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二十世紀中國傳統繪畫四大家美學觀念及其實踐研究 / Aesthetic Concept and Practice of Four Traditional Chinese Painting Masters of the Twentieth Century佘佳燕 Unknown Date (has links)
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運用社會網絡技術由文集中探勘觀念:以新青年為例 / Concept Discovery from Essays based on Social Network Mining: Using New Youth as an Example陳柏聿, Chen, Po Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以《新青年》雜誌作為主要的觀察文集與實驗案例分析,《新青年》中觀念由自由主義轉向馬克思列寧主義,而我們利用本系統的確能夠找出變化的軌跡,以及探勘兩個觀念下的關鍵詞彙。 / With development of the digital archives, essays have been digitized. While it takes much time to analyze the contents of essays by human, it is beneficial to analyze by computer. This thesis aims to investigate the approach to discover concepts of essays based on social network mining techniques. While a concept can be represented as a set of keywords, the proposed approach measure the co-occurrence relationships between two keywords and represent the relationships among keywords by networks of keywords. Social network mining techniques are employed to discover the concepts of essays. We also develop the concept discovery system which provides discovery by multiple keywords, discovery by single keyword, and latent concept mining. The New Youth is taken as an example to demonstrate the capability of the developed system.
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19-20世紀日本における記念碑文化の比較史的研究羽賀, 祥二 05 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:14510353 研究代表者:羽賀 祥二 研究期間:2002-2004年度
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新產品概念產生階段的市場知識來源之研究-以神達電腦公司之掌上型電腦/PDA的發展為例 / The Sources of Market Knowledge at the Stage of New Product Concept Generation曾齡瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣高科技公司一直以來,在OEM/ODM領域有卓越的表現,隨著毛利逐步被壓縮之際,越來越多的我國廠商終於認知到,透過自有品牌(OBM)的建立是提升企業價值很重要的方式。但是,若要由OEM/ODM 跨入OBM,台灣廠商最缺乏的莫過於對「市場知識」的了解。本研究藉由對神達公司(近幾年內自有品牌Mio掌上型電腦/PDA上快速發展至全球前三大)的深入個案研究,探討「市場知識」的產生與能力建構之議題,並得到以下結論:
6、台灣資訊硬體製造能力,若能結合數位內容的創意,透過軟體與硬體的結合,似乎能創造更有價值和差異化的產品並創造更大的競爭優勢。 / Most of the high-tech corporations of Taiwan have remarkable performances in the OEM/ODM fields. Due to the compressing gross profit, more and more corporations realize that building own brand is a very important way to promote the enterprise value. However, if they want to make strides from OEM/ODM to OBM, the most deficient thing is the understanding of “Market Knowledge”. Through the case study of “MITAC international corp.”, we discuss the issue of the creation and the construction of ability of “Market Knowledge” and obtain the following conclusions.
1、The sources of “Market Knowledge” are diversified and they can be obtained by many different ways. For the new entered corporations in the OBM field, their sources of “Market Knowledge” are less complete at the initial period stage.
2、At the initial period stage of the OEM/ODM corporations in transformation to OBM, the factors which affect the sources of “Market Knowledge” are more affected and limited by the internal factors: the “Organizational Core Capabilities”.
3、At the initial period stage of the OEM/ODM corporations in transformation to OBM, they have the hindrance of the thinking and operation of obtaining the complete “Market Knowledge”. But, the “Organizational Core Capabilities” still can give some help in getting partial “Market Knowledge”.
4、In the process of obtaining “Market Knowledge” and establishing “Market Knowledge Capabilities”, there seems to be having some processes of “Learning”. And at the part of establishing “Market Knowledge Capabilities” and “Marketing Capabilities”, there seems to be having relationships with the senior managers’ attitudes and organizational management.
5、In this research, we define the meaning of “Market Knowledge” as the systematical, meaningful and useful knowledge which is about the customers and competitors. But from the case study, we find that “Market Knowledge” is not only about the customers and competitors, other environment reasons also have important impacts on it: the restrain of the government, the tendency of the society culture and the changes of technology.
6、If the OEM/ODM corporations can combine their hardware manufacturing capability with some contents of software, it seems a good way to them to create more values, more diversified products and more competition advantages.
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電腦支援合作學習與知識翻新對師培生數學信念與數學教學實踐之影響 / Effects of computer-supported collaborative learning and knowledge building on preservice teachers’ mathematical beliefs and teaching practice張喻涵, Chang, Yh Han Unknown Date (has links)
數學能力向來被視為解決問題能力的重要基礎。隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,數學愈加受到重視,數學教師的教學效能亦面臨新的挑戰。為了協助師培生發展更具創意與多元的教學方式,本研究在中學數學科教材教法之課堂中,提供學生以知識翻新(knowledge-building)(Scardamalia, 2002) 教育理念為核心的課程設計,並使用知識論壇(Knowledge Forum™)數位學習平台作為本課程的線上輔助學習環境。研究主要目的在利用教室中與論壇上的知識翻新活動以提昇師培生對數學相關信念之反思與瞭解。研究對象為9位師培生。本研究透過混合研究設計以蒐集資料,資料來源包括:(1)整學期師培生在「知識論壇」平台上之討論與貼文;(2)期初與期末的數學信念開放式問卷;與(3)師培生的試教。資料分析方式如下:(1)平台上的貼文主要使用知識論壇分析工具(Analytic Toolkit for Forum)探討師培生在平台上的互動與知識翻新歷程;(2)數學信念開放式問卷主要以兩種觀點進行內容分析並交叉檢證;與(3)試教過程(錄影檔)以開放式問卷所產生之編碼進行影片內容的分析。
研究結果發現:(1)以知識翻新理論為原則之課程設計有助於師培生發展更建構取向之數學信念;(2)使用知識論壇平台有助於師培生分享知識與自我反思;(3)數學信念與教學實踐呈現相互影響的關係;以及(4)透過知識翻新的課程設計,師培生逐漸理解多元與彈性的教學對學生學習的重要性。本研究根據研究結果提出以下幾點建議以供未來師培教育之參考:(1)數學師資培育必須將專業學術知識的學習與成熟信念的養成作更密切的銜接;(2)師培機構進行課程設計時,應提供更多元開放的教學方式來幫助師培生學習;(3)師培教育應鼓勵師培生發展更能適應未來學生學習之教學方法。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of knowledge building pedagogy and technology on preservice teachers’ views on the nature of, and teaching practices in, mathematics. Participants were nine preservice teachers who took a university course titled “High-School Mathematics Teaching.” A software program called Knowledge Forum was employed to enable an online knowledge building environment for preservice teachers to explore, reflect, and discuss about the nature of, and teaching practices in, mathematics.
Data mainly came from three sources: (1) preservice teachers’ online posting and discussion recorded in a KF database, (2) a survey about mathematical beliefs with eight open-ended questions, and (3) preservice teachers’ teaching practice videos. To analyze, (1) online discussion records automatically recorded in Knowledge Forum were analyzed using descriptive statistics; (2) open-ended survey questions were content-analyzed following an open-coding procedure; and (3) two cases of preservice teachers’ teaching practice were further explored by employing video analysis techniques. The main findings were as follows: (1) engaging in knowledge building was found to help preservice teachers develop more constructivist-oriented mathematics beliefs; (2) use of Knowledge Forum was helpful for preservice teachers in sharing their knowledge and reflecting on their teaching; (3) mathematics beliefs and teaching practice could mutually influence each other; (4) after engaging in knowledge building for a whole semester, preservice teachers were able to realize the importance of capitalizing on more diversified ways of teaching to enhance student learning.
Building on the results, this study made the following three suggestions: (1) teacher education program should pay more attention to integrating the learning of pedagogical content knowledge into the development of more mature mathematical beliefs among preservice teachers; (2) teacher education program should encourage more diversified and flexible ways of teaching practice when designing its courses; and (3) teacher education program should encourage preservice teachers to develop more adaptive teaching practices to help students learn in the future.
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德 (1919-45) 蘇 (1945-91) 海軍思想發展與比較研究王俊評 Unknown Date (has links)
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思考模式與自我構念、購後失調之關係-以挪威消費者為例湯俊章, Tang,Jiunjang Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究從研究結論中,提出數點可事先降低消費者購後失調的策略建議與方案,做為實務界能有效降低補償失調消費者的成本,並提昇消費者的再購率的執行方法。而對某些無法補償失調消費者的交易型產業而言,這樣的策略建議更是其唯一降低消費者購後失調的著力點。 / The importance of the European market goes without saying. After the establishment of the European Union, Taiwan’s export value to the European market increased over 10% every year, but the domestic academia are still few in studying about this topic. Two reasons cause this phenomenon. First of all, compared to entering Chinese, American and Japanese markets, European markets were the last choice in the past. Secondly, it is difficult to obtain European material, even second-hand material, because most of Taiwan’s scholars, who have mostly studied in America or Japan, have relatively weak relationships with European academic circles. However, with the number of exchange students going to Europe rising, this offers domestic academia a chance to access the European market. Hence how to utilize this trend of exchange students to Europe to dissolve the awkward situation of having an unknown European market has already become the academia’s top priority.
This research extends from the difference between Individualism and Collectivism, one of the cross-cultural dimensions, to the difference between independent and dependent self-construct of consumers in a culture. Consumers under individualism incline to use the systemic thinking style and most of them own independent self-construct; consumers under collectivism incline to use the hedonic thinking style and most of them own dependent self-construct. Independent and dependent self-construct and systemic and hedonic thinking style can coexist in a single cultural body, so this research wants to know if the relationships among these variables still exist under the same single culture. In addition, the thinking style that consumers use decides the sources of information that consumers adopt. Hence, another issue this research wants to discuss is about how the consumers’ thinking style relates to their post-purchasing dissonance at their unsatisfied consumption. To utilize the chance of exchanging student to Norway, the research regards consumers in Oslo, Norway as the research sample through the questionnaire investigation. The total amount of issues is 813 among which the amount of 688 was retrieved, and the count of effective samples is 355.
The research finds that independent construct correlates with systemic thinking style and dependent construct correlates with hedonic thinking style under the cultural system in the north of Europe. This conclusion has supported that this relation under the single cultural body still exists. In addition, consumers, who are accustomed to the hedonic thinking style, will bring lower post-purchasing dissonance under functional consumption, but higher post-purchasing dissonance under hedonic consumption. However, systemic thinking style has no significant influence on post-purchasing dissonance and this point violates the common sense that rational thinking will bring lower dissonance. Finally, this research develops some advice from the study’s conclusion to reduce consumer’s post-purchasing dissonance and to raise the rate of repurchasing in hopes to decrease the cost of business compensating unsatisfied consumers.
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吸菸者多重自我概念與品牌人格之一致性對香菸品牌態度之影響倪培軒 Unknown Date (has links)
自Grubb and Grathwohl(1967)透過Rogers(1951)的個體自我增強理論(theory of individual self enhancement)為基礎,假設自我概念對個體而言是一種價值,並且個體的行為會朝向增強或保護他們的自我概念為方向,因此購買、展示行為或商品使用,皆會透過購買符號商品的過程來加強自我概念後,將此理論運用到廣告行銷領域的研究便開始蓬勃發展。本研究即是透過一致性理論來觀察吸菸者與其所喜好的香菸品牌間之關係,並輔以Aaker,J的品牌人格理論做為觀察面向。最後在本研究架構上將吸菸動機及吸菸行為一併納入其中討論。
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中、東歐國家加入歐盟之研究梁震宇 Unknown Date (has links)
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自我構念、自我監控及思考模式對自我表達產品之購買意願 / Customers' self construal and self-control effect on the purchase of self-expressive products李宜安, Lee, Yi An Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 自我構念、思考模式、自我監控 / Social influences play a persuasive role when it comes to spending. Previous research has shown that friends help shape our affects, behavior and cognitions (Argo, Dahl, and Machanda 2005; Ratner and Kahn 2002). Thus, the presence of an accompanying friend might to an extent influence the original consumption due the course that consumers have the opportunity and the motivation to conform to the expectation that their friends have in them (Funder and Colvin 1988; Stinson and Ickes 1992). To date, researchers have studied many social characteristics to which the presence of a friend determines the consumer’s purchase. Across studies show that friends can influence consumers’ purchase intentions in a positive way by providing information in reducing perceived risk (Urbany, Dickson and Wilkie 1989). Further on, studies demonstrates that the mere presence of a friend might cause agentic (oppose to communal) shoppers to spend more (Kurt, Inman and J.Argo 2010).
Based on preceding studies, we implement experiments to first determine which factors with the influence of social presence matters, followed by studying how they change the way we perceive information and eventually lead to purchase intentions of either self or non-self expressive products.
Study 1, measuring the orientations by the effect of the social environment ( ie, presence vs. absence of a friend). Study 2 used self-monitoring as moderator.
In the findings, this research shows that independent construct is correlated with systemic thinking while dependent construct is related to both thinking style. It was unpredicted the way dependent construal person thought, and the results was therefore insignificantly related to the types of product chosen.
With friends, however, findings show that systemic thinking has no effect on buying self-effective products when it comes to co-consumption. On the other hand, customers that are accustomed to heuristic thinking bring out higher willingness to buy self-expressive products.
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