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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林宜真, LIN, YI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
資源有效利用為經濟發展的先決條件,資源之合理利用則為達成經濟發展與環境保護 相互間平衡的重要準則。嚴重威脅生活品質的垃圾問題,卻是資源不能有效、合理利 用所知。目前垃圾之處理只是消極地提高清運數量與處理技術,忽略利用垃圾回收資 源,達成垃圾減量、資源保存與環境保護的功能。資源回收是從廢棄物中獲取再生資 源的過程,如飲料容器之再利用、廢紙循環再生,製成新紙張,利用廢棄物發展垃圾 衍生燃料等;均為資源回收的範疇。現今有關資源回收的探討,僅侷限於技術層面, 缺乏經濟上的分析。本文的目的即以經濟觀點,研究資源回收的經濟基礎,及討論政 府如何利用租稅,補貼促進資源回收,以消弭垃圾產生的外部性。 本文內容除介紹資源回收的定義,補貼促進資源回收的因素外,並探討政府干預回收 的原因與其促進回收的政策。文中援用經濟模型,指出回收活動對資源配置,經濟福 利之影響,並以塑膠回收為例,試圖以經濟手段,找出一有效解決塑膠污染的管道。 最後則檢討台灣現行廢棄物回收狀況。 透過資源回收,環境品質可獲改善,扭轉〞生產-消費-傾倒〞的劣勢,而成一〞生 生產-消費-再利用〞的社會型態,對資源保存、環境保護助益良多,經本文討論結 果發現,資源回收是今後處理垃圾問題的主要途徑,政府應直接參與回收活動,或以 租稅、補貼、管制、建立回收市場的方式,提升回收的範圍與技術,俾使資源趨於有 效、合理運用。

我國山地管制政策之探討 / A Study on Taiwan,Policy of Mountain Control

洪振順, Hung, Chen Shun Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣山地地勢險要,對軍事、治安等均有莫大關係。每年6至10月間颱風頻仍,部分民眾於此期間,進入山地管制區從事登山活動,以致受困山區,造成生命危害,且因聯繫、搜救困難,動輒需動員大批搜救人員、裝備,致發生登山民眾傷亡之憾事,均成為社會關注的焦點。 本論文所要探討的「山地管制政策」主要可以歸納如下: 一、 探討目前各相關單位之管制作為對民眾登山、旅遊活動的實際影響,並比較各國登山活動管制作為,以思考登山安全管理的改進方向,讓台灣的「登山管理」朝向更合理、健全的制度。 二、 尋找符合山地管制區內民眾治安需要,並適合觀光事業發展及便利民眾登山、旅遊活動的警政作為與改善方案。 本論文在研究方法上,包括第一部分文獻回顧,閱讀包括各公私部門之出版品、研究論文與網際網路電腦資訊,並蒐集入山管制歷史緣由等相關文獻資訊,也參酌各縣警察局歷年受理入山申請資料分析,第二部分尋找國內外相關的入山管制文獻做為本研究之理論基礎與第三部分依研究結果的結論,提出可能的具體改進建議,提供負責山地管制作為相關行政機關制定政策之參考依據。 目前世界各國登山管理制度中存在許多相似的管理特色。均認為在鼓勵人民合理利用國土的同時,更必須做到自然生態系統保全、自然景觀保全、野生動植物保全、生物資源的持續利用、自然保護、文化遺產保護和國土利用管理。因此,本論文對警察機關山地管制政策提出以下建議: 一、 山地管制政策:廢除現行之入山申請管理制度。 二、 山難搜救事項:建立專業搜救機制、對於相關之警察人員及山地義警人員則應因地制宜,加強相關搜救技能和體能之訓練課程。 / The geographic structure of Taiwan's mountain regions, which are precipitous and provide excellent safeguard, has profound relationship with military defense and public security. Some people remain zealous about mountain climbing activities in the controlled regions even during the period of June to October each year, which usually sees higher frequency of typhoons. Some of the mountaineers may become stranded or even encounter life-threatening accidents during the trips. The situation is further complicated by the difficulties in communication and the search and rescue operations in the remote areas. It often needs huge manpower and tremendous equipment for such missions. It always grabs widespread public attention whenever there are mountaineers injured or even killed in the mountain climbing trips. The " policy of mountain control " discussed in this dissertation cover the following issues: A.A study and review of the mountain region administration policies and measures employed by various government agencies and their actual impact on the people's mountain climbing and travel activities, a comparison of the mountain climbing control systems adopted by different nations, and proposals for improving mountain climbing safety so as to establish a more reasonable and sound mountain climbing administration system in Taiwan. B.Helping to work out improved projects that do not only meet the safety needs of residents in the controlled regions but at the same time facilitate the development of the tourism industry, enable people to enjoy the convenient mountain climbing and other recreational activities, and meet the requirements of police administration. Several steps were taken concerning the research methodology employed for this dissertation. They include: Part I: A thorough study of existing documents in the field, including reading the published works in both the public and private sectors, research reports, and related electronic information and data gathered via the internet. The materials about the historic background of the controls over entering mountain regions and data about the applications for mountain climbing permits handled by the police departments of various county governments were also gathered and meticulously analyzed. Part II: Gathering, compiling, studying, and analyzing the documents concerning administration policies and practices governing entering mountain regions by public agencies in Taiwan and abroad to serve as the foundation of the theories in this research project. Part III: Presenting the governing authorities and agencies with the feasible and pragmatic proposals for improving mountain administration derived from the conclusion of the research so that they may use the suggestions as reference for more effective and efficient measures. The mountain climbing control and administration systems implemented by various nations actually share some major common features. While all encouraging the people to make rational land use, all the nations also stipulate several requirements. They include the conservation of the ecological systems, the preservation of the nature landscapes, the safeguard of the fauna and flora in the mountain regions, the sustainable use of the biological resources, and the protection of the natural environment, the sustaining of the cultural heritages, and the efficient use and administration of national land. Based on the thorough research, this dissertation provides the following suggestions concerning mountain region control measures presently adopted by police agencies: I. Mountain control policy: Abolishing the existing system that requires advance applications for permits to enter the mountain regions. II. Search and rescue missions involving accidents in mountain regions: 1) Establishing a professional search and rescue mechanism, including giving adequate flexibility to the police force and voluntary police members in accordance with the various situations in the mountain regions. 2) Providing training courses to strengthen the search and rescue skills and beef up team members' physical stamina.

經濟成長與環境保護的兼得或兩難-以天津為例 / The concurrence or dilemma between economic growth and environment protection-case study of Tianjin

董其昌 Unknown Date (has links)


劉志盈, LIU, ZHI-YING Unknown Date (has links)
在大多數的政治系統中,由於公共議題的潛在數量遠超過系統的資源與負荷能力,因 此只有少數議題能夠進入正式議程,受到權威當局的慎重考慮。而權威當局考慮議題 與決策範圍的有限性,除了因資源與能力的限制外,最主要是來自於系統本身的偏差 (BIAS OF SYSTEM)。這種偏差通常有利於某些衡突議題的呈現,而壓制其他議題的 產生。而由於以往有關公共政策的研究,大多集中於議題如何處理,政策如何制定、 價值如何分配,但對為什麼某些議題能在正式議程上佔一席之地,而其他的卻被排除 於議程之外,可以說是知之甚少。因此近來有關議題或備選方案的來源及界定過程, 亦即議程建立(AGENDA-BUILDING)或前決策(PRE-DECISIONAL PROESS)過程,乃被 認為是影響公共政策的重要因素。 本文之研究目的在以我國環境保護議題為個案,探討系統偏差的形成因素及在系統偏 差下,受壓制議題如何建立議程之過程。 全文共計五章,其內容如下: 第一章為緒論,說明本文之題目界說、探討問題、研究現況及研究方法。 第二章為分析架構,說明系統偏差的形成因素及議程建立的過程與模型。 第三章則說明我國環境污染現況,及造成輕忽環保的系統偏差因素。 第四章說明我國環保議題在系統中之議程地位,議程建音過程及政府在此一過程中所 扮演的角色。 第五章為結論,就本文之研究發現,提出檢討與建議並展望未來。


王佩如, Wang, Pei-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
合理性理論認為,公司實際的環境績效必須與攸關公眾的期望一致,否則便出現合理性威脅。有合理性威脅的公司,必須向握有公司存續經營准駁權的攸關公眾揭露環境資訊,以合理化其永續經營的權利。為了探究管理當局公開環境揭露的誘因,本研究即根據合理性理論,以我國上市公司中合理性出現威脅的公司為對象,針對該等公司的年報環境揭露程度進行研究,探討攸關公眾之期望與公司年報環境揭露程度間的關係。 本研究之樣本係為60家過去環境績效表現不佳的上市公司,研究期間為民國89年,同時採用數量評估和品質評估兩種評分方式,在對資料之分配進行常態性檢定後,以Spearman等級相關和Mann-Whitney U test進行檢定。 實證結果顯示:(一)在敘述性統計方面,各公司均以「公開發行公司年報應行記載事項準則」所規定的應行記載事項為揭露架構,且多以表格或分點、逐項的方式進行說明,揭露項目雖然一致但揭露內容卻有各自表述的情形。若將數量和品質評估進行比較,染整業及染顏料業之揭露係以宣揚和美化性質的陳述為多,較少論及具體的環保措施,而石化業、化工業和鋼鐵業所揭露資訊的質和量則均高。(二)在假說檢定方面,年報環境揭露程度與平面媒體報導程度、公司規模、所有權結構成顯著正相關。食品、飼料及肥料業可能因為污染問題以及環保訴求略異於其他產業,故年報環境揭露程度顯著異於他業;石化業和化工業則可能因為長年積累的污染問題,使得攸關公眾關切甚殷,故受到合理性威脅的影響較大,其年報環境揭露程度亦顯著異於其他產業。綜合本研究的實證結果,以揭露品質進行的測試多為顯著正相關,較能支持合理性理論的推論,可見國內管理當局認為,當公司實際的環境績效不符攸關公眾之預期,在年報中採取較高程度的環境揭露品質能有助化解合理性威脅,以爭取公司之永續經營權利。 / Legitimacy itself has been defined by Lindblom(1994)as a condition or status which exists when an entity,s value system is congruent with the value system of the larger social system of which the entity is a part. When a disparity, actual or optional, exists between the two value systems, there is a threat to the entity,s legitimacy. Based on the social contract concepts described above, legitimacy theory posits that environmental disclosures(EDs) are made as reactions to disparities, which threaten the sustaining rights of corporations, between relevant publics, expectations and actual performance. In other words, corporations legitimize its existence through making EDs. This study,s objective was to investigate management,s motivations of publicizing EDs voluntarily based on the legitimacy theory. We sampled 60 listed companies which had unsatisfactory past environmental performance. We studied the relationship between their annual reports, ED levels and relevant publics, expectations. After coding these companies, EDs on their 2000 annual reports by using both quantity assessment and quality assessment, we tested hypotheses with Spearman rank-order correlation and Mann-Whitney U test. The results were summarized below. First, based on descriptive statistics, we found most companies, EDs were in compliance with the required disclosure items regulated by law. However, every company had its own interpretation of what each requirement really meant. Regarding the results of two methods of enumeration, the Dyeing industry,s quantitative disclosure levels were high but its qualitative disclosure levels were lower. Petroleum and chemical industries, disclosure levels were very high in terms of both methods. Second, hypothesis testing showed that annual reports, ED levels were positively correlated with the level of print media coverage, firm size, and ownership structure. In addition to food, feed and fertilizers industries, petroleum and chemical industries, ED levels were also significantly different from other industries. Additionally, the qualitative disclosure evidence presented more persuasive results than the quantitative one in our findings. The hypothesis that corporations facing more print media coverage on their environmental performance would legitimize their sustaining rights by making better quality environmental disclosures was supported.


季美珍, Gei, Mei-Jen Unknown Date (has links)

國光石化開發案中止之探討: 政策終結的觀點 / The Study on Discontinuation about Kuokuang Petrochemical Project:A Policy Termination Approach

謝宗翰, Hsieh, Chung Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Kirkpatrick等人提出的「公共財的終結過程模式」,結合Geva-May的「終結策略」為研究架構,分析國光石化彰化開發案的停建過程。透過文獻分析和人物訪談,逐步找出停建過程中,遭遇到哪些抗拒因素而妨礙停建的進行,決策者又運用什麼策略來化解抗拒因素以達到停建目的。停建原因部分,興建理由先受到部分人士質疑,預期效益存在性降低,設廠的價值改變了,在少數環保團體的強力運作下,彰化案的公共能見度提高了,吸引更多有力人士加入終結聯盟,再透過媒體持續報導提高能見度,又再度強化終結聯盟和社會主流意識形態,形成巨大民意壓力,構成執政黨政治危機,迫使決策者改變政策方向為停建,改以其他變化的政策計畫滿足原先希望達成的政策目的。本案並未動工興建,並無明顯因素抵擋終結發生,但本案是受社會倡議影響而被動終結,政府的心理抗拒比重較大,惟決策者最終採取終結方案,可解釋為目的是解決政治危機,只是此方法多了順應民意的「包裝」,政治誘因的缺乏不再是終結限制,質變後的「政治誘因」反而是馬總統宣布本案停建的推手。馬總統做為決策者,在宣布停建前就放出政策可能改變的風向球,展現誠懇謙卑態度迎合民意,親自召開記者會宣布停建,保證補償措施避免反動,隨後的大城振興方案和國光至大馬投資計畫,都屬於終結策略安排的一環。 / Based on the Kirkpatrick’s model and Geva-May’s theory, the study constructed a new model to analyze the discontinuation of Kuokuang petrochemical project and explain the relationships among the reasons, the constraints and the strategy of policy termination in this case. Some people questioned the expected benefits about Kuokuang petrochemical project in Changhua(彰化), then the media visibility increased under the powerful environmental groups’ operation. More and more people joined the terminal alliance to end the project. The mainstream ideology in society formed a huge pressure to government. President Ma faced the political crisis, so he changed the decision from constructing to discontinuation in the end. Actually, the construction of Kuokuang petrochemical project in Changhua did not begin at all, so there were no obvious constraints to resist discontinuation, except intellectual reluctance and lack of political incentive. Both of them were intellectual factors, because discontinuation was not the result what government wanted to do. Taking discontinuation meant the construction was a failure decision. President Ma, as a decision maker, released the trial balloon about the policy may change before announcing discontinuation. At the press conference, he showed humility and sincere attitude to answer mainstream ideology and convince vested interest groups. The Dacheng(大城) economic power-up plan and Malaysia investment for Kuokuang company were termination strategies what President Ma used in this case.


杜福珍, DU, FU-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
「環境保護」不僅是台灣地區熱門的問題,同時也是當今世界的潮流。所謂「我們只 有一個地球」的環保觀念更是普遍推廣。雖然我國正邁向開發國家之林,但對於面積 狹窄,人口密度高居世界第二的台灣地區而言,保護環境的工作,尤其刻不容緩。經 濟發展與生存環境孰重是今日政策討論上的重點所在。 經濟開發固然帶來高度的現代物質文明,繁榮我們的社會,提昇我們的生活水準,卻 也造成生活環境的破壞與環境品質急速的惡化,都市也日漸顯現髒亂,威脅每個國民 的生命財產。本文想藉分析台南市政府近年來推行消除髒亂工作,來了解都市環境保 護政策。民國七十三年台南市在市長蘇南成大力整頓環境衛生,提出「消除髒亂美化 大台南」的口號,如火如荼積極的推動,使得全市煥然一新,並受到全國各界的矚目 ,紛紛組團前來觀摩學習。面對台灣地區環境問題日愈嚴重的當前,台南市消除髒亂 工作的表現值得吾人省思。 全文一冊分五章十六節,共約八萬言,各章要點分述如下: 第一章緒論。首先界定題旨、研究現狀、研究方法與分析架構。 第二章問題的形成與認定。探討當前都市髒亂問題形成的背景及問題的認定過程。 第三章消除髒亂政策的規劃與合法化。先引介政策規劃的理論,並探討中央及省有關 的法令,繼而分析台南市消除髒亂的法令之規劃與合法化。 第四章消除髒亂工作之執行。簡述政策執行的概念,再論台南市政府消除髒亂工作執 行情形。 第五章消除髒亂工作之評估與建議。就政策過程各階段加以檢討,並提出建設性意見 ,希對於都市環境保護有所助益。

環境保護資訊內涵之初探 / Tke Market Reaction of environment information

張嘉麟, Chang, Chiang-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在環保意識逐漸抬頭的今日,不僅環保團體與環保機關致力於環境保護的工作,證管會亦於民國入十一年修訂公佈「證券發行人財務報告編制準則」與「公開發行公司年報應行記載事項」,規定公開發行公司需在年報中揭露公司某些特定的環保資訊。假設投資人在評估公司的經營績效時,會將環保資訊的社會成本與社會利益納入會計盈餘中,得一綜合社會盈餘,再以綜合社會盈餘訂定投資決策。   因此,本研究的目的,是欲藉由媒體揭露的環保資訊,探討環保資訊在股價形成過程中,所扮演的角色,並為公司應否在財務報表中揭露環保資訊,提供一項證據。在本研究中,環保資訊分為三大類:一是,環保署公佈之「五百大製造業環保評鑑」;二是,環保公害糾紛;三是,「水污染防治法」第二次修正案的修訂。   研究結果發現,除了環保署公佈之「五百大製造業環保評鑑」無資訊內涵外,其餘二項環保資訊(環保公害糾紛、水污染防治法第二次修正案)確實具有資訊內涵存在的。   換言之,投資人在訂定投資決策時,環保資訊確實是其考量的重要因素之一,由此也驗證投資人取得環保資訊後,會主動修正報表中所揭露的盈餘,在利用修正後的社會盈餘來訂定投資決策。既然,環保資訊是投資人決定投資決策的重要因素之一,因此,企業除了傳統上在財務報表的應揭露事項外,應再主動於報表中揭露與公司有關的環保資訊,以供社會大眾使用。

中國綠色媒體:反怒江大壩之媒體角色 / China's environmental journalism: media's role in the Anti-Nujiang campaign

盧郁涵, Lu, Yu Han Unknown Date (has links)
中國環境保護主義記者在近期的反怒江大壩運動中,整合水電移民的草根抗爭以及黨政媒體的力量,成功引發龐大輿論以影響中國中央決策,乃至展現中國社會與國家的關係逐漸轉變,尤其媒體在受到中央控管之下,還得以發揮民間社會的強大力量,證明中國綠色媒體在中國邁向民主化的過程中扮演不可或缺的角色。 / Media in China are generally categorized as the extensions of propaganda machine for the central government, because despite media commercialization, China maintains heavy-handed censorship at the whim of political will. However, there are still instances in which journalists are active participants of social movements in China. One recent case in particular is the “Battle to Protect the Nu River,” in which China’s environmental NGOs, scholars, and media formed joint coalition to fight off the Nu River Project, and stop efforts to build hydropower plants on Nujiang. This paper uses John Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model to map out the ways in which the Policy Entrepreneurs – environmental journalists – capitalized on tools of the press to influence public opinion and decision-makers in the government, systematically brought the anti-NRP campaign up to the policy agenda, and eventually swayed the outcome of the national policy. Since the beginning of the proposal to build a cascade of 13 dams on the World Heritage site of Nujiang in 2003, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao personally intervened, and twice ordered suspension of the project. Therefore, while the final outcome of the anti-NRP campaign is still pending, at least China’s environmental journalists have successfully prolonged the unusual nine-year hiatus on a project that was slated for three consecutive Five-Year Plans.

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