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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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沈燕柏 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球個人電腦市場競爭愈演愈烈的趨勢下,台灣個人電腦硬體產業在面對多年來所賴以生存的設計代工設計製造已面臨微利化的時代,企業必須以更積極的創新精神,提高技術障礙,研發差異化的產品,引進新技術並及時推出具競爭力的創新性產品才能脫離紅海戰場的價格戰,進而為企業創造更高的營運績效。 本論文屬探索性研究,並採用個案研究法,以選取一家台灣的個人電腦硬體設計製造公司為研究對象。本研究透過人員訪談的方式,針對個案公司的中高階主管(業務、行銷、研發副總及產品規劃經理等),就該個案公司的新產品研發與新產品創新策略作深入之訪談。並藉由文獻中探討所建構的觀念架構與理論基礎來界定本研究的探討範圍,其包括了探討新產品發展策略、組織結構、核心能力、創新概念來源、創新能力及競爭策略等各個構面與產品創新策略之間的關連性。 本個案研究的結論如下所述: 1、企業所擁有的資源越豐富時,其創新的可能性就越高。企業領導者對於創新,若能給予較豐富的資源,則直接提供了創新重要的基礎。因充裕的資源,亦會使得管理階層可以更有能力去追求創新,負擔創新所產生的成本,以及承擔創新可能所帶來的失敗。 2、企業領導人必須建構動態的組織結構。動態的組織結構相對於僵固型組織而言,對創新會較有正面的影響。因動態的組織會對組織成員產生較少的規範,以及會給予較大的授權。因此,往往會表現出較大的彈性與調適性,所以組織內的成員較易創新。 3、企業各個單位之間的互動程度高低,決定了創新的成敗。成員之間的高度互動,有助於打破創新時所需面對的障礙。企業高階管理者應積極建立跨部門之互動平台機制,供組織內成員面臨技術瓶頸時,可更容易且快速獲得集團內的資源協助,以提早將創新的產品推出到市場。 關鍵字:新產品、新產品開發流程、創新、產品創新策略、競爭策略、五力分析、SWOT

B2B業務銷售之策略行銷分析-以台灣金百利克拉克公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis B2B business sales - Kimberly-Clark Taiwan's case

陳姿羽 Unknown Date (has links)
彼得.杜拉克(Peter F. Durcker)曾經說過:「今後全世界所有的企業高階人員,80%將是由業務人員所晉升擔任。」全球前五百大企業的CEO大多為業務背景,可見業務人員在組織中扮演的重要角色。B2B的交易在任何企業組織都會頻繁地發生,而設計完善的銷售流程可以幫助業務人員用最有效率的方式找到潛在顧客,瞭解顧客需求與所面臨的問題,並提供最適當的解決方案。顧客有了良好的購買經驗,就會增加往後再次交易的可能性。 金百利克拉克公司為全球第一大衛生紙品製造商,同時也是全台灣最大的消費紙品製造商。這家全球知名的國際企業,特別針對商用顧客設立了商用消費事業部(Kimberly Clark Professional),銷售產品多元,業務遍佈不同產業,成功地在台灣市場佔一席之地,其B2B銷售流程十分值得探討。研究發現個案公司對於新顧客與舊顧客間有不同的B2B銷售管理流程,會針對不同顧客身處銷售階段的需求來訂定策略;也會針對不同產業,找出最有效率的方法執行銷售流程的每一個步驟,協助銷售更加順利的進行。在個案中提到的醫療產業為新市場的開發,銷售流程步驟必須完整且紮實的進行;製造業則為舊有客戶的維繫,依據所銷售產品的特性,在銷售策略上會有不一樣的調整。以策略行銷分析架構研究後發現,個案公司因為品牌知名度高,在道德危機成本佔絕對優勢;但由於所銷售的產品為消耗品,買者轉換成本低,因此在成功交易後,除了提供更完善的服務外,也必須提高買者的專屬陷入成本,才能維持長期穩定的交易關係。 本研究以銷售八大流程為主軸,透過邱志聖(2010)策略行銷分析架構,探討在交易的過程中所產生的各項交易成本,以及B2B在銷售流程策略上如何因應,通過讓理論與實務的結合,使研究能有更好的分析呈現。

論外資收購中國上市公司法制-以併購流程為中心 / The legal system of Acquisitions of Listed Companies by Foreign Investors in China: Fro the Perspectives of M&A Procesdures

廖祐宗, Liao, Yu Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
改革開放以來,跨境併購成為中國經濟發展的重要力量。越來越多的外國投資者通過併購中國企業股權和資産,以利用中國的低廉勞動生産力或取得巨大的市場空間,各種跨境併購活動方興未艾。 上市公司併購是一個複雜的過程,從控股股東的併購動機,到整個交易過程中的各個具體環節所發生的變化,都會最終影響到併購重組的效果和利益在各方的分配。而過程中所產生的風險及問題,都顯示出外資在大陸執行併購時的「如履薄冰」。外資併購大陸公司的每個案例都如同一場商業諜戰,而法律正是這場戰役中,每個人所握有的重要武器。本文期能以外資的角度爲出發點,以外資併購大陸上市企業的併購管理流程爲軸,以大陸外資併購的相關法律規範爲緯,從併購管理流程的角度,思考過程中相關的法律操作實務,協助實務工作者瞭解整體併購過程的相關併購規範,並於執行併購中,能按圖索驥,按步執行併購作業,避免投資中國的徒勞無功。 本研究共分為五章,首先說明中國經濟體制及法律變革。第二章主要說明外資在大陸特殊政經情勢下的併購發展及所適用的相關法律。第三章主要說明外資併購中國上市公司時的操作流程,並且從企業管理的角度及法律角度說明兩者的差異。本研究最終歸納外資併購大陸上市公司流程區分為併購的預備、調查、簽約及履約四大階段及十個流程。第四章則針對上述每個階段的流程,分析一併購交易中會面臨的法律風險及問題,並於行文中,說明相關參考案例。第五章則說明本文的結論及重要觀察。 / Since the reform and opening-up policy , the Cross-border M&A plays the important role in China. In order to take advantage of lower cost productivity or grab the attractive market shares, more and more foreign investors use the M&A to obtain the stocks or assets. The M&A in listed companies is a complicated processdures. Each segments of the M&A processdures has different impacts for the effects of the M&A. Foreign investors faced lots of the risks and challengeswhile they try to initiate the M&A plan. M&A cases seems like the spy games in the business war filed and law is the major weapon during the attacts and defenses. The research is based on the foreign investors view and constructs the thesis by M&A processdures and M&A regulations. From the perspectives of the M&A processdures, the research will build the step-by-step processes and assist the practioniers to execute the M&A effectively. The rewearch has five chapters. The first chapter is to introducethe economical mechanisms and the regulation systems in China. The second chapter is to deliberate the major M&A cases in China and explore the M&A related regulations. The third chapter is focus on the analysisM&A prcessdures and construct the specific processdures, including four processes (M&A preparation, M&A investigation, M&A contract and M&A execution) and ten segments. Specifically, the fourth chapter covers the analysis of the business and law insights for each segment. Finally, the fiveth chapter concludes the observations.

顧客知識流程、回應能力及組織績效之研究:動態能力觀點 / The study of customer knowledge management processes, response capabilities and organizational performance: A perspective of dynamic capabilities

鍾純勝 Unknown Date (has links)

以業務流程角度建立資料倉儲模式之研究 - 以某事業單位為例

嚴千凱, Yen , Chien-Kai Unknown Date (has links)
政府事業單位重要的任務之一,在於擬定相關管理與營運的政策,因此有關於營運面的相關資訊,就成為重要的決策依據。除此之外來自民意單位質詢,彈性相當大,範圍包含了整個事業業務,因此對於決策資訊需求,往往都是包羅萬象千變萬化的,因此如何快速且正確地取得營運資訊,便成為各單位一嚴峻的考驗,而目前以報表為基礎的營運決策模式,已經漸漸無法符合變動性日增的決策需求,而資料倉儲與多維度模型的設計,正可符合快速變動的決策資訊需求。 本論文將透過對於個案組織的深入質化訪談,進一步建立個案組織的業務流程,並且透過對於個案組織業務內容的深入瞭解,對於其政策制訂之相關決策點、參考資訊、資訊流做詳細的分析,以便針對對決策資訊的來源與性質,找出相對應的屬性、維度與事實。如此一來,便可發現資料倉儲的設計,必須以流程模型為基礎,並且透過模型的指引,設計適合用戶業務內容的資料倉儲與資料模型,並且為未來組織轉型時的配適,提供最大的彈性。


鄭雅玲 Unknown Date (has links)
會計師事務所的競爭是全球化的,在同質性高的服務之中,想要爭取到客戶,甚或提供較其他會計師事務所更能讓客戶滿意的服務,是其目前必須深思的問題。本研究利用企業流程資訊有機體(Process-Wide Information Organism, Tsaih et al.,2004 ) 中的分析方法論,並結合平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard)之觀念,針對國際型會計師事務所,將其現況描繪,並進行關鍵流程—審計業務流程的分析診斷,建立流程相關實作中之目標與績效衡量指標,以期找出其流程中可以改善之處,進而助其提升整體營運績效。

Understanding the Market-orientation Effects of CRM on the Organizational Processes

林佳生, Lin, Jia-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
為了了解CRM(Customer Relationship Management)對於組織行為及流程的影響,透過文獻探討及內容分析,本研究發展一個CRM的架構,此架構影響範圍包含工作實務、價值鍊流程以及組織績效。本研究接著針對五間台灣的金控公司進行個案研究以測試此架構的論點及CRM使用上的內涵。 本研究主要發現是不同的CRM使用類型會有不同組織文化及流程上的影響。利用CRM來服務顧客的公司,在服務顧客的流程上,會受到明顯的文化改變。利用CRM來服務及保留顧客的公司,在所有顧客價值創造活動相關的領域上都會有顯注的文化及流程改變。利用CRM當作基礎建設來服務、保留及開發顧客的公司,組織早已發展市場導向的實務,因此文化及流程的改變程度較小。CRM使用上最主要的挑戰就是去了解不同類型的CRM使用、CRM對於組織行為與文化可能的影響、以及針對不同CRM使用需要哪些適當的管理活動。 透過個案間分析,本研究發現三種不同的CRM使用類型,此三類型為:工具(Facility)、分析(Analytical)、以及基礎建設(Infrastructure)。他們各自有不同的管理重點及組織文化與流程的影響。工具型組織在服務顧客相關流程上有提高生產力的傾向。分析型組織在顧客保留及交叉銷售上,將獲得較多利益。對於基礎建設型組織而言,早已市場導向的流程將大大提升組織在顧客服務上的精準性及彈性。 本研究透過個案研究以整合CRM使用的發現,並且針對CRM的管理提出有用的建議。CRM使用對於市場導向影響的發現以及三種類型的CRM使用可清楚闡明對於CRM使用的了解,當未來有研究著力於不同市場上CRM的潛力,本研究也提供一個基礎。期望CRM使用的管理者可得利於本研究提出的觀點,並且能針對CRM使用提出適當的管理計畫。 / To build an understanding of the impacts of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on organizational behaviors and processes this study strives to develop a model of CRM effects on work practice, value-creation processes and organizational performance through iterative literature review and content analysis. The study then applied multiple case studies on five financial holding companies in Taiwan to test the propositions and build insights of the CRM use. Major finding is that different types of CRM use can have different impact on the organizational culture and processes. Companies use CRM for serving customers experience cultural change in the area of customer service processes while companies use CRM for serving and retaining customers experience further cultural and process changes in all areas relating to customer value generation activities. For companies that use CRM as an infrastructure for serving, retaining and inventing customers, low cultural and process changes are noted due to the already-built market-orientation practice. The most critical challenge of CRM use is to understand the type of CRM use, the possible effects of CRM on both organizational behavior and processes, and the appropriate management initiatives for best use of the CRM system. Through the cross case analysis three types of CRM use are identified. The three types of CRM use are: facility, analytical and infrastructure. They each have different management focuses and effects on organizational culture and processes. Organizations of the facility type of CRM use tend to gain productivity benefits in customer service while companies of the analytical use of CRM gain more benefits in customer retention and cross selling. For companies of the infrastructural use of CRM the established market-oriented processes can contribute greatly to the precision and flexibility of customer services. This research consolidates findings of CRM use from cases studied and proposes useful recommendations on the management of CRM. Findings of CRM effects on market-orientation and the three types of CRM use clarify general understandings of CRM use and provide a base for enhanced understanding of the potential of CRM in different market situations. It is hoped that managers of CRM can benefit from the insights presented and be able to implement proper management plan of CRM use.

以本體論輔助之企業對企業電子商務之整合應用 / An Ontology Application in B2B Integration

林政宏, Lin, Cheng Hung Unknown Date (has links)
在企業對企業電子商務整合中,資料之間異質性以及系統間的互通性是最重要的議題之一。在整合過程中,我們必須考慮網路協定的整合、交易伙伴的整合、商業流程的整合以及商業文件的整合。一個電子商務標準通常會定義這些範圍,但是,電子商務標準都是定義語法部份而較少定義語意部份。在企業對企業電子商務整合過程當中,我們應該調解在商業訊息、商業字彙及資料字典中的語意衝突。 本體論是語意網的關鍵技術,本體論可以呈現出一個領域中語意,並且能夠推論。我們使用本體論的技術解決企業對企業電子商務整合的問題。我們提出了一個以本體論為基礎的方法來分析並研發一個企業對企業電子商務整合應用。透過使用企業對企業電子商務的本體,我們希望可以能夠了解及重覆使用企業對企業電子商務領域的知識。 / Heterogeneity and interoperability are the main issues in B2B integration. We have to consider the integration of different exchange protocols, trading partners, business processes, and business documents. A B2B standard usually specifies those integration dimensions. However, B2B standards are syntactic rather than semantic. B2B integration should conciliate the semantic conflicts between business messages, vocabularies, and data dictionary. Ontology is the key technology enables Semantic Web. Ontology can reason easier and represent the semantic of a domain. We believe that using ontology technology can solve the B2B integration issues. We propose an ontology-based approach to analyze and develop B2B integration model. By using the B2B ontologies, we hope to reuse and understand the domain knowledge.

The process-wide methodology for investigating the information security of a business process

洪妙如, Hung, Miao-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
為落實現行企業的資訊安全評估,研究一創新的方法論,從企業流程的角度做分析評估,將企業要面臨的風險降低到可接受的等級。我們提出的發法論主要分為: (1) 發展企業流程表,找出此流程中要完成的所有功能(2) 指出各功能中對應需運作的接觸點/資訊管道/資訊資源,並評估可能面臨的風險 (3) 將這些面臨的風險,依據風險的可能性、風險的影響性,決定出各風險的風險等級 (4)提出在需建議的風險等級以上的接觸點/資訊管道/資訊資源的控制措施 (5) 確認現行企業是否有落實建議之控制措施。並實際訪談個案公司,完成此方法論的案例雛型。 / We are interested in evaluating the information security of a critical business process and its relevant issues. We try to provide a new security investigation method which is concerned with ensuring the continuity of business essential processes even the whole organization. This study will provide a methodology for analyzing the risk of each component of a process to replace the original information security method which was too widespread or too tiny. Base on such investigation, we can realize the security implements in the process and discover what component is needed to changed such as reduce risk or enhance security of that process to an acceptable level within the limited budget. In our methodology for each decisive business process., the following steps are proposed: (1) to develop the business process table, (2) to figure out all practices of CP/IC/IR corresponding to each function and the related risks, (3) to classify the risk likelihood, risk impact, and security level for each CP/IC/IR of the critical process, (4) to propose the corresponding controls for each CP/IC/IR, and (5) to check the installed controls: The last column, installed check, is took down if the proposed controls are installed or not. A case study of the loan process in a financial institution will be conducted here to illustrate the proposed methodology. We find that here are a number of benefits offered by the PWIO security investigation approach. It is designed from the higher level view point. It involves more members. It is easier to be supported by managers. It makes systematic analysis and check for the security controls in the business process. It costs less than the conventional risk analysis which is adopted for the whole enterprise. The PWIO security investigation methodology can be used in one of the processes and be modified to fit the unique enterprise, and then it can be followed out by the other processes. It can save time and money via try-and-modify steps.

鞋品零售業運用服務創新改善新產品開發之研究 - 以個案公司為例 / Application on innovative service to improve the new product development in footwear retail industry- a case Study

葉思妤 Unknown Date (has links)
面臨來自中國、越南廉價鞋品及國外鞋品業者高品牌知名度的威脅,台灣的鞋品零售業者除了在品質上力求精進外,開始逐漸轉型走向OBM(Original Brand Manufacture),企圖尋找相關的策略來因應來自國外的競爭。而在企業經營中,新產品開發的成功代表著獲利來源及取得競爭優勢的要項。鞋品零售產業屬於流行時尚業的一環,面對消費者快速多變、個性化的需求,如何從市場調查中精準的掌握消費者流行喜好及潛在需求,是業者進行鞋品開發時的一大考驗。 本研究採個案研究法,首先針對鞋品零售產業之經營環境進行檢視,並透過訪談與實地觀察,分析位於該產業龍頭的個案公司是如何透過導入門市服務創新—「鞋品e學專家服務系統」來精確掌握消費者需求變動,協助開發符合消費者需求之鞋品。本研究從兩個面向進行探討,其一先針對個案公司既有之新產品開發模式進行分析,接著探討導入服務創新後的新產品開發模式,並將兩模式進行比較,討論其中相異之處。最後,透過導入服務創新後之個案公司績效,以瞭解該模式所帶來之效益。 本研究期望探討個案公司係如何透過提供服務創新來改善其新產品開發模式,並提出一概念模式給台灣的業者參考。透過該模式,除了加強對消費者需求的掌握度外,更期許業者能瞭解如何提升鞋品的附加價值及經營績效,進而轉型至服務型精緻鞋業,提高國內鞋品零售廠商的競爭優勢。 / Nowadays, the Taiwanese footwear retail industry is facing two direct challenges: the low price footwear imported by Chinese and Vietnamese competitors, and also the dominant branding and marketing power of American and European leading players. In order to stay in the game, besides continuing improve the quality of footwear, the Taiwanese footwear retailers also starting to engaged with the strategy of OBM(Original Brand Manufacture), hoping to confront with the oversea competitors. On the other hand, a successful New Product Development(NPD) means the potential of gaining revenue and acquiring competition advantages. As one members of the fashion industry, the footwear retail industry also facing the rapid change in consumer demand, how to accurately grasp the needs and potential demand from the market remains a difficult task for all retailers. This thesis uses Case Study method. Firstly, the thesis surveyed the business environment of the footwear industry. Secondly, through interviews and field observations, the thesis analyzed the case company, to see how the company accurately grasps the demand of consumers by importing an innovative service system- Footwear E Expert Service System, and examined how this system helps the company to improve the NPD process. The analysis is divided into two aspects. One is the analysis of the traditional NPD model; another part is the analysis of the new NPD model after importing the new innovative service. Then these two models would be compared and discussed. Finally, the thesis analyzed the performance of the case company after the implementation of the system. The goal of this thesis is to examine how the case company improves its NPD model by importing the new service system, and hoping to provide a novel concept for the Taiwanese footwear retailers. In addition to NPD, this study also provides an example of enterprise transformation for the retailers from the traditional service model to tailor-made service model, and allows them to understand how to increase the added value and operating performance through the implementation of innovative service.

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