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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

由學名藥侵權訴訟評估均等論在生物相似藥侵權訴訟的影響—以美國為例 / A Study of the Doctrine of Equivalence on Biosimilars Based on the Patent Infringement in the context of Generics –From U.S. Perspectives

沈雅慧, Shen , Yea Huei Unknown Date (has links)
BPCIA在2010年三月生效後,生物相似藥廠商開始可以利用簡化的文件向美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)申請藥品許可證,這個新醫療法賦予FDA決定如何落實法案的權力。基於不同生物製劑之間缺乏比較性這個已知的事實,加上公眾安全的考量,在還沒有累積大量經驗可以歸納出哪些是比較分析必要的資訊之前,FDA會保守的要求生物相似藥廠商以BPCIA提出申請時,必須提供臨床試驗資料來證明與參照藥品之間沒有臨床上有意義的差異。 雖然BPCIA給出了解決專利糾紛的框架,俗稱專利舞蹈(patent dance),依照目前聯邦巡迴上訴法院對BPCIA的解釋,認為BPCIA法案不強制生物相似藥申請者遵循其規定之專利糾紛解決程序,雖然就目前的最新發展來看,迴避專利舞蹈可以避免一些程序上的麻煩,但真正參照藥品廠商和生物相似藥公司的輸贏仍是在訴訟戰場上見真章。 美國FDA在2015年3月6日核准了的一個生物相似藥-Zarxio( filgrastim-sndz),目前尚不清楚均等論這種不確定性在生物相似藥上影響的程度,但藉由簡化新藥申請上市的小分子藥物所涉入的侵權訴訟做有限度的推論可以發現,小分子藥物的均等謬論案件是牽涉到外圍專利,當專利不再提供足夠的誘因去激勵專利權人時,學名藥廠商就會贏得均等論謬論案件。因為生物製劑是一種製程決定的產物,因此其專利通常是集中在製程。以BPCIA和專利法為框架來分析過去的相關侵權訴訟,可以預測生物相似藥廠商在轉化前步驟、轉化步驟、調劑、或包裝做改變,其成功的機會較大,而在細胞培養會純化步驟做改變,成功的機會最小。然而,最終還是要看法院將來如何解決生物相似藥的侵權問題,各方都要意識到科學與法律議題的複雜性,及妥適解決侵權訴訟的重要性。 台灣廠商要進入生物相似藥的領域,是困難重重的。生物相似藥的開發及法規成本,不如想像中低,鑒於蛋白質藥『產能』一直被看作是市場發展受阻的主要原因,藥廠委外合作(CRO、CMO或NRDO) 的模式能快速與國際藥廠接軌,逐步奠定台灣在藥物開發的供應鏈合作利基並提昇國際知名度。 / The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation of 2009 was activated on March in 2010. Now the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can approve biosimilars and was empowered to how to practice. Given the known issues with lack of comparability between different biologics preparations, and the Agency’s strong interest in protecting public safety, it is probable that, until it has developed a body of experience with regards to the amount and kind of data needed to make comparability evaluations, the FDA will adopt a conservative approach and require at least some clinical studies before approving biologics under BPCIA. Though BPCIA provide the frame for resolving patent issues, that is so-called patent dance, Federal Circuit said that parties were not compelled to dance. Thus the law uncertainty was shifted to patent infringement. FDA approved the first biosimilar, Zarxio (filgrastim-sndz), on 6, March, 2015. It is unclear how biosimilar will be treated in court based on doctrine of equivalence. Based on the experience from generics, courts tends to adjust the scope of equivalents to improve the correspondence between patent scope and desired patent incentives. In contrast, biologics is path depended. That is to say process decided what biologics would be. Both the BPCIA and patent law guide the shape of infringement suits. Follow-on biologics companies will be most successful when they make a change in the pretransformation process, the transformation process, the formulation, or the packaging. They will be least successful when they make a change in the cell culture conditions or the purification process. It remains to be seen how courts will address issues of infringement for follow-on biologics, but all parties should be aware of the complexity of the scientific and legal issues and the importance of addressing them properly. The cost for development and the complexity of regulation in biosimilars were tremendously high. Thus it is difficult for biopharmaceutical industries in Taiwan to enter this field. In the light of unmet production capacity in protein drug, pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan could apply the mode of CRO, CMO or NRDO to integrate into global biopharmaceutical community.

基於部門創新理論的中國生物製藥產業發展分析 / Development of biopharmaceutical in China : an analysis based on sectoral system of innovation

鮑菲飛 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences


郭仲偉 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣生技公司專利授權與技術移轉策略之研究 / The Study on Strategy of Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring of Taiwan Biotechnology Company

顏榮毅, Yan, Rong Yih Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代的來臨,代表知識早已經取代勞力、土地、資本,成為最重要的生產要素,而知識創造的具體果實就是智慧財產,此項無形資產占企業財產的重要性已遠超過有形資產。個人、企業和國家唯有專注在智慧財產的創造、保護、管理和運用上,方可成為知識經濟下的大贏家。 近年來,隨著人類科學知識與生活智慧的增長與演進,與人類日常生活和生命安全息息相關的生物醫學技術日益突破且其重要性與日俱增,國際間生技產業發展迅速,並帶領生技產業走向多元化的發展;除此之外,生技產業也是台灣兩兆雙星計畫中所追求的新興產業之一。然而,台灣在這股趨勢洪流中,整體生技產業的發展上並不蓬勃。歸根究柢,生技產業乃為典型的高附加價值、知識導向型產業,智慧財產的重要性不言可喻並且更加突顯。智慧財產如同其他企業資產一樣,需要善加管理與運用才能發揮其價值,若企業擁有大量之智慧財產,但對該智慧財產欠缺有效之管理運用,亦無法為公司創造任何價值。因此,如何為智慧財產尋求正確的運用管道,應是智慧財產所有人最為關心的議題。由於生物技術產業十分重視技術的掌握與應用,故本論文研究將焦點放在與技術知識保護有關的「專利授權與技術移轉」上,並特別針對屬於智慧財產行銷管理層面的策略進行探討。 《時代》雜誌年度風雲人物華裔科學家何大一曾說過要用人才賭生技,其需要的是什麼樣的人才?又該如何賭?本論文研究希望能提出相對應之見解,藉由個案研究方法分析找出台灣生技企業在「專利授權與技術移轉」上的策略思考邏輯,並更加釐清智慧財產行銷管理對產業發展影響的角色與位置。 由於台灣生物技術公司目前本身先天條件不佳且資源不足,無法透過商品化與產業化之智慧財產實施方式來創造最大利益,因此透過智慧財產交換方式乃是其最佳模式,而考量相關環境條件後,其中又以「專利授權與技術移轉」為最具經濟效益且最可能成功之智慧財產商業模式與型態,因此本論文研究便針對此方面進行深入探討,以提供產業後續發展之參考借鏡。 本論文研究目的包括:1.探討推動台灣生物技術產業公司發展過程中,考量「專利授權與技術移轉」的重要因素。2.瞭解台灣生物技術產業公司目前在「專利授權與技術移轉」方面的運作機制。3.介紹台灣生物技術產業公司之指標性個案,分析其智慧財產行銷策略,歸納其關鍵成功因素,以茲其他業者參考。4.了解智慧財產行銷策略的核心結構,提出智慧財產行銷策略規劃上的建議。5.綜合研究結果,提出對台灣生物技術產業公司「專利授權與技術移轉」策略之建議,並分析該產業之潛在問題與可能限制。 本論文研究提出理論強調台灣生物技術產業公司必須考量智慧財產行銷的六大要素(6P),以『主導產業鏈』、『控制價值鏈』、『分配供應鏈』等三鏈為目標,因而決定採取「專利授權與技術移轉」之正確的智慧財產商業模式後,站在目標被授權人的立場思考,透過「策略九說」來作檢驗,以找出最適合的智慧財產行銷之執行策略,並在執行時確實考量組織行銷之特性。 本論文研究方式採用個案研究法以及質化研究法,獲得以下結論: 1. 「專利授權與技術移轉」必須著重於專利品質,以更貼近產業與市場需求,進而強化技術移轉之成效。 2. 「專利授權與技術移轉」是屬於相當複雜且專業性高的領域,與市場互動至關密切。 3. 任何產業的任何公司當其智慧財產行銷策略之方向目標正確,且手段方法合理,則成功便是可以預期的。 4. 一旦擬定正確的智慧財產行銷策略,則後續的執行力,便成為是否成功之唯一重點。 / The coming of Knowledge-based Economy Era indicates the fact that knowledge had taken the place of labor, land and capital to become the most important production factor. The results of knowledge creation are Intellectual Property (IP). The Intangible Assets are much more important than Tangible Assets for industries in nowadays. It becomes crucial for individuals, industries, and countries to achieve success in the Knowledge-based Economy Era to concentrate on the creation, protection, management and application of intellectual property. In the recent years, because of the developments of scientific knowledge and life wisdom, the progress and importance of the biomedical technology which closely related to human life and safety advances rapidly. Besides, the biotechnology industry is also one of the booming industries of Taiwan “Two Millions, Two Stars” projects. However, the Taiwan Biotechnology Industry does not follow the trend well. The biotechnology industry is a typical high value added and knowledge oriented industry, and the importance of IP is much more distinct. Same as other corporation’s property, intellectual property needs to be managed and put to use well to manifest its value. If a corporation owns a lot of IP without effective management and application, none value or benefit will be produced for the corporation from the IP. Therefore, for the IP owner, how to find out the correct application ways of IP will be the most important concern. Since technology familiarity and application is a highly emphasized issue for biotechnology industry, this study will focus on the technology knowledge protection concerning “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring,” especially on the IP Marketing Management Strategy. David Ho, a Chinese American scientist and the Man of the year 1996 of “Time” magazine, once said that “we have to bet on biotechnology with talents”. The question is what talents are needed, and how to bet? This study aims to provide some corresponding thoughts and find out the strategy of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” for Taiwan biotechnology corporation through case study. Furthermore, the study will manifest how IP Marketing Management will influence industry development. Due to the immature company structure and small business size of Taiwan biotechnology corporations, these corporations are unable to create the best profit through IP commercialization or industrization. Thus, the best model for them will be through IP Exchange and the “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” will be the most effective and feasible IP Business Model given the conditions of Taiwan biotechnology industry. This thesis will concentrate on this aspect and provide advices for industrial developments. The purposes of this study include: a. the important factors and the significnace of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” in the promotion of Taiwan biotechnology corporation development; b. the current mechanism of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” of Taiwan biotechnology corporation; c. a case study of Taiwan biotechnology corporation, including the IP Marketing Strategy analysis and the key successful factors as reference for other corporations; d. the core structure of IP Marketing Strategy and IP Marketing Strategy planning; and e. strategy suggestions for “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” and the potential problem analysis of the industry to Taiwan biotechnology corporation. This study proposes that the Taiwan biotechnology corporation must put the 6P factors of IP Marketing into consideration and target to dominate Industry Chain, to control Value Chain, and to allocate Supply Chain. They should also take the correct IP Business Model of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring”, and then think in the position of the targeted licensee through the examination of “9 Theories of Strategy” to find out the most suitable IP Marketing strategy. They should also take the characteristics of “Organizational Marketing” into consideration in practice. This study comes to the conclusions below with case study and qualitative methods: a. The quality of patents is always important in “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” to meet the industry and market demand and thus to reinforce the technology transferring achievement. b. “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” is complicated, highly professional and closely related to the market. c. The success of any corporation of any industry lies on a correct IP Marketing Strategy and a legitimate method. d. Once the correct IP Marketing Strategy is settled, the only key factor to success will be how to enforce the strategy.

台灣生技藥物研發公司創業過程之研究 / A Study on the Entrepreneurial Process of Biomedical R&D Company in Taiwan

廖碩文 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於生物科技成為科技趨勢,以及其創造出的龐大價值,近年來台灣也開始大力推動生技產業的發展。產業是企業的組合,企業的成長與否正是驅動產業生態變化的主要原因。本研究主要探討台灣生技藥物研發公司的創業過程,希望透過研究成果對台灣生技公司的發展有所貢獻。   本研究的研究架構以Timmons Model做為主軸,以機會、資源、團隊做為主要的研究構面,先對個案公司進行靜態的研究構面探討,然後分析其發展的動態平衡過程。 / Because biotechnology sets a trend and creates great value, Taiwan government tries to develop his own biotechnology industry. However, an industry will bloom if most of companies related to the industry are operated well. The objective of this study is to observe and analyze the entrepreneurial process of biomedical R&D companies in Taiwan.   The research bases on Timmons Model that was developed by Timmons for analyzing an entrepreneurial process of a company and consists of three driving forces, opportunity, resource, and team. Every entrepreneurial process of companies in the thesis is observed first according to the three driving forces. Then it is analyzed by using the idea of constant balancing.

生物科技之評估及策略建議-以GnRH vaccine之專利、經營、學術三構面分析研究為例

黃謙銘 Unknown Date (has links)
生物科技為目前世界各國極力投入之新興產業,此產業無需大量天然資源及低污染的特性,同時又能解決人類的醫療問題並提昇生活水準的未來發展空間,更使得此一新興產業吸引了眾人的眼光。   本論文提出一個評估的模式,讓此產業之技術、產品或專利之價值能夠經系統化的分析後完整呈現,並可基於此分析結果作出策略上之判斷,並以GnRH vaccine技術為例。因為GnRH分子之序列早已發表,經本研究分析得兩種常用的專利保護策略,第一種是將GnRH與不同的載體進行結合,而新生成一個嵌合化合物,並申請此新化合物之專利;第二種是進行GnRH分子結構上之改變以取得新序列的專利保護,取得效果優於自然設計之分子,或藉以增加與免疫載體之結合率。經分析後發現,GnRH疫苗應用理論已經相當成熟,未來幾年應該會有成熟產品通過上市之審核過程;再隨著新科技的進步,可預期將會有更多的新產品會上市,而進一步地有效提昇產品功效並降低製造成本。   本研究最後針對GnRH未來在人用藥品及動物用藥之未來市場加以分析,並對於以重複免疫原在重組型疫苗製備法之開發提出行銷、財務、通路、價格、推廣、臨床實驗之建議,以期能經由策略規劃的角度將生物技術的價值作最大化的管理。 / Biotechnology attracts high attentions among many countries recently. New biotechnology will provide a key solution to cure diseases and potentially will be able to increase human life quality without damaging the environment and consuming massy natural resources.   In this thesis, we presented a possible process, which involved in academic, marketing and patent information analysis, to effectively evaluate the feasibility and potential of any novel biological technologies, so as to provide the managerial and strategic suggestions based on the analysis. GnRH repeat immunogens vaccine development was taken as an example to demonstrate if the proposed process can be executed adequately. After discretly cross examining the collected information, we concluded that many independent GnRH vaccine patents are available but will not be effective enough to stop to new competitors to get in this sector because GnRH sequence was disclosed in very early research and nobody held the patent for it and most of GnRH patents were granted to either different GnRH-Carrier chimeras or the GnRH analog sequences. Analysis results show that there is only one company closely approaching the final product approval at this moment. However, any improved technology can easily employed to provide a better product with higher effectiveness and lower cost following the first product's upcoming marketing clearance and then make the future market very complicated.   Based on those findings, we further analyze the Taiwanese current environment and provide a few managerial suggestions to maximize the value of a novel GnRH vaccine preparation technology.

綜合製造商與逆物流業者之營運模式下的穩健再生物料分配決策 / The robust distribute strategies of regeneration materials under the business model which combine with manufacturer and recycling business

張志傑 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產品生命週期的縮短,大量的廢棄物對人類生存環境開始造成威脅,各國開始正視廢棄物管理的議題,紛紛立法來規範廢棄物的回收管理。企業為了成本、企業形象、法律規定等因素開始將逆物流(reverse logistic)納入其營運規劃。但在逆物流資訊難以取得以及具備大量的不確定因素下,許多企業選擇將逆物流外包給專業的逆物流業者,以專注在其核心能力之上。 在單純的外包模式下,企業時常面臨回收商無法穩定供給再生物料之問題,若再生物料使用比率無法達到法規要求,則需繳納高額的回收規費,部分企業甚至以新產品分解為新再生物料來補足再生物料短缺以迴避高額的回收規費;回收商則會面臨企業再生物料需求數量不穩定或是數量不足,單次運輸成本大幅提高,使其表現出只願回收退回商品取得回收補貼,但不分解販售再生物料,而是堆放退回商品於集散處的傾向。 本研究提出一綜合回收商及製造商之緊密營運模式,考量連續時期、利潤共享的條件下,建立一數量決策模型,以整體利潤最大化為目標,探討不穩定因素下之每期穩健再生物料分配決策。因應大環境之不穩定因素,將以建構情境為基礎之穩健最佳化模式求得穩健解。 / In recent year, enterprises consider reverse logistic in their processing because of cost, corporate image and government policy. But there are lots of uncertainty factors in the reverse logistic, in order to focus on enterprise’s professional skills, more and more enterprises outsource their reverse logistics. Both enterprise and professional reverse logistic processor have to spend more costs to keep their cooperation in recent outsourcing model. Thus, this thesis builds a model which combine enterprise's business model and professional reverse logistic processor's business model. In this model, assumes that profit should be share between both of them, and apply Robust optimization methods to solve uncertainty factors in reverse logistic. The thesis finds out the best distribution ratio of regeneration materials in each period.

澳門、中國、香港、台灣中學生物課本內容之比較研究 / Content comparison of high school bilolgy textbook among Macau, China , Hong Kong, and Taiwan

史小蘭 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

兩母體共有物種數的估計及最佳停止點 / The optimal stopping rule for estimating the number of shared species of two populations

蔡政珈 Unknown Date (has links)
在生態學與生物學上,物種數常作為生物多樣性的指標,以估計單一群體物種數為例,較知名的方法首推Good (1953)以在樣本中出現一次的物種為基礎,提出的物種數估計方法堪稱的先驅,隨後許多文獻延伸Good的想法,發展出許多的估計方法,例如Burham and Overton (1978)的摺刀估計法,Chao and Lee (1992)則以涵蓋機率方式估計。相對而言,兩群體的共有物種數的研究少有人探討,目前以Chao et al. (2000)的估計式較為知名。 本研究參考Good (1953)提出估計未發現物種出現機率的想法,估計未發現共有物種的機率,並以Burham and Overton (1978)中應用摺刀法估計物種數的概念,建立一階摺刀估計式與變異數,且另行以多項分配公式推導變異數估計式,進行電腦模擬與實際資料驗證並與Chao et al. (2000)提出的共有物種估計式比較。最後根據Rasmussen and Starr (1979)以抽樣成本建立最適停止規則的概念,應用於本研究所提出的估計式,並經由電腦模擬找出抽樣成本與物種分佈均勻程度的關聯,可作為設定停止規則的依據。 / The number of species is often used to measure the biodiversity of a population in ecology and biology. Good (1953) proposed a famous estimate for the number of species based on the probability of unseen species. Subsequently, many studies applied Good’s idea to create new estimation methods, For example, the Jackknife estimate by Burham and Overton (1978), and the estimate by using the sample coverage probability in Chao and Lee (1992) are two famous examples. However, not many studies focus on estimating the number of shared species of two populations, except the method by Chao et al. (2000). In this study, we modify Good’s idea and extend the Jackknife method of Burham and Overton (1978) to develop the estimate for the number of shared species of two populations. In addition, we also establish the variance formula of the estimator by using the multinomial distribution. Subsequently, we use computer simulation and real data sets to evaluate the proposed method, and compare them with the estimator by Chao et al. (2000). Finally, we adapt the idea of optimal stopping rule by Rasmussen and Starr (1979) and combine it with the proposed jackknife estimate. We found that using the sampling cost as the stopping rule is a feasible approach for estimating the number of shared species.

生技製藥產學合作之研究-以陽明大學新藥中心、寶齡富錦為例 / The Academic-Industrial Collaboration in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuitical Industry

鄭雅文 Unknown Date (has links)
生物科技產業,是一個被預期將於未來使人類在醫學、製藥、材料、糧食乃至於能源、生態等各方面所面臨的問題,獲得重大突破的產業;也是被公認為二十一世紀最具發展潛力的重點產業!世界上各個先進國家莫不競相投入大量資源,積極進行生技產業的培植與發展。研究單位與大專院校,一向被稱為所謂的「知識引擎」。照理說,在良好的智財管理之下,理當成為智慧財產生產之重鎮,並經由技術轉移實際地應用在產業界,協助提昇企業的競爭力,進而強化國家整體的經濟能量。 本研究藉由各方相關之文獻、著作加以分析,先從美國與我國在科技或技術移轉相關法規的介紹,再整理生物技術與生技製藥產業的特性,和我國目前的現況與問題,最後由商品化角度歸納出技術移轉在各階段的組成要素,再參考美國麻省理工學院技術移轉中心實例。與國內產學成功之案例-「寶齡富錦PBF1681專案」及「陽明大學新藥中心」對照,從中比較出國內學校與產業之間的交流,哪一環節出了問題?在探討我國大學生技製藥產學合作機制上,本研究採用的架構主要是從國內外大學負責產學合作單位的「運作流程」開始瞭解在智慧財產權、技術推廣、技術移轉過程與移轉後的回饋監控機制等。 交相比較之後,建議國內大學之技術移轉中心需擬定明瞭易懂之政策 設計簡單易填之表格、重視商品化流程、經驗豐富之授權人才引進、設置「成功故事」區,來激勵想要新創公司之人。另外,也對國內生技製藥產業建議,台灣的切入點以植物藥為迅速且花費少、成功機會高,這是值得投入之領域。而產業之結構也應有所調整,台灣藥廠規模小,無法與國外大廠競爭開發新藥。開發新藥需投入大量時間及金錢,故國外藥廠之產業結構為垂直整合,亦即是將上市前所有試驗及上市後行銷一手包辦。國內藥廠需仿照科技業一般,將整個產業作水平分工,將核心能力保留,其餘皆可外包。這樣不但節省時間,也可減少對不熟悉領域之摸索,由仿製之學名藥廠,走向新藥開發,進而與國外大廠相互抗衡。 / The universities are long taken as the “knowledge engine” for industries. Through a well-designed cooperation or licensing system, that is, the academic-industry liaison, those intellectual property produced from academic researches should be applied in the industry and industrial competency can thus be improved. However, the academic-industry liaison concerning biotechnology and drug in Taiwan is deficient. This thesis compares the cases of “Panion & BF Biotech Inc. PBF1681 Project,” “Research Center for Drug Discovery in National Yang-Ming University” in Taiwan with the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) of MIT in the U.S. Through the comparison, it can be found that techonology transfer office of universities in Taiwan needs to design a more friendly procedesure for licensee applicants and focuses on technology commercialization. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry needs to invest more in herbal drug development. The industry itself needs corporate reengineering. The structure of the industry should be a horizontal division instead of the vertical integration. They should focus on their core competency and strengthen the mutual cooperation between companies to form a network of efficient production divisions. Key word: academic-industry liaison, biotechnology, drug discovery, pharmaceutical, Technology Licensing Office (TLO)

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