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曾鳳秋 Unknown Date (has links)
資策會「2009台灣觀光休閒業資訊科技投資現況與趨勢」報告指出,台灣飯店業者在2008年資訊支出成長達17.5%,2009年更一舉增加至50.8%,年增幅至為明顯,此亦顯示出飯店業者即使面臨外在大環境不佳,仍願意砸下重金投資於IT上。追溯背後的驅動因素,即是飯店業者為創造差異化的服務與品牌形象,才於近幾年來開始推出各式各樣的IT服務。 在競爭日趨激烈的今日,飯店業者若想要維持與既有顧客之關係並更進一步吸引新顧客,發展服務創新已是未來的趨勢。而能夠同時提供增加顧客價值與企業價值之服務的創新企業,也才得以繼續維持其競爭優勢,進而自我開創另一片藍海,在新的市場中生存下來。 儘管服務創新對飯店產業來說是非常重要的發展方向,然回顧過去文獻,飯店產業的服務創新乏人探討。因此,本研究參考Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之服務創新四構面作為本研究之研究架構,並以日月潭雲品酒店「數位飯店及虛擬管家建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其發展服務創新的過程與模式,以及探討服務創新各構面與發展活動會對服務創新的成果產生哪些影響。 本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.創新服務應保持彈性,隨時調整以貼近顧客需求。 2.新客戶介面必須以「方便操作」為原則,並將介面加以有效整合,若能主動提供加值服務,亦能增加產品銷售機會。 3.高層核心主管對發展服務創新的支持與承諾,是專案能否成功推出的關鍵。 4.員工教育訓練可採循序漸進的方式,再將新服務逐一推出市場,如此也會降低員工對新服務的陌生與不安感。 5.藉由資訊科技的輔助,做為員工教育訓練的教材,能快速讓員工的技能豐富化,並增加其工作成就感。 6.企業應不斷地將服務精緻化,構築競爭者的模仿障礙,而若將成功案例推廣至集團其他據點,亦可發揮規模經濟的效益,降低整體平均建置成本。 / The expenditure for information technology in Taiwan’s hotel industry increased 17.5% in 2008, and further on to 50.8% in 2009. The scope of this increment is very conspicuous and reveals that even in the face of difficult times, the hotel operators are still willing to invest large amount of money in IT. The main reason driving the operators to start offering a variety of IT services is they want to enhance their brand’s image in consumers’ minds by adding more value-added services to their already extensive portfolio. In a market where the competition is becoming more intense every year, it is a major challenge for the hotel operators to retain regular customers while attracting new ones. Hence developing new service innovations is seen as a way to increase customer value and simultaneously help the hotels maintain its competitive advantages. However, despite the importance of service innovations to the hospitality industry, there are barely any studies conducted on it. Therefore this paper aims to look deeper into this subject, using the service innovation model by Bilderbeek & Hertog as a starting basis. This paper centers on a pre-chosen establishment, FLEUR DE CHINE HOTEL, using the method of case study. Assisted by second hand data, the study attempts to analyze the service innovation development process of the hotel and also determine how the various related activities influenced the final innovation results, so that areas for further improvement can be identified. The study concludes that: 1.Service innovation should be flexible, so it can adapt well and quickly to the customer’s needs. 2.The new client interface must be based on “operating conveniently” and integrate all other interfaces effectively. If it is able to provide additional service smoothly, it can also increase the chance of sales. 3.The support of the executives is a key factor for the success of developing new service innovation. 4.When introducing a new service, it should be done step by step, so that it’s easier for the employees to follow up and reduce their uneasiness. 5.With the assistance of IT, it can improve employees’ skills and enhance their sense of mutual achievement. 6.A company should enrich and refine their services continuously and proactively. If a company is able to propagate a project’s success to other departments or branches, it can also bring other economic benefits and reduce the overall operational cost.

台灣生活實驗室與使用者共同創造之研究 / A research about the co-creation between living labs and users in Taiwan

劉國翔 Unknown Date (has links)
生活實驗室(Living Lab)是一種以使用者為中心(User-centric)的研究方法,設立於一多元脈絡(Multi-context)的真實(Real)生活情境中,使所有利益關係人(Stakeholders)主動(Active)參與共同創造(Co-creation),透過使用者需求研究,測試、驗證新產品服務原型、系統、以及商業模式,並持續給予產品服務提供者回饋,以提供複雜問題的解決方案,創造有價的創新產品服務。   本研究選定台灣的四間生活實驗室為研究對象,包括:資策會Living Lab Taiwan、台大INSIGHT Center、交大Eco-City、以及成大TOUCH Center;本研採用Gulliksen等人(2009)所提出的生活實驗室共創原則,並結合Voss(1992)提出的服務創新流程為本研究之研究架構,藉此研究生活實驗室,在不同時期下,與使用者共同創造之達成度,並對分析所見結果的成因,研究結論概述於下: 一、採用本研究所提出的「結合創新服務流程之使用者共創原則」架構,可呈現生活實驗室共創原則,分析各時期是否達成要求,適合做為分析生活實驗室在共創運作上的操作準則。 二、根據本研究分析,資策會Living Lab Taiwan,相較台灣其他三間生活實驗室,與使用者共創的達成度最高。其設立真實生活實驗室場域,並自行開發商業驗證方法論;其他生活實驗室則尚無建立。 三、台灣各生活實驗室在「概念期」與「發展期」尚位涉足。因各生活實驗室仍屬於技術本位,未真正以使用者需求為出發,仍是由產品服務提供者自己的想法進行發展。

顧客導向之企業流程再造 -以桃園國際機場客運服務為例 / Customer-Oriented Business Process Reengineering: A Case Study of Bus Service in Taoyuan International Airport

蔡佩欣 Unknown Date (has links)
企業流程再造自1990年代被提出,由於國際貿易頻繁,加劇全球廠商競爭壓力,遂開始提出企業必須進行根本性重新思考其工作設計,以達到顯著性的營運改善,譬如成本、速度、品質…等,進而提供客戶更佳的產品服務,且隨著電腦設備、機械等資訊科技快速發展,其中又以製造產業最先開始熱切關注,如何將資訊科技導入其日常生產營運流程,以降低其生產與管理成本。 然而,隨著時代發展,現在服務產業已成為台灣的第三大產業,且由於製造廠商面對諸多同業低成本競爭壓力下,遂紛紛開始推行製造業服務化,開始強調其價值是自於優質且可靠的服務,可見製造產業與服務產業間的邊界已越來越模糊,以及服務產業對於未來之重要。 且拜賜現代科技發展,諸多服務廠商為了滿足顧客更多的需求和期望,開始嘗試透過新科技導入,改善舊有服務模式,以優化或重新建構服務流程,進而提供顧客更佳之服務,不過服務業的關鍵仍是顧客,由於顧客同時參與服務生產過程中,故必須將顧客的聲音同時納入改造規劃之中,並非以廠商利益作為前提,而是以顧客觀點為核心思考,才可設計出兼顧顧客與企業需求之新服務流程,故本研究目的欲探討服務系統運用顧客觀點規劃與發展新服務流程之重要性。 對此,本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討整理出研究的分析步驟,再配合桃園國際機場的客運服務作為研究個案,以進行調查。其中分析將經歷六大步驟「準備動員與辨識願景」、「診斷現行流程與資源」、「定義與辨識關鍵流程」、「重新規劃設計新服務藍圖」、「執行辦法建議」和「擬定監督與衡量指標」,並運用服務藍圖工具劃分出顧客各階段行動,以顧客行動變化來劃分服務流程,以及運用顧客評估客運服務六大指標於其中,以將顧客導向精神落實。 本研究發現,於「準備動員與辨識願景」階段,有別於過往大多仰賴企業內部高層意識到改革之需要,在服務系統中,亦可透過洽詢顧客得到想法回饋,作為改革之契機;此外,在「診斷現行流程與資源」時,透過服務藍圖劃分旅客動作流程,並藉由旅客評估客運服務之六大因素—舒適度、便利性、安全性、資訊可及性、服務反應性與人員服務,融合檢驗各環節之失誤點,可充分將顧客觀點納入企業流程改造中,而本個案中,又以「資訊可及性」和「服務反應性」表現最不佳,進而找出本個案之關鍵流程,並做為後續規劃流程改造和擬定控制指標之主體。 並透過實際案例探討,了解到服務系統在推行企業流程再造時,顧客想法可劃分為六大指標納入其中考量,並使用服務藍圖工具以顧客觀點來劃分內部流程,其結果不但擴充了“企業流程再造”的理論探討,同時也能夠提供給未來相關領域的研究者和其他相關企業發展作為參考。 / The concept of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been expanded since the 1990s when the globalization boosted the competition in various industries. Therefore, companies were longed to fundamentally rethink how they do their work in order to significantly improve production speed, service quality or operational costs. Especially, with the development of Information Technology, the manufacturing industry adapts new technology in daily operation to save the production and management cost. As the progress of time, the service industry plays a critical role to Taiwan’s economy. This in turn drives the manufacturing industry to servitize with the low-cost pressure. A growing number of manufacturing companies now emphasize their value not only production but also good and reliable service. The boundary between manufacturing industries and service industry is getting more and more unclear. With the development of technology, service companies try to implement new technology to improve service process and satisfy customer needs. Since service tends to have customers’ involvement in the delivering process, customer orientation plays a more important role in service firms. This study thus argues that customers’ thoughts should be included in the BPR process to redesign a process that meets customers and companies’ needs. This study utilizes the case study methodology, with in-depth interviews of bus service providers in Taoyuan International Airport. In this research, the BPR analysis steps are divided into 6 steps, which are identifying the vision and compose BPR team, diagnosing process and resources, defining and identifying the key process, re-designing new service blueprint, and designing control index system. This paper also utilizes the service blueprint as a tool to display the process functions above and below the line of visibility to the customer. The research results indicate that service system could utilize customer feedbacks to identify specific problems instead of only from the top-management team awareness in the first step to identify the vision and build the BPR team. Furthermore, in the next step to diagnose process and resources, it can be analyzed by the six indices concerned by customers to check fail points. These indices are comfort, convenience, safety, information accessibility, service reaction and service personals. In the Taoyuan International Airport case, “information accessibility” and “service reaction” were the worst among those that are defined and identified as key process and set as control index. This research reveals the importance of customers’ role in the BPR process. It also illustrates how to use service blueprint as a tool to divide operational process from customer’s perspective. The result not only contributes to the academic research of BPR but also provides valuable insight for service industry with further expansion on BPR.

台灣資訊服務業經營策略與組織系統流程 / The Business Strategy and Systematic Organization Process of Information

李裔武, Li, Yi-Wu Unknown Date (has links)
以往有關資訊服務產業的文獻,大多將重點放在競爭策略、關鍵成功因素或組織結構的屬性上,且多屬於以問卷調查方式進行的「量的研究。至於以個案訪問的方式,深入探討資訊服務產業經營策略的「質的研究,並不多見。因此本研究乃以司徒達賢教授提出的策略矩陣分析法為架構,採用個案研究的分析方法,針對國內經營資訊服務產業的三家外商,進行綜合性的訪談;並輔以資策會ITIS計畫的次級資料,分析廣義的資訊服務產業價值鏈與策略要素,並進而與關鍵成功因素結合。然而,為了能將理論與實務結合,在郭崑謨教授的指導下,也進一步將廠商實際的配套作為,歸納為組織系統流程,希望透過外商實際的經驗,能對國內資訊服務業者有所助益。 本研究之目的包括:1. 台灣資訊服務產業價值鏈的界定;2. 以策略要素描述與驗證產業的經營策略;3. 找出產業關鍵成功因素與策略要素的關係;4. 建構產業的組織系統流程,以支援經營策略。而本研究亦得到以下五點結論:1. 整體而言,策略矩陣六大構面所含括的48個策略要素,全都可以在資訊服務產業中找到相對應的策略作法;2. 客戶對於整套解決方案的需求愈趨強烈,使得資訊服務業六大區隔的界線也愈趨模糊,因此,產業Know-How將成為資訊服務業者的核心競爭力所在;3. 專業人才將是資訊服務業者最重要的資產;4. 良好的學習性組織才能蓄積專業與經驗,使人才的培育與發揮成為可能,並且將成果留在組織的機制中;5.組織系統流程的建立,不僅使人人做專案成為常態,也使得快速反應市場與客戶,和彈性角色扮演的網路組織成為可能。 此外,本研究並針對台灣資訊服務業者,提出以下三點經營策略的思考方向:1. 資訊服務業必將主導資訊業走向;2. 資訊服務業將是進入障礙極高的產業;3. 組織系統流程將主導資訊服務業的工作模式。 第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與目的 1 第二節、研究對象與限制 3 一、研究對象 3 二、研究限制 4 第三節、研究程序 6 第四節、論文章節與結構 8 第二章、文獻探討與研究設計 10 第一節、策略管理的觀念 10 一、何謂策略 10 二、策略管理的範圍與層級 13 第二節、產業分析 15 一、五力分析 15 二、產業的策略構面 17 第三節、事業策略分析 18 一、策略規劃的程序 18 二、策略構面(Strategy Content) 21 三、策略類型(Strategy Pattern) 23 第四節、關鍵成功因素 28 一、關鍵成功因素的定義 28 二、關鍵成功因素的分析與確認 30 第五節、策略矩陣分析法 33 一、策略矩陣的構成 33 二、以策略矩陣分析法做產業與競爭分析 37 三、以策略矩陣分析法做事業策略分析 39 第六節、組織系統流程 41 第七節、資訊服務產業的相關研究 43 一、資訊服務業競爭策略、組織結構與績效滿意度 43 二、資訊服務業關鍵成功因素與競爭策略 47 三、資訊服務業者競爭的關鍵成功因素 49 第七節、研究設計與研究方法 50 一、研究設計 50 二、研究方法 52 第三章、台灣資訊服務產業現況 55 第一節、資訊服務業產業範圍 55 第二節、台灣資訊服務業的現況 61 第四章、台灣資訊服務業經營策略分析 64 第一節、資訊服務業策略矩陣 64 一、產業價值鏈的展開 64 二、策略矩陣的形成 75 第二節、資訊服務業者策略要素分析 76 一、與『產品線廣度與特色』有關的策略要素 76 二、與『目標市場之區隔與選擇』有關的策略要素 85 三、與『垂直整合程度之取決』有關的策略要素 92 四、與『相對規模與規模經濟』有關的策略要素 96 五、與『地理涵蓋範圍』有關的策略要素 100 六、與『競爭武器』有關的策略要素 104 第五章、資訊服務業組織系統流程 112 第一節、組織系統流程的建構 112 一、組織系統流程建構的原則 113 二、組織系統流程與關鍵成功因素 115 二、組織系統流程與策略要素 119 第二節、個案公司分析 121 一、策略型態 121 二、組織系統流程 124 三、關鍵成功因素 129 第六章、結論與建議 130 第一節、結論 130 第二節、台灣資訊服務業經營策略趨勢與建議 133 第三節、後續研究方向的建議 136 參考文獻 138 中文部份 138 一、論文 138 二、書籍 140 三、期刊 142 英文部份 143 表目錄 表1-1 1995年台灣生產世界第一的資訊產品 2 表2-1 策略定義表 11 表2-2 策略的層級 14 表2-3 有關策略構面之不同分析觀點 22 表2-4 Glueck的四種策略類型格 23 表2-5 大前研一的四個基本策略 25 表2-6 關鍵成功因素的定義 29 表2-7 關鍵成功因素的確認方法 32 表2-8 中國砂輪公司的策略矩陣 35 表2-9 策略要素 36 表2-10 資訊服務業之碩博士論文研究 43 表2-11 各策略集群對於競爭策略構面的重視程度 44 表2-12 各策略集群對於競爭策略構面的Scheffe多重比較 45 表2-13 競爭策略與組織結構的相關性 46 表2-14 競爭策略與績效滿意度之相關性 47 表2-15 資訊服務業關鍵成功因素 48 表2-16 各區隔資訊服務業者競爭的關鍵成功因素 49 表3-1 資訊服務業產業結構 58 表3-2 資訊服務業市場規模 61 表3-3 資訊服務業各區隔市場剖析 62 表3-4 資訊服務業各區隔主要廠商 63 表3-5 資訊服務業個別廠商獲利能力 63 表4-1 各行業別資訊化現況與發展趨勢 68 表4-2 各行業別資訊化現況與發展趨勢 69 表4-3 資訊服務業策略矩陣 75 表4-4 產品/市場組合 77 表4-5 價值活動與規模經濟 97 表4-6 關鍵成功因素與策略形態 106 表5-1 組織系統流程與關鍵成功因素 116 表5-2 組織系統流程與策略要素 119 表5-3 策略型態、功能政策和組織方式的改變與配合 123 表5-4 組織系統流程(第一階段) 125 表5-5 組織系統流程(第二階段) 127 表5-6 組織系統流程(第三階段) 128 表6-1 企業用戶平均的資訊科技支出(百萬美金) 133 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究進行步驟 6 圖2-1 企業營運循環 12 圖2-2 產業分析的五力 15 圖2-3 策略規劃模式 18 圖2-4 事業策略制定之架構 21 圖2-5 研究架構 51 圖4-1 資訊服務的價值活動 67 圖4-2 與『產品線廣度與特色』有關的策略要素(一) 77 圖4-3 與『產品線廣度與特色』有關的策略要素(二) 83 圖4-4 與『目標市場之區隔與選擇』有關的策略要素(一) 87 圖4-5 與『目標市場之區隔與選擇』有關的策略要素(二) 91 圖4-6 與『垂直整合程度之取決』有關的策略要素 95 圖4-7 與『相對規模與規模經濟』有關的策略要素 99 圖4-8 與『地理涵蓋範圍』有關的策略要素 103 圖4-9 與『競爭武器』有關的策略要素 110 / In the past years, most of research of theses about Information Technology (IT) Service Industry are "quantitative" analysis via question sheet. As to the approach of "qualitative" analysis by case study is less. Thus, I'd like to do a deep analysis focused on the specific subject, business strategy, via the strategic matrix of Dr. Seetoo and the reports of III of ITIS project. Moreover, based on the instruction of Dr. Kuo, I try to combine the theorey and practice to build a systematic organization process. The objective of the thesis is: 1) Build the value chain of IT service industry in Taiwan; 2) To describe and verify the business strategy of the industry based on the strategic element s; 3) Find out the relationship between K.S.F and strategic elements; 4) Construct the systematic organization process to support the business strategy. By the way, the thesis also gets five results: The strategic practice of vendors of IT service could be modulized by the 48 strategic elements of six dimensions of strategic matrix; 2) Total solution makes the boundry of six segments of IT service unclear; 3) The most important asset is human resource for the industry; 4) The well learning organization could make it possible not only exercise of profession and experience but development also; 5) Make the project to be normal through the role play of systematic organization process. It will be helpful for quick response to both customers and markets.

企業策略校準與績效管理之研究-以某記憶體公司為例 / The research of enterprise strategic alignment and performance measurement – with a case company of dram module

范詠晟 Unknown Date (has links)
現今資訊化的快速發展與科技的進步,多數企業開始打造適合現況流程的資訊系統,以輔助企業的業務流程,藉此加強企業本身的核心競爭力。而在當前網路經濟中,人們把多數的精力放在策略制定方面,而忽略了實施策略的部份。 本研究以管理控制的概念試圖補足企業績效衡量的盲點,提升實施策略執行的效益,以記憶體模組產業為研究對象,透過內部與外部的資料收集分析該產業架構以了解企業內外之環境。藉由深度訪談的方式,先釐清個案公司整體策略與競爭策略之架構,並以IDEF0 (Integration Definition for Function Modeling)建模方法為企業建立流程模型,藉此深入探討企業績效衡量的方法。 最後,透過雙構面的作業基礎成本制(two-dimensional activity-based cost)與平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard)的四構面將企業各構面的目標進行連結,進而建議個案公司建立以流程為導向並能反映策略的管理控制系統。 研究結果發現企業績效衡量上無法以組織整體面向統一進行考核,各部門只能仰賴部門主管的經驗以建立對應的衡量指標,經由研究將策略、流程與指標透過平衡計分卡、流程管理與作業基礎成本制的結合,讓公司以流程為基礎所建立的績效指標,能夠反映出公司的事實面、策略面與平衡面。 / Because of the improvement of information and technology, most of the enterprises are going to build the information system which is fitted for their current business process to strengthen their core competition. Currently, in the internet economy, manager who spend their major time on formulating the strategy, but invest less time on how to implement the strategy. This study attempted to compensate the blind side of the enterprise performance measurement by the conception of management control to promote the benefit of strategy implementation. This study is mainly probed a company in DRAM module industry. According to the information from inside and outside, it analyze the structure in this industry. Then, figuring out the structure of strategy by deep interview, and using IDEF0 to build the process model for case company to probe how they measure the performance. Finally, it used the two-dimensional activity-based cost and four perspectives of balanced scorecard to link the goal, then suggesting the case company to build a management control system based on process that could reflect their strategy. The results show that the case company couldn’t measure their division by the viewpoint of entirely organization. Each division only could rely on their manager’s experience to construct the measuring indicator. Via this study, it integrated strategy, process and measuring indicator by balanced scorecard, process management and activity-based cost. Giving a suggestion for the case company which could build the measuring indicator, and that could reflect the fact, strategic and balanced view for the company.


李俊昌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是探討企業運用流程管理的情形。並從流程管理及組織學習的觀點探討企業考量與作法。   台灣產業在製程管理有長期成功的經驗。從外商在台灣設立加工廠開始,到進幾年來的OEM、ODM以及運籌創新的BTO,都是電腦硬體產品在流程管理上成功的代名詞。軟體產業是否有這種機會,運用流程管理得到和硬體產業一樣的成功?非科技產業是否也能運用流程管理,取得競爭優勢?   本研究以軟體公司及非科技公司的流程管理為研究對象,發現發現如下:   1 軟體產品的開發流程,可以用生產線的方式進行。   2 遊戲軟體的開發,除了程式設計外,還需要運用多種開發工具製作美術,方式比專案軟體的開發更多樣化。   3 軟體開發過程中,企劃書是知識儲存、傳播及運用的重要工具。   4 遊戲網路軟體代工業務需要具備程式製作、美術製作的能力、品質管制及精確的成本控制等多樣的條件。   5 有效的流程管理可以提昇作業速度,增加公司的競爭力。 / This thesis was intended to study the application of process management in companies. We further explored the possible response and consideration from the aspects of process management & organizational learning in companies. Taiwan's industry has a long-term success experience in process management. American, European and Japanese companies have been setting up the computer assembling factories in Taiwan since 1970. Currently, Taiwan's success in process management, especially at OEM, ODM & BTO has already been well known all over the world. The study is focused on the software companies and non-computer companies, and wishes to find out once if they establish the competitive advantage through process management, will they reach the same success as the computer companies did?   In this study, we found the following conclusions.   1. It is possible to develop software by a factory-like manufacturing process.   2. Sufficient art design tools are required, so as to complete a successful game software development process, compared to any regular software project.   3. A complete project plan plays a key role for storing, transferring & applying intrinsic knowledge in an organization during a software development process.   4. It needs various conditions, such as program design, art produce capability, quality control, and process management, to enter the OEM business of game software.   5. An effective process management can improve the operation speed and enhance competitive advantage for company.

商業流程管理的診斷工具之設計與實作 / The design and implementation of a diagnosis tool for business process management

陳怡如, Chen, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
因應資訊化作業,大型企業組織透過企業資源規劃系統來整合組織內部與外部的資訊,以促進各種不同的商業功能間資訊的流動與交換。企業資源規劃系統中的主要模組包括商業流程管理。傳統商業流程管理著重在商業處理的自動化。先進的商業流程管理整合了流程邏輯與商業邏輯的功能,以有助於商業策略的規劃。商業流程管理的生命週期包括流程設計、系統配置、流程啟動、診斷四個階段。現有的研究多集中在前三個階段,較少與診斷有關的研究。本篇論文針對商業流程管理系統,研發系統發生錯誤時的診斷工具。本論文提出了診斷模型。此模型由使用者反應的問題中,定義錯誤類別、歸納使用者外部資訊,由商業規則和資料庫綱要中參考整合限制,並對應到系統的內部資訊。我們也開發了追蹤工具,追蹤錯誤可能的發生點,並依不同類別進行問題偵錯。除了針對本身的工作流程中的活動,也對前後的活動進行搜尋,以縮小錯誤偵測的範圍,協助資訊人員有效率排除錯誤。本論文根據一家電子公司的商業流程管理系統的個案研究,顯示我們所提出的診斷模型與追蹤工具有助於問題的偵錯。 關鍵字: 商業流程管理、診斷工具、商業邏輯 / An Enterprise Resource Panning (ERP) system integrates internal and external information andfacilitates the flow of information between all business functions inside and outside an organization. One of the main components of an ERP is the Business Process Management (BPM). Traditional BPM focues on the automation of business processes while advanced BPM has been extended to integrate with process logics and business logics for business strategy. The life cycle of a BPM system consists of process design, system configuration process enactment and diagnosis phases.Much research has been done on the first three phases. Little attension has been paid to the diagnosis phase. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a diagnosis tool for BPM systems. We propose a diagnosis model to represent the external and internal view of an error event. This diagnosis model is helpful for the troibleshouting to capture the status of an error event. Moreover, a bug tracer system is devlopement based on the proposed diagnosis model to diagnose the problem of workflow activities, and also trace before and after activities in the workflow, narrow the scope of error detection. Case studies from an electronic company demonstrate that the proposed diagnosis model and the tracer tool are helpful for troubleshooting. Keywords: Business Process Management, Diagnosis Tool, Business Logic

業務銷售之策略行銷分析 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Sales

郭維蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
全球最熱門的工作之一是業務工作,很多成功的名人與高階經理人都是業務出生,在台灣,不但有很多企業都在積極招攬業務人員,也紛紛設立獎項激勵公司內部的頂尖業務人才,所以不論是報章雜誌還是企管書籍,業務銷售一直都是熱門的議題之一。台灣的企管學生及一般民眾對於民生消費品的銷售手法比較瞭解,因為課堂的教學與生活中接觸的宣傳,大多是企業對個人(B2C)行銷,但是台灣交易市場中較重要的一環卻是企業對企業(B2B)行銷,從台灣知名企業的排行榜中就可得知,像是鴻海、台積電等企業,都是對企業行銷的公司,而這類型的企業也成就了台灣今日的經濟繁榮,所以本論文希望在探討業務銷售策略的同時,也將企業對企業行銷納入考量,更加符合台灣需求。 如果只是整理不同產業業務間的銷售技巧,內容會略顯分散與缺乏架構,所以本論文加入邱志聖(2010)的策略行銷分析觀點,讓實務上的銷售技巧能有理論架構的支持,歸納比較出不同產業業務處理四大成本的共通與相異點,再進一步導入時間軸概念,細分每個業務面對新舊客戶時的銷售流程,更能明確瞭解業務在不同時期面對不同客戶時,會有哪些不同的銷售策略。

永續城市規劃整合模型之建置 / The establishment of sustainable urban planning integrated model

黃百富, Hwang, Bair Fuh Unknown Date (has links)
近二十年來,環境低碳永續思潮可謂國際城市規劃顯學,各國在城鄉及建築規劃領域之設計思維及技術手法也積極提升,日益精進。台灣政府也不自外於此風潮,施政走向積極回應此地球公民責任,將節能減碳、綠色永續列為政府規劃標案之關鍵議題。工程顧問業面對此項國際競爭挑戰,應透過設計思考程序來養成工程師永續思維,建立解析環境永續低碳議題之整合規劃能力,為本研究之主要研究動機與目的。 本研究爰引歐盟生態城市規劃流程為基礎,導入設計思考理念與手法,建立一套具備全球生態城市規劃思潮、可科學化具體操作雙重特點之整合規劃作業程序。同時,透過平潭總體規劃國際競圖案之實際操練,讓設計團隊體驗在嚴謹的論證前提框架內,藉由科學程序引導,激發出創新提案,也讓設計者體認到整合規劃之必須與重要度。 建置永續城市規劃整合模型亦為本研究之重要成果,主要功能係可檢核運算規劃方案對生態永續層面之達成率。此整合模型以歐盟生態城市規劃流程為主要框架,再納入國內生態社區評估系統之分項指標,兼俱國際前瞻思潮、與國內既有評估系統儘量相容兩項特性。另為因應不同規模尺度規劃任務之精細度要求,將整合模型區分成快速評估及詳實評估兩種版本,並以江蘇啟東濱江新城總體規劃案進行快速評估版之實證演算。 本研究將設計思考導入城市規劃實質作業,誠屬首創,研究成果所建立之整合規劃作業程序與永續城市規劃整合模型,亦屬城市規劃在製程(Process)與供應(Offering)兩類項之創新突破。未來,將持續進行相關專業評估指標之細化、模型執行電腦程式化、成果數值轉化等模型優化擴充,俾使成為引導永續規劃之重要專業工具,戮力工程顧問應盡之企業社會責任。 關鍵詞:生態城市規劃流程、設計思考、永續城市規劃 / During the past two decades, the low-carbon-emission and sustainability should be the two most important issues of urban planning, while all the theory and technical approach related to urban planning are enhanced increasingly sophisticated. Taiwan government is also engaged in this trend. For actively responding to the responsibility as an international citizen, energy saving, carbon reduction, and green sustainable development are requested as key issues of government tenders. Facing these international challenges, how engineering consultancy to develop the integrated planning capability through design thinking process to resolve environmental sustainability and low-carbon agenda, is the principal motive and purpose of this research. Based on the EU eco-city planning process, the integrated planning standard process is established through the concept of design thinking and practices. The global eco-city planning concept and scientific specific operation are both characteristics of this comprehensive planning procedure. Besides, through the practical exercises of Ping-tan conceptual master planning international competition, the design team is experienced how an innovation proposal could be created in this rigorous scientific procedure and the synergy of integrated planning. Establishing the sustainable urban planning integrated model is the important result of this research. This model could evaluate the sustainability commitment of each planning alternatives. The model is developed with the main framework of the EU eco-city planning process and detailed indicators of EEWH-EC model. Taking into account the international forward-looking thought and compatible with the local EEWH-EC model are two significant characteristic of this integrated model. This integrated model is functionally developed into two versions, rapid assessment and detailed assessment, to cope with the different scale of planning tasks. In addition, the rapid assessment version is implemented for the Qi-Dong Riverside new district conceptual master planning project. In this research, the design thinking initiated into urban planning process is a pioneering undertaking. The two findings of this research, integrated planning standard process and sustainable urban planning integrated model, are having innovation breakthrough each other in process and offering of urban planning. The further expansion of the model, Including professional assessment indicators refinement, computer programming implementation, and the output solution formation, will be continued. In the future, the model is expected to be optimized as an important tool for urban planning. It will be the best practice of corporate social responsibility for engineering consultancy. Keywords: eco-city planning process, design thinking, sustainable urban planning

我國非自願性失業勞工單一窗口全程服務模式成效之研究 / A study on the Effectiveness of One stop Service for Involuntarily Unemployed Workers in Taiwan

吳佳玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討非自願性離職者於「三合一就業服務流程」與「失業認定單一窗口一案到底作業模式」之成效分析,由於2008年後大量非自願性離職者者湧入就業服務站申領失業給付,三合一就業服務流程無法疏導大量失業給付者且忽略一般求職者,無法落實推介就業,因此勞委會職業訓練局開始思考就業服務流程轉型的模式,本研究採用文獻分析、實地深入訪談等方法,討論三合一就業服務流程設計的背景、績效指標及面臨問題;接續討論我國單一窗口服務概念的緣起與發展,並整理美國、英國、韓國等重要國家實施單一窗口的經驗,以深度訪談方式訪問2010年實際參與試辦失業認定單一窗口一案到底作業模式之就業服務站的就業服務員及失業給付申請人,以檢視我國單一全程服務模式的成效及可能產生的問題及困境後提出相關建議。 最後,本研究分從就法令制度及執行、軟硬體設備、人力配置規劃及教育訓練等面向,針對執行單一窗口一案到底的模式提出改進的具體建議: 一、相關配套措施應朝向簡化三合一就業服務流程的申辦模式做規劃。 二、明訂失業給付申請人尋職積極度指標及績效指標。 三、就業行動計劃應雙方共同擬定且具公權力效益。 四、加強工作機會的開發及落實就業媒合精確度。 五、改善現有軟、硬體設備及強化其他配套措施。 六、建立嚴謹的個案篩選與分流機制。 七、就業服務人員的教育訓練應完備後再逐步擴大實施。 八、增加就業服務人員的編制人力。 九、經就業諮詢評估後妥適運用就業促進工具。 十、建立其他狀況發生時就業服務流程處理SOP機制。

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