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康莊 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代,因為資訊科技快速的進步與普及,使得知識的分享與交流變得非常的便利與迅速,造成企業競爭的優勢與差異不斷的縮小,極可能在短時間內便因競爭對手的成長,而喪失了競爭優勢。企業面對如此激烈的競爭環境,在資源有限的情況下,如何將企業資源做有效的運用,發揮最大的成效,來達成企業持續獲利與成長的目標,已成為現今組織所面臨的重要管理課題。 所以在知識經濟時代,智慧資本是企業持續保有競爭優勢的關鍵因素。本研究擬以國內一家上櫃的電子公司為研究對象,探討企業如何在資源有限的條件下,藉由內部管理機制的研討,找出企業的核心價值與競爭力-智慧資本,並建立一套「智慧資本的報導與管理機制」,來創造與累積企業所需的「策略性智慧資本」進而修正與制定「企業策略」,以提升策略的品質及提高達成企業策略的可靠度。 本研究採個案研究法,再輔以問卷調查分析,以取得較客觀的資訊。本研究目的,希望運用個案公司現有的核心競爭優勢,來研討及制定個案公司未來的發展策略,並藉由「平衡計分卡」與「智慧資本」的理論與觀念架構,建立個案公司策略性智慧資本的內部報導機制。研究結論如下: 一、可藉由策略形成系統之分析架構,來擬定公司未來發展的策略。 二、可藉由「平衡計分卡」與「智慧資本」的理論架構及問卷的統計分析,來確 認公司為達成未來發展策略所需的策略性智慧資本項目。 三、為使資訊使用者瞭解公司智慧資本報導的內容與策略具有密切的關聯性,報導內容應包含公司未來發策略的主要內容,以有助於公司策略目標的達成。 關鍵字:智慧資本、策略、平衡計分卡、策略性智慧資本、智慧資本內部報導。 / In the era of knowledge-based economy, sharing and exchanging knowledge has become extremely convenient and fast due to the progress and popularity of information technology and such situation has continued to shorten the distance of competitive advantages and differences among enterprises. It is very likely that an enterprise will lose its competitive advantage within a very short time because of the growth of its competitors. When enterprises are facing such keen competitive environment with limited resources, how they may utilize those resources effectively and maximize their outcomes in order to achieve the goal of constant profits and growth for the enterprises has become a critical management issue that each organization faces today. Therefore, intellectual capital is the key factor for enterprises to continuously maintain their competitive advantages in the era of knowledge economy. This study plans to look closely into an over-the-counter electronic company in the country to discuss how an enterprise may locate its core value and competitive power – intellectual capital under the condition of limited resources and through consultation of its internal managerial mechanism to establish a set of “Report on Intellectual Capital and Managerial Mechanism” to create and accumulate what “strategic intellectual capital” an enterprise requires and to further modify and set up its “enterprise strategy” to enhance the quality of the strategy and its reliability of fulfilling the enterprise strategy. This study adopts case study method and is assisted with questionnaire survey analysis in order to obtain more objective information. The purpose of this study is to bring the case company’s current core competitive advantage into discussion to establish its future development strategy, and through the theory and conceptual framework of “Balance Score Card” and “Intellectual Capital” to construct its internal report mechanism in terms of the strategic intellectual capital. The research conclusion is as follows: 1) A company’s future development strategy may be planned through the analytical framework of the strategy forming system. 2) Through the theoretical framework of “Balance Score Card” and “Intellectual Capital” and the statistical analysis of questionnaire, the items of strategic intellectual capital that a company requires for achieving its future development strategy may be confirmed. 3) In order for information users to understand that there is close relationship between the contents of company’s intellectual capital report and its strategy, the report contents must include major descriptions on company’s future development strategy to help achieve the company’s strategic goal. Keywords: Intellectual capital, Strategy, Balance Score Card, Strategic intellectual capital, Internal intellectual capital

風險爭議下的能源新聞框架分析 以遠見和聯合報的專題為例 / Frame analysis of Taiwan's energy news. Take Global Views and United Daily News's depth reports as examples.

趙于萱, Chao, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
能源議題在臺灣一直存在爭議,最為社會大眾熟悉的是核能問題,核能幾乎是國內媒體最關注的焦點之一。自2012年行政院前院長江宜樺提出核四公投,國內主流媒體相繼推出跨國性的能源專題報導,內容不同於過往媒體多聚焦在核能議題,故引發本研究探討媒體如何建構深度能源報導的興趣。 本研究以2013年9月《遠見》〈未來的電哪裡來?〉和2014年3-4月期間刊登的《聯合報》〈明天的電 核去核從〉為例,探討國內媒體在核能風險的爭議如何建構跨國性的能源專題報導。為加強分析文本背後的社會文化現象影響,本研究採用並調整van Gorp(2010)歸納和演繹法兼具的框架分析架構,在社會文化現象的分析納入深度訪談法,以訪談記者的資料掌握媒體產製流程、守門原則和媒體文化等因素對文本建構的影響。在框架演繹階段,本研究則採內容分析法統整新聞框架在兩大專題的分布情形,及媒體屬性和消息來源與框架間的關聯。 本研究根據兩大專題的論述建構「供給穩定」、「需求節能升效」、「公眾價值」、「人身健康安全」和「環境低碳」等五個框架類目。供給穩定和需求節能升效框架分別討論能源的供應及需求問題;公眾價值框架關注核能風險溝通的民主參與;人身健康安全框架探討核能造成的健康安全危害;環境低碳框架則聚焦能源政策如何因應氣候變遷問題,各框架的核心意涵基本上映照臺灣目前選擇能源最需要面臨的問題困境。有關各框架在兩大專題的分布情形,整體以「供給穩定」框架的出現頻率最高;分開來者,《遠見》和《聯合報》專題都以「供給穩定」最多,但《遠見》專題依序為「需求節能升效」和「公眾價值」框架,《聯合報》專題則以「人身健康安全」和「公眾價值」框架名列二、三。 在框架論述部分,因兩大專題的產製時間和採訪國家重疊,專題報導出現類似的框架化裝置和推理裝置,且有以外國作為臺灣借鏡楷模的意涵。兩大專題的論述建構都深受社會文化脈絡和消息來源的說法影響,特別是有關專業議題的討論,報導相當依賴可信度高的消息來源。媒體差異則影響兩大專題出現不同的論述特色,《遠見》專題因該雜誌定位為專業財經媒體,報導呈現財經雜誌深度報導的特色,內容援引豐富文獻。《聯合報》專題則具有報紙即時性的特色,報導篇幅短、關注各國最新的能源發展資訊。 在消息來源的引用部分,兩大專題鑑於可信度的守門原則,整體以官方和產業單位為引用前兩名者,進一步分析,《遠見》專題的前兩名為產業和官方人物,《聯合報》則反之。除此,五個框架整體也以官方單位引用最多;其中「需求節能升效」和「公眾價值」框架以產業單位引用最多,其他三個框架引用最多者皆為官方單位,主因是「需求節能升效」框架重視產業和民間的節能行動,公眾價值框架注重能源產業機構和民間的風險溝通,其他三個框架則關注政策制定者因應能源供給、能源風險和氣候變遷的作為。 本研究發現,部分研究結果的推理需藉由訪談記者才能確認,如《遠見》因定位為財經媒體,影響專題著重產業觀點;或如《聯合報》專題的報紙特色,也根據訪談結果了解媒體文化對新聞建構的影響。若僅採用van Gorp的分析架構,難以掌握媒體產製流程、媒體文化或潛在的社會因素等影響,故本研究輔以深度訪談法探討新聞框架和文化現象的扣連,補充了van Gorp框架理論的不足。 本研究也針對能源報導提出實務建議。首先,媒體組織需持續培養新聞工作者的專業,鼓勵報導開展多元消息來源;在報導寫作方面,應增加關注產業責任和與臺灣脈絡相近的國家情形,拓展報導面相。同時注意查證工作,避免報導流於以作為平衡的衝突方式呈現。而在製作國外議題方面,建議新聞工作者事先前往各國蒐集一手資訊,尋求駐外單位協助、聯絡特派員或預先採訪國內專家和民間團體,以利實際採訪。國外報導另須重視國外經驗和國內脈絡的差異,使報導引發讀者關注國內問題,並作為實際可行的解決策略。 關鍵字:能源、核能、框架分析、風險社會、專題報導

強制採用IFRS是否影響應計項目錯誤訂價?以在美國掛牌上市之外國企業為例 / Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect accruals mispricing? Evidence from foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S.

吳佩珊, Wu, Pei Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係探討強制採用國際財務報導準則(IFRS)對在美國掛牌上市之外國企業,其應計項目異常現象之影響。實證結果顯示,在美掛牌上市且採用IFRS之外國企業,在2005年後裁決性應計項目之異常報酬顯著降低。此外,裁決性應計項目之負向報酬預測力亦顯著降低。由此可知,無論美國未來是否採用IFRS,根據本結論,其餘各國強制採用IFRS後,透過提供更高品質之財務報導及降低資訊落差,仍能為美國投資者帶來效益。 / I examine whether the mispricing of accruals among foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S. are affected by the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Consistent with the impact of information environment on the accrual anomaly documented in the literature, I find significant reductions in the annual abnormal returns and in the negative return predictability of discretionary accruals among cross-listers from IFRS adopted countries after IFRS adoption. The evidence implies that irrespective of whether the U.S. adopts IFRS, the mandatory IFRS adoption elsewhere can still benefit U.S. investors by providing financial reporting with high quality and reducing their information disadvantages.

廣播聽眾媒介使用與滿足之研究-以警察廣播電臺為例 / Radio Listener’s Media Use and Gratification- Example of the Police Broadcasting Service

信立君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從「使用與滿足」理論,以警察廣播電臺為探討的對象,研究聽眾願意主動提供路況資訊的使用動機與滿足程度。 警察廣播電臺為公營廣播媒體,節目內容以治安交通等公共服務為主。警廣自1971年設立第一座交通專業電臺臺北臺,以電話接收聽眾提供路況;於1996年率先啟用智慧型電話系統,將全省免付費路況提供專線統一為0800000123,受理來自全省各地聽眾提供即時路況。近年來,路況報導為廣播閱聽眾收聽廣播的重要因素之一,且從幾次重大的意外災害發生後,警廣很快的從聽眾提供的資訊掌握災情,聽眾主動提供的資訊發揮了功能。 本研究以量化研究方式,採用問卷調查法。研究結果發現,聽眾願意主動提供路況的動機,分別為「分享參與」、「資訊守望」、「人際連絡」、「尋求解決困難的方法」以及「個人化需求」等五個構面。並且想知道即時的路況是聽眾收聽警廣最主要的動機。 關鍵詞:使用與滿足、主動的閱聽人、廣播、路況報導 / Radio Listener’s Media Use and Gratification- Example of the Police Broadcasting Service Abstract This study employs 「uses and gratifications」theory to investigate motivations for actively providing road condition information and resulting gratification among listeners of Police Broadcasting Service. Police Broadcasting Service is a public radio station with program content chiefly comprising public service matters connected with law and order and transportation. Since it established Taiwan's first specialized traffic station—Taipei Station—in 1971, Police Broadcasting Service has received telephone reports of road conditions from listeners. The station launched the 0800000123 smart phone system—Taiwan's first—in 1996, to provide a Taiwan-wide toll-free road condition hotline to accept real-time road condition reports from listeners throughout Taiwan. In recent years, the station's road reports have become one of the most important factors causing the public to listen to the station. Furthermore, after several major accidents that occurred in the past, Police Broadcasting Service quickly gained a picture of the situation from information provided by listeners, showing that the voluntary provision of information by listeners is very effective. This study employed a quantitative research approach and used the questionnaire survey method. The study's findings indicated that listeners' motivations for actively providing road information included the five aspects of 「shared participation」, 「information watchman」, 「interpersonal contact」,「looking for means of solving problems」, and 「individual needs」. Furthermore, wishing to hear real-time road conditions constitutes listeners' chief motivation for listening to Police Broadcasting Service. Keywords: uses and gratifications、active audience、listeners、radio station、road condition report

通貨膨脹下財務報導之探討暨稅務調整 / A Study of Financial Reporting and Tax Adjustments in Inflationary Economies

陳奕維 Unknown Date (has links)
會計作為企業的語言,必須忠實表達企業在期間內的經營成果、財務狀況與現金流量,而物價波動可能導致的資訊扭曲,對外會計報表的允當性面臨挑戰,對內可能導致錯誤的決策,最終將侵害股東的權益,嚴重影響企業的發展與存續。 通貨膨脹會侵蝕以本國貨幣表示的金額、納稅義務的價值及衡量稅基的影響,若沒有經過適當的調整可能會破壞整體稅務體系,不是導致虛盈實稅的現象就是為納稅義務人提供無止盡的避稅管道,嚴重影響國家財政。 近期,美國、歐洲及日本等世界經濟強權為了扭轉國內經濟頹勢,採取貨幣寬鬆政策以期增加民間消費,而高度仰賴國際貿易的台灣,也可能受到貨幣寬鬆政策的影響。本研究蒐集國內外文獻,探討通貨膨脹對財、稅的影響,主張國內應重視通貨膨脹會計的建置及課稅所得的調整。 / Accounting information must reveal companies’ result of operation, financial conditions and cash flow. Price fluctuations, however, could distort the information, challenging the faithfulness of financial statements and leading to improper decisions. Eventually, it will erode stockholders’ right and impair the development of enterprises. Inflation could erode the amounts expressed in national currency, the value of tax obligations and the measurement of tax bases. Without proper adjustment of inflation, it may destroy the tax system, such as providing countless measures for tax avoidance which result in significant impact on national finance. Recently, economic superpower, like the U.S, the EU or Japan adopt monetary quantitative easing policy to stimulate private consumption in order to reverse the depression of the domestic economy. Taiwan, an international-trade-oriented country may be involved in the spillover effects. In this study, we collect literatures and study the impact of inflation on both financial reporting and tax. Our conclusion is that we should pay more attention to construct inflation accounting and the adjustment system on taxable income.

臺灣上市公司財務報導品質之高低能否有效降低股利與投資支出間內部資金之競用現象 / The role of financial reporting quality in mitigating the constraining effect of dividend policy on investment decisions of listed companies in Taiwan

薛幃予 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究臺灣上市公司是否存在股利與投資支出兩者間競用資金之現象,預期股利對投資金額之係數應顯著地為負,而後本研究援引Ramalingegowda, Wang, and Yu (2013)的研究方式,欲觀察模型中加入財務報導品質代理變數以後是否能夠有效地消除股利與投資支出兩者競用資金之現象,結果顯示:股利對資本支出存在競用資金之現象,加入財務報導品質代理變數能夠有效地消除前述現象;但股利對總投資支出及研究發展支出則無關聯性。 此外,以往文獻多以二階段最小平方迴歸 (2SLS)來矯正最小平方迴歸 (OLS)產生之衡量誤差問題或因內生性造成的估計偏誤,但使用2SLS進行估計時係以人為判斷方式選取工具變數 (instrumental variable),可能仍然存在衡量誤差或偏誤的問題,也可能找不到合適的工具變數可供運用。Lewbel (2012)提出一計量經濟模型以協助研究人員解決前述問題,並由Fernihough (2014)將此計量模型撰寫成R統計軟體,本文採用Fernihough (2014)撰寫之R套件進行結果之分析,並得到較適當的估計結果。

我國上市櫃建設公司財務報表之可靠性研究-兼論實施IFRS後之影響 / A Study on the Reliability of Financial Statements of Listed Real Estate Companies and the Effects of Their Adopting IFRS

林志勳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的為透過我國上市櫃之建設公司之財務報表一窺我國房地產近十年之實際狀況,以及會計政策對建設公司的財務報表與營運計畫之影響。研究方法係採用Khan and Watts在2009所提出之C_Score,作為衡量財務報表可靠程度的值。本研究以2004年至2013年合計十年為研究期間,實證結果如下: 1、上市建設公司的C_Score與上櫃建設公司之C_Score為負數,代表大多數的建設公司於2004年至2011年間的財務報表似乎不具有審慎性,本研究推測,可能是自2003年SARS風暴之後,房地產市場開始歷經十年的大多頭行情,投資人對於建設公司普遍給予較高的本益比與評價,再加上建設公司每年所發放的股利穩定,使得財務報表較不審慎。而上市建設公司的C_Score大於上櫃建設公司之C_Score,顯示上市建設公司的財務報表較上櫃公司來得可靠。 2、具有集團背景之建設公司C_Score大於不具有集團背景的建設公司C_Score,表示集團背景之建設公司財務報表審慎性較高。 3、以適用ROC GAAP與適用IFRS之財務報表做比較,適用ROC GAAP之C_Score明顯小於適用IFRS的C_Score,可見採用IFRS後,負報酬率對盈餘的增額解釋能力確實顯著提高,對於主張採用IFRS將使得財務報表審慎程度降低之說法,至少在建設業中,是不成立的。

專利價值影響因素、管理與報導之個案研究 / A case study of patent value-driven factor, management and reporting

陳巧雲 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代中,企業擁有的無形資產佔企業資產的比重已逐漸凌駕於一般有形資產,並能為企業創造最大價值。而代表企業研發創新能力的專利權也漸漸於公司內部扮演舉足輕重的角色。本研究選定一家電子產業中以專利授權為主要業務之公司為研究對象,採用個案研究法輔以內部問卷分析以及因素分析,自辨認公司所重視之專利價值影響因素與項目為出發點,伴隨專利策略之連結,探討企業內部管理制度運作之情形,並提出專利報導之建議。經彙整與分析後,得出以下三個研究結論: 一、個案公司重視之專利價值影響因素包含成本、技術、市場、授權、商品實現潛力以及法律與風險六大構面,共計38個項目。 二、針對六大專利價值影響因素與38個項目,個案公司設有10項管理制度進行專利管理與價值之蓄積。 三、本研究結合日本特許廳所提出之專利評價表的內容架構以及問卷與實地訪談結果,設計了一套專利報導表。

導入國際財務報導準則對內部控制影響之研究 / The effect of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards on Internal Controls

林雅芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討導入國際財務報導準則對內部控制的影響,主要以台灣2013年全面採用國際財務報導準則之企業為研究對象,瞭解在導入前後,內部控制目標與組成要素是否因問卷別、資本市場別與產業別而有所差異。本研究深入分析前項差異,藉以瞭解我國導入國際財務報導準則對內部控制的影響。本研究發現: 1. 導入IFRSs對業務流程及內部控制之影響程度,在內控目標與要素均有顯著差異,「導入後」之影響程度均顯著高於「導入前」。 2. 「IFRSs專案小組負責人」與「內部稽核單位」之看法,在內控目標與要素間並沒有顯著差異。 3. 內控三大目標與五大組成要素之影響程度,在不同資本市場別與產業別之顯著差異程度不盡相同。整體而言不論在導入前後,上市與上櫃公司在不同產業間存在較顯著之差異,金融業之影響程度顯著高於電子業與其他。 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards on internal controls. The main subjects of this research are the companies which will adopt IFRSs in 2013 in Taiwan. This research wants to know whether the effects of IFRSs on objectives and elements of internal control show significant differences under different subjects, capital markets and industries. This research analyzes the above effects to understand the effect of adopting IFRSs on internal controls. The main results of this study are as follows. 1. The effects of IFRSs on business processes, on the aspect of objectives, and elements of internal control show significant differences with the adoption of IFRSs. The impacts of three objectives and five elements of internal control after adoption are significantly higher than before adoption. 2. The results of the investigation on chief executives of adopting IFRSs and internal auditors do not show significant differences neither on the aspect of objectives nor on elements of internal control. 3. The impacts of IFRSs on three objectives and five elements of internal control are different under different capital markets and different industries with the adoption of IFRSs. Overall, listed and over-the-counter companies show significant differences under different industries before and after adopting IFRSs. The effect of adopting IFRSs on internal controls under financial industry is significantly higher than under electronic industry and other industry.

運用文字探勘技術探討國際財務報導準則對企業財務報告揭露之影響 / Disclosure quality and IFRS adoption:a text mining approach

廖培君, Liao, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討國際財務報導準則採用後對英國上市公司財務報告揭露品質之影響,選取高科技產業公司於國際財務報導準則轉換年度、轉換年度前後兩年之年報,並根據IAS 38, Edvinsson and Malone (1997), Lev (2001), and Sveiby (1997)編纂智慧資本字典,與先前研究之差異處在於本研究採用文字探勘技術之分類演算法以探討智慧資本揭露品質是否和國際財務報導準則之採用有關,結果顯示智慧資本揭露品質和國際財務報導準則之採用有關,接著本研究運用迴歸分析,進一步了解那些智慧資本項目之揭露於採用前後有顯著差異,結果顯示在國際財務報導準則採用後,高科技公司增加智慧資本項目之揭露,符合本研究之預期,有顯著差異之智慧資本項目如:電腦軟體、顧客名單、顧客忠誠度、顧客關係和專利,研究結果也指出在國際財務報導準則採用後,高科技公司增加智慧資本項目之揭露之現象較常發生在上市時間較早之公司、總資產較大之公司。 / This study investigates the impact of the quality of disclosures of financial reports of the listed companies in the U.K. with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption. I select the annual reports of companies in the high-tech industry sectors in the IFRS transition year and two years before and after the transition year. The dictionary for intellectual capital according to four sources, IAS 38, Edvinsson and Malone (1997), Lev (2001), and Sveiby (1997) is compiled. In contrast to prior studies, I use classification algorithm of text mining techniques to explore whether the quality of intellectual capital disclosures is related with the adoption of IFRS. Results show that the disclosures of intellectual capital items are related with the adoption of IFRS. To further realize which intellectual capital item disclosures are significantly different between pre-adoption and post-adoption, the regression analysis is applied. Evidence is promising, in the post-IFRS period, high-tech firms may increase the intellectual capital item disclosures, such as computer software, customer list, customer loyalty, customer relationships and patents. Evidence also indicates that, the evidence that high-tech firms may increase the intellectual capital item disclosures in the post-IFRS period is more pronounced in older and larger companies.

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