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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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范宜鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
關聯結構(Copula)這個字最早由Sklar(1959)以法文所提出,在邊際分配未知的假設下,透過關聯結構的特性,可以容易的建立聯合機率分配,所以關聯結構的觀念廣泛應用在財務領域中。對於資料在配適關聯結構的同時,要如何知道哪種關聯結構函數是最符合資料型態的分配呢?為解決這個問題,本文中參考Dobric and Schmid (2005)所提出的方法--卡方適合度檢定,來看資料配適關聯結構函數是否配適的恰當。所以本文的研究重點就是在利用卡方適合度檢定來探討各類股間日報酬率資料配適關聯結構的情形。在5種不同關聯結構(Normal關聯結構、t關聯結構、Clayton 關聯結構、Frank關聯結構、Gumbel關聯結構),利用蒙地卡羅模擬方法,來做關聯結構在卡方適合度檢定之模擬,以及檢定力曲線。在檢定統計量、參數估計、顯著水準的估計都還不錯,只有當切割數越大時參數估計會和設定值差異較大。從檢定力曲線可看出這些檢定的檢定力都很好,代表有足夠能力能去辨別出分配的差異性。實證的部份,從台灣上市公司選取4個內需概念股報酬率的日內資料。結果可看出在Normal、Clayton、Frank、Gumbel這4個關聯結構,是不適合用來描述實際報酬的日資料。而當t關聯結構自由度較小時來描述資料型態是表現的不錯。

台灣與東南亞跨國家庭青少年外表形象、自我概念及族群認同間關連性之初探 / Understanding the Relations among Self-concept, Ethnic Identification and the Perception of Physical Appearance in the Adolescents from Transnational Families Composed of Taiwanese and Southeast Asians

趙佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探索台灣與東南亞籍跨國婚姻子女其自我概念、外表形象與族群認同之內涵及三者概念之間的關連性。本研究以質性研究方法進行,透過參與觀察、焦點團體以及個別深入訪談等多元方式從事資料蒐集並以歸納方式進行分析。本研究對象主要包括了五個類別的青少年:外表具有明顯族群特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年、外表不具有明顯族群特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年、外表具有明顯族群特徵的跨國繼親家庭青少年、親生父母皆為台灣人的跨國繼親家庭青少年以及特殊類別青少年。本研究產生幾項主要發現:(1) 跨國家庭青少年在自我概念上的形塑與一般青少年無異;他們皆能以抽象字眼描述自己,並運用多種不同面向以建構其自我概念。在當中,父母和同儕為影響其自我概念的重要他人。(2)外表亦為跨國家庭青少年自我概念的重要面向之一,尤其是女性。此外,跨國家庭青少年所持之審美觀與一般青少年並無明顯差異。(3)跨國家庭青少年均已發展出初步的族群認同,能選擇自身的族群身份以及運用族群相關線索來區分「我群」和「他群」。同時,外表特徵影響自身揭露族群身份的經驗與方式,具有明顯族群外表者較無彈性選擇族群身份界定與揭露方式。(4)對於擁有明顯族群外表特徵的跨國原生家庭青少年與特殊類別青少年而言,他人對其族群身份與外表特徵的評價,會明顯地對其自我概念產生雙重影響,其中性別亦為一個重要因素。對女性來說,明顯的族群外表特徵(例如膚色黑)容易降低她們對外表的自信。本研究的結果,期望能對跨國家庭及族群研究,相關決策者,以及台灣社會大眾做出有意義的貢獻。 / The aim of this research is to understand the relations among self-concept, ethnic identification and the perception of physical appearance in the adolescents from transnational families composed of Taiwanese and Southeast Asians. The study uses qualitative research methods to collect and analyze data, and the sample comprises five categories: the adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic physical features, the adolescents from transnational families without identifiable ethnic physical features, the adolescents from transnational stepfamilies with identifiable ethnic physical features, the Taiwanese-born adolescents from transnational stepfamilies, and the special category. There are several findings from this research. First, the construction of self concept is similar between adolescents from transnational families and the general Taiwanese adolescents; they are able to describe themselves in abstract sense and present their self-concepts in multiple dimensions. Parents and peers are significant sources of influence in their construction of self concepts. Second, the perception of physical appearance is a significant aspect of self concept in adolescents from transnational families, and this is especially so to female adolescents. Moreover, the perceptions of beauty and physical appearance of adolescents from transnational families tend to coincide with those of the general Taiwanese adolescents. Third, the adolescents from transnational families have developed preliminary ethnic identities, which are shown by their abilities to indicate their ethnic memberships and to distinguish the ethnic in-groups from out-groups. Furthermore, physical appearance tends to affect the ways and experiences of revealing ethnic identities. Adolescents with identifiable ethnic physical features generally have less power to negotiate their ethnic identities. Fourth, to those adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic physical features and the adolescent in the special category, others’ opinions of their ethnic memberships and their ethnically denoted physical appearances can powerfully shape their self-concepts, and gender acts as an important factor affecting this linkage. To the female adolescents from transnational families with identifiable ethnic features, their self-esteem is likely to be negatively influenced by their ethnically denoted physical appearances. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the academic fields of transnational family study and ethnicity, as well as to policy makers and the general Taiwanese society.

試析康德〈先驗感性論〉中的「先驗的觀念性」和「經驗的實在性」: 以空間為例的闡述(A19/B33-A30-B45) / An Interpretation Kant's Transcendental Ideality and Empirical Reality in Transcendental Aesthetic

潘永傑, Phoon, Wing-Kit Unknown Date (has links)
康德主張,空間的「先驗的觀念性」,並且此一觀念性是可以與「經驗的實在性」相容。對於「先驗的觀念性」,處於空間的事物被限定於感性的對象上,即是顯象,因此並不適用在那些「當它們得以透過理性其自身,即是毫無顧及我們感性的狀態」的內容。同樣地,「經驗的實在性」所刻劃的是外在顯象,如同康德在上述引文所指,乃是「在考慮一切可能的外在經驗」。據此,所謂空間的「先驗的觀念性」,從「觀念性」而言,空間是先天的直覺形式,故不屬於對象或事物自身的任何屬性。不過此一空間的觀念性,即先天的直覺形式,乃是任何外在顯象得以可能的條件,所以空間的觀念性,雖是感性主體的認知條件,卻不能等同於僅僅是主觀的觀念性,而是具有先驗條件的觀念性,也就是其是一種先天可能的認知模式,因此,空間的觀念性,乃是「先驗的」,這是康德稱空間為「先驗的觀念性」所持的立場。與此同時,對康德來說,空間的「先驗的觀念性」,則蘊含空間的「經驗的實在性」。從康德看來,我們要意識到任何外在經驗,皆必定在空間秩序關係中被呈現或給與出來,如此一來,空間具有「實在性」。不過,空間的「實在性」其效力僅對於我們外感官的經驗對象才能有效,並無法對事物自身產生任何約束,所以空間的「實在性」,就祇能是屬於經驗的,我們不能將空間的「實在性」歸屬在事物自身。 / Kant advocates the view that space is transcendental ideality and empirical realtiy. This article aims at interpretation of Kant’s space thesis. Kant attempts to offer argument transcendental ideality of space mean that space is subjective and limiting condition to which human intuition. This implication that kant asserts transcendental ideality thesis is that space has limited to appearance, and when applied to the things in themselves, space is merely an idea,or equivalently that is transcendental. However transcendental ideality of space does not mean that objects within of space is nothing, only ideas of our mind. In contrast to this, transcendental ideality thesis as equivalent to empirical reality of space ,that is said to regard space is real, but which is objective validity limited by applicable to outer appearances.

Dieter Henrich對康德<先驗演繹>B版的詮釋

孫雩龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在於對《純粹理性批判》B版〈先驗演繹〉的結構有一定的理解,並希望藉由這個理解能康德的哲學有進一步的掌握。 德國學者Dieter Henrich於1969所發表論文〈康德先驗演繹的證明結構〉中,對於《純粹理性批判》B版〈先驗演繹〉的論證結構提異於過往的詮釋。他以「論證重構」(argumentative reconstruction)的方式重新地闡釋了B版〈先驗演繹〉造成廣泛的迴響。 本文將順著康德在《純粹理性批判》的理路尋找出他的問題意識。第一章將描述康德所處時代的知識論困境以及他為解決此一困境所做的「哥白尼式的革命」。「哥白尼式的革命」也使得康德走向「先驗哲學」之路。 第二章首先說明康德「先驗演繹」任務。為達成「範疇作為主觀思維形式具有客觀有效性」這個任務,康德在A版〈先驗演繹〉由經驗出發,透過對「三重綜合」的分析,得出先驗統覺。再由感性構想力與先驗統覺的結合,使得對象呈顯於意識之中作為實在的表象進而完成「先驗演繹」的任務。B版則由對「聯結」的分析中向上尋找出「先驗統覺」從而推導出範疇。最後知性透過「構想力」使經驗成為可能。知性如同時間空間言形式一般,是為經驗得以可能的必要條件,因而達到先驗演繹的目的。然而,A、B兩版的〈先驗演繹〉如此的差異正導致了兩者孰為先孰為後的優越性爭議,即A、B兩版在論證結構以及對於康德哲學基本立場相適應的問題。 在A、B兩版〈先驗演繹〉的爭論中,Dieter Henrich提出對於B版〈先驗演繹〉著名的「一個證明兩個步驟」見解。他認為先驗演繹作為一個單一的論證。在20節康德論證了範疇對於一切「具有統一性的直觀」的有效性;26節所證明的是:「所有人類的感性直觀皆具有統一性」。範疇的效力達到一切人類所擁有的經驗性直觀。結合這兩個步驟,先驗演繹的完整結論:「範疇對於一切感性經驗的對象皆具有效性」,才能被達成。 透過Dieter Henrich「一個證明兩個步驟」的詮釋顯現出康德哲學「綜合統一」的特性,知性與感性作為意識活動的不可化約作為必要條件,意識活動得以被說明。如此避免了A版中先驗演繹視為某種意識理論的語意分析,或是由自我意識分析地衍生出來的成素,而保持知性與感性各自的獨立並綜合地統一於自我意識的統一性中。 最後,筆者認為將B版〈先驗演繹〉視為一個分為兩部分的單一論證是一個良好的詮釋模型,並於文末再提出另一個學者Henry E. Allison作為此種詮釋模型的另一個展示。


許榮賢 Unknown Date (has links)
保險理賠糾紛的主要原因,綜合歸納,不外因果關係之判斷與保險契約條款之解釋。 因果關係之判斷,錯綜複雜,涉及專業及法律之認定標準,與一般人之認知有很大的差異,往往因此導致爭議,甚至對薄公堂。 保險契約為定型化契約,被保險人通常無法了解保險契約條款的內容,更何況無論從字義上或理論上解釋,可能產生截然不同的結果。 在米堤飯店賠案中,土石流究係屬山崩,為保單除外不保事項,或是屬於洪水,在保單承保範圍?損害發生的原因究係為何?一、二審判決著重於主力近因原則之適用,做出不同的判決結果。最高法院則以保險契約條款之解釋,應以社會通念、被保險人之預期及有利於被保險人解釋之原則,判決被保險人勝訴。 近年來,合理期待原則,蔚為風潮,經常為法院引用,而為被保險有利之判決。保險人應戮力於保險從業人員的專業教育訓練,研發簡單易懂的保險商品,主管機關也可藉立法的手段,有效落實監理的責任,以消彌保險爭議。 關鍵字:保險爭議、因果關係、定型化契約、保險契約之解釋、土石流、山崩、洪水、主力近因、社會通念、合理期待。

大學生的人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略之研究 / A study of Attachment Style, Love Beliefs, and Conflict-Coping Strategies in Relationship among college student

李晉源 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在瞭解大學生的人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略彼此間之關聯性。研究對象為856位北部大專院校通識課或相關課程的大學生。本研究使用「人際依附風格量表」(安全型依附、焦慮型依附、忽略逃避型依附、害怕逃避型依附)、「愛情信念量表」(發展信念、命運信念)與「關係衝突因應策略量表」(表明因應、忠誠因應、忽視因應、離開因應)為研究工具,所得資料先以驗證性因素分析與Cronbach’s α分析「愛情信念量表」與「關係衝突因應策略量表」之信度與效度,再以描述性統計、獨立樣本單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與典型相關進行正式資料分析,主要研究結果如下: 一、 大學生的人際依附風格以「安全依附」的傾向較高;愛情信念中較傾向有「發展信念」;關係衝突因應策略較傾向採用「表明因應」。 二、 女性在「害怕逃避依附」、「發展信念」之得分高於男性;男性在「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」及「離開因應」之得分高於女性。目前有交往對象者在「安全依附」、「發展信念」與「表明因應」的傾向較高;曾經有交往對象者在「安全依附」、「命運信念」、「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」與「離開因應」的傾向較高;未曾有交往對象者在「焦慮依附」、「忽略逃避依附」、「害怕逃避依附」、「命運信念」、「忠誠因應」、「忽視因應」與「離開因應」的傾向較高。 三、 人際依附風格、愛情信念與關係衝突因應策略三組變項間有三組典型相關存在:1.「安全依附」和「發展信念」愈高,則其「表明因應」愈高,「忽視因應」與「離開因應」愈低;2.「焦慮依附」、「害怕逃避依附」和「命運信念」愈高,則其「忠誠因應」與「忽視因應」愈高;3.「安全依附」與「命運信念」愈高,則其「表明因應」與「離開因應」愈高。 根據以上研究發現,本研究提出進一步的討論,並提供愛情/婚姻教育與諮商實務工作上之建議及未來之研究方向。 關鍵詞:愛情關係、人際依附風格、愛情信念、關係衝突因應策略 / The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. 856 college students who located in Northern Taiwan were selected as subjects. The data was collected from the inventory of attachment style (secure attachment, preoccupied attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, dismissing-avoidant attachment), love beliefs (growth belief, destiny belief), and conflict-coping strategies in relationship (voice coping, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping). The confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach’s α were used to analyze the reliability and validity for both love beliefs and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. The descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis of variance, pearson’s correlation and canonical correlation analysis were used to complete the full analysis. The major findings are presented as follow: 1. Most of college students (in our sample) are secure attached, growth belief in love, and use voice conflict-coping strategies. 2. The dismissing-avoidant attachment, and growth belief of female college students are higher than that of the male college students, The loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping of male college students are higher than that of the female college students, The college students who currently in a relationship tend to have higher score in secure attachment, growth belief, and voice coping, The college student who has boy/girl friend before tend to have higher score in secure attachment, destiny belief, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping, The college students who never had boy/girl friends tend to have higher score in preoccupied attachment, fearful-avoidant attachment, dismissing-avoidant attachment, destiny belief, loyalty coping, neglect coping, exit coping. 3. There were three significant canonical correlation between attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship. First, higher secure attachment and growth belief were associated with higher voice coping and lower neglect coping and exit coping. Second, higher preoccupied attachment and dismissing-avoidant attachment were associated with higher loyalty coping and neglect coping. Third, higher secure attachment and dismissing-avoidant attachment were associated with higher voice coping and exit coping. The implications of this study for love/marriage education and counseling worker, along with future research suggestions, are discussed herein. Keyword: love relationship, attachment style, love beliefs, and conflict-coping strategies in relationship

父母控制、青少年自我概念與其情緒困擾及偏差行為關係之研究 / Relations among Parental Control and Adolescents' Self Concept, Emotional Disturbance and Disruptive Behavior

梅淑鶯, May, Iris Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的研究目的在探討青少年自我概念是否能在父母控制(父母心理控制、及父母行為控制)與青少年情緒困擾(焦慮、憂鬱、及憤怒)及偏差行為之間扮演中介的角色。以國中生與高中生共967人為研究對象,以父母心理控制量表、父母監控量表、自我概念量表、貝氏焦慮量表、青少年憂鬱量表、特質生氣量表、偏差行為量表等做為研究工具,再以描述統計、T檢定、皮爾遜積差相關、結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析,結果發現: (一)、 青少年知覺中等程度之父母心理控制與父母行為控制、中上程度之自我概念、低程度之情緒困擾與偏差行為。 (二)、 男、女生所知覺之父母心理控制、焦慮、及偏差行為,存在顯著差異。 (三)、 國、高中生所知覺之父母行為控制、自我概念、焦慮、憂鬱、憤怒、及偏差行為,存在顯著差異。 (四)、 青少年知覺之父母心理控制與其自我概念之間存在顯著負相關、父母行為控制與其自我概念之間存在顯著正相關;父母心理控制與父母行為控制之間存在顯著正相關。 (五)、 青少年自我概念與其焦慮、憂鬱、憤怒、及偏差行為之間,皆存在顯著負相關。 (六)、 青少年知覺之父母心理控制與其焦慮、憂鬱、憤怒、及偏差行為之間,皆存在顯著正相關。 (七)、 青少年知覺之父母行為控制與其焦慮、憂鬱、及憤怒之間,皆不存在顯著相關;青少年知覺之父母行為控制與其偏差行為之間,存在顯著負相關。 (八)、 「父母控制、青少年自我概念、與其情緒困擾及偏差行為間關係」理論模式,與由研究對象為觀察樣本所估計之模式達到適配。亦即將青少年自我概念納入模式後,青少年知覺之父母心理控制對其情緒困擾(焦慮、憂鬱、及憤怒)不再存在直接影響,僅透過青少年自我概念間接負向影響其情緒困擾與偏差行為;父母行為控制除了直接負向影響偏差行為之外,還透過青少年自我概念間接負向影響其情緒困擾與偏差行為。 本研究根據上述研究結果逕行討論,並提出建議,供後續相關研究與實務工作之參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether adolescent’s self concept is able to mediate between parental control and adolescent’s emotional disturbance as well as disruptive behavior. Parental control includes psychological control and behavioral control. Emotional disturbance is composed of anxiety, depression and anger. A total of 967 secondary school students from grade 7 to grade 12 responded to the Parental Psychological Control Scale, Parental Monitoring Scale, Self Concept Scale, Anxiety Scale, Adolescent’s Depressive Scale, Anger Temperament Scale and Disruptive Behavior Scale to measure the parental psychological control, parental behavioral control, adolescent’s self concept, anxiety, depression, anger and disruptive behavior respectively. The data were conducted by descriptive statistics, T test, Pearson correlation, structural equation modeling. The major findings are as follows: 1. Adolescents perceived middle level of parental psychological control and behavioral control, upper middle level of self concept, and low level of emotional disturbance as well as disruptive behavior. 2. The parental psychological control, anxiety and disruptive behavior perceived by the male adolescents are significantly different from those perceived by the female adolescents. 3. The parental behavioral control, self concept, anxiety, depression, anger and disruptive behavior perceived by the junior high school students are significantly different from those perceived by the senior high school students. 4. Parental psychological control and behavioral control have the significantly negative and positive correlation with self concept respectively. Parental psychological control is positively correlated with behavioral control significantly. 5. Self concept is negatively correlated with emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior. 6. Parental psychological control is positively correlated with emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior. 7. Parental behavioral control is negatively correlated with disruptive behavior, however, have no significant correlation with emotional disturbance. 8. The SEM results showed that the proposed “model of relations among parental control and adolescents' self concept, emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior” fit the collected data well. That means when considering self concept in model, parental psychological control no longer affects emotional disturbance directly, but, negatively influences emotional disturbance and disruptive behavior via self concept indirectly. Parental behavior control owns the similar indirect influence like psychological control, besides, affects disruptive behavior directly. In accordance with the findings, researcher raised several advices for parents and school for the sake of parental practices and education. Suggestions were also made for further research.

應用模組化概念於個人電腦售後服務委外計畫—一家國際電腦廠商台灣分公司的經驗回顧 / The Application of Modular Concept in Personal Computer After-sale Services Outsourcing

鄭欽中 Unknown Date (has links)
在當今瞬息萬變的商業市場上,許多大企業開始認知到過去那種集製造、行銷、服務於一身的整體經營方式需要因時制宜,將資源集中於具有競爭優勢的企業活動,發展企業的「核心能力」。結合企業本身的核心能力與其他企業之核心能力可以達到一加一大於二的效果,而委外正是發揮這種功效的策略之一。關於委外議題的討論,學界已將近飽和,產業界的實務操作也相當成熟。本研究希望能經由另一種思維模式,以廣泛應用於軟/硬體產品設計的模組化概念,藉由一家國際知名電腦廠商在台分公司之個人電腦售後服務業務委外的實務經驗,探討售後服務模組化委外的可行性。結果顯示,以模組化的概念將個人電腦售後服務委外可以有效地節省公司成本,使得整個運作與管理更有彈性和效率,為客戶、承包商與個案公司創造三贏的局面,讓異業結盟更有成效,組織能更迅速導入新功能、增加更多創新的售後服務項目,節省人員訓練的時間,並讓售後服務委外活動更加容易。最後建議有興趣的產學界,可以針對以模組化的概念將服務業務委外的議題多加探討,以鞏固模組化委外的實證基礎。 / Many large enterprises have realized that their companies cannot be versatile in all business activities in the rapid changing market nowadays. They need to develop their core business which is difficult for their competitors to mimic, allowing the companies to differentiate themselves. Outsourcing is one of the strategies that, by bringing in the outside specialists, the client company is able to redirect or conserve energy directed at the competencies of a particular business. Various dimensions of outsourcing have been explored and discussed academically, and the organizations have already mastered the practice of outsourcing as well. This present research intended to explore the possibilities of applying the concept of modulization, which is widely used in designing computer hardware/software and other physical products, to personal computer after-sale services outsourcing practice carried out by the Taiwan branch office of a famous global company. After exploring the experience of implementing an after-sale outsourcing practice with modular concept, several benefits were reveled: (1) the cost of an organization could be cut down effectively; (2) the operation and management of an organization could be more flexible; (3) a triple-win situation for the end-users, the client company, and the service providers could be accomplished; (4) the inter-industry alliance would be established more effectively; (5) the organization could import newer function and more creative after-sale activities, and save more time in personnel training; and (6) the outsourcing practice was made easier. To solidify the base of applying the concept of modulization on the service outsourcing, interested corporate managers and academic scholars were suggested to discuss and explore more issues on this matter.

台灣民眾選制知識之研究 / Citizen's Electoral Knowledge in Taiwan

王丞玄, Wang, Cheng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在2005年通過修憲,將過去立委選舉所採用的「複數選區單記非讓渡投票制」改為「單一選區兩票並立制」,並於2008年第七屆立委選舉首度實施。有關民眾對新選制的知識以及選制知識如何影響其投票參與行為遂逐漸引起學界的關注。然而過去國內相關研究對於民眾選制知識的測量都只聚焦於新選制的制度成分(事實性選制知識),並沒有進一步探索民眾對這些制度成分可能帶來的政治影響的瞭解程度(概念性選制知識)。基於這樣的認識,本文嘗試延續現有為數不多的選制知識文獻,進一步延伸討論民眾對於不同類型選制知識的認知情形,一方面除了釐清事實性與概念性選制知識兩者之間的相關性以及各自的影響因素之外,另一方面則試圖探討不同類型的選制知識與選民分裂投票的關聯性。      在經驗資料的研究結果上我們發現,事實性與概念性選制知識之間的關係為低度的正相關;民眾的教育程度、性別、年齡、對2012年選舉的關注程度、政治新聞接觸的頻率等,皆是同時影響民眾事實性與概念性選制知識的相同變數;此外,2008年立委選舉有沒有去投票此變數只與民眾的事實性選制知識達到統計上顯著的正相關,而政黨認同強度也只會影響民眾概念性選制知識的高低。在分裂投票的研究結果方面,事實性而非概念性選制知識才是影響因素。      本文以初探性的角度出發,期許透過本文的發現,使得相關研究學者能注意到概念性(選制)知識的重要性,往後不僅只是注意事實性(選制)知識的內涵,未來更要深入瞭解概念性知識在激發、引導及合理化民眾政治評價及政治行為的可能性。同時在檢討與建議部分,本文也討論了概念性知識測量的困難,可能造成分析上的不足,這也是未來研究民眾選制知識,或是一般政治知識時所必須克服的挑戰。

異質信念與臺灣上市證券交易的價量實證分析 / Heterogeneous Beliefs in Price-Volume Relationship of Taiwan Stock Market

劉龍鵬, Liu, Lung Peng Unknown Date (has links)
異質信念(Heterogeneous beliefs)修正傳統資產定價理論中同質信念(Homogeneous beliefs)的基本假設,探討投資者間所持有的不同資訊,以及對於資訊的不同參考程度,如何影響資產定價。 本文試圖以Banerjee(2008)的模型,估計出臺灣投資者對於台灣各家公司股票的價格參考密度;並且透過外部研究者的預測作為市場不同信念的代理變數,探討異質信念對於臺灣股市交易的價量影響。 經由實證結果發現,在台灣的股市交易市場上,當市場的資訊流通速度愈快,投資者對公開資訊的參考密度愈低,投資者愈易依賴自己所持有的私人資訊。當投資者的行為決策將愈顯紛歧時,對交易量和報酬率的影響皆為正。 / Heterogeneous beliefs, which revise the basic assumption of traditional asset pricing theory- Homogeneous beliefs, study the impact on asset pricing by different information owned and referred by investors. I use the model derived from Banerjee(2008)to estimate the degree how Taiwan investors will take into account stock prices when they make investment decisions. Also, I study how heterogeneous beliefs of investors influence stock prices and trading volume in Taiwan stock market, using predictions of external researchers as a proxy variable of dispersion in beliefs. The empirical results show that the degree which investors take into account prices will be lower when a faster information flowing speed exists in Taiwan stock market. When investors rely more on their private information, their investment decision will become much diversified. Dispersion in beliefs has a positive influence on stock trading volume and return.

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