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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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方文玉 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

網路口碑傳播者性別、推薦產品性別及接收者性別三者性別一致對口碑說服效果之影響 / The congruency effects of gender among e-WOM endorser, product and receiver on consumer’s attitude

吳宣豫, Wu, Shiuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年台灣行銷市場中,網路口碑之於消費者的重要性不言而喻,其應用成為行銷顯學之一。不過觀察目前網路口碑相關研究,多數仍聚焦在傳播者評論口碑對象(產品、服務、品牌等)的傳播過程、網路口碑影響消費者購買意圖或品牌忠誠的程度,或是正負面口碑差異等面向,較少從口碑傳播者、產品及接收者本身屬性(類型、來源國等)一致的角度,探討是否會影響說服效果,而「性別」正是一項鮮少被觸及的重要屬性。事實上,性別一致產生的效果,在早期的廣告行銷研究中,即不斷被證實存在,能有效帶來消費者態度行為的正向影響(Caballero & Solomon, 1984)。然而網路作為傳播媒介的研究中卻缺乏相關的討論,因此能否複製「性別具有一致性時,就會具有正相關效果」的結論猶未可知。   而「性別一致性效果」產生的機制亦分屬「一致性效果」、「自我一致性」的兩種不同心理狀態類別,本研究除了歸納原先定義不清的一致性效果涵義,更希望進一步探討何種機制對於消費者的影響較為重要。另一方面,「一致」情況亦存在「主觀」感知與「客觀」存在的差異,亦有區分之必要性。同時,亦不可忽略口碑中推薦產品本身具備的屬性特質,可能是會導致消費者在意性別線索的關鍵,在相關理論基礎下,推論消費者會依賴推薦者的形象來協助判斷(Zeithaml, 1988)。換句話說,欲瞭解產品屬性,也就是體驗性/搜尋性的產品將直接導致消費者對於性別一致的感知產生不同的交互作用,進而影響到整體口碑說服效果。   故本研究計有三個主要的操弄變項,分別是傳播者性別(男/女)、產品性別(男/女)與產品屬性(搜尋屬性/體驗屬性),在研究設計上乃是採用2 × 2 × 2的三因子實驗設計(factorial experiment design),應變項則為受試者的口碑訊息診斷性、產品態度及購買意圖。   研究結果發現,客觀性別一致並不會影響消費者口碑說服效果,而不同產品屬性的交互作用下,客觀性別一致的重要性會在消費者選購體驗性產品時浮現,進一步正向影響消費者對於產品的態度,而且在性別一致性的兩種機制中,「自我一致性」(如傳播者/代言人與自身一致、產品與自身一致)比起「一致性效果」(外界的傳播者/產品一致)的機制,更能顯著影響消費者的商品態度。不過,一旦消費者主觀感知到性別一致的情形存在,無論是何種機制、何種產品屬性,皆能有效影響消費者的口碑說服效果。   上述的研究結果可以提供給未來欲透過口碑工具,邀請特定口碑寫手或消費者於試用產品後討論引起注意的廠商,在策略擬定之參考。建議行銷人員規劃行銷手法時多考慮「性別一致」引發之影響,讓消費者提升對於產品的態度與行為。

網路商店產品數量與消費者偏好之研究 / Consumer preference with product assortments in on-line store

葉晴晴 Unknown Date (has links)
過去大部分研究都認為人們偏好多樣化的選擇,在商店內提供越多的商品,會吸引到更多的消費者來做購買。但近年來,消費者的購物環境充斥著各式各樣的不同資訊,在這樣的情況下,賣方如果再給消費者增加更多的產品選擇,是否有可能會使消費者的購物會產生障礙,而反而延遲消費者的購買行為?近幾年,紛紛有學者發現,產品多樣化所帶給消費者的效益有一定的限制,並不往往是「越多越好」,許多研究試圖找出影響消費者對商品數量偏好的因素,而其中有文獻指出,商店的評價差異,將會影響消費者對不同數量商店的偏好;另外,消費者做選擇前,是否已對產品存有特定的理想偏好,也可能會影響到消費者的選擇結果。 目前過去對消費者商品數量偏好的研究多以實體零售商店作為探討目標,而近幾年網路購物盛行,網路商店往往會提供消費者數量眾多的商品做選擇,因此本研究則改以網路商店作實驗探討,且參考過去文獻所探討之變數,加入不同產品類型來探討對消費者所造成的影響,此外也探討極大化程度對消費者偏好是否具有影響。 本研究結果則發現: 1. 有無理想選擇與產品類型對消費者不同品數量的偏好影響具有交互作用。 2. 當消費者購買的是享樂品時,有理想選擇的消費者會偏好產品數量較少的網路商店。 3. 當消費者購買的是實用品時,有理想選擇的消費者會偏好產品數量較多的網路商店。

雙元存款產品對財富管理投資組合報酬率貢獻度分析 / The Study on the Contribution of Foreign-Exchange-Option-Linked Dual Currency Structure Notes for Wealth Management Portfolio

姜如意, Chiang, Ru Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在全球股市呈現不穩的情勢下,雙元外匯存款產品成為財富管理業務所發展的熱門產品。雙元外匯存款產品結構包括外匯選擇權與定期外幣存款。然外匯選擇權的操作過程所隱含的風險必須加以探討,因此本研究以美國那斯達克股市報酬率與美國國庫券與十年期公債利差等資訊,試著藉由集群分析,探討美元兌澳幣(USD/AUD)、美元兌英鎊(USD/GBP)、歐元兌澳幣(EUR/AUD)等元存款產品之報酬率與風險。 本研究實證結果為: 一、不同市場狀態的操作策略不同 從各集群的涵義來看,當市場狀態屬於集群1時,此時Nasdaq指數日報酬率處於高檔但已有長期成長疑慮下,則「短期看多澳幣,看空美元」為一正確的外匯策略判斷基礎。當市場處於集群2的經濟成長性與股市報酬率處於較樂觀的狀態下,「短期看多英鎊,看空美元」與「短期看空美元,看多澳幣」是較適合的判斷。當市場處於集群3的股市低檔與債券市場反映經濟成長訊息的狀態下,則「看多澳幣,看空歐元」與「短期看空澳幣,看多美元」等為較佳的策略思維。 二、雙元存款產品的現金流量補償機制必須依據不同市場狀態 本研究發現雙元外匯存款產品在不同匯率與不同集群下,會有不同的Mean/StDev值,代表投資者與財富管理業者必須面對外匯市場進行利益的分配問題。目前雙元外匯存款產品都有設定不同匯率下的保本機制,故對於財富管理業者而言,雙元外匯存款產品屬於資金短期配置的選項之一,因此,針對不同的總體經濟或市場環境,業者必須快速調整,創造投資者與業者雙贏的局面。 / With the global stock markets unstable, foreign-exchange-option-linked dual currency structure notes have become the popular products for wealth management. Foreign-exchange-option-linked dual currency structure notes have been involved with foreign exchange option and currency deposit. Nonetheless, the risks inherent in the currency option should be discussed . Therefore, this study uses cluster analysis to explore the information in Nasdaq index returns and interest spreads , to discover the returns and risks in foreign exchange rates in term of “USD/AUD”, “USD/GBP”, and “EUR/AUD”. After the analysis in this study, the conclusions of this study could be summarized as following: Firstly , the proposals and strategies for the dual currency structure notes should be based on the statuses of markets. With market status showing higher stock returns but concerns for future economic growth, the appropriate strategies should be built up on the concept of “short USD, long AUD in near term”. When market status showing positive stock returns and positive future economic growth, the appropriate strategies should be built up on the concept of “short USD, long AUD in near term” or “short USD, long GBP in near term”. With market status reflecting lower stock returns but positive perspectives for future economic growth, the appropriate strategies should be built up on the concept of “short EURO, long AUD in near term”, or “short AUD, long USD in near term”. Based on the Mean/StDev , this study suggests the wealth managers should design different portfolios under different scenarios in foreign exchange rates, to generate best payoffs between the investors and wealth managers.

遊戲設計策略對衍生商品購買意願之影響 / Effect of game design strategy on purchase intention of extension products

林冠宇, Lin, Kuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
現今應用程式軟體(APP)不斷推陳出新,吸引不少企業與廠商投入應用程式設計的行列,原因來自於使用者高度熱衷使用這類型的程式,而此高使用度也可能正面影響使用者對贊助品牌的認同度。由於近年來資訊科技與通訊發展迅速,因而帶動應用程式設計業者設計更多動態功能與互動性功能的應用程式以期留住顧客,鼓勵他們重複性購買該應用程式之衍生商品,以提升顧客忠誠度。但隨著有越來越多的社群與手機遊戲應用程式漸漸在現今生活中形成一股重要潮流後,企業應瞭解添加遊戲元素至應用程式中將能夠帶給顧客哪些價值感受,並選取最重要的元素作為主要訴求。本研究中整理不同的遊戲設計元素及不同人口統計特徵與消費行為,用以探討不同類型顧客的消費購買意向,在檢閱過遊戲設計的相關文獻後,本研究歸納出七種遊戲設計元素,並以個案研究方式驗證這些元素後,進而提出研究假設,試圖找出遊戲設計對不同類型顧客的影響。接著,為驗證本研究提出的假設,我們調查五百名受試者對遊戲元素的感受,希望本研究成果能提供應用程式設計者參考,設計出更貼近使用者需求的應用程式,幫助他們從衍生產品中獲得更高的收益。 / Applications software (“apps”) have generated substantial interest among marketers, primarily because of their high level of user engagement and the positive impact this presumably has on a customer’s attitude toward the sponsoring brand. Due to the advancement of information and telecommunication technologies, more dynamic and interactive applications have been developed to retain customers and encourage repeat purchasing for extension products and further enhance customer loyalty. As the increasing application of social and mobile games plays an important trend in today’s culture, enterprises need to understand the value of adding frequent game design elements into every customer encounter. This study consolidates different game design elements and demographics to explore the purchase intentions of different types of customers. We have reviewed the game-design literature and identified seven motivational elements. Using a case analysis, we verified these elements and proposed hypotheses on game design for different types of customers. Then the hypotheses was tested by collecting responses from 500 participants regarding their perceptions of the elements of the game activity. We hope that the findings can provide app designer useful references in generating more revenue from extension products.


林幸慧 Unknown Date (has links)
WTO新回合農業談判,在2001年杜哈部長會議舉行的同時正式展開,其中重要的談判結果包括杜哈宣言與七月套案,討論的內容則涵蓋農產品的市場開放議題,特別是關於敏感性產品的處理方式。 敏感性產品,對台灣而言,主要指的就是關稅配額產品,在杜哈回合農業談判之結果下,市場開放勢必會對台灣農業造成衝擊。因此,本研究會從制度面與經濟面著手,觀察新回合農業談判的進行,將會對台灣關稅配額農產品造成哪些影響。 / The Doha Round, whose conclusion includes Doha Ministerial Declarartion and July Package, was initiated at the WTO's fourth ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar, in 2001, and the negotiation has sought to enhance market access for agricultural products, including the treatment of sensitive products. With sensitive products of Taiwan mainly being tariff quota products, the result regarding to market access may cause an impact to its agriculture. Thus, in this work we examine the influence of the Doha Round, from institutional and economic perspectives, to the tariff quota agricultural products of Taiwan.

影音DVD光碟片產業產品創新策略個案研究 / A Case Study for Product Innovation in Video DVD Disc Industry

賴志輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討的是國際標準化商品的製造業者如何從事產品創新,特別是針對一個企業銷售的產品就是標準化的完成品,最典型的例子,就是台灣佔有亞太最大產能的影音DVD光碟片製造業。差異化是企業提升競爭力的主要手段,也是經常被企業採用的競爭策略。一個企業可以尋求差異化的空間顯然和自己產品或服務被標準化的程度有關。產品「被標準化」的程度越高,除了創意越容易受限,組織出現「核心僵固」的情形可能也越嚴重。 本研究延續組織知識創造學說「知識螺旋」理論的精髓,提出「創新螺旋」策略規劃程序的理論模型架構,「創新螺旋」模型是一個以產品創新為主軸的策略規劃程序,以行銷導向創新策略為其核心。行銷導向的創新是一個企業核心能耐經組織內部「共同化」,「外化」訴諸市場,再與市場需求「結合」串連,「內化」為企業策略的過程,意謂著企業核心價值與市場價值缺口產生共鳴的「知識螺旋」。「創新螺旋」模型描述企業應以「市場價值、創造價值、核心價值」做為產品創新的核心概念,以「創新是兩種看似不相干的事物將其成功結合」的中心思想,同時秉持「創新來自邊陲的精神」,尋求產品創新上的突破。 一般而言,國際標準規格的制訂是由大國大廠所主導,技術開發首動者的效益來自參與規格制訂及日後商品上市後收取的龐大權利金。一般小廠小國,市場影響力小、技術開發資源有限,不易參與規格角力的競賽,更遑論發揮舉足輕重的影響力,這是一個殘酷的國際現實。因此小廠小國的標準化商品的製造業者,如何從事產品創新就是本研究所要探討的課題。本研究探討的個案公司以「創新螺旋」策略規劃程序的理論模型做為其產品創新的藍本,檢視在此情境下的台灣影音DVD碟片的製造業者,在產品創新過程遭遇到的困境及其突圍的方式。本研究同時觀摩比較其他國際級的競爭同業,如何發揮其地理環境上的優勢及本身的核心能耐,在次世代藍光DVD來臨之繼,創造更有利的競爭條件。 / This thesis aims to study how to do the product innovation under the condition as the core product or service of one corporate is an international standardized end product. The typical example is such as the video DVD disc manufacturers in Taiwan, who own the major market share in the world wide total throughput. From the strategic point of view, “differentiation” has been widely used to build up a corporate core competency. However, the limitation for one corporate to do the product differentiation is corresponding to its product status being standardized. The higher standardized condition on product it is, the more limitation on creation it will be. It also will cause the organization to be inflexible, furthermore becomes stubborn. Generally speaking, international standard has been formulated by the strong or big countries and international corporate. The first mover advantage to develop the product should be as a format creator and as a licenser in the long run as into the commercialized phase. On the other hand, usually, for the small companies or countries, it has less technology resource and marketing power to influence the standard formation. Under such kind of situation, is there any chance for the small companies to do the product innovation? This is the main topic for the thesis to investigate. This research extends the organization knowledge creativity theory by Nonaka (1995) as the “Spiral of Knowledge” to a new model as “Spiral of Innovation”, which presents the sequence of strategy formation in term of product innovation. Marketing-oriented product developing pattern is the main pursuit of the “Spiral of Innovation”. The first step, through the ”socialization” inside the corporate, the common understanding of the corporate standing position can be created. As for product developing, targeting to find out the customers need or the lack in the marketing, those finding should be put into the step as “externalization”. After that, through “combination” of marketing need and corporate competency, the systematic concept can be developed. The final step, all the above can be converted into the organization function inside corporate, which is called as “internalization”. “Spiral of Innovation” theory states, for a corporate, it takes the “marketing value, creating value and corporate core value” as the core product developing concept. The innovation can be simply interpreted as “the success to combine two dissimilar or irrelevant matters”. Innovation usually generates from that being lack of concern or attention. This research studies the case, Taiwan No.1 video DVD disc manufacturer, which implements the “Spiral of Innovation” model as the framework of its product developing strategy formation. It shows the dilemma the corporate faces in the effort for product differentiation and those attempts it took for breakthrough. It also compares the product developing strategy with some other key and leading players from USA, Europe and Japan. From innovation point of view, those companies intend to exploit their advantage from location and core competency to find out the optimal position for the coming next generation high density DVD era.

電子化服務傳遞之協同式定價模式研究 / iPrice: A Collaborative Pricing Model for e-Service Bundle Delivery

張瑋倫, Chang,Wei-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
Information goods pricing is an essential and emerging topic in the era of information economy. Myriad researchers have devoted considerable attention to developing and testing methods of information goods pricing. Nevertheless, in addition; there are still certain shortcomings as the challenges to be overcome. This study encompasses several unexplored concepts that have attracted research attention in other disciplines lately, such as collaborative prototyping, prospect theory, ERG theory, and maintenance from design, economic, psychological, and software engineering respectively. This study proposes a novel conceptual framework for information goods pricing and investigates the impact of three advantages: (1) provides collaborative process that could generate several prototypes via trial and error in pricing process, (2) deliberates the belief of consumer and producer by maximizing utility and profit, and (3) offers an appropriate service bundle by interacting with consumer and discovering the actual needs. Due to the unique cost structure and product characteristics of information goods, conventional pricing strategies are unfeasible, and a differential pricing strategy is crucial. Nevertheless, few models exist for pricing information goods in the e-service industry. This study proposes a novel collaborative pricing model in which customers are active participants in determining product prices and adopt prices and services that meet their changing needs. This study also shows that the collaborative pricing model generates an optimal bundle price at equilibrium with optimal profit and utility. Theoretical proofs and practical implications justify this pricing model, which is essential for future information goods pricing in information economy. Moreover, we apply iCare e-service delivery as an exemplar and scenario for our system. The objective of iCare is to provide quality e-services to the elderly people anywhere and anytime. The new pricing method will go beyond the current iCare e-service delivery process which furnishes personalized and collaborative bundles. iPrice system for pricing information goods fills the gap among previous literatures which only considers consumers or providers. Different from existing works, iPrice system is novel in integrating distinctively important concepts yielding more benefits to consumers and profits to more providers. Thus, iPrice also guides and provides a roadmap for information goods pricing for future research. / Information goods pricing is an essential and emerging topic in the era of information economy. Myriad researchers have devoted considerable attention to developing and testing methods of information goods pricing. Nevertheless, in addition; there are still certain shortcomings as the challenges to be overcome. This study encompasses several unexplored concepts that have attracted research attention in other disciplines lately, such as collaborative prototyping, prospect theory, ERG theory, and maintenance from design, economic, psychological, and software engineering respectively. This study proposes a novel conceptual framework for information goods pricing and investigates the impact of three advantages: (1) provides collaborative process that could generate several prototypes via trial and error in pricing process, (2) deliberates the belief of consumer and producer by maximizing utility and profit, and (3) offers an appropriate service bundle by interacting with consumer and discovering the actual needs. Due to the unique cost structure and product characteristics of information goods, conventional pricing strategies are unfeasible, and a differential pricing strategy is crucial. Nevertheless, few models exist for pricing information goods in the e-service industry. This study proposes a novel collaborative pricing model in which customers are active participants in determining product prices and adopt prices and services that meet their changing needs. This study also shows that the collaborative pricing model generates an optimal bundle price at equilibrium with optimal profit and utility. Theoretical proofs and practical implications justify this pricing model, which is essential for future information goods pricing in information economy. Moreover, we apply iCare e-service delivery as an exemplar and scenario for our system. The objective of iCare is to provide quality e-services to the elderly people anywhere and anytime. The new pricing method will go beyond the current iCare e-service delivery process which furnishes personalized and collaborative bundles. iPrice system for pricing information goods fills the gap among previous literatures which only considers consumers or providers. Different from existing works, iPrice system is novel in integrating distinctively important concepts yielding more benefits to consumers and profits to more providers. Thus, iPrice also guides and provides a roadmap for information goods pricing for future research.

產品品質、市場規模與貿易政策:異質廠商貿易模型的詮釋 / Product Quality, Market Size and Trade Policy under Heterogeneous Firm Trade Model

林學宏, Lin, Shiue Hung Unknown Date (has links)
在第一個主題中,本文針對許多國家在自製率政策的使用上,是否可達成本國政府對提高產業生產力及保護的需求。在異質廠商獨占性競爭的架構下,本文發現一邊際自製率水準在本國政府的自製率政策目標間扮演相當重要的角色。此邊際自製率水準幫助我們進一步確認調整自製率政策強度的實質效果,其總合結果發現調整自製率政策強度並無法同時達成上述兩個目標,因此本國政府應審慎地選擇其一之目標達成,並採用最適當的自製率政策。 其次第二個主題則在廠商生產力的設定上與以往文獻不同,在此廠商生產力是由生產效率與產品品質兩變數來共同衡量。依此本研究主要發現有二,第一:當整個世界市場規模擴大對本國與外國而言,將允許相較於規模擴大前生產力更低的廠商存活在市場中,且市場上廠商家數、產品種類會增加但平均生產力會下降。在出口決策上,國內外有能力出口的廠商家數、產品種類會增加但平均出口生產力亦會下降;第二:若兩國間市場規模不對稱的情況下,當本國的市場規模越大,則本國市場能允許生產力越低的廠商存活,導致廠商家數、產品種類越多、平均生產力越低,反之國外之結果與上述相反,同時可進一步觀察到兩國間平均生產力差距擴大。在出口決策上,本國有能力出口的廠商家數減少,意即生產力越高的廠商越有能力出口,此外亦可觀察到兩國間出口生產力差距的擴大。在兩國間市場規模不對稱下透過出口等零利潤曲線,兩國異質廠商在不同生產效率與產品品質的組合下可將其出口決策劃分為四個區域,在此四個區域中說明本國及外國廠商在不同生產效率與產品品質組合下,其出口決策將有所不同。 最後第三個主題亦在生產效率與產品品質共同衡量生產力的前提下,探討異質廠商對原產地原則的選擇。本研究可歸納出三個主要結果,第一:在跨國家間提升產品品質技術一致的情況下,若消費者對產品(品質)偏好有差異,將影響二國間出口廠商申請原產地原則之選擇,意即若出口至對產品(品質)偏好較低的國家,則具有高生產效率的出口廠商將較具優勢;反之若出口至對產品(品質)偏好較高的國家,則具有高產品品質的出口廠商將較具優勢。第二:若僅考慮跨國間提升產品品質技術不同的情況下,亦將影響二國間出口廠商申請原產地原則之選擇。意即若出口至提升品質技術相對較低的(開發中)國家,則具有高產品品質的出口廠商將較具優勢;反之若出口至提升品質技術相對較高的(已開發)國家,則具有高技術效率的出口廠商將較具優勢。第三:若跨國間提升產品品質技術不同的前提下,進一步將跨國間消費者偏好程度不一致加入考慮,則可知已開發與開發中國家間,出口廠商在原產地原則的選擇差異上將縮小。

夏季缺電之產業最適限電策略模擬研究 / A Simulation Study on Optimal Strategies of Industrial Electricity Rationing for Coping with Power Shortage in Summer

洪敏睿, Hung, Min Jui Unknown Date (has links)
台灣夏季高溫酷熱使得各產業夏月用電量較全年月平均高出5%~24%。台電公司發電機組的備轉容量率在過去幾年的夏季也多次逼近限電警戒值(6%)。在未來氣候變遷趨勢下,夏季極端高溫發生機率提高,發電容量因受環保及社會因素影響難以同步擴充,限電極可能成為台灣在夏季必須面對的挑戰。本文旨在建構一描繪台灣經濟體內所有生產及消費部門相互依賴連結的線性規劃產業關聯分析(linear programming input-output analysis,簡稱LPIO)模型,用以求解經濟成長過程中若遇夏季供電瓶頸時之可行產業最適用電配置(限電)策略——限制用電之產業組合及配比。 根據現實情況所需以決定策略,首先策略的考量為追求經濟成長,加上當前台灣為一加工出口國,應將主要出口品之部門列為供電瓶頸的考量之一。接著,評估所有產業之間的相關性,單一產業的成長可帶動其他產業的發展;反之,單一產業的損失影響亦會衝擊其他產業,因此需要了解產業間的投入產出關係才能制定對我們經濟最有效率的資源配置策略。本研究首創以「夏季模擬產業關聯表」來校準LPIO 模型之模擬,切合實際地反映產業的季節性投入需求,以提升總體多部門模型之應用分析在政策制定參考上的實用性。 結果顯示若出口部門之VAEE能得到提升,則可以於供電瓶頸時期既維持出口市場的成長,GDP的成長亦不需要犧牲,因此出口部門應該以其在國際市場所占有的優勢,回饋於國內生產技術,降低其產品內含電力之使用,則可於供電瓶頸時減少對經濟體中其他部門的限電壓力。然而,出口部門其勞動投入佔原始投入的比重較小,因此當優先出口發展的同時亦應該考慮的國內勞動力的問題。各產業之間勞動份額的改變程度大小,以培養未來可得到良好發展之產業所需的勞動力投入。

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