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陳冠華, Chen, Kuan-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
由於土地開發乃是一項典型具有「不可回復性」(irreversibility)以及「可遲延性」(deferability)的投資行為,因此Titman(1985)等人透過「實質選擇權理論」(the real option theory)的觀念重新建構未開發土地的評價模式與土地開發「時機」(timing)的「門檻價值」(hurdle value;critical value)。而相關文獻的結論也都說明了市場不確定性的增加將會增加未開發土地的價值,也將因而延後土地開發的時機。 然而,傳統文獻大多立基於「未開發土地」的觀點作為研究的主軸,並未考慮建商投資過程中取得土地成本支出對於土地開發時機選擇的影響;再者,對於台灣的建商來說,由於取得土地的成本往往佔整體投資成本支出六、七成以上,因此可以預期的是:當「土地取得」的動作納入建商的投資行為中時,則土地成本勢必將對土地開發決策的實質選擇權模型產生深遠的影響。 因此本文首先由「房價不確定性」的觀點探討建商取得土地後立即進行開發的決策標準,而藉由比較靜態分析與模擬分析的方式也發現了房價波動程度以及預期房價上漲率越高時,則未開發土地的開發時機將被延後;而必要報酬率及機會成本(如轉投資的利潤、租金率)的增加卻會減少了土地等待開發的選擇權價值,因而提前了未開發土地的開發時機。 其次,本文則進一步的透過「附合選擇權」(compound option)的概念探討建商發現:當建商取得土地成本為沈入成本時(即建商無法轉售未開發土地),則其決策標準將較單純考慮開發成本時更為嚴格;而當土地等待開發選擇權價值的增加意味著土地不適合立即進行開發時,則建商取得土地的動作也將隨延後。 其次,本文則進一步的探討建商在同時面臨房價水準以及地價水準不確定下取得土地的投資決策,而其結論說明了:在考量了地價水準的不確定性之後,市場總體不確定性的增加仍將會增加建商投資的門檻,但我們卻無法判斷房價水準以及地價水準個別的不確定性對於門檻價值的影響。其次,在其他條件不變的情況下,當房價預期上漲率增加時將會延後建商取得未開發土地的意願,但在地價上漲率增加時,則會增加建商持有未開發土地的意願。 最後,本文沿用Episcopos(1995)的概念,將影響土地開發計畫價值的「隨機衝擊」因子劃分為以「地價中位數」及「預售屋平均房價」,並分別針對象徵建商投資量的純土地買賣移轉件數以及建照面積進行實証分析。然而,由實証的結果卻發現:除了預售屋平均房價的變動與純土地交易登記件數呈現顯著的正向關係之外,市場不確定性不但未如預期的與市場投資量的變動量產生反向變動的關係,而且多呈現出不顯著的關係——這說明了在國內建商投資的過程中只重視房價水準的變化,並未考慮市場不確定性所隱含的風險,因此往往在市場稍微景氣的情況下就貿然購入土地以作為未來的開發之用,但一旦市場景氣不如預期理想時,則在面臨沈重的購地貸款壓力下又不得不以推案的方式來將低損失。而本文也認為造成實證結果不佳的原因可能是因為資料品質不佳、預售制度、建商行為以及房價變動假設偏誤的緣故。 第一章 緒論………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………1 第二節 研究問題、方法與限制………………………………5 第三節 研究架構與流程………………………………………9 第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧……………………………11 第一節 建商投資行為…………………………………………11 第二節 實質選權理論…………………………………………13 第三節 小結……………………………………………………26 第三章 以實質選擇權理論為基礎的建商投資行為……27 第一節 實質選擇權在土地開發時機的應用與說明…………27 第二節 地價水準確定時建商取得土地的實質選擇權模型…47 第三節 地價水準不確定下建商取得土地的實質選擇權模型51 第四節 小結……………………………………………………56 本章附錄…………………………………………………………58 第四章 實證分析…………………………………………64 第一節 建立實證模型…………………………………………64 第二節 實證結果與分析………………………………………72 第三節 小結……………………………………………………76 第五章 結論與後續研究…………………………………77 第一節 結論……………………………………………………77 第二節 後續研究………………………………………………79 參考文獻 …………………………………………………80


燕正明 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是在考慮實質選擇權觀念下的專案投資決策的調整彈性;以及在考慮發行成本與過度投資代理問題下的舉債方式,以模擬的方式觀察兩者之間的交互影響。假設一個兩期的模型中將投資決策調整能力分為可在第一期期末時放棄、縮減、維持與擴增投資計劃的規模,而將舉債方式分為短期債券、長期債券與可轉換公司債等三種工具,以倒推(backward induction)的方式先解出第一期期末時投資決策的決策準則,再進一步的模擬出在第零期的最適舉債方式。 模擬的結果顯示,依融資活動與投資活動的交互作用來看,若舉債方式不恰當的話,則可能原本應採較積極的投資決策下,因發行成本或過度投資問題下而抵銷了其獲利的能力,造成投資調整能力受縛。同樣地,若投資調整決策不適當的話,則可能將原本債券的特性(例如以短債籌資下卻執行擴增投資規模的決策,如此大符浪費了發行成本)運用不當,也會降低企業的獲利。 第一章 緒論--------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機---------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的--------------------------------3 第三節 研究架構--------------------------------3 第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------5 第一節 發行成本相關研究------------------------5 第二節 負債代理問題-自由現金流量相關研究-------6 第三節 可轉換公司債相關研究--------------------9 一、企業發行可轉換公司債之動機---------------9 二、可轉換公司債提前贖回政策----------------20 第四節 實質選擇權相關研究---------------------23 第三章 研究方法---------------------------------30 第一節 模擬方法-------------------------------30 一、模擬方法概說----------------------------30 二、蒙地卡羅模擬法--------------------------30 第二節 模型建立-------------------------------33 一、模型------------------------------------33 二、模型假設--------------------------------35 三、變數符號說明----------------------------36 四、模式設定--------------------------------37 第三節 模擬程序-------------------------------39 第四章 研究結果-----------------------------------43 第一節 案例分析-------------------------------43 一、給予變數特定值--------------------------43 二、模擬過程--------------------------------44 第二節 敏感性分析-----------------------------48 一、成長率之敏感性分析----------------------48 二、發行成本之敏感性分析--------------------51 三、可轉債稀釋效果的敏感性分析--------------53 四、預期未來利率的敏感性分析----------------56 五、成長率變異性的敏感性分析----------------59 第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------61 第一節 結論-----------------------------------61 第二節 建議------------------------------------62 參考資料------------------------------------------65 一、英文部份-----------------------------------65 二、中文部份-----------------------------------68

企業投資之實質選擇權評價 / The Real Option Valuation of Corporate Investments

吳明政, Wu, Ming Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
建立適當的資本投資決策,對於企業未來的發展具有深遠的影響。如何能擬定出適合的資本預算計畫,以增加公司的成長機會與競爭能力,便是當前重要的課題。本論文以三個階段探討企業投資歷程中所具有的實質選擇權評價:包括對於計畫案擬定之初期,進行投資機會價值評估的實質成長選擇權。以及針對投資計畫開始進行時,管理者所擁有的各種管理彈性,如遞延、擴張、縮減與暫停投資的決策彈性,進行多重實質選擇權的價值評估。最後,針對未能順利成功的計畫案,管理者擁有將其永遠放棄,以收回投資成本殘值的實質放棄選擇權價值進行評估。   對於第一階段的成長選擇權價值評估,本文已建立出同時考量標的資產與投資成本隨機變動,以及標的資產存在不連續跳躍特性下的選擇權評價封閉解,結果可用來評估計畫方案擬定初期的實質成長選擇權價值。若將評價模式中的參數進行限制,則本模型將會分別退化至Black and Scholes(1973), Merton(1976), Fischer(1978), Margrabe(1978), McDonald and Siegel(1985)等重要的選擇權評價文獻,可知本文已獲致較一般化的評價模型。   在第二階段的多重實質選擇權價值評估,本文採用Trigeorgis(1991)所建立的對數轉換二項評價模式,再加入跳躍模型的考量,以符合科技產業所具有的創新、競爭特性,期較能合理評估其價值,也獲得了較一般化的評價模式。再者,本文以模擬方式對於管理者在投資計畫的進行過程中所擁有的遞延、擴張、縮減以及暫停投資等彈性決策價值進行評估,以彰顯出利用實質選擇權評價方法進行彈性決策價值評估的必要性。由數值分析的結果得到,當多個實質選擇權同時存在時,其間將產生不同程度的交互作用,因此並不能直接將個別價值予以加總來求算整體的實質選擇權價值。不過,每項管理彈性的加入對於整體價值的增加皆具有正向貢獻。   對於第三階段的放棄選擇權價值評估,本文建立同時存在多項投資方案下的實質放棄選擇權評價模型,結果可用來評估研發計畫方案未能成功時的實質放棄選擇權價值。此外,本文進一步對於此評價模型進行數值分析,並將所得到的結果歸納如下:(1)方案間價值變動相關係數對於實質放棄選擇權價值的影響上,有相關係數越高時,實質放棄選擇權的價值就越高的現象。(2)殘值回收比率較高時,若採取較多的投資計畫方案,將可以獲致較高的實質放棄選擇權價值,此結果可作偽管理者在選擇備抵方案數目時的參考。(3)對於敏威性分析的探討,發現到當殘值增加、利率下降以及剩餘期間較長時,實質放棄選擇權的價值是增加的,此現象與賣權特性結果一致。   因此,本文針對企業投資歷程中所具有的實質選擇權評價進行深入探討,分別建立選擇權評價模型,也獲致了較以往模型更一般化的評價結果。並於各評價模型建構完成後,輔以數值模擬與敏感性分析,以進一步說明本文所建構模型之一般性與合理性。最後,希望此結果有助於日後企業對於投資價值評估時之參考,並可彌補此類研究文獻的不足。 / This dissertation presents three essays, each provides a general real option pricing model. In the first essay, we derive a generalized option pricing formula for the case of the underlying asset and exercise price both being driven by a mixture of continuous and jump diffusion processes. Our pricing model is a generalized version of Black and Scholes(1973), Merton(1976), Fischer(1978), Margrabe(1978), and McDonald-Siegel(l 985). And each of the historical model is shown to be a special case of ours. We then use the model developed in this article to evaluate real growth options where the underlying assets follow jump diffusion processes. The second essay develops a multi-option pricing model incorporating jump characteristics. The model we provide here can be used to value various types of flexibilities, including the option to defer, the option to shut down, the option to contract, and the option to expand. Based on our numerical results, we find that the model can deal with the interactions among these options. The third essay considers an abandonment option on the maximizing value of several investment projects. Here we develop a model to evaluate R&D projects that may not be accomplished. We show that both Black-Scholes's model and Stuiz's model are special cases of ours under certain restrictions on parameters. From the simulation results, we find a positive relation between the correlation of project value changes and the value of the real abandonment options. Furthermore, our simulation results show that the higher the percentage of recovering salvage value, the more number of investment projects should be carried out. The result we find can help managers to choose the better backup projects. Our sensitivity analysis shows that the value of the real abandonment options increase when the riskless interest rate decreases, and at the same time the salvage value and the time to maturity increase.

運用實質選擇權觀念分析手機ODM產業研發投資價值 / A real options perspective on R&D project evaluation in Mobile Phone ODM industry

龔化中, Kung, Hua Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究主題為利用實質選擇權的觀念,來協助手機ODM廠商計算並評估各種專案的投資效益,或採取適當的方法提高投資效益。 實質選擇權很適合用來分析具有高度不確定性的計畫的投資價值。一般的廠商自行做研發,是新產品研發的實質選擇權買方。但ODM廠商是幫客戶做研發,產品開發專案的決定權通常在客戶手上,ODM廠商變成新產品研發的實質選擇權賣方。所以要計算ODM廠商的研發專案的投資效益,會和傳統的方法不太一樣。 本文設計出一種分析方式,將ODM廠商提供的”設計與製造的整合服務”中間隱含新產品研發的選擇權賣權的成本估計出來。這些成本,會導致整個ODM的研發計畫的投資價值下降,尤其當產品風險高的時候更嚴重。研究結果發現風險愈高的產品越不適宜由ODM廠商來開發。風險較低的成熟產品則非常適合交給ODM廠商來開發。 另外本文利用這種分析方法,比較各種型式的手機專案的預期投資價值與機會成本,以提供管理者在比較與選擇不同專案時參考。也利用這種方法來分析手機ODM廠針對智慧型手機研發上的各種策略對投資價值的影響,以提供管理者在排定策略優先次序時參考。 / The Real Options approach has recently been growing in popularity in the valuation of R&D projects. It can help to evaluate the chances and risks of R&D investment by reflecting the values of of timing and operational flexibility. In most cases, these investments can be treated as “buying Real R&D Options”. However, the R&D projects of ODM (original design manufactor) companies are quite different. They “sell Real R&D Options” to their Brand-Name customers. To sell Options will increase the risks, so it’s definitely not free. This research utilizes the Real Options concept to evaluate the cost of these Real Options sold by Mobile Phone ODM companies to their customers. With this information, ODM companies can have a reasonable finaicial analysis before they sign the contacts based on market risks and opportunities. Futhermore, in this study we design a method to compare different types of projects based on the Real Options analysis. Companies can prioritize projects based on the results of the analysis. We also propose several approachs to increase the value of these R&D investments by reducing the cost of the Real R&D Options they sold.

以實質選擇權觀點評估收購計劃之策略價值:G公司收購W公司案 / M&A enterprise value evaluation by real option

王勝弘 Unknown Date (has links)
金融海嘯提供企業以最低成本進行併購的機會,企業藉此達到外部成長的目的,但併購案之綜效價值如何轉化成有意義的數據,幫助主併公司進行併購價格的評估,是許多企業在進行併購時的疑問。   本研究的目的為運用企業評價中的現金流量折現法與實質選擇權法,來進行神基科技收購華孚科技之併購價值評估。本研究利用現金流量折現法與實質選擇權評價法相互搭配,將各項決策所創造之彈性價值納入分析,更充分涵蓋併購策略的綜效價值。   研究結果顯示,若不考量選擇權彈性價值,則神基科技收購華孚科技所付出之溢價很高,已接近華孚之未來可能價值。加入了選擇權價值之擴充性淨現值比收購價格高出很多,顯示主併公司在評估該收購案時,可能已考量策略彈性價值。 / Financial crisis leads to an opportunity for the enterprise to do mergers and acquisitions at the lower cost. The enterprise could achieve external growth by mergers and acquisitions. However, how to translate the synergy of merger into meaningful data to help companies evaluate the accurate acquisition price during M&A is important and difficult. The objective of this study is to use the evaluation methods of enterprise value during M&A process, including discounted cash flow method (DCF) and real options method, to accurately evaluate the enterprise value of the combined one. The foundation will be based on the evaluation on the two existing companies. Then the assumption of the running situation after merging, and the judgment of the dimension of coordination effects will be the key points.

以實質選擇權方法評估併購價值:以G公司併購N公司為例 / Mergers and acquisitions value ecaluation by real option

王雲台 Unknown Date (has links)
金融海嘯提供企業以最低成本進行併購的機會,企業藉此達到外部成長的目的,但併購案之綜效價值如何轉化成有意義的數值以幫助主併公司進行併購價格的評估是許多企業在進行併購時的疑問。   本研究的目的為運用企業評價中的EVA經濟附加價值法與實質選擇權法,來進行G公司收購N公司之併購價值評估。本研究利用EVA經濟附加價值法與實質選擇權評價法相互搭配,將各項決策所創造之彈性價值納入分析,更充分涵蓋併購策略的綜效價值。   研究結果顯示,若不考量選擇權彈性價值,則G公司收購N公司所付出之價格略高於EVA計算出之企業實際價值。加入了選擇權價值之擴充性,淨現值比收購價格高出很多,顯示主併公司在評估該收購案時,可能已考量策略彈性價值。 / Financial crisis leads to an opportunity for the enterprise to do mergers and acquisitions at the lower cost. The enterprise could achieve external growth by mergers and acquisitions. However, how to translate the synergy of merger into meaningful data to help acquiring companies evaluate the accurate acquisition price is a question for many enterprises during M&A. The objective of this study is to use the economic value added (EVA) method and real options method of enterprise evaluation methods to evaluate the acquisition cost of Company G’s acquisition of Company N. This study takes both economic value added (EVA) and real options method, including the analysis the flexibility value and further exploring the synergy of the M&A decision. This study includes that if the flexibility value of options is not considered, the premium paid by Company G acquiring Company N is slightly higher than the real enterprise value by EVA. However, if to include the flexibility of options value, the net present value is much higher than the acquisition cost, which may indicate that the acquiring company has taken flexibility value in to consideration when evaluating such M&A.

外資金融機構佈局中國大陸金融市場之決策研究 / Analysis of strategic participation in China banking sector by foreign financial institutions

張惠龍, Chang, Hui Lung Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於近年來中國大陸經濟高度成長,當地金融市場在其內需市場強勁,以及均富水準普遍提升下,更顯得朝氣蓬勃,本論文係以分析過去外資金融機構在中國大陸相關佈局模式及進行相關實證研究,並續以剖析臺灣銀行業未來佈局中國大陸市場策略,以作為現階段國內高度競爭金融環境下,拓展另片藍海空間之策略與方向。 本論文首先說明外資金融機構於近年來在高度發展中國大陸金融市場所扮演的角色與目標,並應用Cox比例強度存活模型,分析採行參股策略方式進入中國大陸銀行之動機與機率強度,並以主成份分析進行資料萃取及最大概似法估計模型參數。再者,藉由此參股機率估計值進而求得外資金融機構最適參股機率強度門檻,可作為日後金融機構(含臺灣銀行業)參股動機之衡量指標。實證研究顯示,過去外資金融機構採行參股策略之目的主要在於創造被參股對象市場價值,以增加其參股投資報酬。對於獲利能力及資產品質較佳之外資金融機構,以及資產品質較佳之中國大陸銀行,則往往具有較高的參股與被參股潛在動機。 再者,為進一步探討外資金融機構採行參股策略後之風險與報酬關係,本論文係以或有求償權之模式,同時納入參股外資金融機構與被參股中國大陸銀行之個別資產價值,以及匯率波動等三項動態因子,在股東權益價值極大化為目標,及因應風險性資產所導向之資本管制,據以剖析外資金融機構經參股後之資產價值風險及其影響因素,並以靜態分析所對應之最適參股比例變化情形。其數值分析研究發現:當參股外資金融機構資產價值遞增、負債比率降低,以及所面臨法定風險權數增加時,對於其參股後之整體資產組合風險將有所降低。同時,對於具有高資產品質、獲利佳及多元化幣別資產組合之外資金融機構,以及面臨資產品質佳且著重本土金融開發之被參股中國大陸銀行,將有助於提高外資金融機構之最適參股比例。 針對臺灣銀行業參股模式方面,以投資中國大陸股份制商業銀行之動機強度為最高,其中泛公股銀行相對民營銀行更具有條件優勢,並以具備綠色通道優惠之大西部地區為佳。研究亦顯示,在外資金融機構已著墨中國大陸金融市場些許時日下,對於身為追隨性金融機構的臺灣銀行業而言,在當地金融服務未臻飽和、初始投資成本降低,以及台商業務平均需求成長趨勢下,將有助於降低其進入門檻。同時,研究中也採行模型論證,對於現階段臺灣銀行業實務上多以先行成立代表人辦事處後升格分行,並儘速於合規範內取得人民幣業務承做資格方式,以深根當地金融市場之經營方向,同時研究亦指出臺灣銀行業應具備創新化業務與利基性策略,方能提高採行成立獨資子銀行或參股之進入動機。 / In recent years China has experienced rapid economic growth that enables the advancement of the local financial industry, which benefited from the strong domestic consumption as well as improvement in average income per capita. The purpose of this paper is to point out an alternative direction for Taiwanese banks by mapping out the future China market expansion strategy, as the Taiwanese banks are facing prolong highly competitive domestic market. This paper applies Cox’s proportional-hazard survival model to analyze the strategic decisions of foreign financial institutions about acquiring equity stakes in Chinese banks. Based on principal component analysis, we extract significant independent variables from Cox’s model and employ a maximum likelihood method to estimate parameters. With the probability of equity stake acquisition, we obtain the optimal probability hazard threshold and treat it as a criterion for the foreign financial institutions to conduct equity stakes acquisition. Our empirical results confirm that the decisions of foreign financial institutions about equity stake acquisitions are to increase the profitability and market values of the target Chinese banks. In general, financial institutions with higher earning ability and better asset quality have stronger motives to take part in the acquisition or disposal of equity stakes. The contingent claim model is applied in this paper to examine the risk and return of foreign financial institutions after acquiring equity stakes of a Chinese bank. The model considers dynamic factors such as individual asset value and exchange rates to achieve the goal of maximizing shareholder value. In addition to analyzing the asset value and factors associated with risk after participation, this paper evaluates the optimal acquiring equity stakes proportion with numerical analyses under capital control. For China banking sector, we discover the overall portfolio risk of foreign financial institution will decrease after acquiring equity stakes when the asset value increases, the debt ratio decreases, and the required risk-weighted asset increases. Overall, these foreign financial institutions have well-diversified currency portfolio and enjoy a better asset quality and surplus earning; therefore, they will likely increase their optimal acquiring equity stakes proportion if the invested Chinese banks are with good assets quality and focused on local business. For the analysis of equity stake acquisition in China banks by Taiwanese banks, invested in the joint-stock commercial banks exists the higher intensity than others, and pan-government-owned Taiwanese bank also stands on the better vantage point than private banks. Under the possession of policy advantage for its green channels, the Western China Region is the best district in China for Taiwanese banks. This paper also examines the appropriate time and method to enter the market in China by applying the real options model. Being the market follower, Taiwan banking industry would need to find the right timing when ready entering China sine the market is pretty much laid out by many other foreign financial institutions. Therefore, the paper discovered some salubrious circumstances for Taiwan banking industry to enter the market, for example, the local financial service has not saturated, and initial investment cost is lower or Taiwan businessman demands more service gradually. The paper also confirms the current practice, which is to establish a representative office first and then promote it to a branch, seems to be practical for Taiwanese banks enter the market. Once meet the standard requests and acquire the license to operate RMB business, Taiwanese banks can establish wholly-owned subsidiary bank or take ownership stakes by having the innovation and business strategy in the local financial market.

Exchange Rate Movements, Foreign Direct Investment and Strategic Trade Policy: A Real Options Approach / 匯率波動、對外直接投資與策略性貿易政策:實質選擇權分析法

林家慶, LIN, CHIA-CHING Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的在於研究匯率波動與對外直接投資(foreign direct investment, FDI)時點的關係。本論文採用實質選擇權分析法(real options approach)由理論面重新檢視這個議題,並利用實際資料驗證理論的正確性。本論文在文獻上的貢獻在於證明:在探討匯率波動與FDI關係時有必要考慮廠商投資動機的差異性。 為了說明不同投資動機對這個議題的重要性,本論文考慮四種不同對外直接投資的型態,分別為市場導向型(market-seeking)、回銷導向型(reverse- importing) 、替代出口型(export-substituting)及躍過反傾銷稅型(antidumping- dumping)。首先,我們延伸Dixit-Pindyck的實質選擇權模型,證明匯率波動提高會使市場導向型及回銷導向型的廠商延後投資,但對於風險趨避程度夠高的替代出口型廠商而言,匯率波動提高則會使其提前投資。此外,我們證明地主國貨幣升值對市場導向型廠商的FDI有利,但對回銷導向及替代出口型廠商的FDI則有不利影響。 其次,我們分別使用台商至中國大陸投資的產業資料及廠商資料進行實證。樣本期間涵蓋1987年至2002年。實證結果發現,新台幣兌人民幣實質匯率及其波動度與兩岸相對工資等因素對台商至中國大陸投資時點皆有顯著的影響,而且這些實證結果皆與前述理論預期相符。這些結果顯示,匯率波動對FDI之影響方向與投資動機息息相關。在進行實證研究時若忽略了這項因素,實證結果可能會產生加總偏誤(aggregation bias)。 最後,本論文建立一個不完全競爭下的實質選擇權模型,分別探討匯率波動如何影響出口廠商的傾銷行為及其躍過反傾銷稅的對外直接投資 (antidumping- jumping FDI),並分析進口國採取反傾銷政策的福利效果。我們發現匯率波動對廠商以低於內銷價格傾銷(price dumping)至出口市場的影響有不對稱(asymmetry)現象。此外,若政府採取反傾銷政策,可能刺激出口廠商採行躍過反傾銷稅的FDI。惟若出口廠商採行躍過反傾銷稅的FDI,不僅進口國國內廠商受到傷害,其社會福利也可能下降。此結論與過去策略性貿易政策文獻之看法大相逕庭。 / This thesis theoretically and empirically examines the relationship between exchange rate movements and the timing of foreign direct investment (FDI). A real options approach is adopted. This thesis contributes to the literature in illustrating the importance to consider the diversity of investing motives when examining the relationship between exchange rate movements and foreign direct investment. To show the importance of the diversity of the motives in investigating this issue, four different types of FDI are discussed in this thesis: market-seeking FDI, reverse-importing FDI, export-substituting FDI, and antidumping-jumping FDI. We first extend Dixit-Pindyck’s real options model to show that while an increase in exchange rate volatility tends to delay the FDI activities of a market-seeking firm and a reverse-importing firm, it might accelerate the FDI activity of an export-substituting firm if the firm’s degree of risk aversion is high enough. In addition, it is also shown that while the depreciation of a host country’s currency tends to stimulate FDI activities of reverse-importing firms and export-substituting firms, the depreciation tends to deter FDI activity for market-seeking firms. With the industry-panel data and the firm-level data on Taiwan’s outward FDI into mainland China over the period 1987-2002, our empirical findings indicate that the exchange rate level and its volatility in addition to the relative wage rate have had a significant impact on Taiwanese firms’ outward FDI into China. In general, the empirical results are consistent with the prediction of the theory. These results reveal that the relationship between exchange rate movements and FDI is crucially dependent on the motives of the investing firms. Without considering this fact in an empirical model, the testing results might suffer from aggregations bias. Furthermore, this thesis sets up a real options model with imperfect competition to analyze how exchange rate movements affect dumping occurrence and antidumping- jumping FDI as well as the social welfare of importing country. We consider the price dumping case and find that the effect of exchange rate movements on the probability of dumping occurrence seems asymmetric. In addition, if a government adopts an AD policy, it is shown that this policy might induce exporting firms to undertake AD-jumping FDI. Finally, we find that, if an AD policy induces exporting firms to undertake AD-jumping FDI, the policy might have a negative impact on the profits of local firms and the social welfare of the importing country as well, which is contrary to the prediction of the earlier literature on strategic trade policy.

實質選擇權與工作搜尋決策-以台灣失業者為例 / Real Options and Job Search Decisions-Evidence from the Unemployed in Taiwan

薛博升, Hsueh, Po Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文分成兩個部分探討失業者的工作搜尋決策,第一部分利用遞延選擇權模型模擬市場景氣、預期工作機會出現機率、不確定性等因素對失業者工作搜尋決策的影響。第二部份利用2006年至2010年主計處的「人力資源調查」及「人力運用調查」資料從事實證分析。本文從實證分析中驗證以下的模擬結果:一、市場上的工資波動率與失業者的保留工資有正向關係,與移轉到就業的機率有負向關係。二、失業者對工作機會出現機率的預期較高時,擁有較高的保留工資,移轉到就業的機率較低。另外,學習速度較快的失業者在搜尋工作的過程中會以較快的速度下降保留工資,移轉到就業的機率較高。三、失業者對於工作搜尋報酬的不確定程度較高時,擁有較低的保留工資,移轉到就業的機率較高。 / This thesis consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to applying a real option approach to simulate the impacts of market prospect, expected offer arrival rate, and uncertainty on job search decisions. The second part provides an empirical illustration to validate the simulation results by using unemployment data from the 2006-2010 Taiwan Manpower Utilization Survey. The main findings of this thesis can be summarized as follows: (i) The wage volatility is related positively with the reservation wage of the unemployed, but inversely with the transition probability into employment. (ii) If a rising offer arrival rate is expected, the unemployed increase reservation wages and thus decrease transition probabilities. Furthermore, higher learning speed acts to intensively lower the reservation wage. (iii) When the degree of payoff uncertainty is higher, the unemployed decrease reservation wages and thus increase transition probabilities.

租賃契約條件對商用不動產租金影響之研究 / The Effect of Contract Terms on the Rents of Commercial Real Estate

蔡汶靜, Tsai, Wen Ching Unknown Date (has links)
我國公部門出租不動產時,其租賃契約中之終止條件及續約條件等約定,與私部門間租賃契約頗有落差。而依據不動產估價技術規則第129 條規定:「不動產之租金估計應考慮契約內容、租期長短、使用目的、稅費負擔、租金水準、變遷狀態、租約更新、變更條件及其他相關因素估計之。」表示在訂定租金時需將契約內容及可能影響因素納入考量才符合公帄原則,然公部門租賃契約中之租金訂定是否將此等特殊條件納入考量,仍有待驗證。此部分在過去文獻中較少著墨,有鑑於此,本研究欲探討租賃契約中特殊條件(如單方面停止契約之權利)對租金之影響。 本研究先以特徵價格理論為基礎,建構複迴歸模型探討影響租金之因素,發現賦予出租方可逕為終止契約之權利,對商用不動產租金具有顯著影響;再進一步以二項式評價模式分析因終止契約條件不同,在租賃契約中隱含的實質選擇權價值變化,模擬結果發現租金成長率愈高,選擇權價值愈高;無風險利率愈高,選擇權價值愈低。研究結果符合選擇權理論,除了指出目前公部門資產租賃契約宜考量具特殊條件時租金之公帄性外,亦可提供爾後租約中含特殊條件時之租金定價參考。 / Rent is affected by various factors, including macro-economic, regional, individual and other related factors such as termination or renewal options. Public sectors in Taiwan prefer using template leasing contract for standardization concerns. The template leasing contract includes some terms favorable to lessors, such as termination option for lessors. The study focuses on the term to terminate the contract for lessors, which is especially considered imposing operation risk on tenants. This study at first employed the multi-regression model to examine factors affecting the rent level. Results show that the rent is significantly affected by the termination term for lessors besides other individual, regional and macro-economic variables. We further applied the binomial option pricing model to simulate how the value of leasing contract is affected by the termination options. Results show that the more the rent tends to grow, the higher value the termination term is; and the higher the interest rate, the lower value the termination term is. Results of this study provide precious implications for rent pricing as the contracts are embedded with the termination option.

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