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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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標竿學習理論與實務之研究 / Benchmarking -- The Study of Theory and Practice

陳衍宏, Chen, Yen-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討標竿學習,分別自理論基礎與運作實務兩大面向探討,進而建構一套標竿學習的模型。 就理論部分而言,本研究針對幾種與標竿學習最為相關的管理技術或工具,作基本的探究,試圖從其中找尋標竿學習的脈絡,俾以為其理論奠基。經過文獻的研究與分析,本研究提出標竿學習的三項核心價值,分別為「全面品質觀」、「學習觀」與「流程觀」,並藉由「價值鍊」的概念,促使此三觀得以整合並相互助益。 「全面品質觀」係脫胎自全面品質管理的原則,以顧客滿意為依歸的基本信念為其價值,而更強調指標的建立或標竿的選擇亦應採取如是觀點;「學習觀」則為「組織學習」概念的延伸,並在標竿學習的論點上,使學習概念更為廣博。「學習觀」是標竿學習極為重要卻常忽略的觀點。學習是具有嚴謹架構與邏輯的思考面向,包含向他人學習與自我學習、超越等,在標竿學習中更因具有層次性,而能使標竿學習之學習概念趨於完備。「流程觀」則指組織運作之流程,為標竿學習之主要對象,包括對方組織與自身組織的流程。此外,流程觀亦同時指出標竿學習成功與否的關鍵之一乃在其計畫推動程序能否落實良善。此三項核心價值分別代表標竿學習的基本命題:「學什麼」——流程觀;「怎麼學」——學習觀;「指標意義」——全面品質觀。正因為此三者分別代表不同領域之整合,故由「價值鍊」貫穿三者以求整合,名之為「標竿學習之三環連鎖」,此即為標竿學習的理論基礎、核心價值。 就實務而言,標竿學習的類型、設計相關計畫步驟之先後,本研究以為,制定合於時宜的方案,遠勝制度法則之移植(此觀點與「全面品質觀」同),故介紹幾種基本型態,必須強調的是,切莫自限於此,還是要從理論部分談起,完整的建構與釐清,將有助於指導實務之運作。

透過Spark平台實現大數據分析與建模的比較:以微博為例 / Accomplish Big Data Analytic and Modeling Comparison on Spark: Weibo as an Example

潘宗哲, Pan, Zong Jhe Unknown Date (has links)
資料的快速增長與變化以及分析工具日新月異,增加資料分析的挑戰,本研究希望透過一個完整機器學習流程,提供學術或企業在導入大數據分析時的參考藍圖。我們以Spark作為大數據分析的計算框架,利用MLlib的Spark.ml與Spark.mllib兩個套件建構機器學習模型,解決傳統資料分析時可能會遇到的問題。在資料分析過程中會比較Spark不同分析模組的適用性情境,首先使用本地端叢集進行開發,最後提交至Amazon雲端叢集加快建模與分析的效能。大數據資料分析流程將以微博為實驗範例,並使用香港大學新聞與傳媒研究中心提供的2012年大陸微博資料集,我們採用RDD、Spark SQL與GraphX萃取微博使用者貼文資料的特增值,並以隨機森林建構預測模型,來預測使用者是否具有官方認證的二元分類。 / The rapid growth of data volume and advanced data analytics tools dramatically increase the challenge of big data analytics services adoption. This paper presents a big data analytics pipeline referenced blueprint for academic and company when they consider importing the associated services. We propose to use Apache Spark as a big data computing framework, which Spark MLlib contains two packages Spark.ml and Spark.mllib, on building a machine learning model. This resolves the traditional data analytics problem. In this big data analytics pipeline, we address a situation for adopting suitable Spark modules. We first use local cluster to develop our data analytics project following the jobs submitted to AWS EC2 clusters to accelerate analytic performance. We demonstrate the proposed big data analytics blueprint by using 2012 Weibo datasets. Finally, we use Spark SQL and GraphX to extract information features from large amount of the Weibo users’ posts. The official certification prediction model is constructed for Weibo users through Random Forest algorithm.


王順慶, Wang, Shun-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
其內容概以土地登記工作要求達到多重目標:因此工作內容、登記項目及相關法令極 為繁雜,辦理該項工作,手續冗長。近年來,由於人口增加,各項建設突飛猛進,經 濟快速成長,土地權利及土地使用情況,變動頻繁,更肇致土地登記案件急遞增加, 形成登記機關作業瓶頸;且由於作業方式不健全,導致民眾權益受損情事時有所聞, 基於實際需要,自應力求改進。故檢討現階段土地登記流程之相關項目,探症結,溯 原因,追索更合於登記目標的作業方式,並解決作業瓶頸,保障民眾權益,使土地登 記符合穩固、簡易、精確、省費、迅速、適境之原則。


吳學修, Joe Wu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的,旨在探討PDM對台灣3C產業研發管理的影響. 先從台灣3C產業研發管理所涉及之組織環境,核心能耐,及組織與知識創造的關聯性做番檢視, 再將主題PDM對焦在研發管理的創新活動中, 復以流程的構面觀點, 透過個案訪談及實驗分析, 理出PDM對研發管理影響之脈絡如下: 一. PDM導入時,進入障礙傾向來自: (1) 研發人員心理. (2) 既有流程漏洞. (3) 橫向協調不易. 二. 需配合的推動要素傾向: (1) 技術系統客製. (2) 流程改造. 三. PDM對研發管理的直接助益傾向: (1) 團隊協同. (2) 專案導向. (3) BOM管理. (4) 既有資料庫整合綜效. 四. A公司導入PDM後, 組織能耐在 (1) 程序效能 及(2) 研發時程進度掌控上, 皆有可觀的進展. 領悟與啟示-----PDM真正帶給研發管理最大的助益, 在於 : 它會刺激我們省思, 加速改造流程..... / Abstract The purpose of this research is to explore the affections of PDM on the Research & Development management, in the environment of Tai- Wan`s 3C industry. Starting from viewing the environments of innovative organizations, Core competencies, and the relationship between the organization and Knowledge creating. Then, focusing the subject PDM on the innovative Activities of Research & Development management. And in the process Point of view, via interviewing of several parties together with experi- ment analysis, to sum up the veins of the affections of PDM on the Re- search & Development management as following : 1. When introducing the PDM system, the entering obstacles tend to cause from : (1) The psychology of Research & Development peoples. (2) The defects of existing processes. (3) Horizontally coordinating being not easy. 2. The key promotive factors to be operated in coordination tend to be : (1) Technical system customization. (2) Process reconstruction 3. The direct benefits of PDM for Research & Development management tend to be : (1) Teamwork co-ordination. (2) Project oriented. (3) BOM management. (4) The interated synergy of existing data banks. 4. After conduting the PDM system, the competencies of party A in the areas of (1) Process efficiency and (2) Research & Development sche- dule control perform conspicuous improvement. Inspiration ------ The most benefit of PDM truly impacts on Research & Development management is : It will stimulate us to make a self-exa- mination. To speed up to improve our process …….


林建妤, Lin, Chien Yu Unknown Date (has links)
為提升國內軟體專案生產力和品質,建立度量與分析的機制,本研究參考能力成熟度整合模式(Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI)之度量與分析流程領域作為指引,結合GQM (Goal-Question-Metric)及PSM (Practical Software & Systems Measurement)的度量方法論,發展一套提問式驅動度量與分析流程規劃法,稱為QMAP (Questions driven- Measurement & Analysis Process Planning)—運用5W1H (Why, Who, When, What, Where & How) 提問方式,有系統地依據CMMI度量與分析流程的要求,找出軟體專案的成功因素,逐步建立組織內部的度量與分析流程的基準。首先,以某公司之個案情境為例進行背景分析、目標分析和流程分析,接著以使用分析—使用案例及其描述之資訊需求,建議整合運用PSM Insight, MS Project及IBM Rational ClearQuest等工具來支援軟體專案度量與分析流程之自動化。經工具系統之實作展示,再以自我評鑑來檢視QMAP於CMMI度量與分析流程之目標及執行方法的符合程度,而部分未達成的項目則作為未來研究之方向。 / This research proposes a method called QMAP (Questions driven- Measurement and Analysis Process Planning) in order to meet goals and practices in Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). QMAP is about 5W1H questions which begin with why, who, when, what, where and how. Before answering the 5W1H questions, we start with background analysis, goal analysis, and process analysis based on a sample company’s management context. Use Cases are then described as the formal information requirements of the MA process support system. In the implementation, we suggest to integrate some tools, such as MS Project, PSM Insight, and IBM Rational ClearQuest, to facilitate the measurement data collection and analysis activities during the software project development. After illustrating the implementation prototype, a checklist for self-appraisal is presented to identify the compliances of CMMI goals and practices, and the incomplete parts for future research extension.


劉家佑, Liu, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在.com泡沫化之前,企業均對資訊科技做巨幅的投資,以為投資在資訊科技或是企業資訊系統就會帶給企業龐大的利潤。但在最近幾年的一些研究(Carr, 2003)顯示,企業大量投資於資訊科技以及資訊系統,卻未必對應企業就能因此而獲利,企業高階管理者必須瞭解資訊科技與競爭優勢之間的成本效益關係,這些問題值得企業主管們審慎的去思考。 本研究的主要目的就是要發展一套評估企業流程能力以及資訊系統投資效益的模式,協助高階主管能瞭解及評估其投資的資訊科技對企業流程能力以及競爭優勢的重要性。本研究的企業流程評估步驟如下: Step 1:先以企業整體資訊流程作為評估的基礎,分析企業整體資訊流程。Step 2:分辨企業的識別流程、優先流程、背景流程以及強制流程,瞭解企 業各個流程所需要的流程能力。 Step 3:利用企業顧客價值主張以及企業內部流程構面來評估企業識別、流程和優先流程目標。 Step 4:繪製企業的策略地圖,判斷企業的流程能力是否和企業策略相符合。 Step 5:分析企業目前使用的資訊系統所能提升的流程能力,瞭解資訊系統對企業策略的影響。 Step 6:根據企業的策略地圖制定企業的績效衡量指標。 本研究最後採取個案研究,透過實際個案來說明本研究的評估模式,並描述企業的流程能力以及和企業策略的連結方式。


賴淑蓉, Lai , ShuRong Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技不斷進行,資訊電腦、資訊與網路通訊科技的整合應用,除了改變現今生活的全貌,而同時深入改變企業或政府組織的角色,以及其經營之道的理念與做法,此外嶄新的管理與決策工具,也輔助高階主管的管理作業。而一個成功的企業或政府組織為能彈性因應外在競爭及劇變環境,需使其內部之資訊互通整合,以達組織間之企業流程、工作流運作順暢,而發揮企業之最大效率。藉由新科技的輔助,企業除內部工作流流線化外,對外也可增加其回應能力,以及提高其競爭能力。 本研究採個案研究方式,依據所提出之建立工作流模型及工作流管理系統之方法,選定一個案組織進行驗證。以整合性跨部門之業務流程出發,建立組織之業務流程模型,經流程分析及問題探討後,提出一套建議未來合理之業務流程模型,依未來合理之業務流程建立工作流模型,並進一定定義及強化資訊系統自動追蹤及稽催之角色,設計工作流管理系統。於所有活動均被正式定義以及追蹤管理之下,對於各項活動執行之作業成本及其績效,均能明確記載,因此可提供每年或外在環境改變時,進行對業務流程之檢討,再啟動本研究提出之方法,而每一次之檢討,可助於組織重新設計執行績效更佳之業務流程及工作流。


陳啟斌, Chen, Chibin Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,台灣營建產業處於低度發展劣勢,廠商規模、技術、管理能力嚴重落後於國際廠商,尤其自台灣加入世界貿易組織後,更面臨國內市場對外開放競爭的挑戰。本研究意在探討台灣營建產業領導廠商(個案公司)因應變局挑戰的策略思維,變革的內容、過程與績效。 個案公司面臨產業變局,於2000年由企業領導人發動企業文化重塑,標舉企業經營新價值,重行定位企業走向。經由策略再思維,採用選擇與集中策略,選定系統整合工程、一般建築市場、高科技廠房,為三大核心目標事業領域,並以系統整合、風險管理、fast-track為其未來發展之策略性能耐。 為達成經營變革策略目標,個案公司推動以績效管理模式為主軸之企業流程再造,涵蓋目標管理、組織重整、引進企業資源規劃(ERP)以利工程規劃管理、預算管制、重建人力資訊系統等。致力於管理控制面之營運效率改善。其變革管理作為,確實已取得近程財務績效優勢,領先業界。 個案研究之主要發現為:缺乏變革管理經驗的企業,初期嘗試推動組織變革,傾向於採用「基本策略」變革為主要取向;在習於服從權威的組織環境中,領導者的視野與意志貫徹,為企業進行組織變革的關鍵成功因素;成功的組織變革需要涵蓋全面,藉由系統化的策略思維,將各項變革作為加以互相連結;客觀、全面、正確而深入地檢視與診斷組織既有問題,是有效達成組織變革的必要手段;企業面對惡質化的市場競爭,需透過策略再思維重新定義經營領域,以提升經營效能;封閉產業廠商面臨產業環境國際化變局,需進行涵蓋較多層面的組織變革,以因應變局挑戰;對於採取「基本策略」變革而言,推動既深且廣、符合策略目標的企業流程再造,為達成變革目標的關鍵;明確、與變革策略相結合的績效管理,是推動「基本策略」變革的有效工具。 / For decades, the construction industry of Taiwan has undergone its underdevelopment, with its scale, technologies and managerial capabilities backward to the average of worldwide competitors. Such competition posture has turned severer as the local construction market opened to global competition since Taiwan entered WTO. This research studies the strategic thinking, contents, the process and performances of organizational changes initiated by a leading company (“The Company”) of Taiwan construction industry while facing the harsh impact on business environmental changes. Reacting to industrial changes, in year 2000, CEO of The Company initiated to re-mold its corporate culture, to advocate new corporate values and to re-define business approaches. To execute rethinking approach of change management, The Company adopted the strategy of “selection & focus” to target on system integration of infrastructures, buildings and hi-tech factories as core business, with strategic competences of SI, risk management and fast-track skills to be cultivated. To achieve strategic objectives, The Company facilitated business process reengineering, which centered on performance management mode and process reengineering, including management by objectives, organizational restructuring, adopting ERP for engineering planning & management, budget control and reestablishment of information system of human resource management, for the enhancing of operational efficiency. Such managerial effort has led The Company to financially outperform local competitors for the latest three years. What this research reveals can be an inspiration to business execution. The overall commitment of the corporate is essential to the success of an organizational change since the change requires the comprehensive coverage. The leader’s vision and perseverance are critical to the fulfillment of organizational changes. It is pivotal to facilitate such changes with systematic strategic thinking. The subjective, comprehensive, extensive and precise survey and diagnosis on the existing problems of an organization is necessary to effectively reach the objectives of organizational changes. To set out suitable competition strategies in accordance with environmental factors and organizational conditions is indispensable to enhance business effectiveness. The performance management which aligns with strategic objectives is the important means to execute the organizational change.

在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程 / People-Driven Processes in Customer Relationship Management

陳志翔, Chen,Chih-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
顧客關係管理(CRM)是結合人、流程和科技,並且追求瞭解顧客需求、提供商業策略和建立與顧客之間的長期關係。成功的利用整合科技,需要適合的商業流程和組織文化來適當地定位人本行為上的元素。因為顧客關係管理並不是簡單的技術解決方案,成功的顧客關係管理運作主要與人們的介入有關。為了建立對於在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程中清楚剖析內容和角色,本研究分析顧客關係管理流程和倚賴人本的文獻,並且構成有關於在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程假說需要。它強調高階主管和營運職員對於制定重要決策和與顧客進行立即性溝通的責任,進而帶領與顧客之間的關係管理。 典型的在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程是很難已被建置或無法以單獨地成為技術解決方案,這些活動包含規劃顧客策略、設計顧客關係管理流程、處理顧客問題、瞭解顧客需求、處理立即溝通和問題、以及整合顧客回應。影響在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程的因素會和顧客特性、資訊內容、員工能力和組織環境有關。本研究建立的假說是探討在顧客關係管理中以人為本的流程會被以下因素影響的相關性:(1)顧客情感需求、在交易過程中的顧客涉入度和顧客需求的變化;(2)內隱顧客資訊的需求;(3)員工經驗和知識;(4)組織文化。 為了建立在顧客關係管理中以人為本流程的清楚瞭解,本研究依據文獻發現建 構假說和經由深度個案研究來驗證他們。目標是檢驗顧客特性、資訊內容、員工能力和組織環境對於在顧客關係管理中以人為本流程的相關性。 / Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes, and technology that seeks to provide understanding of customer needs, to support a business strategy, and to build long-term relationships with customers. Successful utilization of the integrated technology requires appropriate business processes and organizational culture to adequately address human behavioral elements. Because it is not simply a technology solution, success in CRM business revolves largely around people. In order to build a clearer understanding of the content and role of the people-driven processes of CRM, this study analyzes the literature on CRM processes and people dependencies and forms propositions about the need for people-driven processes in CRM. It emphasizes the responsibility of executives and operational staff in making critical decisions and using intimate communications to conduct relationship management with their customers. Typical people-driven processes in CRM are those that are difficult to implement or that cannot be carried out using technology solutions alone, including such activities as planning customer strategy, designing CRM processes, coping with customer problems, understanding customer needs, handling intimate communications, and integrating customer responses. Factors that affect the dependency of people-driven processes in CRM are related to customer characteristics, the content of information, employee capabilities, and the organizational environment. Propositions formed in this study are that the dependency on people-driven processes in CRM is affected by (1) customer emotional needs, customer involvement in transaction processing, and the dynamics of the customer needs; (2) the need for tacit customer information; (3) employee experience and knowledge; and (4) the organizational culture. To build a clear understanding of the people-driven processes of CRM, this research constructed propositions based on literature findings and verified them through an in-depth case study. The objective is to explain the effects of customer characteristics, the content of information, employee capabilities, and the organizational environment on the dependence of people-driven processes in CRM.

產品專案團隊跨專案知識管理研究-以台灣自有品牌消費性電子產品為例 / Knowledge Management in projects environment of Product team communication—Taiwanese Electronic Brand Products

郭君怡, Kuo, Jun Yi Unknown Date (has links)
由於產業競爭加劇、工作變動速度提升,專案已經成為企業工作常態方式,我國電子電機產業自經營代工業務開始,將每一張代工訂單視為企業內部的一個生產製造專案,而轉型經營自有品牌OBM業務後,不同於過去專注生產製造階段的專案工作,品牌產品專案的執行必須包括整體產品生命週期,從產品定義、規格設計、生產製造、市場銷售到顧客回應,產品專案流程涵蓋各式獨立的專案工作,隨著高度互動的專案工作成為常態,管理多個專案工作之間的互動合作、溝通協調,以及累積各個專案執行的經驗,成為組織專案管理及知識管理領域中越來越重要的工作,本研究欲了解在企業專案工作環境下,各獨立專案工作為完成創造單一品牌產品目的,專案彼此之間的互動合作,從產品專案的開發流程、專案分工溝通互動、專案團隊組織三方面,深入瞭解自有品牌產品團隊的跨專案工作互動與產品知識管理。 跳脫過往專注單一專案關鍵成功因素討論的專案管理研究,本研究針對目前企業多專案互動的常態工作環境,以動態角度綜觀探討多個專案之間的互動溝通;同時將過往知識管理文獻多以組織整體為主的角度,進一步深入專案執行階段的角度;本研究也不同於過往宏觀角度討論代工業務及自有品牌企業經營策略之研究,以微觀角度詳細描述品牌產品專案之開發流程,挑選Acer、ASUS、MIO、HTC四家台灣經營自有品牌消費性電子產品績優企業,討論Acer液晶顯示器、ASUS主機板、ASUS筆記型電腦、ASUS智慧型手機、MIO導航產品及HTC智慧型手機六個自有品牌產品個案,以「產品開發專案流程」與「跨專案知識管理程序」兩個程序構面,訪談九位帶領產品專案團隊的產品專案經理,透過實際的第一手經驗資料 ,詳細撰寫產品專案開發流程,從產品定義、規格設計、生產製造、市場銷售到顧客回應各階段之整體開發,深入分析產品專案中涵蓋的各個獨立專案工作彼此之間的分工溝通互動、專案團隊組織、專案經理工作,並探討個案產品開發與市場的互動,以及跨專案的知識管理,從市場趨勢及顧客回饋兩方面檢視自有品牌產品在技術面及行銷面的知識吸收。 研究發現產品專案開發流程包括產品定義、生產協調、市場回饋三大階段,由不同專案團隊專職各個階段,其中產品開發團隊與研發生產團隊之間的專案分工溝通互動,具有一致性的緊密互動 ;專案團隊組織方面則發現,產品專案團隊日常主要以輕量型團隊執行衍生性產品專案,而進行新創產品時,則以重量型團隊搭配平台性產品專案執行。本研究以衍生性產品專案/平台性產品之專案分類方式,發現產品專案在執行上的不同特性,對專案管理體制有許多影響,如越常執行平台性產品專案的品牌產品,與市場團隊之間的合作連結越緊密,也越重視區域行銷單位的市場回應知識與內部研發團隊的市場技術知識。 研究發現自有品牌與OEM/ODM專案流程一樣相當注重產品生產、研發製造階段,而產品經理工作多在維護與商業夥伴供應商、經銷商的關係,很少接觸消費者及產品市場面,這對大部分執行衍生性專案產品的品牌產品而言,是相當有效率的工作方式,然而,對較常執行平台性專案的品牌產品專案,產品定義必須符合市場需求,產品經理鮮少接觸消費者及產品市場面,對產品的創造發展有極大的阻礙。因此本研究建議將產品的創新程度、銷售結果、市場顧客回應與產品經理的工作績效連結,提升開發創新產品的動機與勇氣,同時徹底發揮功能性組織的力量,強化產品開發專案各階段的專業性,使各階段獨立的專案工作更緊密地互動,整合創造新產品,把顧客當成參與產品創新的夥伴,加入市場聲音,把內部測試回饋當成市場反應的領先指標,建立創新意見回饋系統平台,儲存各式礙於組織架構、專案團隊等因素無法實現的新創想法,累積組織創新能量。 本研究提出以產品家族的角度經營品牌產品專案的結論,依據產品特性規劃產品系列,讓產品經理自產品開發階段就了解產品上下代的關係、清楚產品專案代表的企業市場意義、上一代產品在市場上最受喜愛及最被詬病的特點,以及認識執行上一代產品的PM,使產品經理之間的合作更有一致性與歸屬感,藉由自有品牌產品專案團隊跨專案的互動,更積極頻繁地針對產品經營討論溝通,以經營自有品牌產品、開創新產品、強化品牌印象、開創市場佔有率為主要工作目標。使產品經理充滿經營產品的熱誠、具有執行品牌產品開發的使命感;使大量多元的產品有系統的依據各不同規格、功能、設計,以產品家族方式統整呈現於企業品牌下,使各產品特色不受混淆地在同一品牌中發展茁壯,既突顯產品獨特性,也加強品牌印象,是創造領導品牌最重要的根基。 / As the business environment goes more challenging, all the organization functional projects in different stages need to start its work earlier than the product process. All the functional projects in different stages of the product process seem need to work almost at the same time to deal with the shorter product lifecycle. Managing through projects has become a standard way of doing business and now can be seen from an integral part of many organization’s business strategies. As Taiwanese electronic product companies transformed the critical RD and manufacturing knowledge which is from the project-based OEM/ODM business experience for decades to OBM business managing, the OBM Product Project covers all the product lifecycle and has wider working process than an OEM/ODM Project. The OBM Product Project creates product by several independent projects of different RD functional areas, which led by different team leaders, processing through all the stages of the product cycle. Without well interactions among the independent projects during an OBM Product Project’s lifecycle, once the knowledge assets lost between the projects working process connection, final product of the OBM Product Project can be fail or totally not match up the original product design. So how do the best Taiwanese electronic brand products make it? In this research you will find out what the real OBM Product Project working process is of the famous brand products as Acer, ASUS, MIO and HTC. How the independent projects communicate with upstream and downstream team to make the OBM Product Project successful. Also reveal the real working detail of all kinds of project leader in project team organization under different company organization. The structure of this research for cases writing and analyzing structure is following the New Product Project process and the Sequence of Knowledge Management process as the working process sequence to discuss the communication between project leaders and the interactions between the independent projects of the Product Project steps by Four Mode of Upstream-Downstream Interaction . The case materials is interviewed from 11 Product/Project Managers, also analyzed numerous second materials from magazines, reports, conferences and so on, working on revealing the real working process form all the independent projects of the OBM Product Project.

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