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股票投資報酬週末效應之研究黃俊郁, HUANG, JUN-YU Unknown Date (has links)
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離散時間方法在存活分析上的研究王晶玉 Unknown Date (has links)
在論文中我們以不可重複發生的事件為討論的對象,介紹離散時間存活模式的架構,並利用離散時間存活模式與連續時間存活模式、離散時間存活模式與多期二元反應變數模式的關係,找出在某些條件之下,模式之間相對應的情形。另外,針對資料的異質性或相關性的問題,我們在模式中加入隨機效應,以捕捉個人的特質,並彌補解釋變數的不足。同時,我們將說明如何運用最大邊際概似估計法估計模式中的參數。 / This thesis is mainly discussing non-repeatable events, describing the structure of Discrete-Time Survival model, and at the same time discovering the corresponding phenomenon among models under certain conditions by taking the knowledge from the relationship between Discrete-Time Survival model and Continuous-Time Survival model, as well as the relationship between Discrete-Time Survival model and Multiple-Period Dichotomous Response model. Moreover, random effects are added to the models in order to capture the individual characteristics and make up for the shortage of explanation variables for the assessment of heterogeneity and correlation. This thesis also explains how to estimate the parameters in the models by taking the approach of Maximum Marginal Likelihood Estimation.
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價值效應提升及相關投資啟示於台灣整體股市與個別產業之探討賴佩君 Unknown Date (has links)
二、在成長因子、財務結構面、市場流動性三種提升價值股組合績效之指標中,以剔除負債比率最高組(即衡量財務結構面)的方式最有效;此結論與黃淑娟(1998)發現衡量財務結構面及市場流動性對績效提升較有效的結果類似。相對地,結合成長因子之新投資組合的報酬卻嚴重落後所有股票組合和原始盈餘/市價比價值股組合;此結論與Ahmed and Nanda(2001)發現結合成長特徵之價值型股票能提高報酬的實證結果相異。
而進行產業間之比較則可發現,電子產業的表現最為出色,尤其是價值股組合;相對地,紡織業則表現不佳。 / In this study, we detected the characteristics of the stock market in Taiwan. First, we examined whether value stocks perform better than growth stocks. Second, we tried to improve the return of value stocks by using three value enhancers (i.e., the growth factor, the financial structure, and the market liquidity.) Finally, we chose six industries from the stock market, including the textile industry, the electrical machinery industry, the chemical industry, the electron industry, the building/construction industry, and the finance/insurance industry, to see if there exist the value effect, the size effect, and the monthly effect for individual industries.
Our results are as follows:
1. The value effect exists in the Taiwan stock market; in other words, value stocks always outperform growth stocks. And the return of value stocks based on book-to-price ratio is the highest among different portfolio examined. Besides, book-to-price ratio is the best indicator to divide stocks into value stocks and growth stocks.
2. Of the three value enhancers used to improve performance, the financial structure is the most effective one. However, the performance of the new portfolio which incorporates the growth factor to select value stocks is much lower than that of value stocks based on earnings-to-price ratio.
3. Each individual industry shows the value effect, the size effect, and the monthly effect. Among these six industries, the performance of the electron industry is the best, especially for value stocks, whereas the performance of the textile industry is comparatively poor.
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公司規模與購併績效之相關性洪梓程 Unknown Date (has links)
(4)Tobin’s Q對規模較大的公司影響不顯著,而對規模較小的公司則有正向且顯著的影響。顯示成長機會理論可用於解釋規模效應。
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航空產業對溫室效應的影響與改善對策葉清發 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 航空產業對溫室效應的影響?
2. 航空產業在科技面、營運操作面、經濟政策面可以減緩溫室氣體排放的對策有哪些?哪一個對策成本較低,較有效?
3. 航空產業相關的企業組織中,誰最適合做為溫室氣體排放負責的實體?
4. 以利害關係人的觀點,評估經濟政策面的解決方案在經濟面的衝擊為何?
5. 在ICAO的架構下如何進行航空產業溫室氣體減量的國際合作?
1. 經由航空科技的研發,是削減溫室氣體排放量的根本方法,因為它有利於所有利害關係人,但新一代的航空科技研發通常需要10-15年以上的時間,以及充滿不確定性,所以在短、中期不是削減溫室氣體排放的有效方法。
2. 改善航管系統及飛航操作的方法在法律、技術及經濟上所面臨的挑戰比較小,在短、中期就可以減少8-18%燃油的消耗,不過長期而言,不足以抵消航空產業每年成長所增加的廢氣排放量。
3. 排放交易體系是以市場機制運作的碳交易市場,航空產業在開放式的排放交易體系可用最低的減緩成本達到排放減量目標。排放交易體系經過英航實際運作證明它是可行的方法,既可以達到減量的目標又不會妨礙航空產業的成長。
4. ICAO是1944年依據芝加哥公約成立的,它的會員國適用”無差異原則”,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)的會員國適用”共同但有差異的責任”,所以京都議定書也只對Annex I的國家限制溫室氣體排放量。在會員國不同意單方面擴展排放交易體系下,ICAO要求在雙方同意下才能將他國的航班併到自己的排放交易體系,這使得歐盟在2012年企圖單方面擴展排放交易體系到所有進出歐盟的航班變得不大可能,這對歐盟積極推動溫室氣體減量的行動是一項挫折。
5. 飛機引擎所排放的廢氣,除二氧化碳確定會造成溫室效應外,其餘排放的廢氣尚缺乏科學證據會造成溫室效應。這種缺乏科學證據的氣候協商在國際間很難達成共識,所以在ICAO及IATA的排放交易體系都只建議限制二氧化碳的排放量,但二氧化碳只佔航空器排放廢氣的37%,這種溫室氣體的限制並不具環境的有效性。
6. 全球暖化已成為全球矚目的議題,各國紛紛採取「節能減碳」措施,台灣也不例外,京都議定書顯然不能有效解決溫室效應問題。在2012年後替代的新合約必定增加溫室氣體限制的國家及產業,也有可能包含航空產業。航空公司可以從參與碳補償體系、和政府簽署自願環保合約、參與其他產業的自願排放交易體系,先取得碳市場的交易經驗,日後可在UNFCCC或ICAO的架構下承諾溫室氣體排放減量。 / In 2007, the Nobel Peace prize was awarded to the former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore and the IPCC for their great efforts in global climate change issue. The Kyoto Protocol entered into force on February 16, 2005; this treaty assigns mandatory emission limitations for the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) to the signatory nations. International aviation GHG emissions are not included in Kyoto Protocol, as it will be addressed through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) according to Article 2.2 of the Kyoto Protocol. This indicates that it is politically agreed upon to use a sector-based approach to limit GHG emission beyond the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
During flight, aircraft engines emit carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, water vapor, hydrocarbons and particles. These emissions alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere in a variety of ways. Except for carbon dioxide, the other emissions from aircraft in flight are still under investigation for their impact on global climate change. Passenger airlines growth is anticipated to increase about 5% annually, so the aviation industry is expected to be the fastest growing emissions contributor in the future. Therefore, the aviation industry should take responsible actions to alleviate GHG emission. For exploring the root cause of global climate change, European and American scientists are leading the investigation of the atmosphere, and the government of Taiwan recently announced they will support MOZAIC in their observation of the north Pacific atmosphere.
This research is performed by reviewing the articles published by researchers, the briefing material from aircraft manufacturer and the expertise from companies. The conclusions are that the methods are useful to alleviate GHG emission for aviation industry. Meanwhile, British Airways was selected to be the case study to verify their implementation of environmental policy. Finally, an approach under ICAO is being introduced for the aviation industry to alleviate GHG emission through global collaboration. This study is to answer the following questions:
1. What is the environmental impact by the emissions from the aviation industry?
2. What methods are available from technology, flight operations and economic policies to alleviate GHG emission? Which one is more economic and effective?
3. Who is the accountable entity in the aviation industry to alleviate GHG emissions?
4. What is the impact on economics by the method of implementation of economic policies to alleviate GHG emissions based on the stakeholders’ viewpoints?
5. How does the aviation industry collaborate globally to alleviate GHG emissions under ICAO?
The conclusions from the research are as follows.
1. The basic method for the aviation industry to resolve GHG emissions is by the use of new fuel or engine technologies. Normally, it takes 10 to 15 years to pioneer new technologies for aviation with uncertainty, so it is not an effective method in short and mid term to alleviate GHG emissions.
2. The improvement of air traffic management and flight operation presents little difficulty in law, technologies and economics to alleviate GHG emissions. This method can reduce 8-18% of fuel comsumption in short and mid term, but it can not offset the growing emissions by air traffic annually.
3. The Aviation Industry can reach the lowest alleviation cost to meet emissions target by open emission trading scheme. Emission trading is not only environmentally effective, but also does not hinder the growth of aviation industry in the future.
4. The ICAO, the state members apply to the principle of non-discrimination, however the UNFCCC, the state members apply to the principle of common but differential responsibility. The Kyoto Protocol just restricts the GHG emissions for Annex I countries. ICAO is obliged to request the integration of foreign operators in the emission trading scheme “under a mutually agreed basis”.
5. Except for carbon dioxide, the other emissions from aircraft are under investigation for their impact on environment. The emission of carbon dioxide is only 37% of all emissions by aviation industry. The ICAO and IATA only recommend to restrict carbon dioxide emissions, so it is not environmentally effective.
6. The following treaty after 2012 should involve more countries and industries for GHG emission restriction, and the aviation industry might be involved in the new treaty. Therefore, airlines should seek the opportunity to participate voluntarily in the carbon trading market to gain experience in this strategy. Then, airlines can commit to reduce GHG emission under UNFCCC or IACO in the future.
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一月效應與盈餘成長力之關聯性研究 / The relationship between January Effect and growth of earnings林伯諺, Lin, Po-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
另外,本研究亦針對上市公司一月累積異常報酬與未預期盈餘之關聯性進行探討,結果發現不論是第一季未預期盈餘或去年度未預期盈餘,其與一月累積異常報酬間皆呈負相關,但不顯著。之後,又把研究標的由一般性盈餘抽換為持續性盈餘,發現未預期盈餘與累積異常報酬間負向關係更為明顯。最後,再將公司規模大小列入考量,發現小公司確實有較高的累積異常報酬,此與先前多數學者實證的結果相符。然而,規模本身雖可對一月累積異常報酬提供一較佳之解釋,但將規模加入模式後仍無法明顯提昇未預期盈餘對累積異常報酬之解釋能力。 / Over the past fifty years, January Effect has always been an interest topic. However, no conclusive explanations have ever been offered. January is the time for management of corporations and investors to confirm the performance of last year and to form expectations of the coming year. Therefore, it may be reasonable to hypothesize the January Effect is related to the actual profitability of last year and the expected earnings of current year.
This study first examine whether Taiwan’s stock market has January Effect. Monthly returns of the sample companies for the period 1994 to 1999 are tested. The result indicated that there is a negative January Effect, which runs contrary to most of the previous research findings. However, recent studies on Taiwan’s stock market have drown more conclusions refuting the hypothesis that Taiwan’s stock market has positive January Effect.
This study further examines the relationship between the January cumulative abcdrmal returns of sample companies and the unexpected earnings of the previous year and the first quarter of the current year. Regression model is employed. The result indicates that there is negative, though not significant, relationship. The earnings are then further partitioned into permanent and transitory.
A new regression analysis using the permanent unexpected earnings is performed. The result is the same but more significant. When company size using the market value as a proxy is added to the regression model, it shows that small companies tend to have higher cumulative abcdrmal returns.
In summary, this study finds no significant relationship between the stock returns in January and the unexpected earnings of the previous year and/or the first quarter of the current year.
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外表吸引力、學業成就、工作成敗的月暈效應及其對成敗歸因的影響鍾玉蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
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滬深300指數成分股調整效應研究 / The Price Effect Associated with Changes in the CSI 300 List沈怡, Shen, Sherry Unknown Date (has links)
在指數成分股調整對調入股和調出股的長期影響方面,本文首先研究了指數調整後的長期股價表現,發現調入股的股價累積報酬優於指數,但不如調入指數前自身的股價表現,調出股則與之相反。接著對股東人數、機構投資人數量和股價波動度進行比較分析。研究發現,指數調整之後,調入股的股東人數會顯著上升,調出股的股東會減少,但該因素對指數調整後股票的長期異常報酬沒有明顯影響;指數成分股調整後機構投資人數量和股價波動度也有明顯變化——調入股的機構投資人增加,波動度降低,調出股機構投資人減少,波動度上升——且這兩個因素對股價異常報酬的影響是顯著的。另外,公司規模大小也是影響股價異常報酬的一個顯著因素。 / The effect of stock index composition changes is one of the important subjects in the field of behavioral finance. With the rapid development of Chinese equity market, stock index is playing an increasingly important part. Chinese equity market, on the other hand, is still at emerging stage, the stock index composition changes may have the different effect from that of the developed countries. However,the correlative study in China is far from enough. This paper investigates the CSI 300 which is the most influential stock index in China to find out the the effect of stock index composition changes in both short term and long term.
In the short term, the study focuses on the price and volume. The empirical results show that there is a positive abnormal returns and increasing trading volume of added firms, while a negative abnormal returns and slightly increasing trading volume of deleted firms. However, compared with empirical results abroad, short-term effects associated with the change of the CSI 300 index list is not very obvious, which may be accounted for too little institutional investors in the Chinese stock market.
In the long term, this paper firstly studies the long-term stock price performance of the index adjustment. For additions, cumulative return after index adjustment is better than that of the CSI 300 index, but is worse than the performance before the adjustment, while the deletions performance is opposite. Secondly, number of shareholders, institutional investors and stock price volatility are analyzed. There is a significant increase in the number of shareholders of added firms and a decline for deleted firms, but this factor has little influence for abnormal stock price returns. Similarly, for additions, institutional investors increases and volatility reduces, deletions are opposite. Abnormal stock price returns are significantly affected by the number of institutional investors and volatility. In addition, the company size is also a significant factor affecting the abnormal returns.
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解析設置變電所鄰避情結之研究 / An analysis of NIMBY on constructing electric power substation黃世昌 Unknown Date (has links)
變電所為都市計畫法第四十六條所列公共設施之一,從發電廠輸出高壓電力,經由變電所轉換逐漸降低電壓,供應工廠生產與民眾生活的電力需求,惟變電所設置區位引發鄰近民眾對其身體不適之疑慮造成心理恐懼以致產生鄰避情結。變電所對於民眾而言,係屬極力排斥之公共設施,進而反對在我家後院設置(Not In My Back Yard;簡稱NIMBY);由於變電所具有鄰避性質的公共設施,肇始民眾意識高漲並勇於爭取自身權利,認為其將使自身權益受損及影響環保顧慮,故經常成為被抗爭之對象,因此在設置過程中,面臨相當大的阻力,增加台電之外部成本。是以,本研究參酌民眾參與概念,分析民眾可接受變電所設置之態度與方式,進而研擬化解鄰避情結之措施。
本研究從民眾立場,架構變電所設置產生鄰避情結問題之改善措施,歸納如下:1.儘早執行民眾參與的過程且資訊應求公開透明。2.揭露變電所設置所有相關資料,讓民眾感受到台電面對問題、解決問題的誠意。3.建立回饋與維護設施安全等措施,避免讓被設置的社區民眾單獨面對變電所設施衍生外部性。4.適時修改阻礙民眾參與之相關法令,深知民眾參與是建設基礎並非絆腳石。本研究研擬各項改善措施與精進事項,提供台電及相關單位作為改善設置變電所造成鄰避情結問題參考,透過民眾參與理念,建構以民眾為主體的參與行動,期盼將「鄰避情結」轉化為「迎臂效應,Yes In My Back Yard」,藉以轉化台電因變電所設置造成與民眾間衝突局面之紓解。
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散戶可以向名人或是素人學理財嗎-給散戶的投資理財建議 / How to make money - The faithful suggestions to all individual investors.夏韻芬, Hsia, Yun Fen Unknown Date (has links)
1. 收集與整理相關媒體銷售的資料,了解目前散戶偏好的投資意見為何。
2. 針對受訪談的媒體從業人員所提供之意見進行歸納比較,進而探討名人與素人透過媒體管道所提供給散戶的投資建議,是否為一正確、可信之投資意見。
3. 最後,根據本研究之相關結論,並提出適當意見,做為媒體自律與散戶在投資理財上的建議。 / This study will investigate and analyze the changed role of the media industry as a
'rich making machine' since the financial crisis of 2008. The financial meltdown served as a turning point for the media since there were no investment gurus or corporate bodies that accurately had predicted the development. Virtually all
investors in the market faced losses and many investment celebrities lost their
credibility. Subsequently newspapers and magazines turned to rich and successful people to replace them and stimulating their sales by reporting miraculous rich stories. They are selling recipes how to make money to a willing audience, members of the investing public eager to become the next investment guru.
Stimulated by this, the 'lottery' type of investment is in full swing on the market.
Through long‐term observation and investigation we found that, first, many of the
business celebrities actually based their success on a solid foundation, strove to study and then created wealth. Many of the media reports, however, tend to overly focus on the virtues and exaggerate the money making 'magic rich' side, while on the other hand neglecting or even covering up failures and bad deeds. Secondly, many investors are looking for a shortcut to create riches and try to copy others supposedly successful investment models without real understanding of market mechanisms and easily become misled by biased media reporting.
This study is expected to achieve the following purposes:
(1) Collect and collate information related to media sales, retail preferences in order
to understand the preferences of all investors.
(2) Conduct interviews with media practitioners, collect their opinions, summarize
and compare them. Then discuss the advise given by investment celebrities given
through the media pipeline and check if this advise is correct or credible.
(3) Based on the findings of this study propose a self‐regulating body for the media
and give recommendations for potential investors.
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