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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新創公司成長策略之研究— 以人才測評公司為例 / Aiming for Growth — The Case of a Talent Assessment Company

練竑初 Unknown Date (has links)
現代企業的勝敗關鍵在於人才之競爭,而人才測評不失為發掘與評價優質人力資源之有效方法。面對日趨激烈的企業競爭,本論文試圖從一間成立三年之人才測評新創公司的角度出發,探究此間公司在目前資源與能力有限的狀況下,如何因應外部環境變化與威脅,並在擴增資本額之後,如何強化自身實力,並突破企業自身內部限制,加速企業成長。 臺灣人才測評市場仍處於萌芽和初步發展階段,目前整體產業處於較為零散之結構,並無一個較大的領導者出現,專業人才測評的新創公司未來應有發展空間。本研究以此公司目前擁有的資源與能力,並配合測評產業現況,針對其營業額、公司規模、產品開發、公司商譽與公司政策,設定短、中期營運目標。並根據資源與能力優劣勢的分析,再利用STP鎖定年營收2億元至5億元的中型服務業為目標客戶,進而配合4P與4C的行銷產品組合,完成產品設計、定價組合方案、配置通路與全面強化推廣宣傳。再結合策略聯盟概念,期望提供客戶更全面之服務。並希望藉由擴增資本額,讓現階段資源與能力略顯不足的新創公司,擁有更大的企業能量,能更快速地成長與突破。


蕭文昌, Hsiao, wen-chang Unknown Date (has links)
當新創企業發展初期,競爭對手看不上你,等到企業成長到可能影響到整體市場占有率時,企業受到競爭對手的挑戰與攻擊便接踵而來。因此新創企業如何在策略發展上進行縝密佈局,將有助於企業順利通過死亡之谷,並持續往成長之路上邁進。 本研究試圖將茂迪的成功策略發展模式轉化為特定的目標及指標,建立適用於新創企業的平衡計分卡。在萌芽期時企業在取得營運所需的風險性資金後,在財務構面上發展的策略為降低營運所需的成本,及使資金做最有效運用,在客戶構面上如何取得客戶對產品的信賴,以及萌芽期夥伴信任關係的建立,在內部流程構面則以改進製程技術,著重技術研發為此時期的重點,另外藉由完善的服務爭取客戶的信任,在學習成長構面此時需要的是高素質人力及透過經驗學習提昇公司的創新能力與員工的生產力。 在成長期此時期的策略在財務構面是追求營收的成長 並積極開發新客戶及市場的成長,在顧客構面則在資本有限的情況下,發展最適合企業本身的利基市場,另外在內部流程構面藉由策略聯盟取得這時期所需的資源,在學習與成長構面訓練與發展策略性技能與專業能力是這時的重點。 在穩定期此時期在財務構面於集中市場取得所需的資金後,藉由上下游整合與購併等策略擴大企業的規模,在顧客構面在企業茁壯的同時仍兼顧營運風險管理追求股東權益極大化,在內部流程構面由專業代工走向自有品牌,藉由發展目標市場行銷提昇品牌價值,在學習與成長構面則以吸引及留住有技能的員工及透過知識管理使公司的理念與願景能貫徹實行。 新創企業相對於大企業而言,缺乏較明確的策略佈局,導致平衡計分卡在策略執行上的發揮效用有限,有鑑於此本研究試圖以新創企業成功的策略發展模式,結合平衡計分卡發展出適合新創企業導入平衡計分卡的參考架構,以期能對台灣新創企業的發展有所助益。

新創企業失敗之個案分析 / A Case Study of Start-up Company's Failure

黃嵩喬 Unknown Date (has links)
針對新創公司商業模式的研究,學術上一般會從成功企業的商業模式加以分析探討,較少針對失敗的新創公司進行研究,有鑒於此,本論文將以筆者創立的新創公司失敗案例為個案,以整合性的架構進行個案公司商業模式的分析,探討為何個案公司創業失敗,期望此失敗案例能作為借鏡,幫助往後之創業者於實務上進行商業模式設計及調整時能更全面的思考,以增加創業成功機會。基於此研究目的,本研究探討以下問題。 一、 探討個案公司之價值主張設計,分析為何無法達到預定成長 二、 探討個案公司之商業模式在設計及後續調整有何問題,導致創業失敗。 透過價值主張圖以及商業模式圖對個案公司創業各階段進行分析,本研究發現:個案公司之價值主張設計忽略了顧客最在意的痛點與獲益,價值不適配導致銷售狀況不佳;商業模式之收益流不足以支持各階段商業模式運作;商業模式的後續調整部分,其關鍵資源與關鍵活動並未隨著價值主張的改變而調整,維持之前商業模式設計,導致營運成本高昂,服務品質也受到影響。 本研究得到的結論如下: 一、 新創公司在價值主張設計上需注意其對顧客的重要性程度 二、 新創公司之商業模式所有構面應同步調整 三、 新創公司之商業模式需創造持續性收入的收益流

新創公司下之策略形成及平衡計分卡之設計及實施—以個案公司為例 / The Strategy Formation, the Design and Implementation of Balanced Scorecard in New Venture-A Case Study

呂詩涵, Lu, Shih Han Unknown Date (has links)
企業經營管理,最重要的是將策略一以貫之的落實與執行。藉由「整合性策略價值管理系統」將各種管理制度整合,用一以貫之的策略將使得企業上下異體同心,有了明確的策略方向形成,亦有正確且清楚的策略執行方案,透過衡量指標準確地評估績效,並且形成一種良性循環的回饋機制,協助組織落實策略,提升價值及競爭力。 本研究以個案研究的方式,透過整合性策略價值管理系統中的策略形成系統和策略執行系統,探討工業4.0為主軸之新創事業如何將策略聚焦,在策略形成系統中藉著使命、願景和價值觀之討論,並利用SWOT計分卡釐清方向以形成策略;再進入策略執行系統,以平衡計分卡將策略轉化為具體之行動,使得策略可以徹底落實於全體員工。 / The most important thing in business management is completing implementation and accomplishing achievement with one strategy from top to bottom in a company. “The integrative strategic value management system” is integrated with many kinds of management systems from top to bottom through one strategy. It does not only fulfill strategy formations and clear strategic action plans, but also accurately evaluates performance. Then, it becomes an excellent feedback system and helps companies to strengthen values and competitive advantage. The research was adopted in case-study method which uses industry 4.0 as a new venture. By integrating the strategy forming system and the strategy implementation system, the strategy forming system establishes missions, visions, and values. The system uses SWOT scorecard to build recognition; then, develops strategies. Later, the actions are implemented by the balanced scorecard. Therefore, the strategies become policies, and can be implemented by staff properly.

新興市場新創企業之商業模式創新-以中國新創企業為例 / Business Model Innovation in Emerging Markets: Startups in China

曾冠穎, Tseng, Kuan Ying Unknown Date (has links)


吳君立 Unknown Date (has links)
第一個由政府主導的創業競賽-科技部創新創業激勵計畫始於2013年。邁入第三年,已舉辦了六個梯次。根據科技新報指出,截至2015年4月,其中真正走向新事業發展的僅有38間。因此,本研究欲瞄準獲得優勝的參賽團隊,研究其在創業的歷程中面臨到什麼樣的改變因素,使得參賽團隊改變其方向。 本研究採用個案研究的方式,從FITI計畫歷屆獲得前十名優勝隊伍中挑選出四組作為研究個案,並搭配Timmons Model中所提到的「機會」「團隊」、「資源」及「動態關係」,透過這些面向來探討個案後續新創企業發展的改變因素,及如何與此理論相呼應。 研究結果發現,參與FITI計畫的創業團隊,其後續改變最主要的兩大原因為對未來機會拿捏的不確定性及團隊之間的不協調性;參照Timmons Model,可以很清楚地界定出創業團隊後續改變的因素為何;創業者對「機會」的可控程度為Timmons Model尚未考慮進的因素。 另外,針對研究結果亦提出建議給予未來參賽隊伍,及如何給予FITI計畫政策上的建議。對於參賽團隊而言,一切的因素如合作模式、股權分配等都應在事前談妥。而針對FITI計畫亦提出評審機制、白皮書、技轉三點未來可改進之建議。 / The first entrepreneurial contest held by government was the From IP to IPO (FITI) in 2013. FITI contest had held over two years, nearly 160 entrepreneurial teams, but only 38 of them established companies. Thus, this study aims to explore the reasons why these winning entrepreneurial teams change after the FITI contest. With the method of case study used in this study, four of the top ten winning entrepreneurial teams from over the past years had been chosen as case studies. And by the support of “Opportunity”, “Teams”, “Resources” and “Dynamic Relationships” from Timmons Model, this study aims to explore the reasons why these entrepreneurial team’s changing reasons, also to see how it fits in Timmons Model, and how it interacts with each other. This study finds out that the entrepreneurial teams change because of two reasons, which is the uncertainty to opportunity and the incoherence between team members. Next, the changing reasons can be clearly defined by the use of Timmons Model. Lastly, how much of the controlling power the team held to the opportunity, is one of the factors that Timmons Model had not been considered yet. Last but not least, this study also gave suggestions to the entrepreneurial teams that wanted to attend to FITI contest that everything like division of work should be negotiated at the very first place. On the other hand, three suggestions are also given out to FITI.

新創事業定位之研究 / Case Study of New Venture Position

吳佩殷, Wu, Pei-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
一個新興事業創建的初期,除了對外有營運上的挑戰,在內部還要面對資源分配、人員聘用以及財務上周轉等的基本營運問題,由於其缺少同產業上可仿效或是追隨的目標對象,使得創建時期潛藏的不確定因子往往比具有某種程度規模的組織來的更多。本研究以本研究者和其團隊在2006年年底所創立之公司為研究對象,從綠色光電產業市場中的初級資料和次級資料,以質性研究方法,探討下面三面向之問題 (機會、團隊與資源):L公司在綠色光電的產業中之未來營運機會為何?在L公司發展過程中,團隊的核心能力為何?L公司如何在外界的環境中善用現有資源?如何找到他們? 結合的方式為何? 本研究是藉由夏恩博士於2005年所著「科技創業聖經」,原名為「尋找肥沃田地 – 為新事業辨視絕佳的機會」(Finding Fertile Ground – Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures) 書中的十個章節與L公司發展過程做一檢視,在機會的面向:選擇正確的產業、找出有價值的機會、管理科技演變、鎖定市場的真正需求、及了解顧客採用行為;團隊的面向: 管理智慧財產權與選擇正確的組織結構;資源的面向:利用既有公司的弱點、將報酬導向創新與管理風險和不確定性,以這十個面向為經,並利用Jeffry A.Timmons和 Stephen Spinelli在2003年所著的New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for 21st Century創業三構面 (機會、團隊與資源)為緯,將研究與實務做一比較,找出L公司下一步的方向與策略。 本研究發現,L公司在經由上述的檢討與行動修正後,能找到適當的利基點,正確掌握公司的核心能力,並隨著動態環境的改變適時作出調整,降低營運的風險。 / A new intention venture who builds up in the early stage faces the challengues not only the outsides operation, but how to solve the resources allocation, employee recruitment and finance issues…etc. Because this kind of new intention ventures are lack of the benchmark in the same industry, which make much more uncertain factors than in large scale companies. This research adopts researcher herself company, L Company, which is founded in the end of 2006 as the case study. We want to explore the following 3 dimention questions (Opportunities, Team and Resources) in green lighting industry with initial data and second level data, and use inductive research method. The three questions are: 1. What’s the future opportunity for L Company in the green lighting industry? 2. What’s the core competency from L company’s team in its developing process? 3. How to utilize the current resources in outsides environment for L Company? And how to find them and what are the methods to leverage them? This research approach applies Scott A. Shane’s theory framework – Finding Fertile Ground - Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures to review L company ‘s operation, and adopt Jeffry A.Timmons and Stephen Spinelli’s theory - New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for 21st Century to make the comparison of research and physical operation, and find out the next step for L company’s direction and strategy. Within this study, we find L Company can find its own niche market, control well her competition capibility through above items’ review and action adjustment and can reduce its operation risk with change in dynamic environment.

新創企業創業團隊關係研究 / A study of relationship of startup company partners

吳梓川, Wu, Zi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球越來越多人和資源投入到新創企業的活動中,創業活動逐漸成為一個國家發展的助力,不僅對經濟發展和社會成長有幫助,對提升就業力和國家創新能力也至關重要。創業過程中關鍵因素之一的創業團隊成員,也越來越受到世界各地學者的重視和研究。但作為一個新的研究領域,依然有很多的不足。如何讓創業者能準確挑選適合自己的創業團隊并維繫團隊成員之間的關係是創業過程中的核心問題。團隊成員關係直接影響了創業團隊的表現,而創業團隊的表現直接影響新創企業的績效。 本研究對已有研究和文獻進行了梳理,總結和評論,針對創業團隊成員的個人特質,挑選因素,成員間的異質性,團隊組成因素,創業團隊成員關係維持,特殊合夥人關係,股權分配以及退出策略八個層面,開展了探討台灣創業環境下創業者及創業團隊成員關係維繫為主題的研究。研究發現以下幾點對關係維繫是正向作用的:創業前確認彼此的信任關係,創業團隊成員具有優秀的特質,創業前明確職責和權利,團隊成員之間願景一致且能力互補,合理分配股權。未來,在本研究的基礎上,還可繼續探究優秀個人特質之間的關係,創業團隊成員的溝通方式,成員的異質性對彼此關係的影響,以及產業細分后的創業團隊成員關係。希望對創業團隊成員關係的研究,能補充現有創業研究的不足,擴大創業理論的研究範圍,給創業者和投資人更多的指導性建議。 / With more and more startups around the globe, entrepreneurship has become a key to the national development, not only to economic development and social growth, also to improving the employment and national innovation capability. One of the key factors of entrepreneurship is the business partner matching. Partner matching has drawn more and more scholars’ attention and research around the world. But as an emerging research area, there are still some theoretical and practical questions worth investigating. How to make sure that an entrepreneur can accurately select a partner that is suitable for the business and how to maintain the relationship between the partners are the core issues in an entrepreneurial practice. In this study, I conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature related to the relationships of business partners. Drawn lights from the literature, this study discussed 8 key variables such as the individual characteristics of the partners, the selection of the partners, heterogeneity among the partners, the factors of the partnership team, the relationship maintenance of partners, the special partner relationship, the distribution of the shares and the withdrawal strategy of the partners. This research grounds itself on the relationship maintenance between entrepreneurs and partners in Taiwan's entrepreneurial environment. The study found that the following aspects are positive for the maintenance of partner relationships: mutual trust among the partners before the partnership, the constructive characters of partners, the clear sense of liability and rights before the partnership, the accordant of the vision and the complementary ability, and the rational allocation of equity. In the future, we will continue exploring the relationship among individual characters, the communication among partners, the impact of partners’ heterogeneity on partnership, and the partnership after industry segmentation. By studying the partner relationship, this study casts light on supplementing the existing research of entrepreneurship, expanding the scope of research on entrepreneurial theory, and giving more practical guidance to entrepreneurs and investors.

網路產業之新創事業如何將個人能力轉換成組織能力-以吸收能耐之觀點 / How to transfer individual capability to organizational capacity in new startup company – Perspective of Absorptive Capacity theory

黃慈宛, Huang, Tzu Wan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來網路產業快速成長,本研究希望以網路產業中的「APP行動應用程式產業」出發,探討這些提供行動應用服務的新創團隊,在各創建階段時期的資源取得與內化,透過創業者給予的建議以及資料整理與分析,提供未來欲創業的網路創業家參考。由於新創事業的團隊人數較為精煉,公司規模也尚未建立,初期所探討的資源具有人身依附性,資源與知識主要專屬在員工身上。本研究透過實證研究,在新創事業成長的各個不同的階段,探討隨著組織的調整,公司要如何將員工自身的能力與資源有效地傳遞給團隊其他成員,並且最終內化成為組織內部所屬的資源。 為了深入了解轉換過程進而獲得實證結果,本研究採取個案分析方法,針對網路產業的創業家進行一對一訪談為主,從創辦人與合夥人,分別就公司不同資源應用上一一詢問。完整訪談過後經由整理、比較,以吸收能耐理論的獲取、吸收、轉換、應用為架構,以求歸納出各資源轉換成組織資源過程以及後續應用創新 研究結果顯示,在將上述無形資源轉換成組織所擁有的過程中,新創公司最先採取的都是資料庫的建立,然而形式化的歸檔動作只是一種初期的手段,只有真正讓這些「資源」,針對其獨特性有效地流動於組織中,才可能後續為公司帶來真正的創新與應用。新創事業應該把握此時組織靈活的優勢,越快找到適合公司的商業模式,越能快速的從生存期進到成功期,而研究中也針對不同的資源屬性,深入探討其轉換與應用中的不同之處。

法籍創業家在台灣創業之動機 / Motivations of French entrepreneurs to start a business in Taiwan

方若蜜, Fontaine, Romy Unknown Date (has links)
This paper investigates French entrepreneurs’ motivations to start a business in Taiwan as well as what they find most satisfying and challenging in the process. The data used for the research was collected from interviews of 11 French entrepreneurs and 4 foreign entrepreneurs. The results show that there are two groups of French entrepreneurs: those who came to Taiwan with the intention of starting a business and those who were already in Taiwan before starting a business. The key findings are the following: even if the two groups have different personal motivations to first come to Taiwan, on average, French start a business in Taiwan because of the business opportunities of the country. Indeed, most of them started a business in a niche market. The analysis shows that French and foreigners have the same motivations to start a business in Taiwan. French entrepreneurs are satisfied about the rapidity of business creation and the help received from many people. They also acknowledge the growing startup community but highlight that there are still a lot to be done in order to improve the foreign startup ecosystem.

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