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建構六標準差與精實生產方式應用於服務業之整合模式 / Integration of Six Sigma and Lean Production System for Service Industry鄭欣如, Hsin-Ju Cheng January 1992 (has links)
六標準差(Six Sigma)為目前最受矚目與重視的品質活動,而精實生產方式(Lean Production System)係以及時化(Just-In-Time, JIT)及自働化(Jidohka)兩大概念,所發展出來的合理化生產系統。此二者俱以變異為基礎的思考(Variation-based Thinking),協助企業改善流程、提昇品質、生產力與競爭地位,其整合並被視為下一波管理思潮的新趨勢。
本研究鑑於研究缺口與實務發展之需,提出六標準差與精實生產方式應用於服務業之整合模式(Lean Six Sigma for Service,LS3)。本模式以精實生產方式減少內部浪費,並以六標準差導向顧客滿意之追求,不但兼顧企業內部與外部顧客之觀點,亦兼顧精實速度與六標準差之高品質。 / “Six Sigma” is one of the most popular quality initiatives recently. “Lean Production System” is the world famous production system developed and practiced by Toyota mobile company for a long time. It based on two concepts: “Just-In-Time” and “Jidohka”. Both two are based on the variation thinking to improve business process, enhance quality, production and competitive position. Besides, the integration of them is viewed as a new trend in the next management wave.
Moreover, regarding to the industry characteristics, service industry is quite different from manufacturing industry. Even though there are more wastes and improvement opportunities, the application of Six Sigma, Lean Production System or their integration in service industry is quite few neither in literatures nor practice.
This research proposes the Lean Six Sigma integration model based on the research gap and the practical need, and then adapt it for service industry. The model is named as “Lean Six Sigma for Service (LS3)” in this research. It balances the viewpoints of internal and external customers, and gives consideration to the Lean speed as well as Six Sigma high quality. Also, this research tries to contribute to the enhancement of management technology. / 目 錄
第一章 緒 論…………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究背景與動機………………………………………………………………1
1.2 研究目的………………………………………………………………………4
1.3 研究範圍與限制………………………………………………………………5
1.4 研究方法………………………………………………………………………6
1.5 研究架構………………………………………………………………………7
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………………8
2.1 六標準差………………………………………………………………………8
2.1.1 六標準差之發展沿革………………………………………………………8
2.1.3 六標準差之組織架構及人員角色…………………………………………17
2.1.4 六標準差之改進循環………………………………………………………21
2.1.5 六標準差主要之八大工具…………………………………………………27
2.1.6 六標準差之推行現況………………………………………………………29
2.1.7 六標準差之運作特點………………………………………………………30
2.2 精實生產方式…………………………………………………………………31
2.2.1 精實生產方式之發展沿革………………………………………………31
2.2.3 精實生產方式之構成要素………………………………………………34
2.2.4 精實生產方式之推展步驟………………………………………………40
2.2.5 精實生產方式之運作特點………………………………………………42
2.3.1 服務業之定義……………………………………………………………46
2.3.2 服務業之特性……………………………………………………………48
第三章 模式建構…………………………………………………………………52
3.1 精實六標準差應用於服務業之綜觀(LS3 Overview)……………………52
3.2 導引階段(Lead Phase)……………………………………………………………56
3.3 研究階段(Study Phase)……………………………………………………………65
3.4 流暢階段(Smooth Phase)…………………………………………………………70
3.5 維持階段(Sustain Phase)…………………………………………………………73
第四章 模式驗證.…………………………………………………………………81
4.1 問卷對象…….………………………………………………………………81
4.2 專家意見…….………………………………………………………………83
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………………84
5.1 研究結論……………………………………………………………………84
5.2 研究貢獻……………………………………………………………………85
5.3 後續研究建議………………………………………………………………86
附錄A 專家訪談調查函……………………………………………………………93
附錄B 專家訪談問卷內容…………………………………………………………94
表 目 錄
表 2.1 六標準差的發展階段………………………………………………………12
表 2.2 標準差換算表………………………………………………………………14
表 2.3 六標準差方法論DMAIC………………………………………………………22
表 2.4 六標準差設計方法論DMADV……….………………………………………23
表 2.5 六標準差「工具的21個整合步驟:研發流程」…………………………25
表 2.6 豐田生產系統之「實驗」……………………………………………………44
表 3.1 LS3之內容要項與工具……………………………………………………54
圖 目 錄
圖 1.1 研究流程圖………………………………………………………………6
圖 2.1 製程中心飄移1.5標準差的情形………………………………………13
圖 2.2 典型的六標準差組織圖.…………………………………………………17
圖 2.3 執行六標準差之八大步驟…….…………………………………………27
圖 2.4 六標準差之八大工具…..…………………………………………………28
圖 2.5 精實生產方式五大主要要素…….………………………………………36
圖 2.6 消除浪費要素……………………………………………………………37
圖 2.7 全面品質要素………………………………………………………………38
圖 2.8 人員準備要素………………………………………………………………39
圖 3.1 LS3運作架構圖………………………………………………………………53
圖 3.2 LS3運作模式之工具總覽……………………………………………………55
圖 3.3 導引階段之使用工具………………………………………………………57
圖 3.4 研究階段之使用工具………………………………………………………66
圖 3.5 流暢階段之使用工具………………………………………………………70
圖 3.6 維持階段之使用工具………………………………………………………74
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管理顧問服務業國際化策略之研究 / The Study of Internationalization Strategy for Taiwanese Management Counsulting Service Firms鍾宜靜, Chung, Jocelyn Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,台灣管理顧問公司的國際化發展規劃,必須要先著重於:1) 人才資源管理 – 著重領導力,培養未來領袖 2)加速知識管理的能力建置 3)經驗值的累積與傳承制度 / Leading the knowledge economy in the information age, knowledge-intensive service industry has become an important part of the industry value chain, and plays an important role in innovation.
This research topic is to explore the gaps and the implementation of a strategy and direction for Taiwan's management consultancy services company when it comes to be internationalizing of its operation. This thesis take single case research method, forming the research framework based on Eclectic Theory and Resource-Based View to examine the case of Atelligent Global Consulting, and comparing to the benchmark case McKinsey which has the deepest degree of internationalization in the consultancy industry, to discuss the internationalization strategy for Taiwanese management consultant firms.
Findings, Taiwan management consultants international development plan must focus on: 1) human resource management – focuses on leadership, training future leaders 2) accelerate knowledge management capacity-building 3) experience accumulation and transmission system.
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臺灣地區服務業就業趨勢之年齡、年代及世代分析郭雅雅 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟發展與所得水準提升,臺灣地區就業人口由早期的第一級產業-農林漁牧業逐漸移向第二級產業-工業,再由第二級產業轉移至第三級產業-服務業。為瞭解臺灣地區服務業就業之趨勢,國內多數研究僅就蒐集資料以年齡、年代或世代三方面分別作探討,本文則改採流行病學領域中所廣泛使用之年齡-年代-世代模型(Age-Period-Cohort Model),就行政院主計處「人力資源調查」資料來作分析。但年齡、年代與世代三者間存在共線性問題(即世代=年代-年齡),導致迴歸模型產生無限多組解,為了自其中選出一組較適當之參數估計值,文獻中提供了許多不同形式的解決方法。本文則採用Fu(2000)所提出之本質估計量(Intrinsic Estimator,簡稱IE),這是一種不受參數限制式影響的估計方式。我們除了藉以取得惟一的參數估計值,進而分析年齡、年代及世代效應對服務業就業比率之影響外,並與傳統之受限廣義線性模型估計量(Constrained Generalized Linear Models Estimator,簡稱CGLIME)作一比較,來說明採用本質估計量之優點及方便之處。 / Along with economical development and higher income level, Taiwan area employed population has gradually been switching from farming, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry to goods-producing industries, and then onto services-producing industries. In order to understand the trend of employment in service-producing industries in Taiwan, most domestic studies focus on the aspects of age, period or cohort separately. We, instead, adopt the Age-Period-Cohort (APC) model, which is well recognized in the epidemiology, to analyze the data from “Manpower Surveys” conducted by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. in this study.
However, due to the collinearity among the age, period, and cohort effects, the APC model suffers from the identifiability problem. Some possible solutions have been provided in the literature. Among them, the Constrained Generalized Linear Models Estimator (CGIME) is undoubtedly the most popular choice, while the Intrinsic Estimator (IE) (Fu (2000)), which is invariant to the constraint selected to obtain the parameter estimates, is less well-known. We compare the results obtained from IE with that of CGIME in this study, and discuss the advantages of using the Intrinsic Estimator.
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雲端服務創新營運模式分析 / A case study on cloud service innovative business model黃振嘉, Huang, Chen Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究挑選金融資訊服務產業個案公司和其客戶區隔(信用合作社)做為個案研究對象。試著透過商業模式的理論觀點,探討雲端運算提供的服務模式,分析個案公司ASP營運模式是否能成功轉型成雲端運算SaaS模式,並發展出一套適合台灣信用合作社的雲端服務電子銀行解決方案。本研究結果除了可以提供給台灣信用合作社建置電子銀行系統參考外,亦可以對台灣金融資訊服務業因應雲端運算趨勢,帶來新的商業契機。 / "Cloud computing" has become the world's most popular topics in the past few years. Each advanced countries governments have attached great importance to cloud computing, and have been actively involved in the huge funding and resources to build a cloud computing infrastructure to assist industrial development, but also for the industry to create huge business opportunities. The enterprises have to catch up with this trend, and look forward to find innovative business model to enhance the company's core competitiveness.
Taiwan's credit cooperatives types of business, the business region, and trading customers are subject to the limitations of the financial laws and regulations. Result its business region, available resources, business networks, business income, the number of customers and market share, etc., cannot compare with the banks. This inherent limitation caused Taiwan's credit cooperatives invest in IT equipment and IT personnel are much less than the banks, resulting in unfair competition.
In this study, we select the financial information services industry, the case company and its customer segmentation (Taiwan's credit cooperatives) as a case study. This study tries to explore the cloud computing service model through the business model of theoretical perspectives to analyze the case of the company's ASP business model is able to successfully transform into cloud computing SaaS model, and tries to develop a set of cloud services for Taiwan's credit cooperatives in e-banking solutions. The results of this study can provide Taiwan's credit cooperatives to build the reference of the electronic banking system, also of Taiwan's financial information services in response to the trend of cloud computing bring new business opportunities.
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服務核心、服務傳送系統與績效關係之研究─以台北市服飾零售業為實證對象魏正元 Unknown Date (has links)
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機器學習在顧客關係管理之應用-以汽車服務個案為例 / A case study on machine learning for customer relationship management in service industry何元君, Ho, Yuanchun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步,基於機器學習技術的資料分析工具在顧客關係管理領域已被廣為使用。過去的相關研究文獻大多著重於高交易頻次、與客戶互動頻繁的產業,諸如金融、電信、零售業等,但對於具有相反產業特性的服務業等則是缺乏著墨。本研究希望透過案例研究的方式,完整呈現企業如何實際將基於機器學習技術的資料分析工具應用於顧客關係管理業務的過程,以及這些新技術如何幫助企業提升顧客關係管理的成效。本案例使用行動研究方法來歸納、分析、整理整個專案的過程與結果,文末總結本案例於作業、管理以及策略層面的管理意涵與建議。本研究使用的資料來源為台灣一間大型汽車經銷商的資訊部門與其旗下的服務廠,總共包含了約273萬筆資料。利用於微軟Azure平台上的決策樹模型分析資料,產出高購買機率的顧客推薦名單,服務廠的技師可以針對名單上的顧客推銷,不僅能有效提高推銷的成功率,節省第一線技師的時間,還能夠提升技師以及顧客的滿意度。最後本研究的結果顯示,運用機器學習技術產出的推薦顧客名單,確實能夠幫助本案例公司於顧客區隔以及顧客發展,並達成更有效的顧客關係管理。 / Data-mining tools and machine-learning techniques have long been used in customer relationship management (CRM), including for customer retention in the financial, retail, and telecommunications industries. However, research on machine learning for CRM in service industries remains rare. Accordingly, this paper uses action research to arrive at a holistic understanding of the process of applying machine learning-based data mining in a specific service-sector business, and whether, how, and how much these novel techniques can help it improve its customer relationships. Key areas of interest include operational, managerial and strategic decision-making processes. Based on approximately 2.73 million rows of data collected from a large car dealership’s IT department and its vehicle-maintenance plants, Microsoft Azure’s boosted decision-tree model generated lists of recommended customers. Such lists could be used by the company to increase the success rates of its promotional activities and to decrease both the overall duration and frequency of technicians’ involvement with promotion. This in turn could lead to more efficient and effective frontline operations, and increased satisfaction not only among customers but also among technicians. In short, machine learning-based recommended-customer lists helped the company achieve more effective CRM through better customer segmentation and customer development.
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台灣整廠輸出產業之現況分析與未來策略研究孫宗宜, Sun ,Tsung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於「整廠設備輸出」的概念即為發展「高附加價值」的「知識型製造業」。其牽涉眾多環節及技術,個別廠商多無法獨立克服,故為企業之整廠輸出行為提供整體解決方案之整廠輸出技術服務業,因具有以專門知識為基礎,提供「高附加價」的「知識型」服務之特性,應值得政府部門重視。此外,倘業者能將其技術服務(不以傳統之機器設備整廠輸出技術服務為限,尚可包括工程技術服務業(Engineering Service Industry)、農業技術服務業(Agricultural Service Industry),予以整體包裝,賦予品牌,並將其以整體國際行銷之技術服務商品型態對外輸出,應亦屬「整廠輸出」之一環(按傳統意義所稱之「整廠輸出」向以機器設備之硬體為主,以技術服務之軟體為輔,而技術服務之整廠輸出,係以技術服務為核心,而以硬體之機器設備為輔),是值得政府部門重視。
準此,本研究擬以「整廠輸出」之產業活動現況為基礎,探討企業之整廠輸出活動,整廠輸出技術服務業,或以技術服務為商品之技術服務型整廠輸出之經營現況,及整廠輸出業者在大陸地區之營運情況及目前所遇到之事實或法令之障礙、期望中華民國政府可以提供之扶助獎勵措施等等事項,進行瞭解並提出檢討,以期對未來整廠設備輸出產業之發展策略,提供參考之興革建議,並做為中華民國政府主管機關推動「整廠輸出輔導專案計畫」之佐證。 / The Current Analysis and Future Strategies on
Taiwan’s Turnkey-plant Export Industry
Taiwan government has promoted and assisted “Turnkey-plant Export” project for the island’s small- and medium-scale enterprises since 1988. Since then, this assistance has created many turnkey-plant-export opportunities for small- and medium-scale enterprises. In addition, these opportunities have also increased year by year.
In order to cut down production costs, many Taiwan manufacturers have moved their plants overseas, and some of the industries are empties around the island. Therefore, Taiwan government has promoted the policy of “enterprise’ operating centers”, and has assisted manufacturers to transfer their traditional industries to high-tech ones. This could cover the empties after Taiwan manufacturers’ global manufacturing policy.
The 21 Century emphasizes innovation, and core competition is based on knowledge services. Knowledge has become the driving force for upgrading productivity and economic growth. Taiwan’s enterprises can’t neglect knowledge capital is the major factor for manufacturing and production. Through continuous innovation and the use of information technologies to upgrade the value added products. This is knowledge economy. Previously, Taiwan’s industry policy has centered on manufacturing, and hasn’t emphasized on the development of service industries. Therefore, when government assists manufacturing industries to transfer their lines, must follow the trend of knowledge economy. Taiwan is one among the world’s capital-export countries. Taiwan enterprises’ offshore production values have ranked the top. In addition, they accept purchase orders around the world, and have global manufacturing sites. These are the important factors to develop high-value added and knowledge-type service industries.
The turnkey-plant-export concept is to develop high-value-added and knowledge-type manufacturing. This export provides the total solution, and is technology service business. It needs special knowledge for the base to provide high-value-added and knowledge-type technologies for the character of service business. The government should aware the importance of these knowledge and technology.
In addition to traditional technology serviced for the traditional turnkey-plant exports, if enterprises could add more and advanced technology services such as engineering service industry and agricultural service industry. Enterprises could have turkey-plant exports as a package and a brand name and using international marketing and sales for the exports. This will be the new turnkey-plant export. The traditional turnkey-plant exports are focus on the exports of hardware (production equipment), and the technology services are the minor. On the other hand, the government should aware that. the technology-service turnkey-plant exports are focus on technology services, and production equipment is the second.
The turnkey-plant exports are integrated industry. It should integrate engineering consultations and designs, import and export trading, equipment and facilities manufacturing and supply, technology services, construction engineering, marketing and sales, financial loans. The turnkey-plant exports, international marketing and sales as well as technology services, or based on technology services for turnkey-plant exports are related to turnkey-plant exports.
Therefore, this research will base on the turnkey-plant-export industry to discuss enterprises’ turnkey-plant exports; the turnkey-plant exports technology services; the activities of based on technology services for turnkey-plant exports; and turnkey-plant-export enterprises’ activities in mainland China and law and other barriers there. The expected assistances and encourages from the government to proceed understanding and discussion. Hope this research will provide suggestions for the reference for the strategy development for future turnkey-plant exports. In addition, this could for the reference for the government to promote “turnkey-plant exports special plan.”
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生產者服務業知識外溢效果-以台北都會區為例 / The spillover effect of R&D on producer services industries in Taipei metropolitan area劉科汶, Liu, Ke Wen Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,投資於R&D要素對於公司的成長並沒有顯著的影響,甚至對於中小型公司為負向影響。產業內知識外溢效果方面,對於各公司規模皆有正向的幫助。產業間知識外溢效果則呈現對大規模公司有正向幫助,對中小規模公司則為負向效果。在知識經濟時代下,兩種知識外溢效果確實有助於大規模公司的成長,為產業聚集的重要成因之ㄧ,但對於中小規模公司則有不同的效果產生。因此在促進產業發展的區位規劃設計上,需要考量不同規模公司與不同知識外溢效果的相互關係,以便有助於生產者服務業的發展,建立更具有國際競爭力的都市型態。 / Facing the developing economics of knowledge and globalization, Taipei metropolitan area has faced the issue of industrial restructuring. The strategy for globalization is to develop the producer services (PS) sector, in order to improve higher competitiveness to the city. The theory of agglomeration economics includes scale economics, localization economics and urbanization economics. Nowadays, spillover effect is considered as the most important reason that industries agglomeration develop in urban areas. This paper analyzes two categories of R&D spillover effect in the PS sector of Taipei metropolitan area by quantile regression. The spatial distance and the Input-Output table are used to calculate the intra-industrial and inter-industrial spillover effect, respectively.
The result shows that investment in R&D has a negative effect to firm’s output. Firms with any scale benefit from the intra-industrial spillover effect incomplete. The inter-industrial spillover effect analysis shows that only the bigger scale firms can get the positive benefit, the smaller scale firms get the negative effect. The research analyzes different kinds of R&D spillover effect, and the result show that there are different effects among different conditions. In sum, this research suggests that the disposition of industrial location should consider both the scale of firm and the different spillover effect. As above, utilizing the R&D spillover effect is an important factor to develop the PS sector and to construct the global city.
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P2P 網絡借貸的法律風險與規制 =Legal risk and regulation of P2P lending / Legal risk and regulation of P2P lending蔣東霖 January 2016 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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生產者服務業區位特性之研究-以台北都會區為例王憶靜 Unknown Date (has links)
生產者服務業其有創新與改變技術的功能,亦有調節勞力分工擴張、加強組織內部關聯的作用,由於該等功能與作用對於生產力的提昇、就業機會的創造與貿易出口量的增加均具有重要意義,因此它被視為現代生產系統中重要的部門。本研究首先以Gemmell產業成長理論探討各台北都會區產業結構的變遷,證明服務業已然成為現代生產系統中重要的部門;再以產業感應度(sensibility)、影響度(dispersion)分析生產者服務業的產業關聯,證明生產者服務業以服務生產部門為主;爾後再以組織理論(organization theory)中彈性生產(flexible production)及勞力分工(labor division)兩個向度分析生產者服務業的成長及原因,證實生產者服務業能自我創造就業及創新技術獲致成長。其後再以區位商數及成長商數交叉分析生產者服務業在台北都會區的成熟度,顯示台北縣生產者服務業呈顯著的成長然未具輸出性,成熟度較台北市弱,但因接收台北市的廠商而擴張。繼之假設生產者服務業於空間分布受到其所服務的產業影響而分布,利用兩產業間密度斜率(density gradient)的牽動關係分析生產者服務業在空間移動的現象,藉以瞭解我國在生產者服務業所應有的產業區位政策。所得的結論有二:其一,生產者服務業興製造業分布呈現互斥的情況。另外,生產者服務業與人口分布呈現移動一致的現象,亦即生產者服務業與人口的分布,呈互補性顯著的情形。最後以生產者服務業內的國際貿易業為例,分析其路網結構(network concept)後證明該業的集中與台北都會區通訊便利性及聚集經濟不可分。 / Producer Services Industres have the functions of innovation and reformation skills, and the functions to regulate the extension of division of labor and strengthen internal organizational correlation. Since these functions are important for upgrading productivity, creating job opportunities and increasing quantity of export, they are regarded as a vital sector of modern production system.
First, this research tries to make use of Gemmell's Theory of Industrial Development to study the changes in the structure of industries. It shows that Services Sector has become an important sector of the whole modern production system.
Second, this research attempts to use industrial sensbility and dispersion to analyze the correlation of Producer Services Industries. It has proved that Service Sector is a major part of Producer Services Industries.
Third, this research employs two kinds of vector, such as flexible production from Organization Theory, and division of labor to analyze the development and factors of emergence of Producer Services Industry. It has proved that Producer Services Inustries can bring to creation of new jobs, innovation and development of skills.
Fourth, this research uses Location Quotient and Growth Quotient to crossexamine the degree of maturity of Producer Services Industries in Taipei Urban District. It has shown that Producer Services Industries in Taipei Hsian bears a distinct development but not in an output manner. The degree of maturity in Taipei Hsian is lesser than that of Taipei City. And Taipei Hsian can be expanded because of absorbing or attracting the holders of factories from Taipei City.
Fifth, this research assumes that in terms of spatial distribution, Producer Services Industries are distributed according to the influence of Industries served by Producer Services Industries. By means of the linking and relations of density gradients among industries, the phenomenon spatial movement can be illustrated. It can be regarded as a proper industrial district policy of Producer Services Industries.
Two points of conclusion can be made: 1) there is a repulsion for distribution between Producer Services Industry and Manufacturing Industry; 2) there is a phenomenon of concurrent movement between Producer Services Industries and distribution of population. It means that they have a distinct condition of mutual compenstaion.
Sixth, this research tries to make International Trade as an example of Producer services Industries, to analyze the network concept and prove that there are no any separations among concentration of this Industry, convenience of communication in Taipei Urban District and aggregate economy.
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