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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


魏伶蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以非營利組織為個案對象,探討其外部報導所需揭露之重要智慧資本及相關管理機制,並提出以下四點結論: 一.個案基金會重視之智慧資本項目分布於八個次分類共23項,且個案基金會所重視之智慧資本項目與其使命、願景及目標緊密結合。 二.個案基金會認為重要之23項智慧資本項目中,有12項報導可行性未達「可行」,背後原因可歸納為:屬內部機密資訊以及指標較為抽象。 三.針對重要之智慧資本項目,個案基金會設有具體的管理制度與方法。 四.個案基金會之智慧資本外部報導可分為兩部份,第一部份為個案基金會之願景、策略、管理挑戰、行動目標及衡量指標;第二部份則是包含人力、結構及關係資本三類項目之智慧資本報表,並將其區分為量化及非量化指標。 / This research adopted case study on the non-profit organization to understand what should be disclosed in the external intellectual capital report and how to manage the specific intellectual capital. The conclusions are as followings: 1.The foundation considered 23 indicators important. These indicators are closely combined with the foundation’s mission, vision, and goals. 2.Among the 23 important indicators, 12 indicators’ reporting feasibility didn’t achieve”feasible”. The reasons are confidentiality and abstract. 3.The foundation has corresponding management measures for these 23 indicators. 4.The foundation’s external intellectual capital report can be divided into two parts: the first part is about the foundation’s mission, management challenges, goals, and measurements; the second part is intellectual capital statement including quantitative and qualitative indicators.


張宏宇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以中國大陸2001至2007年於上海證券交易所之上市企業共98家,包括於2003年率先參與XBRL申報計畫之企業共49家,以及其他未採用XBRL申報財報之49家企業作為對照組進行實證分析,以探討中國大陸率先以XBRL格式申報財務資訊的企業群組,相較於非以XBRL格式申報之企業群組,是否企業對於採用XBRL之決策中會受到自身公司治理因素構成與表現影響,使率先採用之企業與非率先採用企業之公司治理因素有顯著之差異,並進一步探究各公司治理構面與採用XBRL之關連性。本研究於整理相關文獻後,根據國內外文獻之公司治理因素之評等架構,並將公司治理因素之變數分為董監事組成、股權結構、管理型態、與大股東介入股市等四個構面。 本研究之實證結果顯示,董監事組成、股權結構、管理型態與大股東介入股市構面皆對公司治理有整體或部份顯著的影響。以個別因素觀之,則發現監事規模、最大股東持股比、次大股東持股比、董事長與總經理是否兼任與大股東股權質押比具有顯著相關,代表監事規模越高,最大股東及次大股東持股比例越低,董事長與總經理兼任情形較高,或者股權質押比越低時,會增加企業率先採用XBRL申報財務資訊之可能性。 / This paper examines whether early and filers of financial information in XBRL format demonstrate superior corporate governance relative to their non-adopting peers. The corporate governance was composed of the composition of director and supervisor, ownership structure, administration style and pledge. Data of 98 listing companies from Shanghai Stock Exchange in China and nine corporate factors are used in our logistic regression model. The empirical analysis implies that board member structure, ownership structure, administration style and pledge -related factors have significant association with the adoption of XBRL in China.

從混搭式報導出現,談學院知識份子在報紙新聞裡的形貌變遷 / Changing Intellectuals species in Newspaper,1987~2009

彭群弼, Peng, Chun Bi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究始於採訪實務中的觀察:學者在報端發表評論,影響了讀者們對於重要新聞事件或社會議題的解讀,報紙則藉助學者的身分及知識,提高報紙的可信度。根據一份來自媒體內部的非正式排行榜卻顯示,短短數年內,知名的學者或專家見諸報端的次數竟然多達數百次,這份名單被用來提醒記者們少找這些高曝光者。美國媒體界通稱這一群常見諸報端的評論者為Pundit(研究者試譯為「評匠」),他們擁有「一通電話,快速評論」的本領,甚至自嘲是「評論應召者」。這樣的轉變毋寧是巨大的,研究者試圖追尋知識份子在報紙裡形貌的轉變。  評論是報紙提供讀者除了資訊之外,得到觀點的重要來源。除了來自學院的知識份子之外,其他評論者還包括來自產業或具有專門知識的專家(例如律師、會計師、醫師或產業專門人士等),包括記者及專欄作家等媒體工作者以及透過投書表達意見的一般民眾。在報導形式上,除了客觀事實之外,摻入專家評論或民眾意見這種混合報導與評論的新聞,出現的頻率越來越多,尤以《蘋果日報》最常使用。研究者將此一報導形式稱為「混搭式報導」(crossover-reporting),取其將不同性質的訊息及知識拼貼在一起之意,並作為觀察知識份子形貌變化的重要取徑。 本研究採定性及定量雙重取徑,透過內容分析法,選擇1987年(解除報禁)、1989、1997、1999、2003、2009等六個年份,包括:《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《自由時報》(1989年起)、及《蘋果日報》(2003年起)等四份主要報紙,以立意取樣觀察並紀錄評論者出現的次數、所佔面積/字數、位置(如新聞辦面、論壇版面或副刊版面等)、形式(如專文、座談會、受訪、讀者投書),是否為混搭式報導等。另搭配對報導內容的定性觀察及深入訪談兩位新聞工作者,輔助量化分析所得並進一步進行質性探討。 結果顯示:雖然隨著報禁開放,學院知識份子的評論次數逐漸增加,但在22年間,評論的平均面積卻減少了52%,且從可完整論述的專文,逐漸退卻並轉進到民意論壇。以專文為例,從1987年的每篇平均320cm2,減少到2009年的80cm2。學院知識份子份量減少但次數增加,此一現象自2003年《蘋果日報》創刊後,大量採用混搭式報導就更形明顯。混搭式報導也提供了產業知識份子(專家)們評論的機會,甚至一般民眾都可以表達意見,出現的次數甚至不亞於比學者,但分量更為稀少,平均面積只有10餘平方公分。 至於深入訪談的編輯主管及第一線的記者都坦承在截稿時間壓力下及編輯部門要求下,會趨向選擇採訪口語表達能力好,反應快、可主動提供符合編輯需要的評論意見的學者或專家,與美國的評匠有相當高的同質性。 綜上,研究者認為,知識份子與報紙之間的關係,已從早期的文人報導,論政救國,逐漸退居到作為報導裡眾生喧嘩裡的評論者之一。知識遭到工具化,僅有滿足報紙設定立場的機械式評論。作為獨立意見提供者,知識份子或許應該維持反叛與堅持的態度,基於面向社會的責任感。在面對報業困境及呈現爆炸式成長的新興傳播科技與網路社群的同時,知識份子們應當重新自我書寫、發表並尋回獨立發聲的機會,方能作為社會良知,發聲以震聵 / In order to emphasize the credibility of news reports and offer news analysis to the readers, newspaper as well as other media always quote the comments of experts or scholars. However, an informal ranking list came from a newspaper revealed that the same group of experts always quoted up to several hundred times within years, and the mangers of the this newspaper reminded their reporters to avoid interviewing those experts who were familiar to the public. The American media industry call a group of commentators with different specialties often shown in the newspaper as ‘Pundit,’who are well prepared to answer questions or express their viewpoints for the reporters in a phone call quickly. Thus, this phenomenon seems to be common not only in Taiwan but also in other countries. Comments in the newspaper provide readers different point of views other than objective information. Instead of academic scholars, experts such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, columnists and senior media workers can also play the role of commentators. In this study, we observe a kind of news report which reporters not only provide facts to the readers, but also quote the comments of the intellectuals, as well as that of common people. The study call this type of reports as ‘crossover-reporting,’ which is a new phenomena in Taiwan media industry, and the reporter of which combine different kinds of information in a report. This technique is seemed to be mostly used by Apple Daily. By analyzing how the intellectuals and their comments appears in the newspaper, the study tries to explore the changing roles of the intellectuals in Taiwan printed media. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis are used in this study. We choose four newspaper from 1989 to 2009 as our materials. The properties of the comments were further analyzed by purposively sampling the appearance of intellectuals in the main contents in theses newspapers. We analyze the number of words, the section where the report appears (e.g. in the main reports, forums, or supplements), and the form (e.g. special articles, opinion, symposium, interviews, or letters to editors) to define whether a report is cross-reporting or not, and to observe the change of the role of intellectuals. Besides, we interview two senior media worker to gather qualitative information for our analysis; one of the interviewee is a chief editor and the other one is a senior reporter. The results of the study shows that the number of comments from academic scholars is increasing since 1987 (the year which the Lifting of Martial Law is declared in Taiwan); however, the average area is decreased by 52% within 22 years, and the form they appeared is gradually transformed from integral special article to public opinion forum (e.g. the average area was 320 cm2 in 1987, but remain only 80 cm2 in 2009 in special articles). The study also shows since Apply Daily started publication in 2003 and its massive use of crossover-reporting, the academic scholars’ number of words quoted by reporter has decreased, but the number of academic scholars’ quotation has increased. We also find that the using of crossover-reporting provides the opportunities for other intellectuals and even general public to comment on news issues. The number of their comment is even more than that of the scholars, but number of words of the former (average area is only about 10 cm2) is lesser than that of the latter. By interviewing two senior media workers, both of them agree that, under time pressure and the demand from editors, they prefer to adopt the comments from those intellectuals who can express clearly, response quickly and actively provide information. This situation is very similar to that of American mass media industry of which the media always need ‘Pundit’ to give quick and clear comments for the needs of reporting and editing. In words, this study demonstrates the change of the role of the intellectuals in the newspaper; they used to offered professional opinions for the public and played important role in politics. However, in the recent years, the intellectuals’ role gradually decline and become only one of the commentators appearing in media. Now professional knowledge is used only as tool to support the viewpoint of the newspaper. In our opinion, we still suggest that the intellectuals should remember their social responsibilities, keep their independent and critical roles and resist the present situation which regard them as only tools or materials of reporting. In facing the decline of printed media and the rising of new media technology such as internet and social media, the intellectuals should try to reclaim their position as the conscience of the society and reacquire their influencing role to enlightening the public.

國內上市公司及銀行業會計人員對衍生性金融商品認知與報導能力之研究 / A study on accountants' understanding and reporting ability on derivative financial instruments in Taiwan

陳俊吉, Chen, Chun-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是希望在第二十七號公報正式適用(八十七年十二月三十一日)之前,探討國內上市公司與銀行業會計人員對衍生性金融商品的認知程度,並瞭解其差異。另一目的則是希望瞭解企業依照第二十七號公報之要求揭露衍生性金融商品時,最難決定之事項及對第二十七號公報的看法。 本研究以問卷為資料收集的工具,其中「認知能力」定義為會計人員對衍生性金融商品的瞭解程度,而瞭解程度的高低,一種為會計人員自已主觀的衡量,另一種則依據會計人員在問卷第五部份「衍生性金融商品基本知識」測驗答對題數來判定。答對題數之高低,可作為會計人員瞭解衍生性金融商品程度之指標。 在回收的106份問卷中,只有2位(佔2.3%)會計人員不知道什麼是衍生性金融商品。至於造成會計人員對衍生性金融商品認知與瞭解程度差異的原因,經統計檢定後,有以下幾項: (1)企業的型態, (2)會計人員熟悉衍生性金融商品的程度, (3)會計人員認定衍生性金融商品的能力, (4)會計人員是否接受衍生性金融商品相關訓練,及 (5)企業目前使用(或過去使用過)衍生性金融商品與否。 大約有八成的會計人員在會計處理過程中,主要是依據「揭露要點」來判斷某項金融商品是否為衍生性金融商品。在目前使用(或使用過)衍生性金融商品的企業中,大約有六成的會計人員認為依照第二十七號公報揭露衍生性金融商品時,最難決定的項目為各商品的財務風險,而未曾使用過衍生性金融商品的企業中,亦有六成會計人員認為各類商品的財務風險最難決定。 影響會計人員對衍生性金融商品的認知與瞭解能力的因素中,有一項為會計人員是否接受衍生性金融商品的相關訓練,由此可知,提昇會計人員對衍生性金融商品瞭解的方法就是加強其有關衍生性金融商品的訓練。會計人員對衍生性金融商品的瞭解程度超高,將可增進其對衍生性金融商品的認定、會計處理、甚至報導的能力。 / In recent years, many derivative financial instruments (DFI) have been introduced into the domestic market. While transaction volumes of DFI are increasing, the relative risk enterprises expose to is increasing. Under this circumstance, accountants' understanding ofDFI becomes more and more important to the users of financial statement. If an accountant understands DFI well enough, he/she can adequately report the transactions ofDFI and, therefore, users of financial statements can properly assess the risk the enterprise faces. In this study, the author investigated the extent of the accountants understanding DFI and their ability to adequately report DFI transactions in accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No.27 in ROC. The author used questionnaire as a tool in gathering data. Questionnaires are sent to the accountants of listed companies and companies in banking industries in Taiwan. Two indexes are used in measuring the extent of the accountants' understanding about DFI. One is a five-scale measurement to be filled by the accountants evaluating their own capability. The other is the number of correctly answered questions about DFI by the accountants, in addition, the accounts are asked weather they have the capability of adequately disclosing DFI transactions in accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No.27 in ROC. The Results of this research can be concluded as follow: 1. Generally speaking, the extent of the accountants understanding DFI is moderate. 2. The accountants in the enterprises involve in DFI transactions understand DFI better than those in the enterprises not involve in DFI transactions. 3.The accountants have difficulties to report DFI in accordance with the statement of financial accounting standard No.27 in ROC.

選舉期間民意測驗新聞報導之研究----以民國八十三年省市長選舉為例 / Newspaper reporting of the public opinion polls: In 1994 election

施妙霓, Shih, Miaw-Ni Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討民國八十三年省市長選舉期間新聞媒介對民意測驗結果 之報導。本論文主要採取內容分析法,研究對象為民國83年 8月 4日至12 月 3日間,曾報導民意測驗之報社,包括中國時報、 中時晚報、聯合報 、聯合晚報、民生報、自立早報、自立晚報、自由時報、中央日報、中華 日報、青年日報、臺灣日報、臺灣新生報、臺灣新聞報、大成報、大明報 、民眾日報、臺灣時報以及臺灣立報等十九家報社。研究觀察的項目包括 民意測驗新聞報導上議題、報導立場、新聞呈現方式與報導方式之差異。 此外,亦比較不同報社與測驗執行機構等因素對上述觀察結果的影響。根 據分析結果,在民國83年省市長選舉期間,本研究所蒐集的樣本中,中時 與聯合兩報系的報導即佔總樣本數的三分之一;在測驗執行機構方面,以 由政黨所執行的測驗居多,佔總則數的四成五,其中,更以由國民黨所執 行的測驗佔最多數;而所有的報導大致是以1000字左右的篇幅呈現。在議 題方面,無論是新聞標題或是新聞報導,均是以「賽馬式報導」議題類為 主。在報導立場上,官方報系(包括中央日報、中華日報、青年日報、臺 灣新生報、臺灣新聞報)的報導立場多傾向國民黨,對國民黨或其候選人 有較多的正面評價;而其他的報社則多數趨於中立的報導立場。在報導結 果呈現方式方面,多數的報導中均述及「描述、反應數據」與呈現「由調 查機構或學者專家對調查結果作分析、解釋或評論」。在報導方式中,有 八成以上的新聞報導中會列出「測驗執行機構」,並以「百分比」的方式 呈現統計結果;然而除了以上兩項以外,其他相關的測驗相關背景資料均 被忽略,僅有在不及半數的新聞報導中被提及,其中尤以列出「問卷問題 」的比例最低,僅有3.1%。整體而言,中時與聯合兩報系的民意測驗新聞 ,其結果呈現方式較其他報社多樣化,而在報導方式上,所提供的相關資 訊亦較其他報社為多;而報社報導本身所執行之測驗結果時,亦較符合 AAPOR 所提出對精確新聞報導之要求。

會計盈餘與現金流量對股票報酬影響之研究 / The Investigation of the Impact of Accounting Earnings and Cash Flows on Stock Returns.

周寶蓮, Chow, Pao Leng Unknown Date (has links)
會計盈餘的產生係根據應計基礎,應計會計程序預期會緩和時間性及配合性的問題,而繼美國財務會計準則公報第九十五號公布二年後,國內於民國七十八年十二月發布財務會計準則公報第十七號『現金流量表』,故本研究探討盈餘與現金流量究竟何者較能解釋股票報酬,應計會計程序所扮演的角色為何?本研究首先分析不同累計期間下盈餘與現金流量和股票報酬的關聯性,以及,在不同運用資金的變異性及營業循環期間下,盈餘與現金流量對股票報酬的解釋力,俾瞭解盈餘與現金流量基本財務資料,在投資人決策制定過程中所扮演的角色,以及何者為解釋股票報酬的良好指標。   本研究係由探討國內外相關文獻,並參酌國內環境,加以延伸,蒐集民國七十五年至八十二年的資料,以Pooling方法分析,比較盈餘與現金流量和股票報酬的關聯性,進一步使用Vuong Z-statistic從事測試工作。   經由實證結果,本研究獲致如下的結論:   1、在短的報導期間下,盈餘和股票報酬的關聯性並未較現金流量強,而淨現金流量對股票報酬的解釋力隨著期間的增加而增加。   2、在不同的報導期間下,當公司有重大應計數時,盈餘對股票報酬的解釋力並未較現金流量佳。   3、當公司及產業的營業循環期間愈長,非現金流量的運用資金變異性愈大,達顯著水準,惟其並不影響盈餘與現金流量對股票報酬的解釋力。

國際財務報導準則新擬議現金流量表增額資訊內涵之研究 / A study about the incremental information content of the statement of cash flows under IFRS draft

鄭巧明 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2013年即全面採用IFRS編製財務報表,而在IFRS新擬議下,將出售與購固定資產現金流量改分類為營業活動現金流量項目。本研究旨在探討在IFRS新擬議下之現金流量表,其分類之是否具增額資訊內涵、變革後之財務報表是否更具攸關性?此變革後之會計、經濟上的解釋為何?   本文共分五章,架構概述如下:第壹章說明本研究之時代背景、研究動機與研究目的;第貳章介紹現金流量表之演進,以至於現今IFRS下之變革以及文獻整理;第參章建立本研究之假說與模型;第肆章利用統計方法分析第參章之研究樣本,並分析證明實證結果是否符合第參章之研究假說。第伍章則提出結論,並對後續研究者提出建議。   本研究之實證結果顯示本期稅後淨利與其現金流量項目組成項目皆具資訊內涵,而在IFRS新擬議下之現金流量組成要素亦具增額資訊內涵,代表IFRS草案中變革極具攸關性之資訊納入。 / In 2013, all of the companies in Taiwan will be forced to adopt IFRS when preparing financial statements. In IFRS draft, cash flows from selling and purchasing of property, plant, and equipment should be reclassified as cash flows from operating activities. The primary purpose of this thesis is to discuss whether the cash flows from operating activities in IFRS draft contain incremental information content and is more relevant to investors. Furthermore, this thesis tries to explain the meaning of the cash flows in IFRS draft.   This thesis is composed of five parts: The first chapter is a preface which illustrates the motive, the approaches, and the structure of the thesis. Beginning with the evolution of statement of cash flows, chapter two discusses some literatures relating to the thesis. Chapter three sketches three hypotheses and establishes models. Following chapter three, chapter four then analyses the sample using statistics methods. Finally, chapter five makes conclusions and some suggestions to future studies.   This thesis supports the hypotheses that the net income and cash flows from operating activities possess incremental information contents, as well as the cash flows from operating activities in IFRS draft, which means that IFRS draft reforms the accounting information that is more relevant to investors.

核能科技的新聞建構-以福島核災報導為例 / The news construction of nuclear technology – take the Fukushima nuclear disaster reports as an example

陳雅妤, Chen, Ya Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以福島核災期間的新聞報導為分析對象,透過兩階段的新聞內容分析,比較福島核災發生當月以及週年前夕的新聞報導。研究發現越接近福島核災週年,媒體關注越高;福島核災後一個月內的新聞以因應框架為主,一年後的主要框架則轉為衝突及人情趣味框架;福島核災週年的報導戲劇化程度較一年以前為高,而兩階段共同的缺點則為消息來源過於單一化。本研究檢視福島核災報導的優點及未盡之處,以提供實務上諸多參考。 / This thesis attempts to analyze the news reports of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. By comparing the news coverage between March 11 and April 10 2011, and February 12 and March 11 2012, we found when the anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster approaching, the amount of news reports gradually increased. The dominant frame of the first stage of this study is the strategy frame, and the second stage are the conflict frame and the human interest frame. This study also found the amount of the dramatic style of coverage in the second stage is higher than that in the first stage. And the shortcoming of both the two stage is the lack of diversity of the sources.


徐鳳嬌, Hsu, Feng Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於全球經濟整合時代之來臨,資本市場全球化已是一股不可逆轉的趨勢,而資訊的及時、公正及充分公開係證券市場健全之基石。政府為協助及促進企業國際化,以利吸引外資投資國內企業,同時降低國內企業赴海外籌資之成本,進而提升企業全球競爭力,故致力於建構與國際接軌的資訊公開制度,並宣告自2013年起我國分階段採用國際會計準則(簡稱IFRS),金融業已自2013年開始採用IFRS編製財務報表。 因IFRS的主要精神架構係原則性基礎、公允價值、資產負債表法及組成要素等觀念,與國內現行適用之會計準則與實務有所差異。是以,二個準則轉換,企業原所認列資產、負債與權益若與IFRS規定認列不同者,須追溯調整,亦引發課稅議題,因此本研究為探究銀行業首次採用IFRS,依規定於轉換日追溯調整未分配盈餘,基於租稅公平原則及中立原則下之未分配盈餘課稅問題,並分別從國庫稅收及對企業稅負影響提出研究發現及建議。 本研究以銀行業於民國101年6月30日財務報告所預先揭露之民國101年初IFRS開帳日主要影響項目及數字分析,本研究結果發現: 一、銀行業首次採用IFRS於開帳日追溯調整,對未分配盈餘及淨值之影響多為調整減少,屬負面衝擊。 二、銀行業首次採用IFRS於開帳日追溯調整未分配盈餘,該等調整雖非屬依規定處理之當期損益,惟就以可分配盈餘觀點,及基於未分配盈餘課稅之立法意旨、租稅公平與租稅中立原則考量,該等調整於依法扣除主管機關及法令規定不得分配後之淨調整數,應併同計入作為未分配盈餘加計或扣除項目計算未分配盈餘課稅。 三、前述依法規定限制分配部分,於限制原因消滅轉回保留盈餘而企業不作分配時,應明確規範須併同計入未分配盈餘課稅,方屬合理。若無明確修法規範已提特別公積部分於實現轉回保留盈餘,應併計入未分配盈餘課稅之計算時,現行所得稅法第66-9條規定未將其納入加項範圍,可能導致企業開了可以永遠保留該部盈餘不分配亦不被課稅的大門。此結果將與未採用IFRS企業有不一致課稅標準,除不符合租稅公平原則,且有違租稅中性原則,也造成國家稅收的不合理損失。 關鍵詞:銀行業國際財務報導準則、首次採用國際會計準則、未分配盈餘課稅

我國實施國際財務報導準則對未分配盈餘課稅及股東可扣抵稅額比率影響之探討 / The Effect of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Implementation on the Surtax on Undistributed Retained Earnings and Shareholders' Imputation Credit Ratio in Taiwan

林東翹 Unknown Date (has links)
在世界各國普遍採用國際財務報導準則之潮流下,我國也順應趨勢推動導入該準則,上市、上櫃及興櫃公司暨金融監督管理委員會主管之金融業自2013年開始全面適用,非上市、上櫃及興櫃之公開發行公司、信用合作社及信用卡公司亦須自2015年全面採用。 國際財務報導準則與我國財務會計準則之會計處理及相關規範存在許多差異,企業在轉換時調整之會計原則差異依國際財務報導準則規定係認列為保留盈餘加減項目,而我國兩稅合一制度下之未分配盈餘課稅及股東可扣抵稅額比率係以財務會計處理之本期淨利及帳載累積未分配盈餘為計算基礎,故轉換時調整保留盈餘加減項是否列入未分配盈餘課稅及其對股東可扣抵稅額比率之影響,即為一重要課題。 本研究以簡單模型說明轉換為國際財務報導準則調整保留盈餘之各種狀況,探討其對未分配盈餘課稅及股東可扣抵稅額比率之影響,同時輔以上市公司之實際數字分析我國企業面臨之重大問題,最後針對所得稅法修正草案評析,並提供建議。

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