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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台大實驗林契約林地保育與利用之研究-以權力關係為論述中心 / A study of conservation and utilization on experimental forest lease forestlands of national TaiwanUniversity : expound on power relationship

李健豪, Lee, Chien Hao Unknown Date (has links)
台大實驗林管理處(以下簡稱林管處)認為轄內之契約林農有擅於林地從事農業使用等違規使用行為,擬對違規者加以處罰或收回其承租地;但部分違規之契約林農卻認為其利用土地的方式本是順應當地自然生物資源特性,並未破壞山坡地,且長久以來的栽種經驗早已建立起和其承租地之間的深厚情感,這種尊重自然的生產模式,理當不是破壞山坡地保育的元凶。然而,在這兩種不同思維的作用下,引發林管處和承租戶之間的衝突。按理而言,林管處秉持森林資源保育政策,意在引導林地利用的內涵與建立模式;但林農在生計與產業經營考量下,咸認林地利用自是以市場為導向,方可發揮使用權功能。然而,究竟此等權力關係的要素之間的相互作用為何?對於土地利用之影響又如何?凡此皆值得深入考察,以探究實情。 本研究藉2010年迄今以契約林地現場查勘、深度訪談和問卷調查林農、林管處承辦人員之方法,觀察當地林農對於契約林地的利用方式;另考察近數十年來林管處的經營管理政策措施、林農違規利用土地所造成之管理失靈的問題。以Walck and Strong(2001)提出的權力關係為論述中心,探析政府政策、社群的價值規範、市場經濟、財產資源等四大因素之間的相互牽扯,佐以Zoe, Jennifer and Lorraine (2011)應用需求層次概念在土地管理上的做法,考察近數十年來我國台大實驗林的經營管理政策措施,以及林地承租戶土地利用情形。用以分析林管處與契約林農在契約林地上違規利用之根源,探求林管處與契約林農對於利用契約林地的觀念差異,並探求現狀下契約林地違規使用問題的癥結。 本研究以權力關係兼採需求層次概念對於契約林地地影響模式,透過文獻分析、實地訪談及問卷分析,獲得以下結論(1)現行造林契約規範難以處理契約林地上違規利用狀況(2)造林契約目的無法兼顧保育森林與契約林農生計收入(3)契約林農無法落實保育之觀念。並依上述研究發現,本研究提出以下之政策建議(1)應盡速調整台大實驗林造林契約規範(2)有條件允許契約林地上種植非林作物(3)契約林地之管理應導入契約林農保育的概念。 / The Experimental Forest, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University (hereafter referred to as the Experimental Forest) thinks that the contracted forestry farmers have illegal behaviors, such as the use of agriculture, and plans to give penalty to those violators or regain the lease forestlands from them. However, some of the violators consider that their land use conforms to the feature of local natural resources, and they never damage the hillside because of the intimate relationship between the long-lasting agricultural experience and the lease forestlands. In addition, this kind of production is respectful to the nature and should not be accused of destroying the conservation of hillside. Therefore, these two opposite thoughts cause the conflict between the Experimental Forest and the contracted forestry farmers. The forest resource conservation policy, which the Experimental Forest adheres to, is to lead the direction of land use and to establish a model of land use as well. However, in consideration of livelihood and forestry management, the forestry farmers argue that the lease forestlands should be market-oriented in order to operate their right of land use. Therefore, it’s worthy of further investigation about how the power relationship works between the stakeholders, as well as its influence on the land use. In order to observe the management of the forestry famers and the utilization of the lease forestlands, this study applies field study, in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey for investigating the farmers and staff members of the Experimental Forest. Furthermore, this study also reviews the management policies of the Experimental Forest in the past decades, as well as the records of illegal use and the unsuccessful management of the farmers. Based on the theory of power relationship proposed by Walck and Strong (2001), the study probes the mutual interaction of four main factors---governmental policy, community values, market economy, and property resources, and complements with the method of land management with the concept of need hierarchy by Zoe, Jennifer and Lorraine (2011). The research findings go as follows. First, it is hard to deal with the violation of illegal use on the forestlands by the present contract and regulation. Second, the purpose of afforestation cannot include both the forest conservation and the livelihood and income of the famers. Third, the contracted forestry famers are unable to implement the concept of conservation. According to the above findings, the research proposes three suggestions. First, the Experimental Forest should modify the contract and regulation as soon as possible. Second, the Experimental Forest should conditionally permit the plantation of non-forest crops. Third, the management of lease forestlands should include the ideas of conservation of lease forestlands. In the end, this study provides some facts and thoughts about this topic in hoping to improve the problems of illegal use of the lease forestlands.

學校翻轉教育的策略指標建構與應用之個案研究 / A case study on strategic indicators construction and application of school flipped education

潘筱芸, Pan, Hsiao Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在建構個案學校翻轉教育的策略指標與探討其應用,除了提供個案學校對翻轉教育的回饋,亦提供有結構性的策略指標參照。研究方法上,先以文獻分析歸納整理相關指標,並與個案學校成員討論建構出學校翻轉教育之21項策略指標,接著以概念構圖法與集群分析整合學校成員對指標的重要性和執行率評估與分群以建立構面。最後求取各構面及指標權重,進行指標的重要-表現分析(IPA),完成個案學校翻轉教育的策略指標體系。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論及建議如下: 一、結論 (一) 以概念構圖建構翻轉教育的4項構面與21項指標應用個案學校。 (二) 個案學校翻轉教育之重要性最高構面為「教師增能」。 (三) 個案學校翻轉教育之重要性最高的指標為「教師應有充足的備課時間」,其次為「提升教室的數位載具資源」、「教師所製作或選編之教學內容具吸引力」。 (四) 個案學校翻轉教育之執行表現最佳構面為「科技支援」;執行表現最差構面為「社群支持」。 (五) 個案學校翻轉教育之執行表現最佳指標為「提升教室的數位載具資源」,其次為「雲端課程平台分享」。 (六) 執行表現最差指標為「翻轉教學社群討論空間與時間安排」。 (七) IPA分析結果最急需改進的構面為「教師增能」。 (八) IPA分析結果最急需改進的指標為「教師應有充足的備課時間」,其次依序為「翻轉社群師資研習或學習機會」、「讓學生依照個別學習進度精熟學習」、「建立學生個人學習歷程檔案」、「教師能規劃翻轉學習之課程內容」。 (九) IPA分析的應用性。 二、建議 (一) 指標運用: 逕行利用指標繼續檢視翻轉教育歷程,利用指標繼續檢視個案學校往後的翻轉教育歷程。 (二) 應強化「教師增能」及「社群支持」。 (三) 應關注學生學習。 (四) 對未來研究之建議: 從個案研究的指標建構,推展至適用於全國性的樣本;持續針對指標系統做適當之更新。 / The purpose of this study is to construct the strategic indicators of school flipped education and to explore its application. In addition to providing individual case feedback on flip education, we also provide a structural reference to strategic indicators. As for research methods, by means of literature review, and discusses with the members of the case to construct 21 strategic indicators of school flipped education. Concept mapping questionnaire used to analyze the school members' opinion on the importance and implementation of each indicator and to help indicator selection. At last stage, find the weight of each indicator within each dimension and construct the system of indicators of school flipped education. The conclusions are follows: (1) This study constructs 4 main dimensions and 21 strategic indicators of school flipped education. (2) The highest aspect of the importance of school flipped education is " faculty enhancement ". (3) The most important indicator for flipped education is that "teachers should have sufficient preparation time" followed by "upgrading the classroom's digital vehicle resources" and "the teaching content produced or selected by teachers should be attractive." (4) The best performing aspect of the importance of school flipped education is "science and technology supporting"; the worst performing aspect is "community supporting". (5) The best indicator of the performance of school flipped education is "enhancement of digital mobile device in the Classroom" followed by "cloud-based course platform sharing". (6) The worst indicator of the performance of school flipped education is "flipped teaching community discussion space and schedule." (7) The most urgent aspect of IPA analysis is "faculty enhancement". (8) The most urgent indicator for IPA analysis is "teachers should have sufficient time for preparation", "community teachers' study or learning opportunities", "allowing students to master the learning process based on individual learning progress", " build student personal study files "," teachers can plan flip learning course content. " (9) The applicability of IPA analysis. According to the conclusions, some suggestions had been proposed: (1) Use of Indicators: Using indicators to continue to examine the course of overturning education, and using indicators to continue to examine cases of school rollover education in the future. (2) Teachers and community support should be strengthened. (3) Should pay attention to student learning. (4) Suggestions for future study: From the construction of indicators of case studies to the application of national samples; and continual updating of the indicator system.

癌症相關失眠之睡眠失功能信念與病理機轉探討 / The Dysfunctional Beliefs and Pathological Mechanism of Cancer Related Insomnia

蕭立瀛, Hsiao, Li-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
睡眠失功能信念在慢性失眠的病理上扮演重要的角色,可能讓個體產生不良睡眠行為與過度睡前激發狀態,進而造成失眠。而癌症相關失眠患者由於其病理的獨特性也可能出現其獨特的睡眠失功能信念,本研究探討在癌症相關失眠的病理機轉中加入癌症相關睡眠失功能信念,是否可較單純一般慢性失眠之睡眠失功能信念對癌症相關失眠有更全面的了解。而癌症相關失眠具有許多不同於一般慢性失眠的要素,其中除了與疾病相關的特殊睡眠失功能信念外,尚有可能與睡眠困擾相關的癌因性疲憊干擾存在。因此,本研究的目的在探討:1)加入癌症相關的睡眠信念之整合睡眠失功能信念與失眠症狀的關聯性是否與單純一般的睡眠失功能信念有所不同;2)其影響路徑是否透過不良睡眠行為與睡前激發狀態影響失眠嚴重度;3)疲憊嚴重度是否使整合睡眠失功能信念對不良睡眠行為的預測力增加。本研究使用問卷調查對混合癌症患者進行各因素的測量後 (N=148),運用結構方程模型進行路徑與因果分析,研究結果顯示,在疲憊嚴重度較高時,加入癌症相關睡眠失功能信念的整合睡眠失功能信念,其中「對失眠之負向影響預期與擔憂」向度會透過睡前生理激發狀態對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、而「安眠藥物對疾病影響」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有負向預測力、不良睡眠行為對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、一般睡眠失功能信念之預測路徑則多透過認知激發狀態影響;在疲憊嚴重度較低時,「對失眠之負向影響預期與擔憂」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有正向預測力、「睡眠與健康及病後修復關聯性的信念」向度對「失眠對白天功能影響」程度有負向預測力、「安眠藥物對疾病影響」向度對「睡眠困難」與「主觀痛苦」程度有正向預測力、一般睡眠失功能信念可預測之細項有所減少。研究結果顯示一般睡眠失功能信念會透過睡前認知激發影響失眠嚴重度,而加入癌症睡眠失功能信念後的整合睡眠失功能信念會透過睡前生理激發影響失眠嚴重度,疲憊嚴重度在其中扮演調節變項的角色,疲憊程度高低會使癌症睡眠失功能信念透過不同路徑影響失眠嚴重度。 / Dysfunctional beliefs about sleep play an important role in the pathological mechanism of chronic insomnia. Sleep-related behaviors and presleep arousal may mediate the relationship between the dysfunctional beliefs and severity of insomnia. Since cancer-related insomnia is associated with specific physiological and psychological conditions, there are specific dysfunctional beliefs that might have different influence to patients' sleep. Also, cancer-related fatigue could be closely related to sleep disturbance in cancer patients and demands to be explored. Therefore, the primary purpose of the current study is to explore: 1) whether adding cancer-related dysfunctional sleep beliefs to general dysfunctional sleep beliefs would show different pattern of association with severity of insomnia, comparing to the pattern of general dysfunctional sleep beliefs alone; 2) whether the sleep behavior and presleep arousal mediate the relationship between the dysfunctional beliefs to severity of insomnia in this path of model or not; 3) whether the severity of fatigue is a moderator of the predictibility of combided dysfunctional sleep beliefs to sleep-related behavior. The study recruited 148 mixed cancer diagnosis patients. They were instructed to fill out a package of questionnaires to assess their dysfunctional sleep beliefs, insomnia severity, cancer-related fatigue, etc. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted for path analysis and causality test. Accroding to the result of SEM, presleep arousal was found to be a mediator of the positive association between the beliefs about “expectation and worries of negative consequence of insomnia” and daytime difficulties among subjects with high level of fatigue. Also the beliefs about “harmfulness of hypnotic” have negative predictibility to “daytime difficulty” in these subjects. Sleep behavior, on the other hand, have positive prediction to the “daytime difficulty”. General sleep dysfunctional beliefs showed pathway through presleep cognitive arousal level. For subjects with lower level of fatigue, the beliefs about “expectation and worries of negative consequence of insomnia” have positive association with the “daytime difficulty”. The beliefs about “beliefs about association between sleep and health and recovery from illnesss” were shown to have negative prediction to the “daytime difficulty”. The belief about “hypnotic related to disease” showed positive association with the “sleep difficulty” and associated “distress”. General sleep dysfunctional beliefs had less predictive factors. Based on the results of this study, adding cancer-related dysfunctional sleep beliefs was shown to have different relationship with severity of insomnia compared to general sleep dysfunctional beliefs. General dysfunctional sleep beliefs showed a pathway to insomnia severity through the mediation presleep cognitive arousal level. On the other hand, combided sleep dysfunctional beliefs showed a pathway to insomnia severity through the mediation of presleep somatic arousal level. Furthermore, severity of fatigue is a moderator. Subjets differed in the level of fatigue showed different path from combided dysfunctional sleep beliefs to severity of insomnia.

黃宗羲哲學之建構 / The Philosophical Construction of Huang Zongxi

黃冠禎, Hwang, Guan Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究主要關注於,黃宗羲如何在肯定理性的待發展性下,就理性的自我發展,建立一套道德哲學。 首先第一章緒論,先敘述研究之背景目的、文獻評述,擬定之研究方法及進行步驟、預期研究成果。對於黃宗羲,首在去除形上學預設對人的限制。就人在活動中的自主性、發展性,建立一套個人道德養成與推動現實理想化,密不可分的道德體系。筆者將於第二到第六章在此體系下,分別就不同脈絡的個個問題探討其哲學之建構。 第二章:黃宗羲在作品中屢稱己意在承繼劉蕺山,但單憑於此,尚難斷定黃宗羲的哲學思想是承繼劉蕺山。尤其是黃宗羲對人物思想評論,間有與劉蕺山不同之處,而當今學界,更是在黃宗羲與劉蕺山思想定位上,存在著歧異。此歧異牽涉資料援引問題,本章目的乃就當今學術界研究歧異先做一回應。首重原典的掌握,並進行對各家看法加以檢視考據。根據原典呈現,將兩者定位,並就黃宗羲對劉蕺山承繼與發展,來看黃宗羲哲學所關注的焦點。 第三章:針對於黃宗羲理論歧見最多的氣學定位,個人認為應分成兩面向來看。一是黃宗羲對天道之堅持,二是其重氣的理氣觀。而關於此兩面向,有待就黃宗羲理氣、心性與道德關係角度作說明。 第四章:論述黃宗羲哲學是心學也是氣學,就氣流行方式,認為人滯於私為惡,故必須從(1)現實無法使人成善?(2)人何以有一不依經驗的道德性?(3)此道德性如何引導人在現實成善?此三個問題做討論。本章並就理氣與心性論、工夫論之間關係,解釋人道德呈現差異與人文化成。 第五章:本章延續第四章問題論「性」的呈現,由道德意志貫徹於氣化實踐,使「性」以成其全,並論主體擴充之工夫內容。 第六章:黃宗羲認為個人的道德養成,與儒家道德世界在現實中完成乃是密不可分,因此儒家思想在社會建立社會規範,在肯定理性的待發展性下,就理性的自我發展,完成以儒家思想建立公共的規範。 最後,本論文將總結討論黃宗羲建構之哲學思想,能否真正取代陽明心學,以及其哲學的可能發展。 / This thesis mainly focuses on how Huang Zongxi (黃宗羲)established a set of moral philosophy on the basis of affirmative rational development. The first chapter of the introduction, describes the background purpose of research, literature review, the proposed research methods and measures and the expected results. Huang Zongxi, aims for removing metaphysical restrictions on human . Based on the autonomy and development of human in activities, he establishes a set of moral system in which not only personal morality can be fostered but also promotes the idealization of reality. Under this system,from the second to the sixth chapters, I will discuss the construction of his philosophy on the various contexts respectively . The second chapter discusses thatalthough Huang Zongxi repeatedly claimed that he is willing to inheritLiu Jishan (劉蕺山)in his works, it is insufficient to conclude that Huang Zongxi's philosophical thinking is indeed so.In particular, Huang Zongxi's comments on the character thought were different from that of Liu Jieshan. In today's academic world, there is disagreement betweenthe philosophical points of Huang Zongxi and Liu Jishan. The primary purpose of this chapter is to respond to the current academic disagreement which resulted from data-citing problem. Focusing on the original texts, examined the views of various critics. The two would be positioned based on the original texts. Viewing the focus of Huang Zongxi's philosophy which was based on his inheritance and development of Liu Jieshan. The third chapterconcentrates on the controversial issue about the theory of qi (氣) in Huang Zongxi’ philosophy,which should be regarded as two aspects. One is Huang Zongxi 's adherence to the tiandao (天道), the other is his emphasizing of the value of qi (氣). I would illustrated the two aspects by the discussions of the relationships of Huang Zongxi's li-qi (理氣)andxin-xing (心性)inmoral system. The fourth chapter discusses that Huang Zongxi’s philosophy is not only xin xue (心學), but also qi xue (氣學). By the way qi move, human who stagnant self-interest, become evil. Therefore it must be debated on three questions as below :(1) Can the reality not make thepeople good? (2) Why do people have a morality that does not depend on experience? (3) How does this morality lead people to be good at reality? This chapter also explains the difference between human morality and human culture by the relationship between the theory of qi, the theory of the xin and thetheory of cultivation . In the chapter five, I continue to discuss the presentation of "xing" . Since the morality is carried out by qi’s realization, to complete xing ,and discusses the content of cultivation by the expansion of the subject. In the sixth chapter, according to Huang Zong-xi’s view , the Confucian moral world in reality, which is closely linked with the individual's moral cultivation. Therefore,Confucianism will to establish a social norms in society. Under affirmative rational development, the public norms established by Confucianism willbe completed by self-realization. Finally, I will summarize that whether Huang Zongxi's philosophy can truly replace Yangmingism (陽明心學)and the possibledevelopment of Huang’s philosophy.

哲学方法論からみたポストカントの一潮流―J. F. フリースおよびショーペンハウアーを中心に―

太田, 匡洋 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第22178号 / 文博第825号 / 新制||文||687(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科思想文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 大河内 泰樹, 教授 中畑 正志, 教授 出口 康夫, 准教授 大塚 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

デンマーク黄金時代から考察されるキルケゴールとヘーゲルの関係 ―初期キルケゴール思想におけるデンマークヘーゲル主義の影響史―

大坪, 哲也 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第22912号 / 文博第858号 / 新制||文||699(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科思想文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 杉村 靖彦, 教授 芦名 定道, 准教授 伊原木 大祐 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

ブランド態度及び購買意図形成に対する自己概念調和の効果 : ブランド・パーソナリティとユーザー・イメージの乖離に注目して / ブランド タイド オヨビ コウバイ イト ケイセイ ニタイスル ジコ ガイネン チョウワ ノ コウカ : ブランド パーソナリティ ト ユーザー イメージ ノ カイリ ニ チュウモク シテ

Assarut, Nuttapol 21 March 2008 (has links)
博士(商学) / 甲第424号 / VI, 123p / 一橋大学


小塚, 真啓 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第18033号 / 法博第166号 / 新制||法||148(附属図書館) / 30891 / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 岡村 忠生, 教授 髙木 光, 教授 仲野 武志 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DFAM


坪井, 剛 25 November 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第18632号 / 文博第656号 / 新制||文||606(附属図書館) / 31546 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科歴史文化学専攻 / (主査)准教授 上島 享, 教授 吉川 真司, 准教授 谷川 穣 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

介護老人福祉施設の介護職員と利用者の間で展開される「ケア」についての研究 : ケアプロセスにおける互いの「成長」に着目して / カイゴ ロウジン フクシ シセツ ノ カイゴ ショクイン ト リヨウシャ ノ アイダ デ テンカイ サレル「ケア」ニツイテ ノ ケンキュウ : ケア プロセス ニオケル タガイ ノ「セイチョウ」ニ チャクモク シテ / 介護老人福祉施設の介護職員と利用者の間で展開されるケアについての研究 : ケアプロセスにおける互いの成長に着目して

種橋 征子, Seiko Tanehashi 31 March 2015 (has links)
博士(社会福祉学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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