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組織能力之移轉與新創—以台商赴大陸投資為例 / Transferring and Creating Organization Capabilities - take Taiwan enterprises' investing in Mainland China for an example蔡忠佑, Tsai, Chung-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所提出之動態能力觀點,不僅適用於學術上之研究,亦能給予產業界些許建議。第一,由母國移往地主國之移轉模式是否與該企業核心能力之技術特質相對應。第二,對於地主國企業之所有權擁有程度是否與移轉模式之選擇相對應。第三,欲前往之區域其鑽石體系是否能提供該企業未來策略擬定之支持。第四,內銷導向之企業,對於法令之知曉程度需較外銷導向之企業靈通。第五,瞭解自身處於產業價值鏈之位置,並且對於企業本身所能提供之價值單元做一界定,使得赴大陸投資之動機與核心能力相互呼應與搭配。此外,本研究亦對後續研究之學者提出部分建議。第一,往後可針對企業單一核心能力(如生產能力)作動態能力之分析,可收專精且深入之效。第二,未來研究學者可接續探討能力移轉後,對地主國產業或企業之擴散效應。第三,研究可始自核心能力在母國之形成與背後之原因,如此可與移轉後能力需修正之原因相互對應,或許所研究出之成果,更值得產業界作為赴大陸投資前之參考。 / Abstract
Core capabilities are the basic elements by which an enterprise could survive in the competitive business field. However, the violent variation of the environment makes the innate core capabilities of the enterprise face the challenge. Therefore, the academic community proposes “rigidity core capabilities” and “invalidity of core capabilities” to explain why the enterprises’ inability to face the variation of environment would occur. Nowadays, it has been a fever that more and more Taiwan’s entrepreneurs invest in Mainland China. The trend is also definitely revealed by the headline of the magazine such as “should we move westward to Mainland China or go forward by ourselves rooting in Taiwan?” Could core capabilities, which the enterprises implement in Taiwan, still sustain competitive advantages when transferring in Mainland China while transferred into local branches in Mainland China? Or is it possible that core capabilities may be transferred slightly to suit the measure to local conditions and could become more effective in the new region.
The theorem of dynamic capabilities, evolving from core capabilities, highly emphasizes and deeply concerns that the ability of adjusting capabilities to fit in the variation of the environment. There are lots of debates over the capabilities transferring models, which is based on differences of the political, social, cultural, and educational factors. In an attempt to clarifying the modification path of business knowledge, this research adopts two business knowledge adjusting methods: nature modification and process modification.
Basing on scholars’ concerning research documents, this research generates the new definition of dynamic capabilities: core capabilities, environment variations, and time variables. In this research, originally-existed core capabilities, with corporations investing in or joint ventures in the host countries, will be modified to adjusting into current circumstances. This process, which modified core capabilities of the organization to adopt different environments, is so-called “dynamic capabilities”. This definition could find out the process of the dynamic variation, which is from core capabilities in the past to modified ones. This research discusses those who invest in Mainland China and there are 5 cases totally. The analytic process of these cases is in a logical way. Starting from finding out the objective of investing in Mainland China and then look for theirs’ core capabilities in Taiwan. When transferring capabilities to Mainland China, Taiwan enterprises’ modified capabilities for fitting into the different environments would be found out. The last part, capabilities created for local conditions would be described and discussed.
The objective of the 5 cases in this research all concerns about the cost and market issues. After analyzing these companies, we could obtain the proposition: if the complexity of technical knowledge of transferring core capabilities is higher, the tendency of transferring model would be direct investment; if the ownership of the investing company is higher, the level of transferring capabilities would be higher; if the environment of host country is more complex, the level of capabilities modified and created would be higher; if the performance of supporting and related industry is worse, the level of capabilities modified would be higher. Besides, the different places on the industry value chain would affect the objective of investing in host country.
The dynamic capabilities perspective proposed by this research not only suits for academic community, but also could give some suggestion for industrial circles. First of all, is the transferring model highly related to the technical characteristic of core capabilities? Secondly, is the level of ownership of host enterprise highly related to transferring model? Thirdly, does the supporting and related industry of that area support enterprise’s future strategy? Fourthly, enterprises selling in the host country should learn more about the legal issues than exporting enterprises. Fifthly, to understand which place enterprises themselves are in the industry value chain and which value unit they could offer to fit in the objective of investing in Mainland China. Besides, this research also proposes some suggestion for future scholars. Firstly, they could analyze dynamic capabilities for the single core capability, such as production capabilities which are usually competitive advantages of Taiwan enterprises. Secondly, diffusing effect for host industry after capabilities transferring could be discussed. Thirdly, future researches could start from finding out the forming reason of core capabilities and then compare to the objective of investing in Mainland China. Therefore, the result would be more practical for Taiwan enterprises’ reference before investing in Mainland China.
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電腦散熱系統產業新創事業個案研究~個案公司的創立、成長與將來孫殿鈞, Sun,Tien-chun Unknown Date (has links)
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投資於巴拉圭新創企業之信託基金 / Trust to invest in early stage businesses in paraguay何凱平, Cañete, Hector Unknown Date (has links)
The “Trust to Invest in Early Stage Businesses” is a government project based in a public bank of Paraguay. This “Trust” aims to become the first and the best landmark of “Angel Investor” to foster entrepreneurial culture and help in the development of the stock market and the economy of the country.
There is no similar fund in the market, therefore there is no regulation about this type of investment; as a consequence, the “Trust” will start to work with the institutions in charge to establish the basis for this new industry.
The special purpose of the “Trust” is to target the most vulnerable of the businesses, the seed and the start-up stages. Those segments are not covered by the banks or any other financial institution.
This project is an opportunity for the government to foster the “Inclusive Economic Growth” that is one of the pillars of the “National Development Plan 2014-2030” because start-ups maybe are small companies but they can play a significant role in the economic growth.
I believe that the “Trust” will receive back his investment with profit, so, there will be more money to invest in early stage businesses and the cycle will continue.
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大宗物資 進口代理商之個案分析 / Case study of commodity agent/broker余永明 Unknown Date (has links)
近年有關台灣中小企業的[新創]概念與實行蓬勃發展,是我國經濟發展的嶄新驅動力。從零開始的創業打拼過程,再再充分展現我國創業者的活力與韌性,更代表了島國台灣的強大不服輸的精神。世界經濟的發展和科技的演變,使創業模式更加多元化,然而面對國際競爭日趨激烈的經貿競爭環境,使得創業的挑戰更勝以往,尤其是中小企業要如何生存以及如何以小搏大,而能夠立足台灣放眼國際 ? 已是創新與創業最不可忽略的關鍵因素之一。
如何做到最成功最賺錢的”小企業”。 理論上這一個小企業通常是結合較低的開銷和啟動成本再加上特殊專業的技能和十足的運氣。以下本文所討論到的新創產業故事, 將深入剖析固中成功元素的關鍵 。
由於日益全球化和自由化的經濟大環境,使得21世紀的商業市場變得更具競爭性以及透明性。 再加上競爭威脅的經濟脆弱性不斷迫使小型商業
另外我們將討論到小企業如何在競爭的環境裡突破,那麼他們在經營的策略上可能必須要有何種[創新能力]以及[破壞力] ? ,唯有強大的[破壞力]才能夠在大型競爭對手環伺的情況下突圍並且迅速在極短的時間內攻城掠地。
中小型企業在經營的時候多半偏向於只思考如何跟平行的同業競爭而忽略了自己真正能夠生存的最重要條件 : 應該是思考在客戶面前的 "最佳被利用價值" ?! 也唯有提供客戶不同於競爭對手的更佳"被利用價值" 藉由客戶的提攜以及賞識才能夠讓新創或者小型企業迅速的成就交易,如果能夠不斷的站在客戶的立場提供專屬於每一個客戶需要的服務,那麼在一次一次的交易之後自然而然新創企業的地位與重要性迅速的被提升,最後至於同行之間的競爭問題也無需再多做過份的擔憂。
最後本論文的重點裡面也會討論到如何將本業創新經營的模式直接引用到其他行業、品項的可行性 ? 假使轉移性高且能夠得到成功 ,那麼表示這一個經營模式是可以被大部分的行業所利用 ,對一個生活在丸爾小島的台灣的我們而言 ,我們一直缺乏各式天然資源 ,因此如果能夠在世界產業鏈裡利用特殊的新創服務來介入國際貿易 ,並爭取到較好的收入 ,想必更值得讀者們參考與沈思。
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深度旅遊的價值共創之研究—以趣吧旅行社為例 / A study of value co-creation in in-depth travel industry: the case of Tripbaa online travel agency汪峻濋, Wang, Joseph Unknown Date (has links)
結論五、深度旅遊業者會透過有效的風險告知與危機處理機制來提升顧客的實際服務感受。 / Internet service and mobile computing changing the patterns of the consumer behavior. Consumer or customer are more willing to share their experiences and opinions because of advances in technology, and their role in value-adding process has changed. Customers and enterprises create more value by co-production. In the highly competitive tourism market, emphasizing the depth of travel experience demands of tourism has also been a great impact. This study explores the value of in-depth tourism and the connotation of value co-creation; and study the case of Tripbaa on-line travel agency. The main conclusions are as follows:
1.The deeper the observation and the humanistic accomplishment of the employees of the in-depth travel industry, the more services they design and develop can highlight the characteristics and value of in-depth travel.
2.In-depth tourism customers, if more in line with industry-defined target customer base, the more able to get new knowledge, experience, and ego-enhancement.
3.In-depth travel agency create value through the expectations of the service and the actual experience of service management.
4.In value co-creation, travel agency will make good use of experts as an important interactive interface, and enhance the value which created by travel experience of customers and travel experts.
5.In-depth travel agency will be through effective risk notification and crisis management mechanism to enhance the customer's actual service experience.
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從價值網絡觀點探討新創事業策略選擇評估 / To assess the strategies of new business from the value-net perspective黃勝桓, Huang, Sunway Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由Brandenburge & Nalebuff (1995)的『價值網絡』(Value Net)模型來探討企業之新創事業如何在所屬的『價值網絡』中,依其策略性定位採取與同一網絡中的其他價值競逐者或合作或競爭的合縱連橫,以遂行其為事業創造顧客價值之目的。
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台灣GPS廠商創業的經營管理之研究---以新禾航電股份有限公司為例 / A study of a Taiwanese enterprise GPS Firms' operation and management ---A case of San Jose Technology,Inc.陳明發, Chen, Ming Fa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之個案雖屬高科技公司,但經過學理之印證後,可發現其經營管理之方法也離不開文獻之範疇,主要是採用Timmons及 Shane之創業模式來加以剖析,雖然研究者將Timmons之模式運用於創業前期,而將Shane之模式運用於創業後期,或許有些牽強,但目的是為了方便敘述,好讓讀者容易理解。
一、 新創公司創業前期的管理作法為何?
二、 新創公司創業後期的管理作法為何?
一、 新創公司在創業前期會善用其核心能耐以尋找商機,同時以外部資源取用補足內部資源及能力之不足,並加強創業團隊成員之專長互補與共識,提高創業成功的機會。
二、 新創公司在創業後期之技術管理上會著重利基性及差異性之思維,在行銷管理上會以客戶需求為導向,在組織管理上則會特別重視風險管理並適時網羅人才以增強組織的陣容,並以創新來提高報酬。 / The newly start-up company will face the different management difficulties during the starting period. The study distinguished the start-up period into Earlier Period of the Start-up and the Later Period of the Start-up.
The selecting company of the thesis is classified as the high-tech industry. We use the Timmons Model to analyze the Earlier Period of the Start-up, and use the Model of Scott A. Shane to analyze the Later Period of the Start-up.
The main research questions of the thesis are :
1. What’s the right management method in the Earlier Period of the Start-up Company?
2. What’s the right management method in the Later Period of the Start-up Company?
The conclusions of the research are:
1. In the Earlier Period, the company must (1) make a good use of its core competency to catch the good chance, (2) use the external resources to strengthen the lack of the internal resources or capability, (3) strengthen and increases the complementarity of the abilities of the start-up entrepreneurial team.
2. In the Later Period, the company must (1) focus on the niche market and attach importance to the differentiation on the Technology Management issue, (2) take the customer demand-oriented method as the principal on the Marketing Management issue, (3) pay attention to the risk management, recruit the talented person or team on the Organizational Management issue.
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以維興公司為例探討美國新創公司的技術仲介服務王維漢, Wang, Timothy Unknown Date (has links)
結論六:全世界都在鼓勵創新,國家的競爭力表現於創新與創業教育的養成。 / Most companies in Taiwan are belong to young SMEs, their business model is known for everybody and mainly the foundry model, there is no technology and market uncertainties. It is indeed a great challenge from the production foundry jumping into the knowledge based US startups. Since the dissymmetry from both sides are huge there exist a need for others to bridge the gap. Technology broker links buyer and seller in the area of open innovation. It is also one of the sources of innovation opportunities. WH International currently focused on four different technologies, including both B2B and B2C products. But whether it is B2B and B2C, market pull and technology push in the field of technology brokers are also to be taken seriously.
From the related literatures survey, based on a technology transfer company, this study is to promote the technology sales (the seller) and management of technology uncertainty, to help (the seller) to manage and reduce market uncertainty, to meet market demands of the technology broker, and compose the three dimensions of framework: the seller, the buyer and the broker. This research adopts case study method to analyze the practice of the case company. The research results are as below.
1. The selection factors of a successful technology broker facing technology vendor should consider (1) ecosystem of start ups (2) the dynamic management of start ups (3) the choice of start ups (4) the management of start ups.
2. The management of technology buyers from a successful broker should take into consideration of(1) the user's cognitive and social atmosphere (2) the absorptive capacity of users (3) innovation and the diffusion (4) reduce uncertainty of market.
3. The successful factors for technology broker include (1) the value-added capability (2) the commitment to technology (3) patents / technology development to increase value-added services to suppliers (4) innovation of business strategy and new business development.
4. Technical brokering is a part of knowledge management. Technology broker links buyers and sellers in open innovation while it is also one of the sources of innovation opportunities.
5. Technology Transfer Center of the ITRI is the clear leader of technology services industry in Taiwan. There also existed some small private firms that handled intellectual property transactions.
6. Innovation is encouraged worldwide and national competition is reflected in the cultivation of innovation and entrepreneurship education.
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新創事業掌握創業機會與調整營運模式之探索性研究 / Seizing Entrepreneurial Opportunities and adapting Business Models of New Ventures: An Exploratory Research蘇惟宏, Su, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路(Internet)於1990年代中期蓬勃發展以來,營運模式(business model, BM)成為創投業者(venture capitalists, VCs)評估新興dotcom廠商能否在競爭中勝出的準則。從相關文獻指出,成功的營運模式不僅可形塑新產業,甚且重新分配新價值。因此,營運模式對廠商在市場的持續競爭力,求取生存與成長,具有重大的影響。
從個案研究發現與分析,廠商必須面對環境、技術及競爭者等不確定性因素,廠商的營運模式須從外部不確定性因素中,發現具有利基的創業機會,也就是:廠商須提出能夠打造具利基市場之定位與地位之「價值主張」,以及提供生存與成長的動能之「獲利能耐」。從本研究發現與分析萃取出4個營運模式要素,亦即:廠商必須能夠擁有與動員「關鍵資源與能力」;建立「網絡與平台分享機制」;注重能夠產生領導趨勢、深度體驗及高築障礙之「產品/服務之設計與品質」;充分發揮擴展共創雙贏之「在地智慧」。然而,營運模式在動態的環境中,並非一成不變,廠商必須持續透過「配適、校準、嘗試錯誤及快速商品化」之動態調整機制,才可讓營運模式具有與時俱進的持續競爭力。 / In mid of 1990’s, the era of Internet booming, business models (BMs) had become the most important evaluation tools of venture capitalists to emerging dotcoms whether they can be successful competition from the market or not. From the literature review, it showed that the successful BM not only had reshaped the whole industry, but also had redistributed billions of dollars of value. For above reasons, BMs heavily influence to firms’ performance for getting survival and growth in competitive markets.
The competitive nature of markets presents a dynamic characteristic. Under this circumstance, this research tries to explore the architecture of BM that is with the adapting mechanisms to a dynamic and competitive market. The research employs case study methodology and conducts 6 new venture cases. The first research question is to explore new ventures how to seize entrepreneurial opportunities. It can be found out new ventures how to confront uncertainties including environments, technologies, and competitors, which construct antecedents of BMs. From research findings, there are two antecedents, one is value propositions which make firms to craft a special position in a niche market, and the other is profitability capabilities. The second research question is to explore new ventures how to build up BMs and adapt to the dynamic settings. Extracting of case studies findings, there are four elements, including key resources and capabilities, sharing mechanism in network and platform, design and quality in products/services, local intelligence. Also, from the research findings, there are four mechanisms of dynamic adaptation, including alignment, fit, trial and error, and commercialization.
In the dynamic markets, the optimal status to BMs is to adapt and renew automatically. On one hand, it makes firms to sense and seize opportunities which are coming from external uncertainties; on the other hand, firms have to keep their BMs on the right trajectory with mechanisms of dynamic adaptation. BMs with adapting mechanisms can make firms keep competitive advantages.
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材料表面處理技術的創業規劃及經營探討 / A study on the entrepreneurial plan and management for surface treatment of materials葉信宏, Yeh,shinn horng Unknown Date (has links)
創業管理 / A start-up at the beginning often encounters the following challengers: resources are insufficient; the order has not been big enough; customer's relation has not been set up well; the technology and the product is immature; the management has not been put in place yet; the market is uncertain, and so on. No matter the new company is operating in Taiwan or the mainland china, it will face high risk, particularly in the period of 3rd to 5th year after its establishment.
Therefore, this research aims to study the entrepreneurial plans and managements for the material surface treatment technology, including how to make a business activity plan well in the entrepreneurial fermentation stage? how to do a better survival strategy promotion in the starting survival stage? and how to become profitable in the management arrangement stage. The purpose to let the new enterprise pass each stage sufferings by effectively analyzing, planning and completing action tasks under the different periods.
The findings showed that the company needs to complete the analysis and the plan prior to the activity of entrepreneurship in the entrepreneurial fermentation stage. Besides providing with the opportunities for value added, the start-up needs to provide with “the customer value”, such as “price”, “quality”, “speed”, and “the satisfied demand” to provide, and to possess “the entrepreneurial key element” including “the technology, the product or the service”, “the human or the team”, “the fund”, and “the customer relations”.
In the starting survival stage, the enterprise could implement the three key actions of survival strategy to survive smoothly. It is proven that a better survival orientation for a newly created enterprise is to have an appropriate position in product/service or business model, to utilize fewer resources/expenses, and to link with a wider network. In addition, the right strategy for a newly created enterprise in the starting survival stage is the selective or gradual focus strategy, if the marketing activities of product/service have the very high uncertainty at the beginning of the undertaking in the region or the market. The analysis from three key elements of survival strategy obtains result all for disadvantageous situation, but resources already in advance investment situation. The best management strategy is adapted to the strategy of withdrawal.
A newly creation enterprise has gone through the starting survival stage, the advancement of operating profit should be produced to last for long enduring survival. The present paper proposed four key elements of management maintenance as a main management target from the advancement's angle of operating profit, which including to reduces the operational risk and cost elements and to increase the operational value and income elements. Therefore, the new enterprise could carry out the four key elements of operating profit advancement to get “the profit”, which would let enterprise have the opportunity to last forever.
Keywords:Newly Created Enterprise, Entrepreneurial Plan, Survival Strategy, Profit Advancement, Surface Treatment, Entrepreneurial Management,
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