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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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體驗行銷對網路口碑與民眾就醫行為之影響-以中時健康達人部落格為例 / The effect of experiential marketing on online word of mouth and the citizens medical care seeking behaviors:Chinatime-Health Blog

卓惠姿 Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊爆發的時代中,民眾上網查詢健康及醫藥相關資訊已經蔚為風氣,網路對大家生活帶來了十分驚人的改變!而部落格為Web2.0時代中最具代表性的產物,其所具有的互動、參與及分享的特性,促使部落格的快速發展,使得部落格成為傳播網路訊息與口碑的重要方式,而民眾受到部落格評價或評比影響其就醫選擇,這證明了網路口碑深深影響民眾的就醫行為。 體驗經濟時代來臨,然而千篇一律的體驗行銷手法似乎已經讓消費者麻木,該怎麼做才能真的打動民眾?本研究以部落格使用者為研究對象,並採取Schmitt (1999) 提出的策略體驗模組(感官 / 情感 / 思考 / 行動 / 關聯)為理論架構,目的在於探討部落格的體驗行銷、網路口碑與民眾的就醫行為的關係。 本研究採用網路問卷調查法蒐集樣本資料,並利用多元迴歸分析法來驗證整體架構。研究結果顯示:結論一:部落格的體驗行銷之思考體驗及行動體驗對網路口碑具有正向影響。結論二:部落格的體驗行銷之思考體驗、行動體驗及關聯體驗對就醫行為具有正向影響。結論三:部落格的網路口碑對民眾就醫行為有顯著影響力。結論四:部落格瀏覽者的男女性別,對於體驗行銷、網路口碑與民眾就醫行為有顯著的認知差異。結論五:部落格瀏覽者的年齡,對於體驗行銷感受程度有顯著的差異。 本研究進一步提出實務上的建議: 建議一:企業應該特別加強部落格體驗行銷之思考體驗、行動體驗及關聯體驗的層面。建議二:企業應該投入行銷資源去經營部落格,讓整合行銷更加全面。建議三:企業宜有效善用部落格的網路口碑效應來影響民眾就醫行為。建議四:企業執行部落格行銷活動時,需優先設定目標族群,此活動設計才會精確。 本研究希望可以協助部落格經營者以「體驗行銷」的角度思考,提高與民眾的互動,促進網路口碑效應,進一步民眾的就醫行為如何受醫療部落格所影響,改變現行醫療生態,並提供未來執行部落格行銷上之參考。

人的全面發展如何可能:佛洛姆教育理論研究 / How is man's full development possible : the research of Erich Fromm's theory of education

吳豐成 Unknown Date (has links)
佛洛姆雖然沒有提出系統的教育理論,但其理論以人的全面發展、充分誕生為目標,以建立人本主義的社會主義社會為理想,冀望人人覺悟異化的實相,努力克服非理性的熱情與性格,發展生產性格,以解決生存的矛盾,而能夠健全的生活,實具有教育理論的內涵。本文所嘗試為其建立的教育理論,奠基於其人性論、異化論與歷史唯物論,既重視人本身人性力量的發揮,也重視社會整體結構對人發展的影響,有別於先前對其教育理論探討者之忽視社會結構的分析。 其人性論承繼馬克思的人性論,以自由而有意識的活動的社會存有為人的本質,同時又根據其心理分析實踐的反思,以內在於人生存處境的矛盾為人的本質。人要獲得自由,必須擴大對自己無意識的覺察,從無意識的壓抑中解放出來。在最深的無意識中,人可以覺察到普遍的人性,而體驗到與所有人類為一體。一般人無法意識到如此深的無意識,但如能意識到其性格結構、社會性格、社會無意識、社會的意識形態等,則能覺察到諸種壓抑其自由發展的內、外在障礙。資本主義社會的生產方式,促使人發展非生產性的市場性格、接受性格等異化的性格,又發展出產業與人工頭腦時代的宗教,來強化這些性格。人由這些非生產性格發展出貪婪、自戀、亂倫固著、威權性格、破壞性等非理性熱情,又屈從於匿名權威,成為自動機器人,遂不得自由發展。人由生產性的工作、工作社群、產業民主、健全消費、全民參與式民主、集體藝術、人本主義的宗教與教育,可以發展生產性格結構,發展生產性的愛與理性的力量,以克服與自我、他人、自然異化的生存矛盾,而達到與世界合一的真我,真正得到自由的發展。生產性格者能夠帶動產生更多的生產性格者,一個社會若有許多生產性格者,就能逐漸轉變社會盛行的價值與觀念,進而逐漸轉變社會性格與社會的生產方式。 佛洛姆以生產性的愛為基礎的認識論,和格物致知的修養功夫相似,必須格除私欲,克服自戀等非理性熱情,以無我的愛與世界關聯,心清淨無染,才能看清世界。在這個基礎上,才能發展愛與理性的能力,及其他的人性潛能。故學為聖人,放下自我,從自我的牢籠中脫離出來,乃人得以自由發展的重要關鍵。以「存有」情態學習人類導師與人本宗教的教誨,知行合一的實踐博愛,能夠克服自戀,發展生產性格。能相當程度的發展生產性格,解決生存矛盾之後,才能健全的生活,發展各種人性潛能。生產性格的教育者與領導人「作之君、作之親、作之師」,將家庭、學校、公司等小團體,建立成以愛生性為導向的學習社會,可以促進所有成員生產性格的發展。這種學習社會可以漸次擴大,而將整個社會、國家建立成以愛生性為導向的團體。經由教育者的愛與人格典範、童蒙養正、教勞結合、內在自我實現動機的啟發、落實所教內容、對受教者的信心,可以幫助人發展生產性格,克服異化。教育學的理論與實踐,應更重視整體社會結構與歷史對人的影響,應更重視德育對人整體發展的影響,避免將自私、異化的人視為常態,而應以幫助人發展成生產性格者為目標去進行研究與實踐。 / Although Erich Fromm didn’t develop a systematic theory of education, his theories have profound implications for human education. In this dissertation I aim to construct a theory of education by exploiting Fromm’s theory of human nature, theory of alienation, and theory of historical materialism. It emphasizes the power of human nature, and at the same time takes into account the effects of social structure, which have so far been neglected in existing literatures. According to Fromm, a man’s full development can be achieved only if he has a productive character. The cultivation of a productive character is therefore an essential issue for education theory. Capitalistic mode of production tends to induce in man unproductive marketing, receptive, and other alienated characters, which are further enforced by the ensuing industrial and cybernetic religions. By means of work community, sane consumption, participant democracy, collective art, humanistic religion and education, Fromm wished to build a socialist society which can help its people develop a productive character: For instance, an educator or leader can establish a learning community orientated toward biophilia in his family, school, or company, and help its members develop productive character through his love for them. If such community could pervade the entire society, the growth in people with productive character would gradually transform the overwhelming social values and ideas, and make impacts to the social character and the mode of production. Fromm’s theory of knowledge based on productive love is akin to Wang young-ming’s philosophy of gewuzhizhi. It is only when man could get rid of irrational passions and associate with the world with selfless love, while possessing a pure, uninfected mind, that he could see the world clearly. He is then able to develop productive love and reason, and other human potentialities. Therefore, learning to become a saint, transcending the delusive reality of the solitary self, are keys to man’s free development. Learning the teachings of great teachers of humankind and humanistic religion with “being orientation”, practicing love without distinction, will help man do away with narcissism and cultivate a productive character. It is important to recognize that the theory and practice of education should pay more attention to the impacts of social structure and history upon man, and put more emphasis on the effects of moral education and character development. In particular, in both theory and practice, education should never take selfish and/or alienated individuals as usual, but should rather aim to cultivate in them a productive character.

格魯吉亞民族問題研究 / The study of Georgia's ethnic conflicts

呂瑾玟, Lu, Chin Wen Unknown Date (has links)
格魯吉亞多民族組成的社會文化,使得自格魯吉亞獨立以來,少數民族分離運動造成國家內部動盪不安,為確保國家領土完整、主權及國防安全等考量,格魯吉亞以武力壓制南奧塞梯(South Ossetia)的民族分離運動,導致民族分離問題演變為格俄戰爭,進而使得原本國內問題升高至國際衝突。此次衝突在法國總統薩科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)斡旋下,於莫斯科簽訂六項停火協議,但目前中央政府與民族分離地區關係仍相當緊繃。俄羅斯對境內車臣(Chechnya)及印古什(Ingushetia)爭取獨立極力壓制,但卻不遺餘力的在南奧塞梯及阿布哈茲(Abkhazia)投入軍力資源及經濟投資;是什麼原因讓世界強權支持不同種族、不同語言的分離運動?2008年在格俄衝突爆發後,各國際組織及西歐勢力第一時間反映出國際政治角力的現實面,我們又應如何解讀其背後意涵。綜觀格魯吉亞內部因素及國際社會實際情況後,期能藉此預測未來格魯吉亞主權及領土完整性的變化。


渡部, 美喜子 23 March 2007 (has links)
北海道大学 / 修士 / 文学

我國大學教師資格審查制度之研究 / A study of the faculty qualification assessment in Taiwan

劉曉芬, Liu, Hsiao Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的有五:一、釐清大學教師的角色與任務;二、探討教師資格審查制度在大學的定位與規準;三、剖析國外大學教師資格審查制度概況;四、探究國內大學教師資格審查制度現況;五、對大學及主管教育行政機關提供未來改進之建議。本研究採文獻分析(literature review)、文件分析(document analysis)及半結構式訪談(semistructured interview),期望能藉由對大學教師資格審查之理論面與實務面的分析來達到上述目的。 本研究重要發現有八: 一、大學的理念與功能的轉變影響大學生態與制度運作。 二、教師的角色與任務的改變影響教師資格審查制度之內涵。 三、學術自由與大學自主的理念有助於釐清政府、大學與教師之關係。 四、教育評鑑概念有利於探究教師資格審查制度的定位。 五、理想的教師資格審查制度至少包括自主性、適切性、精確性、效用性及回應性等五項規準。 六、主要國家或地區教師資格審查制度受其歷史、文化背景及高等教育環境不同而有差異。 七、從整體性角度來看我國大學教師資格審查制度仍有改進空間。例如政府在制度規劃層面的彈性仍嫌不足、學校在執行層面仍欠缺多元性及多樣性。 八、從校際角度來看大學因其背景因素如定位、設校理念、校務發展、特殊學風及競爭優勢等不同,在延聘教師及教師資格審查制度上有相當差異。 本研究之主要結論有: 一、 教師資格審查制度的理念分析方面 (一) 回歸大學主體性。 (二) 全面關照教師整體表現。 (三) 尊重大學內部事務運作。 (四) 建立多元評量及回饋機制。 (五) 教師資格之審查應符合理想的評鑑規準。 二、主要國家或地區教師資格審查制度所得到的啟示方面 (一)教師資格審查制度宜考量歷史文化因素。 (二)教師聘期規劃宜符合世界潮流。 (三)教師資格條件宜力求嚴謹。 (四)學術倫理及責任宜加速強化。 三、目前國內大學教師資格審查制度所面臨的整體性問題方面 (一) 政府與大學的關係宜再調整。 (二) 政府宜明確區隔大學、技術校院及專科學校的差異性。 (三) 大學內部教師評鑑制度及文化宜速建立。 (四) 大學外部衝擊應妥善因應。 四、目前國內大學教師資格審查制度在校際間之差異方面 (一)政府在制度規劃時應兼顧國、私立大學屬性差異。 (二)大學在執行層面應考量特色以創新思維突破限制。 本研究的建議如下: 一、對主管教育行政機關的建議 (一) 政府應持續調整對大學的角色並加速鬆綁。 (二) 政府應區分大學校院與技專校院送審機制,取消發放教師證書制度。 二、對一般大學校院的建議 (一) 大學應儘速建立完整的教師評鑑制度。 (二) 大學應儘速發展學術自律及倫理規範。 (三) 大學應加強學校定位與選聘教師的連結以建立特色。 (四) 大學應活化並創新教師資格審查機制。 / There are five main purposes in this dissertation: 1.to clarify the roles and tasks of faculty of universities; 2.to investigate the principles and standards of the faculty qualification assessment process in the universities; 3.to examine the assessment process in other countries; 4.to analyze the current situations of the assessment process in Taiwan; 5.to provide suggestions for future improvement to the universities and the Ministry of Education. This research contains literature review, document analysis, and semi-structured interviews in order to achieve the five aims mentioned above through both theoretical and practical analysis of the assessment process for faculty qualification. The important research findings include the following: 1.The change of concepts and functions of university has influenced the school culture and the way the system operates. 2.The change of faculty roles and tasks has affected the substance of the faculty qualification assessment process. 3.The ideas of academic freedom and university autonomy have helped to clarify the relations among the government, the university and the faculty. 4.The concept of educational evaluation contributes to the investigation of right position for the faculty qualification assessment process. 5.The ideal faculty qualification assessment process should carry at least five standards: independence, propriety, accuracy, effectiveness, and responsiveness standards. 6.The faculty qualification assessment processes in the main countries and areas are different because of their histories, cultures, and environment of higher education. 7.From a comprehensive perspective, the faculty qualification assessment process in Taiwan still need to improve. For instance, the government is not flexible enough in terms of the planning of systems; the school lacks of variety and diversity in terms of implications. 8.Analyzing the recruitment processes and the faculty qualification assessment processes in various universities, the differences are determined by some background factors such as the school's position, educational ideas, development of school affairs, school culture and style, competition advantages, etc. The main conclusions of this dissertation are as follows: 1.Analyzed from the concepts of the faculty qualification assessment process: (1)Return to the autonomy of the university. (2)Take the comprehensive performance of the faculty into account. (3)Respect the operations of affairs inside the university. (4)Build a system of varied evaluations and feedbacks. (5)The assessment of the faculty qualification must accord with proper standards of evaluation. 2.Analyzed from the faculty qualification assessment processes in other countries: (1)The faculty qualification assessment process should consider the factors of history and culture. (2)The regulations for the terms of the faculty should keep with the world stream. (3)The qualification of the faculty should be well-regulated and strict. (4)The ethics and responsibilities of scholarship should be enforced faster. 3.The general problems of the faculty qualification assessment process in Taiwan: (1)The relation between the government and the university needs to readjust. (2)The government should make clear the differences between universities, colleges of technology, and vocational junior colleges. (3)Universities should accelerate to build the teacher evaluation system inside the school. (4)Universities should react properly to strikes from outside the school. 4.The differences of the faculty qualification assessment process between schools: (1)As setting the regulations, the government should consider the basic differences between national and private universities. (2)As implementing the process, each university should consider its specialty and style so as to be creative and not confined. The suggestions this research makes include: 1.Suggestions to the Ministry of Education: (1)The government should keep adjusting the role it plays in relation to the university and accelerate to pass its power to the later. (2)The government should differentiate the assessment process for universities' teachers from the one for vocational colleges' teachers and abolish the teacher certificate system. 2.Suggestions to the universities: (1)Universities should create a complete procedure for evaluating their faculty. (2)Universities should develop the self-disciplines and ethics of scholarship. (3)Universities should make more efforts on connecting the school specialties to teacher recruitment in order to create their own reputations. (4)Universities should vitalize and recreate the process of the faculty qualification assessment.

黃金價格預測探討-跳躍模型之改良 / On Forecasting Gold Price: An Improved Jump and Dip Forecasting Model

方玠人, Fang, Chieh Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本文改良了Shafiee-Topal(2010)所提出之跳躍模型之波動率,並歸納成三種模型:改良跳躍模型、改良平滑跳躍模型以及最佳化跳躍模型,並運用時間序列模型探討樣本期間內黃金價格。第一部份比較三種跳躍模型與Shafiee-Topal模型在訓練集及測試集的預測結果,並預測2012年至2018年之黃金價格走勢。第二部份探討黃金價格、原油價格以及美元加權指數之間的互動關係,建立多變數模型以預測黃金價格之長期趨勢。 首先,本文檢驗黃金價格、原油價格及美元加權指數樣本之恆定性,經由ADF 單根檢定法發現序列具有單根,進而使用TSP(Trend Stationary Process)估計模型參數。其次,黃金價格、原油價格及美元加權指數經共整合檢定發現,各模型變數間均具有共整合關係,即變數間具有長期均衡關係。黃金價格與原油價格呈正向反應,而黃金價格和原油價格與美元加權指數呈負向反應,除了受自身的預測解釋能力外,亦可以做為觀察其他變數的未來走勢方向及影響大小預估。最後,探討黃金價格受波動率的影響情形,本文改良Shafiee-Topal模型之波動率,並比較四種模型對黃金價格趨勢預測之結果,發現改良平滑跳躍模型在實際黃金價格波動率大時,其趨勢預測結果會優於Shafiee-Topal模型。 / This research advanced the volatility component (λ) of the jump and dip model (Shafiee and Topal,2010) on gold prices from 1968 to 2012 and estimated the gold price for the next 6 years. Based on the trend stationary process, we defined the three components and derived three new models: Adjusted Jump and Dip Model, Adjusted Smooth Jump and Dip Model and Optimized Jump and Dip Model. First part of the thesis compared the performance in prediction of the training data and the testing data for three different models and the jump and dip model. Second part of the thesis investigated the relationship among the gold price, crude oil price, and trade weighted U.S. dollar index of the concepts The result illustrated the long term trend of gold price described by a multivariate predictive model. We found evidence that different levels of volatility affect the prediction of gold price, and the adjusted jump and dip Model performs best when the true volatility is relatively high.

政府機關辦理採購人員適當行為決策之研究-以「花博『花價風暴』」為例 / A study of government officials' decision making in procurement process- the case of flower prices in the flower expo

郭素蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
政府機關每年編列龐大的預算執行公共政策,大部分的政策依賴機關辦理採購以執行公務預算,而政府採購亦以編列預算為前提要件。採購招標案,廠商投標著眼於成本利潤,機關則著重預算執行,採購預算的編列為採購案的主軸,舖陳整個採購案的執行與體現。採購程序自預算的編列、底價的訂定、決標單價的調整、變更契約,乃至多次流廢標後預算的調整,皆涉價格判斷。 政府採購行為不僅是法律問題,作為推動政策之手段,為有效執行預算,採購人員必須全面瞭解採購法規,廣泛運用行政裁量及判斷,具備思考力。採購人員專業規範於政府採購法,指出辦理採購人員於不違反政府採購法規定範圍,得基於公共利益、採購效益或專業判斷之考量,為適當之採購決定。縱觀採購案件辦理程序,實務上,大部分重要階段之採購工作由業務需求單位辦理,且大多未具備採購專業知能,這與政府採購法賦予採購人員專業認定之設計精神有違。 本研究以臺北市政府辦理「新生高架橋改建工程」引爆2010國際花卉博覽會舉辦前,外界所稱「花價風暴」之採購案例為單一研究個案,探討研究個案為何這是個「說不清楚的新生高」?為何單純採購瑕疵與缺失案件以不符比例原則的向上、向外擴散延燒不止時,仍為外界認定是個「說不清楚的『花價風暴』」?當臺北市政府相關人員無法清楚釐清原因時,似乎引出整起「花價風暴」問題的真正意義在於一開始的預算編列程序有探討的必要。 個案資料採取多重資料蒐集來源與理論之三角檢定法,資料蒐集的方法為文獻分析法與深度訪談法,依據政府採購法與展望理論觀點,檢驗理論與個案實證資料之差距,提出可能的解釋,歸納出個案行為特徵,提煉出採購法理性制度、法規所沒有考慮到的行為變數,藉以提出建議。 研究結果發現臺北市政府無法在花價風暴中,第一時間說出合理的價格差異,主要原因是採購預算的編列欠缺堅實的準據,所以不易把握花價問題的癥結所在,使得臺北市政府陷入本末倒置、以果為因、似是而非的邏輯困境,以致回應不力,造成花價問題惡性循環不已,在外在環境虎視耽耽的不利環境下,雙雙引爆,形成花風暴,橫掃整個花博,政府採購行為在事件中遍體麟傷。歸究原因在採購人員缺乏採購需求的辨識與確認的能力,無價格形成的確認能力,亦無資訊蒐集的能力,採購專業的表達能力也待加強。

生活風格、空間氛圍與傳記型創業之探討 / Lifestyle and Atmosphere Creation in Biographical Enterprise

劉思廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討創業家成長歷程對其創業思維的影響及創業家如何將其生活風格透過「信念傳達」、「核心價值」、「產品創意」、「物件揀選」、「氛圍營造」、「成長進修」、「活動舉辦」與「網路社群」八個微型創業元素具體展現於所創事業中。 本論文以傳記型創業家為代表進行微型創業之研究。先由文獻、次級資料及報章雜誌中歸納傳記型創業家的特點與微型創業的元素,挑選三個研究個案從中分析其成長歷程和生活風格對其所創事業之關聯性與展現方式。選擇之研究個案為:於2012年2月被美國知名藝文娛樂網站Flavorwire選為全球最美20間書店中的好樣本事之「好樣集團」、讓人彷彿身處京都町屋風情的「衛屋茶事」及承襲百年歷史風華進而轉型的時尚農業商行「臺灣伍中行」。 研究問題經分析比較企業個案資料所得之結論如下: 壹、創業家的成長歷程如何影響其創業思維? 1. 「文化資本」的累積與深度為傳記型創業家是否能成功的關鍵因素。 2. 運用文化資本創業之過程:(1). 興趣成事業,增強對事物的觀察、理解與應用力;(2). 洞察市場需求,創意佳能將此需求以文化資本作發揮與呈現;(3). 據說故事的能力。 貳、創業家如何將生活風格透過微型創業元素展現於事業體? 1. 洞察生活風格,將價值、資源與物件等元素做拼湊,忠實傳遞生活風格。 2. 經活動舉辦與網路社群經營,傳遞企業理念與提供新風格部落形成平台。 / This is a study on how the life stories of a micro-entrepreneur can have influence on his business ideas, and how his lifestyle can translate to the micro-enterprise through ‘belief propagation,’ ‘core values,’ ‘product creativity,’ ‘product selection,’ ‘atmosphere creation,’ ‘continuing education,’ ‘event organization,’ and ‘social networking,’ which are the eight elements of micro-enterprise. The study has the biographical entrepreneur as its model. Firstly, it summarizes the characteristics of biographical entrepreneurs and elements of micro-enterprise through reviewing literature, secondary materials and journalism. Secondly, three cases are selected as subjects for analyses. The three cases are: (1) VVG Something, one of the Flavorwire 2012 ‘the 20 most Beautiful Bookstore in the World’, (2) Sputnik Lab, a successful creator of ‘Machiya’ atmosphere, and (3) Taiwan Wu Chung Hang, a century-old trading company newly transformed to a food and agricultural product center ‘a-la-mode’. Conclusions on the case study: (1) How can life stories of a micro-entrepreneur influence his business ideas? a. The amount of ‘cultural capital’ that a biographical entrepreneur owns is a crucial key to his success. b. Turn cultural capital into business: (a) Turn interests into profits. Try to make as much observation, understanding and application as possible. (b) Find out the demand, satisfy such demand with creative ideas basing on your cultural capital. (c) Tell engaging stories. (2) How can the lifestyle of a micro-entrepreneur translate to his micro-enterprise through the elements of enterprise? a. Make thorough observations on lifestyle, and recreate and present it through concretizing values, resources and objects. b. Apply ‘event organization’ and ‘social-networking’ properly so that the enterprise is not only a propagated belief but also a platform for forming new ideas. Keywords: lifestyle, spatial atmosphere, biographical enterprise


天野, 浩 01 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.


杜昭儀 Unknown Date (has links)
指數期貨在到期結算當天於現貨市場產生的到期效應,一直眾所關切的議題。影響到期效應的因素很多,其中指數期貨的最後結算方式,亦影響著到期效應的大小或發生與否。因此,本研究之目的在研究台灣現貨市場在改變最後結算方式後,是否有助於減緩到期效應發生之情況;此外亦比較世界各交易所採用的不同最後結算方式,是否對於現貨市場有不同影響,並將可行的最後結算方式提出供台灣來參考,以能達到降低現貨市場波動度並得到一個合理的最後結算價。實證結果如下: (1) 故整體來說,改變最後結算方式似乎不能有效改善對於現貨市場的所產生的到期效應。此外,開盤十五分鐘內的波動度大,採取此段時間的加權指數平均是否能得到一個合理的最後結算價格是有待商榷的。 (2) 在特別開盤報價、收盤價、平均價、盤中集合競價四種最後結算方式中,採用「平均價」、「盤中集合競價」之期貨契約均沒有檢測出具有異常波動效果。同時,在台灣現行交易制度與市場參與者的組成結構下,採用「特別開盤報價」、「收盤價」以及「盤中集合競價」在到期結算時容易因瞬間流動性不足,遭市場投機人士干預最後結算價格,故不適合採用這三種方式來決定最後結算價格。 (3) 未來仍然應繼續採用平均的方式來決定最後結算方式,但應修改目前開盤十五分鐘指數平均的計算方式,並可以考慮朝以下三個方向,以得一個合理的最後結算價格,並有效降低結算日市場波動度,及人為干預的情況: 1.延長計算最後結算價格的期間至一個最適長度。 2.將極端值刪除,不列入指數平均值的計算。 3.選擇一段能夠反應結算日當天現貨市場波動情況的期間,做為計 算最後結算價格之基礎。

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