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社會保險老年給付之經濟效果分析李明, LI, MING Unknown Date (has links)
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財政政策穩定效果衡量之研究賴清祺, Lai, Qing-Qi Unknown Date (has links)
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加值稅的價格效果:Aaron模型台灣之實證湯明輝, Tang, Ming-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
第二章介紹Henery Aaron的Input-output model,利用此模型來估算課程前與稅後的
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Two essays of the information impact on the valuation of closed-end funds廖憲文, Liao,Hsien-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為兩部分,第一部份為以台灣之封閉型基金探討訊息事件下之投資者敏感性與市場效率性。第二部份為以東南亞六家國家基金探討投資者過渡反應之現象同時研究訊息分類後之訊息效果。 / This dissertation studies investors’ sentiment to dramatic public information events and the news effect on the valuation of closed-end funds. There are two main issues included in this dissertation. For the issue of investors’ sentiment, we employ domestic closed-end funds from Taiwan to test how political information events affect fund share price and net asset value. The political information events employed are the 1996 and 2000 presidential elections in Taiwan, including prominent political events ahead of the elections. For the other issue of news effect on the valuation of closed-end country funds, the six Asian country funds listed on the New York Stock Exchange are employed and the country-specific news are culled from the headlines shown on the front page of The New York Times.
For investors’ sentiment, we examine how dramatic political news and events affect closed-end fund data, fund price, and net asset value, using a sample of Taiwan data. We use data from Taiwan, because its stock market has been repeatedly affected by political events. We develop a theoretical model to show how information shocks would affect the discounts on closed-end funds. In designing the model, which is tested below, we start by assuming that the information shock is consistent with market efficiency. Our empirical results show that, even though this assumption is corroborated by three out of four events, the remaining one event in four induces changes which are inconsistent with market efficiency. This provides support for the theory of the preponderance of investors’ sentiment. The results also show that the return on fund share prices and the return of net asset value (NAV) move in the same direction and the impact of information shocks to the return of fund share price and return of NAV have mostly the same sign. Although the results from domestic funds, with fund share prices and NAV that are valued in the identical market, tell us that there exists investors’ sentiment, we intend to resolve what the information effects are on the valuation of closed-end country funds that have fund share prices and NAV valued in two different entities/markets.
We use a sample of six Asian country funds, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, to test whether salient country-specific news affects investors’ reaction around the Asian financial crisis period. Our results show that in regular weeks, fund share prices react less to changes in fundamentals. In weeks with salient news appearing on the front page of The New York Times, fund share prices react much more than those in regular weeks. We also find that economic news affects the adjustment process of fund share prices more significantly before and during the Asian financial crisis periods. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that news events play a role in the magnitude of investors’ reaction to changes in the fundamental values of closed-end country funds. As to the reaction of volume to news, the results show that news effect is significant in full sample period. For the reaction of volume to categorized news, economic news is significant in full sample period.
In sum, the results from either domestic funds or country funds all show that news events/information do play a role in individual investors’ sentiment. The phenomenon is more conspicuous during a financial crisis period.
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企業贊助活動之外溢效果莊秉宜 Unknown Date (has links)
而研究二主要探討企業外部外溢效果,採用調查法進行,以中國信託蓮花卡和花旗銀行喜憨兒卡為調查標的,測試被誤認為贊助者之銀行是否因此提升其企業形象,以及規模相似會不會導致誤認贊助者情形更為嚴重。結果發現被誤認之台新銀行的確因被誤認為贊助者而提升其企業形象,但是規模相似的中國信託與花旗銀行卻無外溢較多之情況,推測原因應與企業之形象相關,因為中國信託與台新銀行同為本土銀行,形象相似,較容易外溢,而中國信託與花旗銀行一為本土一為外商,形象差異較大,不易產生外溢。建議未來可採用形象相似的廠商再進行贊助活動外溢效果之探討。 / This study focuses on the spillover effect of the sponsorship for which measurements are made based on brand image and the corporate image. The spillover effect could be resulted from both the internal and external aspects of the corporate. In the part of the internal spillover effect, this study examines whether the brand/corporate image is enhanced through any form of sponsorship activity in the name of corporate/brand. Whether or not the influences of the scale of the corporate on the spillover effect exist, is also discussed. On the other hand, for the external spillover effect, this research discusses any possible benefit could be acquired by the competitors when the corporate carries out the sponsorship. If the scale of the corporate and its competitors are similar, the consumer will misremember the sponsor easier. The purpose of this study is to provide useful suggestions which might allow the corporate be more efficient for carrying out its sponsorship activities.
The results of the study on the internal aspect of the spillover effect generated by the sponsorship show that the brand/corporate image is not enhanced through the sponsorship in the name of the corporate/brand. The possible reason might be the existing ceiling effects of the brand/corporate image. According to the results of the study on the external aspect of the spillover effect of sponsorship, the corporate image of the competitor is enhanced since it is mistakenly recognized as the actual sponsor. However, from the viewpoint of the similarity in the size corporate scale, the external spillover effect does not emerge easier presumably due to that one of the investigated targets is a local bank and the other one is a foreign bank. The differences between a local bank and a foreign bank are complicated enough to cause difficulty in transferring the spillover effect.
According to the results of this study, the suggestion for future studies is to target the corporate with more space work on to improve its image in order to discuss the internal spillover effect. For the external spillover effect, the further studies could include the criteria in selecting the competitors i.e. whose corporate image profiles are similar to the target corporate, in order to test the external spillover effect.
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國際機構權益投資偏好成因之探討周舒屏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的是探討跨國機構投資者的持股比例和公司特性間的關係,藉由分析跨國機構投資者的持股偏好來推論影響國際權益投資分佈的原因。研究對象為我國投信發行之海外基金以及投資於我國集中市場的外資、我國投信及金融機構。研究期間為1996-2001年,利用隨機效果模型(Random Effect Model)實證結合橫斷面以及時間序列的追蹤資料(panel data),以分析投資者所偏好的公司特性,進而推論投資者投資偏好本國市場的原因。
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個股選擇權之隱含波動度不對稱效果決定因素之探討—以Panel Data模型分析周弘敏 Unknown Date (has links)
隱含波動度不對稱效果對選擇權市場參與者是很重要的,因為隱含波動度變大可增加選擇權買方的報酬相對的會減少選擇權賣方的報酬,並且對選擇權避險者來說是一種額外的風險。過去許多文獻皆已證實股票報酬波動度具有不對稱效果,所謂不對稱效果一般是指負向衝擊對報酬波動度增加的影響較正向衝擊大。然而多數研究是以條件變異數作為波動度的衡量,本研究則打算以選擇權之隱含波動度作為波動度的衡量。研究對象為歐洲期貨交易所交易之二十四家德國公司個股選擇權,利用EGARCH模型探討股票價格變動對個股選擇權之隱含波動度不對稱效果,研究期間從2000年2月14日至2001年12月31日。在不對稱效果成立之下,進而探討公司財務槓桿及公司規模對隱含波動度不對稱程度之影響。除以最小平方法模型分析並與Koutmos and Saidi(1995)對照外,更進一步以Panel Data模型加入公司效果或時間效果作為本研究最終目的的分析依據,研究期間從2000年至2001年。
2.以最小平方法模型分析公司財務槓桿對隱含波動度不對稱程度的影響,實證結果與Koutmos and Saidi(1995)不一致,且不能支持Black(1976)所提出槓桿效果能用以解釋隱含波動度不對稱效果之假說,產生遺漏變數偏誤。
3.以Panel Data模型加入公司效果或時間效果之考量,分析公司財務槓桿對隱含波動不對稱程度的影響。實證發現隱含波動度不對稱效果可歸因於財務槓桿假說,此外證實存在時間效果但不存在公司效果。
4.公司規模會影響隱含波動度不對稱程度,兩者呈現正向關係。也就是說規模較大的公司對負向衝擊的反應較規模較小的公司敏感,實證結果與Koutmos and Saidi(1995)一致。
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網路廣告效果評估方式之探討蔡佩珊, Tsai,Pei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
當網路成為一個媒體平台時,廣告便是這個媒體的主要收益來源之一。自1994年美國熱線網站(Hot Wired)在網站上開始招攬廣告以維持網站運作時,便開啟了網路廣告的歷史,但網路廣告效果衡量標準至今卻仍莫衷一是,本研究期望能透過產業份子的角度,從使用者的廣告效果(文獻整理)來引出實務業界真正運作的廣告效果測量方式,研究目的如下所列:
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前置廣告之背景效果對消費者評價後置廣告之影響 / The contextual effects of the former ad on consumers' evaluations of the latter ad楊泓極, Yang, Hungchi Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本研究結果提醒廣告主除了廣告本身的內容之外,廣告所處溝通環境中的其他廣告也會對廣告效果產生相當的影響作用,尤其對於P&G、J&J、Unilever等擁有眾多產品品牌的大型公司來說,當它們對媒體進行聯合採購時,等於對廣告的背景環境有了部分的掌握能力,更應該善用這樣的優勢,妥善安排廣告順序,以提昇廣告效果、或避免廣告品牌間自相殘殺。除此之外,根據目標受眾的產品知識調整廣告訊息的呈現方式,也可以適度的改變上述效果的強度。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the contextual effects the former ad will exert on the evaluation of the latter ad, under different consistency of appeals and branding strategies between these two ads. Moreover, the message type in the latter ad and the product knowledge of the participants are also discussed to understand how they could moderate the above assimilation or contrast effects.
Digital camera and facial cleanser are selected as the test product categories. In the digital camera category, SONY was chosen as the brand of the former ad. SONY-Master (sub-brand condition) and DigiXpert (virtual brand condition) were the brands of the latter ads. In the facial cleanser category, DOVE was chosen as the brand of the former ad. DOVE-Scent and AROMA were the brands of the latter ads. A 2 (appeal consistency: high versus low)×2 (message type: deep cue versus surface cue)×2 (product knowledge: high versus low) factorial experimental design was applied on 984 college student samples.
The main effect of the appeal consistency suggested that when the latter ad carried the virtual brand and under the condition of high appeal consistency between two ads, participants’ evaluation of the latter ad on the dimension of the former ad appeal showed an assimilation effect. On the other hand, participants’ evaluation of latter ad on the dimension of the former ad appeal, under the condition of low appeal consistency between two ads and with a virtual brand, revealed a contrast effect. The above effects occurred in both product categories.
When product in the latter ad used a sub-brand strategy, participants’ evaluations of the latter ad on the dimension of former ad appeal were similar to those when the latter ad carried the virtual brand. The only exception was the high appeal consistency condition in facial cleanser category, under which participants’ evaluations revealed a contrast effect.
In general, this study suggests the advertisers who have multiple brands, such as P&G, pay attention to the contexts of ads. With their powerful bundle media purchase, they are granted with more influence over the contexts. Marketers should take this advantage to enhance ad effects or avoid mutual damage between brands. Finally, advertisers could also adjust the message type of the ad appeal according to the product knowledge of consumers to moderate the above contextual effects.
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利率指標與不確定政策宣示 / Interest Rate Targeting and Announced Policy with Uncertainty林鴻文, Lin,Hung Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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