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服務導向架構網路服務整合金融資產帳戶之研究張宏斌, Chang , Hung Pin Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的興起,改變了使用者的消費習慣,顧客可以透過網路使用金融服務,也使得越來越多的金融機構投入發展網路銀行,提供顧客一次購足服務(One-Stop-Service/Shopping)、多樣化金融服務通道(Service Channel)及24小時全年無休服務等金融交易方式。但是,使用者對於網路銀行仍有安全上的考慮,擔心網站業者盜用其帳號或駭客入侵等問題。另一方面,由於各家銀行的帳戶資料與其它家銀行不相同,資料標準不一致,以致難以動態整合帳戶,遲遲無法提供整合帳戶的報表。
歸納本研究成果在於:(1)透過XML和網路服務等相關技術,達成金融機構資訊交換。(2)採用服務導向架構,動態搜尋服務與動態配置帳戶欄位,達到金融跨行帳戶彙整。(3)提供整合性客戶端帳戶整合報表。 / The rising of the Internet has changed user-consuming behaviors, and the customers could use the financial services with the Internet. Therefore, more and more financial institutions develop their banking websites to provide their customers One-Stop-Service/Shopping, Service Channels, and service around the year. Still the customers take the website security into consideration, such as account misappropriation by the website broker, hacker invasion, and so on. Besides, account data of a bank are different from the others, so that it is hard to integrate their account to provide entire aggregate account reports.
This thesis applies the Services Oriented Architecture of Web Service and integrates customers’ asset account to resolve the above problems. The financial institutions publish their web services into Universal, Description, Discovery and Integration, and the customers can receive their account financial data to present aggregate account report through the combination of the account attributes name within the common platform. This design framework can ensure that the financial institutions will transfer account financial data to the end clients without other brokers.
The contributions of this thesis are (1) the accomplishment of the data exchange in financial institutions through XML, Web Services, etc., (2) the adoption of Services Orient Architecture to dynamically search services and allocate account attributes in order to integrate the cross banking accounts, and (3) the supply of the aggregate accounts for end clients.
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服務導向企業中之資訊科技與企業契合度之評估 / Assessing IT-business alignment in service-oriented enterprises蕭祥恩, Hsiao, Shiang En Unknown Date (has links)
Nowadays more and more enterprises transform into service-oriented infrastructure to sustain their competitive advantage. Although IT is an enabler of service-orientation, IT must align with business strategies to deliver expected value. In order to ensure the investment of service-oriented IT can improve the quality of customer service effectively, we aim to develop an IT-business alignment framework to assess the quality of alignment in the context of service-oriented enterprises. In our framework we propose three components of IT-business alignment: strategic alignment, operational alignment and social alignment. The strategic alignment is the degree to which the business process and information can support corporate service strategies. The operational alignment is the degree to which information systems fulfill the information and process needs of service orientation. The social alignment is the degree to which a common service climate is shared between IT and business units.
Our data is collected from web questionnaires. The total data set constitutes a representative sample of n=300. Among all returned questionnaires, 96 were found to be complete and usable; this represented a response rate of 32 percent. From this research we get four conclusions: (1) Regardless of customer integration level, strategic alignment plays a significant role in improving customer service quality. (2) Strategic alignment is particularly influential to customer service quality when the enterprise is not service-oriented. (3) Operational alignment is not significant; however with the increasing of data integration level, enterprises increasingly emphasize the operational alignment. (4) Regardless of service-orientation; social alignment effectively helps enterprises make good customer service quality and retain customers. / Nowadays more and more enterprises transform into service-oriented infrastructure to sustain their competitive advantage. Although IT is an enabler of service-orientation, IT must align with business strategies to deliver expected value. In order to ensure the investment of service-oriented IT can improve the quality of customer service effectively, we aim to develop an IT-business alignment framework to assess the quality of alignment in the context of service-oriented enterprises. In our framework we propose three components of IT-business alignment: strategic alignment, operational alignment and social alignment. The strategic alignment is the degree to which the business process and information can support corporate service strategies. The operational alignment is the degree to which information systems fulfill the information and process needs of service orientation. The social alignment is the degree to which a common service climate is shared between IT and business units.
Our data is collected from web questionnaires. The total data set constitutes a representative sample of n=300. Among all returned questionnaires, 96 were found to be complete and usable; this represented a response rate of 32 percent. From this research we get four conclusions: (1) Regardless of customer integration level, strategic alignment plays a significant role in improving customer service quality. (2) Strategic alignment is particularly influential to customer service quality when the enterprise is not service-oriented. (3) Operational alignment is not significant; however with the increasing of data integration level, enterprises increasingly emphasize the operational alignment. (4) Regardless of service-orientation; social alignment effectively helps enterprises make good customer service quality and retain customers.
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服務導向架構投資專案的轉換策略:應用實質選擇權 / Switching strategy of service-oriented architecture investment project:applying real option approach馮秉義, Feng, Ping Yi Unknown Date (has links)
More and more enterprises plan to switch their legacy system to service-oriented architecture (SOA). SOA, the focus of recent software-engineering, modulizes the IT components as “services” which could be re-jointed with each other flexibly and reused to avoid building parts repeatedly. This methodology also yields network externalities (Katz and Shapiro 1986; Markus 1987) as a number of services are integrated. An enterprise could increase the number of services to earn network externalities but such benefits come with risks. / This study aims to evaluate the investment of SOA and justifies the switch of current systems to SOA. Since SOA investment is usually a long-term and risky project for most enterprises, uncertainty becomes an important evaluation factor of an SOA project. This research applies the real option approach to evaluate an SOA switching project which majorly justifies the uncertainties, and use Monte-Carlo simulation to do the option pricing work. We consider three components of uncertainty in the model– risk, exercise time and number of connecting services for reusing- and evaluate how the uncertainty relates to the value of an SOA project. Finally, this research deduces the investment strategies under uncertainties, and describes what advantages for real option SOA has which are SOA could reduce the investment friction.
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雲端運算SOA服務平台架構與運作機制之研究 / A study of cloud computing SOA service platform architecture and operation mechanism蔡鈞華, Tsai, Chun Hua Unknown Date (has links)
最後本研究藉由發展金融發票融資之應用,以說明本服務平台之可行性與整合外部雲端運算服務的優越性,以及未來研究方向。 / Cloud Computing heralds an evolution of business, this creates a research question on how to integrate enterprise information service and external Cloud Computing resource. Information service big players like Google, IBM and HP, providing powerful Cloud Computing ability and application environment. However, when enterprises adopt Cloud Computing architectures proposed recently, and transfer applications and data to external platform arouses the problems of management authority shifting and information security.
We proposed a 4-layer service platform and related operation mechanism that incorporates Google Cloud Computing environment and Service Oriented Architecture in a sense to provide new paradigm of system development. Service Combination Mechanism connects service consumer, service provider and service menu. Resource Allocation Mechanism provides loading balance, parallel processing and fault-tolerant features. Data Control Mechanism only authorizes the necessary part of data to avoid the risk of information security. Management Mechanism implements AAA protocol.
Service Interface Layer utilizes the advantage of open platform and reduces the burden of interface development. Control Center Layer connect service providers and service requesters, while handling service flow and using the resource of external cloud computing and data center. Service Provider Layer reserves the management authority and ownership of the data resources. Infrastructure Layer assemble service framework, computing ability and storage resource that are provided by Cloud Computing providers. We believed that with the 4-layers service platform proposed in this paper, one can leverage the advantages and merits of Cloud Computing architecture.
Finally, by developing a invoice financing case based on proposed platform, we are able to justify the service platform’s feasibility and its advantage with the use of cloud computing.
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探索企業導入服務導向架構(SOA)影響因素之研究 / Factors affecting the adoption of Service Oriented Architecture in enterprises: an exploratory study李盈儒, Lee, Ying-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
(略) / Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm is an emerging architectural blueprint which enables flexible process-oriented application systems. While more and more enterprises plan to adopt SOA to increase reusability and flexibility of their business processes, the readiness of this technology becomes important to enterprises. However, previous SOA studies focus mainly on the technical issues but ignore the organizational or managerial issues. To fill this gap, this research aims to explore the factors of adopting SOA. Developed upon institutional theory and diffusion of innovation theory, we not only consider the technical factors with SOA adoption, but also pay attention to factors related with organizations and IT innovations. Furthermore, a content analysis of online Webs, blogs, and forums is taken to verify our research framework, and research findings indicate the relative advantage of SOA, compatibility of SOA, the characteristics of decision makers, culture, IT capability, and SOA socioeconomic characteristics are the most important drivers for SOA adoption. The contribution is summarized in two folds: (1) enterprises can use this framework as a reference to diagnose their organization conditions and then make a decision to adopting SOA; and (2) researchers can develop their study upon the constructs of this framework.
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運用服務本體論建構健康照護服務SOA媒合平台之研究朱婉瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以服務本體論(Service Ontology)之服務價值(Service Value)作為建置顧客價值構面之結構。使用者需求內容採用巴氏量表(Barthel Index)進行生理功能的量測;服務品質與使用者願意付出之成本則以台灣服務滿意度模型(Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index, TCSI)做為內容。本研究並以本體論依顧客價值構面,制定使用需求與照護服務提供之描述媒合機制,透過取得居家照護者生理功能須支援之需求,以及同區隔之使用者對服務的滿意度評價,媒合服務經營者對服務內容的描述,即可找出適合的服務。
最後以服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture, SOA)結合顧客價值之供需媒合機制,並建置雛型系統以驗證概念。 / As the growing home-caring market, demanders have faced problems that it is difficult to choose the right caring services for themselves from large numbers of services base. To help them find suitable services, we need to know what they need and how they evaluate services. In that case, we must develop a mechanism to match supply and demand to effectively recommend services to users.
The research refers Service Value of Service Ontology as the structure of Customer Value and uses Barthel Index and Taiwan Customer Satisfaction Index (TCSI) to be the content of Customer Value. We know the situation of users, body function through Barthel Index and their satisfaction to the services through TCSI. The research establishs the supply and demand matching mechanism based on Customer Value. Requiring customers, needs from body function evaluation and customers, satisfaction via TCSI, the mechanism would match the needs and the description of services offering. In the end, it would present the suitable services for customers.
The research builds up a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) prototype to proof the concept of supply and demand matching mechanism.
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軟體行業因應政府機關服務導向趨勢採元件化發展方向之研究林榮華 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:元件化軟體、SOA、Web service、軟體服務、經營模式 / The IT software services industry is facing difficult long-term operating conditions due to internal factors and an external environment beset by economic uncertainty and instability, greater awareness of environmental concerns, and a sharp rise in the growth of independently-developed software. Whether or not the software services industry can use service oriented architecture (SOA) software componentization to create an entirely new business model, is a valuable topic that merits in-depth research.
Government institutions, like other organizations, are offering an increasing amount of services and use multiple software applications. These applications usually require shared database and common interface capabilities (e.g. various entities require access to a centralized personnel information system) and similar service structures such as web services, e-application services, online administrative information service systems, and employee portal access. Software componentization is a potential solution for applications requiring well-defined interfaces. With system reliability and stability as prerequisites, the main goals of application service providers and componentization software services developers are the same: to increase software efficiency, shorten development cycles & reduce costs, improve software maintainability, be highly responsive to changes, and flexible and lower maintenance turnaround costs.
This research applies case study methodology to collect and group relevant information for analysis and discussion. Topics to be discussed include: software-specific needs of government institutions, issues faced by software developers, the application of strategic posture analysis to compose a set of componentization software services solutions, examination of its advantages and disadvantages, and an overall breakdown of its cost effectiveness.
Research conclusions are expected to stimulate further research in future studies and encourage decision-makers in government and the software services industry to consider how the industry can progress to a point where it is stable enough to fulfill the expectations of the public, control costs, and avoid unnecessary resource overlaps, thus promoting a win-win situation for government and the IT software services industry.
Keywords: componentized software, SOA, web services, software services, business model
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價值策略導向之調適式SOA有效事件模型建構 / A Value-Driven Architecture Strategy of Adaptive SOA and EDA盧美蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
服務導向架構(Service-Oriented-Architecture, SOA)與事件導向架構(Event-driven Architecture, EDA)的結合應用將成為未來Real-Time Enterprise軟體應用系統架構的主流趨勢,雖然兩架構的結合可以整體提升應用系統之反應、整合與溝通的能力,但若無良好的事件管理機制及搭配提供服務的配套設計,則難以充分發揮兩架構結合的互補綜效。本研究所提出之調適式SOA有效事件模型,以事件價值觀點(Value-driven)分析事件所提供的價值對使用者的重要性與效益。由於使用者所重視的事件價值不同,因此也為各別使用者設計一調適性事件語意資訊模型(Customized Event Ontology Model),作為篩選事件的依據,另外,事件管理機制也可運用智慧型代理人(Agent)觀察使用者採用事件的行為,透過學習更新事件過濾的規則,並可建議使用者取消訂閱(subscribe)不重視的事件。本研究同時搭配設計一事件與服務對應的機制,並透過此機制連結外部環境所提供的服務。本研究所提出之調適式SOA有效事件模型,預期可提供更為健全的服務導向架構(SOA)與事件導向架構(EDA)的結合應用設計,讓使用者可以真正受惠於此種應用軟體架構結合的好處與效用。 / The combination of Service-Oriented-Architecture (SOA) and Event-driven Architecture (EDA) will become the main trend of application architecture of Real-Time Enterprise in the future. Although the combination of these two architectures can enhance an application system’s capabilities in response, integration and communication as a whole, it’s hardly to extend these two architectures’ complemented advantages unless there is a sound mechanism for advanced event and service management. This paper presents a novel methodology which can analyze the importance and impacts of events’ values to users. Based on different emphases on events’ values among users, this research can also develop a Customized Event Ontology Model used as the basis for filtering events for an individual user. The event management mechanism designs an intelligent agent in order to observe the records of a user’s history events and to learn new filtering rules of events. The mechanism can also suggest the user to cancelling events which are insignificant to him. Furthermore, this study devises a mechanism to bridge the connections between events and services. The contribution of my methodology aims to provide an advanced solution of combining the architectures of SOA and EDA in order for a user to exert up-to-date information for personalized competitive advantage.
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以資源基礎架構分析中小企業科技化合作模式 / A resource-based framework for analyzing IT-enabled collaboration in small and medium enterprises傅暄涵, Fu, Hsuan Han Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業一向是經濟成長的主力,然而受限其資源的短缺,往往無法提供顧客更好的商品或服務。雖然文獻指出中小企業可以透過資訊科技與夥伴和顧客合作來克服它先天的弱勢並提供更好的服務,但仍有許多模糊未解的問題。例如,哪一種中小企業較願意導入以資訊科技為基礎的協同合作模式(IT-enabled Collaboration)?而這樣的合作模式是否能真正的提升他們的績效表現呢?本研究以資源基礎理論和服務導向邏輯理論(service-dominant logic)為基礎,將資源分為operant資源、operand資源、資源互補性及資源相似性,試圖找出在何種資源模式下,中小企業會偏向使用以資訊科技為基礎的協同合作模式。研究方法採用個案研究,並以宜蘭縣枕頭山休閒農業區的八家中小型業者為目標進行訪談。在資料蒐集和分析之後,本研究發現operand資源與operant資源皆會正向的影響到中小企業對科技化合作的參與,其中又以operant資源的影響為更大。此外,從研究中也驗證了科技化合作能促成中小企業績效的提升。根據研究結果,本研究將operant資源視為影響中小企業導入科技化合作模式進而達成績效提升的主要關鍵資源。 / Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are the main force to economic growth, but they usually restricted by resource shortage when they want to upgrade goods or services. Past literature has indicated collaboration with partners and customers through information technology (IT) may overcome their weakness and serve better. However, there still are blurs, like what kind of SMEs are more likely to engage IT-enabled collaboration? Will IT-enabled collaboration really enhance SMEs performance? Our research framework based on resource-based view and service-dominant logic categorizing SME resources into (1) operand resources, (2) operant resources, (3) resource complementarity and (4) resource similarity. We attempt to find out what key resources in SMEs are related to the usage of IT-enabled collaboration and the contributions to SME performance. We conduct case study with 8 SMEs in Mt. Pillow Leisure Agriculture Area. After data collection and analysis, we figure out that both operand and operant resources have positive impact on IT-enabled collaboration; furthermore, operant resources contribute more for SMEs to communicate and coordinate with each other and customers. In addition, from our research, we demonstrate that IT-enabled collaboration helps SMEs to perform better. Therefore, we suggest operant resources as important resources for SMEs engaging in IT-enabled collaboration and consequently enhancing their performance.
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第四方物流中協同作業之研究-深化SOA方法論 / A Study of Collaboration in Fourth Party Logistics - Exploiting SOA Methodology陳鐘源, Chen, Bell Unknown Date (has links)
第四方物流組織以策略聯盟的方式構成,目標是串聯成完整的價值鏈,但策略聯盟組織是鬆散的組織,要使價值鏈發揮效益須要藉助協同商務,尤其是資訊的協同作業。要發展協同商務,就需要有共通的標準與可用的技術。。SOA分析架構是一種新的觀念,目前沒有明確的方法可參考,經本研究驗證,使用Zachman framework的原則,使得在SOA\Web service實作較為簡單可行。 / Facing international competition, global enterprises are developing the international optimal resource allocation. Global supply chain is necessary due to the progress in transportation and communication technique. These enterprises focus in core business and outsource others. Global logistics is first priority in outsourcing, because its coverage is wide and it is very complex.
The global logistics market grows bigger and bigger, because the global market are progressing towards specialization and outsourcing. The global logistics and supply chain need varied and integrated services. In the violent competitive environment, the one who can provide complete, precise, quick, and integrated service will dominate the market.
This research will first discuss the definition and characteristics of global logistics, then discuss 3PL and 4PL activities and core competence. Since the service and business scope of logistics industry is very wide; and given the constitution of Taiwanese global logistics service providers, the only solution to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan local logistics industry is to integrate the logistics industry both vertically and horizontally with the support of the information technology. This paper will discuss the integration solution and the best candidate to integrate the logistics industry, followed by the discussion to build collaboration commerce system by SOA.
Warehouse/logistics centers and freight forwarders are best candidates to develop 4PL. These two businesses are best leaders in logistics value chain. Base on these leaders’ capacity to extend to upstream and downstream partners by strategic alliances, they can build full logistics value chain easily and quickly. But the organization structure of strategic alliance is loose. If they want to run the 4PL organization efficiently, they must use collaboration commerce, especially, by information technique. The research confers to develop collaboration commerce using SOA. SOA is a new concept. Right now, there is no full methodology to refer. From the results of the research, we prove that using Zachman framework principle can make SOA or Web service implementation simple and feasible.
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