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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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伍偉華 Unknown Date (has links)
法律衝突係國際私法之主要研究對象,凡涉外法律關係所應適用之法律,必與兩個以上之國家法律發生牽連,究應適用何國法律以為解決,此乃國際私法所欲研究之課題,因此,尋求妥適之準據法,應為國際私法學研究重心之一。而不同之法律關係,例如:結婚之方式、夫妻財產、監護、遺囑、侵權行為、契約等等,在尋求連結因素(Connecting Factors, Points of Contact)之際,均有其各自考量,或與主體(Subject)有關,或與客體(Object)有關,或與行為(Action)有關,或與當事人之意思有關。 就有價證券處分行為之準據法而言,因跨國金融業務之蓬勃發展、有價證券之無實體化發行、集中保管及帳簿劃撥交易之普及運用,或有價證券之實體權利證書由集中保管機構統一保管,交易時不必實際移轉有價證券權利證書之實體,甚至發行人發行有價證券,並不發行實體證書,有價證券係直接在網際網路上,以虛擬之數字交易,直至有價證券賣出變現,並且投資人至金融機構或提款機提領現金之那一刻,該財產始轉變為有形之實體鈔票,此致傳統與「客體」及「行為」有關之「物之所在地」或「權利成立地」連結因素,面臨空前挑戰,從而在國際金融需求下,不得不有所調整,以尋求更為妥適之準據法。本論文即在說明有價證券處分行為之傳統準據法為何?其有何缺失?在現代有價證券之交易架構下,哪些有價證券不宜再適用傳統之準據法,而宜採取如何之新準據法? 本論文於第一章敘述所欲解決之問題、研究動機、目的、方法後,即依下列順序鋪陳分析,以求獲致研究成果。 本論文之第二章,擬先敘述有價證券處分行為之傳統準據法,包括有價證券之概念、處分行為之意義、有價證券處分行為傳統之準據法為何,以及在實務上,傳統之準據法有何窒礙難行之處,並藉此釐清需重新探詢其準據法之有價證券有哪些,或符合何種特徵之有價證券,係有必要重新檢討並特別另行規定其準據法者,復接續於第三章中,說明當代跨國有價證券之交易架構,以及可能做為新準據法有哪些,以便後面各章之論述,能針對不再適合適用傳統準據法之有價證券,提出新準據法之立法論。 在理解具有何種特徵之有價證券,始有特別規定其處分行為準據法之必要後,本論文於第四章開始探究應如何獲致妥適之準據法?在探討何為妥適之準據法前,其先決問題,係究竟應以何種原則或態度,來找尋妥適之準據法?申言之,即究竟應採行剛性或彈性之選法規則?因此本論文擬於此章中,將特別說明時下流行之彈性或開放性選法規則,似無法全面適用於所有國際私法領域,其中特別注重預見可能性,以保障交易安全之案件,尤需適用剛性選法規則,而需單一而固定之準據法,基於同一原理,反致理論亦不適用於有價證券之處分行為。此際準據法之規定,並非實現實體法規之價值判斷與利益衡量,而係金融政策之工具或手段,因此亦需附帶論述國際私法之工具論,並彰顯「選法規則實體法化」之論點有時而窮。 承接本論文第四章,在理解為達金融政策及交易安全之目的,致有價證券之處分行為,需單一而固定之準據法,並排除反致之適用後,本論文第五章開始尋找究竟採用何準據法較為適合?首先應觀察相關學說、先進國家立法例及國際公約,俾明瞭國際走勢趨向。 分析國際趨勢及相關學說後,本論文於第六章檢討我國涉外民事法律適用法之草案條文,並於第七章總結論點,並提出能與國際接軌,且符合我國法制之立法論供參。


吳秉林 Unknown Date (has links)

民事調解制度與相關調解案例分析 – 以鄉鎮市調解為中心 / Studies of civil mediation system and cases on townships mediation

童淑枝, Tung, Shu Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本文是以調解案例從實體裁判從程序制度來觀察,探討如何有效銜接法院裁判與民事調解,有檢討法律規範之不夠週全處,亦有探求調解制度功能之不明處。惟不涉足地方派系涉不涉入調解委員會對其人事功能之影響,亦不考量其政治、社會或經濟利益之獲取效應。 期以鄉鎮市調解委員會成立伊始公斷說和、息紛止爭之初衷,輔以調解委員個案正義觸煤角色功能之發揮,切實扮演賦予當事人有優先選擇係爭程序利益(達成迅速而經濟之裁判)之機會,而不僅賦予當事人有優先選擇追求係爭實體利益(達成慎重而正確之裁判)之機會而已,最終能達成疏減法院訟源,提昇國人法治素質之理想目標 / This article is based on mediation cases to observe from entity verdicts and process systems, discusses how to effectively link courthouse verdicts and civil mediations, includes to discuss the incomprehensive parts of the legal regulations, and to discover the ambiguous parts of the comprehensive system, but neither involves with the affections whether the local factions would involve with the mediation committee regarding to the personnel functions, nor involve with acquisition affects of its politics, society or economic benefits. Hope to achieve the original intentions of establishing township mediation committees to arbitrate and reconcile, discontinue disputations , to help the mediation committee to develop its contactor functions on individual case justices, to actually play the role of giving the litigators the priority opportunity to choose procedural benefits (can complete quickly and economically), but not only giving the litigators the priority opportunity to choose substantive benefits (can achieve prudent and correct verdicts), finally can achieve to reduce the courthouse’s litigation sources, reach the goal of enhancing the quality of people’s rule of law.

中國內地檢察機關提起民事公益訴訟適格性探析 =Locus standi of the procuratorial organs in civil public interest litigation in mainland China / Locus standi of the procuratorial organs in civil public interest litigation in mainland China

劉沛 January 2016 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

醫療民事訴訟之舉證責任—試以醫療糾紛之類型化建構當事人舉證責任之分配體系 / Burden of proof in medical litigations:establishment of an algorithm for allocating the burden of proof by classifying the medical malpractice disputes

吳振吉, Wu, Chen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會變遷,近一二十年來,我國醫療糾紛有大幅增加之現象,而經由媒體的報導,醫療糾紛在我國亦經常成為眾所矚目、備受爭議的社會焦點。由於醫療行為所導致的損害,直接侵害病人之身體權、健康權、甚至生命權,對於病人及其家屬生活所造成之影響,難謂非為鉅大,故醫療糾紛之妥善處理,實係吾人從事醫療法律之研究者,應予正視並深入探討之議題。 我國醫療糾紛之處理,向以刑事訴訟為主要之救濟途徑,惟晚近醫界、法界均已達成共識,認為醫療糾紛應回歸至以民事程序為主之處理模式。惟吾人若欲藉由民事法律關係妥善處理醫療糾紛,則須注意醫療民事訴訟之特殊性,亦即,因醫病雙方專業知識上之落差,導致雙方在民事程序上處於武器不平等之地位。為衡平此一武器不平等,我國實務上部分法官在審理醫療民事訴訟時,曾打破傳統民事過失歸責原則,將消費者保護法無過失責任與民法第191條之3一般危險責任之規定適用於醫療行為,惟自民國93年醫療法第82條第2項修正之後,該法既規定「醫療機構及其醫事人員因執行業務致生損害於病人,以故意或過失為限,負損害賠償責任。」邇近之實務判決遂多採醫療行為過失責任之見解,也多排除民法第191條之3之適用。我國醫療訴訟醫病爭執之重點,乃於近年由實體法之無過失責任之採擇與否,轉換至程序法之舉證責任分配。 於醫療訴訟等現代型訴訟事件中,被害人時常發生舉證上之困難,倘若依照僵化固定的舉證責任分配規則,則不免有失公平正義。因此,舉證責任分配於醫療訴訟上應如何操作方屬適當,實為醫療民事訴訟中值得觀察的重點所在。基於上述之問題意識,本論文的研究架構共分為七章,其內容綱要如下: 第一章 緒論:闡釋說明研究動機,並指明目前民事醫療糾紛事件之問題重心在於「程序法」,特別係在「舉證責任之分配」。進而說明本論文之研究動機、研究目的、研究範圍與研究方法。 第二章 醫療糾紛之發生及其處理:本章由醫療糾紛之發生談起,進而說明醫療糾紛之法律關係,探討不同法領域下醫療提供者違反義務時之法律責任,包括民事責任、刑事責任及行政責任等,並論證醫療糾紛實應回歸至以民事程序為主之處理模式。最後,介紹醫療糾紛發生後,國內外現今法制上之醫療糾紛處理機制,並分析其優缺點。 第三章 醫療糾紛之民事法律關係與醫療民事訴訟之特殊性:本章聚焦於醫療糾紛之民事法律關係,探討醫療提供者之契約責任、醫療無因管理與醫療提供者之侵權責任等。同時,討論醫療民事訴訟之特殊性,分析醫療民事訴訟被害人舉證困難之原因,並分析加重醫療提供者民事責任之法理基礎、以及過度加重醫療提供者民事責任所可能導致之反效果。 第四章 民事訴訟舉證責任分配之學說:按我國關於民事舉證責任之立法明文,係規定於民事訴訟法第277條:「當事人主張有利於己之事實者,就其事實有舉證之責任。但法律別有規定,或依其情形顯失公平者,不在此限。」學者乃認為,在我國法制下,所謂舉證責任分配法則係一總體概念,而可區分為「舉證責任分配一般原則」與「舉證責任分配減輕」二者,而以前者為原則,後者為例外。本章即由舉證責任之基礎觀念出發,藉由介紹國內外之學說,而分別處理「舉證責任分配之一般原則」與「舉證責任分配之減輕」等概念。 第五章 醫療民事訴訟舉證責任分配規則之具體適用:本章集中討論醫療民事訴訟之舉證責任。本章前半段介紹醫療民事訴訟舉證責任分配之一般規則、以及比較法上(包括德國、美國與日本)醫療糾紛舉證責任減輕之具體規則,後半段則分析我國實務操作醫療糾紛舉證責任分配之問題。本文一共歸納出實務判決於適用舉證責任分配時共六個問題,並分別找出判決加以闡釋。於本章末,則提出將醫療糾紛類型化,應有助於解決我國實務之問題。 第六章 醫療糾紛之類型化與舉證責任分配體系之建構:本章先試從「法學思維」、「醫學思維」、以及「綜合醫學思維與法學思維」出發,分別建立三套操作模組,以將醫療糾紛類型化,並建構其各別之舉證責任分配體系。關於純粹由「法學思維」或「醫學思維」所建立之操作模組,本文將分析其操作上之侷限,而針對本文所建議「綜合醫學思維與法學思維」之操作模組,亦將於各醫療糾紛分類,舉實務案例諸例實際操作之,以驗證本文所建議操作流程之可行性。章末則另提出法院於適用舉證責任分配規則時,其他與客觀舉證責任分配無直接相關,但應予考量之事項,以助於更正確地適用舉證責任分配規則。 第七章 結論、建議與展望:綜合前開章節討論,針對醫療民事爭訟程序中之舉證責任分類體系與操作模式,做出總結。並提出其他相關建議,以終極落實醫療需求者憲法上基本權之保障。 / The number of malpractice claims filed in Taiwan against physicians has increased significantly in the recent decades. Medical malpractice litigations are characterized by a huge gap in medical knowledge between physicians and patients, leading to an unequal status between both parties in the trials. To ensure that the principle of equality of arms is upheld in civil procedures, the courts applied the strict liability embodied in Article 7 of the Consumer Protection Law and Article 191-3 of the Civil Code to malpractice cases. However, since the amendment and promulgation of Article 82 of the Medical Care Act, there has been a consensus that strict liability is no longer applicable in medical litigations, and negligence becomes an essential element for establishing the liability of medical practitioners. In addition to modifying liability rules, an alternative for achieving equality of arms is to relieve the plaintiffs from the burden of proof. However, the burden of proof should be adjusted with precaution, because an excessive shift might contribute to defensive medicine. Accordingly, this study aims to standardize the algorithm for allocating the burden of proof by classifying medical malpractice disputes. The thesis is composed of the following seven chapters: Chapter 1 Introduction: This chapter outlines the background of the present study, with a special emphasis on the pivotal role of the burden of proof in medical litigations. Also delineated in this chapter are the objectives and methodology of the present study. Chapter 2 The occurrence and resolution of medical malpractice disputes: In this chapter, the incidence of medical injury and medical malpractice is discussed first, followed by an analysis of the civil, criminal, and administrative liabilities of medical professionals. The plethora of resolutions for settling medical malpractice disputes are summarized at the end of the chapter. Chapter 3 Civil liabilities of medical malpractice and characteristics of medical litigations: This chapter focuses on the civil liabilities of medical malpractice, which arise from failure to undertake contractual duties or tort liabilities. The characteristics of medical litigations, such as the unequal status in arms between plaintiffs and defendants and the difficulties in concluding negligence or deciphering causation, are discussed in the second half of the chapter. Chapter 4 Theories and rules in allocating the burden of proof: The allocation of the burden of proof is determined according to Article 277 of the Taiwan Code of Civil Procedure: A party bears the burden of proof with regard to the facts which he/she alleges in his/her favor, except either where the law provides otherwise or where the circumstances render it manifestly unfair. Consequently, in principle, the burden of proof is allocated according to the “Normentheorie,” with specific rules applied to ease the plaintiff’s burden of proof under exceptional and unfair circumstances. Chapter 5 Rules for allocating the burden of proof in medical litigations: German, American, and Japanese rules for allocating or relieving plaintiffs from the burden of proof in medical litigations are introduced. The current problems in applying these rules to medical litigations in Taiwan are inspected. The solution to these problems relies on a precise classification of medical malpractice disputes. Chapter 6 Establishing the algorithm for allocating the burden of proof by classifying medical malpractice disputes: Three models for allocating the burden of proof are created on the basis of three classification systems: classification from a legal perspective, classification from a medical perspective, and classification from a combined medical-and-legal perspective. A comparison of these three models reveals that the last might be the best algorithm. Specific tips for an accurate application of this algorithm are also provided. Chapter 7 Conclusions: This chapter highlights the importance of an appropriate allocation of the burden of proof in medical litigations, as well as the algorithm for allocating the burden of proof established in the present study. Also included are suggestions on how to ameliorate Taiwan’s medical litigation system in the future.

武器平等原則在民事訴訟法上之適用 / The application of the principle of equality of arms in civil procedure law

廖子涵, Liao, Tze Han Unknown Date (has links)
在德國,關於憲法與民事訴訟法間關連之研究可謂汗牛充棟,是故以憲法原則指導、審查民事訴訟法已經成為主流,憲法不僅在民事訴訟法之立法上扮演指導方針的角色,在實務上亦發揮重大的影響。然自德國之民事訴訟法發展以觀,此研究之主流始於第二次世界大戰之後,其關注的焦點例如突襲性裁判之防止、合法聽審權之保障、武器平等原則之重視、比例原則之考量,以及其他個別憲法原則於民事訴訟法上之作用等。在我國,關於憲法原則與民事訴訟法發展間關係之研究,原非研究民事程序法學者所關心之學術領域,其成為研究標的者,乃始於一九七0年代末期,經過留日學者邱聯恭教授予以倡議,並經過民事訴訟法研究基金會諸多教授之研討及確認,此外,晚進學者如姜世明教授、沈冠伶教授,針對民事訴訟上之程序保障論、突襲性裁判之防止、公開心證、合法聽審權及武器平等原則等議題,亦有深入之研究與剖析。是故,以憲法原則指導民事訴訟法理論之發展,至今已成為多數學者及實務見解所肯認,應無疑義。 「武器平等原則」乃一憲法與程序法原則,其包含形式及實質上之意義:就前者而言,武器平等原則意謂當事人於法院或法官前之平等地位,任一當事人不論其為原告或被告,亦不論是否具有不同之身分、階級、地位,於法律前均一律平等;後者則強調當事人於法院前之實質性程序地位之平等性(等值性),其不僅強調於立法制度上當事人應獲有同等訴訟程序上之地位,且強調程序上之機會平等性,並認為法院除不得恣意對任一方為有利或不利之偏私訴訟指揮外,並應注意在程序法上法則之解釋適用、調整當事人事實上之不平等性。此一原則對於民事訴訟程序中相關制度之立法論或解釋論具有重要之指導功能。 本文欲以當事人武器平等原則之保障為中心,探討武器平等原則於民事訴訟法之作用,筆者認為其可分為「當事人平等接近法院之保障」、以及「訴訟中武器平等保障」兩方面探討:前者係指保障人民平等接近法院、利用法院之機會,排除當事人接近法院之路徑障礙,因此管轄制度、訴訟費用負擔、訴訟救助制度、法律扶助制度以及訴權擴大之團體訴訟,將是此議題所關注的焦點;後者則著重在賦予當事人於訴訟上具有實質平等之攻擊防禦地位,其涵蓋的範圍則相當廣泛,舉凡訴訟標的之特定、主觀預備合併之主張、訴之變更追加之主張、舉證責任、摸索證明、附帶上訴、具體化義務、真實義務、文書提出義務、事案解明義務、證明妨礙、違反訴訟促進義務之失權制裁、事實於法院已顯著者或職務上已知事實之審酌可能、法院職權調查證據、損害賠償數額之酌定、闡明制度等,皆為本文討論之範疇。


沈婷婷 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

民事調停の進行についての考察 ― 当事者のニーズを踏まえた調停 ―

横路, 俊一 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第22715号 / 法博第252号 / 新制||法||170(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 笠井 正俊, 教授 山本 克己, 教授 山田 文 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM

中東・湾岸諸国におけるイスラーム金融と民事紛争処理制度 --ドバイ・アプローチの解析と評価-- / Islamic Finance and Dispute Resolution Systems in the Middle East and the Gulf: Analysis and Assessment of Dubai Approach

川村, 藍 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第18393号 / 地博第162号 / 新制||地||54(附属図書館) / 31251 / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科東南アジア地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 小杉 泰, 准教授 長岡 慎介, 教授 藤倉 達郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

大理院民事判決法源之研究(1912-1928) / A study on the source of civil law during early republican China (1912-1928)

黃聖棻, Huang, Sheng-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本文目的乃是欲從大理院之民事判決例中,嘗試去探究大理院的民事法源,去了解大理院所建立的民事法規範的淵源到底是從何而來?其審判究竟根據什麼樣的法源?大理院對這些法源的態度為何?法源衝突時,規範的效力問題又該如何解決?根據本文考察,大理院之民事法源,在成文法方面,除了約法之外,主要依照《大清現行律》民事有效部分作為其審判依據,在運用層面上導入了歐陸法學概念用來解釋《大清現行律》,促使中西法律文化的融合。此外,前清其它有效法律與民國時期民事特別立法也都被大理院以之為法源。關於條約,大理院則認為其具有法源地位,得直接適用而不需再經由國內立法程序。至於大清民律草案,在民國初年並非有效的成文法律,大理院將其定性為「條理」而加以適用,但是在適用上的判語則相當岐異,為其弊端。同時,大理院時期已經能運用外國立法例與一般法律原則來加強判決理由與調整當事人利益的分配。當然,大理院處於新舊交融的時代,一些傳統義理道德的觀念仍在大理院判例中找得著其痕跡。而對於判例,大理院則是承認其法源性,具有法規範效力,並且對其相當重視,形成獨特的地位,兼具羅馬法系與普通法系的特徵。 / This study is try to find the source of civil law during early republican china(1912-1928), and to apprehend how these kinds of source of civil law be shaped by the judges on the civil adjudications of Dali Yuan(Supreme Court). Besides, the focus is also on what these sources of law are and how Dali Yuan resolve the issue while these sources conflict. First, the statutory sources of civil law include the provisional constitution, treaties, Ching Empire Current Penal Code, and some civil regulations. Ching Empire Current Penal Code is the most important legal basis on the trial. Dali Yuan uses European legal concepts to interpret Ching Empire Current Penal Code and this give Penal Code a new life. Besides, Dali Yuan considers the treaty could be directly applied and not need to be by the way of internal legislative process. In this period, Civil Code Draft is still not valid, so that Dali Yuan takes Draft as principle of law to be applied. Moreover, foreign statutes sometimes can be found in the judgment to strengthen the reason. Of course, on the era of variance, sometimes traditional idea still exists in the judge mind. The precedent play an important role before the Civil Code is put in force. The precedents of Dali Yuan can be considered as source of law. The legal system during this period can be called the amalgamation of Roman law and common law.

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