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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳嘉琪, Chen,Chia-chi Unknown Date (has links)
C2C(consumer to consumer)模式的拍賣網站在近年來成為新興的購物通路,它的優點是不需出門就可以找到便宜、多樣化的商品,還可以享受競標購物的樂趣,因此吸引眾多消費者上網尋寶。 過去國內對於拍賣網站的研究多限於競標機制、交易安全、交易成本等面向,縱使有關於消費者行為的研究,大多將重點放在哪些因素會影響消費者使用拍賣網站的意願。然而當消費者開始使用拍賣網站後,究竟是如何處理眾多的資訊?又如何做成購物決策呢?本研究從消費者心理的角度,試圖瞭解什麼樣的訊息設計能夠吸引買方,進而促進交易的達成。 本研究採取實驗法,採用2×2×2之多因子設計,操弄之自變項包括產品類型(搜尋品╲經驗品)、出價次數(低╲高)、和訊息來源(賣家╲買家),依變項為產品態度和購買意願。主要在探討產品類型、出價次數、和訊息來源是否分別對產品態度和購買意願產生影響?又產品類型和出價次數、產品類型和訊息來源之間是否產生交互作用? 研究結果主要有以下幾點發現:(1)產品類型對購買意願具有顯著影響,其中以搜尋品之購買意願較高;(2)訊息來源對產品態度和購買意願具有顯著影響,其中以買家訊息來源較佳;(3)訊息來源和產品類型具有交互效果,當產品類型為搜尋品時,訊息來源對產品態度和購買意願沒有顯著影響,但當產品類型為經驗品時,買家訊息來源之產品態度和購買意願顯著高於賣家訊息來源;(4)出價次數之假設未獲支持,推測主要原因是出價次數可能同時具有正反兩個方向的影響力,這可以由「從眾」和「反從眾」的理論來解釋。 綜合上述發現,提出幾點實務建議,期望能供拍賣網站經營者強化網站功能、以及賣家設計商品訊息時之參考:(1)在拍賣網站上銷售搜尋性產品較為有利;(2)在商品訊息中引用舊顧客之正面意見,可以提升銷售;(3)對於經驗性產品而言,舊顧客的口碑更加重要。


謝成章 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的經濟蓬勃發展下,環保事件層出不窮,地球環境遭受重大破壞,各種環保議題引起國際矚目與熱烈討論。歐洲議會在2003年初公布了針對十項電機電子設備的兩個環保相關規範,分別是歐盟電機電子設備有害物質限制使用指令(RoHS)與歐盟電機電子設備廢棄物指令(WEEE),另外,歐盟能源使用產品生態化設計指令(EuP)也已在2005年8月11日公布,這些指令對相關產業的營運與發展將造成重大衝擊,其影響深遠供應鏈上下游成員無一倖免。 產業界為因應此一環保規範限制,將環境因素納入到傳統供應鏈管理當中,而形成了所謂「綠色供應鏈管理」的熱門議題。其主要差異乃是後者將生命週期思維融入產品設計、製造、使用與最終的廢棄回收處理的整個範疇。 本研究嘗試由資訊製造業的個案公司實際發展綠色供應鏈的過程中,以個案分析的方式收集其產品發展流程的各種資料,包括綠色設計、綠色採購、綠色供應商評鑑與稽核、綠色資訊平台建置等,並予以整理分析,建立個案公司的綠色供應鏈管理策略架構與協同運作模式。 本研究結果顯示綠色供應鏈管理策略的核心是「源頭管理」,源頭管理落實之後,加上其所衍生出來的綠色供應商評鑑與稽核、綠色產品管理系統、綠色資訊整合等各項活動,始能達到符合環保規範的目標,做到完整的風險控管,讓企業穩健發展。同時,本研究也顯示,建立協同設計機制及PDM資訊平台可以有效分析處理供應鏈上下成員間流通的資料,譬如,原物料、零組件等源頭綠色資料被有效地整合於綠色資訊平台,企業因應環保法規落實到資訊管理裡,營運風險因而獲得保障。 / Accompanying the vigorous economic development, the environment of the earth has been impacted tremendously. There are so many environmental issues that occurred in past decades turning into hot topics among nations. European Parliament published RoHS, and WEEE Directives in early 2003 that mandate ten categories of electric and electronic equipments to be restricted in the use of hazardous substances and wastes disposal respectively. Also, the setting of ecodesign requirement for Energy-Using Products newly announced in August of 2005. All the three mandatory EU Directives has definitely influenced significantly the foregoing development of the related industries. To react to the environmental regulations, the industries try to put environmental element into conventional Supply Chain Management, SCM. Thus, come out with Green SCM. The key differences are the latter mingling life cycle thought through out the whole scope of product life span. This research attempt to establish a collaborative structure and strategy for Green Supply Chain Management, by means of analyzing the information collected from the real developing process, including green design, green procurement, green suppliers’ appraisal, building up green information platform, of an information manufacturing firm. The research revealed that the core strategy of Green SCM is “Source Management”. Only if source management has fully implemented at the site of raw materials and component manufacturers, the environmental regulations can compliant thoroughly. Thus, the risk management is well controlled, so that the firm would operate soundly. Meanwhile, the research also showed that building up collaborative mechanism to link with PDM platform may process effectively the flowing data between the parties of supply chain. As a result, the restricted hazardous substances data of raw material and components are integrated into the green information platform and well managed. The operation risk of enterprise would be secured because of the entire implementation of information management for the environment regulations.


金惟中 Unknown Date (has links)
數位家庭的風潮帶動消費者更重視生活娛樂以及家庭氣氛的營造,影音設備隨之提升與增加。這說明了現代家庭中家電遙控器數目勢必不斷增加,相對刺激消費者對整合型遙控器的需求。 市面上的整合型遙控器,往往因技術、品質問題,無法達到完全的整合功效,也無法達到消費者的需求。而頂級的、功能強大的整合型遙控器,又礙於通路及專業知識,多半是影音設備玩家才能知曉,不但知道有這樣的產品、也知道去哪購買及如何操作。對於大多數消費者來說,他們不知道這樣產品的好處,自然也無法體會目前在操作眾多影音設備時,有多麼的麻煩、有多麼的沒有效率。 此次研究希望針對國內整合學習型遙控器產品,透過市場問卷調查方式,企圖找到目標客戶及了解消費者未被滿足之需求。同時瞭解整合學習型遙控器設計在消費者心目中的重要性,進而發展出它的外顯單位效益及產品概念。藉由交易成本分析從4C的角度分析行銷策略,以清楚檢視外顯單位效益,以便確定產品的競爭力,從內隱單位效益更進一步訂出行銷通路,解決消費者知曉的方式及如何使消費者產生專屬陷入的長期策略。透過產品市調及交易成本分析,以期整合學習型遙控器產品能迅速進入目標市場。

具可靠度及穩健考量的新產品全球運籌模式之探討 / A Reliable and Robust Model for Global Logistic Systems in New Product Development

林尚達, Lin, Shang Da Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的環境下推出新產品,企業除了面臨隨著產品生命週期改變的顧客需求以及成本上的不確定因素外,同時還必須考量全球營運帶來的種種挑戰。 許多供應鏈管理數量模式相關文獻針對全球運籌、新產品供應鏈等議題多有所探討,利用數量模式的計算以反應真實世界中的種種不確定性,讓管理者在供應鏈策略規劃時有所依據,但卻少有同時探討全球運籌以及新產品供應鏈的相關文獻。學者Butler, Ammons, and Sokol認為過去新產品供應鏈模式忽略了新產品將有可能無法存活下來的情形,因此發展一套新產品供應鏈模式,使新產品供應鏈能夠順利從上市成長到成熟階段,並利用此模式決定新設施、新機器購入的時機。 本研究延伸Butler等人之新產品供應鏈模式,考量更完整之全球運籌相關議題,透過混合整數線性規劃描述新產品發展時全球運籌配置問題,並利用情境為基礎的穩健最佳化以取得低風險的供應鏈配置,此外加入可靠度的影響,以彌補供應鏈規劃與實際操作的差距,並加入缺貨之懲罰成本,最後以範例資料進行計算與分析此數量模式,經由模式計算結果發現本研究規劃之結果,相較於原Butler等人之模式有較低的缺貨的發生可能性,且所求得之配置整體可靠度皆有所提升。 本研究所提出之規劃與分析方法可提供決策者在進行新產品全球佈局規劃時,能當作其新產品運籌配置之決策參考。 / When putting out new products under the environment of globalization, enterprise not only faces the uncertain factors in the demand of the customers and the costs that change with product life cycles, but considers all sorts of challenges which come with global operation. Many researches into supply chain quantitative model that probe into global logistics and the new product supply chain employ the quantitative model to reflect all sorts of uncertainty in the real world. They provide managers with the basis for the supply chain strategy and management. But few researches discuss about the global logistics and the new product supply chain simultaneously. Bulter, Ammons, and Sokol argue that the model of new product supply chain of the past neglects the condition which new products may not survive. Thus they developed a new product supply chain model to enable new products to launch the market and grow to maturity as well as decide when to purchase new supply chain facilities and equipments. This research which extends the new product supply chain model of Bulter et al. considers issues on global logistics from a more integrated view. First of all, it solves the global logistic settings problem in new product development by means of mixed-integer linear programming. Secondly, it uses the scenario-based robust optimization to lower the risk in the supply chain design. Then it adds the reliability calculation to make up for the gap between the plan and the real operation. At last it calculates and analyzes the quantitative model on the basis of the case data. This research establishes a methodology for decision makers to apply to plan and analyzing their new product supply chain when they make the global arrangement of new products.


夏康寧, Xia,Kang-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要探討消費者的心情對於其產品屬性偏好與產品態度的影響;產品屬性的部分,強調的是消費者面對商品相關訊息時,對於外部與內部屬性之重視程度,態度的部分,則是指消費者對於商品的喜愛程度與購買意願。本論文以一系列三個實驗,循序漸進探討心情對於消費者屬性重視程度及態度的影響,並試圖整合過去文獻中所謂心情的直接影響與間接影響,將心情對於態度多元的影響路徑統整為一心情影響態度之模型。 研究一首先探討消費者的心情,是否會影響其在面對商品時,對於不同產品屬性重視的程度。研究一結果顯示,好心情的消費者較重視產品的外部屬性,例如:品牌、口碑等,而壞心情的消費者,則較重視產品的內部屬性,例如:體積、功能等。 研究二則從研究一的結果出發,更進一步探討,上述消費者對於產品屬性類型的偏好,是否會影響其對於商品的態度和購買意願。研究二的結果顯示,廣告訴求與消費者所重視的產品屬性搭配與否,的確會顯著的影響消費者的態度。例如:好心情的消費者,若是看到以外部屬性為訴求的廣告,會對該商品有較佳的態度和較高的購買意願;反之,同樣是好心情的消費者,若其所接觸的廣告是以內部屬性訴求為主,則對於該商品的購買意願和態度都不會太高。 研究二的結果驗證心情的好壞會影響消費者對於資訊型態的偏好,就商品而言,就是對於產品屬性類型的偏好,此偏好與廣告訴求一旦結合,便能對於商品態度和購買意願產生影響,此可謂心情的間接影響。心情對於態度的影響,除了間接影響之外,事實上生活經驗與許多文獻也指出,心情的好壞,可能直接影響態度;亦即心情好則態度便佳,心情壞,則對產品的態度也就不好。由此可見心情對於態度之效果,相當多元,研究三便是提出一架構來整合心情的直接與間接影響,亦即,研究三主要目的便是探討何種情境下,心情會產生直接影響,而何種情境之下,會產生間接影響。 研究三指出不同的心情意識,可能是心情循不同路徑對態度產生影響的關鍵。研究三的結果顯示,當心情意識是屬於動機式時,人們對於自己心情的來源有所意識和歸因時,心情對於商品態度的影響,是透過認知歷程,也就是屬性重視程度的偏好與廣告訴求之搭配,來達到效果,亦即所謂的間接影響。而心情意識屬於背景式時,心情只是一種背景氛圍式的存在,人們對於自身心情沒有特別的意識與歸因,心情的歡欣與不悅便會直接反應至態度的好壞,也就是所謂的直接影響。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the effect of moods on consumers’ attitudes, purchase intention, and cognition of product attributes. This research included three studies, and all the hypotheses in the three studies were examined by experiments. In the experiments, respondents’ moods were elicited by short films or music, and the cognition of product attributes and attitudes toward the product were measured. In study one, the relationship between consumers’ moods and their weights on product attributes were probed. The result of study one show that consumers in good mood incline to focus on the extrinsic attributes more than intrinsic attributes; the consumers in bad mood incline to pay more attention to the intrinsic attributes than extrinsic ones. For the neutral mood respondents, there is no difference between the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes in their decision weight. Therefore, this study show that moods indeed influence the cognition of product attributes. Following study one, study two discussed the effect of consumers’ cognition that biased by moods on their attitudes toward products. The results show that when consumers in some moods and have certain tendencies to emphasize intrinsic or extrinsic product attributes, the advertisement that fits to their concerns can induce better attitude than that doesn’t fit. For example, consumers in good mood favor products appealing extrinsic attributes, such as brand and word-of-mouth. On the other hand, if happy consumers see the intrinsic attributes appealing advertisement, such as function and volume, they won’t appreciate those advertisement and products. Study one and two discussed the process that mood influence attitude through cognition. However, according to the literature and life experience, there is another process that mood influences attitude directly and isn’t involved any cognition element. Study three tried to establish a framework to delineate these two processes. The results of study three indicated that mood awareness is the critical factor that influences whether mood influence mood directly or via cognition components. When the consumers are under motivational mood and can aware the sources of moods, the mood effect is indirect and involved cognition elements such as study one and study two. On the other hand, when consumers are under backdrop mood and doesn’t aware the source of mood, the mood can reflect to the attitude directly.

我國電信業者行動加值服務的新產品開發之研究-以行動音樂服務為例 / A Study on New Product Development of Mobile Services of Tele-operators: Mobile Music

王鈴惠 Unknown Date (has links)
從1G、2G到3G,行動通訊技術快速發展,以往單純的語音通訊服務,逐漸演變至資料傳輸、多媒體應用,行動服務日趨多元,「內容」在行動通訊服務中所扮演的角色愈加重要。是故,電信業者無不積極發展內容相關商品。然而,這類產品的開發往往牽涉到不同領域的專業(如美工、音樂、文化創意、科技、社會、政治等),因此,吾人可以預期這些廠商勢必需要藉用大量的外部資源才能適時地推出內容商品。 在目前的行動內容服務當中,由於手機鈴聲能彰顯與眾不同的個人特色,且越來越多手機支援播放數位音樂的功能,因此,行動音樂一直以來都是最受消費者歡迎的行動加值服務,也是各家電信業者除了語音通訊之外最大的營收來源之一。然而,過去的研究重點往往著重在電信產業相關業者發展策略、關鍵成功因素等策略層面的探討,對於行動加值服務新產品開發實務歷程的研究則較少著墨。故本研究針對我國電信業者行動加值服務的「新產品發展」進行研究,以行動音樂商品為例,試圖以較為整體性的架構,探討其新產品發展之相關議題,期能對於「外部導向的產品創新管理」方面,提供一些實務上與學理上的貢獻。 本研究之研究問題有四:1.我國電信業者發展行動加值服務的策略性資源為何?2.我國電信業者在行動加值服務發展過程當中的價值網絡為何?3.我國電信業者開發行動加值服務過程中,運用內外部資源的機制為何?4.我國電信業者行動加值服務的新產品策略與開發流程為何? 透過深度訪談電信業者,並配合相關次級資料蒐集與整理,進行彙整及分析之後,本研究獲得以下之主要結論:1.就策略性資源而言,電信業者掌握行動音樂服務之通路。2.電信業者建構之策略性資源與原有資源具有相關性。3.就新產品發展策略而言,行動音樂發展重點仍在於「強化現有行動用戶忠誠度」。4.電信業者委外動機與型態會影響其新產品發展。 / From 1G, 2G to 3G, the technology of telecommunication developed rapidly. The voice communication service gradually evolved towards the data transmission and the multimedia application and the mobile content services become much more important and diversified than before. Accordingly, tele-operators develop content products actively. However, the development of these products involves with many kinds of knowledge, such as fine art, music, programming, etc. Thus, we would expect that the enterprises have to utilize external resources to develop products timely. Because many cell phones provide functions of digital music and ring tones can show forth users’ characteristics, therefore, the mobile music becomes one of the most popular service product. However, most of the past studies focused on strategy rather than new product development. Thus, we focus on the new product development of mobile value-added services in the research. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1. What are the strategic resources for developing mobile value-added services? 2. What is the value network to develop mobile value-added services? 3. What is the mechanism of utilizing external resources in the process of new product development? 4. What are the new product strategy and process of developing mobile value-added services? The study takes mobile music as an example to explore how tele-operators can accumulate enterprise resources and better utilize external resources for developing value-added services. This study applies the deep interview method of qualitative research and secondary data analysis to study tele-operators in Taiwan. The preliminary research findings include: 1.The major marketing purpose of tele-operators’ developing mobile music is to reinforce the loyalty of existing customers. 2. What tele-operators dominate in the mobile music business is the channel. 3. The new strategic resources which the tele-operators build in the mobile music business is highly related to those existed before. 4. What motivates tele-operators to outsource will affect their ways of new product development.


洪慧珊 Unknown Date (has links)
目前中國大陸金融市場伴隨著經濟體日趨成熟與影響力的情形之下,已逐漸開放,結構型理財產品多元化發展,使中國大陸的衍生性商品市場越趨活躍,相繼陸續開放承作各類型的金融商品,金融市場更加完備。不論是發行商或是投資人,皆應更深入了解結構型理財產品,才有助於中國大陸衍生性商品市場的拓展。 本文針對中國大陸金融市場上已發行的股票掛鈎型與利率掛鈎型的結構型理財產品進行個案評價與風險分析,第一個評價個案為「追蹤能源類股股權掛鈎結構型理財產品」,以封閉解作為評價基礎,並採用蒙地卡羅法模擬本商品的提前到期機率;第二個評價個案為「每日計息雙區間可贖回結構型理財產品」,採用BGM模型進行評價,並利用最小平方蒙地卡羅模擬法,考慮發行商提前贖回條款並計算每一期的配息;分別對兩個個案進行評價,針對評價結果分析發行商的利潤與避險策略,並給予投資人投資與避險的建議。


郭馥綺 Unknown Date (has links)
我國監理機關為強化保險公司之財務能力,有效監管保險公司之風險狀況,特於2003年7月9日,正式引進美國風險基礎資本額制度(Risk-Based Capital, RBC),作為監理保險公司清償能力之工具。RBC制度除了改善單一資本額規定的缺失外,亦反映了保險公司之經營風險,對於保險公司面臨風險所需資本有較妥適的規範。讓監理機關得以藉此工具發現體質較弱之保險公司,進而採取適當之行動。 本文檢視我國壽險公司在RBC制度前後,資本與風險間之關係。探討RBC制度實施後,對於我國壽險公司之資本比例、資產風險以及產品風險是否確實造成改變,能使壽險公司之資本提列與公司風險大小有一正向搭配,在保險公司面臨越高的風險狀態時,願意提列更多資本做為緩衝,以保障公司安全。藉此分析觀察RBC是否達到預期之功能,以作為我國監理機關實行RBC制度之參考。 本文使用聯立方程式部分調整模型,以二階段最小平方法進行檢測。實證結果發現,在RBC制度實施後,壽險公司之資本比例對資產風險以及產品風險具有顯著負向關係,顯示資本比例低者所承擔之風險較高,而資本比例高者風險較低。此外,公司規模以及公司型態對於壽險公司之資本與風險具有顯著影響力,外商壽險公司之資產風險較本土壽險公司為低。 / Risk-based capital (RBC) has been implemented as an important regulatory tool for the insurance industry in Taiwan since year 2003, which is used to strengthen the financial capability and to predict the probability of insolvency. It not only improves the shortcomings of single capitalization index but also reflects the business risks. Moreover, it lets the regulator be able to apply this tool to discover the insurance companies with weak financial management and take the suitable actions. This paper explores the changes on the capital ratio, asset risk and product risk in life insurance industry in Taiwan before and after the RBC regulation and verifies if the implementation of RBC had a positive effect on the relationship between capital and risks. To examine this issue, this study uses a simultaneous-equation partial-adjustment model with two-stage least squares method. The results suggest that the life insurers with lower capital ratio take higher asset risk and product risk, while life insurers with higher capital ratio take lower asset risk and product risk. For life insurers, company size and type also have an important impact on their capital and risks. The empirical finding shows that there is lower asset risk in the international insurers than domestic insurers.


黃昭勛 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內、外總體經濟環境的快速變遷,各個產業競爭態勢已由過去的區域性競爭轉變成全球性競爭,台灣的傳統產業正面臨前所未有的低價競爭考驗,尤其是面臨中國大陸密集的勞力、土地、資金等強大優勢下,各傳統產業的企業主不僅要在其專業技術上保持領先的地位,更應該尋求在經營策略上力求轉型升級與技術創新,以避免被後進廠商所取代,擺脫製造代工的微利困境,進而確保企業本身的競爭優勢。本研究希望透過個案研究的方式,找出外移西進的傳統產業在面臨轉型升級的過程中,可能遭遇到的困境與挑戰,並藉由研究個案公司的轉型歷程,探討外移西進的傳統產業在轉型升級的前後,在新產品開發流程、新樣式設計、生產製造技術等三個構面上企業運作方式的差異。最後藉由其經營績效的表現,來驗證轉型升級的決策所帶給企業的實質利益,最後提出對於外移西進的傳統產業在面臨轉型升級時實務決策上的具體建議,以作為其他面臨經營困境的傳統產業之參考依據。 / As the fast transition of the domestic and global economic environment, every industrial competition situation has changed from the regional competition to the global one and the traditional industries in Taiwan is facing a unprecedented challenge of the low-price competition. Especially, facing the strong advantage of the high-density labors, lands and capital in Mainland China, each traditional industry’s owner not only should keep the leading position in the specialized field technologies but also search for the workable industrial transition method and the technology innovation in the management strategy in order not to be replaced by the latecomer competitors. They also want to free themselves from the low margin and micro profits dilemma by OEM and furthermore, keep the competitive advantage of themselves. This research would like to find out the possible dilemma and challenges the traditional industries which has moved the production factories to China may encounter in the industrial transition process by case study method. Also, it covers the differences about the business operations before and after the industrial transistion of the traditional industries which has moved the production factories to China in the three phases of the new product development, the new style design and the new craft technology through studying the industrial transition process of the case company. It also proved that the desicion of the industrial transistion can bring the company the concrete profits by providing the result of the business performance. Lastly, it brings up the constructive suggestions for the traditional industries if they are facing the industrial transition and practicing decisions. Hope the research could be a helpful reference for any traditional industries which encounter the delimma when operating the business.

網路商店進行網路口碑管理之研究:以網路化妝品商店為例 / A Study on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Management of Online Stores: Online Cosmetic Stores

謝松齡, Hsieh, Sung Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在Web2.0的浪潮下,網路購物者越來越習慣主動搜尋商品資訊、發表產品心得。2007年資策會的調查顯示,有八成的網友在購物前會先上網瀏覽商品評鑑、七成以上的網友會受到部落格評價或評比影響購物意願。這證明了網路口碑深深影響消費者的購物行為,身為網路商店的經營者,不可不重視這股影響力。 對於網路化妝品商店來說,其所販售的產品屬於經驗性商品,消費者在無法透過實體商店進行試用的情況下,相當依賴網路口碑了解產品資訊與效果;此點從國內最大的口碑社群網站 「FashionGuide」與「UrCosme」皆以化妝品使用心得為討論主題即可窺知。並且,觀察到國內網路化妝品網站多半設計有「使用心得分享」的機制,顯示大部分的業者都認為在網路上放上使用者的心得,將對於產品銷售有所助益。 以上可知,網路口碑對於消費者的購買決策具有相當的影響力,並已逐漸被應用在網路商店的經營上。然而國內外針對網路口碑的研究多半偏重在消費者行為方面,從企業觀點看待網路口碑管理的相關研究非常少數。本研究試圖探索網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理之動機與作法,提供實務上與學術上的貢獻。 本研究的研究問題有四:1.網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理的動機為何?2.網路化妝品商店如何監視網路口碑? 3.網路化妝品商店如何回應網路口碑?4.網路化妝品商店如何促進網路口碑傳播? 透過深度訪談三家國內網路化妝品業者,並配合相關的次集資料蒐集與整理,本研究獲得以下主要結論:1.網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理的動機為獲知市場資訊與提升品牌認同感。2.網路化妝品商店利用美容討論網站與品牌網站監視網路口碑,根據細節內容界定其參考價值。3.網路化妝品商店會選擇性回應負面網路口碑;回應重點為情緒安撫、表示負責。4.網路化妝品商店藉由「心得分享」式顧客推薦方案、美容知識傳遞與促銷活動促進網路口碑傳播。5.網路化妝品商店所設計的網路口碑回應機制,有助於網路口碑監視與傳播促進。 在網路口碑管理理論方面,本研究的主要貢獻有三:1.彌補網路口碑回應與傳播促進的研究缺口。2.提供網路口碑管理研究者模型修定之考量。3.發現網路口碑與傳統行銷廣告的新關聯性。 / Entering Web 2.0, online shoppers are more used to search product information before purchasing and share their comments after shopping. The MIC survey indicates that over 70% of online shoppers will explore the comments of others before purchasing and be affected. This shows that electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has a great influence on customers’ purchasing decision and worthy watching. Cosmetic in online stores could not be trail before purchasing, which is contrary to its experice quality product characters and lead to the booming of cosmetic community sites. In addition, many of the online cosmetic websites include the function called “True Story” to encourage customers share their experiences after using products, which means online cosmetic stores already know the power of eWOM and start to apply it in business operation. Even the influence and application of eWOM are already been proven, there are only still little researches relate to eWOM management. This study built a systematic structure to find the motivation and process for eWOM management of online cosmetic stores, tried to identify the context of this vague but important issue. The study aims to investigate the following questions: 1. What are the motivations for online cosmetics stores to manage eWOM? 2. How do they monitor eWOM? 3. How do they respond to eWOM? 4. How do they disseminate eWOM? Through interviewed three online cosmetic stores in Taiwan and applied secondary data analysis, the preliminary research findings include: 1. The motivations to manage eWOM for online cosmetic stores are collecting market information and building brand trust. 2. Online cosmetic stores take advantage of cosmetic community sites and official websites to monitor eWOM, identify the importance of eWOM by the detail descriptions. 3. Online cosmetic stores will optionally respond to negative eWOM to pacify and show the sense of responsibility. 4. Online cosmetic stores apply customer referral program, beauty knowledge conveying and promotion activities to increase the positive eWOM. 5. The respond mechanisms in online cosmetic websites also contribute to monitor and dissemination of eWOM. The study also contributed to the eWOM management theory by: 1. Supplement to the lack of eWOM respond and dissemination mechanisms. 2. Provide new references for eWOM management model revising. 3. Found the new relationship between eWOM and traditional marketing communication tools.

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