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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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生技製藥產業的價值創造模式-以APEX、NEXMED、BURRILL&COMPANY為例 / How to Create the Value in the Biopharmaceutical Industry? Case Study of APEX, NEXMED, and BURRILL&COMPANY.

林群倫, Lin, Chun Lun Unknown Date (has links)
新藥開發是需要大量的資金投入,同時需要專業的技術實驗人才、以及具產業經驗的管理團隊,但是其所獲取的價值和領域也是相對較大的。生技製藥產業包括新藥、學名藥、中草藥、基因及蛋白質製劑、遠距醫療、預防醫學、醫療器材等。台灣在生技製藥已經投入許多資源,但是所獲得的成果並不如預期,主要原因除了缺乏像國際大廠的充足資金之外、且沒有完整的生技製藥產業鏈,更重要的是缺少了對生技製藥智慧財產管理的經驗、沒有國際行銷能力去取得市場。起因點則為台灣生技製藥公司仿照國際成功的生技製藥大廠模式,卻沒有自己的價值創造和創新模式,為了替台灣生技製藥廠商尋找新的利基和成功模式,本文分析了國內與國外的生技製藥公司,以尋找適合台灣的價值創造模式。 台灣生技製藥廠商主要缺乏的並非是技術,而是結合智慧財產的法律議題、並且發展出市場導向的生物技術研發模式。智慧財產相關議題在生技製藥產業更是最關鍵的因素,因為新藥研發動輒10年,而一般資金來源的銀行和創投都無法忍受所投資的公司必須要十年才可以獲利退出,因此透過不同臨床時期開發的新藥,其價值也會有顯著的不同,再透過技術移轉、授權和相關合約的簽訂,才能促使台灣中小型的生技製藥公司可以生存。本文要提出價值創造模型之前,必須要針對生技製藥產業的技術研發特性進行分析,接著必須透過智慧資本與財務會計的方式計算生技製藥產業無形資產的價值,最後透過個案中不同公司的營運策略,找出最適合現今生物製藥產業發展的模式。 生技產業需要相當多的資金去做新藥研發與市場行銷,這也是生技產業特殊的供應鏈上最重要的一環。因為,創投公司不只會投資金錢,它還會幫忙被投資公司尋找人才、市場、和策略發展。因此,本文第三個個案公司Burrill&Company為美國生技創投公司,最近幾年也可以看到它在大中華地區尋求投資機會。Apex International公司選對人才創造出優良品質的委託臨床試驗、和NexMed透過技術授權所產生平台技術,三家公司所創造的價值,去印證本文所提出的生技製藥產業價值創新模式的適用性。 論文研究結果顯示生技製藥產業最成功的關鍵因素至少有兩點,第一點就是核心能耐(Core Competence)的建立、第二點就是選擇對的人才。由本論文的價值創造模式中心出發,便是透過紮實的研究發展技能;建立優良的管理技巧以降低研發風險;透過創造新的技術和產品價值的核心能力建立,再選擇正確的人才組合,創造出外部的價值,最後達到整體價值創造的綜效。希望台灣不光只是擁有科技基本法與生技新藥產業發展條例等政策,而是可以透過本論文提出之價值創造模式,有效提升整體生技製藥產業的環境,以期產生更多成功的故事。 關鍵字:生技製藥、智慧財產、實體審查、無形資產鑑價、價值創造、技術移轉。 / Biopharmaceutical is driving force of the global healthcare economy transformation. In order for a biopharmaceutical company to gain value from a new drug during its clinical development, capital investment, professional talents, and management team with industrial experience are needed. Biopharmaceutical industry are included of new drugs, generic drugs, Chinese herbal medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, genetic and protein preparations, tele-medicine, preventive medicine, medical devices and so on. Taiwan has invested a lot of resources at biopharmaceutical fields but the results are not as expectation. The main reason is the lack of adequate funding from international big pharma, and the operation is no integrity of the value chain at biopharmaceutical industry. More importantly is the lack of management experience on Intellectual Property, and no marketing ability to access to the global technology supply and demand market. The key point is that they copy of the format of big pharma but lack the spirit of the creativity and innovation. I analyzed the three cases in the thesis and tried to find a niche and successful model for the value-adding on the Taiwan’s Biopharmaceutical industry. Taiwan does have the technology know-how, but most of the companies’ problems are the lack of market-oriented R&D model and the Intellectual Property issues. IP issues including management know-how related to biopharmaceutical industry are the most crucial factors. Most companies tends to spend ten years on developing a new drug. Most of the investment banking and venture capitals are hard to endure by the long-term exit mechanism. The value will be totally different if the investors can exit at various clinical stage of new drugs at various stages with the strategy of technology transfer and licensing agreement. Such business model can make Taiwan’s small and medium-sized biopharmaceutical companies easier to survive. To verify this value creation model, I analyzed the characteristics of the industrial research and development and calculate the value of intangible assets on the technology by the methodology of intellectual capital and financial accounting. Finally, I will identify the most suitable model by compared with the different business models in three representative cases. The biotech industry needs a lot of funding to do R&D and marketing of new drugs which is the most important on this special supply chain. Not only to invest money, venture capitalist should help the company to recruit the talent, target the market, plan and execute the strategy. Therefore, the third case is the U.S. venture capital firm called Burrill & Company. In recent years, it moved to the Great China region to seek the investment opportunities. Apex International recruit the right talents to the right position and create a great world class quality project on the clinical trial, and NexMed bring their value through the platform technology and technology licensing. All the cases are selected to examine the availability and suitability of the value creation model. At least two key successful factors for biopharmaceutical industry has been revealed by the research of the thesis study. The first one is the establishment of the core competence on the technology in their respective business, and the second one is the management know how in putting the right person on the correct position. Overall, the value creation model is build on a solid research and development skills, a great management know-how to reduce the risk, and the spirit of entrepreneurship to create the true innovative products or services. With all the core competences, we can integrate the team with multidisciplinary talents to expand the value with the outside resources, and give the synergy of the whole value-added model. Hope that with the recent enactment of the Basic Science and Technology law and New Pharmaceutical Development Act in Taiwan, more successful stories can be created by this value-added model discussed in this thesis.


徐彩芳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,受到美國法學界以及全球經濟形勢巨變的影響下,國內學者也逐漸開始注意關於公司經營者報酬之相關議題,並陸續開始就此議題發表相關著作,而本文則試圖從代理成本的觀點切入,並以我國在此議題方面最借重之美國經驗來分析、檢討此議題在我國的發展現況。 以美國近二十年的發展經驗來看,報酬議題是否受社會大眾、媒體甚至政府相關單位之重視,並進而採取相關改革措施,實際上與經濟景氣的循環以及重大公司弊案之發生,有相當密切的關係,大抵上,當經濟景氣下降或重大公司弊案發生,股東、投資人及新聞媒體便開始關注公司經營者是否有超額報酬之現象。而我國關於此議題之改革發展軌跡,雖然未必與美國的發展經驗相符,但由於我國深受美國的影響,在改革方向上幾乎可謂是跟著美國的腳步前進。例如在90年代初期,美國政府受到學說「理想締約說」之影響,大肆推廣股票選擇權等股權性報酬之使用,我國受此潮流影響,便於2001年修正公司法時,將員工認股選擇權、員工股票分紅納入規範;而2000年初期,美國發現股權性報酬的大量使用反而促使經營者報酬的飆高,為解決此問題,美國政府在學說「高階經理人權力說」的影響下,著手改革資訊揭露制度、修正會計認列制度和推動股東建議性投票規範,而在我國方面,政府也在媒體輿論的壓力下,進行了類似的修正;最後,在2008年後半爆發、衝擊全球的金融海嘯,美國國會為平息民怨,將經營者報酬之限制條件納入抒困方案中,而我國的立法院也效法美國,修正公司法,對於成為政府抒困對象之公司限制其經營者報酬額度。 然而綜觀我國這十年來關於經營者報酬規範之發展會發現,雖然我國是跟隨著美國的步伐前進,但我國的公司體制和股權結構畢竟與美國有很大的不同,僅是將美國的改革措施套用在我國並無法解決我國的問題,更何況我國始終未曾透過系統性地檢討經營者報酬在相關理論下之定位,來發覺我國現行制度的缺失並予以對症下藥,是以,改革至今,仍難以看出初步的成效。因此,本文嘗試從美國法近年改革之理論依據,即從代理理論衍生而出的「理想締約說」和「高階經理人權力說」來檢視我國現行的經營者報酬監控制度之缺失,並提出未來的修正建議。 歸納上開兩學說的主要想法,關於經營者報酬之監控,應從三方面即強化報酬與績效之連結、董事會的內部監控、和股東的外部監控著手。而在內部監控方面,因董事會成員易受互惠心理、同儕情誼之影響,是以必須輔以股東的「憤慨」力量才能達成。 則首先,在績效與報酬之連結方面,實證研究結果發現,我國無論是非股權性報酬、股權性報酬、或報酬整體,皆呈現與績效連結不佳的現象,其原因,或許與我國多數公司係由控制股東所掌控,存在核心代理問題,且董事兼任經理人之現象普遍,董事往往同時領取兩份報酬,產生雙重評價績效之情況有關。 其次在內部監控方面,由於我國公司法將董事報酬之決定權劃歸為股東會所有,是以,我國董事會關於董事報酬之決定,原則僅居於負責提案的輔助性地位,也因此,我國公司法並未另外在董事會內設置董事報酬之監控力量。而此情形縱使在證交法引進獨立董事、審計委員會制度後,亦未發生重大改變,因實際設有審計委員會之公司寥寥可數,是以在大多數公司中,關於董事報酬議題實際上不存在內部監控制度。 最後在外部監控方面,股東之外部監控主要是透過表決權之行使,以及代表訴訟之提起組成,但由於各公司的股東會普遍在章程中將董事「報酬」與「酬勞」之決定委託由董事會行使,使得在我國公司實務上,董事會始為董事報酬最終決定者,股東會的表決完全流於形式;且我國的報酬資訊原則上仍採「彙總」揭露制,外部人無法得知公司內部實際的報酬分配狀況,高階經理人權力說主張的「憤慨成本」於我國也很難形成,無法對董事會產生實質的壓力。另外,我國的股東代表訴訟在制度設計上存有很大的缺陷,很少有股東願意透過此機制來糾正董事會的不當決策;加上資訊揭露不健全,股東根本無從知曉內部的報酬分配情況;另外,縱使股東提起代表訴訟,也會被沈重的舉證責任以及證據蒐集之困難所擊倒。因此,從此面向檢視我國現狀會發現,我國關於經營者報酬議題,實際上不存在真正的外部監控。 綜合上述檢討之結論,對於我國現行的經營者報酬監控機制,本文認為應進行下列數項改革:(1) 放寬董事報酬中股權性報酬工具之使用;(2) 報酬決定設計之修正;(3) 強化報酬資訊透明度;(4) 建構有效的司法審查。且由於我國公司存在核心代理問題和少數股東控制結構,是以,本文認為,對於董事報酬監控之改革,必須倚靠強大的外部監控力量始可能達到監控效果,而外部監控力量能否發揮的前提便建立在完整的資訊揭露制度上,因此強化報酬資訊透明度應為當前的改革重點。

法益理論的憲法基礎 / On Constitutional foundation of legal-good theory

鍾宏彬, Chung, Hung Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在實質法治國裡,法益保護是刑法正當性的起點,法益侵害是實質犯罪概念之首位且必要元素。詳言之:刑法每個罪都可以分為行為規範與制裁規範兩部分,以這區分為基礎來觀察──形式上,法益是會受行為在因果關係上侵害的、因此被以行為規範保護的客體,而行為規範本身受到制裁規範的保護;實質上,憲法定義的法益,是社會和平生活中,人格自由發展的外在、真實(即可受因果侵害的)、基本條件。這個定義的功能不在於表列出特定的法益清單,因為人格發展的條件與時俱變,它的功能是供作憲法上的審查步驟與學術批判的施力點。正確認識憲法對各種基本自由的保護意旨,是正確建構法益理論的前提,而以法益理論為基礎的犯罪理論精緻化,提供法治國一個自我檢討、深化的契機。 / In a state under the rule of law, the very beginning of legitimation of criminal law is protection of legal-good (in German: “Rechtsgut”). Infringing legally-protected-good constitutes the first and necessary element of substantial concept of crime. In detail: Every criminal article can be separated into two parts, behavior norm and sanction norm, and can be observed under this distinction. – Formally, legal-good is protected by behavior norm, because it is causal damageable by human conducts, whereas behavior norm itself is protected by sanction norm. Substantially, legal-good as a concept defined by the Constitution implicates the external, real (i.e. causally damageable) and basic requirements for personality development in a peaceful social life. The function of this conceptual definition is not aim at listing a specific catalog of legal-good, because requirements for personality development change with time. Its very function is to serve as constitutional reviewing procedures of criminal law and pivot for academic criticism. Proper comprehension of the objective of constitutionally guaranteed fundamental freedoms is the premise of proper construction of legal-good theory. On the other hand, refinement of criminal doctrines based on legal-good theory provides an opportunity for a state under the rule of law to self examine and thoughts deepen.

內戰下的上海市社會局研究(1945-1949) / A Study of Shanghai’s Bureau of Social Affairs during the Chinese Civil War, 1945-1949

李鎧光 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以上海市社會局為主體,探討其從1945年10月至1949年4月間各項業務執行的情況及其市民生活的關係。首先從社會局的職權與人事談起,社會局最早成立於1927年7月,負責農工商業相關行業的註冊、處理勞資糾紛與相關統計。一年後職權增加了對人民團體和社會福利機構的管理,也負責各種度量衡器具的檢定,戰後再增加糧食管理及書報影劇審查兩項工作。就人事方面而言,社會局局長以吳開先在任的時間最長,同時他也出任市黨部的執行委員會委員。另外針對1948年社會局全體公務員的學經歷進行分析,發現49歲以下的職員占絕大多數,以學歷而言,超過半數的男性職員受過不同程度的高等教育,女性職員是以中學學歷者占多數,附屬機構的公務員則更年輕,學歷也相對較低。與戰前的社會局相比最大的特點在小學以下的成員大幅減少和隨著局長異動而大量換人的情形也不復存在。 本研究的其他部分皆與社會局如何執行它的職權有關,分為四大主題:(1)報紙、雜誌、通訊社審查;(2)電影戲劇審查;(3)調整工資及調解勞資爭議;(4)對人民團體的管理。 在報紙、雜誌、通訊社審查部分,共舉行了三次大規模清查措施,只有1949年3-4月的「報刊總清查」才有比較主動的抽查措施。在獲准發行的報紙與雜誌中有一個特點,就是越晚獲得許可的刊物轉呈次數越多,可見社會局沒有最終決定權。在沒有獲得發行的報紙與雜誌中,社會局常以「申請手續不完整」的理由(包括各種文字)讓申請案無法通過,數量上甚至多過發行後才被查禁的。 社會局對電影影片的審查是某種形式上的複審,重點是核對內政部發給的准演執照是否相符。劇團、票房和俱樂部審查強調的重點是表演內容,包括所有劇本、科白與節目流程都要申請核准方能表演。總計3202部電影中未通過審查的只有28部,凡是有墮落的、不符現實的場景與情節都會被要求刪減或修改。劇本審查方面,可能出於受戰爭影響無暇創作或比較容易通過審查,大多以重演舊的劇目為主。 工人工資的調整以市政府每月發佈的生活費指數乘上1937年6月的底薪為計算方式,與糧食價格互相比較,貨幣購買力逐確實漸下降,使得多數工人不足以養家活口,所以勞資爭議越來越多。而就勞資爭議進行分析,以有沒有發生罷工停業分為兩類,有罷工停業的案件有589件,沒有罷工停業的則有5521件。就行業類別來看,與上海的產業結構相符,以紡織業最多。從具體的個案討論中,社會局確實努力促成和解,但卻沒有能力預防與阻止勞資爭議與暴力衝突。 人民團體分為資方的同業公會、勞方的工會、與一般民眾的社會團體,三者的數量在戰後四年間皆有顯著的成長。從電影院公會的例子可以看出,公會與社會局爭執的焦點在票價的調整,還有公會也必須負責各種臨時性或經常性的賑災捐款。相關資料也顯示,社會局對於勞工福利設施推行不力,也無法控制工會基層組織,在那些被共產黨吸收的工會中,社會局只能在警察局取締之後,解散工會再加以重組,無法有效防止共產黨的滲透。社會團體的問題在於社會局僅僅做到登記的工作而無法加以有效的管理,即使是國民黨成立的團體也是如此。 整體來說,社會局在這四年的時間裡,雖然進行很多種的社會統計,也透過機關刊物向民眾進行法令宣傳,但被動的登記成效比較好而主動執行力不足,其中又以無法有效防止勞資爭議與積極管理各種人民團體為主要缺點。 / This thesis draws on archival data from Shanghai’s Bureau of Social Affairs (Shehui ju 社會局) to examine how this organization undertook its duties between October 1945 and April 1949 (the period of the Chinese Civil War), as well as its impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. Founded in July 1927, the Bureau was initially responsible for the registration of agricultural and industrial sectors, resolution of wage disputes, and compilation of business statistics. It was subsequently burdened with additional duties, including the oversight of civic organizations and social welfare institutions, examination of measurement tools, regulation of foodstuffs, and censorship of publications. The thesis begins with a discussion on the Bureau’s administrative structure and personnel. Director Wu Kaixian had the longest incumbency of all the staff members, and also served as a commissioner in the Executive Committee of the KMT’s City Party Office. In terms of the backgrounds of public servants who worked at the Bureau, the data collected indicates that in the year 1948 most were less than 49 years of age. Over half of the male civil servants had received various higher education degrees, while the most of the women merely had secondary educations. The staff members of the Bureau’s affiliated institutions were generally younger and had lower educational levels. The period covered by this study differed from the prewar years in witnessing fewer people with only preliminary educational background, while personnel changes became less relevant following the appointment of new Directors. The rest of the thesis centers on how the Bureau executed its authority and carried out its duties, with the subject matter being divided into the following four categories: 1) Censorship of newspapers, magazines, and news agencies; 2) Censorship of motion pictures and dramas; 3) Reconciliation of wage and labor disputes; 4) Governance of civic organizations. Three large-scale censorship campaigns involving newspapers, magazines, and news agencies were undertaken, but only the “General Censorship” from March to April 1949 witnessed proactive measures. In considering censored newspapers and magazines, it seems especially noteworthy that the latter publications were released more often than being transferred, which suggests that the Bureau did not have the authority to make final decisions. The reason given by the Bureau for banning certain newspapers and magazines from publication was usually “incomplete application procedure.” The quantity of such publications was even greater than those banned after publication. The Bureau’s process of re-examining motion pictures focused on the validity of licenses issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The criteria of censorship adopted by theatres, box offices, and clubs placed greater emphasis on performance content, including scripts, voiceover, and program rundowns. Of 3,202 movies examined by the Bureau, only 28 failed to pass, with discouraging and unrealistic scenarios usually being deleted or modified. Most of the adopted scripts were somewhat dated, perhaps due to wartime lack of creativity and productivity. The adjustment of the labor wages was based on the product of the government-issued monthly cost of living index multiplied by salary levels of July 1937. Against the background of rising food prices, purchasing power parity proved relatively low, which rendered blue-collar workers less able to sustain their families and sparked increasing wage disputes. Such conflicts can be categorized by whether or not they resulted in strikes, with those triggering strikes numbering 589 and those that did not 5,521. Like Shanghai’s overall industrial structure, the textile industry led others in terms of such disputes. The Bureau did intervene by trying to promote reconciliation, yet it failed to prevent such disputes and resulting acts of violence. Civic organizations included employers’ associations, labor unions, and ordinary social groups formed by citizens. The number of all three kinds of organizations increased significantly during the four years of the Chinese Civil War. As can be seen in the case of the Cinema Association, the major point of conflict between Bureau and the Association centered on adjustments of ticket prices and the Association’s assuming responsibility for all kinds of charitable donations on a regular or temporary basis. The records reveal that the Bureau was not serious about the welfare infrastructure for laborers, and proved unable to control the grassroots organization of the labor unions. The Bureau could not prevent the Communist Party from exerting increasing influence over unions, but did dissolve them after police crackdowns and then attempted to reorganize them. The main issue with these civic organizations was that the Bureau was only in charge of registration yet proved unable to manage effective mobilization, a phenomenon that applied even to those organized by the KMT. In conclusion, the thesis argues that during the four years covered by this study, despite the fact that the Bureau was able to compile extensive sociological statistics and disseminate rules of law via its publications, its ability to execute policy decisions turned out to be far less effective. Moreover, the Bureau could not effectively suppress labor disputes and mobilize relevant civic organizations.

專利公益訴訟之研究—以中國大陸為例 / The Research of the Public Interest in Patent Litigation—Mainland China as an Example

張雨平, Chang, Yu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
專利權人在權利保護期間享有法律保障之排他性,而智慧財產權之制度設置,必須兼顧個人權利與社會公益,藉由保護權利人進而促進社會公益,但專利權制度中,專利權濫用之現象,對於專利發展中國家而言,尤其是外國專利強權企業利用專利奪取私益已達浮濫程度,造成私益與公益之間的矛盾與衝突,因此專利公益訴訟是平衡兩者之利益的一個手段。而因專利要件審查難以完善,造成許多具有無效事由的專利被授予專利權,這些專利權的存在侵害公眾利益甚鉅,中國大陸的對策為:提起專利公益訴訟使瑕疵專利無效,鼓勵任意第三人對專利之有效性提出挑戰,請求專利管理機關重新進行專利有效性的審查,維護公眾的合法利益;本文比較我國目前具有瑕疵之專利權,仍由民間企業基於非公共利益之商業利益考量而提出專利舉發,分析兩岸的制度及案例,檢視我國專利公益訴訟提出之可能,期使舉發專利無效之制度得以更臻健全。 / The purpose of the study was to analyze the public interest with regards to patent litigation cases in China. Public interest litigation is litigation for the protection of the public interest. Patentees have the exclusive right to prevent others from exploiting the invention without the patentees' consent during the legal protection. However, intellectual property rights are set up to protect not only rights of patentee but also that of social welfare. To reconcile the contradictions between private interest and public welfare, the study focuses on the phenomenon of abuse of patents discussed in the patent systems and the merits of public interest in patent litigation. Furthermore, the study examines China public interest patent litigation to invalidate defected patent system and encourage any third party to challenge the validity of the patent. Under the comparative legal study approach, the study can provide different perspective for our legal system to improve more beneficially our Patent law system.

運用黑板架構發展智慧型決策支援系統之解釋功能-以授信審查為例 / Developing an explantaion facility for intelligent decision support systems using blackboard architecture - A loan evaluation example

連柏偉, Lein, Boe Wei Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型決策支援系統(Intellignet Decision Support Systems)的特點是可以同時處理定性和定量資料於同一個系統中,以同時執行各種知識推論及數量模式之運算。黑板架構(Blackboard Architecture)的做法是將決策支援求解過程的資料、模式和知識運用情形記錄於一共同工作區─稱之為黑板(Blackboard),將模式及知識記錄在所謂的知識源(Knowledge Sources)中,並提供較有彈性之控制機制,應可提供較佳的解釋功能。以黑板架構為基礎的智慧型系統多應用在科學及工程方面,在管理方面卻寥寥無幾;管理問題多半屬於半結構性或非結構性,良好的解釋應為智慧型決策系統之重要功能。本研究擬就銀行業之授信審查做為本系統之專業領域知識(Domain Knowledge),運用黑板架構中的階層化問題表現方式及模組化知識源分類之特性,建立提供完善解釋功能之智慧型授信決策支援系統。 / Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) technique is critical to improve the functionality of decision support systems. Explanation function for consultation-based systems has been emphasized in the literature and should be considered important in developing intelligent decision support systems. Blackboard architecture can support a well-organized explanation facility due to its structurization of problem solving space, modularization of domain knowledge, and flexibility of reasoning control. Applying blackboard systems to managerial domain gets attention recently. Since most managerial consultation problems are unstructured or semi-structured, good explanation facility should be able to enhance the consultation effectiveness. The thesis investigates the potential of developing an explanation facility on the blackboard architecture using the loan evaluation as an example. During the interactive consultation process, the system can answer questions such as "What?", "Why?", "How?", and "Where?" with a friendly user interface. In terms of contribution, the inclusion of explanation facility can potentially increase the willingness and confidence of decision makers in using intelligent decision support systems. On the other hand, applying the graphic user interface to the development of explanation facility based on the blackboard architecture can make the reasoning process transparent and enhance the acceptance of this AI technique to managerial problem solving.

以Google案論中國對搜尋引擎管制之GATS規範合致性 / The consistency of China's regulation on search engine in the case of Google under GATS

林怡臻, Lin, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
西元2010年Google不滿中國對於網際網路之審查規範,因而宣布退出中國網際網路搜尋引擎市場之營運,Google認為中國網際網路之審查規範已影響自由貿易,並於同年(2010年)發表白皮書,強調政府管制網路資訊的行為會影響貿易,於附件中討論WTO服務貿易總協定應如何適用於政府限制網路資訊之措施。Google冀望美國能將此爭議訴諸於世界貿易組織之爭端解決機構;而美國貿易代表署也受Google之呼籲,著手研究將中國網路審查措施,向世界貿易組織提出爭端案件之可能。 為了解本爭端若訴諸WTO爭端解決,美國勝訴之可能性,以及預測中國是否可能因Google案件而被迫調整其網路管制以符合WTO規範,本文討論重心將從WTO服務貿易總協定規範之角度探討Google所指摘之中國對於網際網路搜尋引擎服務之管制。


徐鳳儀 Unknown Date (has links)
金門地區自國民政府遷台以後,因地理位置及政治情勢,自民國四十五年起實施戰地政務,以軍事管理方法推行民事行政工作,正因其特殊歷史背景,私人財產權難以獲得全面性的保障,尤其土地所有權更為複雜。無論土地總登記時或補辦土地所有權第一次登記期間,諸多土地因逾期視為無主土地,致登記為公有。金門戰地政務終止後,發布「金門馬祖東沙南沙地區安全及輔導條例」以為戰地過渡為民主之依據,又於民國八十三年增訂第十四條之一,以使戰地政務期間非因有償徵收登記為公有之土地,得由原土地所有權人或合於民法規定時效完成取得請求登記所有權之人或其繼承人申請歸還或取得所有權。第十四條之一執行三年,受理八、七八七件申請案,期間爭議不斷,迄今金門縣政府土地調處委員會仍繼續受理調處案件,而行政法院之行政訴訟持續不斷增加中。 本文為深入探討本議題,從金門地區土地總登記談起,並論述戰地政務對財產權利之影響,以暸解公有土地歸還政策之背景;進而陳述案件受理過程中,登記機關之審查權責界限,問題之樣態及解決方案;最後闡述本制度之意義及所造成之波及效果。 以我國土地法制觀之,土地登記具有絕對效力,且地政機關負有無過失損害賠償責任,故對於權利內容即應以實質審查為之,但面對權利證明文件毀損破舊,地形地貌已然改變,人事已非的事實,該如何審查,多數案件僅能以查証困難,無法據以登記而予駁回。土地逾期未辦理土地總登記視為無主土地登記為公有,係為我國土地政策-登記生效主義所為之強制措施,今以特別法方式就特殊歷史背景地區給予補救措施。但因原因發生日期已過許久,對於今日仍存在占有事實並可提出證明文件,或可直接採認,但絕多數案件,乃列為無法審查之列,難以達到土地歸還之政策目的。 公有土地歸還已正式邁入歷史,未來是否將再有類此政策推動,難以定論,但以我國土地登記制度之建立及特色觀之,實不宜使土地權利呈現不穩定狀態,影響政策之推動。且以金門地區執行狀況,真正申請歸還者有之,惟亦有許多不法之徒,偽造文書牟利,社會風氣丕變。本文認為以有償對價方式,使原土地所有權人或長期占有人購回其權利,可使其長期無法登記之權利合法化,亦可兼顧公益,或為一可行之對策。

中科三期環評訴訟中行政與司法的互動 / Interactions between the Executive and the Judiciary in EIA Litigation for the 3rd Phase Expansion of CTSP.

林靖芝, Lin, Ching Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究關注中科三期環評訴訟中行政與司法的互動,主要的研究問題是探究行政系統如何回應司法判決?從而分析司法判決對於行政系統產生什麼影響?綜觀中科三期環評爭議,隨著后里農民提起行政訴訟,讓行政與司法間的攻防與角力就此展開。最高行政法院於2010年判決撤銷中科三期環評結論確定,然而科學園區的開發早已如火如荼展開,面對廠商營運、量產在即,但開發行為的合法性基礎卻被撤銷,迫使行政系統必須做出因應。然而,行政系統並未遵守司法判決「依法行政」,反而持續以「選擇性的作為與不作為」來抵抗司法。 從行政系統的因應可發現儘管行政權強力抗拒司法,但顧及政策必須持續推行,所以實際上亦不可能完全無視判決指摘,仍必須做出「行為上的調整」,包含:重啟環評、加速通過環評,或者又重新決議要進行二階環評等。顯示面對司法審查的進逼迫使其必須「繞道而行」。後續儘管法院再裁定中科三期應停工,行政系統仍未就範,而修修補補、只做半套的環評,不僅仍無法通過法院合法性的檢驗,也致使中科三期演變成「邊施工、邊營運、邊環評」的窘況。本研究主要採取的研究方法包含:次級資料分析、參與觀察、訪談法。 總結而言,本研究將指出行政系統的態度與偏好是司法判決能否落實的關鍵。相反的,司法則沒有什麼權力影響判決如何被執行。然而,儘管司法顯露出侷限性,始終未能有效牽制住中科三期的開發,但中科三期環評訴訟對於行政系統仍產生相當的衝擊與影響,不論是對環評制度實務或對於往後環境運動的發展,這場運動仍是有深遠影響的一股動能。 / As more and more administrative litigations were filed, tensions between the executive and the judiciary branch have been on the rise. By using the environmental impact assessment (EIA) litigation of the 3rd phase expansion of Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) as a case study, this paper aims to understand the dynamic interaction between these two branches of the state. Particularly, it aims to shed light on how the executive reacts to judicial decisions, and whether judicial review influences bureaucratic practices and if so, its means and the extent of its impact. According to the separation of powers principle, the main function of judicial review is to monitor the legal reach of the executive power. Even as one of the landmark cases in Taiwanese legal history, however, it had been observed that not all judicial decisions are implemented by government agencies following the EIA litigation. Despite the fact that the conclusion of the EIA had been rejected by the Supreme Administrative Court, the executive resisted this judicial decision by being selective in its enforcement. Nevertheless, the executive must still respond to the judiciary albeit with some “behavioural adjustments” in order to make sure that the development of the 3rd phase expansion of CTSP can be completed as soon as possible. Research methods adopted in this paper is mainly literature review, participant observation and in-depth interview. This case study reveals three major findings. First, the enforcement of judicial decisions is not necessarily obligatory and hinges on the attitudes of the executive. Secondly, the judiciary has very limited powers when it comes to effecting the enforcement of its decisions but its decisions do engender some observable changes (or non-changes) in bureaucratic behaviour which can be attributed to judicial review. Thirdly, although these verdicts failed to stop the abuse of power and allowed the fulfillment of rights, for local residents, cause lawyers, and NGOs, there are still many positive lessons to be taken away from their efforts from which future environmental movements will also likely benefit.

電腦軟體發明之專利適格性-以商業方法為中心 / Patent Eligibility of Computer Software Invention - Focused on Business Method

洪振盛, Hung, Cheng Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
電腦軟體與商業方法是否為可專利標的,一直是各國專利實務之一大爭點。美國聯邦最高法院甫於2014年6月作出眾所矚目的Alice v. CLS bank案判決,確立了使用Mayo v. Prometheus案的二步分析法來檢驗發明是否屬於美國專利法第101條之適格客體,隨後美國專利商標局亦因應Alice案判決而公布最新的審查基準。再加上我國亦於2014年公布最新的電腦軟體相關發明審查基準,其中對於電腦軟體與商業方法之可專利性亦多所著墨。以上種種皆使得此一爭點近期又成為熱門的話題。 本論文試圖藉由整理美國及歐洲關於電腦軟體與商業方法專利標的適格性之重要案例,歸納出美國及歐洲實務見解之演進歷程,並從美國及歐洲專利制度面討論造成不同見解的原因。再進一步分析美國及歐洲實務見解對我國2014年版電腦軟體相關發明審查基準及相關法院判決的影響。 經由本論文之研究可得知,美國實務已由原本寬鬆的認定標準轉為逐漸限縮電腦軟體與商業方法的專利標的適格性。歐洲實務雖一直堅守以「技術性」要件作為判斷專利標的適格性之核心標準,卻已將原本要求的「技術貢獻」要件移至進步性審查階段。至於我國2014年版電腦軟體相關發明審查基準,則似乎有意兼採美國與歐洲近期的判決見解來進一步限縮電腦軟體與商業方法的可專利性。本論文將比較我國2014年版電腦軟體審查基準與美國及歐洲近期實務見解之間的對應關係,並提供相關的修訂建議。

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