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影響壽險業外勤業務據點營運績效因素之研究王韋瀚 Unknown Date (has links)
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平衡計分卡管理制度之設計及運用 - 以陽光社會福利基金會為案例方慶榮 Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織(Nonprofit Organizations,簡稱NPO)近年來在國內外蓬勃發展,在某些重要議題,儼然成為社會良心與進步的另一主要推動力。由於大部分的NPO無所謂的財務利潤底線與市場機制,以及缺乏有效的管理辦法,其經營管理很容易出現無效率的狀況,加上大環境急劇變化所帶來的挑戰,是以NPO比營利事業更需要好的管理制度(Drucker,1990)。
『平衡計分卡』(The Balanced Scorecard,簡稱BSC)是一在歐美企業、政府部門、NPO應用多年,且已有許多成功案例的整合性策略管理系統與績效評量工具,其功能足以協助組織整合資源,聚焦策略,以及落實策略,具體改善組織的績效表現。本研究以國內的陽光社會福利基金會為研究對象,設計一含括策略形成、策略規劃到策略執行的BSC應用架構及模式。以下為本研究的發現﹕
一、在策略形成方面﹕NPO從使命出發,結合BSC SWOT與波特等的策略理論,可協助組織從最重要的四個管理構面上,找出發展的最佳策略。這些策略內容涵蓋最重要的利益關係人,以及營運成功必需考量的完整構面,並具有明確的策略假設與立論邏輯,有助策略的澄清、檢討、改進。
關鍵詞﹕非營利組織、平衡計分卡、營運績效、作業基礎成本系統 / Nonprofit Organizations, abbreviated as NPO, have been developed vigorously throughout the world in recent years. On such issues as Environmental Protection, Aid to Minority Groups, Education & Culture, Health Caring, and Spiritual Purification, NPO no doubt has become one of the most important driving forces to promote social conscience and the society progressing. Most of the NPO neither have the so-called bottom line on financial profits nor have the market mechanism, plus the lack of proper managerial tools, which easily leads an inefficient result. NPO, like many for-profit organizations are facing many severe challenges from the rapid changes in environment. As Dr. Peter Drucker concluded, it is even more necessary for NPO to have a better managerial system than Profit Organization has (Drucker, 1990).
The Balanced Scorecard (abbreviated as BSC) has been implemented into big conglomerates, public sectors, and NPO in Europe and USA for many years, and proved to be a powerful integrating tool for strategic management and performance measurement system through many successful cases. BSC could help the organizations to focus the resources on strategy and execute the strategy properly to enhance the performance of the organizations. This research will design a BSC implementing model for a mid-size NPO, Taiwan Sunshine Welfare Foundation. The model will include strategy formation, planning, and executing. The findings from this research are as follows:
1. The strategic formation: Based on mission, the BSC SWOT and the strategic theories could be great tools for NPO to find out the best and workable strategies in the most important perspectives. These strategies will cover all the important stakeholders and a complete framework that is essential to success. Precise assumptions and logical argumentations characterize the nature of this strategy formation, which could support the clarification and review of strategies as well as the strategic learning.
2. The planning of strategies execution: The framework provided by BSC covers all the necessary elements and managing perspectives required for the successful execution of strategies. These strategic elements are connected each other with logical and cause-and effect relations, so they are easy to be verified, examined, and improved. Having been transferred to the daily activities of the employees, the strategies have great workability as well.
3. The application of BSC: Function-wise, the BSC complements with Activity-Based Costing, abbreviated as ABC, on the execution of strategies. While BSC establishes major execution framework, ABC provides accurate and in-time fundamental information from operation to verify the results of the strategies and improve the decision-making. The integration of these two tools could enhance Sunshine’s operational performance and the outcome of resources.
This research has attempted to design an application model for NPO to implement BSC, and expects to assist NPO in transferring the great ideas to a real success and compensate the long-existed weakness in NPO operation.
Key words: Nonprofit Organizations, Balanced Scorecard, operational performance, Activity-Based Costing
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盈餘管理與買回庫藏股後公司績效之關聯性林易靖 Unknown Date (has links)
因此本研究發現台灣上市公司宣告買回庫藏股整體而言雖有宣告後之績效成長,尤以買回意圖強烈之宣告公司成長幅度最明顯,但是並非代表宣告公司之真實成長,而是受到宣告公司宣告前盈餘管理行為之影響;買回意圖低之宣告公司,其宣告後績效表現並無進步(甚至退步),表示從長期營運績效之角度而言其宣告動機並非價值受到低估。且無論買回意圖為何,宣告前均存在顯著負的異常應計。綜合上述本研究推論,就長期營運績效的角度來看,台灣上市公司宣告買回庫藏股並非主要以傳遞公司價值受到低估為主要目的。就宣告後之長期績效表現以及宣告前之異常應計變化而言,宣告動機較可能符合現金流量假說、盈餘管理動機假說以及經理人動機假說。 / This study examine the long-term operation and stock performance after open-market repurchases of Taiwan company in order to find out the information content of open-market repurchase decisions.We also examine the earning management behavior before open-market repurchase, and find that the average firm report significantly negative abnormal accruals prior to open-market repurchases. The extent of the downward earnings management increases with the volume of the company repurchase and CEO ownership.The pre-repurchase abnormal accruals are also significantly associated with future operating performance.
We find that the operation performance of the company improve after open-market repurchase program,especially the companies with actual buyback behavior. The post-repurchase performance of the firm that don’t have buyback intend does not improve,even regress.This study provide evidence suggesting that the post-repurchase long-term operation performance improvement is partly driven by pre-repurchase downward earnings management,rather than genuine grouth of the company. Thus,we provide evidence suggesting that the motive of the Taiwan companies to repurchase stock is not consist with the information signaling hypothesis.The results of this study support implication of free cash hypothesis、earnming management incentive hypothesis and management incentive hypothesis.
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上市建設公司營運績效評等之研究 / The performance grading of construction firm in Taiwan stock exchange market施旻孝, Shin, Min-Hsiao Unknown Date (has links)
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銀行放款是否為特殊融資工具?以台灣聯合貸款為例 / Are bank loans special? evidence on the syndicate loans from Taiwan賴昱蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,聯合貸款已逐漸成為企業普遍使用的籌資工具之一,由於結合了私有負債(private debt)所具備的契約彈性與公開負債(public debt)的分散風險特點,使聯合貸款成被視為特殊的資本市場籌資工具。過去文獻以聯貸宣告效果檢驗銀行監督掃描的能力,但對於貸款後公司的長期股票報酬與營運績效表現並未進行驗證,有鑑於此,本研究由長期觀點出發,探討台灣企業進行聯合貸款後股票長期累積超額報酬以及聯合貸款前後營運績效相對表現重新審視銀行在聯貸過程中之監督功能及降低資訊不對稱的能力。
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外資買賣超與主併公司長期營運績效之關聯 / Foreign Financial Institutions Trading and Long-Term Operating Performance of Acquirers林仕翰, Lin, Shih Han Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀過去的文獻多發現購併事件的宣告效果為負,其可歸因於企業錯誤的投 資決策、高估綜效價值或是過度投資。在資本市場甚具影響力的三大法人中,外國 機構投資人憑藉著其國際投資經驗、財務專業及資源,其交易行為經常被認定隱含 高度的資訊內含價值,故本研究希冀探討外資買賣超與台灣上市主併公司長期營 運績效之關聯,以探究外資機構投資人交易是否隱含對主併公司長期營運績效品 質具有認證價值。
本論文以 2003 至 2011 年間進行購併的台灣上市企業為探討對象,排除金融 業的樣本,以外國機構投資人之累積買 (賣) 超股數占總流通在外股數做為交易指 標,並選用單位資本投入之經濟附加價值 (EVA/IC) 與單位資本投入之自由現金流 量 (FCF/IC) 做為長期營運績效指標,並首先以配對差異檢定進行分析。研究發現 外資機構投資人累積淨買超之主併公司的 EVA/IC 在購併後第二年顯著為負值,但 第三年有顯著之正值,在營益率未有起色時,投入資本週轉率有漸趨改善的表現; 與非購併同業相比較時,第三年有顯著之正值。FCF/IC 則於購併後第一年有顯著 負值,稅前淨營業利益的獲利表現較購併前顯著下降;與同業相比時,購併後第一 年有顯著正值,其投資支出較同業為低。其次,外資機構投資人累積淨賣超之主併 公司的 EVA/IC 則在 1~3 年均呈現顯著負值的表現,與同業相比時,均為不顯著之 負值;FCF/IC 在購併後第三年始出現顯著之正值。
為加入控制變數之考量,以複迴歸模型的實證結果發現:外國機構投資人淨買 (賣) 超與主併公司購併長期績效呈現不顯著的正向關係;外國機構投資人淨買超 之主併公司的購併後長期營運績效較購併前三年平均呈現不顯著的正向差異;外 國機構投資人淨買超之主併公司的購併後長期營運績效較非購併同業表現呈現不 顯著的正向差異。 / This study investigates the relationship between foreign institutional trading and the long-term operating performance of acquiring firms. The research is based on acquiring firms listed in Taiwan which announced merger and acquisition between 2003 and 2011. We use cumulative net buying of foreign institution to examine acquirer’s EVA/IC and FCF/IC as the indicator of the long-term operating performance in the three years period after the announcement of merger and acquisition. In the pair-t test, the results indicate that acquirers with net buy of foreign institution have significantly positive EVA/IC as compared to the premerger level and to the match firms in the third year, while exhibit significantly negative EVA/IC in the second year. The FCF/IC of the acquirers with net buy of foreign institutions have significantly negative value compared to the premerger level, but have significantly positive value compared to the match firms in the first year. In the regression analysis, the results indicate a near-all insignificant positive EVA/IC and FCF/IC in the three year period after merger and acquisition.
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海外可轉換公司債發行訊息效果之研究 / Announcement Effects of European Convertible Bonds─Evidence From Taiwan王琇瑩, Wang ,Hsiu-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
1. 宣告發行時的訊息效果方面,ECB發行公司不論是宣告發行前後一週或二週的股價累積異常報酬都顯著為正,但CB發行公司卻不然,前者優於後者。
2. 發行海外可轉換公司債及國內可轉換公債發行公司特性差異方面,不論是二獨立樣本T檢定、Mann-Whitney U 檢定及Logistic檢定,結論皆一致:公司規模愈大,轉換溢價幅度愈高、市場利率差愈高的公司愈易傾向發行海外可轉換公司債。此外,二種發行公司發行前的營運績效並無顯著不同。
3. ECB和CB宣告發行時價格效果的不同,和「與國內籌資相比,發行海外可轉換公司債有較高的融資空間」的假設無關,融資空間假設不成立;但和「與國內籌資相比,發行海外可轉換公司債的融資成本較低」的假設有關,融資成本假設成立。
4. 投資人對公司轉換溢價隱含的對未來股價成長的信心及未來資金成本的降低才是解釋宣告發行時價格效果的因子。
5. 投資人給予海外可轉換公司債相對較高的短期價格反應確實表現在海外可轉換公司債發行公司長期較佳的營運績效上。 / With Taiwan’s entrance to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and further integration among international capital markets, international financing tools, such as Global Depositary Receipt (GDR) and European Convertible Bond (ECB) have become popular. For the past few years especially, companies in Taiwan have heavily used ECB as their leading financing tools. This study focuses on how investors in Taiwan response to the issue of ECB and CB.
Using 61 CB and 35 ECB samples from Taiwan companies during 1993 and 2001, this study comes to the conclusions as follows:
1. Companies that issue ECB have higher announcement effects than companies that issue CB.
2. Companies with larger size, higher conversion premiums, and higher interest spreads tend to issue ECB instead of CB. There is no significant difference between the pre-issue performance between ECB and CB companies.
3. The hypothesis that “ECB companies have higher debt capacities than CB companies” is not verified. However, the hypothesis that “ECB companies have lower cost of capital than CB companies” is supported.
4. The conversion premium that signals companies’ confidence for the stock price and lower cost of capital in the future is the main factor to explain the announcement effects of ECB and CB.
5. In comparison to CB companies, ECB companies have better post-issue performance which can be supported by their better announcement effects.
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台灣地區電子商店業者網路行銷決策因素之研究 / A study of factors in network marketing for internet store in Taiwan張裕安, Chang, Yuh-Ann Unknown Date (has links)
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營運績效導向之企業資源規劃系統供應商選擇與導入研究-以某金控業為例 / The study of business performance-oriented ERP selection and implementation - a financial holding example林智 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響技術策略因子之研究 —以觸控面板業者為例 / Factors Affecting the Choice of Technological Strategies —The Cases of Touch Panel Firms王敬龍, Wang, Ching Lung Unknown Date (has links)
一、 技術策略的確受到外部因子(外部技術環境與市場環境)以及內部因子(內部技術能力、技術來源、產品與研發策略、研發投資與資金、研發資源配置以及獲取及跟隨顧客未來需求之能力)的影響。
二、 採用不同的技術策略(前瞻者-急遽式創新、防禦者-急遽式創新及防禦者-漸進式創新),與往後的營運績效,有明顯的關連性。
綜合各個案於各不同時期之各項影響因子以及採取的技術策略,對應到相關的營運績效可發現,在既有的主流技術並無法滿足多數客戶的主要需求,且功能更佳的新技術尚未完全發展成熟、尚未標準化以及競爭者尚未採取此技術的情況下,加上資金足以負擔此新技術的研發與量產、可取得客戶的未來功能需求(或是潛在的功能需求)及有能力跟隨開發 、並可專注於單一領域之單一技術之單一產品上與客戶共同作長期之研發之情況下,適合採取前瞻者-急遽式創新的技術策略,此技術策略可帶來長期較佳的營運績效。此發現與本研究之研究架構一致。 / The high-tech industry changes rapidly. The life cycle of the product is short. The prices of the product fell rapidly with time. The technology evolution speed is rapid. If the company can immediately grasp a key technology and can develop the key products, the company can get a huge profit. However today's key products and technologies may become tomorrow’s useless products and technology. Only the kind of company that is able to continue to take the best technology strategies and maintain a leading position of technology can keep long-term business and profitability in this serious changeable and competitive environment.
The research structure of this study is that the external factors and internal factors affect the technological strategies of each enterprise, and technological strategies will further affect long-term operation performance of the company. This study analyzed the cases of touch panel firms. The results are as below.
1. The technology strategies are indeed affected by external factors (external technology environment and market environment) and internal factors (internal technical capabilities, sources of technology, products and R&D strategy, R&D and capital investment, research and development resource allocation and the ability to obtain and follow the customer's future needs) effects.
2. The subsequent operation performance is indeed affected by taked different technical strategies (prospector - rapid innovation, defender - rapid innovation and defender - incremental innovation).
3. Comprehensive each case at all different times of the impact factors of technological strategy and to take corresponding to the relevant operation performance can be found the conclusion:The company take the technological strategy of prospector - rapid innovation can get long-term strategy and better operation performance in the condition of that the mainstream technology can not fully meet the needs of the major customers, and the new technology is not yet fully developed and standardized , and the competitor has not yet taken the technology , and has the sufficient funds to cover the development and production of this new technology, and can obtain customer’s future functional requirements (or potentially functional requirements), and focus on the single product of a single technology in a single field with customers for a long period of research and development. This finding is consistent with the research structure of this study.
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