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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中、外籍英語教師的信念及其對實踐影響:新竹市國民小學協同教學個案 / Native and Non-Native English Speaking Teacher's Beliefs and their influences on Practices: A Case Study of Elementary Collaborative Teaching Teachers in Hsin Chu City

王藝樺, Wang,Yi-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解新竹市協同教學中、外籍英語教師之信念及其對實踐影響。 比較中、外籍老師們的信念及查看他們的信念是否顯現在教室行為中。 本研究採用質性研究方法選擇了一對有一年協同教學經驗的中、外籍英語教師在某新竹國小任教。在這個案研究中,資料收集有兩個月的時間,主要來源為訪談、信念問卷、觀察、文件分析。資料分析後涵蓋比較中、外師的以下信念: (1) 中、外籍教師優勢與劣勢; (2) 協同教學; (3) 英語; (4) 語言學習及學習者; (5) 句型在英文教學中的角色。 本研究以根據以上之五個議題討論結果,進一步提供相關建議,作為教育學者們及中、外籍教師們做參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the beliefs and practices of team teaching native English speaking teachers (NESTs) and non-native English speaking teachers (non-NESTs) in Hsin Chu City. The teachers’ beliefs are compared and contrasted, and checked to see if they are manifested in the classroom practices. This study adopted a qualitative research method and selects a pair of NEST and non-NEST who have a year of team teaching experience in an Elementary school in Hsin Chu city. In this case study, the data collection lasted for two months, and the instruments for collecting data included interviews, beliefs inventories, classroom observations, and document analysis. The data is analyzed to present the teachers beliefs in the following areas: (1) the advantages and disadvantages of being native and non-native English teachers, (2) team teaching (3) the English language (4) language learning and learners (5) the role of sentence structures in English language teaching. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions derived from previous discussions are presented mainly for policy makers and NESTs and non-NESTs.

國中生數學自我概念、自我效能與成就關係之探討: 以PISA2003香港資料為例 / The Relationship among Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, and Performance in Mathematics: The PISA 2003 Hong Kong Data

盧玟伶, Lu, Wen-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的,在利用PISA 2003資料庫為例,分辨數學自我概念、自我效能與數學成就關係之模式的建構。本研究選香港為研究對象,以參加PISA 2003的4402名香港的15歲學生為樣本來進行本研究。本研究運用探索性因素分析(EFA)檢視自我概念與自我效能之測量指標的信效度。分析結果顯示,「自我概念」與「自我效能」的測量模式的建構達良好的信效度。另一研究結果顯示,學生數學自我概念對數學成就之間沒有直接的影響效果,但會透過數學自我效能此中介變項,而產生對數學成就的間接影響效果。此外,在雙交叉驗證方面,顯示研究二組樣本具有交叉效度,研究模式之接受性均相當高。 / The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among self-concept, self-efficacy, and performance in mathematics. The PISA 2003 Hong Kong data was used as an example. There were 4402 15-year-old participants in this survey. Explore factor analysis was used to identify the good measurement models of self-concept and self-efficacy in PISA 2003. The results showed that the measurement models had high reliability and validity. The other result showed self concept had no direct effects on the mathematics achievement. But under the mediation of the mediator, such as self-efficacy, there was indirect effect on the mathematics achievement. Analysis also showed that the two sets of samples have presented cross validity, the research model is highly acceptable.

高科技產品品牌價值之研究:以手機產品為例 / A Study of the Brand Value of High-Technology Products: the Case of Mobile Phone

葉淑婷, Yieh, Shu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產品要打動消費者的心,已不能如同過去只強調其功能價值,要在激烈競爭環境中脫穎而出,無形價值更顯得重要。本研究引用Park, Jaworski and MacInnis (1986)的研究,將品牌帶給顧客的價值分為功能性、象徵性、體驗性價值。根據研究結果,在消費者心中重視的是高科技品牌的功能性與象徵性價值,因此廠商在推出高科技產品時,除產品本身功能要能具吸引力外,在行銷手法上須建立與其他品牌區隔的象徵意義,使消費者能將該產品視為自我身份象徵的徽章(badge)。另一方面,消費者在選購此項產品的涉入程度普遍都很高,而目前市面上產品功能是大同小異,廠商要能使其產品出奇制勝,同樣要以無形價值下手,以增加對消費者的吸引力。此外,本研究發現消費者購買高科技產品時,根據的並非自己的真實特性,而可能是消費者理想的自我。至於,國家文化與品牌聯想之顧客價值的關係在本研究中並不顯著。 / Nowadays, the functional value of the high-tech products is not attractive enough to the consumers. For consumers, they want more values of high-tech products, especially the intangible values. According to Park, Jaworski and MacInnis’ (1986) research, the brand value from customer's point of view could divide into the functional, symbolic and the experiential value. In this research, the consumers more care the functional and symbolic value of high-technology brands. Therefore, the merchants must emphasize on its products’ symbolic value to distinguish from the other brands, especially there is no big difference on the functional side. The customers would like to make the high-tech products as their badge. On the other hand, the consumers feel highly involvement with the high-tech products. The merchants must clothe its high-tech products with more intangible value to defeat the other brands. In addition, this research discovered the consumers might not follow their real characters but ideal self when they purchased the high-tech products. Furthermore, there is no significant relation between the national culture and the brand value in this research.

幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質關係之研究 / A Study Of The Relations Between ECE Program Quqlity Beliefs And ECE Program Quality

劉蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
高品質的幼兒園對幼兒發展具有重大影響,且幼兒園品質的意義隨著時代思潮的演進,其所指涉的範圍愈來愈寬廣,並有由內部導向的幼教歷程,擴展至外部導向的全面品質之趨勢。因此,幼兒園品質衡量之探討,便成為一個理論和實務兼具的重要課題。 本研究發展幼稚園品質問卷,為台北市347所幼稚園的園長與教師進行問卷調查,並利用SPSS13.0套裝軟體進行統計分析,旨在探究幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之構面、園長與教師幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之關係,及其相關因素之影響,並比較園長與教師在內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念差異情形。 本研究之結論如下: 一、本研究發展出幼稚園品質問卷,包含幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質兩量表。 二、台北市幼稚園幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之現況佳。 三、教師與園長在幼兒園品質信念的差異,係受到個人特徵的「教育程度和幼教服務年資」之交互影響。 四、「幼稚園屬性」是形成教師的幼兒園品質信念差異之主要的幼兒園特徵;而「生師比」是形成園長的幼兒園品質信念差異之主要的幼兒園特徵。 五、教師、園長的幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之相關均不高。 六、教師與園長在內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念之差異,僅表現在外部導向幼兒園品質信念之差異上。 七、教師與園長的內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念之一致性,與幼兒園品質無關。 八、幼兒園品質的差異,係受到「幼稚園屬性與幼稚園規模」之交互影響,以及「幼稚園規模與生師比」之交互影響。 最後研究者根據結論,就幼兒園品質之實務面與後續研究方向提出具體的建議,以期對未來幼教的發展有所助益。 / Research has shown that high ECE program quality has great effect on children’s developmental outcomes, and the concept of ECE program quality evolving over time has extended its contents from internal-oriented to external-oriented. As a result, defining and measuring ECE program quality has become an important issue, both in theory and practice. The purpose of this study is fourfold: (a) to identify the dimensions of both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality, (b) to examine the relations between directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in their own kindergarten programs, (c) to ascertain the influence of related factors, and (d) to compare the difference between directors and teachers’ ECE program quality belief, both in internal-oriented and external-oriented ECE program quality belief. For achieving this purpose, this study developed the ECE program quality questionnaire to conduct mailed surveys in a sample of 347 kindergartens in Taipei city, and the data was analyzed with SPSS 13.0 to find possible significances. The conclusions are as follows: 1.This study developed the ECE program quality questionnaire which included both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality scale. 2.This study revealed that both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in Taipei kindergarten programs were good. 3.This study showed that when it came to staff characteristics, the interaction of education level and staffing experience had effects on the difference in both directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality beliefs. 4.This study indicated that the program attribute was the main program characteristics in the difference between teachers’ ECE program quality beliefs; but to directors, the child: teacher ratio mattered in the difference between directors’ ECE program quality beliefs. 5.This study demonstrated modest relations between both directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in their own kindergarten programs. 6.This study showed that teachers and directors had differences in external-oriented ECE program quality beliefs, but not in internal-oriented beliefs. 7.This study showed that the consistency of both directors’ and teachers’ internal and external-oriented ECE program quality belief had no relations with ECE program quality. 8.This study showed that both the interaction of program size and program attribute, and the interaction of program size and child: teacher ratio had effects on the differences in ECE program quality. Overall, findings from this study pointed to several relevant implications for the early childhood education practice and follow-up ECE program quality research.

高中生品格發展之因子模式 / A Model for the Development of High School Students' Characters

余青霞, Yu,Ching Hisa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中生的教師品格教學、父母品格教養、批判思考能力、品格信念及品格行為之關係。研究參與者來自台北縣市公立高中二、三年級,有效樣本計538人。本研究採用的研究工具包括「品格行為量表」、「品格信念量表」、「品格教學行為量表」、「父親品格教養行為量表」、「母親品格教養行為量表」及「批判思考測驗—第一級」(CTT-Ⅰ)。資料分析所用的統計方法包括描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及線性模式分析。本研究主要發現如下: 1.就學校教師而言,大多身兼導師的國文、英文、數學科老師,對高中生品格影響最為深遠;就一般對象而言,母親及父親對孩子的品格影響最大。 2.不同性別的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上均有顯著差異:在品格信念方面,女生顯著優於男生,尤其在「責任」、「關懷」及「公民性」等指標的信念;在品格行為方面,女生亦顯著優於男生,尤在「值得信賴」、「公平」「關懷」及「公民性」等指標的表現。 3.不同年級的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上沒有顯著差異。 4.不同父母的教育程度的高中生在品格信念及品格行為上沒有顯著差異。 5.高中生品格信念及品格行為會相互影響:亦即品格信念程度愈高者,其本身品格行為表現愈好;品格行為表現愈佳者,擁有的品格信念程度愈高。 6.教師的品格教學行為對高中生的品格信念及品格行為有顯著效果,亦即知覺教師品格教學程度愈高者,其品格信念也愈強,品格行為表現程度也愈佳。 7.父母的品格教養行為對高中生的品格信念及品格行為有顯著效果,亦即知覺父母品格教養程度愈高者,其品格信念也愈強,品格行為表現程度也愈佳。 8.高中生批判思考能力對品格信念和品格行為沒有顯著的正向效果。 9.就高中生品格行為發展之子模式而言,教師品格教學行為及父母品格教養會互動之後,分別對品格信念及品格行為產生直接和間接的影響,且品格信念和品格行為間會相互影響。 最後,本研究依據上述的研究結果進行討論,並提出相關建議以供教師教學、父母教養及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among teachers’ character teaching, parents’ character parenting, critical-thinking abilities, character beliefs, and character behaviors of high school students. The participants included 538 students sampled from six high schools in Taipei City. The employed instruments in this study were the Inventory of Character Behaviors, the Inventory of Character Beliefs, the Inventory of Character Teaching, the Inventory of Father’s Character Parenting, the Inventory of Mother’s Character Parenting, and the Critical-thinking Test, LevelⅠ. The employed analysis methods included Descriptive Statistics, One-Way Multiple Analysis of Variance, and Structural Equation Modeling. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.As for school teachers, Chinese, English and Mathematical teachers who usually serve as tutors had the greatest effect on the high school students’ character development; as for general subjects, mothers and fathers had the most profound effect on the high school students’ character development. 2.There were significant gender differences on character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, the females outperformed the males in character beliefs, especially in “responsibility”, “caring”, and “citizenship”; moreover, the females outperformed the males in character behaviors, especially in “trust worthiness”, “fairness”, and “citizenship”. 3.There were no significant differences on character beliefs and character behaviors between the second graders and the third graders. 4.There were no significant differences on character beliefs and character behaviors among the three parents’ educational levels. 5.The relationships of character beliefs and character behaviors among the high school students were bi-directional. In other words, those who had stronger character beliefs performed more character behaviors and those who performed more character behaviors had stronger character beliefs. 6.The teachers’ character teaching had significant effects on the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, those who perceived higher degree of character teaching had higher character beliefs and performed more character behaviors. 7.The parents’ character teaching had significant effects on the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors. Specifically, those who perceived higher degree of character parenting had stronger character beliefs and performed more character behaviors. 8.The high school students’ critical-thinking abilities had no positive effects on their character beliefs and character behaviors. 9.In terms of the Model for the development of high school students’ characters, teachers’ character teaching and parents’ character parenting interactively influenced, both directly and indirectly, the high school students’ character beliefs and character behaviors; meanwhile, character beliefs and character behaviors influence each other. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instructions, parental upbringing, and future studies.

台灣、德國品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念之跨文化比較 / The Intercultural Comparison between Taiwan and Germany in Brand Personality, Advertising Appeals and Consumer Value-Beliefs

鍾韶庭, Chung, Shao-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
自從歐盟成立後,歐洲市場對於台灣經濟的重要性與日俱增,目前為台灣主要貿易國家 (地區) 中出口成長率最高的地區,而德國又為台灣在歐洲進出口貿易額中最高的國家,然而國內學術界對於德國乃至於歐洲地區的消費者研究卻屈指可數,大多著重於中國大陸、美國與日本的研究,造成此現象的原因除了是過去歐洲市場在台灣的經濟地位不比中、美、日之外,也與台灣留學國外少以歐洲為主有關,造成與消費者相關的初次級資料取得不易、研究成本過高等因素,但隨著國內研究生赴歐洲交換學生的趨勢漸增,將提供國內學術界與實務界暸解歐洲消費者的機會。 本研究首先從過去的跨文化研究中暸解台灣與德國在各文化構面上的差異,推論受到文化所影響的品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念,在台灣與德國消費者的認知中同樣會產生差異;此外,本研究也進一步探討品牌個性、廣告訴求、消費者價值信念與品牌偏好度的關係。本研究以問卷調查的方式蒐集台灣與德國消費者的第一手資料,並根據此初級資料進行分析比較,問卷內容包括品牌個性構面、品牌偏好度、廣告訴求、消費價值信念以及基本資料等五個部份,品牌則選定「Mercedes-Benz賓士汽車」與「Acer宏碁電腦」等兩個在台、德具有知名度的品牌。為了能夠順利進行調查,本研究分別以中文及德文版問卷在台灣與德國進行研究,採隨機發放的方式,總共蒐集了495份有效問卷,其中台灣問卷有247份,德國問卷有248份。 研究結果顯示,台灣與德國消費者對於同一個品牌的品牌個性、廣告訴求具有顯著差異,均對本國品牌較有正面的觀感,而台、德消費者價值信念也因為文化的不同而在「名牌情結」、「他人導向」、「情面影響」、「享樂主義」、「簡約習性」及「保障需求」上具有顯著差異。本研究的實證結果還發現,品牌個性會與消費者的品牌偏好度有關,而品牌偏好度受到廣告訴求與消費者價值信念的影響程度就相對較小。 廠商可依據本研究結果針對台灣消費者的「他人導向」、「簡約習性」、「保障需求」與「價格敏感」等信念,以及德國消費者的「享樂主義」、「價格敏感」與「簡約習性」等信念設計行銷活動,也可以藉由塑造品牌個性來增加消費者的品牌偏好度,對於學術而言,本研究不僅增加國內學術界對於歐洲市場的瞭解,更得到品牌個性、廣告訴求與消費者價值信念皆能影響品牌偏好度的結果,其中品牌個性又能明顯影響品牌偏好度,本研究成果可供後續相關研究作為深入探討的基礎。 / Since the establishment of the EU, the importance of the European market to Taiwan has been steadily increasing. Among Taiwan’s major trading countries (areas), the European market has the highest export growth rate, with the highest volume of trade happening between Germany and Taiwan. Despite this fact, researches about German or European consumers are still rare in the domestic academia, where the focus is mostly on China, USA, and Japan. There are some reasons causing this. First, Europe’s economic status of was lower than the previously mentioned countries. Also, there were fewer scholars from Europe, which may lead to higher research costs and difficulty in collecting data among others. Nevertheless, with the increasing number of exchange students going to Europe, this would offer domestic academia and businesses an opportunity to better understand European consumers. This research starts with an examination of previous culture-related literatures to discover the differences in all cultural dimensions between Taiwan and Germany. From this, the research infers that there would also be differences in brand personality, advertising appeals, and consumer value-beliefs. Moreover, the research discussed the relationship between brand preferences and brand personality/advertising appeals/consumer value-beliefs. Two well-known brands were selected, Mercedes-Benz and Acer, and questionnaires for each brand were developed and distributed randomly in Taiwan and Germany. Four hundred ninety five valid questionnaires were collected, among which 247 were collected in Taiwan and 248 were in Germany. The results revealed that there were significant differences in one brand’s brand personality and advertising appeals. Furthermore, consumers had more positive attitudes toward their home country’s brand. The research also found that consumer value beliefs affected by the culture were different between Taiwan and Germany in “Brand Favor,” “Conformance Orientation,” “Face Influence,” “Hedonic,” “Frugality Intention,” and “Security Needs.” In addition, it was proved that brand personality was significantly related to consumers’ brand preferences. However, advertising appeals and consumer value-belief had relatively lower influence on the brand preferences. Businesses could utilize the results of this study to devise marketing initiatives depending on consumer value-beliefs, such as Taiwan’s “Conformity-orientation,” “Frugality intention,” “Security Needs,” and “Price Sensitivity” and Germany’s “Hedonic,” “Price Sensitivity,” and “Frugality Intention.” Moreover, businesses could also build favorable brand personality to influence brand preferences. As for the academia, this research not only broadens the understanding of the European market, it also finds the relationship influence between brand personality, advertising appeals, consumer value-beliefs, and brand preferences, especially that in which brand personality significantly influences brand preference, which could be the base of further investigation.

嗅覺線索與標的產品一致性對消費者態度及購買意願之影響 - 涉入程度與品牌概念之調節效果 / The Effects of Congruence between Olfactory Cues and Target Product on Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase Intention with the Moderating Effects of Involvement and Brand Concept

蔡佩勳 Unknown Date (has links)
Martin Lindstrom (2005a) 指出除了視覺,嗅覺其實才是人類五官中最重要的,然而目前國內嗅覺相關之研究仍相當稀少。本研究由消費者之觀點出發,主要探討嗅覺線索與標的產品之一致性與否對消費者態度與購買意願的影響,並分析在「涉入程度」及「品牌概念」的調節作用下,對上述關係有何影響。 本研究經由前測,選擇手錶與運動鞋兩產品類別進入正式實驗,手錶產品類別中,以Swatch為象徵型品牌,CASIO為功能型品牌;運動鞋產品類別則以Puma為象徵型品牌,New Balance為功能型品牌。並以模擬的8張彩色平面廣告,施測於530位政大大學部之學生,進行2 (產品類別:手錶/運動鞋) x 2 (嗅覺線索:一致/不一致) x 2 (涉入程度:高/低) x 2 (品牌概念:象徵型品牌/功能型品牌) 的正式實驗。 研究結果顯示:一、就嗅覺線索主效果而言,與標的產品不一致的嗅覺線索比一致性之嗅覺線索更能提高消費者對產品的評價。二、在品牌概念的調節作用下,與標的產品不一致的嗅覺線索比一致性的嗅覺線索更能提升消費者對產品的評價,此情況在消費者面對功能型品牌時比象徵型品牌還要明顯。 整體而言,嗅覺線索的確會影響消費者對產品之評價。本研究提供行銷人員未來在採用嗅覺線索時,可考量的更多因素,以選擇合適的嗅覺線索加以應用。 / Martin Lindstrom (2005a) pointed out that other than sight, smell is the most important sense in the human anatomy. However, research on smell is still rare. This research sets out from the consumer perspective to discuss the effects that consistency between olfactory cues and target products have on purchase intention. Moderating effects of involvement and brand concept are also studied for their effects on the study. Watches and sport shoes were selected as the target products for this study. The symbolic brand in the watch category is Swatch, whereas the functional brand is CASIO; in terms of sport shoes, the symbolic brand is Puma, while the functional brand is New Balance. A2 (product category: watch / sport shoes) x 2 (olfactory cues: congruity / incongruity)x 2 (involvement: high / low) x 2 (brand concept: symbolic brand /functional brand) experimental design collected data from 530 Chengchi university students through 8 color printed advertisements. Research findings indicate the following. (1) In terms of the main olfactory cue effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. (2) In terms of the brand concept moderating effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. This is more evident when consumers deal with functional brands than when dealing with symbolic brands. To sum up, olfactory cues do in fact influence consumers’ evaluations of products. This study provides marketers with numerous factors that should be considered when selecting the adequate olfactory cues.

事業廢棄物掩埋場設置衝突之研究—以台南縣東山鄉為例 / The case study of industrial waste landfills establish the conflict in Dongshan Township,Tainan County

范雲清, Fan, Yun Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以環境正義理論為基礎,探討事業廢棄物掩埋場開發決策背後導致衝突肇因之環境不正義議題及衝突化解之道。首先,針對國內事業廢棄物處理政策的發展脈絡,構築出政府現階段解決事業廢棄物最終處置的思維,一則積極推動源頭減量、回收再利用;其次,又企圖鼓勵興建掩埋場解決事業廢棄物最終處置問題的雙軌併行政策,在缺乏整合的運作邏輯之下,能否發揮事業廢棄物減量、降低掩埋場設置需求的政策執行成效?繼而,在地方政府被賦予審議或核定環境開發治理權的轉變之下,應如何扮演該決策制訂與審議制度運作的角色,藉由「台南縣東山鄉事業廢棄物掩埋場」興建個案研究,探究掩埋場設置衝突事件之肇因,及地方住民、環保團體抗爭訴求,與開發業者、地方政府在個案申請設置或開發決策過程中所呈現環境不正義之關連性,並進一步推導出在地住民因環境權的被剝奪,而從事此抗爭運動所衍生「環境正義理念」的主張。 本研究結論指出,除環保署應積極整合事業廢棄物「源頭減廢、回收再利用」與「鼓勵掩埋場設置」兩政策之執行計畫及成效,俾能藉由減少廢棄物之產出,以降低掩埋場設置需求外;地方政府進行事業廢棄物掩埋場開發決策制訂前,應賦權民眾參與的機制,嚴肅看待開發過程所衍生不正義的問題,提高決策的正當性及公信力;同時透過開發審議制度及法令結構的變革,亦即賦予當地住民獲得充分資訊的權利、公開聽證的權利、民主參與的權利、協調開發單位與受影響的住民簽訂「環境保護協定」,以及要求事業機構負起調整生產結構的責任,作為實踐環境正義理念的方法,藉以改善環境決策品質及決策制訂的思維,俾作為地方政府部門從事掩埋場設施開發決策,消彌環境不正義衝突爭議之參考,以提供另種紓解民眾衝突爭端的途徑。 / In this study based on the theory of environmental justice ,by industrial waste landfills lead to the development of decision-making behind the cause of the conflict of environmental injustice issues and the way to resolve the conflict. First of all, the cause for domestic waste disposal policy development context, the government resolved at this stage to build industrial waste final disposal of thinking, an actively to promote the source reduction, recycling and reuse.Secondly, an attempt to encourage establishment industrial waste landfills to solve the problem of final disposal of parallel two-track policy, a lack of integration in the operation of logic, could appear of reducing waste, reducing landfills established of the policy effectiveness?then, in local government be given consideration or approved development and control of environmental, how to play with the consideration of the decision-making role. By " In Dongshan Township,Tainan County industrial waste landfills" the established of case study, probe into landfills established the causes of conflict, and local residents, environmental groups protested demand, and local government development of decision-making process in the present environmental injustice relevance, and further deduced in the right environment for the inhabitants of the deprived, while engaged in this social movements against by the derivative "concept of environmental justice". This study concluded that, the EPD should actively integrated industrial waste, "the source of waste reduction, recycling and reuse" and " encourage to establish of landfills " two policy implementation plan and effectiveness, achieved to reduce waste output and the need for establish of landfills . Local government for industrial waste landfills development decision-making, should be to empower public participation, look at the development process is derived from the issue of injustice, enhance the legitimacy and credibility of the decision-making.At the same time, through the development checkup system and changes in the structure of act, which gives local residents the right to receive adequate information, the right to public hearings, the right to democratic participation, coordinated developer and residents affected by the signing of environmental protection agreements and require producer assume the responsibility of the production structure adjustment, as a practical way the concept of environmental justice, to improve the quality of decision-making, it could serve as a local government departments engaged in the development of decision-making landfills facilities, eliminating the environmental injustice a reference for controversial conflict , to provide another kind of dispute the way the conflict.


郭熙宏, Kuo, Hsi Hong Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,國人自殺死亡率不斷提高,且自殺死亡從1997年起已連續多年列於國人十大死亡原因之一,所以自殺防治工作刻不容緩。本研究採用自殺防治中心在桃園縣六家居家服務單位(龍祥、中國、仁愛、紅十字、家輔及寬福)所做之問卷調查資料,目的在於找出何種特性者,BSRS5 (The Five-Item Brief Symptom Rating Scale)分數及自殺意念分數可能較高。本研究屬於時序性追蹤資料,自民國96年5月份起,由居服人員針對受測對象進行訪談,大約每隔兩週收集一次,總共進行四次。 針對問卷進行基本敘述性統計、單項排名分析以及交叉分析後發現,在人口特質方面,男女性比例相當,年齡層主要皆在65~84歲,教育程度以不識字及國小為主;在BSRS5五題排名方面,以第一題「睡眠困難(難以入睡或早醒)」的平均分數最高,第四題「覺得比不上別人」平均分數最低;由交叉分析的結果發現身體狀況為一個重要的變數,身體狀況差的人BSRS5總分6分以上或自殺意念2分以上明顯較多。 對資料配適廣義估計方程式及Alternating Logistic Regressions的結果,發現在反應變數為BSRS5總分時,女性、身體狀況差及曾經看過精神科者BSRS5分數達到6分以上的可能性較高。若反應變數為自殺意念時,無論是利用廣義估計方程式或Alternating Logistic Regressions,從模型配適的結果發現只有BSRS5的效應顯著。不管利用BSRS5總分或是各題分開來看,BSRS5對自殺意念是一個相當有效的檢測工具,BSRS5分數愈高則自殺意念2分以上的機會也愈高。此外利用多層結構分析方法配適廣義估計方程式,針對BSRS5與受測次數間的關聯性分析,發現與配適傳統unstructured相關性矩陣的估計結果差異不大,但是可以減少許多參數估計,並且在電腦計算時間上是較快速的。 / In Taiwan, suicide has been among the top ten causes of death since 1997, and suicide prevention has thus attracted much attention since. Using the data provided by Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center (TSPC), this study is aimed to find out possible personal characteristics that might have some impacts on the BSRS5 (the Five-Item Brief Symptom Rating Scale) and suicide ideation scores The data come from a longitudinal study in which subjects from six elderly home service centers in Taoyuan County, Taiwan were visited four times between May and July, 2007, about two weeks between each visit. The total number of subjects is 1981. The proportions of male and female are nearly the same, the age range is from 65 to 84, and most of them have only an elementary school degree. Preliminary analyses indicate that among the five items in BSRS5, insomnia (the first item) is ranked the highest, and inferiority (the fourth item) is the lowest. In addition, health status is highly correlated to the BSRS5 and suicide ideation scores, the worse the health status, the higher the BSRS5 and suicide ideation scores. Fitting the data with Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) and Alternating Logistic Regressions models with respect to the BSRS5 score, we further find that female, those who have bad health status, and those who have ever consulted a psychiatrist have higher probability that the BSRS5 score is greater than 6. As far as the suicide ideation score is concerned, the BSRS5 score is the only covariate that is statistically significant, an indication that BSRS5 is a useful tool for screening subjects at risk of committing suicide. While the conclusions stay the same whether the data are analyzed through GEE with commonly used unstructured correlation structure or newly developed multiblock and multilayer correlation structure, the latter approach reduces the computer time significantly.

客語潛能補語構式之事件概念與論元體現:認知模型與構式理論之整合 / Event conception and argument realizations of Hakka potential complement constructions: Integration of cognitive-constructional models

強舒媺, Chiang, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要採用Jackendoff (2002)之平行結構(parallel architecture)來展現客語潛能補語各次構式在音韻、句法以及語意結構的共性與殊性,並據此呈現此構式於抽象性連續體(continuum of schematicity)上由「完全能產性」(fully productive)、「半能產性」(semi-productive)至「完全獨特性」(fully idiomatic)各區段之分佈狀態,進一步歸納出此構式家族之構式基模(constructional schema)以及繼承階層體系(inheritance hierarchy)。在構式語法精神下,每個構式皆是「形式-功能」之組合,Jackendoff (2002)之平行結構極為精細且縝密地描繪構式之「形式」面向。而為了檢視論元角色如何體現於客語潛能補語構式,認知語法中對事件概念之處理方式是不容忽視的,因此,為了補強平行結構在呈現構式「認知功能」面向之不足,本論文將Langacker (1991)認知模型中「行為鏈」(action chain)、「撞球模型」(billiard ball model)、「舞台模型」(stage model)等認知概念整合至平行結構中,用以顯示說話者對事件之概念化如何影響客語潛能構式之論元體現,進一步檢視此構式形式與功能之象徵性關係在連續體上之展現。藉由構式理論與認知模型之整合,本研究為語言形式與功能之對應提供一縝密之分析模式,並得以反思構式語法之應用性與發展性。 / Adhering to the constructional view claiming that every construction is a form-function pairing, this dissertation provides a detailed analysis of the correspondence between linguistic manifestations and speaker's construal of events. The main focus of this study is on the interactions between argument realizations and event conception in Hakka potential complement constructions. In order to show more vividly the subtle interfacing relationships among phonological, syntactic and semantic structures, this study adopts Jackendoff's (2002) parallel architecture to present clearly the degree of schematicity of Hakka PC constructions. On the other hand, further integrating the cognitive representations such as action chains and stage model from Langacker's (1991) Cognitive Grammar into the parallel architecture crystallizes the symbolic relations between the constructional form and function. Members of Hakka PC constructions are shown to be distributed on a continuum of schematicity, from fully productive cases, to semi-productive cases, and finally to fully substantive cases. Moreover, all subconstructions form a family, organized in an inheritance hierarchy in which the one at the lower level inherits general qualities from its inheritor, and at the same time possess its own uniqueness. Integrating the cognitive and the constructional models, this dissertation proposes a fine-grained and full-fledged analysis of both the regularities and the idiosyncrasies of Hakka PC constructions.

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