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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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綠色供應鏈導入模式之探討:企業流程再造觀點 / The implementation of green supply chain: The Business Process Reengineering(BPR) perspective

王怡琇, Wang, Candice Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際環保法規陸續頒布、綠色消費風潮上漲,使企業開始正視供應鏈的綠化,但綠色供應鏈的導入須大幅改變既有流程,令企業望之卻步。本研究從企業流程再造的觀點,探討企業導入綠色供應鏈相關活動之模式,包含經歷的階段以及每個階段須進行之主要活動。此外,也探討企業在導入過程中面臨之困難。本研究採行個案研究法,訪談四家分別為資訊科技業、家電業、造紙業、髮妝業等不同產業之個案公司,除對單一個案公司進行深度瞭解外,同時還進行跨個案/跨產業的分析,以進一步地探討個案之間的異同。 本研究發現,四家跨產業之個案公司在導入綠色供應鏈時,其所經歷的「階段」與「活動」一致性高,主要有五大階段:「綠色承諾」、「內外部溝通」、「專案規劃」、「執行計畫」、「績效評估」,此與學術文獻中的企業流程再造導入模式具有高度相似性,支持綠色供應鏈的導入乃是屬於一種企業流程再造的論點。而兩者主要的差異有三點:第一、導入綠色供應鏈並不若企業流程再造將資訊科技(IT)視為關鍵角色,反之,認為IT為次要角色;第二、綠色供應鏈導入前期尤其強調對供應商以及員工的溝通,而非企業流程再造強調之供應商以及顧客,亦即,以導入綠色供應鏈而言,顧客並非影響企業進行綠色供應鏈之關鍵,而是企業於導入後期影響消費者習慣-環保意識溝通與教育;第三、綠色供應鏈之導入模式,在「績效評估」階段中增加「報告利害關係人」活動,企業流程再造則無強調此項,換言之,公開綠色報告乃是執行綠色供應鏈後期之重要活動。整體來看,本研究亦發現四家個案公司經歷的「階段」與「活動」涵蓋PDCA循環(Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle)的概念,並進一步發現,當PDCA循環運用於綠色供應鏈之導入時,在P(規劃)的部分,除階段3之「專案規劃」之外,尚還包含「綠色承諾」以及「內外部溝通」兩項重要的階段。而在導入的困難部分,企業面臨的內部困難包含技術突破的困難、資金不足、利潤微薄化、參考資料過少、員工參與意願不高。外部困難則包含供應商配合意願低或能力有限、法令不完善、政府政策太慢、消費者購買和使用綠色產品之習慣和意識不足。其中,供應商配合意願低或能力有限是主要面臨的困難,可見企業執行綠色供應鏈時,除須克服內部阻力與困難之外,對外部供應商的溝通與管理亦需要企業投注相當的心力。 本研究對學術上的貢獻是以企業流程再造的導入模式應用於綠色供應鏈的導入,並由四個跨產業個案歸納出企業導入綠色供應鏈的模式,且強化學術文獻中對於企業流程再造、PDCA循環以及綠色供應鏈三者之連結性。在實務上,本研究歸納出的綠色供應鏈導入模式亦提供欲導入綠色供應鏈或已導入但欲改善之企業一個參考的依據。

台灣公立就業服務站三合一就業服務流程及功能之探討 / The research of three-in-one employment service in Taiwan

陳彥蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
為了建構完善的就業安全體系,改善以往就服制度僅能發揮消極性失業給付功能的缺失,台灣於2003年實施了就業保險法,並據此具體規劃了三合一就業服務流程,由公立就業服務站以單一窗口的方式提供整合式就業服務。 三合一就業服務流程從2003年實施至今,觀察其歷年實施概況,可看出三合一就業服務流程的實施確實有所成效,求職求才人數、就業推介與職訓安排等方面明顯都比以往提高許多;但是,歷年實施概況也顯示出三合一就業服務流程在實施之後,出現了失業給付、推介就業與職訓安排等三者數據差距懸殊的現象,有整合性不足的問題,應具備的正面成效未能充分發揮,部分職業的勞動市場也出現供過於求的問題,求才機會的開發仍有待加強。 進一步觀察三合一就業服務流程的實際執行現況,其則顯示了流程中各區塊在業務執行方面存在著許多有待改善的問題。接待台缺乏協助減少服務流量的積極性功能,就業資訊區自助式服務成效不彰,綜合服務區出現失業給付認定業務過重所產生的業務排擠現象、簡易諮詢難以確實執行與短期就業方案無法確實發揮成效等問題,諮詢服務區出現個案管理就業服務之落實有待加強、就業促進研習活動成效不彰與職業訓練諮詢服務有待改進等問題,雇主服務區則是出現求才服務過於消極、欲引進外勞的雇主無意進行國內求才、雇主申請僱用獎助津貼與短期就業方案的不當逆向操作等問題。這些流程內部區塊執行業務所出現的問題不只使三合一就業服務流程的各項服務難以發揮功效,也造成就服站內部區塊之間、就服站與相關外部單位之間合作的障礙,其因此進一步延伸出三合一就業服務中失業給付、推介就業與職訓安排之間整合性不佳的現象,並產生失業給付、就業服務與職業訓練整合不佳所導致的種種負面影響。 職訓局當初在規劃三合一就業服務流程的同時,也為其規劃了明確的預定目標,包括整合性、便捷性、全人化、個別化與可近性等五項。不過,檢視研究資料後可以發現,三合一就業服務流程實施至今,其實並未完全達成當初職訓局所設立的五大目標,流程仍有許多方面有待修正。另外,將台灣的三合一就業服務流程與英國就業服務進行對照之後,也可看出流程中其他尚待加強的不足之處。 目前職訓局雖然有意針對三合一就業服務流程進行改革,但其所規劃的「失業認定單一窗口一案到底」作業試辦模式主要僅針對綜合服務區和諮詢服務區的部份業務進行調整,其他區塊的業務內容並沒有變動,可預見目前職訓局所試辦的改革模式並無法完全解決原本三合一就業服務流程的諸多問題。不論是原本的三合一就業服務流程,或是試辦中的失業認定單一窗口一案到底作業模式,在服務內容與運作方式等方面皆存有相當大的改善空間,職訓局有必要全面重新審視三合一就業服務流程在執行上所遇到的各種問題,據此作為流程改革時的參考依據。 / In order to build a complete employment security system, Taiwan implemented Employment Insurance Act in 2003, and changed the original public employment service into the three-in-one employment service in the public employment service station. This research intends to explore the implementation problem of three-in-one employment service. According to the statistical data, the three-in-one employment service has positive effect indeed. However, it is still has problems. Firstly, the integration of unemployment benefit, employment service and vocational training needs to be strengthened. Secondly, the three-in-one employment service has many implementation problems in each service area. These problems weaken the intended function of the three-in-one employment service. So far, the three-in-one employment service hasn’t achieved the goals, as were originally designed by Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training. Nowadays, Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training is undergoing the reform of the three-in-one employment service; with it focuses on enhancing employment counseling service. But the current reform did not go much further. It is necessary that Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the three-in-one employment service as foundation for reforming service in the near future.

企業併購相關爭議-以所得稅為中心 / A study on the issue:business mergers and acquisitions act-focus on income tax

林佩宜 Unknown Date (has links)
企業併購法經由政府全力推動下,民國91年初立法通過,同時修訂公平交易法及證券交易法,掀起我國企業併購熱潮。然而,快速立法之後果即缺乏相關法令間互相配合,企業併購法與公司法、金融控股公司法、金融機構合併法相關法規有重疊之處,財政部亦陸續發布相關解釋函令,於實務上因併購產生之相關稅務爭訟,以企業併購交易以所得稅之課徵引發較多爭議。      企業併購係企業追求利潤的手段之一,最終的目的係為追求經濟的提升,故我國歷經多次修法,以求減低企業併購所可能發生之障礙。但在企業併購實務中,法律風險並非併購雙方唯一之考量,財務風險、管理風險及稅務風險亦為併購時均應納入之考量。本研究為求企業併購之順利,以稅務爭議所帶來之風險為中心,探討目前稽徵實務上常出現的爭議,以法律割裂適用、虧損扣抵之繼受、租稅優惠之繼受、商譽認定及攤銷,以及視為股利此五個爭點為研究中心,蒐集相關文獻、期刊雜誌及法律規範開始研究,並從司法案例做個案討論,就企業併購實務提出研究結果及建議,使在企業併購過程中能妥善對風險有所控制,提高企業併購的成功率,減少企業併購失敗所來的社會成本耗損,以提高社會資源之利用。 / With the effort to legislation by government, mergers and acquisitions Act was enacted in early 2002. In the meanwhile, the Fair Trade Act and the Securities Exchange Act were amended. However, the consequences of rapid legislation lead to Merger and Acquisition Act overlap in Company Act, Financial Holding Company Law, and relevant laws and regulations. Ministry of Finance has also been released many tax regulations of income tax levied on corporate mergers and acquisitions, which lead to much controversy. In the practice of mergers and acquisitions, legal risk is not only the consideration, but also financial risk, management risk and tax risk should be considered. For completing mergers and acquisitions smoothly, this essay is from the viewpoint of tax dispute, studying the division of laws, succession to loss carry forwards, succession to tax incentives, the recognition and amortization of goodwill, and constructive dividend income. According to these five disputes, the relevant literature, journals and laws are included in this essay. Consequence and recommendations from the judicial cases are provided to mergers and acquisitions practice so that the risks can be properly controlled to some extent, improving the success rate of mergers and acquisitions, reducing the social costs of mergers and acquisitions, and improving the use of social resources.

產品協同設計流程與管理之探討-以手機大廠與台灣ODM公司協同設計為例 / A study of collaboration product development process and management

許曉嵐, Hsu, Hsiao Lan Unknown Date (has links)
國外大廠下單、台灣公司ODM設計製造這樣的模式在近十幾年在不同的消費性電子產包含手機、電視機上盒及筆記型電腦等等為台灣創造了驚人的產值。過去比較常見的方式是由國外大廠定規格,而由台灣公司設計產品,但因為上市時機 ( Time to Market ) 的壓力,國外大廠愈來愈願意分享客戶及技術上的資訊與台灣公司建立伙伴關係,利用協同設計的方式來加速產品的設計開發。 本研究即透過個案研究的方式去了解國外的手機品牌大廠如何與台灣ODM公司協同開發新產品及如何去進行跨公司的專案管理。本研究發現包含: 一、在協同設計方面 1. 技術開發的不確定性會影響協同設計合作模式選擇及國外大廠所投入的資源多寡,當技術開發的不確定性愈高,則雙方協同設計合作會愈加密切;若技術不確定性低,則國外大廠在協同合作上所需投入的資源會較少。 2. 在進行協同合作前,企業會有完整的前置動作進行伙伴評估及選擇。 二、在新產品開發流程及管理上 1. 架構性的開發流程有助於協同開發伙伴雙方彼此了解開發現況及完成協同開發工作。 2. 企業內部雖講求以市場需求為導向的專案開發,但其新產品開發流程設計上,消費者對產品的回饋常未能在設計早期被納入評估。 3. 完整的新產品開發流程會考量保持適度的彈性而不致於僵化。 4. DFSS流程與既有流程的整合有利於DFSS的推行。 三、在上下游溝通模式及媒介上 5. 在協同開發模式下,上下游溝通模式的選擇同時考慮內部技術的保護與外部資訊分享。 6. 有效的資訊及溝通科技是達成成功協同開發的重要因素。 / Due to the decrease of market price of cell phones and reduction of product life cycle, more and more branded cell phone companies seek ODM vendors to develop new products. In order to speed up the develop time of new product and leverage experiences from branded companies to ODM vendors, product development collaboration present a common way in this industry. However, product development collaboration cross companies bring more challenges over in-house design. The object of this research is to introduce how a global branded company to collaborate with ODM companies. The paper cites the different kinds of collaboration and new product development (NPD) process cross companies from case study. In order to integrate ODM companies into NPD, the global branded company should overcome the barriers as the unmatched NPD process of counterparts and the limitation of communication due to the far locations of companies. The following aspects were analysed to understand the collaboration: the NPD process under collaboration condition, the project management over companies, and the communication medium used for inside and outside communication. The result of the study shows global branded companies effectively use internal resources by implementing flexible NPD process for different kind of collaborations Various information and communication technology (ICT) can reduce the barriers of communication cross companies.

知識管理對企業生產流程效能影響之研究:以半導體產業為例 / A Study of the Influence of Knowledge Management on Corporate Production Efficiency: the Semiconductor Industry as an Example

溫柏蒼, Wen, Po Tsang Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨知識經濟時代的來臨,企業在全球化競爭下與產業高速變動的環境中,對於資訊與知識的質與量與日俱增,而為了因應全球經濟競爭與產業變遷,企業興起一股以知識管理為基礎的競爭優勢,作為發展與提升效能的利器。 知識管理對於傳統製造業生產流程效能的影響力已可由相關研究驗證,然而智慧型工程產業,如資本與技術密集的半導體資訊產業,是否在採取知識管理後能夠普遍提升生產流程的效能,尚待驗證,本研究係嘗試建立知識管理與半導體資訊企業生產流程效能之間的關聯性。 研究發現,半導體企業在削減變更成本、降低產品報廢率及重工率、產能擴充時間縮短、產品精密度與複雜度、以及彈性生產組態等生產流程效能上,都與知識管理中的知識管理策略、知識管理工具、知識管理網絡架構、以及知識管理流程有顯著的連結。知識管理策略與知識管理工具確實對半導體企業在削減變更成本、降低產品報廢率及重工率、產品精密度與複雜度、以及產能擴充時間縮短上,有顯著的效能表現 / The epoch knowledge economies bring high competitiveness in business market, and as well as stimulate the importance of information qualities and knowledge capacity. To face global economic developments and the transformation of industry, knowledge management thus has become the basic measure to improve the effectiveness of the developments of company. Evidently that knowledge management has been proved for the advantage of traditional industry in the effectiveness of production process, semiconductor industry however needs more verifications. The study hence is to scrutinize the connectedness between knowledge management and the effectiveness of production process in semiconductor industry. The study revealed that the overall effectiveness of production process indeed was correlated with the adoption of knowledge management system, and in detail, the strategies of knowledge management and the tools of knowledge management would enhance the effectiveness of production process in semiconductor industry.

直播電商對消費者購買決策流程之影響 / The Influence of Live streaming commerce on consumer purchase decision.

謝佳蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路科技的發展,許多新興媒體隨之興起,直播服務即為其中之一,直播為現今品牌或者商家躍躍欲試的行銷溝通管道。直播服務有許多的應用方式,而當中「直播+電商」為本研究所欲了解的應用,因直播電商近來廣受業界討論,也可看見許多品牌皆直播與消費者溝通以及導購,且許多品牌也都表示有良好的成效。直播電商即是透過直播服務在網路上進行商品的販售,其中主要組成的元素包括直播功能、直播主、直播內容以及閱聽眾,本研究希望能夠了解直播電商是如何能夠提升消費者購買意願以及對購買決策流程影響。 本研究將受訪者分為三組(前測、直播以及重播組),先讓受訪者共同觀看完直播電商節目後,再透過焦點團體訪談法深入瞭解其態度,研究結果歸納如下: 一、 購買意願 內容與直播主為直播電商關鍵成功因素,實用性價值高之內容、具專業性之直播主較能促使購買意願,而具知名度之直播主能吸引消費者注意以及提升購買意願,且當產品與直播主具有高度關聯性時較能說服消費者;直播功能對於消費者而言為附加價值,但是當消費者對於直播內容與直播主感到滿足、滿意時,直播功能能有效提升購買意願。 二、 購買決策流程 直播透過導購功能、互動功能能夠縮短消費者購買決策流程的資訊搜集以及評估方案階段。 根據研究結果,本研究提出實務建議以提供企業作為未來營運參考,亦提出研究建議作為未來研究參考。 / As the Internet Technologies continue to bloom and develop, many new media emerge. Of all, live streaming, has become the must try for brands and sellers nowadays. Among all the applications that live streaming brings, live streaming commerce, which is selling products through live streaming, is the focus of this study. The main components of live streaming commerce include live features, host, content and audiences. This study aims to understand the impact of live streaming commerce on consumers’ purchase intention and purchase decision-making process. To conduct focus group interviews, the study divided participants into three groups: 3 people in the pre-test, 5 people watching livestream, and 5 people watching video (same content as in the previous group but not live). Results and conclusions are summarized as below: The key successful factors of live streaming commerce are content and host. The content with high utilitarian value and the expert hosts are both significant to consumers’ purchase intention. Live streaming with popular hosts could capture consumers’ attention and enhance their purchase intention. Moreover, the live streaming hosts are more likely to persuade consumers into purchasing if the characteristics of live streaming hosts are strongly relevant to the products. Consumers regard functions of live streaming as additional value. Live streaming could effectively increase consumer purchase intention when the consumers are satisfied with the content and the performance of host in the live streaming. Live streaming commerce shortens the consumer decision making process through features of real- time text chatting and shopping guide. According the results, this study presents the practical recommendations to provide enterprises as a future operational reference, and propose research recommendations as a future study reference.

《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型歷程分析:1996~2016 / Analysis on the Digitalization of the New York Times Newsroom from 1996 to 2016

曾筱媛, Tseng, Hsaio Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
1996年來,《紐約時報》緊跟數位科技發展,跨媒體經營網站,其內部新聞室也出現轉折,以產製數位新聞目標,逐步調整新聞產製的內容與方式。本研究從新聞產製取徑出發,分析《紐約時報》自1996年到2016年間的新聞室數位化轉型歷程,剖析產製數位新聞與工作常規轉變之間的關聯性。經文獻回顧所整理的分析架構,將研究個案的分三階段探討:第一階段變革(1996-1999)、第二階段變革(2000-2007)、第三階段變革(2008-2016),文獻分析法,系統性地整理現有歷史資料,剖析研究個案在不同階段的轉型歷程。 研究發現,《紐約時報》在各階段數位科技發展中從未缺席,甚至積極擁抱改變,拋棄過往歷經百年的印刷報紙產製流程,以求市場領先地位。其歷年來的數位新聞服務多元,儘管過程中有些服務宣告失敗,但經營者與高層主管總有獨到見解,積極投入資源,內部新聞從業人員也總能快速因應,不斷招募新的數位科技人才,設立新職務,打造不同以往的新聞產製流程與工作常規。相較於過去,《紐約時報》網站與報紙新聞室之間的關係已經反客為主,從「網路優先」概念進展到「行動優先」,並持續在新聞室中拓展不一樣的新聞工作常規和產製流程,為《紐約時報》新聞室數位化轉型,埋下成功的因子。 / Today, journalists across the organization are hungry to bring about change while facing a vital moment where digitalization has pushed the entire newspaper industry to accelerate transformation. In the past few years, The New York Times, as a pioneer of the American newspaper industry, has tried to change news routines and produce progress that takes advantage of today’s changing media landscape. In light of the importance of digitalization, this case study takes a historical approach to analyze the digitalization of The New York Times newsroom from 1996 to 2016, as well as other endeavors, in order to provide a framework of the newspaper’s news routines during the digitalization era. The analysis framework is composed into three periods of time: 1996-1999, 2000-2007, and 2008-2016. This study concludes that as The New York Times is uniquely well-positioned to transform itself quickly, it buried the traditional news routines of print newspaper and moved forward to make digital progress as soon as possible. Their digital-first strategy is still ongoing, and, as a result, this report shows that The New York Times has played a vital role in a changing world and has brought about different types of digital progress.

於數位生態系統利用區塊鏈技術設計最大流暢體驗之串連流程機制 / A Method for Utilizing the Blockchain to Design the Linkware toward Maximum Flow Experience in Digital Ecosystem

陳建佑 Unknown Date (has links)
近來服務生態系統席捲全球亦顛覆許多傳統產業。服務平台的最大宗旨是提供一個環境來媒合服務提供者與顧客,而本質是消弭提供商與顧客之間的中介者,但不論在平台或生態系統中仍存在中心的統治角色,而這情況出現矛盾,也造就機會。區塊鏈則是可提供解決的機會所在。不僅如此,生態系統運作中,服務為多個利害關係人共創價值的過程,其互動是極為複雜的。因此在生態系統中營造流暢體驗是關鍵議題。本研究發展一個工具讓生態系統設計者可以設計橫跨基於區塊鏈的生態系統並整合各流程的串連流程機制,讓利害關係人在互動過程中具有流暢體驗。 / In recent years, the service ecosystem flourishes around the world and disrupts the traditional market. Originally, matching customers’ needs with providers is the most important mission of a service platform. However, the nature of creating a platform or ecosystem is to get rid of the intermediators, but either in the platform or in the ecosystem, there is still a central firm to dominate them. This situation seems to both be a contradiction and be an opportunity. The chance to deal with this problem is blockchain. Moreover, in ecosystem, service which is provided not only by one stakeholder but also by interactional stakeholders, it becomes more complex and intricate. As a result, creating a swift and even flow in the ecosystem is a critical issue. In this study, we develop a conceptual framework to build a tool for designers of ecosystem to design the ideal linkware. This study focuses on creating a linkware that can integrate processes across the service ecosystem, achieving the maximum flow experience for the stakeholders within their interaction, and utilizing blockchain.

高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之衡量:模式建立、構念驗證與資訊科技應用 / Measuring Service Capability Maturity Level for Advanced Health Checkup Businesses: Model Building, Construct Validation and IT Application

張芳凱, Chang, Fang Kai Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,企業核心競爭能力早已被公認是企業獲利以及維繫的驅動者,對於服務業當然也不例外。為了有效生存於現今惡劣的商業環境,服務業必須維護其服務能力之成熟度,以使用者為服務的核心,並以消費者的需求為服務的出發點。唯有以客戶為本,才能使企業永續經營,故台灣服務業若要加入國際市場營運,企業服務能力將扮演一個相當重要的角色。 隨著人類壽命的延長、以及關心個人健康的中產階級崛起,健康檢查已逐漸成為新全民運動。由於市場龐大與需求旺盛,為了服務有健康意識且經濟條件佳的客群,全台醫院和專業診所紛紛設立健康管理中心,提供燈光美、氣氛佳、餐點好、服務親切的健檢環境,其中不少醫院更是砸下重金,重新改造內部裝潢與購買最新式的檢查儀器。因此,高階健檢產業如雨後春筍般的蓬勃成長。 本研究認為,為了實現更高的服務品質,高階健康檢查事業應適當的進行商業流程再造。藉由不斷地改善流程,企業得以回應並滿足顧客的需求,增加企業服務顧客的能力,持續提升服務品質。因此,本研究引用服務企業流程模式的架構,以高階健康檢查事業為研究對象,主要的研究問題分為三大部分:一為適用高階健康檢查事業的服務能力評量模式發展,其二為編輯符合實務用詞的流程領域描述說明,其三為提供高階健康檢查事業品質成長的參考軌跡。 本研究之結果,定義了高階健康檢查事業服務能力等級與成熟等級之表述方式,主動性的給予被評鑑機構一個品質提升的建議與參考的軌跡。本研究設計一套『高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之自我評鑑與改善建議系統』,協助高階健康檢查事業自我評量服務成熟等級,並提供透過資訊科技應用來提升等級的建議。透過階段性的資訊科技應用採納,可妥善配置資訊科技採納進程並編製預算執行順序,來強化醫療照護服務的能力成熟度等級。 / Core competitiveness of enterprise has long been recognized as the driver of profits and sustainability of a business. Service industry is certainly in no exception. In order to effectively survive in today's harsh business environment, services business must maintain its maturity of service capabilities, treat consumer as the core of the services and serve the consumer need as the basic of services. Such consumer-oriented strategy is the key to ensure the long term prosperity of business. It is also essential to Taiwan's service industry for her successful operations in international market. With the extended human lifespan, as well as the rise of the middle class with concern about personal health, health checkup service has become a new national sport. In order to serve customers, who have health-conscious mind and favorable financial affordability, hospitals in Taiwan provide specialized clinics and health management centers. They offer soothing lights and good atmosphere as well as healthy meals and friendly services. Such reformation in health checkup business has seen vigorous market growth and received significant investment on both medical equipment and interior remodeling of examination facility. This study suggests that in order to achieve a higher quality of advanced health checkup service, adequate business process reengineering should be carried out as per need. With constantly improving processes, the service unit would be able to respond and fulfill the customer needs, increase the customer service capacity of the enterprise, and continue to improve service quality. Therefore, this study adapts service business process model as research framework and chooses advanced health checkup business as the research subject. The main research questions are divided into three parts: first is developing a service capability evaluation model for advanced health checkup business; second is editing descriptions of process areas in line with practical terms; third is providing a roadmap of advanced health checkup business to improve their service quality. Results of this study helps to define the capability level representations and maturity level representations for advanced health checkup business. It could proactively provide suggestions to and also be adopted as a reference roadmap for service quality improvement by the evaluated companies. This study also implements a “self-evaluation and improvement recommendation system for advanced health checkup service capability maturity level”, which assists advanced health checkup business to self-assess the maturity level of service capability, and provide recommendations to enhance the level through IT applications. Through the stage-wise IT application adoption, it could properly arrange IT adoption schedule, prepare budget execution order and strengthen the maturity level of health care services capability.


林正杰, Lin, Zheng-Jie Unknown Date (has links)
本論文定名「我國選舉罷免法的政策分析」,寫作的目的在運用政策科學及政治學的 若干觀念,對六十九年制定的「動員戡亂時期公職人員選舉罷免法」作整體性分析。 論文分為四章: 第一章〔選舉罷免法的政策流程〕,主旨在描述選舉罷免法的流程,分為兩節,第一 節「政策流程圖」提出一套筆者改定的政策流程模式。第二節〔選舉罷免法政策流程 〕應用上述的模式來描述選舉罷免法流程的決策。 第二章〔選舉罷免法的決策分析〕,主旨在解釋選舉罷免法的決策、研究方法、採用 政治學中的團體理論。分為兩節,第一節〔團體理論的決策分析〕提出筆者建構的「 團體競爭決策模式」。第二節〔選舉罷免法決策過程中的團體競爭〕運用上述的模式 來描述並解釋選舉罷免法的決策。 第三章〔選舉罷免法的評價〕,主旬在對選舉罷免法作系統性評價。分為兩節,第一 節〔公共政策評價模式〕提出筆者建構的「公共政策評價模式」。第二節〔選舉罷免 法的評價〕運用上述模式評價選罷法。 第四章〔結論-選舉罷免法的修正建議〕。在這一章中,筆者申論「選舉病理」的觀 念,並提出個人對選罷法的修正意見。 附錄部份極為龐大,包括選罷法制定過程中出現的四個方案:1)內政部草擬「動員 戡亂時期公職人員選舉罷免法草案」;2)吳延環草擬「動員戡亂時期公費選舉罷免 法草案」;3)姚嘉文、林義雄、張德銘草擬「選舉罷免法草案試稿」及4)康寧祥 、黃順興、費希平草擬「台灣地區公職人員選舉罷免法試擬案」。此外,還包括內政 部草案的初稿,以及「動員戡亂時期公職人員選舉罷免法施行細則」。

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