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勞動領域勞工隱私權之研究—以求職階段為中心 /

姚妤嬙 Unknown Date (has links)
在勞工進入職場工作前之面試階段,雇主為了解求職者個人背景,以判斷前來應徵者是否為企業所需之人力,而有向求職者詢問、要求填寫資料表或問卷甚至是企業照會的行為;在勞動關係中,雇主為確保受僱勞工是否依約履行勞務,則會有監視其員工工作情形之行為。上述雇主之行為應受憲法上關於營業自由以及財產權之保護。然依據司法院大法官所作出之多號解釋,隱私權在我國亦為憲法所保障之基本權利,而勞工作為權利主體,不論其係身處於求職或在職階段,亦應當享有隱私權之保護。是以雇主縱使是為了維護其營業自由與財產權,但所為之詢問與監督行為應仍受一定界線之限制,否則將構成勞工之隱私權,從而雇主之行為於何等範圍內始不至於過當該基本權衝突問題應如何處理便是核心關鍵。   為衡平會員國間關於資料保護水準之落差,歐盟理事會通過了個人資料處理及自由流通保護指令,依該指令所成立之資料保護小組針對就業領域雇主處理受僱人資料之問題提出意見書,強調雇主於行為時應注意終局性原則、透明性原則、合法性原則、比例原則、正確性原則、安全性原則以及專責人員專業意識原則,此外針對僱傭關係中當事人同意之問題,亦表示應作為最後手段。   德國近期於2009年所修正之聯邦個人資料保護法,於第32條增列針對僱傭關係中蒐集受僱人資料之專責規範。依其規定,雇主僅於受僱人之資料係成立、履行或終結僱傭關係該目的所必要者始得為蒐集、處理或利用之行為。且對於在僱傭關係中基於犯罪嫌疑之揭露所為之資料蒐集行為訂有嚴格之要件限制。實務上亦有豐富且詳細之判決在處理關於受僱人資料蒐集的問題。   觀察歐盟指令、德國聯邦個人資料保護法以及國內與勞工資料蒐集有關之法規範,本文認為在僱傭關係中倘雇主欲為勞工個人資料之蒐集、處理或利用,應符合以下要件:(1)基於僱傭關係成立、履行或終結之目的所必要,(2)符合個人資料保護法之法定事由,(3)踐行告知義務並且(4)注意誠信原則、比例原則與不當連結禁止原則等等的上位基本原則。而在針對求職階段之實際個案操作上,具體而言應考量以下之判斷標準:1.勞動關係之特殊性。2.雇主須是基於挑選得勝任應聘職務優秀人才之正當目的。3.詢問之事項須與應聘職務有核心、重要之關聯。4.於雇主本身具有特殊性時,得詢問與該特殊性有關之事項。5.倘求職者於締約前已知悉其所具備之情狀將對於契約之履行產生重大障礙,縱使雇主未為相關之詢問,求職勞工仍應負有主動告知義務。透過上述要件及判准之檢驗,應得為雇主之合法權限劃出適當之範圍,從而落實勞工隱私權之保護。

正式契約與關係治理的替代與互補--長期照顧居家服務委託關係之研究 / Relationship between Contracting Out and Public Private Partnerships as substitutes or complements in contracting management:an empirical examination of Long-Term Care Service System in Taiwan

王千文, Wang, Chian Wen Unknown Date (has links)
【研究動機與目的】「公私協力」已成為當代政府運作與學術研究風潮,然協力研究實際上忽略一重要議題,即公私部門管理者對於協力究竟抱持著什麼樣的態度。由於態度會決定人的行為模式,對於在制度與組織層面提出各項能左右協力成效的要件,但也不能忽略運用這些遊戲規則的卻是代表組織的公私部門管理者。再者,對於公私協力的研究多採單一經濟途徑,較缺乏整全跨學科領域的實證模型。基於上述,本研究主要分從公私部門管理者角度,建構融合經濟與社會-心理的理論途徑,探究公私部門管理者在契約管理上的態度意向「為何」與「如何」對協力行為產生影響(正式契約與關係治理)。並以目前公私協力中最具爭議且重要的長期照顧制度做為研究個案。 【研究設計】本研究主要研究目的有二,其一,探討現階段長期照顧制度中,公私部門管理者對於委託代理的預期、協調運作機制以及對於績效的看法。這個部份將透過質化訪談方式進行資料蒐集;其二,藉由結構方程模式循證公私部門管理者對於委託代理的態度,及此態度如何影響管理者的契約管理行為(正式契約與關係治理),及此行為如何影響協力成效。而本研究實證模型將整合經濟與社會心理途徑,希冀涵容跨學科及實務現象。 【研究結果】本研究主要貢獻在於以公私部門管理者為分析單位,建構融合經濟與社會途徑的公私協力成效模式。同時以質量化方式驗證協力成效理論模式與實務間的契合度。主要研究發現如下:1、官僚體制在面對行政變革時會產生心態與行為上的不一致性;2、公部門希冀透過正式契約作為契約運作機制;然私部門則較偏向於關係治理機制;3、影響契約研擬因素中以社會心理因素較重要於經濟因素的影響;4、從質量化資料驗證正式契約與關係治理是互補關係而非抵換關係;5、居家服務委外呈現公私部門雙方的資源互賴,在互動中也透過社會交換行為以維繫互賴關係的穩定。針對以上發現,在未來實務建議上,可透過組際信任的培植,來厚植公私協力的理想治理情境;建議將長期照顧管理中心定位為正式機關而非臨時的任務編組;透過組織文化的潛移默化調整官僚體對於去人性化的本質,而從重視正式契約轉向關係治理的培植;為求關係治理機制的培育與應用,契約規範應跳脫交易成本的假定。在未來研究上,建議以時間遞移為主軸,縱貫式解構協力的動態過程;官僚體制中的組織文化,對於協力本質與行為的影響將是值得深入討論的議題。

私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationship among the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools

蔡玲玲, Tsay, Lin Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構並驗證私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之模式,並比較不同教師背景變項及學校背景變項的差異,依據研究所得結論,分別對教育主管行政機關、私立高中職董事會、私立高中職學校及後續研究者提出建議,以做為推展校長分布式領導,促進學校組織健康,及提升學校效能之參考。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸、結構方程模式等統計方法,探討私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之關係及模式驗證。經由文獻的蒐集與探討,提出本研究的研究架構和路徑關係模式圖。研究對象為北北基私立高中職學校600位教師;研究工具為研究者自編之私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能關係之調查問卷。 透過統計分析與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、私立高中職學校教師覺知校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之現況屬中高程度。 二、私立高中職學校部分教師在人員背景變項與學校背景變項對校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能的覺知具有顯著差異。 三、私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能三者間具有正向關聯性。 四、私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康對學校效能均具有正向預測力。 五、本研究所建構之私立高中職學校校長分布式領導、學校組織健康與學校效能之結構方程模式具有良好適配度。 / The study aims to construct and examine the model of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools, and compare differences in variances of teachers’ background and schools’ background. The outcomes and suggestions provide substantial references for educational authorities and administrations, the board of directors in private senior and vocational high schools, private senior and vocational high schools, and future researchers to promote principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. This study adopted questionnaire survey and statistical methods such as one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlations Coefficient, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to explore the association and model of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness in private senior and vocational high schools. The framework of research and the path analysis module diagram were constructed on the basis of literature reviews. The subjects of the study included 600 teachers teaching in private senior and vocational high schools in Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung. The research tool of survey questionnaire was created by the researcher, containing constructs of distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. Based on data analysis and discussions, the conclusions are as follows: 1. Participating teachers perceived that the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness presented a middle to high level. 2. For some participating teachers, there are significant differences between the two variables of teachers’ background and schools’ background on the perceived principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. 3. There is a positive correlation between the variables of principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness. 4. Both principals’ distributed leadership and school health show a positive prediction power to school effectiveness. 5. The SEM constructed for the principals’ distributed leadership, school health, and school effectiveness showed a goodness of fit.

公開資訊與私人資訊對預測市場準確度的貢獻分析:以「兩岸相關協議」為個案分析 / The Contributions of Public Information and Private Information to the Prediction Markets: The Case of "Cross-Straits-Related Agreements"

林子揚, LIN,TZU YANG Unknown Date (has links)
所謂「預測」,是建立在對特定事物認識的基礎上所做出的預估,而預測的準確與否關鍵即在於預測者對資訊的掌握程度。長久以來,由於未來一直是人類亟欲征服與掌握的目標,因此預測也成為一普遍存在的行徑。有別傳統預測方法的諸多限制,「預測市場」藉由網路參與者主動參與價格為訊息加總等特色,可以更全面的涵蓋不同來源的資訊並進一步轉換為一個量化的指標,以達到更準確的預測。本研究藉由「未來事件交易所」中兩岸相關協議的個案分析,發現市場在預測的過程當中,價格除了藉由公開資訊的反映出來以外,其中亦包含了大量私人資訊的反映,兩者反映所有資訊次數的比例大致維持著4:6的關係,而這結果也代表了在兩岸議題當中資訊並未大幅被揭露,欲準確預測事件的結果仍須多方仰賴私人資訊的貢獻。此外,根據個案分析的結果,本研究也發現兩岸協議確實適用於兩岸議題的應用。 / Prediction is an anticipation based on specific events. The key point of correct prediction depends on the level controlled by predictors. For a long time, future has been a target for human to control and overcome. Thus, prediction becomes a way to explore future events. “Prediction markets” is different from traditional way. It gets rid of many restrictions. It transfers all diverse information from participators into a quantification index to predict more correctly. This research analyzed by Cross-Strait Agreements on Xfuture.com finds that market price is reflected by not only public information but also private information. The ratio of public information to private information is 4 to 6. The result indicates that information is not disclosed completely in Cross-Strait Agreements. By solving this problem, we should use private information to predict more precisely. Furthermore, Cross-Strait Agreements certainly applies to Cross-Strait Affairs according to this paper.

控制權溢價之研究—從凱雷收購東森媒體科技一案出發 / Discussion on control premium – the carlyle group cash-out the Eastern Media international corporation case report

陳盈良 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國內之併購事件隨世界之潮流日趨普遍,然於併購交易中常伴隨著控制權之交易,而我國法規對於控制權和控制股東之定義未明,因而常有不同之解釋空間而有諸多疑問,更遑論進一步討論控制股東之責任或義務。因此,於西元2006年所發生之凱雷收購東森媒體科技一案,論者雖多側重討論所謂「控制權溢價」是否應由全體股東均享,或得由控制股東獨享之議題,然本案實則牽涉議題甚廣,包括控制股東或經營階層的受託義務、公平價格之決定與少數股東之保護等相關問題。 本文認為,控制權之交易在追求效率極大化之同時,仍須於法律追求公平正義下之框架中進行,凱雷收購東森媒體科技案探討的「控制權溢價」存在與否,應僅為評估公平價格的其中一個考量因素。此外,控制權溢價實為一模糊之概念,從經濟學或法律學之角度觀察,其定義與計算方式或有不同,將會有不同的邏輯結果發生。因此,本文將以「控制權溢價」之概念為主軸,貫穿各章節探討控制權交易各層面之問題,並以歐盟與美國德拉瓦州之控制權交易的概念相互比較之,兩者對控制權交易所持立場之不同,因而有不同之法規建構。如歐盟採行之強制公開收購原則,雖直接防堵控制股東利用控制權不當攫取私利,然卻增加了收購成本,從而有礙有效率之控制權交易的進行;反觀美國德拉瓦州,雖允許控制權私利之存在,但亦強調交易程序之公平性,並以各種事前與事後機制,衡平控制股東與少數股東之權益。 本文認為,美國德拉瓦州關於控制權溢價之相關法規範設計較為可採,意即在控制權交易中,應肯認控制權私利的存在以及控制權溢價應可由控制股東獨享之原則,但必須同時強調控制股東之資訊揭露義務以及受託義務之履踐,以確保公平正義之結果。觀察美國法於控制權交易透過法院於具體個案中之細緻處理,我國法規範以及司法實務在相關議題上之論述則似有不足。本文期透過凱雷收購東森媒體科技一案為例,以控制權溢價與控制股東以及小股東之權益衡平為核心,分析美國法院判決及學說理論,並提出本文建議,以作為我國司法實務之基礎。

尋找閱聽人—網際網路閱聽人調查方法及其相關問題之探討 / Looking For Audiences:Inquiry into the Internet Audiences Research Methods and Related Questions

高玉芳, Kao, Yu-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代背景的轉變與傳播科技的進步,閱聽人調查研究發展出各種的質化與量化的調查方法,以因應不同研究的需求。 根據許多的研究報告顯示:網路使用人口的持續增加,電子商務與網路廣告大幅成長,網際網路已經成為另一個重要的傳播管道與行銷通路。有鑑於網路兼具媒體,行銷與線上交易的功能,網路閱聽人的角色相形重要。究竟目前在網際網路上如何調查閱聽人?閱聽人的資料如何被使用?會不會侵犯個人隱私權?由於網際網路無遠弗屆與匿名的特質,使得網路閱聽人的身份錯綜複雜難以辨認。但是,這個新媒體的出現,也使得閱聽人的調查又多了一些新的辨識方法。 有關網際網路閱聽人調查方法的文獻不多,因此,本研究採取文獻分析並與業界進行深度訪談,包括內容、入口網站、網站行銷公司、測量軟體公司、學者專家以及台灣四家市調公司相關人員等,將目前網際網路閱聽人的調查方法分別就各種方法的適用性與優缺點逐一分析;經由文獻蒐集與深度訪談,調查國內目前四家網路市調公司的現況,瞭解各家網際網路調查所使用的方法;並針對際網際網路調查方法目前所遇到的爭議點與相關問題,包括網路隱私權的問題、廣告流量計算的爭議、現階段是否該進行流量稽核、日誌檔分析與第三者調查的差異等問題提出探討,最後並提出美國FAST對產業界的調查方法與稽核改良的建議。 研究結果發現:網際網路閱聽人調查方法有(1)頻寬流量的調查(2)網站日誌檔的分析(3)網路廣告效果的調查(4)第三者的固定樣本調查(5)電腦問卷調查(6)ISP用戶數統計調查方法等六種。其中網站日誌檔的分析屬於媒體端的調查;網路廣告效果的調查屬於廣告端的調查;第三者的固定樣本調查屬於閱聽人端的調查。研究中並將台灣最近成立的四家網路市調公司的調查方法詳細分析與比較。 在網路調查上,最引起爭議的就是隱私權的問題,歐美各國逐漸重視網際網路上個人隱私權的保護,並提出許多保護政策,國內對隱私權保護的措施還有許多問題待解決,相較於國外,國內對隱私權的保護並不重視。由於網際網路的跨國性,在政策與法規上未來可能也必須注意國外政策的發展。其次,廣告效果計量因廣告主、媒體網站、聯播中心三方所處的位置不同,往往獲得不同的調查數據因而引起的爭議,研究中並探討影響調查數據的因素。由於對網站自我報告的流量數據不信任,業者紛紛提出稽核的建議。研究者認為稽核應由第三單位的非營利機構來執行,稽核應有階段性的任務,現階段適合從調標準與調查單位的制定著手,以期網路調查有共通的基準可比較。最後,本研究提出FAST對網路媒體測量方法的建議,包括八點測量方法的原則、對測量方法未來的建議以及對稽核原則的建議等,以供產業界及後續研究者參考。


鄭婉潔, Cheng ,Wan-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際市場自由化、資訊科技的發展,資本流動增加外,勞動力之流動亦上升,伴隨而來的是就業市場之活絡,因而促成人力仲介業之發展。我國於一九八九年開放引進外籍勞工後,國內從事外勞仲介之私立仲介業,呈現大幅增加之趨勢,我國於一九九二年通過就業服務法,其中多數規定在於處理外勞及外勞仲介業之問題,然就業服務法之立法原意,除對外勞就業市場作規定之外,促進「國內就業」更為其核心,值得作進一步探討。 本文研究對象為國內私立就業服務機構,私立就業服務機構依經營狀態來分,可區分為跨國仲介及國內人才仲介,本文係對國內人才仲介業做研究,探討其功能及角色。第一章到第三章大抵為理論及相關法制之討論,為印證理論,故筆者對下列四家國內之私立就服機構做訪談,在第四章加入實證部分,並研究理論及實際落差之有無。此外,為討論公、私立就業服務機構功能角色之異同,故除國內私立人才仲介業者外,亦訪問公立就服中心,以求本文能更貼近事實。筆者訪談之就業服務機構,為四家私營營利之就服機構與一家公營就業服務中心,分別為:104人力銀行、1111人力銀行、Career資訊股份有限公司、才庫人力資源公司及台北市就業服務中心。 無論就學理或實務而言,「就業服務」對於就業資訊及工作機會的提供扮演著重要功能,而私立就業服務機構在這方面的就業服務功能上,提供較彈性而高機動性的服務,然而隨著民眾對於私立就業服務機構使用的增加,現行私立就業服務機構亦衍生了一些問題,以下各點為本論文在研究之中,所檢討及發現之重點: 一、私立就服機構之角色與功能 (一)我國私立就業服務機構現階段之角色與功能 (二)我國私立就業服務機構自我期許之角色與功能 二、公、私立就業服務機構之關係 (一)競爭關係 (二)補充關係 (三)合作關係 三、資訊保密及網路的安全 四、就業服務相關法令之規範 / Except of liberalizing of the international market , developing of information technology and increasing of capitals mobiles , the turnover rate of labor force is also increasing . Going along with the uncertain of employment market , consequently the development of manpower agencies .In Taiwan , after making foreign laborer open to public access in 1989 , the private manpower institutes that engage in agency of foreign laborer are raising substantially . Although the original intention of Employment Service Law is “promotion of domestic employment”, the adoption of Employment Service Law in 1992 , most regulations of this law are dealing with foreign laborer and foreign laborer institutes . Therefore , this study will discuss these parts . The objects of this study are private employment services institutes in Taiwan . We can separate private employment services institutes into the agencies of multinational employment and the agencies of domestic employment . This study focus on the private employment services institutes engage in agency of domestic employment . From chapter one to the third chapter are the discussions on theory and legal system . In order to prove the theory , there are interviews on four private employment services institutes on fourth chapter , and researching the gap between theory and reality .Furthermore , to discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between public and private employment services institutes , except of private employment services institutes in Taiwan, there is an interview on Public Employment Service Center , in order to press close to the facts . The objects of this study are 104 Job Bank , 1111 Job Bank ,CAREER Company , Tsai Ku Human Resource Management Company, and Employment Service Center of Taipei City Government’s Department of Labor . No matter theory or reality , “Employment Services” provide important functions at offering employment information and opportunities . The private employment services institutes can provide more flexible and adjustable services , however , as the increasing of making use of private employment services institutes , bringing some problems . Points thereinafter are what to be discussed and discovered on this study: 1.The roles and functions of private employment services institutes (1)At present stage , the roles and functions of private employment services institutes in Taiwan . (2)What expecting roles and functions should be provided by private employment services institutes in Taiwan . 2.The relationships between public and private employment services institutes (1)competitive (2)complementary (3)cooperative 3. Information secrecy and internet security 4.Rregulations of employment services

自由文化中的音樂商業模式初探:以獨立音樂為例 / A preliminary research on the music business models in a free culture:the example of independent music

楊佳蓉, Yang, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
Lawrence Lessig在Free Culture一書中探討了法律、新興科技以及媒體產業如何形成許可文化的制度,來控制我們的創作自由和取用公共財的權利,他指向一個核心問題:私益(private interest)與公益(public interest)之爭——在網路科技與智慧財產權交互作用之下的自由文化中,私益與公益如何達到平衡狀態? 「音樂」具有可被數位化的特性,是傳播自由文化的理想範例,而筆者意欲探求的是:以臺灣的音樂產業為例,是否有可能在自由文化中形成一個讓「獲利」與「分享」並行不悖,甚至相輔相成的運作模式?最重要的是,這個模式要能發揚自由文化帶給大眾的公益,也要保障音樂工作者的私益。而在音樂產業中,「獨立音樂」次領域向來重視創作自主性,而自由文化鼓勵發想創意,兩者或許有媒合的空間,故本研究聚焦於獨立音樂。 本研究視臺灣的獨立音樂產業為資訊內容的生產與消費過程,運用Bourdieu的場域理論、資本理論、再製理論等學說,找出有哪些因素影響自由文化和獨立音樂的發展,並且探討贊成∕質疑自由文化這二種立場之間的辯證過程,以及各種利益如何折衝、妥協,從何達成平衡點。故本研究的目的包括:擬將探討結果回饋至對自由文化的省思,此為研究目的之一;嘗試建立一個自由文化中的音樂商業模式,此為研究目的之二。 本研究以深度訪談法訪談四種不同類型的獨立音樂創唱人(包括完全獨立的個體戶、社運歌曲創作者、大型唱片工業體系以外的獨立廠牌、大型唱片公司釋放出來的音樂人才,共訪談五組個人與團體),以及五家數位授權音樂網站(KKBOX、ezPeer、Omusic、StreetVoice、iNDIEVOX),並輔以參與觀察法和分析次級資料,來說明主要研究發現。 在「場域內行動者對於自由文化的認知」方面,本研究發現,「自由文化」這個名詞還不夠普及,這種現象反映出兩個事實:(一)受訪者對於自由文化的認知是分歧的:Lessig所言之自由文化是「在相當程度上開放他人據以再創造的文化」(Lessig, 2004/劉靜怡譯,2008,頁57);然而,獨立音樂創唱人的認知則是創作行為上的自由、自由文化要能保障授用雙方的自由、自由文化等同CC授權制度、自由文化是一種行銷廣宣工具、自由文化等同網路賦予大眾使用的自由;授權音樂網站經營者們則認為「自由文化的核心概念是『服務』」。(二)Lessig的自由文化理念與實務有差距:研究結果發現,受訪之獨立音樂創唱人的開放心態和行為,要比Lessig「保守」許多,大多是停留在提供免費聆聽,少數開放下載,而其目的多半是為了廣告與宣傳效益。 在「獨立音樂創唱人的線上/線下活動與資本應用策略」方面,可以看出獨立音樂創唱人經營創唱事業的幾個重點:(一)線上∕線下資本會互相流動和兌換;(二)獨立音樂創唱人專注創作,唱片公司致力發行,二者保持地位對等的平衡關係;(三)獨立音樂創唱人有成為專職的趨勢。 在「想像一個自由文化中的音樂經營模式」方面,本研究根據各家授權音樂網站的經營特色,以及配合獨立音樂創唱人的需求、大眾的公益考量,擘畫了一個自由文化中的獨立音樂商業模式,其規劃重點在於:(一)免費與付費並存;(二)虛擬與實體並行;(三)著作權安定運作秩序;(四)經紀事務拓展人脈。整體而言,此模式試圖建構一個整合網路發表平台、付費授權網站、經紀公司的場域,各行動者之間要維繫的是一種夥伴關係,而非從屬關係。 / In his book Free Culture, Lawrence Lessig investigates how the legal system, modern technology, and media industry shape a permission culture to define our rights of consuming public goods and our freedom of creation. He orientates his core research question towards the dispute over the relative importance of private interests and public interests. In other words, how do we balance private interests against public interests under the dual impacts of the Internet technology and intellectual property rights in a free culture? “Music” can be digitalized, and it is a prime example of free culture propagation. This thesis examines the music industry in Taiwan and thereby explores the possibility of shaping an operational model that makes “profiting” and “sharing” compatible with or even complementary to each other in a free culture. More importantly, such a model should be able to promote the public interests generated from a free culture and, at the same time, secure the private interests of musicians. “Independent music,” as a subfield in the music industry, always emphasizes autonomy in creation, and a free culture encourages creation and innovation. Accordingly, we may couple independent music with free culture, and this thesis primarily deals with their relationship. This thesis treats Taiwanese independent music as a process of information production and consumption. It adopts Bourdieu’s theories about field, capital, and reproduction to identify the effective factors in the development of free culture and independent music. In addition, this thesis investigates the dialectical process between defending and challenging free culture, and how a variety of interests negotiate, compromise, and finally strike a balance among themselves. Therefore, this thesis aims to, on the one hand, use the research findings to reflect on free culture and, on the other hand, establish a music business model in a free culture. This thesis employs in-depth interviews, participant observation, and secondary data analysis to answer my research question. I interviewed four types of independent music composers/singers (a total of five cases of individuals and bands who are wholly-independent individuals, composers of social movement songs, independent brands outside the system of the large-scale record industry, or musical talents released from major record companies) and five licensed digital music websites (KKBOX, ezPeer, Omusic, StreetVoice, and iNDIEVOX). Regarding “the inside-field actors’ understanding about a free culture,” this thesis finds that the term “free culture” is not as popular as it is expected to be. This phenomenon implies two critical points. Firstly, the interviewees perceive the term free culture in different ways. According to Lessig (2004: 30),”Free Cultures are cultures that leave a great deal open for others to build upon.” However, for composers/singers of independent music, a free culture implies the freedom of creation. A free culture should be able to guarantee the freedom and rights of both original creators and users. It is equivalent to the Creative Commons licensing scheme. It is a tool of marketing and advertising. The freedom embedded in a free culture is similar to that offered by the Internet. In contrast, for managers of licensed music websites, “service” is the core concept of a free culture.” Secondly, there exists a gap between Lessig’s idea of free culture and practice. The research findings indicate that the composers/singers of independent music interviewed by the author are more “conservative” than Lessig. With the primary goals of advertising and propagating independent music, most of their works remain free for listening, while some of them are free for downloading. Concerning “the independent music composers/singers’ on-line/off-line activities and their strategies of using capital,” this thesis points out three critical points in their career management. Firstly, the on-line capital and the off-line capital flow to and exchange with each other. Secondly, these composers/singers devote themselves to creation, and record companies concentrate on issuing their works. Composers/singers and record companies maintain a peer status and a balanced relationship. Thirdly, the “composer/singer of independent music” seems to become a potential profession. With regard to “envisioning a music business model in a free culture,” this thesis designs a business model based on the managerial features of licensed music websites, the needs of composers/singers of independent music, and public interests. The model contains the following characteristics. Firstly, non-payment coexists with payment. Secondly, virtuality runs parallel with reality. Thirdly, copyrights stabilize the order of operation. Fourthly, agency transactions help establish connections among independent music composers/singers and people who are able to provide better performance opportunities. In general, this model seeks to open up a field that integrates platforms of Internet publication, paid licensing websites, and agencies. The relationship among the actors is equal rather than hierarchical.

中國大陸奇異果商品化研究-以紐西蘭為借鏡 / The research of commercialization of Chinese Kiwifruit-lessons from New Zealand experience

毛舞雲 Unknown Date (has links)
獼猴桃源出於中國,卻成就於紐西蘭,並有了「奇異果」此一新名稱。而且,來自中國大陸的奇異果,價格比其本土的獼猴桃高出數倍,兩者於口感、外型等其他方面,亦存在明顯差距;如何使中國獼猴桃轉變為奇異果,是本論文的研究重心。在此目標下,本論文分為「紐西蘭奇異果」與「中國大陸獼猴桃」兩部分,以文獻閱讀、資料搜尋、田野調查、專家訪談等方式,先從紐西蘭出發,研究促成奇異果產業形成的關鍵因素,再將此關鍵因素提供中國大陸獼猴桃發展參考,最後得出結論與建議。本論文發現,在形塑產業的過程中,「政府」在法律保障、制度規劃、外部產業環境的營造上,扮演著重要角色,因此本論文之立場選擇,係以「中國大陸獼猴桃盛產區政府」之角度,借鏡紐西蘭的發展經驗,在政策規劃的思維下,為獼猴桃尋找建設性的出路,並以此作為結論與建議。 紐西蘭提供的經驗,包括制訂專法規範奇異果產業、立法保護單一出口機制、建立誘因機制、打造產業群聚、以資料庫進行科學化管理、重視品種研究,以及政府為扶植紐西蘭奇異果產業所做的其他措施。而中國大陸獼猴桃產業尚處於發展初階,加上各地方獼猴桃的適生度不同,經營集中度低,資源難以匯聚,使獼猴桃一直無法有效商品化。但由於獼猴桃栽種面積與產量皆為世界第一,近年來更開發出多元食用與藥用等用途,再加上中國大陸法制建設逐步完善,投資風險降低,若以紐西蘭奇異果產業的經驗為借鏡,調整措施並加強整合,獼猴桃發展前景仍值得期待。 有鑑於此,本研究以「公私協力八卦模型」作為結論,並建議中國大陸首先應擇定試點集中經營之區域,以便日後將商品化經驗複製於其他省份。在試點經營措施上,本論文建議以平台為依托進行整合;針對獼猴桃制訂相關法規,促使能夠引領產業整體發展的龍頭集團形成;建立誘因機制,讓龍頭集團的經營利潤回饋果農;並在品種培育、收購標準、資料庫管理等方式下,逐步形成標準化生產,再加上獼猴桃基金的保險機制,讓中國大陸獼猴桃逐步從產業化邁向商品化。 / Mihoutao originated from China but thrived in New Zealand under the name of “kiwifruit”; however, the price of kiwifruit is vastly higher than that of Mihoutao, and their taste and shape are of evident differences. As such, this thesis seeks to answer the question of “how to turn mihoutao into kiwifruit” by looking into the management and operation of New Zealand kiwifruit industry and providing lessons from such experience to the commercialization of China mihoutao. This thesis adopts methodologies of material reading, data collecting, field works, and expert interviewing to reach the final conclusions and suggestions, and it is discovered that the government plays a key role in the process of agriculture industrialization. Therefore, the proposed suggestions are for “the government of China mihoutao province” to echo with my topic. This thesis concludes with “Eight-trigram Model” to express the partnership with public and private sectors. Furthermore, it suggests China to construct the mihoutao commercialization mechanism on the regional basis as an experiment, which can be later duplicated in other provinces. More specifically about the measures, referring to New Zealand kiwifruit industry’s policies, mihoutao regulations, leading corporation, incentives, plant cultivation, scientific management via database, mihoutao fund are recommended. With all these policies in order, it is believed that a more institutionalized and commercialized mihoutao industry will be gradually shaped, and the Chinese “mihoutao” will also be commercialized as “kiwifruit” eventually.

社会科・理科 高校1年野外学習実践報告(共同研究)

川田, 基生, 山田, 孝, 原, 英俊, 石川, 久美, 槇本, 直子 15 August 1992 (has links)

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