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不當得利制度在國際私法中的問題研究 / Study on issues regarding unjust enrichment system in private international law楊春華 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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分析師推薦之實證研究:私有資訊及互蒙其利 / An Empirical Test on Analysts' Recommendations: Private Information and Mutual Benefit戴維芯, Tai, Vivian W. Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究透過迴歸分析探討不同投資人的交易利潤與推薦券商所獲得的經紀業務量的關係。在控制推薦類型、推薦評等與被推薦股票之股票特性後,發現投資人的交易利潤與推薦券商的經紀業務收益成正相關,再次顯示券商推薦與其各項業務收益間的關係。 / Traditionally, information value of analysts’ recommendations has been well-recognized by cumulative abnormal returns. Recent studies show that individuals are underperformed, and therefore, it is a critical issue on if analysts’ recommendations are helpful to individuals’ welfares. The first contribution of this dissertation to the literature is to examine whether individual investors are capable of capturing the information value. To classify the information value of recommendations for individuals and institutions, respectively, I, thus, use a direct measure to calculate the actual trading profits of types of traders. To our best knowledge, this is the first paper that demonstrates the information value for types of investors.
Our results indicate that, all investors get positive and significant profits in brokerages’ buy recommendations, no matter what types of investors are measured. As to sell recommendations, only foreign investors and mutual funds have positive returns. We also find that professional institutions earn more profits than retail investors during the recommendation event periods.
Further, the second objective of this dissertation is to test whether the information values are caused by private information from brokerages’ houses, we separate the profits of types of investors into customers and non-customers based. The findings are that only domestic institutional customers of recommending brokerages are more beneficial than those of non-recommending brokerages in buy recommendations, which implies that brokerage houses may reveal private information to their own institutional customers before buy recommendations make public. This does not hold for sell recommendations.
Third, we are interested in analyzing whether the private information that recommending brokerages provide to their own customers may, indeed, contribute to brokerages’ commission revenues. By comparing the trading volume of recommending brokerages and non-recommending brokerage for the covered stocks, we find that the volumes of covered stocks issued in the recommending brokerages are increased for buy recommendations. Particularly, we find that the main contribution of trading volume is from individuals.
Furthermore, we run regressions to study the relationship between trading profits of types of investors and trading volume of recommending brokerages. After controlling recommendation types, consensus rating of recommendations, and stock characteristics, our results indicate that trading profits of all types of investors are positively related to commission revenues of brokerages. This may justify the importance of brokerage recommendations on their business relationships.
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中共「三個代表」與統治合法性的變遷:意識型態再詮釋的政治經濟基礎 / The “Three Represents” and the Legitimacy Transition of The CCP:Political economic base re-interpreted by Ideology林祈昱 Unknown Date (has links)
1998年以後,經濟社會的變動更形劇烈,私營經濟負擔稅收、產值與就業的功能顯著提升,學界發表大量調研報告,加重了領導人的壓力,調整意識型態已經勢在必行。合法性基礎轉變以後,中共必需以政績尋求支持,並解決民眾需求。然而當「由下而上」的民意日趨重要時,勢必在未來衝擊「由上而下」的一黨專政體制。 / Marxism-Leninism theory claims that proletariat party will inevitability lead the people to arrive the paradise of communism. Such the “teleology” gives the legitimacy on as proletariat vanguard for Communist Party. Since 1978, the CCP revised ideology for many times to develop the economic reform. Ideology revised by CCP before 2000 was kept in the frame of socialism; the CCP positioned oneself as the class parties of workers and peasants. However the “Three Represents” allows capitalists to join the party, and turns the foundation to other social strata.
Why did the CCP propose the “Three Represents” in 2000? I think there are two factors: the economic structure and interactions between the senior level. The market-based reform causes the economical and social change; like the rapid development of private economy, the challenge in the advantage of public economy, and the red capitalist's number rises. Which changes make ideal and reality disconnect seriously. The leaders extend the market-based policy, and the experience of the Soviet Union collapse, make the CCP in the face of the change of economy and society, choose to adjust ideology in order to accord with the current demand.
After 1998, the violent change in the economic society appears even more violently, became that tax from private economy, the functions of the growth of output value, employment improve apparently, a large number of research reports were delivered by educational circles, has been imperative for the leader's to adjust ideology. After the transition of the legitimacy foundation, the CCP has to seek the support from the people by achievement in politics, and needs the demands of people. From top-to-bottom dictatorship system of one party will certainly be assaulted, when the “bottom-to-top” opinions of people become more important in the future.
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私募宣告之資訊內涵陸潤生 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現以股東大會日為宣告日之私募股權宣告具有資訊內涵,而且宣告效果提早反應。影響私募宣告後累積異常報酬之因素包括價格壓力、投資機會、發行價格及資訊不對稱程度。股票流動性高、股價波動程度低、具備投資機會、發行價格高或資訊不對稱程度高時,私募宣告後之累積平均異常報酬會較高。在事件日前,無投資機會組比具備投資機會組有較高之累積平均異常報酬;在事件日之後,具投資機會組比無投資機會組有較高之累積平均異常報酬。 / This study examines the information content of private placement announcement to unveil its impact on firm value, explores the factors affecting the effect of private placement announcement, and compares the market performance of firms with investment opportunities and those without investment opportunities.
The results indicate that the information content of private placement announcement exists with early information leakage. Firms with higher stock liquidity, lower stock price variation, more investment opportunity, higher subscribed price or higher degree of information asymmetry will have higher cumulative average abnormal returns after the announcement. The cumulative average abnormal returns of companies without investment opportunity are higher than those with investment opportunity before the announcement date.
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從證券法內線交易理論論我國內線交易行為主體之規範鄧依仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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全球化下我國緝毒工作之研究朱正聲, Chu, Jeng-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,全球化成為世界趨勢。全球化帶來經濟的繁榮與發展,但同時也便利了組織犯罪活動的擴張,升高了國際犯罪率,其中毒品走私即為最具代表性組織犯罪類型。毒品危害世界已有半世紀之久,儘管在國際組織及各國共同努力防制下,毒品問題卻仍持續升高,根據「聯合國毒品控制和犯罪預防辦公室」(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)2006年全球毒品報告指出,全球毒品濫用人數高達2億人,占世界15-64歲人口之5%。另據統計,國際間非法毒品走私日趨熱絡,其交易金額亦逐年上升,進入21世紀後全球毒品每年交易金額高達八千億至一兆美元,與全球武器交易金額相差無幾,顯見在全球化的趨勢下,毒品犯罪活動逐漸國際化、組織化、專業化、智慧化,並造成全球毒品泛濫的加遽。
合作、國際緝毒合作 / After the Cold War, globalization has become an international trend. Globalization brings economic prosperity and development. However, it also assists the expansion of organized crime and increases the international crime rate. Among all the different types of organized crime, drug smuggling is the most representative of this. Drugs have been a major problem in the world and have threatened society for more than half a century. Although international organizations and governments in different countries have worked together to prevent drug trafficking, the problem is still getting worse. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s report in 2006, up to 200 million people, which was about 5% of the world population aged between 15 and 64, abused drugs. According to a statistical data, the crime rate of illegal drug smuggling in the world has risen, and amount of drugs sold has increased year by year. In the 21st century, the total amount of drugs sold in the world is up to USD.800 billion to USD.1 trillion every year, which is not different than amount of the international trade of weapons. It is obvious that under the trend of globalization, drug trafficking has become more international, organized, professional and technical. In addition, the flooding of drugs internationally has become more and more serious.
In the age of globalization, the problem of drug crime in Asia is getting more and more serious. Among all the Asian countries, the related crime rate in China has increased most rapidly. In Taiwan, the crime rate also has increased. The problem has been getting worse in Taiwan since the 1990s. Heroin and methamphetamine were the most commonly abused drugs in the 1990s. In 1993, the Taiwan government declared a war against drug trafficking because of the high peak in the crime rate. Afterwards, the problem improved noticeably. However, after a decade of the anti-drug campaign, the problem got serious again. Recently, the appearance of newly synthetic drugs (such as MDMA, ketamine and FM2) has caused a great diversity of drugs to spring up and the result has been a corresponding increase in the complexity of related crimes. The flooding of drugs at a fast pace has already endangered the country and the society as a whole tremendously. Since 1996, Mainland China has become the main supplier of heroin to Taiwan. Owing to the trend of globalization, China has also become the main country producing, transporting and exporting drugs in the world. At present, dealings and contacts between Taiwan and China have become more frequent, and has led to some significant changes across the strait. Some of these changes include membership in the WTO, the development of trade links (the mini three links), and the development of tourism between Taiwan and China. These factors have made it easier for drug gangs to smuggle drugs back and forth between the two countries. This has made it more challenging for authorities in dealing with the rise in drug trafficking.
Respecting the fact that drug trafficking is getting more and more serious in Taiwan in recent years, the Taiwan Government announced in 2004 that from 2005 to 2008 would be the “Years to fight drugs nationally”. It also declared a war against drugs once again. Still, whether or not the current drug inspecting system, resources, and related laws in Taiwan can match against international drug smuggling trend is still questionable. Especially when it comes to the issues of drug smuggling between China and Taiwan, which is an important part of the drug problem in Taiwan, there is still no cooperative mechanism across the strait. Therefore, there is still no effective way to stop the crime rate from rising and to eradicate cross-border drug gangs. In lieu of this, how to improve the anti-drug mechanism is a serious issue. Some suggestions have been to combine different resources, and enhance skills of the drug enforcement units in Taiwan, as well as to promote international cooperation between Taiwan and China are necessary so that the drug trafficking problem can be solved and the supply of drugs from other countries can be stopped at the same time.
Key words: Globalization, drug smuggling, drug trafficking, drug gangs, synthetic drugs, drug enforcement, drug enforcement cooperation across the strait, international drug enforcement cooperation
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兩岸徵信業管理制度之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Cross-strait Credit Industry Management System陳建彰 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分五章,第一章緒論;第二章針對徵信起源、定義、特徵、功能、分類及相關概念作說明,並介紹近代中西方徵信演進發展之概況;第三章以徵信機構體制為方向,說明徵信機構的定義、角色、分類、監管及設立退出條件,並對公共徵信機構與私營徵信機構進行比較。接著介紹世界上主要國家徵信機構發展之過程,並以此為基礎,對我國與中國徵信機構體制進行比較;第四章先點出隱私權與徵信間的衝突後,再介紹隱私權的內涵、發展,最後由隱私權衍生出信息隱私權之概念,並進而對徵信業務規則進行討論並比較我國與中國對於信息隱私權保護的差異性;第五章,總結兩岸徵信業之差異,期以之能作為兩岸共建聯合信息平台之基礎,並對兩岸信息共享提供未來發展方向之建議。 / Taiwan has signed "Financial Regulatory Cooperation" and "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with China in the early years, which marks that the cross-strait economics, trade exchanges and financial cooperation has been in the orbit, which opens up a new era of cross-strait economics and trade relations. Since the "cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement" ECFA was signed, economic ties and financial cooperation are more closely. Substantial growth in cross-strait financial institutions, commercial enterprise type, and credit management will present cross-regional, multi-level and diversified trend. At this time, credit management between Taiwan and China can be as a basis to highlight the growing of more frequent exchanges and Cross-Strait economic cooperation. The establishment of Unicom credit information exchange platform between Taiwan and China will help create a good financial credit environment .For the goal, realization of the credit industry management system difference between Taiwan and China is a must.
The paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is an introduction; the second chapter introduces credit origin, definition, features, functions, classification and related concepts, and makes an overview of the evolution and development of modern Western and Eastern countries; the third chapter discusses credit institution, indicating that the definition of credit institutions, the role of classification, the establishment of entrance and exit conditions, and the comparison between public credit institutions and private credit bureaus . Then, the paper introduces the world's major national development process of the credit bureaus, and on this basis, compare credit institution between Taiwan and China; the fourth chapter points out the conflict between privacy and credit, and then introduces privacy connotation, development, and finally privacy of information is derived from the concept of privacy. Then discuss the rules for the credit industry. Finally, make a comparison of Taiwan and China Information Privacy differences; the fifth chapter summarizes the differences between the two sides of the credit industry, in order that it can build a basis for cross-strait joint platform of credit information, sharing of credit information of Taiwan and China. Finally, the paper provides the future direction of the sharing of credit information between Taiwan and China.
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我國性交易管制政策之研究-以臺北市警察取締為例 / The research of the Sex-Trade Regulation Police-A case study of law enforcement of Taipei City Police Department林俊燁 Unknown Date (has links)
從事性交易之性工作者,大多數為面臨龐大經濟壓力的弱勢婦女,法令的禁止只會迫使她們淪為制度性剝削的受害者。我國政府針對性交易行為,應擬定適宜的管制政策,以有效的管理政策替代執法取締,如此一來,才能體現我國憲法保障人權之基本精神。 / Our regulations on sexual trade is based on Social Order Maintenance Act (abbreviated to SOMA), which adopts the principle of what in main provisions are prohibited yet the exceptional causes are permitted. Regarding the Constitution of R.O.C on citizen rights , such as work, sexual autonomy, and privacy, however, such ideas above are all referred to whether the permission of sexual trade is OK or NOT. We will look into some regulations of sexual trade, via bits of Grand justice interpretations, to determine if SOMA would be appropriate now days and if it would defy the principle of proportionality and human rights, from the aspect of the Constitution that ought to secure Human rights.
Besides collecting related materials, we will further explain the No.666 Grand justice interpretation by combining some scholars’ researches and opinions and some Concurring opinions, and that would be demonstrated on Chapter 2. Secondly, we’ll analyze whether the legalization of sexual trade would be against the social convention, or whether the definition of public order and good morals is permanent. On chapter 3, we’ll establish the main structure and distinguish those who necessarily receive our interview in line up with the cause, problems and ethics of researching. On Chapter 4, we’ll interview the police officers and sexual traders in person to absorb their opinions on by-then regulations, clampdown, human rights of sexual trade and their recommendations. In the final part of the essay, in addition to proposing our discoveries, we will put forward our suggestions on the revision of by-then sexual trade regulations and evaluate the possibilities of validation of sexual trade.
Those who feed on sexual trade mostly are afflicted from enormous economic pressure and the ban on sexual trade of regulations make them institutionally deprived. In order to exert the spirit of the Constitution that ought to secure human rights, we advise the government need to enact appropriate laws and rules focusing on sexual trade behavior to effectively replace the clampdown.
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外商私募股權基金在中國大陸的法律環境 / China Laws on Foreign Private Equity Funds林宇聲 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討中國大陸對外商私募股權基金相關法規的發展現狀、投資障礙與內外資衝突等議題。除對如何完善立法略盡棉薄之力外,並希冀能提供台灣投資者於前進中國大陸時有所參考。 / In the legal environment of China, the foreign private equity fund is a relatively new issue, it involves two areas of "foreign investment" and "private equity investment” simultaneously. Therefore, with respect to the foreign private equity fund, it is subject to transmutation of foreign laws and subsequently the second transmutation under the dual system of laws in China.
The foreign private equity funds refer to the private equity funds injected by foreign investors or managed by foreign investors. Therefore, its market attribute to the "foreign direct investment", "international financial service."
Although China has adopted a series of laws to regulate foreign enterprises, there is not one foreign investment code as centralized and unified regulation. Thus, there exists a certain degree of dispersion, overlap, conflict problems among them. Along with the duel system of legislation adopted for foreign enterprises and domestic investments, there are often discrepancies or deficiencies between the legal requirements, although they have been innovated. This resulted in several operational problems: foreign exchange controls, investment treatments, duel system, arbitrary policies of local governments, conflict in practices (investment agreement, limited partnership), and the lack of preference shares.
Financial laws are established in response to the market economy, but the economic market changes every year. Since the foreign private equity funds are the production of the market economy, they cannot be restricted only by the administrative power, and they don’t need partial polices to pull up. They only require creating an equal legal environment to make the market operate under its own mechanism.
This paper discovers the issues with respect to the current development status of related regulations on the foreign private equity funds, foreign investment barriers and conflicts between domestic and foreign investment in China. In addition to make a little contribution to improve the legislation, it’s also expected to provide reference to Taiwan investors for developing business in China.
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反販賣人口行徑在拉丁美洲: 私營和公共伙伴關系瓜地馬拉 / Anti-Human Trafficking practices in Latin America: Private-Public Partnership in Guatemala卡如絲, Calderon, Ruth Unknown Date (has links)
人口販運是一個已經全球化大大增加了全球性的問題,非法貿易的興起,以及冷戰的結束. 販毒後. 販賣人口是脖子到脖子軍火工業作為世界上第二大犯罪行業. 其目的是研究拉丁美洲的人口販賣情況和瓜地馬拉的公私營界別合作推行的反人口販賣活動. 由於在該區域的有限調查, 這項研究將是讀者不知道在拉丁美洲人口販賣的情況作出了貢獻。這項研究將使用輔助數據,如多邊組織的報告,政府機構,而且最重要的進行了訪談,以非政府組織。PPP的工作經歷在瓜地馬拉的兩個信道是積極的。政府機構間和打擊販賣人口的政府機構,非政府組織,政府間組織和非政府組織組成的網絡。這項研究描述了從政府方面所做的努力,以及在打擊人口販運瓜地馬拉非政府組織的知識和專長。 / Human Trafficking is a global issue increased dramatically with globalization, the rise of illicit trade, and the end of the Cold War. After drug trafficking, human trafficking is neck-to-neck with the arms industry as the second largest criminal industry in the world. The purpose is to study Latin America’s human trafficking situation and Guatemala’s Private-Public Partnership in implementing anti-human trafficking activities. Due to the limited investigations in the region, this study will be a contribution to readers that do not know the situation of human trafficking in Latin America. The study will use secondary data such as reports from multilateral organizations, government institutions, and most importantly conducted interviews to NGOs. The PPP work has been positive through two channels of communication in Guatemala. The interagency of government institutions and the network against human trafficking composed of the government institutions, INGOs, IGOs and NGOs. This study describes the efforts from the government side as well as the knowledge and expertise on NGOs in combating human trafficking in Guatemala.
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