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由建築師事務所設計作品風格形塑品牌形象之研究-以台北地區集合住宅設計為例 / Branding Architect Design Studio with its Style: A Case of Housing Design in Taipei Metropolitan Area許烈嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
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非賓格不及物動詞在U型語言發展中受到非賓格及物動詞,被動語態,和主詞生命度的影響 / Interaction of Alternating Unaccusatives, Passives, and Animacy Effect in the U-shaped Development of Non-alternating Unaccusatives石惠中, Shih, Hui Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以Kellerman (1978) 的U型學習理論為基礎做擴大研究。本篇論文旨在探討英文程度不同的中文為母語之人士,在學習非賓格不及物動詞時是否也會出現U型曲線,除此之外,非賓格不及物動詞與非賓格及物動詞,被動態,主詞生命度之間的互動也將做討論。
在這個研究中,我們採用語法判斷(Grammaticality judgment)來測試受測者對於非賓格不及物動詞的理解和中英轉譯(Chinese to English translation)來測試受測者對於主詞生命度和主被動態之間的影響。此研究共有123位受測者,他們根據學習英文的長短被分為四個組別,分別是低、低中、中、與中高程度。
此研究可歸納為以下結論。(1) 不同英文程度的中文為母語之人士,在學習英文非賓格不及物動詞時也會出現U型曲線。此即意味著U型曲線不僅僅出現在母語為荷蘭語學習非賓格及物動詞Break的學習上,更可擴大到母語為中文學習非賓格不及物動詞上。(2) 中文為母語之人士無法正確使用非賓格及物動詞,並且會把非賓格及物動詞當作非賓格不及物動詞。(3) 在學習非賓格不及物動詞中,主詞生命度確實會影響學習者使用主被動態之不同。當主詞有生命時,句子傾向使用主動態,當主詞是無生命時,句子傾向使用被動態。 / The study is based on Kellerman’s (1978) U-shaped leaning on break to do further study. The study aims to examine if the learning of non-alternating unaccsatives for L2 Chinese learners of English with different proficiency presents a U-shaped curve. In addition, the interactions among alternating unaccusatives, non-alternating unaccusatives, passives and animacy effect are discussed as well.
In the study, we use grammaticality judgment task to test participants’ understanding of non-alternating unaccusatives, and adopt Chinese to English translation task to test animacy effect in non-alternating unaccusatives. 123 participants involve the experiment of the study. Among these participants, they are classified as four groups, low, low-intermediate, intermediate, and high-intermediate, according to how long they studied English.
The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) There is a U-shaped curve in learning of non-alternating unaccusatives for L2 Chinese speakers learning English. It suggested that U-shaped learning is not only in alternating unaccusatives break in L1 Dutch but also in non-alternating unaccusatives in L1 Chinese. (2) For L2 learners, they are unable to use alternating unaccusatives correctly and tend to view alternating unaccusatives as non-alternating ones. (3) Animacy effect does influence the choices of voice forms. The study showed that participants tend to use active voice while the subject is animate and prefer to use passive voice while the subject is inanimate.
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廠商競爭型態與策略性貿易政策 / Strategic Trade Policy Under Cournot-Bertrand Competition蔡守容 Unknown Date (has links)
從Brander and Spencer (1985)和Eaton and Grossman (1986)兩篇最早的策略性貿易文獻中可知,廠商的競爭型態對於政府的貿易政策有決定性的影響,數量競爭下政府於第一階段的最適策略為補貼,價格競爭則為課稅;但在目前策略性貿易的各種延伸模型中並未對競爭型態與策略性貿易政策之間的關係做討論,本文將競爭型態不一致的情況引入原始的策略性貿易模型,亦即一家廠商採取數量競爭,另家廠商採取價格競爭的情形,並與競爭型態一致的情況作比較,探討競爭型態與策略性貿易政策的關係,得到了以下主要結論:(1)政府的最適貿易政策乃看對手廠商採取的競爭型態而定,若對手廠商採取數量競爭,則無論本國廠商採取價格或是數量競爭,最適策略皆為出口補貼。若對手廠商採取價格競爭,則無論本國廠商採取價格或是數量競爭,最適策略皆為出口課稅;(2)若本國廠商採取數量競爭,外國廠商有多家且採取數量或是價格競爭,則看採取數量競爭的外國廠商還是價格競爭的外國廠商,在單位補貼下對本國廠商的邊際利潤有較大的影響力,若整體數量競爭廠商影響力較大則最適政策為出口補貼,若整體價格競爭廠商影響力較大則最適政策為出口課稅。
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都會區房價泡沫形成之研究-以台中市獨立式及集合式住宅為例 / Research on the Bubble in Metropolitan Area-Cases of Detached Houses and Condominiums in Taichung黃雅祺, Huang, Ya Chi Unknown Date (has links)
房地產市場中的獨立式住宅及集合式住宅兩大類商品,其在追求生活品質的同時符合Hotelling模型極小化產品差異的結果,由研究成果顯示集合式住宅渴望在繁榮的鬧區保有安靜的生活環境,而獨立式住宅則是在空曠的郊區追求生活機能,前者為「鬧中取靜」,後者為「靜中取鬧」,換言之集合式住宅與公園綠地等休閒設施距離越近泡沫越大,但對於會帶來大量車流和人潮的交通樞紐及大型遊樂場所等則是距離越遠,泡沫越大,獨立式住宅方面則是距離連鎖餐飲、便利商店等生活機能設施越近,泡沫越大。 / Since there were not many papers focusing on the topic of the relationship between bubbles and housing characteristics, this paper studies the internal as well as the external causes of housing bubble by adopting the canonical Hedonic Pricing Method. By utilizing a constructed unique database composed of Taichung housing transactions, the detailed features of transactions on the detached houses and condominiums can be investigated. The "Building Interior", "Education", "Leisure", "Living Infrastructure", "Location", "Transportation", "Security", and "NIMBY" are collected as the measurement of quality of life in housing characteristics to complement the Star School District impact in the educational buffer. Using the level of house price bubbles as dependent variable and dividing the selected area into 65 school districts, and discover what factors are used for house price speculation.
The results show similar demand on the quality of life, in line with Hotelling Model, in both the transactions of detached houses and condominiums. The residents of condominium; however, prefers living in the prosperous urban area with Serene environment whereas the occupants of detached house would choose to live in the spacious suburban area with decent local living facilities. In other words, the closer the condominiums are with leisure facilities, such as public park, and the further they are with facilities that gathers crowd and traffic, such as transportation hub and entertainment facilities, the larger the bubble. The further the detached houses are with living function facilities such as chain restaurants, convenient stores, the larger the bubble.
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台北市與台灣全區房屋設算租金之研究 / A Study of Housing Imputed Rent in Taipei City and Taiwan邱筑華 Unknown Date (has links)
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網路拍賣價格訊息、賣方評價與出價次數對於消費者競標意願影響之研究─以知覺價值為中介變項 / The influence of online auction price, seller reputation and numbers of bids on consumers' bidding intention--perception value as intervening variables戴瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
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能源價格衝擊與台灣總體經濟 / Energy price shocks and Taiwan’s macroeconomy陳虹均, Chen, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
自1970年代以來有許多研究指出,能源價格衝擊對於一個國家的總體經濟表現有顯著的影響。但對於能源價格究竟是以何種形式,以及透過什麼管道對總體經濟產生影響,卻沒有一致的看法。同時,經濟決策者對於能源價格變動的反應,經常因為有不確定性的存在而有延後反映的現象。本文利用台灣1981年到2009年的能源價格,建構數種對稱與不對稱之能源價格變動設定,以Granger因果關係檢定探討能源價格變動與台灣其他相關的總體經濟變數資料間的關係;並透過自我迴歸分配落後模型 (Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model, ARDL) 模型估計能源價格與台灣產出的長期關係。我們的實證結果顯示:能源價格,相較於台灣的總體經濟體系,具有外生性。能源價格成長率對產出與失業率沒有顯著的影響;但能源價格的波動程度對台灣產出成長率卻有顯著的負面影響。能源價格波動率與台灣實質產出具有長期均衡關係,而且能源價格波動將對台灣實質產出有負面影響。 / Since the 1970s, numerous studies have demonstrated that energy price impact can have a significant influence on a country’s macroeconomy. However, there is no consensus regarding in what form, or by which channel can energy price changes affect the macroeconomy. In addition, economic decision makers often respond to energy price changes with a time lag due to the existence of uncertainty. This paper constructs several indicators of symmetric and asymmetric energy price changes based on the energy prices in Taiwan for the period from 1981 to 2009. We employ the Granger’s causality test to examine the relationship between energy price changes and related macroeconomic variables; and utilize the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) to estimate the long-run relationship between energy price volatility and Taiwan’s real GDP. Our empirical results show that energy price exhibits exogeneity relative to important macroeconomic variables; the energy price growth rate does not have significant impact on output and unemployment rate, while the energy price volatility has negative impact on Taiwan’s macroeconomy. There is long-run relationship between the energy price volatility and Taiwan’s real GDP. Furthermore, the energy price volatility do have negative impact on Taiwan’s real GDP.
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通路自有品牌願付價格影響因素之研究-以家樂福量販店為例 / The Research on the Factors Affecting Willingness to Pay of Private Brands – An Empirical Study of Carrefour.陳佳昱 Unknown Date (has links)
根據經濟部統計處2008年的《零售業動態調查》,以綜合商品零售業中的「超級市場」與「零售式量販店」銷售額成長最為快速,導致大型零售店對品牌商的議價力明顯增強,甚至刺激了通路自有品牌(Private Brand)的蓬勃發展。近年來,多家知名連鎖通路皆推出各式各樣的自有品牌商品,且有逐漸「優質化、高品質」的趨勢,顯示低價已不再是所有自有品牌商品的主要訴求。
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併購價格的實證研究-以凱基證券入主台証證券為例 / An smpirical study of the price of M & A -The Merger of KGI and Taiwan Securities Inc.張幼蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
考量併購後,讓凱基證券由第八名券商一躍成為市場第二名的券商,所獲得到的綜效,顯示凱基入主台証證券的合併價格可能已納入前瞻性的策略性的競爭因素的考量 / When enterprises want to expand their business scale,one of the important strategies is through mergers and acquisitions , to obtain market share and manpower. KGI Securities merged Taiwan Securities with NT$290 billion dollars in May 2009 , and the acquisition price represents a 48% premium, compared to its book value .Because securities industry revenues fluctuate according to the stock market's circles to a great degree, the question that this thesis want to answer is whether the acquisition price is reasonable or not?
This study uses Book Value Method, Price/Book Value Ratio method, Price/Earning Ratio method and Free Cash Flow Discount Model to calculate the fair value of Taiwan Securities, The fair value according to the book value price, P/E ratio methods show that the acquisition price is too high. However, free cash flow method indicate that the acquisition price of Taiwan Securities is close to its fair value.
Because of the merger and the acquisition of Taiwan Securities, KGI Securities improve its ranking to the second from the eighth of the brokerage market shares, which indicate that acquisition price has taken into concern the strategic synergy for KGI Securities.
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房價泡沫,景氣預測,及小樣本下住宅價格估計之研究 / Three essays about housing price bubble, real estate business cycle prediction and small sample estimation of housing price馬毓駿 Unknown Date (has links)
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