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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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青春系列──從類型觀點看2002-2008台灣同志電影 / Young line--a genre analysis of 2002-2008 Taiwan gay and lesbian movies

林佳誼, Lin, Chia Yi Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於近年台灣出現一系列以小品模式呈現之同志題材電影,且能與社會情境多方呼應,本研究遂擬由類型(genre)的觀點,借用「青春系列」之名,探討此一類型究竟呈現出哪些樣貌特徵,如何演變?是否具備做為一種電影類型的要素?而其特徵與演變反映、關聯到什麼樣的社會文化等情境因素?類型特徵與社會脈絡間如何互動?是否呼應吻合,抑或有落差不一之處,又各如何詮釋? 在研究方法上,本研究挪用J. Swales「文本∕情境導向類型分析程序」(text-driven/situation-driven procedure for genre analysis ),試圖結合二者,除選定《藍色大門》、《十七歲的天空》、《盛夏光年》以及《渺渺》等四部範例文本,整理其「內容」、「風格」、「結構」與「目的」外,也指認出特定傳播情境,探討此類型的生成因素,以期能夠在雙向考量下,呈現出文本與情境間相互作用的連結關係,亦即類型的動態本質。 研究析論結果確實指向類型與情境脈絡之間的緊密構連。「青春系列」同時受到外來作品在概念手法上啟迪,又承繼著在地同類作品的核心傳統主題,成就出兼容並蓄的特殊風貌。而台灣社會對於同志議題在公私領域不同層次上,既開放肯定又有所保留的態度,也恰能解釋類型社群基礎。另外此類型於台灣電影工業低潮應運而生,低迷的產業活動召喚了像「青春系列」這樣具有彈性、定位明確並可預期回收成本的小品,系列作品的成功也帶動整體產業谷底反彈,更反映出台灣電影工業發展方向轉變的時代意義。 / In view of a series of Taiwan’s gay themed films appearing in a sketch mode in recent years and their topic have always responded to the social contexts in multiple ways. Thus, this study adopted the point of view of “genre”, borrowed the name of “Young Line”, and then to explore what appearances and characteristics this kind of films had presented, how they would change in the future, and whether they possessed those elements to be a genre of films. Moreover, what kind of contextual factors such as social cultures that the characteristics and changes of those films reflected and had been related to? How did the characteristics of this genre interact with the social contexts? Whether they responded to the coincidence or there were differences between each other? Then how to interpret each kind of these situations? This study adopted J. Swales’ “text-driven/situation-driven procedure for genre analysis” as the research methods, and attempted to combine these two procedures together. “Blue Gate Crossing”, “17 Formula”, “Eternal Summer”, and “Miao Miao”, these four films were selected to be the exemplary texts and to systemize their “content”, “style”, “structure”, and “purpose”. In addition, particular communication situations were also identified to probe into the generating factors of this genre of films. With the two-way considerations, this study expected to present the relational connections which interacted between the texts and the situations, and that is the dynamic nature of the genre. According to the results of this study, there was a tight articulation between the genre and the situational contexts for a certainty. “Young Line” series are inspired by the concepts and techniques of foreign films; at the same time, they also inherit the core traditional themes of local films of the same genre. Therefore, the series have achieved a particular inclusive style. With regard to the gay issues, Taiwan society has possessed a positive but also reserved attitude toward the public and private levels, and this can precisely explain the community base of this genre. Furthermore, this genre of films came with the tide of fashion when Taiwan’s film industry was at low ebb. The depressed industrial activities elicited those sketch films which were flexible, clear-targeted, and expected to have cost recovery such as “Young Line”. The success of this series was one of the forces which leaded the whole industry rebound from the bottom, and this reflected the significance of the time of the change of Taiwan’s film industry’s development direction.

產業情境分析與策略發展-以上海臺商子女學校為例 / A case study on the scenario analysis and strategy development of Shanghai Taiwanese Children School

楊奕蘭, Yang, Yi Lan Unknown Date (has links)
境外臺校依我國教育學制與宗旨辦學提供我國籍學生正規教育及臺灣文化傳承功能,協助臺商子女完成學業並銜接升學,並且成為「臺灣教育櫥窗」。臺商學校的發展深受許多環境條件影響,包含了兩岸關係、國內外法令限制與政經局勢,而辦學經費與資源、教育人力流動等更對臺商學校發展影響甚深。綜觀境外學校現況,臺商學校辦學與發展仍有許多未知因素,作為臺商學校教職人員是如何看待自身學校的環境不確定?而哪些關鍵因素影響學校的發展?臺商學校又該如何因應? 本研究探討上海臺商學校,找出境外學校辦學時會面對哪些不確定性因素,並且影響境外學校成功的關鍵因素。其次,藉由建立多元情境,以新分析工具來思考外未來策略,並檢視未來未知預測,幫助臺商學校系統研討不確定性對選擇不同策略下的影響。在發展多元情境後,針對各個情境做出策略制定,供主管機關及海外學校參考。期待組織在面臨當下各模擬情境,亦保持其彈性,以應環境的不確定性,緩減環境波動所帶來的影響。 本研究所採用研究方法為質性研究法中的個案研究,個案選擇上海臺商子女學校經營營運中的重要歷程與執行細節進行深度訪談與討論,完成研究資料的收集。經過資料的整理與歸納,瞭解臺商學校將可能遭遇的環境不確定性因素,在這些不確定性因素下所發展的情境來模擬出一套因應策略。藉由整理專家意見與個案歸納,本研究之研究問題總結為以下三點: 1. 上海臺校發展不確定性因素與關鍵因素 2. 關鍵不確定性因素所發展情境模擬 3. 根據多元情境中上海臺校的因應策略


邱承君 Unknown Date (has links)
Benedict Anderson《想像共同體》刺激了跨學門的研究,甚至潛隱成為不同取徑的中軸。本文即以此書為虛擬的對話人,同時延伸書中的指標概念—想像,據以鋪陳、架構本研究的兩個問題:營造國族想像的要素?語言如何扣合本地文化資源以營造國族想像?循著Anderson揭示的時間、印刷資本主義和語言等文化要素,我們進一步將之搭上語言再現論,一方面建築「想像語言」觀、另外延伸時間、印刷資本主義於本地經驗與理論上的意涵。於想像語言,本研究以Wittgenstein後期論理為軸,並向功能語言學派借火,認為語言與脈絡(語境)間的遞迴關係適足以中介台灣社會脈絡與理論的接軌,特別是軸輻自該書印刷資本主義的雙層意涵—一面是文化、一面是結構。作為結構,本論文藉以引導出報業與善書兩個代表,而文化則遙指一種相對於古老宗教共同體的世俗而神聖之文化氛圍。文中也順勢轉入《民報》語料的分析。藉社論的耙梳,我們將文本語言資料、主題與相關意義構連上該時的社會實況與本地文化資源(於內容與形式上,皆隱隱地透露出某種神聖的氣味),其中,當以本省人╲外省人的定位為核心,同時含括了國族之於人的隱喻、對為官者的期待,以及時間因素的相關分析。

空間模式與追求圖案:維珍妮亞‧吳爾芙《燈塔行》中時空互動關係 / Spatial Form and Search Patterns: The Spatio-temporal Interdependence in Virginia Woolf's <u>To the Lighthouse</u>

李秋虹, Li, Ch'iu Hung Unknown Date (has links)
維珍妮亞‧吳爾芙《燈塔行》揉合小說與繪畫,在作者創新的手法、精湛的技巧背後藏有模仿人物情緒、情感最纖細的體味。《燈塔行》不論筆觸、內容或意境在在表現出吳爾芙追尋主題、濃厚的繪畫知性與感性傾向,對吳爾芙而言,生命與藝術的追求便是唯善至美的永久追求。本論文第一章試就作品“空間模式”的技巧運用檢視其分裂斷折的文字敘述,框化的造形藝術,視覺官能的虛擬情境。第二章說明“空間模式”中不可或缺的時間因素,進而將時空互動關係演至“空”這觀念,說明吳爾芙的生命觀與追尋的價值。在作者形象語言中,追尋具有圖案或圖畫,不管是藍姆西先生的線條邏列、藍姆西太太的靜態平面、或第三章中討論的莉莉‧柏斯蔻的畫作,都可以感受到這些人物對世間萬事萬物的企圖和努力。 / This study examines Virginia Woolf's innovative form and style in <u>To the Lighthouse</u> designed to imitate the confusion of thoughts, emotions, and views of life and to reveal man's search for life's meaning and his struggle to give shape to his experiences. Chapter One of this thesis investigates the spatial form of the text, particularly the disrupted narrative, the use of frames and the focus on virtual reality. In this chapter, I try to show that the spatial writing in fact produces simultaneity and that simultaneity often makes the thoughts and emotions arise all at once. Chapter Two discusses the notion of the spatio-temporal interdependence with demonstrations of the Ramsays' search patterns, the line and the surface, the facing and the fusing. This chapter explains the idea of man's searching for order through time and the empty space as exemplified by the novel's middle part, "Time Passes." In using the similar plastic language of colors and shapes, Mr and Mrs. Ramsay suggest their common destiny, a quest for order and unity that is extended to the final chapter. Chapter Three follows and develops the search motif in Lily Briscoe's painting process, a process that combines visual actualities and memories.

情緒、決策情境與社會規範對於支持環保程度之影響 / How emotions, decision-making situations and social norms influence the degree of support for environmental protection

張鈞皓, Chang, Chun Hao Unknown Date (has links)
環保這類型的公益議題,其資源並不如一般企業或是營利單位來的充裕,因此我們更應該重視環保議題之廣告支出所能獲得的效益,希望能在有限的廣告預算之下,取得最佳的效果,促成本研究選擇環保議題作為廣告效果探討主軸的想法。 過去Griskevicius等人對於情緒效果的研究,確實指出消費者所帶有的不同情緒確實對於廣告的效果有所影響。而本研究認為,消費者在做出選購決策時候,其廣告效果除了受到情緒的影響之外,消費者在做出決策當下所處的環境是公開的還是私人的也十分重要。 此外,雖然環保議題逐漸受到重視,但在每個不同的國家、社會之中,其受重視的程度並不相同,因此會存在不同的環保重視程度,而本研究認為這種對環保有著不同重視程度的現象是屬於一種社會規範的概念,期也會影響廣告的效果。 因此根據以上想法,本研究決定以下四個主要研究問題: (一) 探討情緒對於支持環保程度的影響。 (二) 探討決策情境對於支持環保程度的影響。 (三) 探討社會規範對於支持環保程度的影響。 (四) 探討情緒、決策情境以及社會規範之間對於支持環保程度的交互作用效果。 本研究對於以上四個主要研究問題,發展了六個主要假設,透過實驗方法,得到以下五大結論。 1. 若是選擇在網路、電視這類型比較屬於私人環境的媒介播放廣告,或者消費者可以在比較隱私的環境之作出決策的時候,應該選擇能夠喚起觀眾浪漫渴望的愛情片時段來撥放這類廣告,較為有效。 2. 若是當廣告主選擇在公開環境的資訊媒介撥放廣告,或者是消費者的決策與行為會被大眾一同檢視之時,則應該選擇能夠喚起消費者的恐懼情緒的恐怖片時段來撥放廣告。 3. 社會規範對於消費者的行為影響效果顯著,因此在進行環保廣告的動作前,應先透過描述性規範的使用,告知消費者社會中的其他人都是重視環保的。 4. 在私人環境之下,當整體社會中所存在的社會規範是重視環保之時,環保廣告時段的選擇,就應該選在能夠喚起浪漫渴望的愛情片時段,如此才能夠強化廣告的效果。 5. 若是社會中所普遍存在的社會規範是不重視環保的,應該要先透過描述性規範來改變消費者心中所認知的社會規範方向,再進行進一步的環保教育,如此才能收到良好的環保教育效果。 / The public welfare issue such as environmental protection doesn’t have rich resources. We have to pay more attentions on the efficiency of environmental protection advertisement. Griskevicius already indicate that the consumers with different emotions will affect the efficiency of the advertisement. Besides the emotion issue, we believe that different decision- making situations will also affect the efficiency of the advertisement. Finally, we believe “social norms” is another factor which affect the efficiency of the advertisement. Based on the above discussion, we propose four major research questions: 1.To discuss how the emotions affect the degree of support for environmental protection. 2.To discuss how the decision-making situations affect the degree of support for environmental protection. 3.To discuss how the social norms affect the degree of support for environmental protection. 4.To discuss the interactive effects of emotions, decision-making situations and social norms to the degree of support for environmental protection. We use the experimental methods and proposed six hypotheses to find out the answer of the above three research questions. Finally, we got five conclusions: 1.If we want to broadcast the ads on a private media, such as internet and TV channels, we should do this during romantic movie. It will be more efficiency. 2.If we want to broadcast the ads on public media, we should choose the horror movie hours. It will be more efficiency. 3.Social norms have a significant influence on the efficiency of the ads. Before we broadcast the ads, we should use the descriptive norms to educate the consumers that the people in the society are all pay attention to the environmental protection issues. 4.Under the private situation and the environmentally friendly society, we should choose the romance movie hours to broadcast our ads. It will be more efficiency. 5.If we want to broadcast the environmental protection ads in a society which is not environmentally friendly, we should use the descriptive norms to educate the people that the people are all very care about the environmental issues.

AAA架構下情境感知存取控制政策之設計與應用 / Context-aware access control for the AAA architecture

劉安妮, Liu, Annie Unknown Date (has links)
隨著無線網路環境的普及,越來越多行動工作者可以透過隨身的手持設備進行網路漫遊,即時地存取不同的服務。另外亦可以經由公司的虛擬專有網路來存取企業內部資料、電子郵件及其它應用程式。不論是針對企業或是網路服務業者而言,為了要能夠確保網路環境上的安全性,眾多的行動工作者在進行漫遊時,身分必須被驗證,進而才能被授予各項服務的存取權。此外,還必需根據使用者服務使用的情況進行計費,來提升服務提供者的收益。 因此在無線區域網路中,結合一套認證、授權、計費的架構(Authentication, Authorization, Accounting Architecture, AAA Architecture),使得網路服務業者能夠有效地來管理龐大行動工作者的跨網路漫遊服務。 本研究提出一個以情境知覺運算(context-aware computing)為基礎的AAA架構。以情境來設計資源存取政策,因此系統偵測到行動工作者情境上的改變,根據已定義好的存取政策,動態地進行身分驗證及調整授權服務,最後再依不同的服務使用等級、連線時間與網路使用量等來計費。本論文以漫遊服務與企業虛擬專有網路為例,說明在此架構下如何針對不同的情境進行身分認證、與服務授權。 / With the popularity of the Wireless LAN, mobile workers are able to access various services or resources with seamless roaming, as well as mobile VPN, just via their handheld devices. Not only for the corporations but the Internet Service Providers(ISP), a secure and trusted remote access is required. User identity should be authenticated in advance, and the service providers grant or deny mobile users the access to resources according to their statuses. Besides, a usage-based accounting and billing is crucial to provide commercialized services within WLAN, and to benefit those service providers. As a result, a AAA architecture designed for coordinating the authentication, authorization and accounting between different administrative networks is required with urgent need. The objective of this research is to provide a context-aware based AAA architecture which adopts context as the design principle to define access control policies. So the system can detect the changing contexts of mobile workers, re-authenticate user identity, adjust dynamically service permissions in the light of context-based access control policies, and bill the user taking into account the contexts efficiently. In this research, we take examples of roaming services and VPN to describe how the architecture works.


李應瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,由於金融商品價格波動的劇烈衝擊,而引發許多重大金融事件與危機,再加上我國預計於明年正式實施新巴塞爾資本協定,各金融機構無不卯足全力,重新審視其風險衡量能力。而為了正確且有效地掌握風險曝露情況,金融機構最常採用的市場風險衡量方法,便是風險值(Value at Risk)與壓力測試(Stress Testing)兩大工具。 本論文的主要目的有二:第一、藉由介紹常見的風險值計算方法與壓力測試方法,並探討其優缺點及限制,希望能讓金融機構的風險管理者對其有更深一層的認識。第二、風險值法雖能衡量一般情況下的可能損失,但通常引發金融危機的主因,多是極端損失所造成的強大壓力,故本文透過搜集實際的市場資料,針對過去曾發生的壓力事件,檢驗三種風險值計算方法與兩種壓力測試,在壓力情境下是否仍能準確、有效地衡量風險。 最後透過本文的理論闡述與實證分析結果,希望能在前述五種風險衡量方法中,找出一較為有效的壓力損失衡量方法,提供予金融機構的風險管理者,幫助其更靈活運用風險管理工具,進而提昇國內金融機構的競爭力。


李偉農, Lee,Wei-nung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,是調查台灣報業新聞人員對於各項爭議性新聞編採手法的認知與態度,並探究哪些因素會影響新聞人員對於爭議性新聞編採手法的態度。研究以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集與分析,總計訪問了646位台灣報業新聞從業人員。 研究發現在包括「秘密採訪」、「花錢買消息」、「未經同意使用機密文件」、「為完成採訪而打擾消息來源」以及「秘密錄音」等五個範疇的「爭議性新聞編採手法」中,新聞人員同意度最高的作法是「記者可以不表明身份進行採訪」,而同意度最低的作法則是「未經同意在新聞中使用私人文件」,而人口變項也會影響新聞人員對各項爭議性新聞編採手法的接受度。 此外,本研究也發現台灣報業新聞人員在各項「爭議性新聞編採手法」上,出現了個人態度與他所認知到的業界採用現況有明顯不一致的情形!這種態度與認知產生明顯不同的情形,或許也反映了許多新聞工作者在現實壓力下「不得不然」的處境。

狄更斯狂潮:論維多利亞時期狄更斯廣受喜愛之原因 / Dickensian Cult: The Popularity fo Dickens in the Victorian Age

郭惠菁, Kuo, Hui Ching Unknown Date (has links)
在閱覽有關狄更斯的研究的過程中,我發現大多數的學者通常都很有默契的迴避一個事實:狄更斯不但是個名作家,同時也是個成就顯著的表演者。其中只有米勒(Melvin H. Miller)堅稱狄更斯的雙領域成就其實是缺一不可的。 然而米勒的發言並未引起其他學者的注意,即便後來柯林斯(Philip Collins)稍稍提到狄更斯雙領域的關聯,多數學者依舊保持沉默。但我認為柯林斯的論點實在太過草率,所以我轉向昂格(W. J. Ong)的口述理論,希望能藉由昂格的理論發掘狄更斯雙成就的關聯。 一如我所預期,狄更斯有意圖地結合口述傳統與文學性:一方面,狄更斯小說中的口述傳統幫助讀者更快適應新的故事表現方式;另一方面,文字所帶來的抽象思考形成了狄更斯所有作品的架構主幹。最後,狄更斯有意圖地演出他的作品,這三者的結合便使狄更斯能夠隨心所欲地游走在文字及口語表現之中。 接著,費娜根(Ruth Finnegan)的口述理論提醒了我所有文本的功能性的重要。我有點驚訝的發現狄更斯對於口說力量的強烈信仰和世界上其他地方的口語文化不謀而合。藉著費娜根的協助,我指出狄更斯作品中的高度互文性是造成維多利亞大眾無從意識到狄更斯所做的偉大嘗試,也就是試圖結合口述性及文學性。最後,藉著福洛克(Deborah Vlock)的觀點「狄更斯的小說能夠視覺地、口語地、及敘述地被表現」,我相當有信心地作結:狄更斯結合口述性及文學性的意圖正是他深受維多利亞大眾喜愛的主因。 / In reviewing papers related to Charles Dickens, I find that scholars tend to avoid the truth that Dickens is not only a famous writer but a very distinguished performer; only Melvin H. Miller, a contemporary of Dickens, asserts that Dickens’s two careers are indispensible to each other. After Miller’s remarks there’s a long-lasting silence until Philip Collins slightly touches this issue. Yet, not very satisfied with Collins’s hasty judges, I turn to W. J. Ong’s oral theory in order to figure out what is the connection between Dickens’s writing career and speaking achievement. As I expected, Dickens’s writing is a combination of orality and literacy: on the one hand, orality in Dickens’s novels familiarizes the reader with the new style of story-telling; on the other hand, modern consciousness, the product of writing technology, frames Dickens’s texts with logic and lineal thinking. Dickens’s intention to enact his texts finally results in his ability to freely present a text with either written words or spoken words. Later, Ruth Finnegan’s theory reminds me of the significance of functional value of texts. I’m kind of surprised to find that Dickens’s strong belief in oral power is very identical with other oral people’s in the globe. With Finnegan’s great help, I’m encouraged to conclude that it is the intertexuality that makes the Victorian unaware of Dickens’s combining his writing, acting, and speaking. Finally, Deborah Vlock’s remark that Dickens’s novels are “visually, vocally, and narratively written” strengthens my confidence in concluding that the combination of orality and literaty is the secret Dickens’s popularity.

網路教學資源應用於國中教師教學歷程之研究—以新竹地區為例 / Investigation of Junior High School Teacher’s Teaching Process Apply Instructional Resource on Internet:Take the Junior High School Teachers in Hsinchu for Example

陳儒瑩, Chen, Ru Ying Unknown Date (has links)
中小學教育改革,走向領域主題的統整,創新教學與評量模式,並注重學習者需求,因此國中教師的教材教法,勢必有所改變,為了提升廣度與深度,教師多尋求網路資源來增加自己教學的多樣化。所以擔任知識傳遞者與課程設計者的國中教師,對於網路資源的選擇與應用,將影響學習成效甚鉅。是故,國中教師的搜尋、選擇、轉化、應用、評估等教學設計歷程,即為本研究探討的主要部分。 本研究透過半結構式深度訪談法,訪談新竹縣市內曾參與資訊教學相關比賽並獲獎的國中教師、或實際應用網路資源於教學中的國中教師、與擔任資訊組長之國中教師,共15位。以瞭解國中教師對於網路教學資源的需求動機、尋求行為與應用經驗。 研究發現:教師認為網路教學資源的特性有助於建構教師之課程認知,營造教學情境,與提升學生思維能力,故樂意將其應用到教學歷程中。依教學任務、任教科目與職責業務之不同而有不同的用途,最常使用的類型依序為:影片、學習單、圖片、測驗題、音訊檔和教案。教師多利用搜尋引擎、影音平台、教育資源網站和資料庫進行查詢。而上級交派、參與研習、自由軟體、同儕分享為教師取得網路教學資源的方式。教師多選用具教育性、完善性、啟發性的資源,偏好以學生需求為主,亦需考量教學目標與個人風格。 網路教學資源需經教師轉換語言、調整難易度、凸顯教育意義、再製外在形式,與創新加值後才可應用,教師多搭配行動學習、專題學習、情境學習、合作學習與互動學習等策略模式,多應用於準備活動與綜合活動之中,且使用時間不會超過整節課的三分之一。教師遭遇問題主要來自授課時間有限,其餘困難皆可透過教學設計予以調整。 最後建議:(一)教育主管機關應鼓勵教師參與資訊與教學設計之研習,多透過線上平台推廣數位教材,宣導各校利用彈性時間開發資訊使用課程。(二)網路資源設計者應設計符應國中學生之生活情境與身心發展狀況,並以學科架構為主,以供教師彈性應用。(三)國中教師應加強資訊知能與課程知識整合之教學設計能力,並參與專業社群,與同儕共同開發適用之教材教法。 關鍵字:網路教學資源;教學設計;資訊整合;教學情境

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