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後冷戰中共國防現代化之研究吳子敬 Unknown Date (has links)
論文名稱:後冷戰中共國防現代化之研究 頁數:160
研究生:吳子敬 指導教授:朱新民 博士
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非傳統安全威脅之台北衛戍區反恐作為研究何雍堅 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣民眾政治容忍之研究鄧忠俊 Unknown Date (has links)
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制衡「中國威脅論」--中國國際形象行銷研究 / Marketing against the “China Threat”:A Study of China’s International Image Promotion高琳恩, Kao, Leanne Unknown Date (has links)
中國領導人自此大力宣傳其「和平崛起」,並在其傳統文化中尋找「軟實力」元素,做為推展多面向公眾外交的後盾。本文內容主要檢視中國擁有的軟實力資源,及其推動高層官員出訪、積極參與國際論壇、主辦北京奧運及上海博覽會等公眾外交作為,結論認為中國的國際形象改造計畫,在全球不同的區域獲致不同的成效。 / China reentered the international community in 1971 when it joined the United Nations, but it remained a closed country under Mao’s watch. Deng Xiaoping succeeded Mao in 1976 and he opened China’s door in 1979 to a global environment where existing rules, institutions, and values had been largely shaped by western countries. In two decades the latecomer has become the economic powerhouse in Asia and has had other states watching its rapid rise in the global community. Two rival views have since emerged as to China’s role in the international order and how to deal with its rising power.
The first deems China as a threat to be contained. The second projects China as an opportunity that can be employed through engagement. The “China threat” argument reached its height after the crackdown on student protest at the Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989. The aftermath of international isolation seriously alerted the Chinese government to the effect of severe damage to its reputation and image internationally. As the Chinese Communist Party’s power legitimacy increasingly relies on delivering economic success, the Chinese government became ever more eager to create a friendly international environment where its economic development may be furthered. The Chinese government has since launched a sweeping reform of its global image to smooth away the perception of China as a threat.
Chinese leaders have since touted its “peaceful rise” and turned to its traditional culture for soft power resources to better support its public diplomacy on all possible fronts. Examining China’s soft power resources and its efforts in staging high-level official visits, actively participating in international forums, and hosting the Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai World Exposition, this thesis finds that China’s global image promotion has reaped various degree of success in different regions.
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高社交焦慮者對於情緒性刺激的注意力偏誤--驗證「認知內容特定性假設」陳姱蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在於採用線索典範作業探討高社交焦慮者是否對於特定的情緒刺激有注意力偏誤的現象。高社交焦慮組有25 人與低社交焦慮組有29 人參與正式實驗,受試者分別被分派至社交焦慮情境中或無社交焦慮情境中,並且在電腦螢幕中的兩個長方形中出現中性、一般正向、一般威脅、社交正向、社交威脅、身體正向及身體威脅詞彙作為線索,當線索消失之後,受試者被要求對於目標物「E」或「F」進行判斷。在這些線索中,有些是有效線索(例如:目標物與線索出現在同一個位置上),有些是無效線索(例如:目標物與線索出現在不同的位置上)。
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對外關係的國內根源:兩岸經貿交流中的利益、符號與威脅 / Domestic Roots of Foreign Relations: the Interests, Symbols, and Threats of Cross-Strait Economic Exchanges陳映男 Unknown Date (has links)
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21世紀中共軍事現代化與東北亞安全情勢研究 / The modernization of China's military force and the sercurity researching of Northeast Asia林世濤 Unknown Date (has links)
1949 年中華人民共和國成立初期,由於出於歷史使命期許當時的中國共產黨必須盡快的振興國力,中共於是訂定目標全面實施軍事現代化,但因當時的領導人毛澤東與赫魯雪夫政治理念不合造成彼此間軍事同盟關係破裂,以致於當時軍事現代化宣告中斷。中共於1979年懲越戰爭「慘勝」後,鄧小平即提出「軍事現代化」的建軍要求,著手推動軍隊改造。中共人民解放軍的軍隊建設自「十一屆三中全會」確定開始軍隊現代化以來,經歷80年代末、90年代初期的東歐劇變和蘇聯解體的國際情勢變化,1991年前蘇聯瓦解共產世界紛紛結束,全球共產集團屈指可數,由於蘇聯勢力迅速退出遠東地區,造成該區域的權力真空,使得中共有意在此區域取代前蘇聯地位,「中共威脅論」也一度甚囂塵上。即使美國對中共崛起有諸多的憂慮,然美國認為美、中的互惠關係非零合遊戲,中共在亞太區域的經濟及政治影響力日增是合理的,中共崛起的主要趨勢是亞太地區的貿易與投資帶動了經濟發展,而經濟實力也擴展了政治影響力,至使中共有機會主導亞太地區的發展。
中共對於亞太地區的影響力,除了經濟因素外,終究還是以軍事力量最為明顯,使得早已對中共目前軍事武力備感壓力的亞太各國,對中共以國防現代化來突顯國力,更加的敏感。在經濟建設成果日盛的情況下,中共為擴大其沿海地區經濟的發展,及符合其大國身份所推動國防現代化的具體作為,將實際影響亞太地區的安全保障。而美日兩國在面臨中共在此一區域的崛起,則迅速地在1997 年共同修正美日安保條約來遏止中共軍事崛起,使得中共危機意識與日俱增;因此在面對美日兩國的挑戰下與國際孤立的局勢下,更加深了中共第四代領導集體對本身軍事現代化的決心,藉以捍衛國家的利益。1991年波斯灣戰爭讓中共體認到必須進行大規模的軍事變革,否則不足以因應未來的戰爭,共軍在現代化的進程中更體驗到應付未來戰爭準備的國防政策和軍隊建設必需放在「打贏高技術條件下的局部戰爭」的基點上,因而訂定「科技強軍」和走「精兵之路」的軍隊建設方針。冷戰後,中共相當重視以國家安全與發展為核心所構建出的國家主要利益,強調軍事戰略是直接為國家安全利益服務,並藉由通過維護國家安全促進全面發展的方向。
在新安全觀下,中共體認到其所處國際戰略環境趨勢將是機遇及挑戰並存,且未來新安全議題將呈現在戰略、經濟、政治、軍事及其領土周邊安全等問題上。中共大陸的快速發展,已成為撼動國際局勢的重要因素。改革開放以來, 中共大陸的經濟成長,更對其國際角色產生了巨大的影響。目前中共大陸已由一個十分落後的發展中共家,蛻變為一個正在崛起,並對區域和全球事務越來越具有重要影響力的大國。其國際角色變遷所帶來的國家安全需求變化亦為必然,特別是面臨了極為複雜的周邊安全環境,尤其是台灣問題以及與美日等大國的關係,都將遭遇新的威脅與挑戰,其過程勢必隨著中共大陸的持續發展而增添許多變數。
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官方消息來源之模糊傳播研究-以馬英九總統受CNN訪談內容為例 / Equivocal communication of the official news sources:A discourse analysis of CNN’s interview with President Ma Ying-jeou劉伶伶, Liu Ling-ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果顯示,國內官方消息來源在衝突性提問中確實經常引用模糊語言作為回應媒體提問之方式,不論國內或是國外消息來源均偏愛採取「製造政策重點」之模糊語言方式回應,國內官方消息來源尤其青睞採取「製造政策重點」中之「提出新的論點」、「自我肯定」及「未來作法及期待」等項目,主要是基因於模糊語言類型的運用具有「看似言之有物」、「轉移焦點」、「離開情境」、「不冷場」及「較不容易出錯」等優點,至於負面效應則是引發媒體的「追問」,但由於問答劇本之設定及訪問時間等有利因素,消息來源之模糊語言並無礙於專訪之進行。 / This study focuses on the concept of equivocal communication, especially on the effect of equivocal language and source credibility, ininterviews between the press and its official sources. An unedited version of CNN interview with President Ma Ying-jeou on April 30, 2011, was used in this study in order to find out how equivocal language, if any, was involved.
After going through the literature of face-threatening theory, avoidance- avoidance conflict and frame analysis, this research centers on two levels: first, how the officials choose/manipulate the wording of answers in interviews; and second, what the syntax differences are between questions and answers.
The results of the study show that official sources, when facing harsh questions, usually turn to equivocal language and intend to induce avoidance towards certain questions. The technique that an official frequently adopted is “making political points,” i.e., to divert attention by “presenting policies,” “talking up one’s own side,” and “making pie in the sky.”
The negative effects of equivocal language, therefore, are mainly resulted from the fact that it might trigger more aggressive follow-up questions from the press. Nevertheless, officials still maintain an upper hand over the pres in the wake of Q&A time restraints and the constant stress to beat deadline.
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企業資訊安全風險評估-以電腦病毒為例洪裕傑, Hung,Yu-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的快速成長,資訊安全已成為企業最重視的議題之一。企業必須保護自己免於網路威脅(Cyber-Threat),不過防止企業免受網際威脅已非易事,這也為企業資訊安全風險埋下了一顆不定時炸彈。換句話說,資訊安全風險是現今企業所面臨的主要挑戰之一,企業資訊安全防護的好壞將直接反應在企業的盈虧上,甚至可能影響到顧客對該企業產品或服務的滿意度等,對企業的殺傷力是不容忽視的。目前的防毒軟體(Anti-Virus)與威脅管理系統(Threat Management System)所能提供的基本功能都是大同小異,其效能也在伯仲之間,但是企業使用的成效則大不相同。因此如何掌握左右企業資訊安全風險的主要影響因子,並根據該影響因子提供企業一套資訊安全策略以解決其所面臨的風險與使得金錢上的損失降到最低,將是改善企業資訊安全風險的關鍵成功因素。
本研究藉由分析企業在資訊安全所面臨到的風險,得以建立並發展相關評量的模型,研究結果除了可以提供廠商與設計人員在開發企業資訊安全風險評量時參考的依據,也為後續的相關實證研究提供一些建議的方向。 / Following the growth of the www internet in the latest years, information security has become the most important topic among all enterprise companies. Enterprise companies have to protect themselves from Cyber-Threat, but this is not an easy job at all. That means a hidden bomb has already been planted inside their information systems. In another words, the information security threat is the main challenge that all enterprise companies are facing right now. The performance of the defensive system that an enterprise company is using directly impacts whether this company can have a profit gain or loss; furthermore, this affects the customers’ satisfaction about the company’s products and services. This threat can harm the company and should not be ignored. Right now the basic service that Anti Virus software and Threat Management System can provide and their performance are functionally the same, but the effective factor of how each different companies use them may yield a big difference. Hence, knowing how to control the main factor of the information security threat of the company and knowing how to provide the best and the most secured strategy according to the threat to solve any possible future threat such that the loss of profit can be minimized, will be the most important aspect for an enterprise company to be succeeded.
This research was conducted by interviewing with five experienced enterprise security maintenance experts at first. From the conservation, we have learned that the main factor of the information security is not depending on the amount of budget that the company has spent on anti-virus software. In fact the strategy type that the company uses for information security is the main reason. This includes the relational model between the users and the information security members, the quality of the information security members, the support of information security strategy from the top manager, and etc. These are more important factors.
We have then conducted a survey among the customers from one of the famous anti virus software in Taiwan. We have sent out 1910 questionnaire mails and online survey invitation emails, we have collected back 102 copies of valid questionnaires (5.3% of the total). The questionnaire contains two parts: the characteristic of the company (including the background of company, the virus infection situation in the past three years, the anti virus system, the present situation of information security management), and the performance evaluation of the anti-virus system (which one(s) out of the four anti-virus techniques that the current company is applying: using anti-virus software, monitoring and filtering, using some tools for tracing, and the separation of local area network. Which one(s) out of five security process strategies that the company is using: weakness management, virus pattern deployment, account management, permission of using application and network, and response and restore process. And the factor of company: the responsibility and ability, the obedient, and the weight that was put for educational training.) Using the infection number of virus, the impact severity of virus spread, the quantity of detectable virus, and the number of detectable infection events as dependent variables, along with using the situation of company and each items in anti-virus ability evaluation as single factor or multiple factor variant analysis, the analyzed result shows that the size of companies and the security process strategies such as the use of anti-virus software, weakness management, and account management, are the main factors of the infection number of virus. The characteristic of the company such as the size of companies and its network management, the security process strategies such as the use of anti-virus, weakness management, and virus pattern deployment, and the educational training are the main reasons of affecting the severity of virus spread. The size of company, the use of anti virus technique such as the use of anti-virus software and the monitoring and filtering, and weakness management are the main factors of the number of detected virus. The size of company, weakness management, and the educational training are the main factor of the number of events of detected infection.
According to the analysis of the threat of information security that an enterprise company would face, this research has built and developed a related evaluation model. The result from this research not only can provide a reference for companies and software designers when they evaluate their enterprise information security, but also suggest a new direction for future research.
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誰會被主管排擠? 主管之部屬能力及威脅感知覺之探討 / Who Will Be Ostraized by Supervisor?The Study of Supervisors’ perception of Subordinates’ Competence and Threat黃順凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用便利性取樣,使用對偶方式進行資料收集,研究對象為一般私人企業之員工,共發出紙本問卷328套,回收234套,回收率為71%,有效問卷為207套,有效回收率為63%。藉由SPSS 20與Lisrel 8.8等統計軟體進行資料分析,本研究結果顯示,部屬能力會透過威脅感對主管排擠產生正向的間接效果;當部屬越知覺主管對自己有排擠行為時,部屬之主管承諾越低;部屬知覺主管排擠對部屬幸福感則不具影響;而不論是集體認同或是知覺相似性,對於部屬能力與威脅感間的關係,皆無預期之調節效果。最後,針對本研究之結果進行討論,並說明理論貢獻、管理意涵、研究限制與未來研究建議。 / This study aimed at investigating the antecedents of supervisor ostracism. We used subordinates’ competence and threat from subordinates as mechanisms to illustrate the antecedents of supervisor ostracism. We hope to explore the indirect effect of subordinates’ competence on supervisor ostracism via threat from subordinates. Moreover, we proposed that collective identity and perceived supervisor-subordinate similarity can moderate the relationship between subordinates’ competence and threat from subordinates. We further explore the direct effect of supervisor ostracism on supervisor commitment and well-being.
The sample of this study is selected using convenience sampling, and the data is dyad-level data. Totally 328 questionnaires were issued and 234 were returned. The response rate is 71%. Among returned questionnaires, there were 207 effective questionnaires with the effective rate of 63%. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 20 and Lisrel 8.8.
The result indicated that subordinates’ competence has positive indirect effect on supervisor ostracism via threat from subordinates. Although subordinate perceived supervisor ostracism has negative effect on supervisor commitment, it had no effect on well-being. Supervisor collective identity and perceived supervisor-subordinate similarity did not moderate the relationship between subordinates’ competence and threat from subordinates. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.
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