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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

変わりゆくアジアの価値観 : 幸福・所得・格差 / カワリユク アジア ノ カチカン : コウフク ショトク カクサ / 変わりゆくアジアの価値観 : 幸福所得格差

滝本 香菜子, Kanako Takimoto 21 March 2021 (has links)
本研究は、経済発展の段階が異なるアジアの7カ国(日本・韓国・中国・マレーシア・タイ・ベトナム・ミャンマー)を対象に幸福の価値観を明らかにすることを目的とする。分析方法は、順序プロビット回帰分析およびRIF分析を用いる。具体的なリサーチクエスチョンの1点目は、「同地域の国際比較における幸福のパラドクスの有無」である。2点目は、「個人の特徴からみたアジア特有の幸福要因は存在するのか、またそれらに男女差はあるのか」である。3点目は、「国別に女性の幸福は異なるのか」についてである。 / This paper examines what makes us happy in Asian countries; Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar, which where at different stages of economic development, by estimating Ordered Probit and Recentered Influence Function regressions. We mainly focus on the following three questions: 1) Is the Happiness Paradox observed in Asian countries?; 2) Are there particular components of individual happiness in Asian countries? Moreover, are the components of happiness the same for men and women? and 3) Do the components of women’s happiness vary from country to country? / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


森廣, 祐也 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第24362号 / 法博第285号 / 新制||法||177(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 原田 大樹, 教授 岡村 忠生, 教授 仲野 武志 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM

Osteological study of Setouchi salamander Hynobius setouchi / セトウチサンショウウオの骨格に関する研究

Hara, Sotaro 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第23994号 / 人博第1046号 / 新制||人||245(附属図書館) / 2022||人博||1046(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科相関環境学専攻 / (主査)准教授 西川 完途, 教授 加藤 眞, 教授 市岡 孝朗, 教授 本川 雅治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

閱讀文學之教學初探:台灣雙語學生批判思考之行動研究 / Teaching Critical Thinking with Literature: An Action Research in a Bilingual Context in Taiwan

陳宇欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以行動研究方式,探討一所台灣雙語學校英語為外語(EFL)學生,在接受為期四十週的英語文學課程期間,哪些教學策略最能激發其做批判思考。研究的對象為二十一位七年級的學生,按其CEF語言分級結果,九位為中高級程度,十二位為中級。除探討教學策略的成效,亦分析這些策略對於兩組英語程度和學習背景(有雙語教育背景及無雙語教育背景)相異的學生分別所產生的作用。透過行動研究的步驟―亦為開發、實施、檢討、修正―以及五階段的學生學習成果分析,教師—研究者不斷調整其教學策略來回應學生學習上的需求。 本論文所探討之研究問題為三:(一)哪些文學課程的教學策略最能激發所有研究對象做批判思考?(二)根據問題一,有雙語教育背景及無雙語教育背景的研究對象分別受哪一教學策略刺激最多? (三)透過文學教學,兩組研究對象分別在哪些批判思考項目表現最有進步空間? 教師—研究者以Ennis的批判思考評分表為基礎做修正,並以此評分表比較分析實驗對象之前測、學習單、與批判思考紙筆回應。根據資料與教師實際觀察,鷹架理論、蘇格拉底式提問法、舉證、自身實例、創意思考與溝通式教學最能激發學生產生批判思考,而所有研究對象無論其語言程度或學習背景如何,皆能表現出批判思考的技能。不過,就情意上,中高級有雙語教育背景的學生較習慣於開放性的思辯與討論過程,而中級無雙語教育背景的學生則因自身的語言及西方文化認識的限制而需要適應與協助。 / This study had been conducted in a seventh-grade bilingual classroom of nine high-intermediate and twelve intermediate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students over forty weeks in Taiwan. The aim of the study was to seek strategies that would best help stimulate students’ critical thinking (CT) skills through the teaching of literature, and how those strategies affected the learning results of the two groups of participants with different language proficiency levels and prior education experiences (EFL bilingual context vs. EFL non-bilingual context). The teacher-researcher had adopted the developing, implementing, reflecting, and modifying steps of an action-research framework, and through analyzing students’ learning results in the 5 reflecting Stages, modified tasks and pedagogies were implemented right away to address students’ learning needs. Three questions anticipated responses from the study, which were: “What teaching strategies can stimulate all the participants’ critical thinking skills through literature?”, “Based on Question 1, which strategy is the most CT-stimulating for the bilingual group and which for the non-bilingual group?” and “Through literature study, which CT skills are the most-improved for the bilingual and the non-bilingual group?” In answering the questions, students’ pretest, weekly worksheets, and CT written responses were evaluated against the teacher-researcher’s self-created CT rubric adapted from Ennis’ version in every Stage for further lesson modification. Based on these data, 6 teaching strategies were proved to be CT-stimulating, which were: scaffolding, Socratic Questioning, evidence of proof, making personal connections, thinking outside the box, and adopting the Communicative Approach. All the participants were able to perform an amount of CT skills regardless of their language proficiency levels or learning backgrounds; however, in terms of CT dispositions, the high-intermediate bilingual participants feel more comfortable expressing their ideas openly, and the intermediate non-bilingual ones were influenced by their own linguistic and cultural limitations.

商業方法專利適格性研究:從美國Alice v. CLS Bank及其後續出發 / From Alice v. CLS Bank to Patent Eligibility: Trend and Development

郭彥君 Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊科技與知識經濟緊密結合的新時代,網際網路發達與電子商務普及使得「電子化」當道的商業方法發明成為專利申請的新趨勢。尤其是美國在1990年代末期正式承認商業方法是可專利標的之後,原本就是資訊科技龍頭與全球貿易大國的美國,也因此成為商業方法專利的「新樂園」。 電子商務業者紛紛搶進,積極申請並取得美國的商業方法專利。相較於歐洲直接排除商業方法的可專利性,美國是公認對商業方法專利審查寬鬆的國家。然而,這樣的專利政策也使得美國商業方法專利的品質良莠不齊,進而引發許多專利爭議的訴訟案件。2014年的Alice案可謂美國商業方法專利的分水嶺,美國最高法院藉此宣告商業方法專利寬鬆政策的終結,並將專利適格性作為嚴格審查可專利性的首要門檻。 為深入了解美國商業方法專利的來龍去脈與未來趨勢,本論文首先回顧美國歷年具有指標性的商業方法專利案件,接著探討Alice案後聯邦巡迴上訴法院對專利適格性的法律見解。藉由檢視美國專利商標局頒佈的最新審查基準,以及分析美國發明法針對商業方法專利施行的新措施,本研究發現:一、雖然商業方法仍是美國法定可專利標的,但這個資格認定只是取得進入專利審查的入場券,還必須進一步檢視其專利適格性,才能確定系爭商業方法是法定專利適格標的。二、最高法院在Alice案立下的「兩步驟分析架構」是專利適格性的最高判斷標準。這個標準不但提高專利審查門檻,更將判斷核心聚焦在「科技技術」。三、美國專利商標局據此修改最新審查基準,使得行政審查的判斷準則與司法齊步,將「兩部分析方法」當作可專利性審查的第一道防線。四、發明法案推行「涵蓋商業方法專利複查程序」,是快速有效篩選品質不良之商業方法專利的最佳訴訟途徑。 如今美國已形成立法、司法與行政三方同步嚴格把關商業方法專利的態勢。審視此次美國專利政策的轉變,不但將商業方法專利的審查門檻提高,也順勢讓專利政策回歸專利追求實用技術的立法初衷。有鑒於此,對積極發展電子商務為產業升級的臺灣,無論是產業界或是政府相關單位來說,都有必要關注並積極跟上這次全球專利政策風向的轉變!

19世紀英格蘭公學校跑步運動的發展 / The Development of Running and the Great Public Schools in 19th Century England

程奕嘉, Cheng, I Chia Unknown Date (has links)
19世紀英格蘭社會,對於運動史研究來說是很重要的時期。本研究將從19世紀的英格蘭談起,藉由公學校在運動發展中的影響力,來討論與理解跑步運動在19世紀公學校內的發展脈絡以及現代化的過程為何?19世紀在有能力就讀公學校,還有劍橋、牛津大學等中上階級們的影響之下,促使了「現代運動」的形成。同時,這些在運動發展上握有權力的中上階級們,在運動發展的過程中,塑造出了「業餘精神」,藉此來強調運動的高尚和階級的優越性。本文將從19世紀初期討論到西元1908年倫敦奧運。從公學校早期具有娛樂和暴力性質的跑步運動談起,在19世紀中歷經校長改革和學生們投入後,跑步運動中娛樂與暴力性質越來越少,加入更多工業革命發展下所帶來的現代元素。19世紀後半葉,公學校內跑步運動發展逐漸成熟,討論規則制定的情況漸少,描述比賽舉辦情況漸多。在公學校外,許多田徑俱樂部和越野賽跑俱樂部在公學校或是大學校友們的支持下成立。1880年業餘田徑協會成立,統一各地俱樂部和規則紛亂的局面,負責掌管英格蘭地區有關田徑運動的一切事宜,這也是公學校內討論跑步運動規則情況減少的原因。1908年倫敦在畢業於公學校校友的牽線下舉辦奧運,並與美國在跑步賽場上因為「業餘精神」和規則發生了些紛爭。至此,我們可以看出19世紀英格蘭公學校跑步運動的發展狀況,以及了解公學校跑步運動發展與現代運動出現間,部份的互動關係和影響。 / The nineteenth cenry is an essential age for Sport history, especially in England. This research attempts to comprehend the revolutionary transformation of British sporting culture by studying running. During the Victorian era, running, as a sport category, includes hare and hounds, cross-country running, handicap, steeplechase and track events which is a little bit different from the modern Athletics. The research focuses on the public schools’ students, their relationship with athleticism, running sport and the society in the nineteenth-century England. As its main concern is the role of the public schools played in the the transformation of British sporting culture, the dissertation begins with the education system of the public schools and the running in the old times . Then, it turns to the transformation of athleticism and the renovation of running in the public schools by discussing what, why and how it happened? The third chapter moves to the modern running games held in the public schools, and the interaction between the public schools and the amateur clubs. The Amateur Athletic Association, established in 1880, played an important role in the history of running sports and had significant effects on Amateurism. Finally, the dissertation concludes with the 1908 London Summer Olympic to see the spread of public schools’ amateurism.

具自律學習機制之英語字彙學習APP對於學習成效的影響研究 / The Effects of English Vocabulary Learning APP with Self-regulated Learning Mechanism on Learning Performance

楊舜閔, Yang,Shun Min Unknown Date (has links)
英語為目前使用的最為普遍的國際語言,英語能力已成為每個學生都需要養成的基本能力,而英語字彙的學習,更是學好英語的最重要基礎,因此如何幫助學生學好英語也就越顯重要。 隨者資訊科技日新月異的發展,透過電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,近年來利用自律機制輔助數位學習的研究,已證實自律機制有助於提升學習成效,然而目前仍少有研究將自律學習機制應用於英語學習,特別是英語字彙學習。因此本研究所發展一「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」,可以讓學習者監控並提醒自己所設定的英語字彙自律學習目標,希望藉由敦促學習者達成自己所設定的自律學習目標,促進學生利用零碎時間學習,提升學習者的英語字彙學習成效。為了驗證「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」是否有助於提升英語字彙學習成效,本研究隨機選取國小六年級二個班級學生為研究對象,將其中一班隨機分派為採用「具自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」的實驗組,另一班為採用「無自律學習機制支援之英語字彙學習APP」的控制組,分別進行為期三週的英語字彙學習活動。實驗結果發現: (1).實驗組學習者學習成效及學習動機顯著優於控制組學習者 (2)實驗組場地相依學習者學習成效及學習動機顯著優於控制組場地相依學習者 (3).實驗組男性學習者在學習成效及學習動機均顯著優於控制組男性學習者 (4).實驗組女性學習者在學習成效及學習動機均顯著優於控制組女性學習者 (5).實驗組學習者進行自律學習後的學習成效及學習動機均顯著提升 (6).實驗組女性學習者學習成效及學習態度優於實驗組男性學習者 綜合本研究之研究結果,建議未來可以延長實驗時間,進行自律鷹架的去除,瞭解學生是否會因此養成自律學習的能力。此外根據學生的回應,希望APP中具休閒的功能,故亦可往遊戲化學習方向進行研究。 關鍵字: 自律學習(Self-regulated Learning)、學習成效(Learning Performance)、認知風格(Cognitive Style)、英語字彙學習(English Vocabulary Learning) / English is currently the commonest international language. English competence has become the basic competence of each student. English vocabulary learning is a primary basis to learn English well. How to help students learn English well therefore becomes more important. Following the changeable development of information technology, computer assisted language learning has become a development trend. Research on utilizing self-regulatory mechanisms for e-learning proved that self-regulatory mechanism could enhance learning performance. Nonetheless, there is little research on the application of self-regulatory learning mechanism to English learning, particularly to English vocabulary learning. For this reason, a “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” is developed in this study, allowing learners monitoring and reminding themselves of the preset English vocabulary self-regulatory learning goal. It is expected to promote learners’ English vocabulary learning performance by urging learners to achieve the preset self-regulatory learning goal and enhance students learning with trial time. To verify that the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” could enhance English vocabulary learning performance, two classes of G6 students are randomly selected as the research subjects. A class is randomly assigned as the experiment group with the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP”, and the other class is the control group without the “self-regulatory learning supported English vocabulary learning APP” for the three-week English vocabulary learning. The experiment findings show that (1) Learners in the experiment group present significantly better learning performance and learning motivation than those in the control group. (2) Site-dependent learners in the experiment group show remarkably better learning performance and learning motivation than those in the control group. (3) Male learners in the experiment group reveal notably better learning performance and learning motivation than male learners in the control group. (4) Female learners in the experiment group appear significantly beter learning performance and learning motivation than femal learners in the control group. (5) Learners in the experiment group remarkably enhance the learning performance and learning motivation after the self-regulatory learning. (6) Femal learners in the experiment group reveal better learning performance and learning attitudes than male learners in the experiment group. Summing up the research results, it is suggested that the future experiment time could be extended and the self-regulatory scaffolding could be removed to understand whether students would cultivate the self-regulatory learning ability. According to the students’ responses, it is further expected that the APP could show the function of leisure. In this case, the gamification of learning could be studied in the future. Keywords:Self-regulated Learning, Learning Performance, Cognitive Style, English Vocabulary Learning

利率政策對所得分配不均的關係 / Interest Rate Policy and Income Inequality

張鈺英, Chang, Yu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究旨在探討利率政策對所得分佈不均的關係,利用 Azzimonti, De Francisco, and Quadrini (2014) 的模型加以延伸擴展,並加入土地或資產的價格變動,從而進一步探討中央銀行的低利率政策對企業主與受薪階層的影響。 模型假設簡單將市場參與者分成2大類,分別是企業家與受薪的勞工,藉由此2大類分別的終生效用函數對利率的變動來說明利率政策對所得分配的影響。Joseph E. Stiglitz (2015b) 提及在低利率政策之下將導致信用的膨脹,進而使土地或資產的價值提高,而土地或資產之價格不斷上漲為造成所得分佈不均之重要原因之一,故本篇論文將土地價格變動納入模型加以延伸,並觀察台灣近幾年之現況。 此篇研究發現,在中央銀行的低利率政策之下,有產階層的企業家之財富條件將會愈來愈好,而與之相對的受薪階層的勞工之財富條件將會愈來愈差;而台灣近幾年之數據亦顯示當利率降低之際,代表所得分佈不均的GINI指數隨之上升,與本篇之研究結果相符。 / The objective of this thesis is to testify the relation between interest rate policy and income inequality. We develop a model based on Azzimonti, De Francisco, and Quadrini (2014) and expand the model by considering the change of the land or asset price so as to analyze the impact of low interest rate on the welfare of entrepreneurs and workers, respectively. The model simply divides the agents into two groups, entrepreneurs and workers, and uses their lifetime utility to explain the impact of interest rate policy on income inequality. Joseph E. Stiglitz (2015b) mentioned that low interest rate would expand the credit availability and drive up the land or asset price. The continuous upward trend of land or asset price is one of the important reason causing income inequality. After taking into account the land or asset price on the sensibility of income inequality toward interest rate, this thesis is able to provide a theoretical underpinning of Taiwan’s empirical observation in recent years. We find out that with low interest rate policy, entrepreneurs’ wealth condition is doing better and better while the workers’ wealth is getting worse. Taiwan’s data in the recent years also shows that once the central bank lowering the interest rate GINI index, which represent the income inequality distribution, will rise immediately. This situation is in accord with the thesis.

仲介員特性與房屋交易時的議價能力之關聯性 / The correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation

李亞叡, Lee, Ya Jui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的可分為二,第一個是希望探討具有不同特性之仲介員,在交易過程中是否有某些特性對於議價能力有顯著影響。第二個目的,希望探討在不同房屋類型之交易案件中,是否由更為適任之仲介員經手交易,能獲得更好的成果。透過模型設計,將特徵價格模型配合本研究目的加以修改,以實證迴歸分析那些仲介員特性更能夠在交易過程中,展現議價能力使買家提高願付價格(willingness to pay),讓委託人取得更好之賣價,同時也為公司創造更高價值。 根據實證結果顯示,仲介員性別、年齡對於議價達成率所產生的影響並不顯著,教育水準、年資與血型才是影響議價達成率的關鍵。仲介員教育程度越高議價能力越強,也越能達成委託人所委託之目標。同時本研究也發現年資高之仲介員容易產生代理人問題(agency problem),年資高之仲介員傾向於利用訊息優勢,左右買賣雙方之交易決策,使交易價格降低,不但背離委託人初衷,亦對公司造成負面影響。另一方面,血型為AB型之仲介員在議價能力上的表現最佳,該類仲介員普遍具有好的協商能力、邏輯分析能力,其次是順從、負責的A型仲介員,表現最差的反而是一般認為積極熱情的B型與O型。 / There are two purposes of this article. The first one is to identify the correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation/bargain. The second one is to find if there are some characteristics of a real estate agent that are more suitable for dealing certain type of housing, including apartment, mansion and high-rise. Using the method of hedonic house pricing as a basic model, the article takes a bargain rate as dependent variable instead of housing prices, while characteristics of real estate agents are included in independent variables. It should be noted that higher bargain rate means greater power of negotiation. The results of this article are (a) education, blood type are positively significant, (b) seniority is negatively significant, (c) gender, age, astrology are not. It is also found that there are agency problems in housing markets since agents with more seniority are more likely to have poor power of negotiation, which is opposite of our expectations. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on management and leadership of real estate industries.

漢賦語法風格研究 / The Study On the Grammar Style of Han Rhapsody(Fu)

丁憶如, Ding, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
辭賦在兩漢四百多年間,由於作者身分逐漸轉換,傳播方式的改易,還有文人對五七言句的接受,及政治環境的崩解等因素,導致其語言形式產生明顯變化,有漸趨駢偶、篇幅縮減等傾向。為了說明其語言風格與時俱「變」的軌跡,本文以169篇現存完整的漢賦為觀察對象,具體地描述並比較兩漢賦的種種異同,也嘗試將原本以作者等單「點」研究為主的語言風格學,延伸為一斷代賦史的「線」性觀察,更全面地回應賦學和文學史的研究成果。 本文第一章交代研究動機、方法及範圍,第二章則針對漢賦排比成篇的特徵,討論其句式風格及與五七言詩的關係;第三章進一步分析排比句中的「假平行」現象,並指出其與近體詩「假平行」不同的對仗習慣。第四章從較為宏觀的「篇章架構」著手,一方面呈現西漢著重時空順序的特徵,另方面也說明東漢建安小賦以首句概括全篇的安排。在第五章,筆者敘述漢賦「鋪彩摛文」的設計,包括使用長主語、長賓語以炫耀博學,竭力排比長謂語的種種動態,乃至多採「奔行」等手法;第六章則援引俄國形式主義學者所謂的「陌生化」概念,說明漢賦穿插「零句」和倒置語序,以引起聽眾或讀者新鮮感的安排。最後,第七章結論略述各章梗概,說明本文價值、研究限制和可繼續發展的相關議題。此外,〈附錄一〉〈附錄二〉是第二章的補充資料,分別為各篇句式分析表,以及二三、四三節奏賦句列表。 / Researchers of Han Rhapsody often suggest that, as a dominant literary genre of the Han Dynasty, rhapsody had changed its linguistic style gradually owing to the differences from the changes of authors’ social identities, the growing popularity and development of five and seven syllables(五七言詩), and the decline and fall of the Han empire. However, research that describes the specific and concrete features of this genre during the four hundred years of Han Dynasty is scant. To illustrate how the varying line length, loose parallelism, and extensive themes in Han Rhapsody was built up, interacted with the five and seven syllables(the representative genre of the six dynasty(魏晉六朝)), and influenced other rhythm works for the following millennium, I described, grouped, and integrated all the distinguishing details in Han Rhapsodies with the method which Leo Spitzer had mentioned in his work, Linguistics and Literary History: Essays in Stylistics. By analyzing the syntactic mode(句式), the pseudo parallel(假平行),the discourse- oriented topics, and the strategies the authors took to extend the length of the rhapsody and to unfamiliarize the readers with the incomplete or inverted sentence, this study showed how the complicated expressions, exhaustive details, and magnificent structures had been simplified and shortened, and both the authors and readers paid more attention to the emotions expressed rather than to the exaggerated language adapted step by step. To conclude, this study may be of importance in providing researchers with a better understanding of how the changes within a genre had taken place, as well as enriching the realm of the traditional Chinese literary criticism, which usually explains the literature phenomenon by subjective impression.

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