lifestyles and consumer behavior. It reveals that consumers with higher price sensitivity prefer to make purchases in places that sell cheaper things, and in stores with discounts. They expend less frequently than most people, and seldom have impulsive consumption behaviors or reward themselves. They do not really care about brands and usually buy cheap brands. Furthermore, people who are environmentally friendly tend to go shopping only when they have actual needs. In clothing aspect, they do not buy frequently, and put emphasis on quality, material and persistence. They are not willing to buy clothes from street vendors, but they also do not buy from expensive brands. Moreover, they do not follow the trend. Compared with others, they pay more attention to keep their health well. This study helps to expand the domain of cross-cultural research and develops an interview outline for cross-cultural consumer values and lifestyles. More importantly, this study provides some suggestion to those who are willing to enter Taiwanese or Polish markets.

基於Hadoop雲端運算架構建立策略交易與回測模擬平台 / Building algorithmic trading and back-testing platform based on Hadoop

黃柏翰 Unknown Date (has links)


蔡沛廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討連鎖企業經營型態的考量因素,以及如何決定其擴張連鎖體系的經營型態。研究方法採內容分析法,而以台灣具代表性之連鎖企業為研究對象,透過次集資料的整理、統計與分析,並結合相關文獻的探討,分析結果呼應本研究假說,主要結論如下: 一初始投資成本愈高,連鎖企業選擇直營為其經營型態: 一些業種因為其經營內容與經營模式的關係,初始投資金額的門檻很高,使得以加盟的方式擴展經營規模有其現實的困難,所以即便在資源有限的情況下,為了擴大經濟規模或提升市占率,將會以直營的型態展店經營,展店的速度與數量雖然不如那些開放加盟的連鎖體系,但都呈現穩定的成長。 二開放加盟的交易成本愈高,連鎖企業選擇直營為其經營型態: 連鎖企業的商標價值乃企業的特殊資產,當連鎖企業總部非常重視其商標、品牌時,也提升了此資產價值,以至於如果開放加盟的話,在契約的簽定、監督成本及商標價值上,會產生更高的的交易成本,因此在這樣的考量下,會採直營的方式為其連鎖經營的型態。 三監督成本愈高,連鎖企業選擇開放加盟的經營型態: 為了要快速的展店以擴張連鎖體系,往往因為人力資源的取得與薪資報酬的投入,大大提升了企業的監督成本,一些初始投資門檻低的連鎖體系,即使在總部的資源充分下,還是會以加盟的經營型態來降低其管理上的監督成本。 四經營技術( know – how )愈難移轉,連鎖企業選擇直營為其經營型態: 知識移轉的複雜與難易程度,會影響連鎖體系經營型態的選擇。當總部對體系下營業店之間的知識移轉程度越耗時、越不易時,考量產品及服務品質的情況下,總部會以直營的方式來經營。

鄭成功的民族學研究 / On Koxinga: An Ethnonlogical Study

周士煌, Chou, Shih Huang Unknown Date (has links)
從政治-歷史的角度來看,鄭成功具有已進入世界體系的歷史身份;由現代「民族國」的歷史角度來看,鄭成功本身即有豐富的「史實面向」──初為日本人、長為中國人、死為台灣人──從史實面向出發,和台灣曾受到中國、日本統治的歷史過程相疊合,鄭成功受到不間斷、而且相對不同的歷史解釋;這些不同的解釋,也造成鄭成功這個概念的多元性。而被政權所引以鞏固自身統治正當性,或者被政權引為統治者精神象徵的,我們稱呼這種概念為「鄭成功的意識型態」。鄭成功的意識型態經過不同歷史時期的詮釋,分別表現為,一、海寇──為民之戒、為國之賊;二、忠節──危身奉上、難危莫奪;三、武士──武勇壯烈、南海雄飛;四、孤忠──反清復明、建國復國。也因為這些詮釋是做為「鞏固政權的意識型態」,因此,在台灣主體性彰顯的今天,受到來自兩方面的攻擊:一方面是政治實務上的經台無功;另一方面是政治目標上的反清復明。   本論文認為,我們應該正面接受鄭成功這個概念做為意識型態的事實,然而不應以「因為受政治影響而形塑出的鄭成功概念」做為對鄭成功負面評價的理由。我們應由民間社會的角度出發,對鄭成功概念進行整體的分析。以民間社會概念來與政權意識型態對立,從民間社會的概念中理出政治的影響,是本論文提出的分析策略。   那麼,如何彰顯民間社會的力量呢?我們提出和鄭成功有關的傳說,以及開台聖王信仰這兩者來進行對比分析。在討論了和鄭成功傳說之後,我們從中分離出了台灣型和中國型的差別,並且認為台灣型的鄭成功傳說才代表了鄭成功概念的進一步發展──神奇的、靈驗的、故事性強的傳說,這是鄭成功從史冊中步入常民生活的重要發展。從傳說走向信仰的過程中,我們比較了關公、岳飛、鄭成功這三位歷史人物,進一步發現,相較於其他兩個人物,「表面性」的政治力涉入在鄭成功的身上較為不明顯,我們認為,在「感念開台之功」(民間式的)和「因其忠烈報國」(政治式的)這兩個崇敬原因裏頭,至少在信仰初期,似乎前者的成份較強。   接下來,在開台聖王信仰的分析中,本論文從時間的縱切和地理的分佈上,全貌性地追索現今開台聖王廟的分佈與發展。我們認為,開台聖王信仰的地理分佈,其各自的獨立性相當高,從不同系統的移民來看,在沒有個別廟的單點調查之前,也不宜推論信奉開台聖王的人多屬何種系統。同時,更不宜把「歷史事實」理所當然的放到開台聖王信仰的脈絡中加以申論。此外,我們也提出,開台聖王信仰的歷史分期,與對鄭成功的歷史評價,這兩者應該合在一起看。開台聖王信仰在台灣的成立,受到政治力介入的痕跡相當清楚。「信者的比附」(到底我拜的神是誰?)受到政治力的影響,使得新建和改奉的廟,「祀神選項」趨於固定。從台灣開台聖王信仰本身的源起來看、沒有堅實的證據可以指出,信仰中所奉的主神「就是」/「不是」鄭成功。因此,我們在這一點仍要存疑。但是,毫無疑問地,「現在」我們所指的開台聖王「就是」鄭成功,原因很清楚,是政治運作的結果。是政治力打造了現在三位一體的「鄭成功」=「國姓/國聖爺」=「開台/開山聖王」概念。   最後,我們認為,從政治-歷史、傳說、信仰這三個角度分別觀察,現在的鄭成功概念就是在這三個面向不斷地纏繞迴旋、互相影響之下造成的,政治-歷史對鄭成功概念帶來最直接的影響;傳說為政治-歷史的解釋以及信仰的生成帶來大量素材;信仰生成新的傳說,也塑造了在民間社會中鄭成功的正面形象,這種形象使得政治-歷史解釋更為便利。分析了諸般糾纏的概念之後,我們認為,如果鄭成功概念的分析,對當代台灣意識的重構,及台灣主體性的建立能有所貢獻的話,那麼,我們的貢獻應該在於提醒:作為一種概念、一種意識型態的「鄭成功」,不宜落入國族主義泥淖的討論與批評;應從台灣的民間社會性格出發,以開放的、面向海洋的觀點,全面性地理解鄭成功概念的全貌。

勞工改變工作型態對其薪資之影響 / The Wage Difference after Job Status Changing

郭詩妤, Kuo, Shih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,臨時性雇用佔總就業比例在2012年大約為5.3%,而且這個比例近年來有持續上升的趨勢。當勞工的工作型態從臨時性轉換到非臨時性雇用或是從非臨時性轉換到臨時性雇用時,勞工的薪水會因此而有明顯地差距。本研究利用人力運用調查之下的擬追蹤資料,檢驗勞工改變其工作型態與其薪水變化之間的關係。實證結果顯示從臨時性轉換到非臨時性工作之勞工,其薪水有顯著地上升;而從非臨時性轉換到臨時性工作之勞工,其薪水會受到顯著地傷害。女性從臨時性轉換到非臨時性工作,可以享有較多的薪水增加,但是男性從非臨時性轉換到臨時性工作時,薪水會受到較多的傷害。而年齡介於40至60歲之間的勞工,薪水下降較其他年齡層的勞工多;而較年輕的勞工其薪水增加較多。 / In Taiwan, the proportion of temporary employment is about 5.3% (as of 2012) and this ratio has been growing gradually in recent years. Wage differences are caused by change of job status from non-temporary to temporary and vice-versa. Using data from the Manpower Utilization Quasi-Longitudinal Survey, the results confirm that workers switching from non-temporary to temporary jobs suffer significant erosion of income and workers switching from temporary jobs to non-temporary jobs receive significant income gain. Women benefit more when changing from temporary employment to non-temporary, while men suffer more when transiting from non-temporary to temporary jobs. The wage loss for workers’ in age group 40 to 50 is larger than workers in other age groups and younger workers receive greater income gains.

台灣電子科技業員工工作滿意度分析─以某集團土城廠區為例 / Employees' Job Satisfaction Analysis of Taiwan Electronics Industry─ An Example of H Group in Tucheng

黃佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
電子科技業市場競爭激烈且瞬息萬變,尤電子科技業為台灣主力產業之一,如何選對的人並留住好的人以提升企業績效、降低培訓與訓練成本,為企業得以永續發展與生存的關鍵。因此,越來越多的企業重視員工的工作滿意度,並著手進行組織內部員工的工作滿意度調查。本研究將針對H集團某一土城廠區員工作個案研究探討,藉由研究個人屬性變項中性別、年齡、年資、婚姻狀況、教育程度對工作滿意度的差異性及環境屬性變項中直屬主管領導型態與工作特性對工作滿意度的相關性,希望調查結果及建議可以提供相關人力資源管理工作者卓參。 本研究採結構式問卷,針對H集團某一土城廠區員工發放300份問卷,回收有效問卷292份,回收率為97.33%,主要研究結果顯示如下: 一、不同年齡的H集團員工工作滿意度有顯著差異存在。 二、不同直屬主管領導型態的H集團員工與工作滿意度有顯著相關存在。 三、不同工作特性的H集團員工與工作滿意度有顯著相關存在。 關鍵詞:工作滿意度、直屬主管領導型態、工作特性 / Electronics industry market is highly competitive and rapidly changing, especially electronics industry is one of the main industries in Taiwan, therefore, how to choose right people and retain right people to improve business performance and reduce training costs are the important issues for companies to find sustainable and survival solutions. Moreover, more and more enterprises pay attention to employees' job satisfaction and do job satisfaction survey internally. In this study, focus on one of Tucheng factory staff of H Group case studies for discussion of personal property by research variables gender, age, seniority, marital status, educational level of job satisfaction and environmental attributes the differences in variables immediate supervisor leadership style and job characteristics on job satisfaction relevance, hope the findings and recommendations can provide references related to human resources field workers. The study adopted a structured questionnaire for one of Tucheng factory staff of H Group and sent 300 questionnaires out, and returned 292 valid questionnaires, the recovery rate was 97.33%, the main research results are shown below: 1. A different age of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significant differences. 2. Under different leadership of supervisors of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significantly correlation exists. 3. A different job characteristics of H Group employees’ job satisfaction has significantly correlation exists. Keywords: job satisfaction, supervisor leadership style, job characteristics

桃園縣國民小學行政團隊的正向組織行為對團隊衝突管理影響之研究 / The impact of positive organizational behavior on conflict management in elementary school administration team in Taoyuan

郭素芬, Kuo, Su Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學行政團隊的正向組織行為對團隊衝突管理之影響。本研究應用一個縱觀的研究設計來了解是否團隊正向心理的潛在影響,形成團隊成員之間的正向組織行為,進而影響其團隊衝突的型態及面對團隊衝突管理的方式,以期最終達成團隊良好的績效產出,提供教育人員重視正向組織行為,促進建立學校優質的行政團隊視野。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園縣公立國民小學,共有187 所學校之教師兼行政人員為樣本母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出781位受試者,回收有效問卷566份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以瞭解國民小學行政團隊的正向組織行為對團隊衝突管理之現況、差異情形及其預測力。研究結論如下: 一、桃園縣國民小學行政團隊正向組織行為之知覺現況屬中上程度,以「團隊效能」最高。 二、桃園縣國民小學行政團隊衝突型態以「任務衝突」居多。 三、桃園縣國民小學行政團隊衝突管理模式以「整合」占最多數。 四、年齡、現任職務、行政服務年資、學校歷史、教師兼行政人數等五個背景變項在團隊正向組織行為上有顯著差異,以「41歲以上」、「兼任主任職務者」、「行政服務年資16年以上」與「校齡在10年以下的大型學校」較高。 五、性別、年齡、現任職務等三個背景變項在團隊衝突型態上有顯著差異,「男性」、「兼任主任職務者」較傾向知覺任務衝突型態,「年輕者較年長者」傾向知覺關係衝突型態。 六、性別、年齡、最高學歷、現任職務、行政服務年資、學校歷史、教師兼行政人數等七個背景變項在團隊衝突管理模式上有顯著差異,「男性」、「學歷高者」、「兼任主任」傾向支配模式,「41歲以上」、「兼任主任」、「服務年資16年以上」、「在大型學校者」傾向整合模式或妥協模式,「校齡在10年以下」較傾向逃避模式,「41-50歲」、「兼任主任」且在「校齡10年以下的大型學校」較傾向退讓模式。 七、行政團隊正向組織行為與任務衝突有中度正相關。 八、行政團隊正向組織行為與關係衝突有低度負相關。 九、行政團隊正向組織行為與整合、退讓、妥協等衝突管理模式有中高度的正相關。 十、高任務高關係衝突型態之行政團隊的正向組織行為對五種衝突管理模式具顯著相關及預測力。其中以「團隊效能」對整合、逃避、退讓、妥協管理模式具有顯著正向預測力;「團隊恢復力」對整合、逃避、支配、退讓、妥協五種管理模式有顯著相關及預測力;另「團隊樂觀」對逃避、支配具有顯著負向預測力。 十一、高任務低關係衝突型態之行政團隊的正向組織行為對四種衝突管理模式具顯著相關及預測力。其中以「團隊效能」對整合管理模式具有顯著正向預測力,對逃避管理模式具有顯著負向預測力;「團隊恢復力」對整合、退讓、妥協管理模式有顯著相關及預測力;另「團隊樂觀」對退讓具有顯著正向預測力。 十二、低任務高關係衝突型態之行政團隊的正向組織行為對五種衝突管理模式具顯著相關及預測力。其中以「團隊效能」對整合、退讓、妥協管理模式具有顯著正向預測力;「團隊恢復力」對整合、逃避、妥協管理模式有顯著相關及預測力;另「團隊樂觀」對支配具有顯著負向預測力。 十三、低任務低關係衝突型態之行政團隊的正向組織行為對四種衝突管理模式具顯著相關及預測力。其中以「團隊效能」對整合、逃避、退讓、妥協管理模式具有顯著正向預測力;「團隊恢復力」對整合、退讓、妥協管理模式有顯著相關及預測力;「團隊樂觀」在此衝突型態下對衝突管理模式皆無預測力。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、行政團隊、以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Positive Organizational Behavior (POB) on conflict management in elementary school administration teams. This study focus on team level representations of the positive psychological capacities that have met the POB inclusion criteria, and which may have a influence on conflict management, the final to achieve good team performance outputs. A survey research was conducted using a sample of public elementary school administration teams in Taoyuan County Taiwan, excluding 781 teachers from 187 school administration teams were selected by stratified random sampling. 566 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. POB is above average, “Team Efficacy” ranks the top. 2. “Team task conflict” is the majority type of conflict. 3. “Integrating” is the majority conflict management style. 4. Five demographic variables, including age, position, total serving years, school history, team members amount, show significant differences in POB. Teachers who are older than 41, work as the chief of department, more than 16 total serving years, school history in 10 years and a large school, show higher perception of POB. 5. Three demographic variables, gender, age, position, show significant differences in conflict type. Teachers who are male, work as the chief of department, show higher perception of task conflict. Teachers who are younger than 51, show higher perception of relationship conflict. 6. Seven demographic variables, including gender, age, education, position, total serving years, school history, team members amount, show significant differences in conflict management style. 7. POB is positively related to task conflict. 8. POB is negatively related to relationship conflict. 9. POB is positively related to integrating, obliging and compromising. 10. In high-high combinations of task and relationship conflict, “Team Efficacy” has positive direct effect on integrating, avoiding, obliging and compromising. “Team Resilience” has positive direct effect on integrating, avoiding, dominating, obliging and compromising. “Team Optimism” has negative direct effect on avoiding, dominating. 11. In high-low combinations of task and relationship conflict, “Team Efficacy” has positive direct effect on integrating, and has negative direct effect on avoiding. “Team Resilience” has positive direct effect on integrating, obliging and compromising. “Team Optimism” has positive direct effect on obliging. 12. In low-high combinations of task and relationship conflict, “Team Efficacy” has positive direct effect on integrating, obliging and compromising. “Team Resilience” has positive direct effect on integrating, avoiding and compromising. “Team Optimism” has negative direct effect on dominating. 13. In low-low combinations of task and relationship conflict, “Team Efficacy” has positive direct effect on integrating, avoiding, obliging and compromising. “Team Resilience” has positive direct effect on integrating, obliging and compromising. “Team Optimism” has no effect. Based on the results of the research, suggestions for educational administration authorities, administration teams and future related study are proposed.

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