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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林寶樹, Stan Lin Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

股價評估模式的選擇--以台灣科技公司台達電為例 / A case study of how to choose the fittest model to value a company--Delta electronic company

胡華盛, Hu, John Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從了解台達電公司的背景,整體環境,產品的前景與市場獲利,公司結構和近來動向,技術合作生產方面,重要轉投資活動,達電與上下游廠商之間的關係和在產業中的優劣勢分析出發,對公司的背景有了透澈的了解後,開始以既有的財務報表 (民國76~87年) 為基礎對達電預估民國88~92年的財務報表,並且以學術的評估公司價值理論套用進來,如資產評價模型 (CAPM),競爭優勢期間 (Competitive advantage period),股利折現模型 (Gordon model),附加經濟價值模型 (EVA),修正附加經濟價值模型 (REVA),自由現金流量法 (Free cash flow),指標盈餘法 (indexed earnings),本益比 (P/E)、市價淨值比 (P/B) 和市價銷售比法 (P/S) 等,以了解這些模型對達電的適用性,並對上述的模型提出其是否適用的原因,作為日後評價類似台灣科技產業的參考。 此實例研究重點仍在如何將公司預估的財務報表作一系性地連結,並且建立在對其基本面的理解,完成此紮實的基礎再套用不同的評價理論,結論是以自由現金流量和相對價值模型: 本益比 (P/E)、市價淨值比 (P/B) 和市價銷售比法 (P/S),這些模型較能和市場價值近似。解釋原因: 自由現金流量和科技產業的特性有關,能對其大量的折舊稅值現金流入和儘量發放股票股利代替現金分配的因素加以考量,本益比 (P/E)、市價淨值比 (P/B) 和市價銷售比法 (P/S) 則因台灣有不少性質近似的同業和本身的歷史報表作為比較基礎,故使用起來亦方便且有效。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究範圍與限制 第三節 研究架構 第二章 文獻探討 第三章 研究達電公司 第一節 達電簡介 第二節 整體環境 第三節 產品的前景與市場獲利 第四節 公司結構和近來動向 第五節 技術合作生產方面 第六節 重要轉投資活動 第七節 達電與上下游廠商之間的關係 第八節 達電經營團隊的領導作風與政府和勞資的關係 第九節 達電在產業中的優劣勢分析 第四章 研究設計 第一節 研究假說 第二節 資料描述 第五章 實證結果 利用競爭優勢期間求算達電股價 以對權益的自由現金流量法 利用現金股利折現模型 以投資機會方法 (investment opportunities approach) 運用q (盈餘保留率) 的價格 指標盈餘 (indexed earnings) 方法 以EVA和REVA法求算達電經營績效 以本益比、市價淨值比和市價銷售比法 敏感性分析 第六章 結論與建議 參考文獻: 附錄 / There are many valuation models, such as CAPM, competitive advantage period model, Gordon dividend discount model, economic value added model, revised economic value added model, free cash flow model, and relative pricing models such as P/E, P/B and P/S, etc… But what is the fittest model for the high-tech stocks in Taiwan? In my thesis I picked Delta electronic company for my case study because it is one of the fastest growing corporations that is representative of the industry on this island. I started with understanding the fundamentals, strategy, strength, weakness, opportunity and the threat of Delta by analyzing its industry, structure, products and its affiliates domestically and abroad. On the basis of the existing financial statements of the past 12 years (1987~1998), I built the next 5-year ones (1999~2003). Then I applied the valuation models to find out the intrinsic value of Delta based on the information from my analysis, magazines, the internet, the library and other resources. To sum up, this study pointed that the free cash flow model and the relative pricing models including P/E, P/B and P/S could fit the market well. Others are a little away from the quotes of the market. After all, the conclusion is not decisive that other models will never capture the value of the high-tech company like Delta electronic. However the main contribution of this research is the consistence of Delta's projected financial statements. They all connect all together. And all is based on the fundamentals of the company and the industry. Their relationship is what this case study accounts. With this maneuver in the company's accounting numbers step by step, the market participants can apply to other similar companies in Taiwan high-tech industry as well. Or this can contribute to the academics for the scholars to study further on similar issues down the road.

現金流量與相關會計變數對於股價報酬率關連性之研究 / The Relationship Between Free Cash Flow, Related Accounting Variable and Stock Returns

許欣欣, Shue, Sing-Sing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖瞭解投資人所關心的財務資訊,是否真能帶來超額報酬,亦即探討上市公司股票報酬率與各財務資訊之間的關係,包括每股盈餘成長率及益本比、市價淨值比、自由現金流量相關變數對長期股票報酬之影響,並嘗試對各變數給予經濟上的解釋。   其中並試圖找出財務資訊究竟是在何時反應於股票報酬與超額報酬上,因此將股票報酬與超額報酬以領先財務資訊一季、與財務資訊同季及落後財務資訊一季等三個時點加以衡量,並以表面無關迴歸模式(Seemingly Unrelated Regression model ; SUR)與混合橫斷面及縱斷面之迴歸模式進行統計分析。   結果發現益本比及每股盈餘成長率與股票報酬及超額報酬的關係並不顯著;市價淨值比與落後一季的股價報酬具有顯著的負相關,而與超額報酬不論衡量時點為何均存在有顯著正相關;自由現金流量與股價報酬及額報酬均無顯著關係;毛現金流量與經濟利益率與股價報酬在部分產業中具有顯著關係,而與當期超額股價報酬則存在顯著的關係,惟影響符號不一致。此外各自變數對於股票超額報酬的關連性較自變數與股票報酬間具有較顯著的關係。


費騏葳, Fei ,Chi-wei Unknown Date (has links)
庫藏股制度於國外已經行之有年,特別是美國,早在1960年代即有庫藏股交易。我國上市上櫃股票可合法買回自己公司股票制度始於2000年所通過的上市上櫃公司買回本公司股份辦法,除了希望藉以提振東南亞金融危機中不振的股市表現,也賦予企業多一種能向投資人傳遞訊息的管道。本研究基於股票買回的各項假說,希望探究公司股票買回宣告的動機還有事件宣告後對於公司股價的影響效果,最後並檢視公司的宣告決策是否會受到前次購回宣告的表現所影響。 在假說驗證方面,以2000至2004年上市公司832家、上櫃公司236家曾經宣告買回自家股票的公司為研究樣本,輔以選出與買回樣本同時間的相同數量「未買回樣本」,透過1-way ANOVA測試與鑑別分析探討影響公司宣告股票買回的因素符合哪些假說的推論結果。此外,依據各項假說,進ㄧ步利用1-way ANOVA測試和複迴歸分析找出與公司事件宣告後股價異常報酬率之間的關係,接著以1-way ANOVA檢視最後一部份研究主題。經由上述的實證分析,本研究獲得以下主要結論: 1.公司買回自家的股票平均而言對於股價有正面的影響效果。 2.以上市公司而言,影響公司宣告股票買回的假說包括了:自由現金流量假說、個人所得稅節稅假說與財務槓桿假說。以上櫃公司而言則包括:自由現金流量假說、個人所得稅節稅假說與資訊信號假說。 3.以上市公司而言,股票買回宣告後,股價的正向異常報酬與:自由現金流量假說、管理者的誘因假說呈現相關關係。上櫃公司則包括:自由現金流量假說。 4.本次是否再度宣告股票買回會受前次買回的正向累積異常報酬率所影響。 / Stock price reactions on stock repurchase announcements among publicly traded corporations have been widely studied over 40 years in United States. Several hypothesizes were established and provide logical reasons for why corporations buy back their own stocks. References show large proportion of positive effect on post-announcement stock price after stock repurchase announcements from empirical researches. It is since 2000 that corporations are allowed to repurchase their own stocks legally in Taiwan. Although many efforts were put in surveying the post-announcement stock price reactions, few focused on examining how corporations’ repurchase decision would be influenced by different hypothesizes. Moreover, whether or not previous repurchase outcome may affect future repurchase judgments met contradict conclusion from recent studies. This research aims on exploring the two main topics which form 7 hypothesize. Data collecting from Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) database, Commercial Times and Economic Daily News contains publicly traded corporations had ever made stock repurchase announcement except financial and government institutions. The period of the study was from Aug. 6, 2000 to Jul. 31, 2004 and total number of announced corporations included was 832 listed on the Taiwan Security Exchange with 236 listed on the OTC separately. Hypothesis 1 to 6 were tested both from individual model using 1-way ANOVA Analysis and integrated model using Discriminate Analysis on Hypothesis 1 to 5, Event Study Analysis on Hypothesis 6. Hypothesis 7 was also verified with 1-way ANOVA Analysis. The empirical results show supports in several hypothesize which reflect corporations did concern free cash flow amount, leverage level, stock underpriced and dividend payout level issues when making repurchase announcement. The stock price after announcement has certain degree of moving correlation toward the same direction as free cash flow level and managerial stockholding level. Finally, previous repurchase outcome was found holding opposite relation with future repurchase judgments.

美國不動產投資信託資產稅賦遞延交換對股票報酬和股利之影響 / The Effect of Tax Deferred Exchange on Stock Return and Dividend in U.S. REITs Property Transaction

劉依涵, Yi-Han,Liu Unknown Date (has links)
本文以2003到2006年美國上市之不動產投資信託(REITs)的資產稅賦遞延交換做研究,並用資產出售交易作為比較,觀察稅賦遞延交換對股票報酬和股利的影響,研究結果發現稅賦遞延交換對於股票報酬有負的宣告效果,然而出售資產的交易有正的且顯著的宣告效果,由於美國REITs基於稅法規定,作為免稅體,每年要以股利的形式分配百分之九十的盈餘給股東,稅賦遞延交換並不能像資產出售交易一樣帶來現金流入,因此對於未來股東的股利所得有所影響,股東對於股票報酬沒有正向的反應,但是股東會考慮稅賦遞延交換會帶來資產重配置的效率,再加上REITs通常會支付比規定還要多的股利,因此稅賦遞延交換的對於股票報酬的負影響會因此而減弱,進一步針對交易方式還有REITs股利分配進行研究,研究的結果支持稅賦遞延交換後的股利比起直接出售交易後所發放的股利還要少。本文除了研究股東對於交易宣告的反應之外,也綜觀不同資產交易方式的現金流量和REITs股利的關連性,藉此瞭解影響REITs選擇交易方式的內涵因素,以及對股票報酬和股利的影響。 / This research examines the tax deferred exchanges made by public U.S. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) over 2003-2006 as well as the transactions of sell-off. The purpose of this study attempts to explore the effects of tax deferred exchange on stock returns and dividend distribution. Result of this study shows that announcement effect of tax deferred exchange is negative in stock value. On the contrary, the relationship between sell-offs and stock value is significantly positive. The reason to explain the difference on announcement effect between two types of property transaction is the specific taxable earning distribution restriction on REITs. U.S REITs have to pay out 90 % of taxable earnings in the form of dividends to their shareholders to exempt from tax. As a result, tax deferred exchange doesn’t bring cash inflow contributing to dividend increase and then shareholders react a lower stock return on tax deferred exchange than on sell-offs. However, the negative effect is weakened by the efficiency of asset reallocation and the regular dividend distribution over tax law restriction. In the analysis of dividend payment, the result of dividend examination supports the hypothesis that tax deferred exchange without cash inflow make dividend fewer than sell-offs. This study may be of importance in explaining the reaction of shareholders on tax deferred exchange of REITs’ property, as well as in providing shareholders with a better understanding of the relationship between cash flow and dividend distribution in order to clarify the cause that affect REITs to utilize different types of transaction and the factors that affect stock return and dividend.


何聖隆 Unknown Date (has links)
公司治理的研究,其主要的目的是了解董事會組成,董事會規模,外部董事, 董事及CEO薪酬誘因,CEO改組,外部大股東,外國股東,機構投資人,控制權和股權集中性,併購,法律制度及執行,法源…等變數對以ROA,ROE,會計盈餘,Tobin’s Q和股市報酬率所代表的公司績效之影響。與公司治理有關的重要指標包括股份控制權,現金流量權,董監事席次的控制權,控制權與股權的偏離,次大股東,金字塔結構,交叉持股,優先投票權,外部董事比例等。 本論文共計8章40節,引述國外文獻約500篇並由國際公司治理的實證結果來探討我國五家金控:開發金、台新金、復華金、富邦金、兆豐金的公司治理,最後提出九點結論和建議。

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