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1992至1997年俄羅斯轉型期間所得不均之研究 / A Study on Income Inequality of Russia during Transition: 1992-1997王光絜 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:俄羅斯、所得不均、私有化、自由化、穩定化、社會救助政策 / Economic efficiency and equity have always been one of the most controversial issues in the economics. Russia began the transformation from a planned economy to a market economy since 1992, and during the process of transformation, the primary objective of the Russian government was to enhance economic efficiency, by contrast, the economic equity was less emphasized. Therefore, the inequality of income distribution had become more and more serious. At the end, it led to the polarization of income distribution.
In this study, literature review, comparative analysis and statistical data analysis methods will be used to explore how Russian transformation policies had resulted in the aggravation of income inequality between 1992 and 1997.
First of all, in order to clarify the income inequality in Russia, some income inequality indexes of Russia before and after the transformation will be compared, and by the comparison with other mid-income and transformation countries in the same era, we can identify the aggravation of income distribution after the transformation.
Secondly, how Russian transformation policies had influenced income distribution will be analyzed from four aspects: privatization policy, liberalization policy, stabilization policy, and social assistance policies.
Finally, author interpret that although Russia has moved towards a market economy and become one of the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries in recent years, its brilliant economic performance with Putin’s social assistance policies have not yet improved the situation. Therefore, author suggests that the further research on Russian income distribution after 1998 is better to focus on market factors and related economic policies.
Keyword: Russia, Income Inequality, Privatization, Liberalization, Stabilization, Social Assistance Policy
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台灣金融產業融資購併之個案分析林建平, Lin, Chien Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文就融資購併理論架構說明起,以當前台灣金融政策與購併環境現況分析,這包括實際已發生的金融購併案件及金融購併法規探討,它突顯出台灣在金融合併處理上是保守的。 / / The M&A of Taishin Holdings Cooperation (THC) and Chang Hwa Bank (CHB) could be regarded as the first M&A (Merge and Acquisition) by LBO ( Leverage Buy-out) in Taiwan. This study, by analyzing this case, discusses the purpose, the funding source of THC and the issues after shares-exchange, which indicates the feasible methods for the release of the state holdings and the combination of the financial institutes in the future.
The beginning of this study discusses the theory and the structure of LBO to analyze the financial policy and M&A environment in Taiwan at present, including practical M&A cases and legal problems etc., which reveals not very aggressive. /
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論有價證券處分行為之準據法伍偉華 Unknown Date (has links)
法律衝突係國際私法之主要研究對象,凡涉外法律關係所應適用之法律,必與兩個以上之國家法律發生牽連,究應適用何國法律以為解決,此乃國際私法所欲研究之課題,因此,尋求妥適之準據法,應為國際私法學研究重心之一。而不同之法律關係,例如:結婚之方式、夫妻財產、監護、遺囑、侵權行為、契約等等,在尋求連結因素(Connecting Factors, Points of Contact)之際,均有其各自考量,或與主體(Subject)有關,或與客體(Object)有關,或與行為(Action)有關,或與當事人之意思有關。
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社會行銷在公部門的應用與限制: 以不燒紙錢宣導政策為例楊智家 Unknown Date (has links)
「社會行銷」概念與技術於1971年由學者Kotler & Zaltman提出,為首次行銷概念技術擴大應用至非營利部門在社會公益上的研究。行銷學者Kotler認為,社會行銷可擴大應用至社會各領域的公益推廣,包含公部門。由是,本研究基於擴大化應用的精神,以我國環保機關推動之「不燒紙錢宣導政策」為個案,探究行銷概念擴大化後,公部門在行銷理論基礎上,即交換理論在公私部門差異上導致社會行銷分析公部門個案時產生哪些差異?以及社會行銷擴大應用至公部門,在理論基礎上有哪些問題?同時以社會行銷概念及技術對個案進行分析。
(二)「不燒紙錢宣導政策」的推動,雖滿足公共利益的需求,但執行過程中直接法源不明確、推動組織鬆散、忽略利害關係人權益為實務需加強之處。 / The very concept of “Social Marketing”, first introduced by Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman, is used to apply marketing techniques to the area of nonprofit organizations to promote public interest. In Kotler’s mind, marketing techniques can be applied to both public and private sectors. However, whether this application adequate is needed to be answered. In this thesis, author uses a case named “campaigning the policy against burning golden papers in worship” implemented by the R.O.C government as an example to examine the adequacy of the “Exchange Theory” behind the concept of social marketing to understand marketing cases in the public sector. In order to find the conceptual problems through case study, author first adopts the eight stages of social marketing to describe the case throughout. Then, author design several interview problems to ask various actors who related to the case. Finally, author combines theoretical arguments, case details, and qualitative data from in-depth interview to analyze the adequacy of applying exchange theory in public sector through social marketing.
Several findings are presented as follows. First, many differences were found in all the eight stage of social marketing. These differences illustrate many possible inadequacies of applying marketing techniques, supported by exchange theory, to public sector. Second, based on the above differences founded, the intention of broadening the concept of marketing to non-profit organizations should take them into considerations. Especially, the strategic marketing scheme, such as 4Ps, should be reevaluated according to the findings. Thirdly, practically speaking, there are supporting factors to make a marketing campaign successful in public sector: ambiguities in regulation, lack of solid implementation organization, and the missing of stakeholders opinion collection and interest-protection activities in the process.
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臺北縣市公私立高中職學校行銷策略實施現況之研究林榮洲 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
關鍵字:臺北縣市公私立高中職、學校行銷策略 / Abstract
With the intent to research the status quo of the marketing strategy for the public and private senior high and vocational senior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County, this study is initiated into a profile of the development of the senior highs in Taipei, which explores the effect of the development of regions and populations on that of senior highs, moreover, probing into the managing difficulties resulted from decreased births and the liberalized educational market. By using poll-taking method, which employs the statistical analysis of percentage, frequency distribution, average, standard deviation, t-test and single-factor-coefficient of variation。 This survey quests for senior high schools’ optimal marketing strategies, the first-priority marketing target, major effect of school marketing, varied practical adaptation in marketing based on different factors of school background, hence, a reasonable guideline emerges for schools to constitute their most adapted marketing strategies that facilitate their sustainable management.
The principal conclusions extracted from this research are as follows:
1. As far as school marketing is concerned, the following are currently being widely regarded as best approaches among the senior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County:
A. Setting up a school marketing section or PR section with a section chief concurrently assumed by vice-principal or secretary of the principal.
B. Instituting a trans-departmental marketing section with a concurrent chief directly assigned by the principal from one of the section chiefs of the faculty.
C. Being under the charge of the principal’s own fair hand.
2. Among the senior high schools in Taipei, the prevailing marketing strategies are highly universal, among which the “product strategy” and “pricing strategy” are especially emphasized, while “marketing channels,” “sales force strategy” and “promotion strategy” are ranked in lower priority.
3. In both Taipei City and Taipei County, with regard to the cognition, promotion and execution of school marketing, private senior high schools perceive more difficulty than public ones, hence, vocational schools appreciate stronger sense of crisis, revealing the crucial pressure on the survival of the private vocational senior highs.
Key Words: The public and private senior high schools and vocational high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County, School Marketing Strategy
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論美國黑水公司在伊拉克佔領區所涉及之國際法問題金審理 Unknown Date (has links)
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中國式家族工廠經營模式之研究-以廈門金日傘業有限公司為例謝宜靜 Unknown Date (has links)
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農地集團化利用治理結構之比較分析 / A Comparative Study on the Governance Structure of Integrated Farmland Use歐陽楡 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自第一階段農地改革後,逐漸有為降低生產成本與提高農民收入之大規模策略出現。本研究定義出台灣歷經包括農業生產專業區、農地利用綜合規劃之共同經營班與其後之產銷班、稻米產銷專業區與農業經營專區等四種大規模策略之農地集團化利用階段,是在公共秩序之法規命令,與集團成員契約簽訂所建立之私人秩序下而得以成立運作,符合混合式治理的特徵;而此治理理念的應用,可以新制度經濟學中微觀的角度,對組成各階段公共秩序和私人秩序的規則和執行機制,進行治理結構之比較分析。此係分別展現公共秩序與私人秩序規則中,誘因和安全措施是如何的賦予,與集團運作時是藉由第三者執行或自我執行之執行機制,以分析各農地集團化利用階段所採行的混合式治理,其治理結構如何具有階層與市場屬性程度的差異,進而探討所呈現的變遷趨勢,供政府對農地集團化利用輔導之策略擬定,與營運主體設計契約化私人秩序時之參考。研究發現在市場越來越競爭之下,台灣各農地集團化利用階段之治理結構,不僅於規則中誘因的提供與安全措施的設置朝向由私人秩序賦予,更從集團之規劃召集、與集團成員行動的裁決等,都趨向依私人秩序訂定條款,由集團成員自我執行。故政府對農業經營的混合治理,在逐漸有由營運主體自發地根據公共秩序組織集團,擬定私人秩序自我執行運作的趨勢下,建議可增強公共秩序需對私人秩序治理結構之支持,並於公共秩序執行排除考量給予改善之機會,讓農地集團化利用更具競爭力與建立永續發展的空間。 / In Taiwan, after the first farmland reform, an integrated strategy has been adopted to pursue lower production cost and higher agricultural profit. This study defines four stages of integrated farmland use in Taiwan, i.e. Agricultural Production Special District, Agriculture Production Section and Production Group, Rice Production Special District, and Special Agriculture Enterprise District. Those stages of integrated farmland use have characteristics of hybrid governance which are established under laws i.e. public ordering and contracts among members of groups i.e. private ordering. The idea of hybrid governance, derived from the New Institutional Economics, is a micro-analytic point of view and can be employed to conduct a comparative study on governance structures. The governance structures, namely the rules and the enforcement mechanism in the public and private ordering of every stage, are analyzed and compared. How incentives and security measures are adopted in the rules and whether third party enforcement or self-enforcement is used in the enforcement mechanism of the public and private ordering are provided. After the analysis of hybrid governance structures, differences on their hierarchy and market orientation will be revealed. In Taiwan the governance structures of integrated farmland use has a tendency of market orientation and private ordering. The result can be considered by the government in deciding the policies for integrated farmland use, and can help the operating group to formulate private contracts for their own private ordering.
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財富管理於人壽保險產業之效益評估范千惠 Unknown Date (has links)
同時亦探討現行保險監理機關監管財富管理必須重視的議題,如何明確定義人壽保險業者經營財務富管理業務檢查要點,修正財富管理業務需有獨立權責部門規定及開放投資型商品設計及管理費議題。本文同時評估現行人身保險業者經營財富管理業務之效益評估,並作為監理機關監管財富管理業務時參考。 / The “Wealth Management” service was created by private bank. It is designed to serve the customers with high net worth. In order to improve the financial environment to be well managed and to be wealthy developed, the Financial Supervisory Commission Committee announced the terms of “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Banks” in February 2005, “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Securities” in July 2005. The “The Rules for Life Insurance Companies Hosting Wealth Management Business” had been permitted to be announced in January 2006. It defined the business scope for life insurance companies to promote the wealth management business. The purpose of the wealthy management service sold by life insurance companies is targeted to serve the life insurance customers with high net worth. Through the life insurance sales, the life insurance companies can offer the capital allocation, financial planning based on customers’ request. For the criteria of “High Net worth” customers, it can be defined by each life insurance company.
Due to the average age of population is becoming higher, wealth is becoming to be concentrated, economic environment situation is changing intensively, the financial holding companies integrated the resources, the rules of financial supervision is becoming completed, such kinds of change offer the opportunity for life insurance companies to extend their business scope to the territory of the consultant service for financial planning and wealth management. Such kind of change creates some administration and management issues. So the purpose of this study is to survey the current situations of wealth management business of life insurance to try to find the suggestions for the below topics.
1.Empower the risk management for wealth management business: How to empower the risk identification capability to propose the effective rules and policies for risk management.
2.Improve the internal audit mechanism to be more effective: How to establish or improve the internal audit mechanism without affect the business and company operation.
3.Learn more about the customers and solid executing the risk notification to customers: How to establish an effective SOP for realizing the customers’ exact requirement, approaching the customers and getting the customers’ trust.
4.Enhance the sales education training to enhance the service quality and empower the business competition ability: By integrating the IT resources and business management to establish an organized/effective sales education training package for improving the sales knowledge and business domain know how.
5.The enhancement for life insurance product creativity and clear marketing positioning ability/core competence for wealth management business: Taking the advantage of the existing sales network, combining the creative product, service and channel profile to establish the specialty and core competence.
Meanwhile, this study tries to highlight some key issues like “the important topics shall be focused by the insurance supervision institute”, “the definition of the check points for the wealth management business of life insurance companies”, “how to revised the relative rules to request the wealth management business must be performed by the independent department”, “release the permission for the designation of Investment-oriented merchandise and management fee”. This study also makes the performance evaluation for the wealth management business of life insurance companies. It would be the valuable reference data for the relative supervision institute of government.
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證券暨期貨市場與相關單位整併之研究-以利益衝突為中心 / The interest conflicts of integration of Taiwan security and future markets李嘉沂 Unknown Date (has links)
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