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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

青少年涉足電動遊樂場的相關因素及其替代性方案之探討 / why the reasons adolescents involved in playing TV games in penny arcade and to recommend some substitutional leisure ac- tivities.

黃德利, Hwang, Der Lih Unknown Date (has links)

公關實務工作者如何看待大學公關課程 / A study of public relations professionals' views on public relations curriculums in universities

嚴曉翠, Yen, Hsiao-Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據對公共關係實務工作者訪談,瞭解實務工作者認為大學公共關係本科畢業生應具備那些公關核心知識與技能,以及實務工作者對本科教育是否能達成實務專業任用標準的看法。並透過對同時在相關科系兼任授課的實務工作者深度訪談,整理這些具備公關產學雙重身份的受訪者對目前公共關係相關科系在課程目標及課程規劃安排上的看法與建議。 本研究發現,組織及商業管理知識是被較常提及的必備知識,媒體生態及議題建構的知識是所有的受訪者都會提到而且獨立強調的核心知識。研究方法、寫作技巧及語文能力則是最常被受訪者提及的重要必備技能。受訪者者也認為應該要讓學生知道公共關係有那些特定領域(「領域知識」),以及會遭遇那些溝通情境。應以各類公共關係個案情境(情境知識)來讓學生瞭解工具策略的多元性而不是生硬的學習SOP操作程序。 另外,公關本科生並未有就業優勢,但在校任教的實務工作者會更支持本科教育及人才任用。受訪者認為公關課程目標、課程基礎配套資訊以及課程銜接等相關問題都不清楚,業界老師對公共關係教育的付出並未被善用。而學生的學習地圖也並未能被做一個更好的規劃安排,學生無法掌握學習目標及學習策略。 本研究提出的建議為,1.對公關教育及課程任務與規劃應有明確的管理指標,以利教師授課、學生學習及實務業界溝通。2.應善用業界師資資源強化公關領域知識及情境知識教育。3.應鼓勵學生參與實習及實作課程並透過參與校外相關競賽瞭解教學實力。4.應務實面對科系現況補足重要核心知識課程。 關鍵詞:公共關係、公共關係教育、核心知識技能、課程目標、領域知識、情境知識 / This study aims to learn public relations professionals’ 1) perspectives on core knowledge and skills that students majoring in public relations should be equipped with; and 2) viewpoints on whether current university public relations education has been sufficient to assist public relations graduates for related job qualification. Through in-depth interviews with public professionals who currently teach public relations-related courses in universities, I probe their philosophies of teaching, perspectives on course objectives, strategies and plans of teaching. The results of the study indicate that organization theory and business administration were the frequently mentioned as essential knowledge. Meanwhile, getting to know of ever-changing media environment and ability of agenda setting among various communication contexts were essential capability that had been particularly emphasized by all interviewees. On the other hand, research methods, writing skills, and language proficiency were skills frequently addressed by interviewees. Interviewees point out the importance of advancing public relations students’ ‘domain knowledge’ as well as communication scenarios in public relations education. In other words, for the purpose of understanding the strategies and tools of public relations, ‘knowledge of contexts’ in public relations case studies, instead of knowledge of standard operating procedures of public relations practices, should be provided to students during teaching cases. This study also shows that public relations graduates have not owned advantages in competing for public relations job applications. However, professionals who also teach in universities tend to value public relations education more and favor recruiting public relations majors than those who haven’t had the experiences of teaching. Interviewees also expressed their concern of lacking of the public relations course objectives, basic course supplement information, and curriculum linkage, it is why they tend to think public relations education still have much room to improve. They stated that students will not be able to grasp the meaning of learning if they have not developed a knowledge map of public relations. In addition, public relations educators’ contributions to the learning of public relations should be better leveraged. Based on the study, the author offers the following suggestions. 1. Instructors should make teaching objectives and class management strategies clear, as well as course assignments and project arrangement logical. This will benefit lecturers in teaching, students in learning, and public relations professionals, who may serve as guest speakers in class. 2. Department should make the best use of the resources of lecturers from public relations practicum to strengthen the education of both domain and contextual knowledge in the public relations industry. 3. Department should encourage students to take the opportunities of internship programs and to compete for off-campus public relations contests so that students will have chances to reflect what they have learned in classroom. 4. Departments should provide core public relations courses based on what public relations has to offer. Key words: public relations,education,core knowledge and skills, course objectives, domain knowledge, knowledge of contexts

互動敘事中自動產生符合情境的攝影機規劃 / Context-aware camera planning for interactive storytelling

陳嘉豪, Chan, Ka-Hou Unknown Date (has links)
在互動敘事(Interactive Storytelling)的應用中,適當的攝影機規劃能幫助我們呈現虛擬世界中所發生的故事。在本研究中,我們設計了一個可以讓使用者設計互動敘事的應用平台-IMStory。針對故事創作,我們提供了一個故事腳本的描述語言及其剖析器,當使用者撰寫好互動故事之後,系統便能夠根據故事情境內容及與使用者互動的結果產生出符合情境的自動攝影機規劃系統。在此系統中,我們建立了一個能夠讓攝影機理解故事腳本的關係模型,建立虛擬攝影機組態與「故事情境」間的對應關係,即時找出更能表達當時情境的拍攝方式與架設位置。最後,我們設計了一個場景劇本進行實驗,在實驗中,我們的系統能夠即時因應場景中角色物件的位置作出即時的攝影機規劃,並且能夠配合互動環境中改變的情境參數而使用適合的攝影模組,產生出符合攝影學法則且賦有敘事能力的鏡頭。透過我們的方法,希望能提供一個更加有敘事能力的互動敘事平台。 / In an 3D interactive storytelling system, virtual camera is the key for us to understand what happens in the virtual world. In this thesis, we have designed an intelligent camera planning system for interactive storytelling, in which story plots are influenced by the user’s actions. Since the story flow cannot be determined in advance, it is essential to utilize real-time camera control to express the story for given spatial relationships between characters and objects. A script language and its parser were designed for our storytelling system (IMStory) to describe events in the story as well as the contexts associated with the events to model the properties of a story for camera control. We have developed a camera planning system by mapping contexts parameters into appropriate camera control parameters. We have implemented the 3D interactive storytelling system and demonstrated its capabilities with several examples. The camera planning system is shown to perform in real time, and the generated shots are more expressive in establishing the relation between camera configurations and story context.

以物意悟:疆界物件如何引發跨專業的調適性學習行為 / Learning from Objects:How may Boundary Objects Enact Adaptive Learning in Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration

王培勛, Wang, Pei Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,許多企業希望透過不同領域的專家彼此合作,為組織解決日益複雜的難題。然而,跨專業團隊的合作過程充滿挑戰,過去文獻多專注於如何提升知識分享的效果,卻忽略了許多關鍵新知識必須由跨界團隊合作探索而來。在面對陌生情境下,這樣的探索尤其重要,例如:開發新產品、啟用新製程,但我們至今仍對跨專業社群如何合作探索的過程所知甚少。 為了探究這個議題,本研究採用民族誌的方式,追蹤半導體晶圓廠工程師如何在複雜的生產系統中解決跨專業的維修難題。過程中,工作者常常必須面臨因果錯綜複雜、責任歸屬不清、跨界溝通不良所導致的合作困境。研究發現要解決這樣的困境,工作者必須運用疆界物件引發三種工作實務:解讀現象背後的因果、改變合作關係、整合跨界知識,才能找出問題核心並對症下藥。 根據本研究發現,如果我們能了解工作者在特定情境中的學習過程,便可提升既有的知識管理與疆界物件理論。在實務議題上,本研究的發現也能幫助現有員工培訓與跨專業溝通方式。 / Recently, more and more companies are gathering different types of specialist in order to solve increasingly complex problems. But the efforts paid in the process of cooperation are challenging for enterprises. Previous researchers had focused on the transfer and share of cross-disciplinary knowledge. However, they neglected the fact that some critical knowledge must be learned by collaborative exploring in terms of particular situation. To understand this issue, an ethnography study was used to examine the process of trouble shooting undertaken by engineers who encountered complex problems in the fabrication of semiconductor wafers. This thesis addressed three primary challenges faced by engineers. First, the nature of the problem may not be defined appropriately at the beginning. Second, responsibility may not be clearly attributed by cross specialist team who is in charge of investigation. Third, without comprehensive contexts of the practice, communication between engineers is problematic itself. To overcome the problem, engineers must be able to go beyond standard operating procedures so that they can find a new path of solution. This thesis argues that the use of boundary objects is an effective trigger of problem solving. The use of a boundary object is then described as a means of decoding the contexts behind the objects, reforming the relationship of cooperation, and integrating knowledge systemically. These findings suggest that theories of knowledge management and boundary objects could be improved organically by considering what people do and how people learn in practice. Furthermore, these findings bring us practical implications of employee training and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

資產負債管理的隨機規劃模型在退休基金上的應用 / A stochastic programming model for asset liability management with an application of pension fund

陳煌林 Unknown Date (has links)

Facebook企業粉絲頁之危機溝通效果:探討 人性化語調、危機情境與危機回應策略之影響 / The communication effectivity with consumers in corporate crises on Facebook fan pages:the effect of conversational human voice ,crisis situations and crisis communication strategies.

吳懋嫻, Wu, Mao Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討Facebook企業粉絲頁進行危機溝通之效果。由於企業粉絲頁在訊息與互動策略上都與傳統官方網站截然不同,其中如同朋友般對話口吻的「人性化語調」(conversational human voice),可說是現今國內企業粉絲頁的主要溝通特色。然而,在危機溝通的情境下,企業粉絲頁卻往往採用官方口吻,使用較傳統的新聞稿模式,似乎未因應粉絲頁特性而採取相適的溝通策略,其溝通效果如何值得加以探討。同時,綜觀過去危機溝通文獻,多數研究仍聚焦於驗證危機情境與回應策略間對應關係,預測危機溝通效果的實用性,並未深入討論訊息策略的內容,也尚未有粉絲頁平台上的效果研究。因此,本論文即以「人性化語調」的概念切入,檢視該訊息策略於危機情境中的溝通效果,以探討企業於粉絲專頁上進行危機溝通的可能之有效策略,以及企業於社群媒體進行危機溝通之可行性。 實驗設計主要以「產品瑕疵」為危機情境,三個操弄變項包含危機責任程度(小╱大)、回應策略(遞減╱重建)、與人性化語調(低╱高),以2 × 2 × 2之組間設計實驗設計,驗證危機溝通的效果(組織聲譽,正負面口碑行為意向)。 研究結果發現,不論組織責任大小,重建策略皆帶來正面溝通效果;而人性化語調雖然在組織聲譽、正面口碑行為意向上無顯著的效益,但能有效減緩負面口碑行為意向,尤其在危機責任大的情境下,採取重建策略與人性化語調高的溝通組合能更加強其緩和負面口碑行為之成效。顯示危機回應策略相關理論在企業粉絲專頁的情境依然適用,但在具體溝通策略與內容的設計上,必須進一步考量危機情境與所使用之溝通平台,也表示國內企業對於社群媒體之公關管理必須加以重視。 / “Conversational human voice” is one of the key features in how Taiwan’s corporations communicate on their Facebook fanpages, which is quite different from how they communicate on their corporate websites. And yet, how such communication strategies work during a time of crisis remains unknown; thus, the current study aims to investigate the effect of conversational human voice in the scope of crisis communication. In the experimental design, the independent variables included: human voice (low/high), crisis responsibility (low/high), and crisis communication strategy (diminish/rebuild); the dependent variables included corporate reputation and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions. The key finding included positive effects of constructive strategies on corporate reputation and WOM intentions, which is consistent with past literature. Although human voice was found with no main effects on reputation or WOM intentions, human voice was effective in reducing negative WOM, when the crisis responsibility was high and constructive communication strategy was employed. This implies that consumers who are exposed to more human-tone messages on the fanpages are less likely to boycott the product should there be a relevant crisis, and thus, social media play an important role in crisis communication and should be valued and managed in corporate public relations efforts.

大陸電視對台灣液晶電視產業影響分析 / The Impactions of Mainland China TV on the Taiwan LCD TV Industry

李志鎬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以產業分析結合情境分析法找出台灣液晶電視產業的過去、現在影響發展的因素和未來的可能的情境及策略層面,以供關心台灣液晶電視產業發展的同業參考。在完成產業的情境分析之後,本研究也將以個案:奇美新視代為例分析其可能的因應策略。 本研究對產業因素及產業情境分析主要是從產業環境、產業結構、廠商行為三個面向結合相關財務的資料佐證本加上五力分析的結果,作為情境分析法的影響因素來源。 而後是以對應產業情境分析法,將其分析結果,結合競爭優勢和相關產業策略以及白地策略產生相關台灣液晶電視產業的相關情境下之可能策略並對應個案奇美新視代的因應策略。 而根據情境分析的結果,立即應進行的是產業內競爭力的提升,透過垂直整合和水平購併使台灣液晶電視產業相關業者區域內競爭力提升。 就長期而言,要培養具國際視野和最新技術的國際頂尖學者,也要針對產業和新技術的政策擬定針對性市場技術開發策略,以利後續產業國際化和國際品牌的配合與銜接。 / This research applies Industrial and Scenario Analyses to figure out the factors that are affected from the history and current states to generate the future developments of Taiwan’s LCD TV industry. It also acts as a reference to companies who concern about the developments of this industry. Besides, after the Scenario Analysis of Taiwan’s LCD TV industry, this research will take the company, CHIMEI Nexgen, as an example to analyze its possible responding strategies to this industry. The research starts with the analysis of 「Structure-Conduct-Performance, SCP」 and the related financial information. Moreover, it uses five forces as the factors of Scenario Analysis. Afterwards, it corresponds with the industrial analysis to use the result and competitive advantage, related industrial strategies and White Space Strategy. According to the results of scenario analysis, what CHIMEI Nexgen should do is to uplift its competitiveness in Taiwan’s LCD TV industry through vertical and horizontal integrations of the value chain. As a long run, it is important to develop international top scholars with the global vision and state-of–art technologies for Taiwan’s LCD TV industry. Moreover, for industrial and high-technology policies, Taiwan’s LCD TV industry should map out the expending technical developing strategies that focus on international market in order to correspond to its follow-up products and international brand.

個人化情緒/情境音樂檢索系統 / Personalized Music Retrieval Based on Emotions / Situations

李侃儒, Li, Kan-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
在本論文中我們提出了一種個人化情緒/情境音樂檢索方法。主要的概念為根據使用者的feedback來找出符合該使用者情緒/情境的音樂在features上所具備的特性,藉此達到個人化的效果。為了更明確表示出音樂的特性,我們利用統計features分布情況的方式來做為音樂的表示法。同時,定義了兩層features自動weighting的方法來決定每個feature在不同情緒/情境下的鑑別度。最後,我們將探討音樂特性與音色對不同的情緒/情境會造成什麼樣的影響,並試著分析音樂與情緒/情境間的關係。 / In this paper, an approach for personalized music retrieval based on emotions / situations is proposed. The main concept is to find out the properties of music that caused the user have emotions / situations responses via the user feedback. And using the user feedback will help us to establish a personalized music retrieval system based on emotions / situations. To represent the music properties clearly, we proposed a new method of music representation based on statistics. And we defined a two-phase features re-weighting method to find out the importance of features in different emotions / situations. At last, we will discuss the influence of music properties and timbre on different emotions / situations, and try to analyze the relationship between the emotions / situations.

嫌惡型男同性戀歧視:情境規範與訊息順序的影響 / Aversive gay male discrimination: the impact of context norm and order effect

鄭旭博, Cheng, Hsu Po Unknown Date (has links)
目前國內對同性戀的態度似乎日益正面,但同性戀歧視的事件仍層出不窮,顯示探討影響同性戀歧視因素的重要性。本論文擬探討過往學者較少關注的因素,即情境對歧視同性戀者的影響。本論文探討兩種情境:缺少明確行為準則的情境與訊息呈現不同順序的情境。根據過去研究種族歧視的學者對嫌惡型歧視(Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986)的探討,他們主張嫌惡型歧視者只有當情境缺少明確行為準則時,才會表現出對特定族群的負面行為(即歧視)。由於黑人族群與同志族群有些共通點,本論文根據嫌惡型歧視理論假設:缺乏明確行為準則的情境容易引發對同性戀者的歧視。除此之外,延伸嫌惡型歧視理論的看法,本論文嫌惡型歧視者雖信奉族群平等,卻無法控制其未意識到的負面情緒,而較容易受到情境中訊息呈現順序的影響(Krosnick, 1999)。當訊息呈現順序加強族群間對立,或凸顯族群特性,就會造成歧視行為(McConahay, 1983; Wilson, 2010)。研究一以實驗法操弄多位目標人物的職業與性傾向以及人物呈現順序,預期在評價刻板印象中同性戀不適合的職業(老師)時,參與者會因為缺乏工作平等對待的行為準則,降低對同性戀工作者的工作評價,不過未獲得支持證據。訊息呈現順序效果則發現支持證據,若先評異性戀再評同性戀,會引發群際比較,降低對同性戀的評價。研究二改採判決目標人物是否有罪的情境,以犯罪證據是否矛盾操弄情境是否有明確準則,並同樣操弄性傾向呈現順序,加入態度內隱測驗以分辨嫌惡型歧視者與無歧視者。研究二符合預期,發現在證據矛盾時才會認為同性戀有罪程度高於比異性戀,證據相符時則否。性傾向呈現順序則重複驗證研究一發現。本論文延伸嫌惡型歧視理論以瞭解對男同性戀的歧視,並發現特定訊息呈現順序可能引發男同性戀歧視行為,這些結果可以提供發展性別平等教育方案,以有效降低這些歧視行為,促進社會平等。 / In Taiwan, people’s attitudes toward gay men and lesbians have become more and more positive. However, gay men and lesbians are still suffer discrimination, suggesting that it is important to study the causes of discrimination against gay men and lesbians. In this thesis, I investigated the impact of context on discrimination against gay men because 1) gay men suffer more hostile and overt discrimination than lesbians and 2) impact of context is rarely studied. I targeted two kinds of context: context norm and information order. According to aversive racism theory (Gaertner & Dovidio, 1986), individuals may discriminate against a person when they do not have to follow a norm. Thus, I hypothesized that people discriminate gay men only when there is no specific norm to follow. Furthermore, I applied the basic principle underlying aversive racism theory to order effect. That is, according to aversive racism theory, individuals may believe in social equality but may discriminate when they have no control over their negative emotions unconsciously aroused by some subordinate group member (e.g., Blacks). Because it is not possible for individuals to be aware of the order effect (Krosnick, 1999), I hypothesized that individuals may discriminate against gay men when the information order makes intergroup comparisons salient (McConahay, 1983; Wilson, 2010). In Study 1, I manipulated the target person’s job title and sex orientation, expecting that when the job was generally considered unsuitable for gay men, participants might believe that equal employment rights did not apply to gay men. As a result, they derogated against gay men. The result was not substantiated. However, I did find supporting evidence for the order effect. When judging a heterosexual male applicant before a gay male applicant, intergroup comparisons became salient, people would derogate against the gay male applicant. In Study 2, I adopted a crime judgment paradigm to address several potential problems in Study 1. I also applied the affect misattribution procedure to measure participants’ implicit attitude against gay men. This procedure allows me to distinguish aversive discriminators from non-discriminators. The results were consistent with the hypotheses derived from aversive racism theory. Participants derogated against a gay male suspect only when there was no consistent evidence in a criminal case; they treated a gay male suspect and a heterosexual male suspect equally when there was consistent evidence. Also, when participants judged a heterosexual male suspect before a gay male suspect, they would consider the gay male suspect to be guiltier than the heterosexual male suspect. The findings extend aversive racism theory to the understanding of discrimination against gay men and in the context of information order that makes intergroup comparisons salient. With the knowledge of context effects on discrimination against gay men, we are able to develop education programs for gender equality and offer insight on how to best guard against discrimination against gay men so that social equality may become possible.

探討LINE推播新聞之使用行為──以情境理論分析 / Understanding User Behavior in Push Notification News on LINE: A Contextual Theory Approach

賴合新, Lai, Ho Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
各種行動裝置服務不僅便利了生活,也讓資訊的傳遞更加即時且無界。2012年起,五家媒體藉助行動通訊軟體LINE在台灣的高人氣,每日固定推播四則新聞,總訂戶數至今突破450萬人,儼然成為一個新興的新聞傳播渠道。 本研究以情境理論的觀點,質化的使用者日誌記錄法和深度訪談法為主,理解使用者在不同情境下使用推播新聞的行為,並透過HTML5文字雲分析機,歸納出各家媒體推播內容的樣貌和趨勢。情境分析構面包含接收與閱讀情境下的「實體環境」、「社交環境」、「資訊環境」、「先前狀態」和「時間的影響」等;另再針對使用過程中面臨的「人機互動情境」綜合分析使用者的體驗。 這些情境因素不僅各自影響媒介使用的動機和行為,也會與新聞內容相互加強(或制約)吸引力,端賴哪方拉力(或推力)較強。根據訪談結果,「新聞內容」的影響力似乎又更為關鍵。受訪者普遍認為推播新聞的即時性和重要性偏低,新聞價值未能滿足期待,導致對LINE推播新聞的需要性和依賴性偏低。 未來業者可考慮設立不同的「主題式官方帳號」,提供針對性的內容;或者在目前的官方帳號中,增加一日新聞類型的多元性以滿足更多人的需求,就看媒體如何定位自家官方帳號的角色。此外,在發揮新聞標題創意的同時,仍應與內文保持一致,避免造成期待上的落差。不斷強化內容品質,並考量主要受眾的使用情境,可望改善體驗不佳的問題。 本研究以情境理論的觀點,開啟了「推播新聞」的學術研究基礎,並充實行動新聞領域的實證研究經驗,希望提供未來的研究者和新聞從業人員,一個了解推播新聞使用行為的先例。 / Mobile devices and services facilitate our lives, and also assist in delivering information more freely and immediately. Since 2012, five companies send four pieces of news daily through “LINE”, which is the most popular mobile instant messaging application in Taiwan. Nowadays, LINE becomes an emerging news channel, with over 450 million subscribers in total. This study is mainly based on the context theory, by means of diary method and in-depth interviews, to understand users’ behavior of push notifications news in different contexts, from news receiving aspect, reading aspect and human-computer interaction aspect. Besides, analyzing the news headlines by “HTML5 Text Analyzer” to explore the features of different media. Research found that users’ behavior and attitude influenced not only by contextual factors, but also by the value of content. Moreover, the effect of contextual factors and content would be reinforcing (or restraining) mutually, depends which one influence users’ behavior and attitude more crucially. According to respondents’ feedback, the value of push notification news, such as immediacy and importance, were far from their expectations. News editors may plan to set up more than one official account to reach target audience; or to increase the diversity of daily news by existing accounts, making effort to meet demand of more audience. In addition, the headline should be more concordant with the content of the news. Keep improving the quality of content, taking account of context factors while pushing news, may improve users’ experience.

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