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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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具可靠度考量之全球運籌管理完整模式之探討 / An Extended Reliability Model for Global Logistic Complete Systems under Uncertain Environment

李亞暉, Lee ,Ya Hui Unknown Date (has links)
當企業面對資源與競爭全球化之市場發展趨勢,如何有效地運用多樣化且散佈的全球資源,做最有效的佈局,來因應日益激烈的市場競爭與挑戰,全球運籌管理愈行重要。但隨著企業經營的全球化,面對的風險與不確定性也逐漸增加,所以企業在做全球運籌管理時不確定因素應納入考量。 許多文獻對全球運籌管理模式作了不同角度的問題探討,其中Vidal and Goetschalckx從過去的文獻中將全球運籌模式加以比較,得到三點過去模式不足的部分:(1)不確定因素都未考慮,(2)BOM的限制,(3)國際化的因素如匯率及稅都未考慮。遂即於其研究中對不確定因素如需求變化及供應商可靠度等因素的改變與最小總成本對全球運籌管理系統的影響進行分析。 吳釜蒼(2002)以Vidal的架構,增加對於貨物自原物料採購至成品完成間的正向物流過程中,所可能經過的成員如供應商、工廠、倉庫、運輸管道進均加入可靠度考量來進行分析探討。本研究延伸其做法,除正向物流外,並擴展到商品或物料退貨、維修及資源回收的逆向物流過程中,可能經過的成員均加入可靠度的考量;並且針對兩種操作情境加以分析(1)特定成本之下求最大可靠度,(2)特定可靠度之上求最小總成本。其次,利用Fault Tree Analysis方法,配合績效評核項目,對可靠度加以量化分析,使其更符合實際狀況。 最後以範例資料來分析驗證此數量模式,並提出一方法論提供決策者在進行全球佈局規劃時,能以本研究提供的決策程序,找出影響全球運籌可靠度的關鍵因子,並可對合作夥伴可靠度進行分析,改善彼此關係或對其之取捨上能有一較客觀的參考依據,使其對總成本之影響能降至最低。 / Since the late 80s, due to the tensive pressures from globalization, customer demands, uncertainties, IT innovation, as well as the shorter product life cycle, businesses were struggling in how to quick response customer desires, in an effort to retain their niches. As a consequence, Global Logistic (GL), in turn, becomes the sharp weapon in this regard. Literature studied GL from various perspectives. Among these studies, Vidal & Goetschalckx compared models in previous studies, and came up with three major challenges in this area:(1) uncertainty was not taken into account; .(2) restrictions of the BOM structure are not clearly dealt with; and (3) key financial factors of internationalization, such as the exchange rate and taxes, were not modeled. Hence, in order to deal with such problems, Vidal & Goetschalckx carried on the analysis on the effects toward key factors of GL and total cost minimization by modeling the factor of suppliers’ reliability in their study. However, in Vidal & Goetschalckx‘s study, there was no further concerns of uncertainties on other players in the logistic system. Fu-Cang Wu takes uncertainties into account on the players of forward logistic system. As a consequence, this research aims to extend Vidal & Goetschalckx’s modus. In the mathematic model, this study adds the settings of reliabilities on players either in the forward logistics or in the reverse logistics. Besides, two operation modes are provided in the model:(1) seeking minimum cost on a target of system reliability; and (2) seeking maximum system reliability on a target of cost. Then, this research makes use of the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) for in depth analysis on reliability patterns. Finally, a methodology is established, which provides decision makers a reference basis, whenever he or she needs to place a global logistics system. Via the use of this prototype, it is believed to have a good mechanism for finding out the key influence factors of the reliability, enhancing buyer-seller relationships, and ensuring the goal of total cost minimization


周育生 Unknown Date (has links)
重商主義時期“獎勵出口重課進口”的對外貿政策,及產業革命後生產力的擴張,使世界範圍內的傾銷大規模形成;二十世紀七○年代以來,「傾銷」已普遍存在於國際貿易之中,而對於「反傾銷」立法和實踐亦進展迅速,從關稅暨貿易總協定成立以來,對於「反傾銷」的立法、修訂一直是談判內容的主要議題。 本文的目的在探討在產品不完全替代下,面對國外持續性傾銷時,若廠商分別從事Cournot數量及Bertrand價格競爭時,如何課徴反傾銷稅?結果發現若廠商進行數量競爭時則:當本國與外國傾銷品相互替代率相同及本國產品對國外傾銷品之替代率大於國外傾銷品對本國產品之替代率時,本國政府可在社會福利最大化下制定反傾銷稅率。若進行價格競爭時則:本國政府無法依社會福利最大之反傾銷稅率制定反傾銷稅率。 / The mercantilist emphasis on expanding exports while restricting imports, coupled with the expansion of productivity seen following the industrial revolution, led to the proliferation of dumping trade practices around the world. “Dumping” has been a formally-recognized and widespread phenomenon in global trade since the 1970s. Against this, national governments have also been quick to implement countervailing laws and legislation. Anti-dumping legislation has been at the fore of international trade discussions since the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) was established. This paper addresses the issue of how countervailing duties may be most effectively assessed in situations where a national product that is not completely substitutable by import competitors suffers sustained competition from imports dumped on the market. To achieve this objective, our research examines the effects on competition that result from the manufacturer of the national product adopting, respectively, Cournot volume and Bertrand pricing strategies. The result shows that, when a volume strategy is adopted, home government imposition of countervailing duties will be able to maximize social benefit when either domestic and imported (dumped) products share a similar substitutability ratio or the substitutability ratio of the domestic product is greater than that of the imported competition. When a pricing strategy is adopted, the government is, conversely, not in a position to impose a countervailing duty that will maximize social benefit.

中華郵政公司人力彈性運用之研究 / Research on Manpower Flexibility of Chunghwa Post Corporation

鄭至能, Cheng,Chih-Neng Unknown Date (has links)
這是一個高度競爭與不確定的年代,隨著全球化與自由化時代的來臨,配合資訊科技的日新月異與交通工具的發達,無論是政府部門或是公民營企業,為順應世界潮流,在組織結構與人力資源運用上,都必須有適度彈性,以維繫組織的生存。 走過ㄧ個世紀的中華郵政亦配合政府組織再造政策,於民國92年1月1日由官署型態轉型為國營的公司體制;但在改制公司後,相關組織員額及用人費用仍受相當限制,因此在配合政府精簡用人政策下,尋求更靈活的人力運用方式做好更適切的人力配置及人力彈性運用的規劃,以降低用人費用,健全公司營運,即成為中華郵政公司在人力資源管理上的一大挑戰。 本研究以「文獻探討法」暸解過去學術界對於人力彈性運用的相關理論外,針對個案公司-中華郵政公司人力彈性運用現況探討,並選擇中華郵政公司各類工作人員進行深度訪談,彙整分析該等人員意見,印證相關文獻、理論及政府政策,進而提出本研究之結論及建議,以供中華郵政未來人力彈性運用參考。 本研究結果發現:一、郵政人力不足源於人事行政局員額管制不當。二、郵政核心業務定義不清,致對於外包項目尚有爭議。三、對於目前外包項目及數量均有檢討必要。四、人力彈性運用層面尚有改善空間。 本研究依據上述研究結果,提出建議如下:一、建請人事行政局以「用人費」代替「預算員額」管制。二、釐清郵政核心業務,並評估核心人力與外圍人力比例,以規劃公司整體戰略與長期的策略性人力資源。三、各種人力彈性運用措施的落實與推廣。四、人力資源彈性運用,除財務指標有形成本外,尚應結合非財務指標無形成本做綜合考量,避免爭議。五、對於外包公司應善盡監督責任。 / The Chunghwa Post Corporation, which exists for one century, also cooperates with government re-organizing policy. In 2003, Chunghwa Post Corporation was changed from a government department to a state-run company. Although it is already a company structure, the relevant organizational structure and personnel expense are still quite limited. With obeying the government policy to reduce human cost, the challenge in human resource management for Chunghwa Post Corporation is to seek for more flexible and appropriate human resource arrangement and planning, to reduce the personnel expense and to make company operation healthy. In this research, besides the using of literature analysis method to understand related theories about the manpower flexibility in former researches, we also study the current manpower flexibility in the target case company, the Chunghwa Post Corporation. We interview all kinds of staff members in this company, summarize and analyze their opinions, reference to related documents, theories and government policies. After all, we provide our conclusion and suggestion to Chunghwa Post Company for future manpower flexibility. We found 4 results in our study: First, the shortage of postal manpower is due to the personnel quota is not proper handled by Central Personnel Administration. Second, the core postal business is not clear and that makes the outsourcing item controversial. Third, it is necessary to re-exam current outsourcing items and quantities. Last, there is still the space to improve the manpower flexibility. Due to the results of our research, we provide following suggestions: First,to suggest Central Personnel Administration use personnel costs instead of buddget personnel to make control. Second, we should make clear the core postal business, so we can evaluate the ratio of core and outside manpower, to plan the whole strategy and long-term human resource. Third, all kind of manpower flexibility arrangements should be well implemented. Forth, manpower flexibility is not only about the visible financial indexes, the invisible, non-financial indexes should be measured together to avoid dispute. Last, we should well monitor the outsourced company.

多因子Alpha選股模型於台股市場之應用 / The application of Multi-Factor alpha model in Taiwan market

陳心儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的為建立一套適用於台灣股市的主動式量化投資策略。本研究利用多因子 Alpha 模型為分析架構,試圖掌握多維度的股價影響因子,以資訊係數(Information Coefficient)、T-test of ICs、成功率(Success rate)以及 Quintile 累積報酬做因子有效性的檢定,篩選出穩定且有效解釋股價報酬的月頻率因子,再組合因子形成Alpha 股票評分,Alpha 可拆解成三部分,包括市場波動度、因子預測下一期報酬的能力以及因子的獲利能力。本論文以此評分做為股票投資權重的依據,建構一個以台灣中型 100 指數為標竿指數的投資組合。實證結果發現,此主動式量化投資策略能夠有效擊敗標竿指數,獲得平均每個月 3.7%的超額報酬。   本研究並嘗試以設定原始權重保留率的方法,控制追蹤誤差以降低週轉率與交易成本,實證結果發現,此方法可有效降低追蹤誤差,但隨著保留率提升,資訊比率(Information Ratio)與投資組合的超額報酬將降低。 / The objective of this study is to build an investment process of active quantitative stock selection model. In this study, we use the Alpha Multi-factor model to find a multitude of factors which are significantly relative to the stock return. The tests we conduct to select the factors that end up in the final multi-factor model are monthly Information Coefficient, T-test of ICs, success rate and quintile cumulative return. Then we examine how to optimally combine correlated factors and calculate the Alpha score for each stock for each period. Alpha is Volatility times IC times Score. Volatility is the cross-sectional volatility of the residual return. IC is the predictive power of the model. And Score are the cross-sectional scores for each stock. We utilize a simple method to construct the portfolio that uses the Alpha score to adjust the weight of component stocks in the benchmark. The empirical result reveals that this investment process successfully outperform the Taiwan Mid-Cap 100 Index benchmark. Moreover, this study tries to decrease the turnover rate and transaction costs by controlling the tracking error. We set the original weight retention rate of the benchmark to control the tracking error. The empirical result reveals that the method works. But as the retention rate rises, the Information ratio and the excess return drops.

台灣新移民女性生育狀況分析 / The Analysis of Fertility of Foreign Spouses in Taiwan

戴瑋葶, Tai, Wei Ting Unknown Date (has links)

網路商店產品數量與消費者偏好之研究 / Consumer preference with product assortments in on-line store

葉晴晴 Unknown Date (has links)
過去大部分研究都認為人們偏好多樣化的選擇,在商店內提供越多的商品,會吸引到更多的消費者來做購買。但近年來,消費者的購物環境充斥著各式各樣的不同資訊,在這樣的情況下,賣方如果再給消費者增加更多的產品選擇,是否有可能會使消費者的購物會產生障礙,而反而延遲消費者的購買行為?近幾年,紛紛有學者發現,產品多樣化所帶給消費者的效益有一定的限制,並不往往是「越多越好」,許多研究試圖找出影響消費者對商品數量偏好的因素,而其中有文獻指出,商店的評價差異,將會影響消費者對不同數量商店的偏好;另外,消費者做選擇前,是否已對產品存有特定的理想偏好,也可能會影響到消費者的選擇結果。 目前過去對消費者商品數量偏好的研究多以實體零售商店作為探討目標,而近幾年網路購物盛行,網路商店往往會提供消費者數量眾多的商品做選擇,因此本研究則改以網路商店作實驗探討,且參考過去文獻所探討之變數,加入不同產品類型來探討對消費者所造成的影響,此外也探討極大化程度對消費者偏好是否具有影響。 本研究結果則發現: 1. 有無理想選擇與產品類型對消費者不同品數量的偏好影響具有交互作用。 2. 當消費者購買的是享樂品時,有理想選擇的消費者會偏好產品數量較少的網路商店。 3. 當消費者購買的是實用品時,有理想選擇的消費者會偏好產品數量較多的網路商店。

"一次"在動詞性結構前的表義功能及影響因素 / Ideational functions of yi ci before verbal structures and factors influencing its interpretation

李家豪 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

德 (1919-45) 蘇 (1945-91) 海軍思想發展與比較研究

王俊評 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在透過歷史、戰略理論的哲學層次、以及海軍戰略等角度,藉由分析歷史文獻,研究德國與蘇聯在第一次世界大戰後的海軍思想發展過程,並比較兩者的異同。本文的目的在探討地理位置極為不利的陸權國家海軍思想特色所在,瞭解德蘇海軍發展的動機、矛盾、關鍵、結果,並發現兩者的異同。 本論文認為,德蘇海軍思想雖因國情與時代不同,使其內涵有所差異,但是受惡劣地理與艦隊數量劣勢兩因素的影響,使德蘇海軍思想的發展過程與其實際結果很類似,不過蘇聯海軍對傳統海軍戰略理論比德國海軍有較好的理解,也沒有受到基本性質不同的陸戰觀念的太大影響,再加上核武的幫助,因此其對傳統海權強國造成的威脅也就比德國更為嚴重;此外,兩者的結束方式不同,係因核武的嚇阻效果阻止了雙方真正爆發全面性衝突的緣故。 上述假設命題可以進一步解析為下列邏輯相關的子命題: (一)戰略思想的發展,與該國的地理位置有密切關係,陸海軍皆然。 (二)與假想敵軍事力量的強弱對比,可決定一國採取戰略攻勢或戰略守勢。 (三)古典海軍戰略理論雖有部分過時,但精華部分仍有永恆的價值,若不予重視,新戰略思想的發展容易往錯誤的方向邁進: 海軍戰略理論的重點在「制海權」這一至今仍為世界各國海軍尊奉的觀念,古典制海權理論經歷了近現代科學技術對戰爭造成的巨大變動仍為海軍界奉為圭臬,證明具有重要性與不可替代性,在發展新理論時必須對其有正確的瞭解,才有助於理論的正確性。 (四)陸戰觀念應用於海軍戰略理論的方向與程度,對於海軍戰略理論發展的正確性有很大的影響: 陸海軍戰略理論確有共通之處,但並不表示二者完全相似。過份應用陸戰觀念於海戰理論只會導致錯誤的結論,有害海戰理論的發展。


陳和全, CHEN,HE-QUAN Unknown Date (has links)
博奕理論(Game Theory) 由經濟學研究方法所導出: 公設人是理性的, 并以數學演繹 邏輯推演, 而建構出來的決策模型。由於邏輯系統嚴密, 同時大量采用數學語言, 降 低文字語意的模棱, 而使得政治學之研究更有朝向真正科學地步之新契機。無奈的, 這種新發展的政治模型, 在國外雖已進行三十餘年, 國內則尚在起步。本文企圖較有 系統地全面引介這種理論模型, 以便替國內博奕論研究催生。 本文內容偏次, 除了第一章敘述博奕理論之基本知識如理性公設、效用理論及博奕結 構, 第六章對博奕論之優缺及適用性做一總評外, 中間四章完全以討論各種決策法為 主。第二章探討均衡的策略選擇, 包括兩人博奕的單純及混合策略解求法; 第三章穩 定的可能策略組, 則以求解核心(Core)及穩定組(Stable Set)為主; 第四章聯盟間的 合縱連橫, 剖析數量原則(Size Principle)、議價組合(Bargaining Set)及競價解(C ompetitive Solution); 第五章公平的價值分配, 則就談判合解的得失值分配以及各 聯盟實力指標的權力指數進行探討。 在案例研究方面, 本文共列舉五個, 包括民國七十八年天安門學生運動之均衡解、臺 北市空氣污染的囚犯困境分析、民國七十六年民進黨黨主席之爭的核心解及權力指數 分析、西德政黨間的合縱連橫分析以及民國七十九年中正堂學生運動合作解分析。


王照明, WANG, ZHAO-MING Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源是會計師事務所最大昀資產,充足的人力是事務所生存的必要條件。長久以 來,會計師界一直深為過高的人員流動苦腦,然而,必須尋式一個成本效益均衡的點 ,本研究的目的即在探討事務所查帳人員的離職原因,以尋求改善偏高的人員離職率 ,並謀求事務所工作環境的改善。 本論文研究之自變數為:組織承諾、領導型態、角色壓力、工作滿足、人格特性,因 變數為人員的離職行為。 本研究直接從國內會計師事務所取得最近二年內離職人員名單,抽取150位受試者 寄發問卷,並對這些事務所一年以上之在職人員抽取150位受試者寄發問卷,以資 比較。 未研究採用的分析方法如下:簡單百分比及統量數、t 檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積 差相關、逐步迴歸等,以測試各自變數間彼此之關係,並獲得對因變數(離職行為) 的解釋能力,何者最大。

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