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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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邱智賢 Unknown Date (has links)
金融部門與總體部門具有密不可分的關係,金融部門的活動關係著總體經濟的熱絡與衰退;總體經濟的變化也時常影響金融部門活動。而貨幣政策為中央銀行穩定經濟的重要工具,在達成最終經濟目標前,時常會先衝擊金融市場的活動,進而影響就業、物價及經濟成長等總體面的經濟結果。本研究在基於金融部門與總體部門有著錯綜複雜的影響關係上,探討台灣在加入WTO後面對外來總體面的干擾時,分析貨幣政策對金融市場的影響效果,以期能在政策的選擇上有較佳的參考依據。 本研究以2002年台灣加入WTO為比較基準年,使用1998至2006年資料,以VAR模型與Granger因果關係探討貨幣政策與政策目標、金融市場間之有效性。實證結果發現,在貨幣政策目標間的傳遞效果上,以重貼現率作為貨幣工具無法有效影響操作目標;以拆款利率作為操作目標,在受到外來干擾下影響中間目標上有較佳的效果。此外,在貨幣政策目標與金融市場間的影響效果上,以準備貨幣為操作目標較能在受到外來干擾下影響金融市場;以廣義貨幣供給量M2為中間目標較能在受到外來干擾下影響金融市場。

台灣失業率與犯罪關係之初探—不同模型之比較 / Exploration of the relationship between unemployment rate and crimes in Taiwan:A Comparison between Models

魏大耕 Unknown Date (has links)
在過去研究犯罪經濟學的理論文獻上,失業率對各犯罪類型的影響為正向關係,但在實証文獻上的研究發現,卻有愈來愈多的証據支持此二個變數間的負向或無關係。為了解釋上述正向與負向間相反的矛盾關係,本篇論文嘗試利用兩種模型(非參數與非參數模型)與兩種效果(機會效果與動機效果)來解釋此二變數間的關係,此亦是本論文主要貢獻。其中機會效果是用以解釋失業率與犯罪間的負向關係,動機效果則用以解釋正向關係。在非參數模型中,利用失業率為景氣循環的代理變數,發現失業率與竊盜間存在正向關係,此與大多實証研究相符;失業率則和妨害風化與殺人犯罪間呈現負向相關;失業率與傷害罪間則沒有明顯正負關係。研究亦顯示,不同的犯罪類型在不同的參數模型下,統計的顯著性亦有不同,而在不同年齡層(青少年與成年人)的犯罪模型則更與理論模型結論相符。 / According to the theoretical literature on criminal economics, unemployment rate tends to be positively correlated to all types of crimes. However, more and more empirical evidence suggests otherwise. In order to clarify the relationship, this study exploits both nonparametric and parametric models and considers two effects, including opportunity and motivation effects. The presence of the opportunity effect leads to be a negative correlation between unemployment rate and crimes, while the presence of the motivation effect gives a positive correlation. Under nonparametric model where unemployment rate is used as a proxy for business cycles, we only found that there is positive correlation between unemployment rate and robbery, while obscenity and homicide are found to be negatively correlated with unemployment rate. This is in line with most empirical studies. Little correlation evidence is found for unemployment and other types of crimes. Under parametric model, the study indicates that the statistical significance differs in models, and depends on crime variable used. We found more consistent results with theoretic models for the age groups (teenagers and adults).

高房價對購屋與生育行為之影響-家庭資源、家庭需求與家庭偏好之探討 / The Influence of High Housing Prices on Home Buying and Childbearing Behaviors– An Investigation of Family Resources, Demands, and Preferences

林佩萱 Unknown Date (has links)
購屋與生育同為家庭生命周期重大事件,在高房價低生育率時代,家庭行為的改變,受到政府機關及社會、經濟學者的關注。過去研究指出,購屋及生育行為的連結建立在對家庭的資源與需求,彼此不僅存在資源競爭關係,亦因家庭生命周期的穩定效果,而提高家庭對另一事件的需求。考量家戶對於擁有房子與孩子的次序偏好相異,其家庭資源分配及需求亦不盡相同,故本研究從家庭資源、需求及家庭偏好探討高房價背景下家戶購屋與生育行為的關係;運用中央研究院調查之華人家庭動態資料庫(PSFD),針對1934~1984年出生之受訪者資料,建立存活模型進行分析。 探討主題有三:一、探討資源排擠效果與生命周期穩定效果對於購屋及生育行為的影響以及影響程度隨時間變化的情形。二、探討購屋對家戶生育行為的影響途徑。三、探討家戶生育事件對購屋年齡影響之世代差異。實證結果,家庭資源及需求對購屋及生育事件的影響為一動態過程。在高房價時期,先生育家戶婚後購屋機率增加,卻有較年長的男性購屋年齡。而先購屋家戶有較年輕的男性購屋年齡,生育機率卻較低。購屋年齡存在世代差異,先生育家戶的購屋年齡隨世代先提前後增加,先購屋家戶的購屋年齡則呈年輕化趨勢。 本研究成果有助於瞭解家庭購屋及生育行為的關係,作為住宅及衛生福利單位於制定獎勵生育、安親托育或住宅福利政策參考。為讓家庭安心培育下一代,建議政策研擬制定應考量家庭偏好差異性、住宅政策及獎勵生育政策關聯性等,並使房價回歸合理及健全安親托育制度,以有效解決高房價、低生育率的社會問題。

台灣婦女教育程度與龍虎年效應對生育率之影響 / The Influence of Female Education and the Chinese Animal Zodiac on Fertility Rate in Taiwan

黃修梅, Huang, Hsiu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主要研究目的,在於將文化因素(即龍年與虎年效果)納入生育行為的考量,以重新審視台灣生育率與婦女教育程度之間的Granger因果關係。利用台灣1952年至1994年資料進行實證的Cheng and Nwachukwu(1997)及Cheng(1999),其結論指出台灣教育程度與生育率之Granger因果關係並不顯著。本文將以該文章之實證模型為基礎,並加入代表龍年效應與虎年效應的虛擬變數以建立本文模型。 首先根據Cheng(1999)的資料與變數,利用台灣1952年至2005年之年資料,建立一個包含粗出生率、教育程度大專以上的比例、女性勞動參與率、與實質經濟成長率等四個內生變數,以及代表龍虎年效應的兩個虛擬變數之VAR模型。並以Toda and Yamamoto(1995)提出的Granger因果關係檢定,檢定台灣教育程度與生育率之間的因果關係。隨後,為增進估計的有效性,本文利用台灣地區1978年至2005年的季資料,共112個樣本進行實證研究。變數定義方面,將粗出生率替換為一般生育率,教育程度大專以上的比例替換為育齡婦女大專以上的比例。並根據上述建立之VAR模型,進行Granger因果關係檢定。 經由本文的實證研究發現,將龍年效果與虎年效果納入考量後,台灣婦女教育程度的提昇會Granger影響生育率的下降。亦即台灣婦女教育程度日益提升,是解釋生育率下降的重要因素,此結果與Cheng(1999)所提出的結果並不一致。此外,龍年與虎年對台灣的生育率分別有顯著正向與負向的影響。 / This paper tries to revisit the null hypothesis of Granger no-causality between female education and fertility rate in Taiwan, by considering the culture factors captured by Dragon and Tiger Years which might influences the fertility behavior. In addition, this study compares the primary finding with the result proposed by Cheng and Nwachukwu (1997) and Cheng (1999) which are that female education does not affect fertility rate in Taiwan. According to Cheng (1999), official time series yearly data from 1952 to 2005 provided by Taiwan government are used first, and quarterly data from 1978 to 2005 are required to improve the efficiency. This study models a 4-Variables VAR and applies Granger no-causality test proposed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995). The primary finding of this study is that there is a negative causality from female education to fertility rate in Taiwan, which is inconsistent with conclusions in Cheng (1999). In addition, culture factors do play a very important role in fertility behavior in Taiwan.

嘻哈、故事、與廣告效果 / Hip Hop, Storytelling, and Advertising Effect

劉思劭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以廣告嘻哈性與故事性為自變數、消費者的嘻哈偏好為調節變數對廣告效果進行研究。研究方式以台北市高中生為受測對象,透過自製廣告影片的播放、然後請受測者填答問卷。問卷分析的結果發現: 1. 消費者認知的廣告嘻哈性或故事性愈強時,對應的廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願皆愈佳。且當消費者認知的廣告故事性愈弱時,廣告嘻哈性與廣告態度之正向關係愈強。亦即當廣告的嘻哈性或故事性同時增強時,對廣告態度的正向影響會有飽和的效果。 2. 廣告嘻哈性與故事性對廣告效果的影響,會受到消費者嘻哈偏好的干擾。消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高時,廣告嘻哈性與品牌態度、購買意願的正向關係愈強。而當產品傾向於感性時,消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高,廣告故事性與廣告態度之正向關係愈強。此外,消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高,廣告故事性與消費者對產品回憶的正確程度的正向關係反而愈弱。 3. 廣告態度不具有廣告嘻哈性與品牌態度關係間的中介影響力,亦即提高廣告嘻哈性,可直接對品牌態度產生正向影響。此外,當消費者的嘻哈偏好低時,廣告態度會扮演廣告嘻哈性與購買意願的中介角色,但是當消費者嘻哈偏好高時則否。表示嘻哈性強的廣告,可以打動嘻哈偏好高的消費者,讓他跳過廣告態度而直接提高購買意願。 4. 廣告態度在消費者的嘻哈偏好程度低時,是廣告故事性與品牌態度的中介變數。表示只有在消費者的嘻哈偏好程度高時,提高廣告故事性才能直接對品牌態度產生正向影響。此外,廣告態度也是廣告故事性與購買意願的中介變數,表示提高廣告故事性對購買意願產生的正向影響,其實是先影響廣告態度而後才影響購買意願的「兩段式」影響,作用有限。 關鍵字:嘻哈、故事、廣告效果、中介效果、品牌態度、購買意願、次文化

世界各國對中國投資之決定因素—北京、上海與廣東之比較 / Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China: The Comparative Study between Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong

鄭惠珍, Cheng, Hui-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自1978年中國開始經濟的改革開放政策以來,吸引外資便成為其推動經濟成長的重要手段之一。1992年鄧小平南巡,再一次宣示建立「社會主義的市場經濟體制」後,由於開放的經濟政策更為明朗,使越來越多的國家到中國直接投資。自此,中國成為全世界最受歡迎的外資投資國之一。甚至在2002年超越美國,成為全世界最大的外資接受國。如此多的國家對中國展開大規模的投資,其投資的規模與投資地區的選擇卻有相當大的差異。因此,本文的研究目的,將以1993至2003年世界各國對中國投資的追蹤資料(panel data),搭配固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)與隨機效果模型(random-effect model)的估計,並以目前中國沿海發展具代表性的北京、上海與廣東三個省(市)之比較,探究影響世界各國對中國直接投資的決定因素。 實證結果發現影響外商直接投資北京、上海與廣東的決定因素中,顯著影響的變數為相對工資率、對中國貿易依存度、相對匯率以及相對借貸成本。而其餘的變數,如相對國內生產毛額、相對每人國內生產毛額和相對國家風險等皆不顯著,反映了其皆非外商直接投資中國時所考量的決定因素。 / Since 1978, China has adopted the so-called “open door policy”, attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) has become one of the most important methods to facilitate its economic growth. However, foreign countries didn’t invest large amount toward China until Deng Xiaoping’s southern trip in 1992. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the determinants of FDI from different foreign countries to different regions in China after foreign countries started to invest tremendous amount toward China. This study adopts fixed-effect model and random-effect model to investigate the determinants of FDI in China with panel data of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong during the period of 1993-2003. The result shows relative wage rate, trade dependence to China, relative exchange rate and relative borrowing cost are the most important factors in attracting FDI in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong during 1993-2003. Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in positive models and enable the study more rigorous, then uses more methods to test the models and the result.


黃心儀, Huang, Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
金融商品的價格變動是投資人用以判斷獲利與否的重要工具,因為價格變動不易精確預測,所以常利用其他變數輔助預測價格變動,其中以交易量最常被投資人用來分析價格變動。本文是利用台灣首檔指數型股票基金「台灣50指數股票型基金,簡稱TTT」,分析基金的價格變動與交易量之間的關係。 由於TTT具有「實物申購╱買回」機制,當TTT發生折溢價現象時,投資者會利用此機制進行策略性的投資。因此,「實物申購╱買回」機制使用,會對TTT交易量產生影響,並且使得基金淨值與價格更為貼進。所以本文也將分析TTT折溢價與交易量之間的關係。 本研究利用Granger因果關係理論檢測變數之間的因果關係,實證結果發現,TTT的交易量與價格變動呈現雙向因果關係,且折溢價對於交易量具有單向因果關係,即折溢價可以解釋和預測交易量變動,並且折溢價偏離的現象在半天之內會消失。因此,歸論「實物申購╱買回」機制能有效發揮其作用。 / This study examines intraday patterns of the Taiwan Top 50 Tracker Fund (TTT), with special emphasis on the causal relationship between trading volume and return, and the causal relationship between trading volume and deviation ratio. We find strong intraday seasonality, namely the W-shaped trading pattern which appeared to be caused by the so-called lunch-break effect. After accounting for this apparent seasonality, and by employing the Granger causality test, we find that there is a causal bi-direction relationship between trading volume and absolute return. However, there only exists a uni-directional causal relationship from the deviation ratio to trading volume, but not vice versa. Also, the deviation is disappeared within half day.

極端報酬下的交易行為: 三大法人與融資戶 / Trading behavior with extreme return: institutional and individual investors

劉君勇, Liu, Chun Yung Unknown Date (has links)
國內外之研究發現,投資人進行股票交易決策時,存在”關注效果”、”處分效果”、等因素造成投資人產生不理性的投資決策;同時亦有學者指出,台灣市場投資人,不論法人或個體投資人皆存在處分效果,甚至此效果會導致投資造成損失,但鮮少有文章提到面對股價大幅變化時,處分效果是消失還是依然存在。本文主要為探討:極端報酬下,三大法人與融資戶之交易行為差異,是否存在處分效果?又有那些事件會帶來關注效果?本研究使用2001/12/01~2012/3/01之股市交易資料,並透過實證分析發現:(1)極端報酬下,三大法人存在處分效果,融資戶則否(2)股價上漲時,只有外資關注是否有盈餘宣告,而股價下跌時,全體投資人皆會關心盈餘宣告(3)股票觸及漲停價與跌停價,是否造成關注效果,因投資人類型而異(4)儘管三大法人受關注處分效果影響,其交易績效依然優於融資戶。 / Many studies found that “Attention Effect” and “Disposition Effect” will affect investors when they are trading, even make them loss money. In Taiwan stock market, researchers indicate that even institutional investor also affect by disposition effect. But, there is no discussion of when investors trading with extreme return, do they still have the same behavior? This article is going to study how extreme return affect “attention effect” and “disposition effect”. We grab the trading data form 2001/12/01~2012/3/01, by analyzing we find that (1) Only institutional investors affect by “disposition effect”(2) Only foreign investors will pay attention to earning announcement when trading with great appreciation, but all of investors will follow the stock whether it has announce its earning when trading with great depreciation.(3) Whether stock price hit price limit will cause “Attention effect” is depends on which type the investor is.(4) though institutional investors will affect by disposition effect, they still can make access return.

報酬率、連續波動度與跳躍項之因果關係-美國與歐洲期貨市場之實證研究 / Causality Effect of Returns, Continuous Volatility and Jumps: Evidence from the U.S. and European Index Futures Markets

廖志偉, Liao, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討金融危機期間,美國與歐洲金融市場之日內報酬率、實質波動度、連續波動度與跳躍風險行為之日內因果關係,並採用美國三大指數期貨(S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq)及歐洲期數期貨(FTSE, DAX, CAC)之高頻資料,檢定是否具有顯著槓桿效果(Leverage Effect)與波動度回饋效果(Volatility Effect)、在報酬率與跳躍風險之間具有相互影響效果。探討在金融危機發生前、後期間其日內報酬率、實質波動度、連續波動度與跳躍項間在1分鐘、5分鐘及60分鐘之抽樣頻率下之日內行為。因此,實證研究包含金融市場之上升及下降趨勢,顯示在金融危機發生後,日內波動度與跳躍項之槓桿效果(Leverage Effect)與波動度回饋效果(Volatility Effect)受到叢聚(Clustering)現象影響且顯著增加。不同抽樣頻率下之因果關係效果在金融危機發生前、中、後期間,特別在5分鐘及60分鐘之抽樣頻率方式,跳躍風險受到波動度回饋效果影響呈顯著增加,此實證結果對政策制定者及投資人具有重要之意涵。 / This study examines the intraday causality between returns, volatility and jumps in the U.S. and European markets during the financial crisis. examine whether during the financial crisis, the S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, FTSE, DAX and CAC index futures markets have a significant impact on the leverage and volatility feedback effects, as well as whether these interactions also occur between returns and jumps. The intraday behavior of 1-min, 5-min and 60-min sampling of returns, volatility and jumps is examined by employing data from the period between financial crisis. The study covers the major upward and downward trends in the market. Our empirical data indicate the main leverage and volatility feedback effects caused by intraday volatility and jump clustering significantly increased after the financial crisis. The causality effects with different sampling frequencies before, during and after the financial crisis show that jumps have increased the volatility feedback effect, especially when in a 5-min and 60-min sampling frequency is used. These findings have important implications for both policymakers and investors.

行動廣告效果衡量指標之研究 / The advertisement effectiveness of mobile advertising

陳惠雯 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著智慧型手機的問世,行動裝置改變現代人的生活方式已是不爭的事實,而最大的改變為以往手機僅是拿來對話及傳送簡訊等基本的使用,隨著網路的發達,手機的使用方式已從「講」轉變為「看」。消費者使用手機的頻繁也同時使得對於手機上的數位廣告的注意度降低,因此當消費者對廣告主投遞的廣告注意度降低時,廣告主在數位行銷目的不同時,則需要不同的數位廣告指標去確認廣告效果。因此本研究採用以專家問卷法,其主要依據修正式德菲法,鎖定的對象為「網路媒體企劃人員」及「網路廣告媒體專業人士」專家,需任職於數位行銷相關產業滿五年以上之資歷納入蒐集,共計十五人。並以優良指標建構原則為基礎,透過專家的觀點找出各手機廣告適用的衡量指標,實施二次循環式調查。經指標實證後,建議兩大面向及五項原則可供業界參考: 一、不同的行銷目的下,曝光數及點擊不再是主要指標 1.策略構面:以提升品牌知名度為行銷目的,則需以曝光數、點擊、點擊率及每千次曝光成本等為主要指標。 2.關係構面:點擊、點擊率及曝光在各個版位中都佔共識指標前三大排名 3.效益性構面:以轉換率、每次名單成本及點選/點擊為主 二、廣告主應長期投資關鍵字廣告 1.提升品牌知名度及增加品牌與消費者之間的熟悉度:建議以「廣泛修飾比對」、「片語比對」及「完全比對」操作策略,若消費者看到廣告訊息則會上網搜尋,能增加對於品牌或產品的知名度及熟悉度,進而刺激及提升銷售業績。 2.以刺激銷售並提升業績為主時,建議可開啟廣泛比對的購買機制,增加曝光度,避免預算浪費,可做篩選字根操作避免不相關的字根大量出現,導致消費者誤觸點擊而需耗費成本。 / Smartphone has been changing our life is an indisputable fact. The biggest change is that mobile phone is used from talking to browsing. The more consumer use smartphone, the more consumer decrease their attention in digital banners or advertisements. Hence, advertisers should base on different digital campaign’s objective to deliver different banners or creative ads. Since digital is getting more and more important, and the overall market research can’t catch up with the mobile marketing’s growth, this research will base on Modified Delphi Method to survey the mobile advertisement effectiveness in different campaign objectives. The sampling of experts will secure specialists who have related digital experience and must work over 5 years in this advertisement industry. After second round’s survey, this research come out 2 scopes and 5 principles. 1.Impressions and clicks are not key KPI for different campaign objectives *To maximize brand awareness: not only impressions and clicks, but also click rate and CPM should take as main KPIs (key performance implementation). *To have a strong relationship with consumer: click, click rate and impressions are the top 3 KPIs should be covered to review in campaign’s post-evaluation. *To drive the sales: conversion rate, CPM and clicks become the most important elements to review campaign objective. 2.Advertisers should have a long-term strategy in paid key word search *To maximize brand awareness and have a strong relationship with consumer: recommend to have always-on strategy which means open widespread comparison, phase comparison, and completed comparison all the time to find the potential consumers and drive the sales. *To drive the sales: recommend to select widespread comparison and filter non-related words to avoid wasting media budget and campaign cost.

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